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Women Rule - The Cutting Edge

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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Red"][FONT="Georgia"]AAA Babe Blast[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B]Tuesday Week 1 June, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 46,740 people at the Estadio Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico) and showing LIVE on Pay Per View.[/I][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][B][COLOR="Red"]RAW Intercontinental Championship match[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B]Kristabel Plum defeated Chikayo Nagashima by disqualification[/B] Kristabel started the match on fire, taking the champion down with a myriad of aerial maneuvers. But a thumb to the eye followed by a DDT put a stop to that. After a grinding mat based sequence, Kristabel managed to land a DDT of her own. Jade Chung pulled Nagashima from the ring and when she returned, she leveled the charging Plum with a massive chairshot, drawing the disqualification. [B]B-[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]Uncut Junior Tag Team Championship match[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Escucha Lucha defeated Luna Vachon & Gail Kim by pinfall to retain[/B] Fast paced match that saw Chitose Ariwara show her burgeoning technical ability by locking in a modified surfboard maneuver on Luna that forced Gail to break up. This brought Princesa Sugey in to even the odds and take Gail to the outside, which enabled Chitose to land a dropsault followed by the Spiral Tap for the victory. [B]B[/B] [B]Karen Killer[/B] comes out to the top of the ramp with several members of The Darkness. “[COLOR="Red"][I]I would like to inform the world of tonight’s Word of the Day. It’s a word that is as powerful as it is descriptive. That simple word, is IMPACT! It would serve you well to remember it.[/I][/COLOR]” [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]X Division Championship match[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Sumie Sakai defeated Luna Vachon by pinfall to retain[/B] Pretty boring match as Luna ran out of gas fairly quickly (and it showed). Sumie worked her legs before going to the air and finally hitting the Fishermanbuster for the win. [B]C+[/B] After the match, the lights in the arena went out. When they came back on, [B]Ms.Chif[/B], [B]Demonica[/B], and [B]Wendy Anderson[/B] were standing in the ring with [B]Sumie Sakai[/B] and they promptly pounced on her. As Wendy leveled her with the X Division title belt and drew blood, Demonica hit the Demonizer before making way for Ms.Chif who dropped the champion with a Code Green. The lights went out again and when they came back on, the ring was empty except for the fallen champion. [B]C+[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]RAW World Tag Team Championship match[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Intensity defeated EverQuest Age by pinfall to retain[/B] This match between two young teams was exciting to watch. With lots of Strong Style and technical and high flying mixed together, it only underlined the difference in the experience levels of the combatants. Jana Marie Bowen hit the Pinwheel on Questra to pick up the successful title defense. [B]A[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]Uncut World Women’s Championship match, Parking Lot Brawl[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Melody Cuthill defeated Buffy Gellar by pinfall to retain[/B] Brutal match that saw blood flow freely from both competitors and an extreme form of one-upmanship. Buffy DDT’d Melody onto a car hood, Melody put Buffy through a car window. Buffy powerbombed Melody onto the concrete, Melody hit an extremely high risk flying elbow onto a car hood. Rosemary Gellar tried to interfere on her sister’s behalf, only to catch a tire iron to the forehead. The massive Tommy Gellar tried to interject and he got the tire iron to the groin then to the back of the head. Finally, Melody set her nemesis up for a piledriver through the windshield of a car and pinned her. [B]A[/B] After the match, the participants are seen being loaded into waiting ambulances. [B]B[/B] [B]Missy Masterson defeated Trinity by pinfall[/B] Fairly quick match that saw some aerial maneuvers dominate before Missy hit the Identity Crisis for the 1-2-3. [B]B+[/B] [B]Powers of Pain defeated Sakura Michi by pinfall[/B] Excellent matchup that saw Sakura Michi really distinguish themselves. After reversing the Cherry Popper, Michiko Omukai hit Cherry Bomb with the B3 Bomb. An opportune distraction by Lollipop gave Etsuko Mita the opportunity to use a chair and use it she did. Draping Cherry Bomb’s arm over Michi, she stole the win for Powers of Pain. [B]A[/B] [B]Par Excellence defeated Future Shock by pinfall[/B] Excellent match that saw Future Shock isolate Michelle McCool and keep her from tagging out. But when Michelle countered Nina’s Primadonna attempt and lunged to make the tag, the end was easily apparent. After a leg lariat and Single Minor, Melissa pinned Nina for the win. [B]A[/B] [B]Par Excellence defeated The Hart Foundation by pinfall[/B] Back and forth battle complete with quick tags and over a dozen near falls. After Nattie locked the Sharpshooter onto Melissa, Michelle broke it up with a Superkick that allowed Melissa to get the pinfall. [B]A[/B] [B]Super Anime defeated Dos Apache by pinfall[/B] All four competitors started the match firing on all cylinders. The Apaches coming with their unique brand of Japanese influence lucha countered by LuFisto and Roxx’s multicultural, multidimensional style. When Mary hit an awe-inspiring corkscrew moonsault plancha on LuFisto that temporarily eliminated them from the match, that gave Nikki an opportunity she capitalized on with the Roxx Off and the victory. [B]A*[/B] After the match, the two teams shake hands and embrace after a well-fought contest sure to be nominated for Match of the Year. [B]A*[/B] [B]Par Excellence defeated The Boudiccans by disqualification[/B] Geena the Warrior Princess starts out with Michelle McCool, savagely beating her in the corner while also beating the ref’s 5-count. Dragging Michelle to their corner, the Boudiccans pound Michelle mercilessly for the better part of 10 minutes. While setting her up for what has to be a match ending double team superplex, Michelle manages to kick away Rachel Laberge and lands an impressive tornado DDT from the second rope on Geena, leaving three of the four competitors down and out. Rachel manages to roll out of the ring while Michelle begins a slow crawl trying to tag in Melissa. She finally manages to lunge and make the tag and Melissa runs in ready to clean house…..meeting steel instead as Rachel levels her with a massive chairshot, drawing the DQ. [B]A[/B] The cameras cut to backstage where [B]Shelly Martinez[/B] is flirting with an arena official by rubbing up against him while talking softly. In the corner of the camera view, [B]MsChif[/B] is seen picking the official’s pocket and walking away. [B]C-[/B] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]Uncut World Tag Team Championship match[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Sensational Thunder defeated D-FIX by submission to retain[/B] Great match between two veteran teams featuring technical mastery and aerial highlights. The match’s outcome came about after Sensational Ogiwara landed on her feet following an overhead belly to belly suplex by KAORU that she then followed with a springboard missile dropkick to Mayumi Ozaki on the outside, allowing Thunder Hike to lock in the Thunder Lock on KAORU for the win. [B]A[/B] [B]Karen Killer[/B] and various members of her stable are seen outside a locker room where inside [B]Nikki Roxx[/B], [B]Jungle Jack[/B], [B]Tim Westybrook[/B], [B]Ashley Paige[/B], and [B]Rei Chikanatsu[/B] are talking and preparing to watch LuFisto’s title defense. Karen points at the door and MsChif produces a set of keys and silently locks it, placing three metal bars in the handle, while [B]Wendy Anderson[/B], [B]Demonica[/B], [B]Vixxen[/B], [B]Black Widow[/B], and [B]Shelly Martinez[/B] quietly stack production equipment against it until the door is no longer visible. [B]C[/B] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"][B]RAW Femme Fatale Championship match, inside a Steel Cage[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]LuFisto defeated Jillian Hall by pinfall to retain[/B] The beginning of the match saw the two participants brawl in the middle of the ring for an interminable amount of time, until LuFisto dropped her adversary with a double leg takedown and peppered her head with a mounted forearm flurry. From there, the action went back and forth as it seemed each woman wanted the win as much as the other. At the 20 minute mark, Jillian started to climb the cage as LuFisto lay prone on the mat. Then springing like a cat, she scaled the cage and stopped Jillian before setting her up for a DDT from 12 feet in the air. Barely able to drape her arm over her opponent, she got the win and the successful title defense. [B]A*[/B] After the bell rings ending the contest, the lights go out and ominous organ music begins playing as red spotlights begin flashing throughout the arena. The spotlights illuminate members of The Darkness inside the cage on their knees with their arms stretched skyward, surrounding the prone form of [B]LuFisto[/B]. [B]B+[/B] The lights begin to rise with [B]Raven Darkfall[/B] standing on top of the cage holding a shepherd’s crook. She glides to the mat and lifts LuFisto’s face to meet her eyes and then spits at her. [B]A[/B] As Raven rises to her feet and turns away, the other members of her stable set upon LuFisto like a pack of rabid wolves. [B]Karen Killer[/B] grabs a mic and says, “[COLOR="Red"][I]Today you bear witness to an ascension. The Angel of the Dark has come unto us to bring forth a purging. In terms you unbelievers would understand, out with the old and in with the new[/I][/COLOR]". [B]C+[/B] With that, Raven lifts the limp body of LuFisto and, after sending her into the cage three times, drops her with the Nightfaller. [B]A[/B] [B]Manami Toyota[/B], [B]Emi Sakura[/B], [B]Hell Monkey[/B], [B]Emerald Angel[/B], and other members of the Justice League stable run out to make the save, when the lights go out again. When they come back up, the ring is empty save for LuFisto’s limp form lying in a spreading pool of blood. [B]B[/B] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"][B]Pure Wrestling Championship match[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Mariko Yoshida defeated Esther Moreno by submission to retain[/B] With the crowd both shocked and excited, Mariko and Esther put on a technical clinic before Esther took to the air. After a superplex that shook the ring’s moorings, Esther went for and hit a shooting star press that seemed to signal for a new Pure champion….but Mari-chan got her foot on the ropes in full view of the ref. The match was brought to a climactic end when Mariko rolled through a flying body press and locked in the Spider Twist. [B]A[/B] The show ends with a video of LuFisto being loaded into an ambulance surrounded by medical personnel as the now-freed members of her stable stand by watching and seething. [B]A*[/B] [SIZE="3"][B]Overall Show Rating: A[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][B]PPV Buyrate: 519,801[/B][/SIZE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Red"][FONT="Georgia"]AAA Babe Blast[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B]Tuesday Week 1 June, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 46,740 people at the Estadio Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico) and showing LIVE on Pay Per View.[/I][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][B][COLOR="Red"]RAW Intercontinental Championship match[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B]Kristabel Plum defeated Chikayo Nagashima by disqualification[/B] Kristabel started the match on fire, taking the champion down with a myriad of aerial maneuvers. But a thumb to the eye followed by a DDT put a stop to that. After a grinding mat based sequence, Kristabel managed to land a DDT of her own. Jade Chung pulled Nagashima from the ring and when she returned, she leveled the charging Plum with a massive chairshot, drawing the disqualification. [B]B-[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]Uncut Junior Tag Team Championship match[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Escucha Lucha defeated Luna Vachon & Gail Kim by pinfall to retain[/B] Fast paced match that saw Chitose Ariwara show her burgeoning technical ability by locking in a modified surfboard maneuver on Luna that forced Gail to break up. This brought Princesa Sugey in to even the odds and take Gail to the outside, which enabled Chitose to land a dropsault followed by the Spiral Tap for the victory. [B]B[/B] [B]Karen Killer[/B] comes out to the top of the ramp with several members of The Darkness. “[COLOR="Red"][I]I would like to inform the world of tonight’s Word of the Day. It’s a word that is as powerful as it is descriptive. That simple word, is IMPACT! It would serve you well to remember it.[/I][/COLOR]” [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]X Division Championship match[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Sumie Sakai defeated Luna Vachon by pinfall to retain[/B] Pretty boring match as Luna ran out of gas fairly quickly (and it showed). Sumie worked her legs before going to the air and finally hitting the Fishermanbuster for the win. [B]C+[/B] After the match, the lights in the arena went out. When they came back on, [B]Ms.Chif[/B], [B]Demonica[/B], and [B]Wendy Anderson[/B] were standing in the ring with [B]Sumie Sakai[/B] and they promptly pounced on her. As Wendy leveled her with the X Division title belt and drew blood, Demonica hit the Demonizer before making way for Ms.Chif who dropped the champion with a Code Green. The lights went out again and when they came back on, the ring was empty except for the fallen champion. [B]C+[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]RAW World Tag Team Championship match[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Intensity defeated EverQuest Age by pinfall to retain[/B] This match between two young teams was exciting to watch. With lots of Strong Style and technical and high flying mixed together, it only underlined the difference in the experience levels of the combatants. Jana Marie Bowen hit the Pinwheel on Questra to pick up the successful title defense. [B]A[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]Uncut World Women’s Championship match, Parking Lot Brawl[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Melody Cuthill defeated Buffy Gellar by pinfall to retain[/B] Brutal match that saw blood flow freely from both competitors and an extreme form of one-upmanship. Buffy DDT’d Melody onto a car hood, Melody put Buffy through a car window. Buffy powerbombed Melody onto the concrete, Melody hit an extremely high risk flying elbow onto a car hood. Rosemary Gellar tried to interfere on her sister’s behalf, only to catch a tire iron to the forehead. The massive Tommy Gellar tried to interject and he got the tire iron to the groin then to the back of the head. Finally, Melody set her nemesis up for a piledriver through the windshield of a car and pinned her. [B]A[/B] After the match, the participants are seen being loaded into waiting ambulances. [B]B[/B] [B]Missy Masterson defeated Trinity by pinfall[/B] Fairly quick match that saw some aerial maneuvers dominate before Missy hit the Identity Crisis for the 1-2-3. [B]B+[/B] [B]Powers of Pain defeated Sakura Michi by pinfall[/B] Excellent matchup that saw Sakura Michi really distinguish themselves. After reversing the Cherry Popper, Michiko Omukai hit Cherry Bomb with the B3 Bomb. An opportune distraction by Lollipop gave Etsuko Mita the opportunity to use a chair and use it she did. Draping Cherry Bomb’s arm over Michi, she stole the win for Powers of Pain. [B]A[/B] [B]Par Excellence defeated Future Shock by pinfall[/B] Excellent match that saw Future Shock isolate Michelle McCool and keep her from tagging out. But when Michelle countered Nina’s Primadonna attempt and lunged to make the tag, the end was easily apparent. After a leg lariat and Single Minor, Melissa pinned Nina for the win. [B]A[/B] [B]Par Excellence defeated The Hart Foundation by pinfall[/B] Back and forth battle complete with quick tags and over a dozen near falls. After Nattie locked the Sharpshooter onto Melissa, Michelle broke it up with a Superkick that allowed Melissa to get the pinfall. [B]A[/B] [B]Super Anime defeated Dos Apache by pinfall[/B] All four competitors started the match firing on all cylinders. The Apaches coming with their unique brand of Japanese influence lucha countered by LuFisto and Roxx’s multicultural, multidimensional style. When Mary hit an awe-inspiring corkscrew moonsault plancha on LuFisto that temporarily eliminated them from the match, that gave Nikki an opportunity she capitalized on with the Roxx Off and the victory. [B]A*[/B] After the match, the two teams shake hands and embrace after a well-fought contest sure to be nominated for Match of the Year. [B]A*[/B] [B]Par Excellence defeated The Boudiccans by disqualification[/B] Geena the Warrior Princess starts out with Michelle McCool, savagely beating her in the corner while also beating the ref’s 5-count. Dragging Michelle to their corner, the Boudiccans pound Michelle mercilessly for the better part of 10 minutes. While setting her up for what has to be a match ending double team superplex, Michelle manages to kick away Rachel Laberge and lands an impressive tornado DDT from the second rope on Geena, leaving three of the four competitors down and out. Rachel manages to roll out of the ring while Michelle begins a slow crawl trying to tag in Melissa. She finally manages to lunge and make the tag and Melissa runs in ready to clean house…..meeting steel instead as Rachel levels her with a massive chairshot, drawing the DQ. [B]A[/B] The cameras cut to backstage where [B]Shelly Martinez[/B] is flirting with an arena official by rubbing up against him while talking softly. In the corner of the camera view, [B]MsChif[/B] is seen picking the official’s pocket and walking away. [B]C-[/B] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]Uncut World Tag Team Championship match[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Sensational Thunder defeated D-FIX by submission to retain[/B] Great match between two veteran teams featuring technical mastery and aerial highlights. The match’s outcome came about after Sensational Ogiwara landed on her feet following an overhead belly to belly suplex by KAORU that she then followed with a springboard missile dropkick to Mayumi Ozaki on the outside, allowing Thunder Hike to lock in the Thunder Lock on KAORU for the win. [B]A[/B] [B]Karen Killer[/B] and various members of her stable are seen outside a locker room where inside [B]Nikki Roxx[/B], [B]Jungle Jack[/B], [B]Tim Westybrook[/B], [B]Ashley Paige[/B], and [B]Rei Chikanatsu[/B] are talking and preparing to watch LuFisto’s title defense. Karen points at the door and MsChif produces a set of keys and silently locks it, placing three metal bars in the handle, while [B]Wendy Anderson[/B], [B]Demonica[/B], [B]Vixxen[/B], [B]Black Widow[/B], and [B]Shelly Martinez[/B] quietly stack production equipment against it until the door is no longer visible. [B]C[/B] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"][B]RAW Femme Fatale Championship match, inside a Steel Cage[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]LuFisto defeated Jillian Hall by pinfall to retain[/B] The beginning of the match saw the two participants brawl in the middle of the ring for an interminable amount of time, until LuFisto dropped her adversary with a double leg takedown and peppered her head with a mounted forearm flurry. From there, the action went back and forth as it seemed each woman wanted the win as much as the other. At the 20 minute mark, Jillian started to climb the cage as LuFisto lay prone on the mat. Then springing like a cat, she scaled the cage and stopped Jillian before setting her up for a DDT from 12 feet in the air. Barely able to drape her arm over her opponent, she got the win and the successful title defense. [B]A*[/B] After the bell rings ending the contest, the lights go out and ominous organ music begins playing as red spotlights begin flashing throughout the arena. The spotlights illuminate members of The Darkness inside the cage on their knees with their arms stretched skyward, surrounding the prone form of [B]LuFisto[/B]. [B]B+[/B] The lights begin to rise with [B]Raven Darkfall[/B] standing on top of the cage holding a shepherd’s crook. She glides to the mat and lifts LuFisto’s face to meet her eyes and then spits at her. [B]A[/B] As Raven rises to her feet and turns away, the other members of her stable set upon LuFisto like a pack of rabid wolves. [B]Karen Killer[/B] grabs a mic and says, “[COLOR="Red"][I]Today you bear witness to an ascension. The Angel of the Dark has come unto us to bring forth a purging. In terms you unbelievers would understand, out with the old and in with the new[/I][/COLOR]". [B]C+[/B] With that, Raven lifts the limp body of LuFisto and, after sending her into the cage three times, drops her with the Nightfaller. [B]A[/B] [B]Manami Toyota[/B], [B]Emi Sakura[/B], [B]Hell Monkey[/B], [B]Emerald Angel[/B], and other members of the Justice League stable run out to make the save, when the lights go out again. When they come back up, the ring is empty save for LuFisto’s limp form lying in a spreading pool of blood. [B]B[/B] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"][B]Pure Wrestling Championship match[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Mariko Yoshida defeated Esther Moreno by submission to retain[/B] With the crowd both shocked and excited, Mariko and Esther put on a technical clinic before Esther took to the air. After a superplex that shook the ring’s moorings, Esther went for and hit a shooting star press that seemed to signal for a new Pure champion….but Mari-chan got her foot on the ropes in full view of the ref. The match was brought to a climactic end when Mariko rolled through a flying body press and locked in the Spider Twist. [B]A[/B] The show ends with a video of LuFisto being loaded into an ambulance surrounded by medical personnel as the now-freed members of her stable stand by watching and seething. [B]A*[/B] [SIZE="3"][B]Overall Show Rating: A[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][B]PPV Buyrate: 519,801[/B][/SIZE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA Days of Thunder[/B][/SIZE] [B]Wednesday Week 1 June, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 15,000 people at the Schottenstein Center (Great Lakes) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] The show opens with a video of the goings on at Babe Blast, including the assault on LuFisto. [B]A[/B] “[I][COLOR="Blue"]Ladies and Gentlemen, we’re baaaaaaack! Thank you for joining us on the new home of the Uncut brand of Triple A on the world’s premiere entertainment outlet, MTV. I am Ayako Ishida joined by Colonel Carl Batch and the Extreme One, Emma Chase. We’ve got quite a show for you tonight so let’s get right to it![/COLOR][/I]” [B]Yumi Ohka d. Torrie Wilson by pinfall.[/B] Giving Torrie a proper sendoff, AAA owner Remianen ordered this matchup between former client and manager. Yumi was hesitant at first, until Torrie used a hairpull takedown. From that point on, skill outshined exaggerated sex appeal when Yumi hit the Sakura Drop Super for the victory. [B]C-[/B] [B]Rebecca Knox d. Terri Runnels by pinfall.[/B] Another match order by Remianen saw Rebecca Knox take Terri Runnels to her own personal hell, exhausting her in the process. [B]C-[/B] An eerie video is played hyping [B]Karen Killer[/B], [B]the Morenos[/B], and [B]Ms Chif[/B], central members of The Darkness stable. The video ends with a close up shot of [B]LuFisto[/B] lying unconscious in a pool of blood. [B]B+[/B] [B]Emi Sakura d. Torrie Wilson by pinfall.[/B] Another round of humiliation for Torrie, as the young veteran high flyer laid her lack of in-ring skill bare, hitting the Nya Nya Press for the win. [B]C-[/B] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"][B]X Division Championship match[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Sumie Sakai d. Speedy Marie by submission to retain.[/B] Sumie was confused by the variable style Speedy Marie employs, which led to several near falls. Using her experience advantage, she was able to reverse a tilt-a-whirl attempt into the Cross Arm Scissors for the win. [B]C[/B] Emma Chase informs the crowd that LuFisto had to be airlifted from Puerto Rico to Miami following the events of Babe Blast. [B]A[/B] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"][B]Uncut Television title match[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Esther Moreno d. Yuma Maruya by pinfall to retain.[/B] The sneaky veteran Moreno was able to capitalize on the inexperience of Yuma, hitting the Super Frankensteiner for the victory and successful defense. [B]C[/B] [B]Christie Ricci d. Wanda Fish by pinfall.[/B] Wanda put quite the scare into Christie after an early Dish of the Day. But after barely kicking out of the resulting pinfall attempt, Christie went on the offensive, sealing her victory with the CR Gutwrench. [B]A[/B] [B]Par Excellence d. Dos Apache by pinfall.[/B] Having faced one of the most hyped teams in AAA, Dos Apache now faces one of the most experienced. After a DVA in the corner immediately followed by a shining wizard off the second rope, Fabi was out on her feet and easy pickings for the Single Minor. [B]A*[/B] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"][B]Uncut World Tag Team Championship match[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Sensational Thunder d. Catastrophe by pinfall to retain[/B] Great match between two veteran teams that saw a Sensational Senton on Crusher Ichihara end the match. [B]A[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]AAA Pure Wrestling Championship match[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Mariko Yoshida d. Miss Information by submission to retain.[/B] Beautiful match to behold, as Mariko and Miss Info have excellent chemistry together. The ebb and flow of the match kept the crowd on the edge of their seats, until Mariko locked in the Spider Twist at the 27 minute mark. [B]A*[/B] [SIZE="3"][B]Overall Show Rating: A[/B][/SIZE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA Days of Thunder[/B][/SIZE] [B]Wednesday Week 1 June, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 15,000 people at the Schottenstein Center (Great Lakes) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] The show opens with a video of the goings on at Babe Blast, including the assault on LuFisto. [B]A[/B] “[I][COLOR="Blue"]Ladies and Gentlemen, we’re baaaaaaack! Thank you for joining us on the new home of the Uncut brand of Triple A on the world’s premiere entertainment outlet, MTV. I am Ayako Ishida joined by Colonel Carl Batch and the Extreme One, Emma Chase. We’ve got quite a show for you tonight so let’s get right to it![/COLOR][/I]” [B]Yumi Ohka d. Torrie Wilson by pinfall.[/B] Giving Torrie a proper sendoff, AAA owner Remianen ordered this matchup between former client and manager. Yumi was hesitant at first, until Torrie used a hairpull takedown. From that point on, skill outshined exaggerated sex appeal when Yumi hit the Sakura Drop Super for the victory. [B]C-[/B] [B]Rebecca Knox d. Terri Runnels by pinfall.[/B] Another match order by Remianen saw Rebecca Knox take Terri Runnels to her own personal hell, exhausting her in the process. [B]C-[/B] An eerie video is played hyping [B]Karen Killer[/B], [B]the Morenos[/B], and [B]Ms Chif[/B], central members of The Darkness stable. The video ends with a close up shot of [B]LuFisto[/B] lying unconscious in a pool of blood. [B]B+[/B] [B]Emi Sakura d. Torrie Wilson by pinfall.[/B] Another round of humiliation for Torrie, as the young veteran high flyer laid her lack of in-ring skill bare, hitting the Nya Nya Press for the win. [B]C-[/B] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"][B]X Division Championship match[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Sumie Sakai d. Speedy Marie by submission to retain.[/B] Sumie was confused by the variable style Speedy Marie employs, which led to several near falls. Using her experience advantage, she was able to reverse a tilt-a-whirl attempt into the Cross Arm Scissors for the win. [B]C[/B] Emma Chase informs the crowd that LuFisto had to be airlifted from Puerto Rico to Miami following the events of Babe Blast. [B]A[/B] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"][B]Uncut Television title match[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Esther Moreno d. Yuma Maruya by pinfall to retain.[/B] The sneaky veteran Moreno was able to capitalize on the inexperience of Yuma, hitting the Super Frankensteiner for the victory and successful defense. [B]C[/B] [B]Christie Ricci d. Wanda Fish by pinfall.[/B] Wanda put quite the scare into Christie after an early Dish of the Day. But after barely kicking out of the resulting pinfall attempt, Christie went on the offensive, sealing her victory with the CR Gutwrench. [B]A[/B] [B]Par Excellence d. Dos Apache by pinfall.[/B] Having faced one of the most hyped teams in AAA, Dos Apache now faces one of the most experienced. After a DVA in the corner immediately followed by a shining wizard off the second rope, Fabi was out on her feet and easy pickings for the Single Minor. [B]A*[/B] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"][B]Uncut World Tag Team Championship match[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Sensational Thunder d. Catastrophe by pinfall to retain[/B] Great match between two veteran teams that saw a Sensational Senton on Crusher Ichihara end the match. [B]A[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]AAA Pure Wrestling Championship match[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Mariko Yoshida d. Miss Information by submission to retain.[/B] Beautiful match to behold, as Mariko and Miss Info have excellent chemistry together. The ebb and flow of the match kept the crowd on the edge of their seats, until Mariko locked in the Spider Twist at the 27 minute mark. [B]A*[/B] [SIZE="3"][B]Overall Show Rating: A[/B][/SIZE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA Unity[/B][/SIZE] [B]Saturday Week 1 June, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 15,000 people at the Isaak Road Arena (Mid Atlantic) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Ayako Ishida:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][I]Good evening everyone and welcome to Triple A Unity. I am Ayako Ishida joined by Emma Chase and Melanie Florence and Mel, given the events of only a few days ago, you’d have to think that this could be a very volatile environment.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [I][COLOR="Blue"]Indeed, it does have the potential to develop into a powder keg. But Emma has some insight on a few debuts we have scheduled for tonight, don’t you?[/COLOR][/I] [B]Emma Chase:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][I]You know I do. The Extreme One always has the scoop on the goings on in Triple A and this is no exception. Tonight we’ll see a talented young student of the Japanese strong style in Craig Charisma make his debut as well as veteran luchadore Jose Soto and a surprisingly capable young technician will surprise us with his debut. Let’s go down to the ring![/I][/COLOR] [B][U]Lioness Lea w/Questra & Delirio vs. Craig Charisma[/U][/B] This match up between two strong stylers showed how much potential they have but also how green they both are. It didn’t take long for Lea to hit her Towerhacker Bomb finisher then follow up with the LSD Trip for the submission victory. [B]Lioness Lea defeated Craig Charisma by submission.[/B] [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [I][COLOR="Blue"]Something tells me this won’t be the last time these two meet in the ring. Great showing by the Lioness![/COLOR][/I] [B][U]Chitose Ariwara w/Princesa Sugey & Blonde Bombshell vs. Jose Soto[/U][/B] One-half of Uncut’s Junior tag champions in a rare singles appearance, went toe to toe and matched aerial maneuvers with the more seasoned lucha performer. After Soto missed on a flying headbutt, that left Chitose in perfect position to hit the Spiral Tap for the win. [B]Chitose Ariwara defeated Jose Soto by pinfall.[/B] [B]Ayako Ishida:[/B] "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Joining Emma and I on commentary for the next match, [B]Kristabel Plum[/B]![/COLOR][/I]" [B][U]Chikayo Nagashima (c) vs. Riptide for the RAW Intercontinental title[/U][/B] Between Riptide’s obvious ring rust and the catcalls between Kristabel and Chikayo, this match went on longer than it should have. In the end, after interference from Jade Chung, the Nagashima Footstomp hit and the pinfall soon followed. [B]Chikayo Nagashima defeated Riptide by pinfall to retain the RAW Intercontinental title[/B] [B]Kristabel Plum:[/B] “[I][COLOR="Blue"]Y’see? She can’t win without cheating. I’ve beaten her fair and square in non-title matches but once the title’s on the line, she finds a way to draw a DQ. Hey Chikayo, lookie here.[/COLOR][/I]” She holds up a legal size sheet of paper. “[I][COLOR="Blue"]This says that next week on RAW, you face me with the title on the line, in an extreme rules match. Oh, and Jade Chung is banned from ringside. Enjoy your last few days as champion![/COLOR][/I]” [B]Emma Chase:[/B] [I][COLOR="Red"]Hmm, that doesn’t bode well for the current Intercontinental champion.[/COLOR][/I] [B]Ayako Ishida:[/B] "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Breath of fresh air for Kristabel, I bet.[/COLOR][/I]" [B][U]X-Force vs. East Wind, non-title match[/U][/B] The junior tag team members of Manami Toyota’s Justice League stable more than held their own against the wily veteran team. In the end, Sparkles hit the Diamond Cutter on Mima Shimoda on the outside, allowing Emi Sakura an unfettered attempt at a Nyah Nyah Press for the pinfall victory! [B]X-Force (Sparkles & Emi Sakura) defeated East Wind (Mima Shimoda & Tsubasa Kuragaki) by pinfall[/B] [B]Ayako Ishida:[/B] "You have to think this earns X-Force a shot at the RAW Junior tag titles." [B]Emma Chase:[/B] "[I][COLOR="Red"]It should. But now it’s time for another Extreme Exclusive! This time, I got a chance to sit down and talk with the convalescing RAW Femme Fatale champion, [B]LuFisto[/B]![/COLOR][/I]" A video plays of Emma’s interview with LuFisto, bandaged with nasty blue splotches on her face. She says, “[COLOR="Blue"][I]That was a pretty opportune attack. After the war with Jillian, I had nothing left. Doctors say I won’t be able to wrestle for a while but that’s okay. Every minute I spend in this hospital, I think about what you pukes did to me and it motivates me to come back. But in the meantime, I’m calling in favors and, as I’m sure Nikki will tell you, when I do come back, there’s going to be hell to pay. And the bottom line is, I still have this…[/I][/COLOR]” She raises the RAW Femme Fatale title and fixes a determined look directly into the camera. [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][I]I’ve never seen her quite so wound up and intense.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Ayako Ishida:[/B] [I][COLOR="Blue"]I don’t even want to think about what kind of surprises she has in store…[/COLOR][/I] [B][U]Blue Angels vs. Mas Ruda[/U][/B] Good match that saw Tiffany take an enormous beating at the hands of Tamara and Ayako, while trying to protect Shantelle from being isolated. But after a dropsault from Ayako knocked Shantelle out of the ring, the Angels hit the Warp Drive for the pinfall win. [B]Blue Angels (Tamara McFly & Ayako Hamada) defeated Mas Ruda (Shantelle Taylor & Tiffany Diabolica) by pinfall.[/B] We’re taken to the ring where a wiry, mousy looking man is holding a microphone. He says, “[I][COLOR="Red"]You people don’t know me now. But in a few months, no one will be able to deny knowledge of the technical master known as……[B]FLEMMY LEMMING[/B]![/COLOR][/I]” [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [I][COLOR="Blue"]Well, he certainly doesn’t lack in confidence…[/COLOR][/I] [B][U]Eve Grunge vs. Flemmy Lemming[/U][/B] A mat-based, technical masterpiece that turned out extremely well, even with Flemmy’s lack of notoriety. After powering out of a ropes-assisted abdominal stretch, Eve went on the offensive, finally landing her Pearl Jam finisher followed by Nirvana, forcing Flemmy to tap. [B]Eve Grunge defeated Flemmy Lemming by submission.[/B] The cameras cut to the locker room where Powers of Pain and Waking Nightmare are arguing. Cherry Bomb says, “[I][COLOR="Red"]I thought you guys had our backs. Now, because of your incompetence, we lost the freakin’ tag titles. You guys suck![/COLOR][/I]” as she turns her back on them. Samoan Machine responds to the obvious show of disrespect by advancing on her before Dark Angel restrains him. Samoan Machine responds, “[I][COLOR="Red"]You two are just lucky we’re not eligible for the titles or else we’d win ‘em back ourselves instead of sitting around whining about it.[/COLOR][/I]” Cherry Bomb bristles at the insinuation as Etsuko Mita looks Dark Angel right in the eye and asks, “[I][COLOR="Red"]You two think you’re better than we are? You really believe that?[/COLOR][/I]” to which Dark Angel responds, “[I][COLOR="Red"]Did I say that? Did you hear me say that?[/COLOR][/I]”. Cherry Bomb says, “[I][COLOR="Red"]I know what we’ll do. We’ll see how much of a “machine” you are….[/COLOR][/I]” as she walks out of the room. [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][I]Trouble in paradise?[/I][/COLOR] [B]Emma Chase:[/B] [I][COLOR="Red"]These things happen. Losing the tag titles is stressful. People lash out when they’re angry or distraught. This’ll blow over, believe me.[/COLOR][/I] [B]Nikki Roxx[/B] comes to the ring, mic in hand. “[I][COLOR="Blue"]As many of you saw, a bunch of cowards took it upon themselves to attempt to permanently incapacitate one of the greatest workers this sport has ever seen. But while they may have done a significant amount of damage to her body, they’ve only ignited a fire in her spirit. She’s patient, I’m not. In fact, the only thing keeping me from coming back there and decimating you chumps is a promise I made to LuFisto. You bitches are going to get yours, soon enough. In the meantime, I’m going to take out my anger on this poor, unfortunate soul.[/COLOR][/I]” [B][U]Nikki Roxx vs. Hidekazu[/U][/B] While Hidekazu showed a lot of spirit to start the match, he couldn’t contend with the unbridled fury of Nikki Roxx. After countering a powerbomb attempt into a modified belly-to-back piledriver, she locked in a crossface, forcing the submission. [B]Nikki Roxx defeated Hidekazu by submission.[/B] Following the match, the lights in the arena went out while eerie organ music began playing. When the lights came back up, Nikki found herself surrounded in the ring by [B]Dark Maiden[/B], [B]Shelly Martinez[/B], [B]Black Widow[/B], and [B]Wendy Anderson[/B]. Black Widow was first to advance, only to find herself on the receiving end of a twisting spinebuster. Wendy came next and caught a Superkick right in the mouth. As Dark Maiden subdues Nikki, Shelly Martinez advances with a chair in hand. She swings, and Nikki ducks out of the way as Dark Maiden takes the chair shot. Nikki then kicks Shelly in the gut and hits the Roxx Off onto the chair. Standing tall in the ring, she lets out a feral roar and stares at the heels regrouping in the aisle. Then after a moment, she stands up straight and smiles, looking at the top of the ramp. Following her eyes, [B]Karen Killer[/B] turns and goes white as a proverbial ghost as, standing at the top of the ramp is [B][COLOR="Blue"]The Power Plant[/COLOR][/B] ([B]Jungle Jack[/B] & [B]Tim Westybrook[/B]), [B][COLOR="Blue"]The Spice Girls[/COLOR][/B] ([B]Ashley Paige[/B] & [B]Lisa Fury[/B]), and [B]Rei Chikanatsu[/B]. Then, the arena lights go out and on the Jumbotron, a gothic montage video plays with a voice narrating. “[I][COLOR="Red"]The hour is yours, the day is mine. Consult with history.[/COLOR][/I]” as the video closes with a shot of LuFisto lying on the mat at Babe Blast, in a pool of blood. When the lights come back on, the members of The Darkness are nowhere to be seen, leaving a frustrated Nikki Roxx in the ring. [B]Emma Chase:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][I]Okay, this is getting more than a little weird.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [I][COLOR="Blue"]Getting?!?[/COLOR][/I] [B][U]Melody Cuthill (c) vs. Saori Nakadan for the Uncut World Women’s title[/U][/B] In a match showing Melody’s ever-improving overall game, this back and forth match flowed between styles. Starting as a technical affair, it then moved to high flying, ending with a brawlfest that led to Melody hitting the Cutter for the pinfall victory and title defense. [B]Melody Cuthill defeated Saori Nakadan by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Women’s title.[/B] [B]Remianen[/B] comes out to the ring and is handed a mic. “[COLOR="Red"][I]We have an unusual treat for you tonight. As a result of an urgent request by one of the participants, tonight’s main event will have Cherry Bomb facing off against Samoan Machine! May the best…erm, person, win![/I][/COLOR]” [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [I][COLOR="Blue"]Yeah, this’ll blow over.[/COLOR][/I] *rolls eyes* Ayako Ishida laughs as Emma Chase glowers. [B][U]Sensational Thunder (c) vs Sakura Michi for the Uncut World Tag Team titles[/U][/B] Excellent match between two veteran teams that saw Michiko Omukai, in particular, distinguish herself. Sensational Ogiwara secured the victory for her team after a Sensational Stunner on Sakura Hirota. [B]Sensational Thunder defeated Sakura Michi by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Tag Team titles.[/B] [B][U]Par Excellence vs. Seek & Destroy[/U][/B] In a match between a bonafide superstar tag team and an up-and-coming one, it was obvious to see what kind of promise the latter shows. They fought bravely but there was too much synergy between the members of Par Excellence…and too much Melissa, to boot! Single Minor on Ikuko Temko extended Par Excellence’s undefeated streak. [B]Par Excellence defeated Seek & Destroy by pinfall.[/B] Cherry Bomb is in the ring with Lollipop and says, “[I][COLOR="Red"]Understand Bali, this isn’t personal but you’re actin’ up right now. So bring your fat ass out here so I can put my foot in it![/COLOR][/I]” [B]Emma Chase:[/B] [I][COLOR="Red"]This can’t be good….[/COLOR][/I] [B][U]Cherry Bomb w/Etsuko Mita & Lollipop vs. Samoan Machine w/Dark Angel & Carmen Electra[/U][/B] Classic strong style match with some high flying thrown in. Carmen Electra distracts the referee, allowing Samoan Machine to choke Cherry Bomb for almost a minute, while Etsuko Mita screams at the ref to turn around. While Cherry Bomb is in obvious distress, Samoan Machine pulls off a wide variety of power moves, ending with a spear that seems to fold Cherry Bomb up like an accordion. Groggily, she rolls out of the ring and begins to crawl on all fours up the ramp. Lollipop distracts the ref as Samoan Machine, sensing victory, leaves the ring and begins stalking Cherry Bomb. Etsuko approaches him from the back, only to get clotheslined by Dark Angel. Turning to her back, Cherry Bomb shines a goofy smile on Samoan Machine as she gives him a swift kick between the legs, flooring him. The ref begins his count again as Cherry Bomb goes on the offensive, tossing Samoan Machine into the guardrails and the ring apron, before tossing him back into the ring. As Samoan Machine powers out of seemingly everything Cherry Bomb tries, she soon finds herself in a precarious predicament with the big Samoan’s hand around her throat. With a knee to the gut, she breaks his grip and manages to chokeslam him! ([B]Ayako Ishida:[/B] [I][COLOR="Blue"]OH MY GOD! Cherry Bomb has just chokeslammed a 300+ lb man!!![/COLOR][/I]) As Etsuko Mita and Dark Angel brawl outside the ring, the managers take turns trying to interfere in the action inside the ring. Finally, Lollipop levels Carmen Electra with a resounding chair shot that distracts the ref long enough for Cherry Bomb to land a field goal-style low blow, following with the Cherry Popper and the pin. [B]Cherry Bomb defeated Samoan Machine by pinfall.[/B] After the match, not content with merely getting the win, Cherry Bomb waits for Samoan Machine to slowly rise to his feet as Lollipop low blows him from behind and Cherry Bomb drops him with a twisting spinebuster and puts him into the figure four leglock. That is, until Dark Angel hits the Falling Angel Moonsault. The show closes with the four workers laid out in the ring.
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA Unity[/B][/SIZE] [B]Saturday Week 1 June, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 15,000 people at the Isaak Road Arena (Mid Atlantic) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Ayako Ishida:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][I]Good evening everyone and welcome to Triple A Unity. I am Ayako Ishida joined by Emma Chase and Melanie Florence and Mel, given the events of only a few days ago, you’d have to think that this could be a very volatile environment.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [I][COLOR="Blue"]Indeed, it does have the potential to develop into a powder keg. But Emma has some insight on a few debuts we have scheduled for tonight, don’t you?[/COLOR][/I] [B]Emma Chase:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][I]You know I do. The Extreme One always has the scoop on the goings on in Triple A and this is no exception. Tonight we’ll see a talented young student of the Japanese strong style in Craig Charisma make his debut as well as veteran luchadore Jose Soto and a surprisingly capable young technician will surprise us with his debut. Let’s go down to the ring![/I][/COLOR] [B][U]Lioness Lea w/Questra & Delirio vs. Craig Charisma[/U][/B] This match up between two strong stylers showed how much potential they have but also how green they both are. It didn’t take long for Lea to hit her Towerhacker Bomb finisher then follow up with the LSD Trip for the submission victory. [B]Lioness Lea defeated Craig Charisma by submission.[/B] [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [I][COLOR="Blue"]Something tells me this won’t be the last time these two meet in the ring. Great showing by the Lioness![/COLOR][/I] [B][U]Chitose Ariwara w/Princesa Sugey & Blonde Bombshell vs. Jose Soto[/U][/B] One-half of Uncut’s Junior tag champions in a rare singles appearance, went toe to toe and matched aerial maneuvers with the more seasoned lucha performer. After Soto missed on a flying headbutt, that left Chitose in perfect position to hit the Spiral Tap for the win. [B]Chitose Ariwara defeated Jose Soto by pinfall.[/B] [B]Ayako Ishida:[/B] "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Joining Emma and I on commentary for the next match, [B]Kristabel Plum[/B]![/COLOR][/I]" [B][U]Chikayo Nagashima (c) vs. Riptide for the RAW Intercontinental title[/U][/B] Between Riptide’s obvious ring rust and the catcalls between Kristabel and Chikayo, this match went on longer than it should have. In the end, after interference from Jade Chung, the Nagashima Footstomp hit and the pinfall soon followed. [B]Chikayo Nagashima defeated Riptide by pinfall to retain the RAW Intercontinental title[/B] [B]Kristabel Plum:[/B] “[I][COLOR="Blue"]Y’see? She can’t win without cheating. I’ve beaten her fair and square in non-title matches but once the title’s on the line, she finds a way to draw a DQ. Hey Chikayo, lookie here.[/COLOR][/I]” She holds up a legal size sheet of paper. “[I][COLOR="Blue"]This says that next week on RAW, you face me with the title on the line, in an extreme rules match. Oh, and Jade Chung is banned from ringside. Enjoy your last few days as champion![/COLOR][/I]” [B]Emma Chase:[/B] [I][COLOR="Red"]Hmm, that doesn’t bode well for the current Intercontinental champion.[/COLOR][/I] [B]Ayako Ishida:[/B] "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Breath of fresh air for Kristabel, I bet.[/COLOR][/I]" [B][U]X-Force vs. East Wind, non-title match[/U][/B] The junior tag team members of Manami Toyota’s Justice League stable more than held their own against the wily veteran team. In the end, Sparkles hit the Diamond Cutter on Mima Shimoda on the outside, allowing Emi Sakura an unfettered attempt at a Nyah Nyah Press for the pinfall victory! [B]X-Force (Sparkles & Emi Sakura) defeated East Wind (Mima Shimoda & Tsubasa Kuragaki) by pinfall[/B] [B]Ayako Ishida:[/B] "You have to think this earns X-Force a shot at the RAW Junior tag titles." [B]Emma Chase:[/B] "[I][COLOR="Red"]It should. But now it’s time for another Extreme Exclusive! This time, I got a chance to sit down and talk with the convalescing RAW Femme Fatale champion, [B]LuFisto[/B]![/COLOR][/I]" A video plays of Emma’s interview with LuFisto, bandaged with nasty blue splotches on her face. She says, “[COLOR="Blue"][I]That was a pretty opportune attack. After the war with Jillian, I had nothing left. Doctors say I won’t be able to wrestle for a while but that’s okay. Every minute I spend in this hospital, I think about what you pukes did to me and it motivates me to come back. But in the meantime, I’m calling in favors and, as I’m sure Nikki will tell you, when I do come back, there’s going to be hell to pay. And the bottom line is, I still have this…[/I][/COLOR]” She raises the RAW Femme Fatale title and fixes a determined look directly into the camera. [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][I]I’ve never seen her quite so wound up and intense.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Ayako Ishida:[/B] [I][COLOR="Blue"]I don’t even want to think about what kind of surprises she has in store…[/COLOR][/I] [B][U]Blue Angels vs. Mas Ruda[/U][/B] Good match that saw Tiffany take an enormous beating at the hands of Tamara and Ayako, while trying to protect Shantelle from being isolated. But after a dropsault from Ayako knocked Shantelle out of the ring, the Angels hit the Warp Drive for the pinfall win. [B]Blue Angels (Tamara McFly & Ayako Hamada) defeated Mas Ruda (Shantelle Taylor & Tiffany Diabolica) by pinfall.[/B] We’re taken to the ring where a wiry, mousy looking man is holding a microphone. He says, “[I][COLOR="Red"]You people don’t know me now. But in a few months, no one will be able to deny knowledge of the technical master known as……[B]FLEMMY LEMMING[/B]![/COLOR][/I]” [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [I][COLOR="Blue"]Well, he certainly doesn’t lack in confidence…[/COLOR][/I] [B][U]Eve Grunge vs. Flemmy Lemming[/U][/B] A mat-based, technical masterpiece that turned out extremely well, even with Flemmy’s lack of notoriety. After powering out of a ropes-assisted abdominal stretch, Eve went on the offensive, finally landing her Pearl Jam finisher followed by Nirvana, forcing Flemmy to tap. [B]Eve Grunge defeated Flemmy Lemming by submission.[/B] The cameras cut to the locker room where Powers of Pain and Waking Nightmare are arguing. Cherry Bomb says, “[I][COLOR="Red"]I thought you guys had our backs. Now, because of your incompetence, we lost the freakin’ tag titles. You guys suck![/COLOR][/I]” as she turns her back on them. Samoan Machine responds to the obvious show of disrespect by advancing on her before Dark Angel restrains him. Samoan Machine responds, “[I][COLOR="Red"]You two are just lucky we’re not eligible for the titles or else we’d win ‘em back ourselves instead of sitting around whining about it.[/COLOR][/I]” Cherry Bomb bristles at the insinuation as Etsuko Mita looks Dark Angel right in the eye and asks, “[I][COLOR="Red"]You two think you’re better than we are? You really believe that?[/COLOR][/I]” to which Dark Angel responds, “[I][COLOR="Red"]Did I say that? Did you hear me say that?[/COLOR][/I]”. Cherry Bomb says, “[I][COLOR="Red"]I know what we’ll do. We’ll see how much of a “machine” you are….[/COLOR][/I]” as she walks out of the room. [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][I]Trouble in paradise?[/I][/COLOR] [B]Emma Chase:[/B] [I][COLOR="Red"]These things happen. Losing the tag titles is stressful. People lash out when they’re angry or distraught. This’ll blow over, believe me.[/COLOR][/I] [B]Nikki Roxx[/B] comes to the ring, mic in hand. “[I][COLOR="Blue"]As many of you saw, a bunch of cowards took it upon themselves to attempt to permanently incapacitate one of the greatest workers this sport has ever seen. But while they may have done a significant amount of damage to her body, they’ve only ignited a fire in her spirit. She’s patient, I’m not. In fact, the only thing keeping me from coming back there and decimating you chumps is a promise I made to LuFisto. You bitches are going to get yours, soon enough. In the meantime, I’m going to take out my anger on this poor, unfortunate soul.[/COLOR][/I]” [B][U]Nikki Roxx vs. Hidekazu[/U][/B] While Hidekazu showed a lot of spirit to start the match, he couldn’t contend with the unbridled fury of Nikki Roxx. After countering a powerbomb attempt into a modified belly-to-back piledriver, she locked in a crossface, forcing the submission. [B]Nikki Roxx defeated Hidekazu by submission.[/B] Following the match, the lights in the arena went out while eerie organ music began playing. When the lights came back up, Nikki found herself surrounded in the ring by [B]Dark Maiden[/B], [B]Shelly Martinez[/B], [B]Black Widow[/B], and [B]Wendy Anderson[/B]. Black Widow was first to advance, only to find herself on the receiving end of a twisting spinebuster. Wendy came next and caught a Superkick right in the mouth. As Dark Maiden subdues Nikki, Shelly Martinez advances with a chair in hand. She swings, and Nikki ducks out of the way as Dark Maiden takes the chair shot. Nikki then kicks Shelly in the gut and hits the Roxx Off onto the chair. Standing tall in the ring, she lets out a feral roar and stares at the heels regrouping in the aisle. Then after a moment, she stands up straight and smiles, looking at the top of the ramp. Following her eyes, [B]Karen Killer[/B] turns and goes white as a proverbial ghost as, standing at the top of the ramp is [B][COLOR="Blue"]The Power Plant[/COLOR][/B] ([B]Jungle Jack[/B] & [B]Tim Westybrook[/B]), [B][COLOR="Blue"]The Spice Girls[/COLOR][/B] ([B]Ashley Paige[/B] & [B]Lisa Fury[/B]), and [B]Rei Chikanatsu[/B]. Then, the arena lights go out and on the Jumbotron, a gothic montage video plays with a voice narrating. “[I][COLOR="Red"]The hour is yours, the day is mine. Consult with history.[/COLOR][/I]” as the video closes with a shot of LuFisto lying on the mat at Babe Blast, in a pool of blood. When the lights come back on, the members of The Darkness are nowhere to be seen, leaving a frustrated Nikki Roxx in the ring. [B]Emma Chase:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][I]Okay, this is getting more than a little weird.[/I][/COLOR] [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [I][COLOR="Blue"]Getting?!?[/COLOR][/I] [B][U]Melody Cuthill (c) vs. Saori Nakadan for the Uncut World Women’s title[/U][/B] In a match showing Melody’s ever-improving overall game, this back and forth match flowed between styles. Starting as a technical affair, it then moved to high flying, ending with a brawlfest that led to Melody hitting the Cutter for the pinfall victory and title defense. [B]Melody Cuthill defeated Saori Nakadan by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Women’s title.[/B] [B]Remianen[/B] comes out to the ring and is handed a mic. “[COLOR="Red"][I]We have an unusual treat for you tonight. As a result of an urgent request by one of the participants, tonight’s main event will have Cherry Bomb facing off against Samoan Machine! May the best…erm, person, win![/I][/COLOR]” [B]Melanie Florence:[/B] [I][COLOR="Blue"]Yeah, this’ll blow over.[/COLOR][/I] *rolls eyes* Ayako Ishida laughs as Emma Chase glowers. [B][U]Sensational Thunder (c) vs Sakura Michi for the Uncut World Tag Team titles[/U][/B] Excellent match between two veteran teams that saw Michiko Omukai, in particular, distinguish herself. Sensational Ogiwara secured the victory for her team after a Sensational Stunner on Sakura Hirota. [B]Sensational Thunder defeated Sakura Michi by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Tag Team titles.[/B] [B][U]Par Excellence vs. Seek & Destroy[/U][/B] In a match between a bonafide superstar tag team and an up-and-coming one, it was obvious to see what kind of promise the latter shows. They fought bravely but there was too much synergy between the members of Par Excellence…and too much Melissa, to boot! Single Minor on Ikuko Temko extended Par Excellence’s undefeated streak. [B]Par Excellence defeated Seek & Destroy by pinfall.[/B] Cherry Bomb is in the ring with Lollipop and says, “[I][COLOR="Red"]Understand Bali, this isn’t personal but you’re actin’ up right now. So bring your fat ass out here so I can put my foot in it![/COLOR][/I]” [B]Emma Chase:[/B] [I][COLOR="Red"]This can’t be good….[/COLOR][/I] [B][U]Cherry Bomb w/Etsuko Mita & Lollipop vs. Samoan Machine w/Dark Angel & Carmen Electra[/U][/B] Classic strong style match with some high flying thrown in. Carmen Electra distracts the referee, allowing Samoan Machine to choke Cherry Bomb for almost a minute, while Etsuko Mita screams at the ref to turn around. While Cherry Bomb is in obvious distress, Samoan Machine pulls off a wide variety of power moves, ending with a spear that seems to fold Cherry Bomb up like an accordion. Groggily, she rolls out of the ring and begins to crawl on all fours up the ramp. Lollipop distracts the ref as Samoan Machine, sensing victory, leaves the ring and begins stalking Cherry Bomb. Etsuko approaches him from the back, only to get clotheslined by Dark Angel. Turning to her back, Cherry Bomb shines a goofy smile on Samoan Machine as she gives him a swift kick between the legs, flooring him. The ref begins his count again as Cherry Bomb goes on the offensive, tossing Samoan Machine into the guardrails and the ring apron, before tossing him back into the ring. As Samoan Machine powers out of seemingly everything Cherry Bomb tries, she soon finds herself in a precarious predicament with the big Samoan’s hand around her throat. With a knee to the gut, she breaks his grip and manages to chokeslam him! ([B]Ayako Ishida:[/B] [I][COLOR="Blue"]OH MY GOD! Cherry Bomb has just chokeslammed a 300+ lb man!!![/COLOR][/I]) As Etsuko Mita and Dark Angel brawl outside the ring, the managers take turns trying to interfere in the action inside the ring. Finally, Lollipop levels Carmen Electra with a resounding chair shot that distracts the ref long enough for Cherry Bomb to land a field goal-style low blow, following with the Cherry Popper and the pin. [B]Cherry Bomb defeated Samoan Machine by pinfall.[/B] After the match, not content with merely getting the win, Cherry Bomb waits for Samoan Machine to slowly rise to his feet as Lollipop low blows him from behind and Cherry Bomb drops him with a twisting spinebuster and puts him into the figure four leglock. That is, until Dark Angel hits the Falling Angel Moonsault. The show closes with the four workers laid out in the ring.
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA RAW is WAR[/B][/SIZE] [B]Tuesday Week 2 June, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 15,000 people at the Toyota Center (Mid South) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I] [B]Announce team:[/B] Jane Childs, Melanie Florence, Sue Danes[/CENTER] [I][COLOR="Blue"]Welcome everyone to RAW is WAR. I am Jane Childs alongside Melanie Florence and Sue Danes and in this, the first RAW after Babe Blast, we have quite the situation brewing. But first we have Jim Lou Freebush backstage with our RAW Lioness champion, Hailey Hatred![/COLOR][/I] [B]Jim Lou Freebush[/B]: [I][COLOR="Blue"]Hailey, you’ve been running roughshod over all challengers thus far but tonight, you go head to head with former MMA superstar, Cathy Vaughan. She is thus far undefeated since debuting for AAA….[/COLOR][/I] [B]Hailey Hatred[/B]: [COLOR="Red"][I]Listen Mary Lou…[/I][/COLOR] [B]Jim Lou Freebush[/B]: [COLOR="Blue"][I]Jim Lou…[/I][/COLOR] [B]Hailey Hatred[/B]: [I][COLOR="Red"]Whatever. She’s done a lot outside this company but she hasn’t beaten anyone of note here. This isn’t MMA, she’s going to have to learn to respect those of us who HAVE beaten true superstars. And I’m going to teach her that tonight![/COLOR][/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]RAW Lioness title match[/COLOR][/B] [B]Cathy Vaughan vs. Hailey Hatred (c)[/B] Spirited match that saw Cathy prevail with her Bermuda Triangle finisher. To her credit, Hailey wouldn’t tap out so lost the match (and the title) soon after she lost consciousness. [B]Cathy Vaughan defeated Hailey Hatred by knockout to win the RAW Lioness title.[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]AAA Hardcore title match[/B][/COLOR] [B]Kaoru Ito vs. Yumiko Hotta (c)[/B] Brutal match that saw Kaoru pick up the victory (and the title) after hitting Spiral Bombs onto a chair, through a table, and onto the steel entrance ramp. [B] Kaoru Ito defeated Yumiko Hotta by pinfall to win the AAA Hardcore title.[/B] The cameras cut backstage to Jim Lou, standing by with Kristabel Plum. “[COLOR="Blue"][I]Y’know Jim Lou, this is my chance. My one chance to shine brighter than the sun. Chikayo can’t beat me in a fair fight, she’s proven that time and time again. Tonight, I get to see what I’m made of and Chikayo gets to go back to life without gold![/I][/COLOR]” [B][COLOR="Red"]RAW Intercontinental title match under Extreme Rules[/COLOR][/B] [B]Kristabel Plum vs. Chikayo Nagashima (c)[/B] Kristabel came out on fire, taking it right to the champion. But with some opportune underhanded tactics (eye rakes, thumbs to the eye), Chikayo managed to buy herself time on several occasions. But an overhead belly-to-belly suplex off the top rope sealed the champion’s fate. [B]Kristabel Plum defeated Chikayo Nagashima by pinfall to win the RAW Intercontinental title.[/B] [B]Karen Killer[/B] is seen walking backstage with a demented look on her face. [COLOR="Red"][B]RAW Junior Tag Team title match[/B][/COLOR] [B]The Spice Girls vs. East Wind (c)[/B] Great matchup that saw a back and forth battle turn sour for the younger team when Mima Shimoda followed a hot shot by Tsubasa with her Deathlake Driver for the successful defense. [B]East Wind defeated The Spice Girls by pinfall to retain the RAW Junior Tag Team titles.[/B] After the match, the arena’s lights went out and the eerie organ music started up as a scene played on the Jumbotron. In it a voice said, “[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][I]Train up a child in the way she should go and when she is old, she will not depart from it. Well young Spice Girls, your training starts……now.[/I][/COLOR]” With that, the lights came back up and two masked men were standing in the ring with Ashley Paige and Lisa Fury. Karen Killer at ringside with a mic says, “[I][COLOR="Red"]Acid! Elestor! Teach them! Teach them the price of interfering with the work of the Angel of the Dark![/COLOR][/I]” Immediately, the two men began laying a horrific beating on the two young women. That is, until Nikki Roxx and The Power Plant ran in to put a stop to that. [B]Sue Danes:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][I]ACID?!? From DaVE?!? What’s he doing [B]HERE[/B]?!?[/I][/COLOR] [B]Sayuri Okino vs. Tracy Brooks[/B] Good match that saw a lot of back and forth action before Tracy hit the Brooks and Done seemingly out of nowhere to pick up the victory. [B]Tracy Brooks defeated Sayuri Okino by pinfall.[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]RAW World Tag Team title match[/COLOR][/B] [B]KT Inoue vs. Intensity (c)[/B] Old school vs new school in this battle of potent tag teams. The new school proved more resilient as Intensity hit the Killer Crossover on Kyoko for the victory and successful title defense. [B] Intensity defeated KT Inoue by pinfall to retain the RAW World Tag Team titles.[/B] [B]Tai vs. Samoan Machine[/B] Following his embarrassing loss to Cherry Bomb days prior, Samoan Machine came out with a score to settle. Firing on all cylinders, he dismantled Tai, who is no slouch in the ring herself. Unbreakable Sleeper forced her to tap. [B]Samoan Machine defeated Tai by submission.[/B] [B]Missy Masterson vs. Jacqueline[/B] In a match between contrasting styles, Missy really distinguished herself. After scoring with a missile dropkick, she signaled for and hit the Identity Crisis for the win. [B] Missy Masterson defeated Jacqueline by pinfall.[/B] [B]Blue Angels vs. The Outcasts[/B] This was a match that underlined the respective heritages of Ayako and Tamara. One exchange saw Tamara reverse Linda Miles into the corner and, taking a page from her big brother’s playbook, land a series of 22 consecutive McFly Chops, drawing blood from her larger opponent. In the end, the familial connections of the Blue Angels were never more apparent than when they closed the match with Ayako hitting the Hama-chan Cutter on Linda Miles and Tamara McFly picking up the victory after scoring with her brother’s finisher, the DeLorean Driver, on Sable. [B]Blue Angels defeated The Outcasts by pinfall.[/B] The cameras cut to backstage as Nikki Roxx is talking to Ashley Paige and Lisa Fury assuring them that everything is all under control. Three men walk into the locker room outside of the camera shot and Nikki looks up and says, “Glad you guys could make it.” as Ashley and Lisa look on wide-eyed. [B][COLOR="Red"]AAA Pure Wrestling Championship match[/COLOR][/B] [B]Yumi Fukawa vs. Mariko Yoshida (c)[/B] A match that really showed Mariko’s versatile skillset and raised the profile of Yumi Fukawa, but the Spider Twist claims another victim. [B]Mariko Yoshida defeated Yumi Fukawa by submission to retain the AAA Pure Wrestling title.[/B] [B]Manami Toyota vs. Desire[/B] School was most definitely in session in this match. Manami Toyota carried Desire throughout this match while still giving the less talented, younger performer a chance to shine. But after countering a Lust Dropper attempt into the Japanese Queen Bee Bomb, the pinfall was academic. [B]Manami Toyota defeated Desire by pinfall.[/B] [B]Jillian Hall vs. Nikki Roxx[/B] Nikki came out on fire but was quickly slowed down as Jillian tried to buy time by cycling through a variety of rest holds. After Jillian’s Superkick attempt missed, she took a kick to the gut, the Roxx Off and the loss. [B]Nikki Roxx defeated Jillian Hall by pinfall.[/B] Immediately after the bell rang, the lights in the arena went out and an eerie montage began playing on the Jumbotron, accented with “The Angel arrives…next week”. When the lights come back on, Nikki Roxx is standing in the ring watching the screen with the men called Acid and Elestor standing behind her preparing to pounce. She turns and leapfrogs Acid’s spear attempt and superkicks Elestor before high-tailing it out of the ring and into the crowd. Once in the crowd, she turns around and starts laughing before the show closes.
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA RAW is WAR[/B][/SIZE] [B]Tuesday Week 2 June, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 15,000 people at the Toyota Center (Mid South) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I] [B]Announce team:[/B] Jane Childs, Melanie Florence, Sue Danes[/CENTER] [I][COLOR="Blue"]Welcome everyone to RAW is WAR. I am Jane Childs alongside Melanie Florence and Sue Danes and in this, the first RAW after Babe Blast, we have quite the situation brewing. But first we have Jim Lou Freebush backstage with our RAW Lioness champion, Hailey Hatred![/COLOR][/I] [B]Jim Lou Freebush[/B]: [I][COLOR="Blue"]Hailey, you’ve been running roughshod over all challengers thus far but tonight, you go head to head with former MMA superstar, Cathy Vaughan. She is thus far undefeated since debuting for AAA….[/COLOR][/I] [B]Hailey Hatred[/B]: [COLOR="Red"][I]Listen Mary Lou…[/I][/COLOR] [B]Jim Lou Freebush[/B]: [COLOR="Blue"][I]Jim Lou…[/I][/COLOR] [B]Hailey Hatred[/B]: [I][COLOR="Red"]Whatever. She’s done a lot outside this company but she hasn’t beaten anyone of note here. This isn’t MMA, she’s going to have to learn to respect those of us who HAVE beaten true superstars. And I’m going to teach her that tonight![/COLOR][/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]RAW Lioness title match[/COLOR][/B] [B]Cathy Vaughan vs. Hailey Hatred (c)[/B] Spirited match that saw Cathy prevail with her Bermuda Triangle finisher. To her credit, Hailey wouldn’t tap out so lost the match (and the title) soon after she lost consciousness. [B]Cathy Vaughan defeated Hailey Hatred by knockout to win the RAW Lioness title.[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]AAA Hardcore title match[/B][/COLOR] [B]Kaoru Ito vs. Yumiko Hotta (c)[/B] Brutal match that saw Kaoru pick up the victory (and the title) after hitting Spiral Bombs onto a chair, through a table, and onto the steel entrance ramp. [B] Kaoru Ito defeated Yumiko Hotta by pinfall to win the AAA Hardcore title.[/B] The cameras cut backstage to Jim Lou, standing by with Kristabel Plum. “[COLOR="Blue"][I]Y’know Jim Lou, this is my chance. My one chance to shine brighter than the sun. Chikayo can’t beat me in a fair fight, she’s proven that time and time again. Tonight, I get to see what I’m made of and Chikayo gets to go back to life without gold![/I][/COLOR]” [B][COLOR="Red"]RAW Intercontinental title match under Extreme Rules[/COLOR][/B] [B]Kristabel Plum vs. Chikayo Nagashima (c)[/B] Kristabel came out on fire, taking it right to the champion. But with some opportune underhanded tactics (eye rakes, thumbs to the eye), Chikayo managed to buy herself time on several occasions. But an overhead belly-to-belly suplex off the top rope sealed the champion’s fate. [B]Kristabel Plum defeated Chikayo Nagashima by pinfall to win the RAW Intercontinental title.[/B] [B]Karen Killer[/B] is seen walking backstage with a demented look on her face. [COLOR="Red"][B]RAW Junior Tag Team title match[/B][/COLOR] [B]The Spice Girls vs. East Wind (c)[/B] Great matchup that saw a back and forth battle turn sour for the younger team when Mima Shimoda followed a hot shot by Tsubasa with her Deathlake Driver for the successful defense. [B]East Wind defeated The Spice Girls by pinfall to retain the RAW Junior Tag Team titles.[/B] After the match, the arena’s lights went out and the eerie organ music started up as a scene played on the Jumbotron. In it a voice said, “[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][I]Train up a child in the way she should go and when she is old, she will not depart from it. Well young Spice Girls, your training starts……now.[/I][/COLOR]” With that, the lights came back up and two masked men were standing in the ring with Ashley Paige and Lisa Fury. Karen Killer at ringside with a mic says, “[I][COLOR="Red"]Acid! Elestor! Teach them! Teach them the price of interfering with the work of the Angel of the Dark![/COLOR][/I]” Immediately, the two men began laying a horrific beating on the two young women. That is, until Nikki Roxx and The Power Plant ran in to put a stop to that. [B]Sue Danes:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][I]ACID?!? From DaVE?!? What’s he doing [B]HERE[/B]?!?[/I][/COLOR] [B]Sayuri Okino vs. Tracy Brooks[/B] Good match that saw a lot of back and forth action before Tracy hit the Brooks and Done seemingly out of nowhere to pick up the victory. [B]Tracy Brooks defeated Sayuri Okino by pinfall.[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]RAW World Tag Team title match[/COLOR][/B] [B]KT Inoue vs. Intensity (c)[/B] Old school vs new school in this battle of potent tag teams. The new school proved more resilient as Intensity hit the Killer Crossover on Kyoko for the victory and successful title defense. [B] Intensity defeated KT Inoue by pinfall to retain the RAW World Tag Team titles.[/B] [B]Tai vs. Samoan Machine[/B] Following his embarrassing loss to Cherry Bomb days prior, Samoan Machine came out with a score to settle. Firing on all cylinders, he dismantled Tai, who is no slouch in the ring herself. Unbreakable Sleeper forced her to tap. [B]Samoan Machine defeated Tai by submission.[/B] [B]Missy Masterson vs. Jacqueline[/B] In a match between contrasting styles, Missy really distinguished herself. After scoring with a missile dropkick, she signaled for and hit the Identity Crisis for the win. [B] Missy Masterson defeated Jacqueline by pinfall.[/B] [B]Blue Angels vs. The Outcasts[/B] This was a match that underlined the respective heritages of Ayako and Tamara. One exchange saw Tamara reverse Linda Miles into the corner and, taking a page from her big brother’s playbook, land a series of 22 consecutive McFly Chops, drawing blood from her larger opponent. In the end, the familial connections of the Blue Angels were never more apparent than when they closed the match with Ayako hitting the Hama-chan Cutter on Linda Miles and Tamara McFly picking up the victory after scoring with her brother’s finisher, the DeLorean Driver, on Sable. [B]Blue Angels defeated The Outcasts by pinfall.[/B] The cameras cut to backstage as Nikki Roxx is talking to Ashley Paige and Lisa Fury assuring them that everything is all under control. Three men walk into the locker room outside of the camera shot and Nikki looks up and says, “Glad you guys could make it.” as Ashley and Lisa look on wide-eyed. [B][COLOR="Red"]AAA Pure Wrestling Championship match[/COLOR][/B] [B]Yumi Fukawa vs. Mariko Yoshida (c)[/B] A match that really showed Mariko’s versatile skillset and raised the profile of Yumi Fukawa, but the Spider Twist claims another victim. [B]Mariko Yoshida defeated Yumi Fukawa by submission to retain the AAA Pure Wrestling title.[/B] [B]Manami Toyota vs. Desire[/B] School was most definitely in session in this match. Manami Toyota carried Desire throughout this match while still giving the less talented, younger performer a chance to shine. But after countering a Lust Dropper attempt into the Japanese Queen Bee Bomb, the pinfall was academic. [B]Manami Toyota defeated Desire by pinfall.[/B] [B]Jillian Hall vs. Nikki Roxx[/B] Nikki came out on fire but was quickly slowed down as Jillian tried to buy time by cycling through a variety of rest holds. After Jillian’s Superkick attempt missed, she took a kick to the gut, the Roxx Off and the loss. [B]Nikki Roxx defeated Jillian Hall by pinfall.[/B] Immediately after the bell rang, the lights in the arena went out and an eerie montage began playing on the Jumbotron, accented with “The Angel arrives…next week”. When the lights come back on, Nikki Roxx is standing in the ring watching the screen with the men called Acid and Elestor standing behind her preparing to pounce. She turns and leapfrogs Acid’s spear attempt and superkicks Elestor before high-tailing it out of the ring and into the crowd. Once in the crowd, she turns around and starts laughing before the show closes.
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