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[RockVerse] Chi-Town Urban Combat

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[Excerpt from the Calvin and Jerry podcast]




Calvin: So Jerry, check this out; New Horror Extreme Wrestling made it in the East Coast, then LeftCoast Ultraviolence opened shop in California...


Jerry: Originally as a tribute, before of course we're back to East versus West...


Calvin: But now we have a new player in the MID West!




Jerry: Oh God... Is there even a market for this venture? I mean, Detroit may have been a better choice...


Calvin: They call themselves "The Misfits of the Midwest"


Jerry: I've heard worse... Actually, that's kinda catchy


Calvin: They have announced a show for the second Sunday of January guess what... It's gonna be televised!


Jerry: Oh man, now we've gotta see it! I love a bit of indy wrestlecrap if it's done right.


Calvin: It's on CTV USA Mid West, so it's gonna take some effort but we'll be watching and all our listeners can expect an extensive breakdown in our following podcast!


Author's note: So I teased a CVerse97 diary as BBW on the diary hype thread; while I did start the save and had a lot of fun, it all went downhill when my next big thing injured my user character pretty bad and refused to renew his contract just as I was about to have him win a tournament for the new midcard belt, which in turn killed my momentum playing that save. As much as I love the CVerse, I feel that by this point I've played out most of the scenarios I wanted to try so I decided to switch to the RockVerse instead. Willr0ck once wrote he'd want to see me give one of the hardcore promotions a go, so here it is. As for the writing style, I loved that old Pteroid "Wrestlers of Mass Destruction" diary formatted as a Vibert's Voice podcast and even tried to emulate it for a brief go as Phoenix Wrestling Company, plus I've been watching/hearing a lot of the Brian and Vinny show lately, so I felt like it's a good chance to try this again and have these two retired tag team RockVerse wrestlers break down my shows.
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Calvin: So, Chi-Town Urban Combat put on it's debut show, titled "Battle Lines" and I'm here with Jerry to review the glorious mess that thing was...


Jerry: You know, with a title like this you'd expect them to declare war on the other two major hardcore promotions, but I don't see that happening any time soon... I'm not sure it's actually possible anytime soon!


Calvin: Alright, let's take it from the top now, the company would have you believe they're based in Chigago but the show actually took place in Ravenwood, Missouri...


Jerry: Real pro wrestling hotspot, Ravenwood...


Calvin: ...and to be precise, the venue was the town's social center, Farmer Jep's...


Jerry: Is that what it sounds like?


Calvin: It is exactly what it sounds like, it's a barn and from what I'm reading here it is capable of seating 450 people for a wrestling show...


Jerry: Not that they sold out the show...


Calvin: That would have been a sight to see, Jerry, given that Ravenwood's total population is 447!


Jerry: Then they could have bragged about selling out the entire town! Seriously though, what was the attendance?


Calvin: 363 tickets and a little less than 2.500 viewers on TV, including the two of us.








Jerry: So the show kicks off with two faces I never expected to see, first off is the funkiest cat around, from Planet Funk...


Calvin: ...which is probably stuck in a '70s time loop...


Jerry: ...probably, I'm guessing they're trying to tap into that Motown demographic, it's Dr. Funkenstein!


Calvin: And he's up against "The Sicilian" Frankie Petruzzi, who is the most stereotypical Italian mobster you could think of, and then some. He's also got a nameless but very pretty lady accompanying him to the ring, who is not introduced...


Jerry: But we all know is Summer Whitley


Calvin: I felt poorly for Summer, you'd think the Missouri crowds would really hate her snobbish character but it's just not working.


Jerry: It did work for her client though, because it won him the match.


Calvin: And because it drew attention away from what was happening in that ring.


Jerry: Yeah the story is Dr. Funkenstein is all energetic, gets some offense going, pauses to bust a move...


Calvin: Gotta get that crowd going in the opener!


Jerry: Petruzzi gets a chance to brawl back, Funkenstein makes a comeback but Summer Whitley gets on the apron to distract him, he kisses her, crowd goes wild, Petruzzi grabs him, hits his finisher...


Calvin: ...which he calls the Lasagna Drop, by the way...


Jerry: ...one two three, Petruzzi wins a... eh, just under two star match, I'd say.


Calvin: And we move on to one of my personal favourites of the night...







Jerry: Good Lord...


Calvin: I mean it's obvious this is gonna be for shits and giggles, because out comes Skullmageddon the Annihilator and he's dragging his very own little mini-me in Skullsy the Skatertron...


Jerry: Ugh, those names are so over the top...


Calvin: So for those of you who don't know what these two are all about, Skullmageddon the Annihilator claims he's from an alternate timeline...


Jerry: What?!


Calvin: That's right and in that alternate universe he's conquered all of his opponents, so he crossed over to ours to hit the reset button and seek out competition.


Jerry: This is so crazy, I'm loving it.


Calvin: And Skullsy, who is actually his real life younger brother, is supposed to be his young incompetent self in this timeline...


Jerry: So it's like his future self came back and met his past self


Calvin: And they're not shy about this mess either, they've made him an all out 80s teenager into skateboarding, arcades and all things totally radical, dude!


Jerry: He's basically Michaelangelo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


Calvin: And then his opponent comes out and it's Carlotta the exotico!


Jerry: You know those Misourri peeps love their gay and transgender folks


Calvin: So the match is an absolute dumpster fire, Skullmageddon screams at his miniature self to get in there and destroy this clown, Carlotta works the crowd with some latin dancing and Skullsy thinks it's a dance off, so he busts out the b-boy moves!







Jerry: At this point, I should point out their referee is under a blue luchador mask, which makes this even weirder.


Calvin: I'm not sure you can call this wrestling but it was hella entertaining so I'm gonna give it just over one star.


Jerry: The idea is the dance-off leads to Carlotta rolling up Skullsy for the pin, so Skullmageddon loses it and attacks Skullsy, then Carlotta tries to pull him away and Skullmageddon slaps Carlotta around...


Calvin: ...which should be getting boos, but the good people of Ravenwood, Missouri clearly decided Skullmageddon is the face and Carlotta is the heel...







Jerry: And out comes the cavalry to save Carlotta, it's Exotico Muerte and Satanico! Boy I'm glad they weren't announced, don't think those fans would pop for anyone named "Satanico"


Calvin: There's a lot of lucha libre in this;the comedy, the referee, the exoticos...


Jerry: The fact that there's three exoticos... you'd think they'd introduce a trios title next.







Calvin: What they did introduce was the Seven Deadly Sins, or at least three of them. Gluttony, Sloth and Wrath were backstage with Tiffany Poe, now there's a lot to break down here...


Jerry: The Seven Deadly Sins are a group of, you guessed it, seven friends in the indy circuit and word has it their chosen sin is actually the exact oposite of their off camera character, which is so smarky hipster ironic I could die.


Calvin: So here we've got just three of the seven and can we take a moment to address how massive Wrath is?


Jerry: He is a true giant and I loved the subtle hinting of him being somewhat overprotective of Tiffany Poe...


Calvin: Oh yeah, another PWU manager on the show. I figured her conservatively dressed, doe eyed damsel in distress character would only fly in the smarky environment of PWU but she really nailed it in Chi-Town as well, that teaming with Wrath looks like it's got a lot of mileage in it...


Jerry: So the four of them find a big bunch of flowers with a card wishing them good luck for ther upcoming titles match against Killboy Powerhead and it's signed "Vanity"...







Calvin: And the camera barely catches sight of Ugly Bob peeking from a corner, so either he's Vanity or he's jealous of Vanity, ergo Envy. That was next level stuff.


Jerry: I loved the part where Tiffany smelled the flowers and was about to sneeze...


Calvin: And Wrath destroyed those flowers!


Jerry: For attacking Tiffany, that was hilarious.


Calvin: And it got him across as being overly protective of her.









Calvin: Tag team titles match next, or Deadly Duo, as they call them...


Jerry: Love those little chairs on the sides, nice touch.


Calvin: So Killboy Powerhead is apparently made of Killboy, surprise... and Powerhead! That's two separate people, a spot monkey and a big powerhouse dude who is rocking, and I do mean rocking that Guile flat top!


Jerry: Meanwhile the Two Deadly Sins are rocking Killboy in the ring, mainly Gluttony who is... I mean, the dude is ripped to shreds, you can see the irony there. Sloth is the laziest bastard you've ever seen, I'd say he's a mix of ECW Raven and AEW Orange Cassidy... oops, I just broke the fourth wall!


Calvin: At least the Sins did a bit of wrestling, Killboy Powerhead were sloppy as hell, it's a miracle no one got injured in that match. And it was a First Blood match by the way, people were trying real hard to bust each other open!


Jerry: Killboy took a dive that ended up with him going through a table and Powerhead made the mistake of messing with Tiffany Poe...







Calvin: Which of course brought out Wrath who hit a spinebuster onto a folding chair to destroy Powerhead... it's a good thing this was a First Blood match, because for the love of me I could never imagine how they'd expect us to believe the referee never saw a legitimate giant interfering in the match.


Jerry: So Gluttony & Sloth are the first ever CTUC Deadly Duo and rightfully so because their opponents were so botchy it hurt watching them... That should take the match to just under two stars.







Calvin: And in case you forgot this is supposed to be a harcore show, here's a bloodbath to remind you!


Jerry: Alright so Kurtis Payne... Big dude in a flannel shirt, half face mask and obsessed with a lumberjack axe he brings to the ring like he's the president of the Abyss/Mick Foley fan club... I bet he's given it a name too.


Calvin: And that's not the craziest thing in that match, because his opponent is none other than Albert L. friggin' Panzram!


Jerry: I think it's safe to say Panzram has done time in every jail across the States by this point... New Horror wouldn't have him, LeftCoast wouldn't have him, no other promotion wouldn't have him because he's not allowed to leave the country... but Chi-Town had him wrestle in their debut show. Man...


Calvin: I hope they wanted to make a statement, not push him long term because the man is a walking liability. You could tell his head wasn't fully in that match.


Jerry: As a matter of fact, Calvin, he was fired immediately after the show.


Calvin: I am not surprised.


Jerry: But he never made it to the hotel, because he was arrested on the way for DUI...


Calvin: Still not surprised...


Jerry: He has also been charged for drug posession, specifically heroin and cocaine.


Calvin: Alright, now I'm a little impressed.


Jerry: That would explain why he agreed to meet the working end of that axe with his skull. Cringe, man, I shudder to recall it...


Calvin: It was exactly what you'd expect from these two, a garbage deathmatch stuntshow and at least with Payne winning, Panzram's antics won't be of much impact now. If you factor in Payne taking that buzzsaw blade shot, I'd say this was a solid two start spectacle. But wait! There's more!







Jerry: Bwahahahaha, I had forgotten all about this!


Calvin: Oh Jerry... how could you have forgotten about... EL CHUPACABRA?


Jerry: Rawrrrr!


Calvin: This guy...thing, attacked Payne after the match and almost bit off part of his face, I'm guessing they're setting up Payne's next match with this angle.


Jerry: And introducing another hearty dose of Mexico to the good people of the Mid West.







Calvin: What the good people of the Mid West are already very familiar with though is the Lawd...


Jerry: Praise da Lawd!


Calvin: Chi-Town went high risk with this trio... so it's Chris Moxley, Orcus and Tiffany Church playing a group of religious fanatics that we learn is called the Chi-Church Cult and that's a real tongue twister... as if that wasn't enough, it seems Moxley and Church need to work on their timing because they kept talking on top of each other. Good thing Orcus was silent, doing his best to look menacing.


Jerry: This was to introduce the group and hype up the next match, in which Orcus would be fighting for the CHUC Bucket of Blood title against The Shocker!


Calvin: Not the Shockmaster, the Shocker! With an exclamation point at the end.









Jerry: See Calvin, between this match, the promo and the Panzram mess, no wonder I forgot about... EL CHUPACABRA!


Calvin: Yeah this was so painful to watch I wish I could bleach my eyes... And you know, I don't see why they had to make this one a title match when clearly Payne and Panzram tore the house down just before this match.


Jerry: I'm willing to guess because Panzram was a liability... Also because this was a Barb Wire match, so it fit the title's gimmick. There were buckets of blood indeed.


Calvin: Buckets.


Jerry: Between all that blood, the religious undertones of Orcus and the profanity you could hear from the Shocker!...


Calvin: Yeah he wasn't shy either, the TV microphones picked up a lot of it!


Jerry: It was a mess, really. Scarlett Church did everyone a favour by interfering to stop it. Orcus is the CTUC Bucket of Blood champion after a... one and a half star match?


Calvin: Yeah between them both gassing out and the match having zero psychology... I mean, The Shocker! took an insane bump, he got thrown onto the wire and got himself all tangled up in it, but that's not gonna do the match any graces besides the momentary shock... plus Orcus was real sloppy here... one and a half sounds right.








Jerry: And we're down to the main event, a Ladder match for the CTUC Nation of Violence title between Mikey Malice...


Calvin: I should have brought my Kanye rip-off shades for this.


Jerry: And straight outta the 80s, from pro wrestling's motherland of Parts Unknown... Simba the Tribal Warrior!


Calvin: I don't know which is worse, Mikey Malice being the obnoxious Mikey Malice or Simba's gimmick still being a thing...


Jerry: I think the worse is that these two are in the main event, fighting for the top title, Calvin...


Calvin: It's like a "whoever wins, we lose" scenario...


Jerry: Exactly. You wanna walk our audience through this?


Calvin: It was... terrible, but I think it was also the match that had the loudest fan reaction alongside the Payne-Panzram bloodbath. You know, in the "any reaction is a good reaction" kind of way I'd say this was a two star match, tops, complete with the finish of Simba getting knocked off the ladder and through a table so Malice could unhook the title.


Jerry: What a world we live in, in which Mikey Malice headlines a show and wins a title...







Calvin: That is why Tyrell Starr was here to save the day for people like you, Jerry...


Jerry: Yeah it looks like Starr will be the first challenger for the title, because he came out to say so and Malice attacked him to end the show. Also, "Ghetto Cowboy"? What the hell?


Calvin: Starr was born and raised in Hollywood but was sent off to live with his grandma in order to keep him away from the gangs... hence the Ghetto Cowboy became a thing!


Jerry: He looks like a blinged-out cowboy


Calvin: Talks like one too!


Jerry: Yeah, that promo... as soon as I heard him try to talk all gangsta, but with a Texan drawl... I'm not sure if I want them to give him more time on the mic or never allow him to hold a live mic ever again.


Calvin: Well, that title match isn't going to promote itself and Malice is no star on the mic, so you better believe Tyrell Starr is cutting another promo next show.


Jerry: Right, next Chi-Town Urban Combat show is scheduled for exactly one month later and called "Back by Demand", I know I never demanded a second show.


Calvin: Leave us a note in the comment section, folks, let us know what you thought of this mess and whether we should continue to cover it!

Edited by DarK_RaideR
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<p>So this fed is designed to pop people like me, MHero, K-Nection, Pteroid and WillWillyWilly right? </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="BbqkIcE.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/BbqkIcE.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

As long as the once threatened Deathmatch between Shocker & Lust never occurs all is right with the world. I assume Chi-Town Urban Combat is Men's Wrestling only so she should remain safe for now - I am sure the rest of the Sins will get work somewhere - especially Pride. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Btr7hZV.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Btr7hZV.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p>

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alpha2117 said:
So this fed is designed to pop people like me, MHero, K-Nection, Pteroid and WillWillyWilly right?

I was aiming for willr0ck, given he likes my hardcore feds and he made the mod, but figured you'd like it too. Anyone else is a bonus, so get that word out :rolleyes:



alpha2117 said:
As long as the once threatened Deathmatch between Shocker & Lust never occurs all is right with the world. I assume Chi-Town Urban Combat is Men's Wrestling only so she should remain safe for now - I am sure the rest of the Sins will get work somewhere - especially Pride.

I legit considered intergender when I set up the fed just so I could justify bringing Lust in. Well, few other ladies too, but mainly Lust. New Horror Extreme is already known for their mixed roster, so it felt too much of a rip-off and there's already the story of LeftCoast beginning as a NHEW tribute/ripoff. LeftCoast is men's only though, so I might land in the middle with a Women's Division once my finances can support it.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DarK_RaideR" data-cite="DarK_RaideR" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47038" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I was aiming for willr0ck, given he likes my hardcore feds and he made the mod, but figured you'd like it too. Anyone else is a bonus, so get that word out <img alt=":rolleyes:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/rolleyes.png.4b097f4fbbe99ce5bcd5efbc1b773ed6.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> </p><p> I legit considered intergender when I set up the fed just so I could justify bringing Lust in. Well, few other ladies too, but mainly Lust. New Horror Extreme is already known for their mixed roster, so it felt too much of a rip-off and there's already the story of LeftCoast beginning as a NHEW tribute/ripoff. LeftCoast is men's only though, so I might land in the middle with a Women's Division once my finances can support it.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Understood. The reason I mentioned me, WillyWillyWilly, Pteroid, MHero & K-Nection is that your roster for the first show is almost entirely made up of people from the Free-Agents thread people suggested to willr0ck.</p><p> </p><p> BeastmikeYT - Chris Moxley</p><p> WillyWillyWilly - Orcus, Ugly Bob, Simba the Tribal Warrior</p><p> Misterr Zed - Frankie Petruzzi</p><p> Peria - Dr Funkenstein</p><p> Pteroid - Skullmageddon the Annihilator & Skullsy the Skaterton, El Chupacabra, Albert Lee Panzram, </p><p> Blueboy - The Woodsman Kurtis Payne,''Ghetto Cowboy'' Tyrell Starr</p><p> K-Nection - The Shocker!</p><p> MHero - Killboy, Powerhead</p><p> alpha2117: Club Exotico & Sin</p><p> </p><p> I'll send a pm to those people in case they are interested in seeing thier ideas and willr0ck's beautiful renders get a run in here.</p><p> </p><p> With the Sin guys they also go by G-Forz, K-Punk & Golem while the girls go by Penny Tration, Katya Stalin, Priya Khan & Fatima Veil. They were created to give the Rockverse a bunch of young heels with huge upsides. They all have really good personalities and at least a few super strong stats. In real life if Pride existed HHH would already in charge of the WWE because Vinnie Mac would have had a massive heart attack in the excitement of seeing a 6'4 Teenage girl who looks like that is great on the mic and can actually wrestler well already. Any sort of decent destiny roll should see at least one of these end up being a monster star in max 10 years time.</p><p> </p><p> With the Club Exotico - Carlotta is basically just a young Cassandro, Satanico is riffing on Salma Hayek's character in From Dusk to Dawn and those great Sugar Skull make-ups were out at the time so Exotico Muertos is just to give willr0ck a chance to use those on a ''male'' character.</p>
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willr0ck said:
Okay I'm 100% invested in this! So excited to see what you can do with a RV hardcore fed as I've said before. I can't wait to see who else you bring in.

Glad to finally have you here, sir. Dreams do come true.



alpha2117 said:
Understood. The reason I mentioned me, WillyWillyWilly, Pteroid, MHero & K-Nection is that your roster for the first show is almost entirely made up of people from the Free-Agents thread people suggested to willr0ck.

Not because of the silliness, comedy and hot chicks? :D



alpha2117 said:
Pteroid - Skullmageddon the Annihilator & Skullsy the Skaterton, El Chupacabra, Albert Lee Panzram

The skulls were a dead giveaway, but the other two also make sense now... If it wasn't obvious already, I fully intend to get El Chupacabra over as the RockVerse's version of the Grapple Goblin




Grapple Goblin!





alpha2117 said:
alpha2117: Club Exotico

Given your recent WS_X diary, I saw that coming from a mile away :p



alpha2117 said:
I'll send a pm to those people in case they are interested in seeing thier ideas and willr0ck's beautiful renders get a run in here.

Appreciate the promotion!



alpha2117 said:
In real life if Pride existed HHH would already in charge of the WWE because Vinnie Mac would have had a massive heart attack in the excitement of seeing a 6'4 Teenage girl who looks like that is great on the mic and can actually wrestle well already.

Since when was the bolded part important to Vince? :rolleyes:



alpha2117 said:
With the Club Exotico - Carlotta is basically just a young Cassandro, Satanico is riffing on Salma Hayek's character in From Dusk to Dawn and those great Sugar Skull make-ups were out at the time so Exotico Muertos is just to give willr0ck a chance to use those on a ''male'' character.

Cassandro is my go-to example for an exotico, maybe Pimpinela Escarlata is slowly getting up there too, so that was my idea in portraying Carlotta anyway. Satanico was so obvious I was thinking of a proper rebrand as Satanico Pandemonium. The facepaint on Muertos is wonderful indeed, I think the visual begs for a feud with the Skulls and I should probably come up with something for Dia de los Muertos.

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CTUC Back By Demand card

Sun W2 February 2016


Main Event

Tables match for the CTUC Nation of Violence title

"The Prodigal Punk" Mikey Malice © vs "The Ghetto Cowboy" Tyrell Starr


Semi Main Event

Hardcore Grudge match

"The Woodsman" Kurtis Payne vs El Chupacabra


Simba the Tribal Warrior vs Frankie Petruzzi


Minnesota Street Fight match

Powerhead vs Wrath


Opening Contest

The Bonechillers (Skullmagedon & Skullsy) vs Club Exotico (Exotico Muerte & Satanico)



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Main Event

Tables match for the CTUC Nation of Violence title

"The Prodigal Punk" Mikey Malice © vs "The Ghetto Cowboy" Tyrell Starr


Semi Main Event

Hardcore Grudge match

"The Woodsman" Kurtis Payne vs El Chupacabra


Simba the Tribal Warrior vs Frankie Petruzzi


Minnesota Street Fight match

Powerhead vs Wrath


Opening Contest

The Bonechillers (Skullmagedon & Skullsy) vs Club Exotico (Exotico Muerte & Satanico)


I actually know these people abilities a bit and the middle three matches are all borderline and could go either way - I'm going with the people I would book based on the benefits to the fed as a whle of them winning. I love the Bonechillers visually but they are a step or two below Club Exoticos in terms of their development and are really there to learn from two people who are very like them skills wise just better. The Main Event is Hardcore and that's more Malice's wheelhouse than Starr's.

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Main Event

Tables match for the CTUC Nation of Violence title

"The Prodigal Punk" Mikey Malice © vs "The Ghetto Cowboy" Tyrell Starr


Starr is someone who could be the star of your promotion (see what I did there), but it's too soon for a title change


Semi Main Event

Hardcore Grudge match

"The Woodsman" Kurtis Payne vs El Chupacabra


El Chupacabra may actually murder Payne. I'm hoping he wins with an assist from his buddy Mr. Mosca


Simba the Tribal Warrior vs Frankie Petruzzi


I can't quite remember but I think Simba can actually wrestle a little, Petruzzi is terrible. I could have those backwards though, I made so many of these guys.


Minnesota Street Fight match

Powerhead vs Wrath


I'm guessing Powerhead botches something and Wrath ends up on the shelf for at least 6 months


Opening Contest

The Bonechillers (Skullmagedon & Skullsy) vs Club Exotico (Exotico Muerte & Satanico)


As much as I want the Bonechillers to win Exotico can actually wrestle some



Everything in me wants you to go intergender or create a womens division just so you can sign the free agent female psychopaths.

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CTUC Back By Demand card

Sun W2 February 2016


Main Event

Tables match for the CTUC Nation of Violence title

"The Prodigal Punk" Mikey Malice © vs "The Ghetto Cowboy" Tyrell Starr


Semi Main Event

Hardcore Grudge match

"The Woodsman" Kurtis Payne vs El Chupacabra


Simba the Tribal Warrior vs Frankie Petruzzi


Minnesota Street Fight match

Powerhead vs Wrath


Opening Contest

The Bonechillers (Skullmagedon & Skullsy) vs Club Exotico (Exotico Muerte & Satanico)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="willr0ck" data-cite="willr0ck" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47038" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> El Chupacabra may actually murder Payne. I'm hoping he wins with an assist from his buddy Mr. Mosca</p><p> </p><p> I can't quite remember but I think Simba can actually wrestle a little, Petruzzi is terrible. I could have those backwards though, I made so many of these guys.</p><p> </p><p> I'm guessing Powerhead botches something and Wrath ends up on the shelf for at least 6 months</p><p> </p><p> As much as I want the Bonechillers to win Exotico can actually wrestle some</p><p> </p><p> Everything in me wants you to go intergender or create a womens division just so you can sign the free agent female psychopaths.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Oh hell yes to Mosca - it's just such a great visual.</p><p> </p><p> Simba has decent psych so could end up better - neither is brilliant in ring </p><p> </p><p> Wrath & Powerhead have the psych of Cocker Spaniels so as long as it's short Powerheads incompetence might not come into play - Wraths menace means he's potentially great in angles so he should be pushed but at this point he's probably better in triples or Tag matches.</p><p> </p><p> As for Intergender - one word Abominatrix! ... Devils Playthings and Annabelle the Canni-belle … Hell Yeah. Throw in people like the 4 Sin Girls who are less Hardcore but are good workers and you have a really good set of girls who are just sitting around unemployed. And the renders - well the renders are just so great</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="EkveU8Z.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/EkveU8Z.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="4mOFdlK.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/4mOFdlK.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="QQnBNti.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/QQnBNti.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="E7pVTge.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/E7pVTge.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="uBW0QQm.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/uBW0QQm.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="Btr7hZV.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Btr7hZV.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="BbqkIcE.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/BbqkIcE.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="MebS8mq.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/MebS8mq.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="mIsIlI2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mIsIlI2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p>
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Calvin: Alright Jerry, are you ready for this?


Jerry: Oh God...


Calvin: It's time to shovel the wrestlecrap once more, it's the show no one asked for but still claims to be Back by Demand, ladies and gentlemen this is our review of another Chi-Town Urban Combat show to NOT take place in Chicago or even the state of Illinois for that matter... this is CTUC's Back by Demand show...


Jerry: So I know a lot of fans have been asking about the broadcast team but can we please take a moment first to dissect how bad their production values are?


Calvin: Their what?


Jerry: Exactly. They got a basic ring apron with their company name on it, a hardcam plus two on the move and some basic electronic noise they try to pass as music that's probably written by some kid still living in his mom's basement.


Calvin: It's low budget, Jerry. I think they might try to pass it as gritty, but they're just trying to slash expenses. Same with the announcers, they're so mediocre it hurts.







Jerry: I think they're going for sillyness to mask their shortcomings, really. So we got Maximillian Weller calling the action... Check this out, the man is from Germany... but he has a heavy French accent to him... and his catchphrase is "oh my, what a hootenanny!"


Calvin: What does that even mean?


Jerry: I don't know, but it sounds stereotypically British to me!


Calvin: And that dude is paired with Michelle Lawless, who some fans in the Tri-State area may know as Athena in American Wrestling Odyssey...


Jerry: I can see where the comedic vein and sillyness comes from now...


Calvin: And she looks like she just tasted the most sour margharita in the world


Jerry: Come on, that's classic antagonistic heel colour commentary...


Calvin: As soon as I saw her, I thought she was some kind of soccer mom with no idea what she was in for... I mean, I can imagine her doing those wholesome AWO shows and then switching to CTUC like "what the hell?"


Jerry: Yeah but how can you keep up that shock for the entire show? And then show in and show out? I mean, it's a good idea, but it's got a very limited shelf life.


Calvin: Well it's not our show to book and speaking of which, the show kicked off with a fight for the ages between...








Calvin:...The Bonechillers, which apparently is what Skullmagedon and Skullsy call their team, versus Club Exotico who are obviously using the good ol' pájaro libre rules...


Jerry: Was that Freebird in Spanish?


Calvin: You bet it was, so last month we saw Carlotta wrestle, if that could be called wrestling...


Jerry: You know what, I think this match had it's comedy spots but it actually had more, you know... real wrestling.


Calvin: Yes, so this month we got to see Exotico Muerte and Satanico open the show at the American Legion Post #56 in Alberta Lea, Minnesotta in front of 377 people who actually paid to see this live...


Jerry: That's 14 fans more than last time in Ravenwood, Missouri so watch out, CTUC is pickin up steam...


Calvin: So we didn't see much of Carlotta's wrestling style last month but Exotico did some classic high flying lucha stuff and Satanico does the grappling...


Jerry: If it wasn't already obvious by that live snake he brings to the ring with him... I mean, subtle, real subtle there...


Calvin: I guess that must make Carlotta the bruiser of the group, which is hilarious. So anyway, Skullsy works most of the match and takes a beating from the Exoticos, Skullmageddon is going mental on the apron, he finally gets the hot tag, destroys both Exoticos AND Carlotta, hits the Spinetingler on Satanico...


Jerry: Which is a spine buster, but I love the name change...


Calvin: Scores the pin, win the match and then immediately gets in Skullsy's face to shout about that's how it's done and how he won the match on his own and whatever.


Jerry: Which would have been better if he hadn't been so sloppy while he was the legal man... The irony was the Exoticos were so awkward together as a team, Skullmageddon almost got away with it. Almost. How would you rate this opening contest, Calvin?


Calvin: Two stars, tops. Then we go to a hype up promo from none other than...







Calvin: ...the Ghetto Cowboy, Tyrell Starr!


Jerry: Howdy n*ggaz... Wow


Calvin: That's his catchphrase, it seems


Jerry: Good luck trying to get that one over, kid.


Calvin: Good luck trying to get that entire character over, he's got some skill on the mic but this hood Texas mashup... "I'm gonna bash him like the bull from the block"? Like, I can't even...


Jerry: Fans seemed to like it marginally better than the opening contest though, judging from their reaction, which is extremely puzzling to me because how can people in Alberta Lea, Minnesotta relate to anything either Hollywood or Texas related?


Calvin: Cowboys and cockiness, Jerry... It's not rocket science. It's weird, but it's not that far off. I mean, the combination is insane, but the core elements still make sense. What really made no sense was this next match, by far the worst in the entire show...







Calvin: ...Wrath versus Powerhead!


Jerry: You know what, this is the last match I'd expect to see in a counter culture promotion. Like, giants and hoss fights are pure sports entertainment stuff. You're supposed to be the alternative!


Calvin: I don't know who thought of this and what they were high on at the time, because it's not just the size, it's how stiff and plodding these two guys were... and they had them do an arena wide brawl!


Jerry: That was like a textbook example of how to NOT use these wrestlers.


Calvin: The only thing they got right about this is they didn't let it run longer than five minutes. But those five minutes... man, they felt like an eternity!


Jerry: I mean, it's clear that Wrath can't really wrestle... and Powerhead was so off he was a mess...


Calvin: That spot where he picked up Killboy and threw him at Wrath? I thought he pulled a muscle in his back doing that one.


Jerry: I'm surprised Wrath managed to catch Killboy and hit that awkward slam.


Calvin: Just over one star, worst match of the show no doubt. The story here was Powerhead went bezerk, he went after Tiffany Poe in his craze and that triggered Wrath to kick it up a notch...


Jerry: Which is nothing like that sounds...


Calvin: Hit his finisher, get the pin and then the fight continues with Killboy joining in...







Calvin: ...so Gluttony and Sloth come down to the ring...


Jerry: You mean Gluttony, because Sloth was more like, walked to the ring...


Calvin: It's his character, Jerry. So these two join the fight to defend their friends, remember they fought Killboy Powerhead last month for the tag titles too... it's a free for all, Wrath picks up Tiffany Foe to take her someplace safe...







Jerry: And this guy comes out!


Calvin: Remember, he hasn't been introduced yet so we don't know, is he Ugly Bob? Is he Vanity? Is he Envy? Is he something else? What we do know is he's in some sort of angle with the Sins. So he comes out, helps Gluttony and Sloth...


Jerry: Which, I'll remind you, are the fresh pair here so theoretically they already had the advantage and didn't need the help...


Calvin: Exactly, so they stop the fighting and they're like "what's this guy's deal?"


Jerry: He seems to be friendly, but then Powerhead irish whips Killboy onto him from behind and he is pushed onto Gluttony and Sloth, no one knows if he was trying to help or if he attacked them, the brawl continues and it takes the entire locker room...


Calvin: ...except Wrath...


Jerry: ...to come and break it up. And people are yelling "let them fight" because honestly, this would have been a much better fight than the match that did actually happen! Anyway, the ring clears up eventually and out come...







Jerry: Frankie Petruzzi, who is doing his best impression of a silent bodyguard while Summer Whitley gets on the mic... and by the way, she introduces herself as Mariah Milan!


Calvin: Copyright infringement!


Jerry: No Calvin, because they cut off that last -o... because she's from Milan, get it?


Calvin: I bet some teenage boys who spend way too much time on the internet get it... Anyway, that aside, Summer, or rather, Mariah, looks fine as hell and on top of that, she can talk!


Jerry: Yeah judging by her reaction to the crowd's noise, I think most of her promo was improv... which was pretty good, by the way. Even if she had to say something about Simba owing to the mob for that raisin deal...


Calvin: That's a shoot, by the way, because for fans who don't know, Simba has been arrested for his role in a raising smuggling ring, of all things, and banned from ever entering mainland Europe... and I thought the rap game is tough...


Jerry: Between Summer's good looks and her mic skills, it was a decent segment, even if was about absolute nonesense. Which of course was the lead-in to a match between...








Jerry: Simba the Tribal Warrior and Frankie Petruzzi... alternative title, African stereotype versus Italian stereotype...


Calvin: The characters may be a bit outdated, but the actual wrestling wasn't so bad. It was a watchable ten or so minutes...


Jerry: For CTUC standards, at least


Calvin: Yeah, for CTUC standards, it was a watchable match and Simba got some heat back after losing the ladder match for the title last month, even if he did have to cheat in order to get Petruzzi in that Massai Lock. I'd say two stars out of five for this, again pretty decent for the CTUC average so far.


Jerry: Then we move on to the hardcore match of the night, again because in all the nonesense and comedy, you may have forgotten this is actually supposed to be a hardcore promotion...








Jerry: Kurtis Payne versus...






Calvin: Whoever came up with that mask and that character... The guy portraying him is so into it though


Jerry: Sooooo into it...


Calvin: It was actually a respectable hardcore match, just over two stars maybe... blood, cuts, savagery, weapons...


Jerry: That axe is not just a prop, folks...


Calvin: Yeah I have to give them credit for actually using that axe... Kurtis was slightly better in that ring, but victory went to...




Jerry: Because they gotta build up that beast!


Calvin: Indeed and its next match will probably be against Orcus or Moxley...







Calvin: ...because the Chi-Church Cult attacked the beast after the match! The real question is, who will the match be against? We have yet to see Moxley wrestle, but Orcus has that Bucket o' Blood title...


Jerry: Ze plot thickenz!


Calvin: And we're down to the main event...








Calvin: Mikey Malice defending the CTUC Nation of Violence title against Tyrell Starr in a Tables match!


Jerry: So it's punk meets ghetto


Calvin: That, plus meets Texas tough... it's complicated


Jerry: Much like Lust's relationship status on Facebook


Calvin: Now this was probably the best match of the show...


Jerry: As it should, it's the main event for the top title!


Calvin: Rated it at two and a quarter stars, it was an entertaining mix between Mikey Malice's hardcore brawling and Tyrell Starr's high flying style.


Jerry: We have to talk about that spot though.


Calvin: Yes, the finish had that wow factor but it was interesting how they added that taint to the victory too... so Tyrell Starr goes for a headlock, but Malice shoves the ref forward and Starr puts the lock on him...


Jerry: I had to suspend my disbelief real hard for that one...


Calvin: ...which messes up the ref's mask and has him blinded for a bit. The two guys fight it out in the meantime, Starr hits a lariat, sends Malice over the rope but Malice lands on the apron, Starr hits the ropes and knocks him out with a tope suicida through a table outside...


Jerry: So in theory Malice was the first to go through that table and Starr has won, but the ref never saw it.


Calvin: He never saw the spot, so by the time his mask is back on proper, all he sees is the two guys laying in the remains of the table and with no idea who went through, he calls for the match to continue...


Jerry: Starr continues to attack, goes high risk at one point and Malice shoves him off the top turnbuckle to send him crashing through another table on the outside, which means he wins the match to retain but Starr should have actually won it.


Calvin: It's hard to do a messy finish with a stipulation like that but they somehow pulled it off to keep Starr looking strong... I think they may be pushing him hard eventually, so far they're probably throwing stuff on the wall still to see what sticks. Top to bottom it was no more than two stars as a show in general and I'm looking for next month, because that show is called Caged Ambition...


Jerry: So there will be a cage match


Calvin: I mean, there has to be a cage match when you name your show like that!


Jerry: Guess we'll know when the card is announced.

Edited by DarK_RaideR
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Love the snarkines, I tend to do the same with my jiggle fests over in WS X. You can't take some of this stuff too seriously because wrestling needs to be ridiculous sometimes. The Bonechillers winning appalls me! Simba might have some legs thanks to decent psych because his matches won't become disjointed messes.
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CTUC Caged Ambition card

Sun W2 March 2016


Main Event

Barb Wire Cage match for the CTUC Bucket of Blood title

"The Lord's Chosen One" Orcus © vs El Chupacabra vs "The Dark Messiah" Chris Moxley


Special Showcase Tag Team match

The Devil's Playthings vs The Seven Deadly Sins


Mikey Malice & Vanity vs Tyrell Starr & Sloth


Opening Contest

Kurtis Payne vs Gluttony

Edited by DarK_RaideR
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<p>Main Event</p><p>

Barb Wire Cage match for the CTUC Bucket of Blood title</p><p>

<strong>"The Lord's Chosen One" Orcus ©</strong> vs El Chupacabra vs "The Dark Messiah" Chris Moxley</p><p> </p><p>

Special Showcase Tag Team match</p><p>

The Devil's Playthings vs <strong>The Seven Deadly Sins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mikey Malice & Vanity</strong> vs Tyrell Starr & Sloth</p><p> </p><p>

Opening Contest</p><p>

Kurtis Payne vs <strong>Gluttony</strong></p>

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<p>Barb Wire Cage match for the CTUC Bucket of Blood title</p><p>

<strong>"The Lord's Chosen One" Orcus ©</strong> vs El Chupacabra vs "The Dark Messiah" Chris Moxley</p><p> </p><p>

Special Showcase Tag Team match</p><p>

The Devil's Playthings vs <strong>The Seven Deadly Sins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Mikey Malice & Vanity vs <strong>Tyrell Starr & Sloth</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Opening Contest</p><p>

<strong>Kurtis Payne</strong> vs Gluttony</p><p> </p><p>

So Orcus is just great. The Sins are better workers than the Playthings although the Playthings renders are tremendous - if it was eye Candy then it's Sins, If it's Hardcore it's the DPS and if it's a straight wrestling match then it's the Sins. If Malice's feud with Starr has any legs then Starr needs a win and Sloth is a good worker which gives them some decent in ring work as a team, Vanity (Ugly Bob I assume) might do something screwy here and turn on Malice or go nuts and get DQ'd. Gluttony is like all the Sin workers and has a good upside - but Payne probably needs the win here.</p>

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<p>Barb Wire Cage match for the CTUC Bucket of Blood title</p><p>

<strong>"The Lord's Chosen One" Orcus</strong> © vs El Chupacabra vs "The Dark Messiah" Chris Moxley</p><p> </p><p>

Special Showcase Tag Team match</p><p>

<strong>The Devil's Playthings</strong> vs The Seven Deadly Sins</p><p> </p><p>

Mikey Malice & Vanity vs <strong>Tyrell Starr & Sloth</strong></p><p><strong>


Opening Contest</p><p>

<strong>Kurtis Payne</strong> vs Gluttony</p>

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<p>I'm not going to do predictions about characters from my own mod, mainly because of the embarrassment of getting them wrong but hell yeah to signing The Devil's Playthings. </p><p> </p><p>

Now you have to sign Abominatrix and let her commit attempted murder in the ring every show.</p>

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willr0ck said:
Now you have to sign Abominatrix and let her commit attempted murder in the ring every show.

She has already been signed, but my broadcaster vetoes her gimmick, if that tells you anything about what's in store for her. The same broadcaster also vetoes light tube matches, which are supposed to be CTUC's trademark, thus I'm waiting for our contract to run out so I can switch to a more open minded network and really let loose :cool:

Edited by DarK_RaideR
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Calvin: Chi-Town Urban Combat's "Caged Ambition" show happened last night...


Jerry: Once again, nowhere near Chicago...


Calvin: Indeed, they were at the American Legion Post #56 in Alberta Lea, Minnesotta once more and it seems they're growing fond of the venue, Jerry...


Jerry: I mean, it's better than the barn... Real hotspot for pro wrestling that Ravenwood, Missouri...


Calvin: Okay so on to the show and I guess we gotta address the elephant in the room... ladies!


Jerry: Sex sells and apparently whoever's running CTUC finally got the news, because those ladies made quite the difference for their show, Calv.


Calvin: They got some of the best reactions, they certainly had the match of the night, but to be fair Jerry, it's not just because of their looks...


Jerry: Yeah those girls can wrestle better than most of the roster, think it'll be a shame if they only keep them around as eye candy.







Calvin: So the show began with a Chi-Church Cult promo hyping up the main event, which wasn't half bad... The idea they tried to get across here was that they wanted to bring down God's wrath or something on that abomination, but to be given the match and bloody stipulation, they had to put the title on the line and fight a three way match.


Jerry: I guess they had to explain why it wasn't just one of them wrestling and let me point out Calv, someone got the memo because Scarlett Church was clearly stuck with Orcus and staying away from anything Moxley, but overall it was a pretty standard opening, some of the main stars setting up the night's main event.








Calvin: Opening match... Kurtis Payne defeated Gluttony... two stars, wasn't unbearable, though they probably should have kept it under ten minutes, I think after the sixth or eight minute the fans were starting to get bored...


Jerry: I think they had no real reason to care? Like, there was nothing on the line... these two had no feud or rivalry... I personally had no idea why Gluttony was wrestling single here when he's one half of the tag team champions...


Calvin: Tiffany Poe really saved this match for me.


Jerry: Oh definately, she sold everything these guys did.


Calvin: Like, she was so into every move... I was afraid she'd take it into comedy territory and sell even a basic chop like somebody was being murdered, but she kept a fine balance...


Jerry: Ladies saved this show, Calvin, more ways than one.







Calvin: We go backstage once the match is over and the Skull inception dudes are having a segment...


Jerry: It's just Skull dudes or something now, is it?


Calvin: Well you can't just say their full names all the time!


Jerry: The announcers do.


Calvin: Anyway, these two had a skit where Skullmageddon was basically scolding Skullsy for being so incompetent, you know?


Jerry: Was like "why can't you be more like Jimmy from across the street?"


Calvin: Yeah they had a real parent-teenager moment there, which is extra funny when done by two grown men in skeletal facepaint...


Jerry: Also when you think Skullsy is supposed to be, like, Skullmageddon's teenage alter ego or something...


Calvin: This was clearly played for laughs, and I loved the finish because Skullsy no-sold the entire yelling and only when Skullmageddon screamed "you'rrrrrrrrrrre grrrrrrrrrrounded!" it finally got across.


Jerry: Vinnie Mac would be proud


Calvin: Or shoot a Cease and Desist order


Jerry: Or both.







Calvin: Sadly the next segment wasn't as good, there was a lot of information to process and it was more exhausting trying to focus and understand what's going on and who's who...


Jerry: They packed a lot of stuff into a single angle and never gave the audience time to let things sink in and be entertaining.


Calvin: So apparently the Sins stable is growing until they can hit seven members and pull off the Seven Sins thing right... we had Gluttony and Tiffany Poe welcoming Pride...


Jerry: That's the blond one with the Aussie accent...


Calvin: Envy...


Jerry: That's the Indian girl, also with an Aussie accent for some reason...


Calvin: Which means Ugly Bob's character isn't gonna be named Envy...


Jerry: I thought they were setting up a feud where he'd wrestle her for the rights to the name, but then realized they don't do intergender wrestling.


Calvin: And finally, Lust...


Jerry: That was so confusing... but not confusing in a bad way, I think Lust was delightfully weird...


Calvin: For those of you who haven't seen Lust, that's a bisexual transgender worker we're talking here...


Jerry: I think just picking a hot looking female to play Lust would have been the easy way out... too predictable... done a million times already...


Calvin: And in keeping with the Sins' tradition of being the opposite of their characters, I discovered the worker portraying Lust is actually a virgin...


Jerry: Of all the possible...


Calvin: And I also found out that when they're not together doing their stable thing, she wrestles under the name Penny Tration


Jerry: Bwahahahahahahahaha....







Calvin: Anyway, on with the segment, Sloth comes to join the group and welcome everyone, then Ugly Bob walks into the scene...


Jerry: For the record, seeing Ugly Bob next to these ladies... what a visual...


Calvin: So Ugly Bob walks in just as Pride and Envy mention they're scheduled to wrestle tonight against the Devil's Playthings and he's like "yeah dude and we have a tag match too next, so we gotta prepare"


Jerry: Of course no one knows who this guy's supposed to be...


Calvin: Sloth is pretty sure he's scheduled to tag with Tyrell Starr, so he says that must make this man Vanity, hence his opponent, Pride says that's part of her gig...


Jerry: Vanity being an aspect of Pride, you mean...


Calvin: Yeah and this is where it gets messy... So you get two tag team matches announced, Ugly Bob's name revealed as Vanity, him wanting to play with the Sins kids, Sloth regarding him as his opponent tonight, Pride saying being vain is her thing, everyone else saying Vanity's not even one of the Seven Deadly Sins, me being absolutely lost...


Jerry: Better get straight to the match, which is exactly what the camera did, switching from this mess to Mikey Malice making his entrance...








Calvin: So we get Mikey Malice and Vanity, formerly known as Ugly Bob, against Tyrell Starr and Sloth...


Jerry: And now due to the previous segment and Gluttony wrestling earlier, Sloth has a reason to be fighting Vanity here...


Calvin: And Starr is feuding with Malice over the title...


Jerry: I guess they're prolonging both feuds... Gluttony and Sloth would make more sense here, but who would be teaming with Vanity then? Plus they'd have to put the tag titles on the line, or provide a reason why they're not on the line... and then it'd be even messier than it already is!


Calvin: So this was another decent two star match...


Jerry: I will not make a Tyrell Starr joke there...


Calvin: Thank you very much, Jerry, as I was saying, a decent match with a lot of story to be told... So we've established Malice and Starr are feuding for the title, that's one part of the match. The other was Vanity wanting to join the Sins and being absolutely baffled as to why he was wrestling against a member of that group!


Jerry: He was hesitant, for sure... he'd try to wrestle Starr only, he'd tag out when Sloth was the legal man... he even held Mikey Malice back to prevent him from hurting Sloth!


Calvin: I think that part was a bit of adjusting on the fly, because he and Malice seemed to be completely off with their timing... Kudos to Ugly Bob for his improv, genius way to roll with that issue and spin it into a tale.


Jerry: So of course the finish was Vanity getting pinned out of nowhere with a roll up, but I was surprised it was Starr who scored the pin and not Sloth.


Calvin: I guess they don't want to shut the door too early on this Vanity story and where Sloth stands on the issue... Plus Starr needed a victory after his title match loss. And he's the cruiserweight in a match full of brawlers...


Jerry: So small, speedy, athletic guy... I get you







Calvin: Now that was probably the low point of the show, but it was followed by the best match and segment in all of CTUC's short history so far...


Jerry: Wouldn't say that stuff was the best in terms of actual quality... but they certainly got the loudest reaction anything CTUC so far has ever gotten.


Calvin: So first we get a promo montage video hype package to introduce the trio of ladies known as The Devil's Playthings...


Jerry: Arabella, Astrid and Lillith, y'all... Won't win any originality awards


Calvin: What they did win was the hearts and minds of the audience though... I bet some fans will be seeing them in their nightmares after this video...


Jerry: And a few Mid Western goths or teenage metalheads will be seeing them in their wet dreams too...


Calvin: Yeah this was a treat for that 18-35 demographic, as was the next match...








Calvin: Pride and Envy, of the Sins, taking on... Astrid and Lillith, I still have to learn which one's which in that group, with Arabella at ringside.


Jerry: This was a jigglefest that sent women's wrestling a good 20 years into the past...


Calvin: I'd say more than that, Jerry, between the flesh shown, the Playthings' gimmicks and the overall atmosphere of CTUC, this was straight out of the golden age of Italian sexualized slasher flicks of the 60s and 70s


Jerry: Which is a real shame, because I could tell, all these girls can wrestle so good if you put them in a straightforward match!


Calvin: Compared to the rest of the roster, perhaps, because even in this eye candy of a match, I could tell there was a certain lack of flow to the way they told their story... whatever that story was, anyway... They could use a bit more ring psychology, but so far they've given Chi-Town Urban Combat its first match in the three star range, I'd say just over three stars actually but not three and a half solely due to that psychology issue.


Jerry: And in typical CTUC fashion, next up was a bloodfest because sex and violence...









Calvin: Good luck following the reaction the semi main event got, but CTUC tried to do just that and their solution was to turn the violence levels to eleven!


Jerry: Yeah this was by far the most violent, extreme, garbage deathmatch they've pulled off to date. By far.


Calvin: So they did a Ladder match on their first show to crown a champion... had him defend his title on the second show in a Tables match... but this time it was a Barb Wire Cage match! And not just the kind where there's wire on top to make the escape harder, this was actually a cage made of criss-crossing lines of barb wire.


Jerry: Guess it was cheaper to get and easier to set up than an actual cage?


Calvin: And as if that wasn't enough, they also had the ring ropes wrapped in barb wire!


Jerry: This one was for the Bucket of Blood title though, Cavin. I mean, I guess it's kinda fitting?


Calvin: Well clearly they're making this their hardcore deathmatch title, if the name wasn't obvious enough... So it's the defending champion Orcus, versus Chris Moxley, versus...




Jerry: Gosh, I'll never grow tired of that!


Calvin: So this began as we all probably expected it to, stablemates Orcus and Moxley teaming up against their opponent and then arguing when it was time to make the pin, because that would also determine who walks away with the title...


Jerry: I mean... it was nothing suprising... but again, I don't mind when there's delivery upon a promise, you know? Doesn't have to be swerves all the time, especially when it's just a sweve for swerve's sake. I like my wrestling to have consistency and a reasonable progression from point A to point B.


Calvin: That is true, though I did like that bit of character when they finally hit the wire and got all bloodied and that gave El Chupacabra a second wind.


Jerry: You mean... EL CHUPACABRA!


Calvin: EL CHUPACABRA indeed, I stand corrected, but yeah how the blood brought him back into the match with a renewed zeal... that was a nice touch.


Jerry: Had to, that's his gimmick, right?


Calvin: I guess so, plus it kinda helped get to the finish... so EL CHUPACABRA is biting on a blinded and exhausted Chris Moxley, who's stumbling about outside the ring and a pounce sends him back first onto the cage but also onto Scarlett Church who, remember, is still around but outside the cage...


Jerry: Yeah Scarlett's been around the cage the entire match and she was yelling directions and screaming and such... she really helped tell the story of how Orcus and Moxley worked together, then had a falling out and got jumped.


Calvin: So Scarlett's going mental by this point and if the cage wasn't made of barb wire she'd be climbing it to get inside, but for now she's just up close so Moxley bumps onto the cage and basically shoves it into her face...


Jerry: Which is another nice detail to him and Church not really functioning together...


Calvin: It is, I didn't think of that... Anyway, that spot happens, Scarlett is now bleeding because Moxley was slammed onto the cage and she was real close on the outside... and the beast does that slow turn of the head...


Jerry: Aaaah, fresh meat...


Calvin: Yes, apparently she's young and beautiful and female so now that she's bleeding, she sends EL CHUPACABRA into a blood frenzy...


Jerry: Blood frenzy is right, he was foaming at the mouth and trying to knock down that cage wall, how they got him to do that spot on a wall made of barb wire I'll never know...


Calvin: I think he also had a Silence of the Lambs moment... you know, when he slithered in her face, just inches away with only the wall between them?


Jerry: I think he managed to lick a bit of the blood off her face too, there?


Calvin: Classy... CTUC will not go down in the history books for its taste, but this whole thing was the opening for Orcus to hit the Sin List, win the match and retain while out of breath and probably a few gallons short on blood by that point...


Jerry: Real car wreck of a match... they really upped the insanity for this one.


Calvin: Yeah but they really couldn't go all the way with it, I'd say two and a quarter stars, tops. The semi really took a lot of steam out of the main event.


Jerry: But the show overall was slightly better than what CTUC has so far put on


Calvin: It was and that's largely thanks to the ladies introduced... I'm guessing they might even add a title belt eventually for them to fight over.


Jerry: That might be a thing... Women stealing the spotlight from the men might also be a thing


Calvin: You know what is a thing? Them airing even later than they used to


Jerry: Really?


Calvin: Yeah I wasn't joking when I said this last show looked like a sexualized slasher horror flick... Apparently their network noticed too and pushed them to the graveyard slot past midnight.


Jerry: Was there an announcement?


Calvin: Not from the network, but they announced their next show with a disclaimer about it being broadcast at a different time... They also decided to call it Darkness Falls.


Jerry:I'm not sure if they're being ironic or if it's a sign they're not on good terms with the network.


Calvin: We'll see about that, for now here's what they have in store for their upcoming show on April




CTUC Darkness Falls card

Sun W2 April 2016


Main Event

Strip the Flesh match

Abominatrix vs Lust


Semi Main Event

Three Way Tag Team Casket match

Killboy Powerhead vs The Bonechillers vs The Chi-Church Cult


Six Persons Tag match

Three of the Seven Deadly Sins (Gluttony, Sloth & Wrath) vs Club Exotico


Opening Contest

Dr. Funkenstein vs "The Ghetto Cowboy" Tyrell Starr



Edited by DarK_RaideR
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<p>Well no surprises that the Sins and Devils Playthings worked or that the word Jigglefest is now trending in the Dynasties board. The psych thing is pretty much a given for those Eye Candy matches especially since those girls are all teenagers or very early 20's, they are learning their craft and the game tends to give that message for those matches and not so much for the Hardcore ones where it's all about violence rather than any real attempt at storytelling. CTUC is getting more and more like a Bizzaro ECW/CHIKARA hybrid cross by the show and weirdly that's a good thing. The recap guys got so distracted by the women's match they forgot to tell us who won (the winner of course was wrestling)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

Strip the Flesh match</p><p>

Abominatrix vs <strong>Lust</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

Three Way Tag Team Casket match</p><p>

Killboy Powerhead vs The Bonechillers vs <strong>The Chi-Church Cult</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Six Persons Tag match</p><p>

Three of the Seven Deadly Sins (Gluttony, Sloth & Wrath) vs <strong>Club Exotico</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Opening Contest</p><p>

Dr. Funkenstein vs <strong>"The Ghetto Cowboy" Tyrell Starr</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Okay - I'm going for some sort of shenanigans from the Sins to see Lust get the win over Abominatrix (perhaps setting the scene for the Canni-Belle to turn up and side with the chick in the gimp suit later on). The Cult have to win their match against the two … lets say Hawkins & Ryderesque teams otherwise your Main Eventers look ordinary. Club Exotico are probably the best choice for a feud for the tag titles in the short term so them beating the Sins (perhaps thanks to Ugly Vanity Bob) would make some booking sense. Tyrell Starr is sliding down the card at an alarming rate and if he doesn't win this one the next step is him selling stuff at the concession stand.</p>

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