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Worker Availability HELP

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I'm relatively new to TEW and made the mistake of negotiating a deal with a broadcaster that was accepted; the problem is that I have a few workers in particular that are on a Paid Per Appearance deal that have other priorities.


My question is, is it possible for me to book them for my show before they get booked at their other promotions? The reason that I believe this is possible is because when I check the worker profiles and click on Availability, it says that they have "potential bookings" so is it possible for them not to be booked for that week anywhere else, and will I be able to book them on my promotion over their other promotion/s? I guess it'd depend on the size of my promotion. I've looked through the small questions thread and haven't found help to this.


-Any info at all would be helpful, thanks.

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<p>First, you can go in and change the date of your TV show as long as it is before you air it as the game won't let you skip weeks (say it is on Thursday and it's now Wed., you can't change it to Tuesday. But moving it to Saturday would be fine.). So, if it is on a busy day for your workers, you can do that.</p><p> </p><p>

Second, worker availability is based upon your fed's influence vs the other feds'. You can check that via the Company Wars tab on the news screen. If you're higher than them, you get the worker. If not, you won't. If you're the same size as they are, you can go into the editor and change your company's prestige level to higher than theirs and you'll get them since that's what that rating is based on. You'd just have to keep it there. If they're bigger than you, that won't help much though, and you'll need to move the show.</p>

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