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1995: All is Fair in Love and War

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Weekly Booking Meeting in Atlanta, GA

Featuring Hulk Hogan, Dusty Rhodes, and Ric Flair


Dusty: So Terry, you've gotten that PPV cherry broken. Feeling better?


Hulk: Yeah, I'm sorry about Sunday. I was wound up too tight. Turns out Randy is just as good as he's always been. Thank God Vince was too stupid to keep him as a wrestler.


Dusty: chuckles Or keep a better eye on Steph.


Hulk: I know better to bring that up with him, but he's not that stupid.


Ric: walks in singing En Vogue and Salt-N-Peppa's Whatta Man Even I know to steer clear of her. She's gonna marry some schmuck with less of a mind for business than Vince does. Anyways, let's focus on the World Title picture.


Dusty: There are other things we need to discuss besides what involves you, Ric.


Hulk: That's the one advantage of Nitro. We can dump the Giant vs Luger match there and save the Savage vs Flair match for Saturday Night when you two can go kill it. Just try not to miss a chop and hit his nose, Ric. Doctors are going to clear him on Monday, but broken noses are tender for a week or so.


Dusty: All kidding aside Ric, it's great you're pushing for Arn and Pillman to get shots at the US title. We can always run Sting vs Flair and print money.


Hulk: Or Flair vs me too. Flair starts singing Whatta Man again Why do we pump up his ego, Dusty? Are we sure about the US tag titles? We've got 5 titles already. One more might be too much to book.


Dusty: This is for Harlem Heat. We've got so many guys the fans view as big stars to fight over the World Tag Titles. This is going to keep them looking great and build them up in the eyes of the fans. The Road Warriors and Steiners aren't going to be around forever. There's something about Booker T. We need to nurture that talent. Bobby and Tommy (The Fantastics) know how to do that.


Ric: We're loaded with talent. Plus, WCW is tag team wrestling. It's a good idea. It's a shame Turner won't let you expand Nitro until next spring.


Hulk: At least I made him happy by showing him the gate and PPV buyrate numbers. We're going to be in the black forever at this rate. Okay, let's just call Larry in and hammer out this opening promo for Saturday Night.




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