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womenswrestlewire.com: [QUOTE] Matches announced for AAA RAW is WAR: 6-way TLC match for the RAW Intercontinental title stripped from Nikki Roxx, featuring Anna Ki, Nanae Takahashi, Yoshiko Tamura, Chikayo Nagashima, Dark Maiden, and Huntress Makiko! RAW World Tag Team champions Intensity take on the upstart team of NEO Machine Guns! Nidia Guenard of Uncut vows to invade RAW and beat down Nikki Roxx for embarrassing her friend, Gail Kim! Mariko Yoshida looks to defend her Pure championship against Samoan Machine! LuFisto takes on Jillian Hall in non-title action! And Par Excellence invades RAW to take on Girls Gone Wild![/QUOTE]
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womenswrestlewire.com: [QUOTE] Matches announced for AAA RAW is WAR: 6-way TLC match for the RAW Intercontinental title stripped from Nikki Roxx, featuring Anna Ki, Nanae Takahashi, Yoshiko Tamura, Chikayo Nagashima, Dark Maiden, and Huntress Makiko! RAW World Tag Team champions Intensity take on the upstart team of NEO Machine Guns! Nidia Guenard of Uncut vows to invade RAW and beat down Nikki Roxx for embarrassing her friend, Gail Kim! Mariko Yoshida looks to defend her Pure championship against Samoan Machine! LuFisto takes on Jillian Hall in non-title action! And Par Excellence invades RAW to take on Girls Gone Wild![/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA RAW is WAR[/B][/SIZE] [B]Tuesday Week 3 April, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 24,669 people at The Gardens of North Dakota (Mid West) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] The show opens with [B]Remianen[/B] in the ring with a mic: "[I][COLOR="Red"]Welcome to RAW! Though I prefer to appear only on Uncut, I [B][I]am[/I][/B] the owner so I can do whatever the hell I want. And I swear to God, you people don't know how good you really have it. I mean, tonight's show is on FREE TV and is chock full of pay per view quality matchups. Would Tommy Cornell give you pay per view quality matches on TV? No. And Dick Eisen sure as hell wouldn't do it. So enjoy the show but remember to whom you should be grateful for such an awesome card![/COLOR][/I]" [B]A[/B] [B]Melanie Florence[/B]: [COLOR="Blue"]Well, he certainly has a high opinion of himself.[/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] [B]Sue Danes[/B]: [COLOR="Blue"]Yeah, I have an opinion about him but I don't know if 'high' is an apt description of it.[/COLOR] [B]A[/B] [B]Jane Childs[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]He's absolutely right, though. You can't deny the quality of this show being of pay per view level. Including our opening match, a 6-way TLC match for the vacant RAW Intercontinental title![/COLOR] [B]B-[/B] [B]Chikayo Nagashima d. Dark Maiden, Yoshiko Tamura, Anna Ki, Huntress Makiko, and Nanae Takahashi in a TLC match to win the RAW Intercontinental title[/B] Entertaining match that saw all the requisite high spots as well as some scary looking spills. Finish came when Dark Maiden, Tamura, Makiko, and Takahashi were all on the ladder trying to get the title when Nagashima missile dropkicked the ladder sending them all flying. She then took another ladder and grabbed the title. [B]C[/B] The cameras cut to backstage where Kayo Noumi is standing by with Phoebe Plumridge and Intensity. Phoebe says, "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Over the last 15 months, Farrah and I have repeatedly told everyone that these titles belong to Intensity. Over the last year, we have successfully defended these titles close to 100 times. Tonight will be no exception. Let's go girls, we're up next.[/COLOR][/I]" [B]A[/B] [B]Intensity d. NEO Machine Guns by pinfall to retain the RAW World Tag Team titles[/B] Excellent match only hindered by Tanny Mouse & Yuki Miyazaki's lack of overness. After her diving headbutt was foiled, Tanny found herself on the receiving end of Kinuye's Blue Thunder finisher and, after a blind tag, got a Pinwheel from JMB to seal her fate. [B]B[/B] The camera cuts to backstage where Nikki Roxx is preparing for her match as LuFisto offers advice. [B]A*[/B] [B]Nikki Roxx d. Nidia Guenard by pinfall[/B] Ugly match, only made palatable by Nikki's superb skillset. Mercifully ended when Nikki got her Roxx Off. [B]B-[/B] The camera cuts to a locker room where Cherry Bomb and her Bomb Squad are having a rather heated conversation. Cherry Bomb says, "[I][COLOR="Red"]Machine, you've got a chance here that I've never had. You have a chance to beat the ONLY Pure Wrestling champion this company has ever had. You HAVE to get it done, for yourself, for the Bomb Squad, FOR SAMOA![/COLOR][/I]" [B]B+[/B] [B]Mariko Yoshida d. Samoan Machine to retain the AAA Pure Wrestling title[/B] After beginning the match relying on his power advantage, Samoan Machine's strategy was swayed by the seemingly infinite number of submission manuevers Mariko countered into. No slouch himself when it comes to technique, he turned the match into a technical wrestling clinic...and the fans loved it. But after a while, the match turned into a 4 vs 1 handicap when the Uncut World Tag Team champions and Dark Angel came out to ringside. This then brought out Tracy Brooks and Quintessential ([B]Missy Masterson[/B] & [B]Tamara McFly[/B]) to even the odds. With the brawling happening outside the ring, the ref had just enough presence of mind to register Samoan Machine tap out to the Spider Twist. [B]A[/B] The match was over but the fighting continues until officials managed to restore order. [B]A[/B] The cameras catch LuFisto walking to the ring, accompanied by Nikki Roxx. [B]A*[/B] [B]LuFisto d. Jillian Hall by DQ to retain the RAW Femme Fatale title[/B] Given the history between these two, it was a foregone conclusion that this match would be intense. And that was the case, even before Shantelle Taylor tried to interfere and drew the disqualification...then a Roxx Off for her trouble. [B]A[/B] We cut to backstage to see [B]Cheerleader Melissa[/B] and [B]Michelle McCool[/B] warming up for their match, while [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] psyches them up. [B]A*[/B] [B]Par Excellence d. Girls Gone Wild by pinfall[/B] Lacey & Valentina came out on fire and really took it to the inexperienced Michelle McCool. They isolated her and kept her reeling with quick tags and beautiful double team maneuvers. Then their inexperience got the best of them when Lacey was distracted by Melody Cuthill, which put her out of position for the tag Valentina tried to make, thus allowing Michelle to tag in Melissa who proceeded to clean house. One Deadly Viper Arm and Single Minor later, Par Excellence furthered their unbeaten streak. [B]A*[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Overall Show Rating: A[/SIZE][/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA RAW is WAR[/B][/SIZE] [B]Tuesday Week 3 April, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 24,669 people at The Gardens of North Dakota (Mid West) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] The show opens with [B]Remianen[/B] in the ring with a mic: "[I][COLOR="Red"]Welcome to RAW! Though I prefer to appear only on Uncut, I [B][I]am[/I][/B] the owner so I can do whatever the hell I want. And I swear to God, you people don't know how good you really have it. I mean, tonight's show is on FREE TV and is chock full of pay per view quality matchups. Would Tommy Cornell give you pay per view quality matches on TV? No. And Dick Eisen sure as hell wouldn't do it. So enjoy the show but remember to whom you should be grateful for such an awesome card![/COLOR][/I]" [B]A[/B] [B]Melanie Florence[/B]: [COLOR="Blue"]Well, he certainly has a high opinion of himself.[/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] [B]Sue Danes[/B]: [COLOR="Blue"]Yeah, I have an opinion about him but I don't know if 'high' is an apt description of it.[/COLOR] [B]A[/B] [B]Jane Childs[/B]: [COLOR="Red"]He's absolutely right, though. You can't deny the quality of this show being of pay per view level. Including our opening match, a 6-way TLC match for the vacant RAW Intercontinental title![/COLOR] [B]B-[/B] [B]Chikayo Nagashima d. Dark Maiden, Yoshiko Tamura, Anna Ki, Huntress Makiko, and Nanae Takahashi in a TLC match to win the RAW Intercontinental title[/B] Entertaining match that saw all the requisite high spots as well as some scary looking spills. Finish came when Dark Maiden, Tamura, Makiko, and Takahashi were all on the ladder trying to get the title when Nagashima missile dropkicked the ladder sending them all flying. She then took another ladder and grabbed the title. [B]C[/B] The cameras cut to backstage where Kayo Noumi is standing by with Phoebe Plumridge and Intensity. Phoebe says, "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Over the last 15 months, Farrah and I have repeatedly told everyone that these titles belong to Intensity. Over the last year, we have successfully defended these titles close to 100 times. Tonight will be no exception. Let's go girls, we're up next.[/COLOR][/I]" [B]A[/B] [B]Intensity d. NEO Machine Guns by pinfall to retain the RAW World Tag Team titles[/B] Excellent match only hindered by Tanny Mouse & Yuki Miyazaki's lack of overness. After her diving headbutt was foiled, Tanny found herself on the receiving end of Kinuye's Blue Thunder finisher and, after a blind tag, got a Pinwheel from JMB to seal her fate. [B]B[/B] The camera cuts to backstage where Nikki Roxx is preparing for her match as LuFisto offers advice. [B]A*[/B] [B]Nikki Roxx d. Nidia Guenard by pinfall[/B] Ugly match, only made palatable by Nikki's superb skillset. Mercifully ended when Nikki got her Roxx Off. [B]B-[/B] The camera cuts to a locker room where Cherry Bomb and her Bomb Squad are having a rather heated conversation. Cherry Bomb says, "[I][COLOR="Red"]Machine, you've got a chance here that I've never had. You have a chance to beat the ONLY Pure Wrestling champion this company has ever had. You HAVE to get it done, for yourself, for the Bomb Squad, FOR SAMOA![/COLOR][/I]" [B]B+[/B] [B]Mariko Yoshida d. Samoan Machine to retain the AAA Pure Wrestling title[/B] After beginning the match relying on his power advantage, Samoan Machine's strategy was swayed by the seemingly infinite number of submission manuevers Mariko countered into. No slouch himself when it comes to technique, he turned the match into a technical wrestling clinic...and the fans loved it. But after a while, the match turned into a 4 vs 1 handicap when the Uncut World Tag Team champions and Dark Angel came out to ringside. This then brought out Tracy Brooks and Quintessential ([B]Missy Masterson[/B] & [B]Tamara McFly[/B]) to even the odds. With the brawling happening outside the ring, the ref had just enough presence of mind to register Samoan Machine tap out to the Spider Twist. [B]A[/B] The match was over but the fighting continues until officials managed to restore order. [B]A[/B] The cameras catch LuFisto walking to the ring, accompanied by Nikki Roxx. [B]A*[/B] [B]LuFisto d. Jillian Hall by DQ to retain the RAW Femme Fatale title[/B] Given the history between these two, it was a foregone conclusion that this match would be intense. And that was the case, even before Shantelle Taylor tried to interfere and drew the disqualification...then a Roxx Off for her trouble. [B]A[/B] We cut to backstage to see [B]Cheerleader Melissa[/B] and [B]Michelle McCool[/B] warming up for their match, while [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] psyches them up. [B]A*[/B] [B]Par Excellence d. Girls Gone Wild by pinfall[/B] Lacey & Valentina came out on fire and really took it to the inexperienced Michelle McCool. They isolated her and kept her reeling with quick tags and beautiful double team maneuvers. Then their inexperience got the best of them when Lacey was distracted by Melody Cuthill, which put her out of position for the tag Valentina tried to make, thus allowing Michelle to tag in Melissa who proceeded to clean house. One Deadly Viper Arm and Single Minor later, Par Excellence furthered their unbeaten streak. [B]A*[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Overall Show Rating: A[/SIZE][/B]
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[SIZE="2"][B]Thursday Week 3 April 2007[/B][/SIZE] In the middle of our production meeting, the phone on my desk buzzes. “Yes, Aurora?” [I]“I have GNN Total Sports on line 3. I figured you’d want to talk to them.”[/I] “Ahh yes, I’ll take this. Come in here for a minute. I think you should hear this too.” I waited a moment as my eyes scanned the faces in the room. As usual, I was taken aback when Aurora came in. Then, I hit the button for line 3 and turned up the speakerphone. Little did I know volume wouldn’t be an issue with this conversation. “This is Remia…..” [I]“You son of a bitch!”[/I] "Excuse me?" [I]“Don’t give me that ‘excuse me’ bullsh*t! You cancelled your show for tonight.”[/I] “Oh, that. Yeah, I did. Problem?” [I]“What the hell did you expect us to do with a 3 hour hole in our schedule?”[/I] “I dunno, maybe plug it with some alternate programming. Oh silly me, I forgot. You guys don’t have alternate programming. Just us, right?” [I]“We’re not letting you out of that contract. So you can tell MTV to kiss my ass!”[/I] “Will do. Now, if that’ll be all, I’ve got a show to write…for MTV. Isn’t it ironic?” [I]“Don’cha think?”[/I] adds Seduction, just before I hung up.
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[SIZE="2"][B]Thursday Week 3 April 2007[/B][/SIZE] In the middle of our production meeting, the phone on my desk buzzes. “Yes, Aurora?” [I]“I have GNN Total Sports on line 3. I figured you’d want to talk to them.”[/I] “Ahh yes, I’ll take this. Come in here for a minute. I think you should hear this too.” I waited a moment as my eyes scanned the faces in the room. As usual, I was taken aback when Aurora came in. Then, I hit the button for line 3 and turned up the speakerphone. Little did I know volume wouldn’t be an issue with this conversation. “This is Remia…..” [I]“You son of a bitch!”[/I] "Excuse me?" [I]“Don’t give me that ‘excuse me’ bullsh*t! You cancelled your show for tonight.”[/I] “Oh, that. Yeah, I did. Problem?” [I]“What the hell did you expect us to do with a 3 hour hole in our schedule?”[/I] “I dunno, maybe plug it with some alternate programming. Oh silly me, I forgot. You guys don’t have alternate programming. Just us, right?” [I]“We’re not letting you out of that contract. So you can tell MTV to kiss my ass!”[/I] “Will do. Now, if that’ll be all, I’ve got a show to write…for MTV. Isn’t it ironic?” [I]“Don’cha think?”[/I] adds Seduction, just before I hung up.
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womenswrestlewire.com [QUOTE] Matches announced for [SIZE="2"][B]AAA Unity[/B][/SIZE]: Young Future Legend champion Mika Nishio defends her title against Sayuri Okino! Hailey Hatred defends her RAW Lioness title against Yumi Fukawa! Chikayo Nagashima defends her newly won RAW Intercontinental title against British bombshell, Lisa Fury! NEO Machine Guns try to reclaim their RAW Junior Tag titles when they take on East Wind! The electrifying team known as Escucha Lucha faces their stiffest challenge yet when they defend the Uncut Junior Tag titles against the Outcasts! Powers of Pain look to take out their frustrations on the extreme superhero team, X-Force! D-FIX seeks to get back on the winning track with Future Shock in their way! Melody Cuthill looks to remain champion by beating Chyna! Veteran rulebreaker Lisa Moretti looks to knock the red-hot Nikki Roxx down a few pegs! Fatal Four-Way Femme Fatale match seeing LuFisto try to escape with her title when faced with the challenge of Jillian Hall, Desire, and Rain! Mariko Yoshida faces "The Black Pearl of The Darkness", Raven Nightfall! PLUS! Par Excellence in action![/QUOTE]
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womenswrestlewire.com [QUOTE] Matches announced for [SIZE="2"][B]AAA Unity[/B][/SIZE]: Young Future Legend champion Mika Nishio defends her title against Sayuri Okino! Hailey Hatred defends her RAW Lioness title against Yumi Fukawa! Chikayo Nagashima defends her newly won RAW Intercontinental title against British bombshell, Lisa Fury! NEO Machine Guns try to reclaim their RAW Junior Tag titles when they take on East Wind! The electrifying team known as Escucha Lucha faces their stiffest challenge yet when they defend the Uncut Junior Tag titles against the Outcasts! Powers of Pain look to take out their frustrations on the extreme superhero team, X-Force! D-FIX seeks to get back on the winning track with Future Shock in their way! Melody Cuthill looks to remain champion by beating Chyna! Veteran rulebreaker Lisa Moretti looks to knock the red-hot Nikki Roxx down a few pegs! Fatal Four-Way Femme Fatale match seeing LuFisto try to escape with her title when faced with the challenge of Jillian Hall, Desire, and Rain! Mariko Yoshida faces "The Black Pearl of The Darkness", Raven Nightfall! PLUS! Par Excellence in action![/QUOTE]
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Mika retains... Hailey retains.... she's a bad girl.. Chikayo has to keep it for a while Go Neo Outcasts win.. X-Force i guess in an upset... Future Shock will keep D-FIX at bay.. Melody of course. Nikki will win... Lufisto squeaks by... I love Raven... she wins.. darkness can be sexy...
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Mika retains... Hailey retains.... she's a bad girl.. Chikayo has to keep it for a while Go Neo Outcasts win.. X-Force i guess in an upset... Future Shock will keep D-FIX at bay.. Melody of course. Nikki will win... Lufisto squeaks by... I love Raven... she wins.. darkness can be sexy...
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA Unity[/B][/SIZE] [B]Saturday Week 3 April, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 21,815 people at Alabama Field Row (South East) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Ayako Ishida[/B]: [I][COLOR="Blue"]Welcome everyone to Triple A Unity, presenting the very best in wrestling. I am Ayako Ishida and I’m joined by the Extreme One, Emma Chase and Melanie Florence. We have quite a show for you all tonight…[/COLOR][/I] [B]Emma Chase[/B]: [I][COLOR="Red"]As usual…[/COLOR][/I] [B]Melanie Florence[/B]: [I][COLOR="Blue"]Indeed, that’s indisputable![/COLOR][/I] [B]Ayako Ishida[/B]: [I][COLOR="Blue"]Let’s go to the first match![/COLOR][/I] [B]Mika Nishio d. Sayuri Okino by pinfall to retain the Uncut Future Legend title[/B] Short match that saw the veteran Okino try to force the younger Nishio into a brawling match. Mika showed some guile in countering Okino’s power moves before finally hitting the Tiger Suplex Hold for the win. [B]C-[/B] [B]Hailey Hatred d. Yumi Fukawa by submission to retain the RAW Lioness title[/B] Excellent fast paced match that belies its actual rating. The win belonged to the champion after she locked in the Cattle Mutilation. [B]D[/B] [B]Remianen[/B] comes to the ring with a mic, “[COLOR="Red"][I]Y’know, I’m getting’ sick and damn tired of hearing all this talk about Par Excellence and their undefeated streak. So, for your delight, you’re going to see them in action tonight. Twice. First, they’ll take on the team of Malia Hosaka and Speedy Marie. B Then, immediately after that, they’ll get to try Minx and Miss Information on for size. We’ll see about this undefeated garbage![/I][/COLOR]" [B]B+[/B] [B]Ayako Ishida[/B]: [COLOR="Blue"][I]Well, quite the challenge there..[/I][/COLOR] [B]Melanie Florence[/B]: [I][COLOR="Blue"]Won’t be enough. Par Excellence has proven they can take pretty much any team in this company. Well, except…[/COLOR][/I] [B]Emma Chase[/B]: [COLOR="Red"][I]Intensity. That would be a great match to watch…[/I][/COLOR] NEO Machine Guns are in the ring with their manager April Pennington who calls for a mic. “[I][COLOR="Red"]A little over a week ago, a grand theft took place in this very ring. East Wind, you stole what was rightfully ours. Now it’s time to return the tag belts to their rightful owners…and take the ass-whoopin’ you have coming to you for stealing in the first place. Bring your asses out here![/COLOR][/I]” [B]C+[/B] [B]East Wind vs. NEO Machine Guns ended in a no-contest after the referee lost control of the match[/B] The hostility between these two teams was readily apparent as the match flew out of control quickly. All four competitors fighting all the time finally forced the ref to stop the match. [B]C[/B] The camera cuts backstage to see Lisa Fury stretching and getting ready for her match. [B]A*[/B] [B]Chikayo Nagashima d. Lisa Fury by pinfall to retain the RAW Intercontinental title[/B] The wily veteran Nagashima was constantly frustrated by the nimble Fury. After a missile dropkick, Lisa went for the Fury 4 Leglock and got it locked in before Jade Chung distracted the ref long enough for Chikayo to score a thumb to the eye and a shot with brass knuckles that Jade surreptitiously tossed into the ring to pick up the victory. [B]C[/B] Kayo Noumi manages to get a word with Kimberly Page and the Outcasts who say they’re confident they’ll beat “the beaner duo” and take their titles. [B]C+[/B] [B]Escucha Lucha d. The Outcasts by pinfall to retain the Uncut Junior Tag titles[/B] Horrible match that ended thankfully when Princesa Sugey hit a handspring moonsault plancha on Linda Miles which allowed Chitose Ariwara an unfettered pinfall on Sable after a Spiral Tap. [B]C+[/B] [B] Powers of Pain d. X-Force by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Tag titles[/B] Well fought match that saw the champions capitalize on the inexperience of Sparkles that led to Cherry Bomb picking up the win after a Cherry Popper. [B]B[/B] Ayako Ishida & Melanie Florence hype the main event of Mariko Yoshida vs Raven Nightfall. [B]A[/B] [B]Future Shock d. D-FIX by submission[/B] This match was all Sarah Stock, though Nicole Kiss choking KAORU outside the ring with stray video cables helped the cause as well. After two unsuccessful attempts were broken up by Oz, Sarah finally managed to get KAORU to tap out to the Tapatia. [B]B[/B] We’re taken to a shot of Cheerleader Melissa and Michelle McCool, the team known as Par Excellence, making their way to the ring. [B]A*[/B] [B]Par Excellence d. Malia Hosaka & Speedy Marie by pinfall[/B] Very entertaining match that saw Michelle hit the Evenflow DDT on Marie for the pinfall, while Malia was preoccupied with Melissa. [B]A[/B] [B]Par Excellence d. Minx & Miss Information by pinfall[/B] Excellent match showcasing some up-and-coming workers. Unfortunately, Minx found herself on the receiving end of the Single Minor after her swinging neckbreaker was countered. [B]A[/B] [B]Melody Cuthill d. Chyna by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Women’s title[/B] Melody carried Chyna through this match and I hope it wasn’t as obvious to the audience as it appeared. Mercifully ended after a Cuthill Cutter. [B]B+[/B] A video plays hyping the Fatal Four-Way Femme Fatale match. [B]A[/B] [B]Nikki Roxx d. Lisa Moretti by pinfall[/B] Lisa started off trying to ground Nikki by working over her right leg. She seemed successful as Nikki spent most of the match reeling and trying to work without an aerial game. Mocking the fans, who were chanting “NIK-KI”, she prepared for the Poison Ivory, instead finding herself on the receiving end of a standing hurricanrana. From there, it was all Nikki, who picked up another win after the Roxx Off. [B]A[/B] Backstage, Jim Lou Freebush gets a few words with Rain, who vows to make snatching the title her top priority. [B]B[/B] Kayo Noumi is standing backstage with Desire who says, “[I][COLOR="Red"]I know what it’s like being Femme Fatale champion and after tonight, when I become a two-time Femme Fatale champion, all those other girls will know what it’s like to have missed an opportunity.[/COLOR][/I]” [B]B+[/B] [B]LuFisto d. Desire, Jillian Hall, and Rain to retain the RAW Femme Fatale title[/B] This match was bananas. Rain, newly promoted to main event status, made a strong case that she belongs. At one point, Shantelle Taylor ran in and pushed LuFisto off the top rope. That brought out Nikki Roxx….and Ashley Paige…and Rei Chikanatsu. Consider the odds, evened. After Rain put Desire through a table with a Screwdriver and LuFisto hit Jillian with an Emerald Fusion through another table, all four competitors were down and out. While Nikki dealt with Shantelle, Ashley and Rei worked on reviving LuFisto. Jillian, who tried to stand to prevent this ascent, found herself on the receiving end of a boot to the head, courtesy of Nikki Roxx. [B]A[/B] A video plays hyping Manami Toyota’s Justice League stable. [B]B+[/B] [B]Mariko Yoshida d. Raven Nightfall by submission to retain the AAA Pure Wrestling title[/B] Raven did an excellent job keeping Mariko off-balance. But she tired quickly, which allowed Mariko to go to work. Karen Killer, trying to help her client, got a Superkick square in the jaw that put her out for the duration. After a beautifully executed released german suplex, Mariko locked in the Spider Twist, forcing Raven to tap. [B]A[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Overall Show Rating: A[/SIZE][/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA Unity[/B][/SIZE] [B]Saturday Week 3 April, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 21,815 people at Alabama Field Row (South East) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Ayako Ishida[/B]: [I][COLOR="Blue"]Welcome everyone to Triple A Unity, presenting the very best in wrestling. I am Ayako Ishida and I’m joined by the Extreme One, Emma Chase and Melanie Florence. We have quite a show for you all tonight…[/COLOR][/I] [B]Emma Chase[/B]: [I][COLOR="Red"]As usual…[/COLOR][/I] [B]Melanie Florence[/B]: [I][COLOR="Blue"]Indeed, that’s indisputable![/COLOR][/I] [B]Ayako Ishida[/B]: [I][COLOR="Blue"]Let’s go to the first match![/COLOR][/I] [B]Mika Nishio d. Sayuri Okino by pinfall to retain the Uncut Future Legend title[/B] Short match that saw the veteran Okino try to force the younger Nishio into a brawling match. Mika showed some guile in countering Okino’s power moves before finally hitting the Tiger Suplex Hold for the win. [B]C-[/B] [B]Hailey Hatred d. Yumi Fukawa by submission to retain the RAW Lioness title[/B] Excellent fast paced match that belies its actual rating. The win belonged to the champion after she locked in the Cattle Mutilation. [B]D[/B] [B]Remianen[/B] comes to the ring with a mic, “[COLOR="Red"][I]Y’know, I’m getting’ sick and damn tired of hearing all this talk about Par Excellence and their undefeated streak. So, for your delight, you’re going to see them in action tonight. Twice. First, they’ll take on the team of Malia Hosaka and Speedy Marie. B Then, immediately after that, they’ll get to try Minx and Miss Information on for size. We’ll see about this undefeated garbage![/I][/COLOR]" [B]B+[/B] [B]Ayako Ishida[/B]: [COLOR="Blue"][I]Well, quite the challenge there..[/I][/COLOR] [B]Melanie Florence[/B]: [I][COLOR="Blue"]Won’t be enough. Par Excellence has proven they can take pretty much any team in this company. Well, except…[/COLOR][/I] [B]Emma Chase[/B]: [COLOR="Red"][I]Intensity. That would be a great match to watch…[/I][/COLOR] NEO Machine Guns are in the ring with their manager April Pennington who calls for a mic. “[I][COLOR="Red"]A little over a week ago, a grand theft took place in this very ring. East Wind, you stole what was rightfully ours. Now it’s time to return the tag belts to their rightful owners…and take the ass-whoopin’ you have coming to you for stealing in the first place. Bring your asses out here![/COLOR][/I]” [B]C+[/B] [B]East Wind vs. NEO Machine Guns ended in a no-contest after the referee lost control of the match[/B] The hostility between these two teams was readily apparent as the match flew out of control quickly. All four competitors fighting all the time finally forced the ref to stop the match. [B]C[/B] The camera cuts backstage to see Lisa Fury stretching and getting ready for her match. [B]A*[/B] [B]Chikayo Nagashima d. Lisa Fury by pinfall to retain the RAW Intercontinental title[/B] The wily veteran Nagashima was constantly frustrated by the nimble Fury. After a missile dropkick, Lisa went for the Fury 4 Leglock and got it locked in before Jade Chung distracted the ref long enough for Chikayo to score a thumb to the eye and a shot with brass knuckles that Jade surreptitiously tossed into the ring to pick up the victory. [B]C[/B] Kayo Noumi manages to get a word with Kimberly Page and the Outcasts who say they’re confident they’ll beat “the beaner duo” and take their titles. [B]C+[/B] [B]Escucha Lucha d. The Outcasts by pinfall to retain the Uncut Junior Tag titles[/B] Horrible match that ended thankfully when Princesa Sugey hit a handspring moonsault plancha on Linda Miles which allowed Chitose Ariwara an unfettered pinfall on Sable after a Spiral Tap. [B]C+[/B] [B] Powers of Pain d. X-Force by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Tag titles[/B] Well fought match that saw the champions capitalize on the inexperience of Sparkles that led to Cherry Bomb picking up the win after a Cherry Popper. [B]B[/B] Ayako Ishida & Melanie Florence hype the main event of Mariko Yoshida vs Raven Nightfall. [B]A[/B] [B]Future Shock d. D-FIX by submission[/B] This match was all Sarah Stock, though Nicole Kiss choking KAORU outside the ring with stray video cables helped the cause as well. After two unsuccessful attempts were broken up by Oz, Sarah finally managed to get KAORU to tap out to the Tapatia. [B]B[/B] We’re taken to a shot of Cheerleader Melissa and Michelle McCool, the team known as Par Excellence, making their way to the ring. [B]A*[/B] [B]Par Excellence d. Malia Hosaka & Speedy Marie by pinfall[/B] Very entertaining match that saw Michelle hit the Evenflow DDT on Marie for the pinfall, while Malia was preoccupied with Melissa. [B]A[/B] [B]Par Excellence d. Minx & Miss Information by pinfall[/B] Excellent match showcasing some up-and-coming workers. Unfortunately, Minx found herself on the receiving end of the Single Minor after her swinging neckbreaker was countered. [B]A[/B] [B]Melody Cuthill d. Chyna by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Women’s title[/B] Melody carried Chyna through this match and I hope it wasn’t as obvious to the audience as it appeared. Mercifully ended after a Cuthill Cutter. [B]B+[/B] A video plays hyping the Fatal Four-Way Femme Fatale match. [B]A[/B] [B]Nikki Roxx d. Lisa Moretti by pinfall[/B] Lisa started off trying to ground Nikki by working over her right leg. She seemed successful as Nikki spent most of the match reeling and trying to work without an aerial game. Mocking the fans, who were chanting “NIK-KI”, she prepared for the Poison Ivory, instead finding herself on the receiving end of a standing hurricanrana. From there, it was all Nikki, who picked up another win after the Roxx Off. [B]A[/B] Backstage, Jim Lou Freebush gets a few words with Rain, who vows to make snatching the title her top priority. [B]B[/B] Kayo Noumi is standing backstage with Desire who says, “[I][COLOR="Red"]I know what it’s like being Femme Fatale champion and after tonight, when I become a two-time Femme Fatale champion, all those other girls will know what it’s like to have missed an opportunity.[/COLOR][/I]” [B]B+[/B] [B]LuFisto d. Desire, Jillian Hall, and Rain to retain the RAW Femme Fatale title[/B] This match was bananas. Rain, newly promoted to main event status, made a strong case that she belongs. At one point, Shantelle Taylor ran in and pushed LuFisto off the top rope. That brought out Nikki Roxx….and Ashley Paige…and Rei Chikanatsu. Consider the odds, evened. After Rain put Desire through a table with a Screwdriver and LuFisto hit Jillian with an Emerald Fusion through another table, all four competitors were down and out. While Nikki dealt with Shantelle, Ashley and Rei worked on reviving LuFisto. Jillian, who tried to stand to prevent this ascent, found herself on the receiving end of a boot to the head, courtesy of Nikki Roxx. [B]A[/B] A video plays hyping Manami Toyota’s Justice League stable. [B]B+[/B] [B]Mariko Yoshida d. Raven Nightfall by submission to retain the AAA Pure Wrestling title[/B] Raven did an excellent job keeping Mariko off-balance. But she tired quickly, which allowed Mariko to go to work. Karen Killer, trying to help her client, got a Superkick square in the jaw that put her out for the duration. After a beautifully executed released german suplex, Mariko locked in the Spider Twist, forcing Raven to tap. [B]A[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Overall Show Rating: A[/SIZE][/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA RAW is WAR[/B][/SIZE] [B]Tuesday Week 4 April, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 24,853 people at Nevada State Armory (South West) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Hailey Hatred d. Misae Genki by pinfall to retain the RAW Lioness title.[/B] [B]D[/B] [B]Yumiko Hotta d. Lisa Fury by pinfall to retain the AAA Hardcore title. C- Par Excellence d. X-Force by pinfall. B East Wind d. The Brendon Sisters to retain the RAW Junior Tag titles. C Toshie Uematsu d. Daizee Haze to retain the AAA X Division title. C Chikayo Nagashima d. Ayako Sato to retain the RAW Intercontinental title. C D-FIX d. Seek & Destroy by pinfall. B- Intensity d. Takako Inoue & Rain to retain the RAW World Tag titles. B Super Anime d. Desire & Saori Nakadan by submission. A Par Excellence d. Future Shock by pinfall. A* LuFisto d. Mayumi Ozaki by pinfall to retain the RAW Femme Fatale title. A [SIZE="3"]Overall Show Rating: A[/SIZE][/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA RAW is WAR[/B][/SIZE] [B]Tuesday Week 4 April, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 24,853 people at Nevada State Armory (South West) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Hailey Hatred d. Misae Genki by pinfall to retain the RAW Lioness title.[/B] [B]D[/B] [B]Yumiko Hotta d. Lisa Fury by pinfall to retain the AAA Hardcore title. C- Par Excellence d. X-Force by pinfall. B East Wind d. The Brendon Sisters to retain the RAW Junior Tag titles. C Toshie Uematsu d. Daizee Haze to retain the AAA X Division title. C Chikayo Nagashima d. Ayako Sato to retain the RAW Intercontinental title. C D-FIX d. Seek & Destroy by pinfall. B- Intensity d. Takako Inoue & Rain to retain the RAW World Tag titles. B Super Anime d. Desire & Saori Nakadan by submission. A Par Excellence d. Future Shock by pinfall. A* LuFisto d. Mayumi Ozaki by pinfall to retain the RAW Femme Fatale title. A [SIZE="3"]Overall Show Rating: A[/SIZE][/B]
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[I]Note: I'm going to speed up a bit and post results from previous shows in rapid-fire fashion. One reason is because I've completely lost my notes on storylines from back then and the other reason is that I have several fairly explosive stories brewing in the current day in my game (which is almost July) and want to get into those as I think they're pretty cool.[/I]
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[I]Note: I'm going to speed up a bit and post results from previous shows in rapid-fire fashion. One reason is because I've completely lost my notes on storylines from back then and the other reason is that I have several fairly explosive stories brewing in the current day in my game (which is almost July) and want to get into those as I think they're pretty cool.[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA Unity[/B][/SIZE] [B]Saturday Week 4 April, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 22,189 people at Auditorio Juan Escobar (Puerto Rico) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Mika Nishio d. Jade by pinfall to retain the Uncut Future Legend title. E Hailey Hatred d. Nurse Darla Knight by submission to retain the RAW Lioness title. D Yumiko Hotta d. Sayuri Okino by pinfall to retain the AAA Hardcore title. C- Lisa Moretti d. Yumi Ohka by pinfall. C D-FIX d. X-Force by pinfall. C Esther Moreno d. Sable by pinfall to retain the Uncut Television title. B- Manami Toyota d. Kristabel Plum by pinfall. B- Melody Cuthill d. Luna Vachon by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Women’s title. B+ Par Excellence d. T&A by pinfall. A Super Anime d. Desire & Rain by pinfall. A Mariko Yoshida d. Huntress Makiko by submission to retain the AAA Pure Wrestling title. B+[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Overall Show Rating: B+[/SIZE][/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA Unity[/B][/SIZE] [B]Saturday Week 4 April, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 22,189 people at Auditorio Juan Escobar (Puerto Rico) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Mika Nishio d. Jade by pinfall to retain the Uncut Future Legend title. E Hailey Hatred d. Nurse Darla Knight by submission to retain the RAW Lioness title. D Yumiko Hotta d. Sayuri Okino by pinfall to retain the AAA Hardcore title. C- Lisa Moretti d. Yumi Ohka by pinfall. C D-FIX d. X-Force by pinfall. C Esther Moreno d. Sable by pinfall to retain the Uncut Television title. B- Manami Toyota d. Kristabel Plum by pinfall. B- Melody Cuthill d. Luna Vachon by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Women’s title. B+ Par Excellence d. T&A by pinfall. A Super Anime d. Desire & Rain by pinfall. A Mariko Yoshida d. Huntress Makiko by submission to retain the AAA Pure Wrestling title. B+[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Overall Show Rating: B+[/SIZE][/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA RAW is WAR[/B][/SIZE] [B]Tuesday Week 1 May, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 22,615 people at H. Jones Building (Great Lakes) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] [B] Mika Nishio d. Yuka Shiina by pinfall to retain the Uncut Future Legend title. D Hailey Hatred d. Roxi by submission to retain the RAW Lioness title. D Above & Below d. The Power Plant by pinfall. C+ Kristabel Plum v. Toshie Uematsu ended in a no-contest. C+ Quintessential d. T&A by pinfall. C+ Melody Cuthill d. Gail Kim by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Women’s title. B+ Melody Cuthill d. Lisa Moretti by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Women’s title. A* Nikki Roxx d. Rebecca Knox by pinfall. B LuFisto d. Sara del Ray by pinfall to retain the RAW Femme Fatale title. B+ Par Excellence d. Jillian Hall & Rain by pinfall. A Intensity d. Valentina & Rain by pinfall to retain the RAW World Tag titles. A Overall Show Rating: A[/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA RAW is WAR[/B][/SIZE] [B]Tuesday Week 1 May, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 22,615 people at H. Jones Building (Great Lakes) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] [B] Mika Nishio d. Yuka Shiina by pinfall to retain the Uncut Future Legend title. D Hailey Hatred d. Roxi by submission to retain the RAW Lioness title. D Above & Below d. The Power Plant by pinfall. C+ Kristabel Plum v. Toshie Uematsu ended in a no-contest. C+ Quintessential d. T&A by pinfall. C+ Melody Cuthill d. Gail Kim by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Women’s title. B+ Melody Cuthill d. Lisa Moretti by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Women’s title. A* Nikki Roxx d. Rebecca Knox by pinfall. B LuFisto d. Sara del Ray by pinfall to retain the RAW Femme Fatale title. B+ Par Excellence d. Jillian Hall & Rain by pinfall. A Intensity d. Valentina & Rain by pinfall to retain the RAW World Tag titles. A Overall Show Rating: A[/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA Unity[/B][/SIZE] [B]Saturday Week 1 May, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 24,451 people at Maryland Wood (Mid Atlantic) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Diva Destruction d. The X-Girls by pinfall. C Melody Cuthill d. Gail Kim by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Women’s title. B Esther Moreno d. Lita by submission to retain the Uncut Television title. B- Kristabel Plum d. Gail Kim by pinfall. B- Madison d. Gail Kim by pinfall. B+ Tiana Ringer d. Torrie Wilson by pinfall. C Devil’s Daughter d. Vixxen by submission. C Sumie Sakai d. Torrie Wilson by pinfall. C Sumie Sakai d. Terri Runnels by pinfall. C Saki Maemura d. Torrie Wilson by pinfall. B+ Par Excellence d. NEO Machine Guns by pinfall. A Mariko Yoshida d. Rain by submission to retain the AAA Pure Wrestling title. A Overall Show Rating: A[/B] [I]Note: As you might've guessed, this was one of the "Don't let the doorknob hit ya where the good Lord split ya" shows, since Torrie, Terri, and Gail were being let go.[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA Unity[/B][/SIZE] [B]Saturday Week 1 May, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 24,451 people at Maryland Wood (Mid Atlantic) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Diva Destruction d. The X-Girls by pinfall. C Melody Cuthill d. Gail Kim by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Women’s title. B Esther Moreno d. Lita by submission to retain the Uncut Television title. B- Kristabel Plum d. Gail Kim by pinfall. B- Madison d. Gail Kim by pinfall. B+ Tiana Ringer d. Torrie Wilson by pinfall. C Devil’s Daughter d. Vixxen by submission. C Sumie Sakai d. Torrie Wilson by pinfall. C Sumie Sakai d. Terri Runnels by pinfall. C Saki Maemura d. Torrie Wilson by pinfall. B+ Par Excellence d. NEO Machine Guns by pinfall. A Mariko Yoshida d. Rain by submission to retain the AAA Pure Wrestling title. A Overall Show Rating: A[/B] [I]Note: As you might've guessed, this was one of the "Don't let the doorknob hit ya where the good Lord split ya" shows, since Torrie, Terri, and Gail were being let go.[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA One Night Stand[/B][/SIZE] [B]Sunday Week 1 May, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 47,500 people at The Astrodome (Mid South) and showing LIVE on pay per view.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Sumie Sakai d. Luna Vachon, Toshie Uematsu, and Kristabel Plum in a Ladder match for the AAA X Division title. C Devil’s Daughter d. Vixxen by submission. C The Bomb Squad d. P*ssy Control by pinfall. C+ The Hart Foundation d. Kong Queens by submission (Nattie with the Sharpshooter). B The Boudiccans d. Waking Nightmare by pinfall. B+ Intensity d. Manifest Destiny by submission to retain the RAW World Tag titles. A Melody Cuthill d. Gail Kim, Nidia Guenard, and Buffy Gellar in a TLC match to retain the Uncut World Women’s title. B Dos Apache d. Catastrophe by pinfall. A Par Excellence d. Future Shock by pinfall. A LuFisto d. Jillian Hall to retain the RAW Femme Fatale title. A* Sensational Thunder d. Powers of Pain by pinfall to win the Uncut World Tag titles. A* Overall Show Rating: B+ PPV Buyrate: 532,800[/B] [I]Notes: This show should've been an A* but I missed the angle requirement by 1 minute (25 mins of angles instead of the required 26 minimum).[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA One Night Stand[/B][/SIZE] [B]Sunday Week 1 May, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 47,500 people at The Astrodome (Mid South) and showing LIVE on pay per view.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Sumie Sakai d. Luna Vachon, Toshie Uematsu, and Kristabel Plum in a Ladder match for the AAA X Division title. C Devil’s Daughter d. Vixxen by submission. C The Bomb Squad d. P*ssy Control by pinfall. C+ The Hart Foundation d. Kong Queens by submission (Nattie with the Sharpshooter). B The Boudiccans d. Waking Nightmare by pinfall. B+ Intensity d. Manifest Destiny by submission to retain the RAW World Tag titles. A Melody Cuthill d. Gail Kim, Nidia Guenard, and Buffy Gellar in a TLC match to retain the Uncut World Women’s title. B Dos Apache d. Catastrophe by pinfall. A Par Excellence d. Future Shock by pinfall. A LuFisto d. Jillian Hall to retain the RAW Femme Fatale title. A* Sensational Thunder d. Powers of Pain by pinfall to win the Uncut World Tag titles. A* Overall Show Rating: B+ PPV Buyrate: 532,800[/B] [I]Notes: This show should've been an A* but I missed the angle requirement by 1 minute (25 mins of angles instead of the required 26 minimum).[/I]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA RAW is WAR[/B][/SIZE] [B]Tuesday Week 2 May, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 23,296 people at The Gardens of North Dakota (Mid West) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Mika Nishio d. Hellena Heavenly by pinfall to retain the Uncut Future Legend title. E Sumie Sakai d. Lita by pinfall to retain the AAA X Division title. C Chikayo Nagashima d. Kristabel Plum by pinfall to retain the RAW Intercontinental title. B Escucha Lucha d. Terri Runnels & Lita by pinfall to retain the Uncut Junior Tag titles. C+ Esther Moreno d. Torrie Wilson by pinfall to retain the Uncut TV title. C The Boudiccans d. 2 Hot by pinfall. B+ Melody Cuthill d. Jacqueline by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Women’s title. B LuFisto d. Malia Hosaka to retain the RAW Femme Fatale title. B+ Sensational Thunder d. Manifest Destiny by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Tag titles. B+ Overall Show Rating: B[/B]
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