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I made this mod putting together the Cornellverse and other mods around the real worlds. Some WWE data is old, along with some other feds data. There are over 1,000 locations 3,900 wrestlers, and a lot of other things. I am not done with the mod I want to play with, as I am adding more locations and two more fantasy leagues. Note: This mode has 87 feds, I believe. But the problem is that I can not load .rar files and don't know how to change them to .zip files.
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[QUOTE=thedraem41]I made this mod putting together the Cornellverse and other mods around the real worlds. Some WWE data is old, along with some other feds data. There are over 1,000 locations 3,900 wrestlers, and a lot of other things. I am not done with the mod I want to play with, as I am adding more locations and two more fantasy leagues. Note: This mode has 87 feds, I believe. But the problem is that I can not load .rar files and don't know how to change them to .zip files.[/QUOTE] This mod has already been done. Gary Catcher did about 75% of it and I finished off the other 25%. It's on tewfiles.com as the War of the Worlds database.
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To do as a .zip... and this is done using WINRAR, I presume you have that as you have done a .rar Anyway, through normal windows explorer, select the files / folder you want to zip, right click, and select "ADD TO ARCHIVE" this will open winrar, on the screen that opens there should be on the left hand side a bit saying "ARCHIVE TYPE" where you can choose ZIP or RAR underneath... so obv choose ZIP Hope that helps
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