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Your favorite mods?

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1. WCW Lives - Had a monster save with that, 5 years in, stole The Rock in one of the biggest contract signings ever, beating WWE eventually felt amazing. It also made me understand the game much more.


2. Fleisch's Falshpoint: My Stampede diary, which held on for a solid 2 months lol, was so fun and different from what I usually do.


3. BurningHamster's Dawn of Attitude 1996 - The only time I booked WWF/E and liked it, what a hell of a roster!


4. Derek B's C-Verse 2016 Reworked - This isn't as big a mod as the rest, but it's the real Default Cornellverse for me.


5. Fleisch's Diablo X - More specifically, my tweaked version where I added in a Dragon Ball Z company.

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Thunderverse is easily my favorite and most played mod.


Londonverse is a solid and enjoyable mod that I've come to like a lot. I tend to combine the two to create a nice big world.


I've almost no knowledge of the Cverse and rarely attempt it, but in a "what the hell" mood one day I tried Derek B's CVerse 97 mod, been enjoying that a lot. I did import a few Thunderverse women to get a jump start on the women's scene, as in Cverse it seems pretty scarce outside of Japan until the mid 2000s.


As for real world, Flashpoint is a lot of fun and the Ruthless Aggression mod is a good time period in wrestling, but I usually play fantasy mods.

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Thunderverse is my favorite mod for sure. I remember once someone requested some Thunderverse cuts on the C-verse background, and I liked a couple of them so I downloaded the mod myself for the same purpose, figuring there'd be more good pics as well. So I was going through the folder and then I figured, instead of just taking the pics, I should import the whole workers, because the hardcore scene in the C-verse is very thin.


So I started a game just to check out the workers and I quickly noticed how much more alive and robust the world felt. It's everything that the C-verse is and much more. And especially as someone who likes to run hardcore/deathmatch companies, it's been an absolute godsend. Tons of liberal workers, and plenty of decent hardcore ones, with hardcore companies operating in most areas (none in Europe, but two in the US).


I think people would be amazed at how big this mod is and how much work went into it.


It's the only mod in the fifteen year history of TEW to be officially endorsed by Adam Ryland, and for good reason.


I cannot recommend it highly enough.

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Thunderverse is the best by far. Very wellmade fictional world with very interesting workers and promotions. I wish guys someday continue working with Thunderverse universe but looks like It's not going to happen.


Real life mods I love Fleisch's mods and Mammoth's Shifting Sands (2006).

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