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World Fighting Association, the birth of professional MMA

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#So I haven't played WMMA5 in years and was bored one day when I happened to stumble on it's shortcut. Naturally, I clicked it and went to see where I had left off in my old saves. There were only 2 saves, 'WFA - Start' and 'WFA - Game', you can gather what each of those entail. Apprently, past me had set up a pretty interesting scenario.


#There is only one promotion, The World Fighting Association, a High Level International company hailing from South East Asia. With seemingly unlimited funds at there disposal, WFA has set out to build a professional MMA scene out of a young mma amateur circuit. Talent scouts have been dispersed throughout the world in search of willing participants and have come back with a roster of 196 fighters spanning the 5 inaugural weight classes: Heavyweight (206+), Light Heavyweight (205), Middleweight (185), Welterweight (170), and Lightweight (155). A 7 year effort has come to fruition Monday, Week 1, March 1992, the day that marks the beginning of the WFA Inaugural Tournament Festival, a massive 11 day event featuring 22 eight-man tournaments aiming to set the initial landscape of the MMA world.


#The database merges the default with a real world mod (not sure when, which, or what version). All fighters look to have their history, record and popularity wiped clean. Meaning all the fighters have the skills they had at the time of their original database and will debut as rookie fighters with 0-0 records.


#I'm not sure how active this community is nowadays, but I want to play out this scenario for at least a year or two and figured I'd share it if there was enough interest. I'll post the initial planned tournament cards below and do a test run for a day or two. Hopefully I come back to this thread in a couple of days and see some comments, maybe some predictions for who comes out on top of each tournament or suggestions for how I should proceed with running the promotion :) Anyways, thanks for reading this!




~Heavyweight Tournaments~


James Foster vs Nash Harbane

Ilson de Lima vs Marvin Stevens

Rick Stanley vs Henrik Berg

Grzegorz Boniek vs Grant Shodwart


Hassan Fezzik vs Milton Harvey

Harry Milne vs Tank Manu'a

Phil Verdigree vs Takafumi Ando

Ari Peltonen vs Don Norman


Palmer Lette vs Marco Ruas

Gunnar Nilsson vs Stanislaw Lipnicki

Jack Cobblepot vs Eugene Clough

Claude Lerond vs Graham Goodbody


Christopher Sharp vs Manol Sirakov

Frank Analysis vs Paulo Boas

Fatuma Roy vs Solomon Austin

Tim Boyer vs Brian Barnes


Ikuhisa Tamura vs Howard Pursglove

Veeti Kuqi vs Josimar Martins

Carter Potter vs Frank Sheedy

Stafford Alois vs Bence Bodor


Jeff Carlton vs Helton Nascimento

Tony McCall vs Jean-Pierre Richelleau

Stan Blackheath vs Sherman Shields

Kunimichi Kikuchi vs Barry Strachan



~Light Heavyweight Tournaments~


Tadamasa Yamada vs Tobias Goulet

Roberto Aldez vs Cliff McAddam

Leon Banks vs Ernie Bruns

Daniil Skala vs Nestor Morozov


Mark Cohen vs Samuel Russo

Nicolai Mickiewicz vs Bill Cumming

George Laurent vs Edward Zahn

Jasper Osmond vs Aleksei Chekhov


Petey Barnum vs Zvonimir Asanovic

Andranik Paletilolu vs Mantas Andreyev

Garry McSweegan vs Edilberto

Robun Yamazaki vs Jacob Matthaus


Leandro Piquet vs Oscarino Baptista

Linfield Ballard vs Trevor Murray

Elgar vs Ebizo Fujishima

Faas Smit vs Naoki Itoh





Fernando Amaro vs Yukichi Sato

Greg Atteveld vs Carson Neuwirth

Mario de Souza vs Koji Hashiranti

Otto Cascudo vs Jerezo


Tucker Plumm vs JJ Reid

Wade LeCavalier vs Atshushi Nakajima

Mac Fuller vs Jorge Hormazabal

Zaco vs Murilo Bustamante


Joaquim Fontes vs Susumu Katoh

Vagner vs Alceu de Castro

Kyuwa Itou vs Glenn Pimm

Ieyoshi Yamashita vs Marco de Almeida


Matthew Dean vs Santiago Tosso

Rob Baines vs Yoshinobu Tanaka

Gempachi Higa vs Jaromir Gygera

Dokuohtei Kuroki vs Marcelo Oberto


Patrick Thomas vs Ralph Kohl

Nigel Malley vs Richard Smith

Andrew Rush vs Euclydes Filho

Mal Phe Roby vs Bambang Sriyanto





Piotr Dabrowski vs Jim Carpenter

Bakin Sakamoto vs Chikafusa Abukara

Kojuro Ijichi vs Walter May

Claudio Palacios vs Nobuo Morita


Jack Humnphreys vs Peter Bracewell

Renzo Gracie vs Bradley Dixon

Geoff Cahill vs Ricardo Fernandes

Yevgeni Sipatov vs Marko Prochazka


Lucas vs Paul Duffell

Jungo Futagawa vs Bokkai Iida

Joe Hinchcliffe vs Dan Halvorsen

Lee Bould vs Ichisake Miyagi





Brandon Sugar vs Benedikt Streit

Taufik Wijaya vs Edson Edmilson

Indriyanto Setyo Nugroho vs Rodolphe Gygax

Beau Gorshin vs Nicky Shapiro


Jake Keane vs Tsunesaburo Oonishi

Gu Ueda vs Delma de Brito

Gustavo Bautista vs Erico Gil

Snorri Gunnarsson vs Muhammad Hamzah


Doug Hansen vs Shizuya Nakae

Davi Carlos Ramos vs Azor Portela Nunes

Duane Weatherly vs Giovani Silva

Kenta Arimura vs Lars Bohlin


Sean Morrison vs Sadakuno Katoh

Alvaro Negredo vs Truck Gleeson

Go Yamamoto vs Eijiro Yanagita

Joel Adams vs Francesco Marazzina




#In the future I plan to run cards solely based on each weight class. Not sure at what frequency, however. As fighters begin to debut into the world, I will run additional 8-man tournaments to flesh out the weight classes. I haven't decided when I will cut fighters from the roster and I currently have local shows disabled to have all fights come through WFA with the plan to enable them sometime in the future when I figure out a method to roster management madness. Again thanks for reading!

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#Day 1, [Monday, Week 1, March 1992]


James Foster vs Nash Harbane

Ilson de Lima vs Marvin Stevens

Rick Stanley vs Henrik Berg

Grzegorz Boniek vs Grant Shodwart


Hassan Fezzik vs Milton Harvey

Harry Milne vs Tank Manu'a

Phil Verdigree vs Takafumi Ando

Ari Peltonen vs Don Norman


#WFA's inaugural MMA festival kicks off with the Heavyweight division.


Ari Peltonen vs Don Norman

-With both fighters being accomplished boxers, this contest seemed to be destined for a slugfest. However, Ari, smartly, takes advantage of his sambo background early and takes Don down. With a clear advantage on the ground, Ari easily takes Don's back and gets the tap via Rear Naked Choke.


Grzegorz Boniek vs Grant Shodwart

-Yet another sambo practicioner asserting dominance over a striker. Grzegorz makes quick work of Slugger by gaining leverage for a big slam and securing an arm for the Armbar submission victory.


Phil Verdigree vs Takafumi Ando

-Verdigree outclassed Ando on the feet for two rounds, even scoring a fairly gnarly cut early on in the first. Ando's performance, however, was not without promise after clearly taking the final round by taking down a gassed Verdigree but failing to find the finish.


Rick Stanley vs Henrik Berg

-Rick Stanley pulls off the first KO in MMA history. A vicious right cross buckles the 35 year old Berg and Stanley left no doubt after pouncing.


Harry Milne vs Tank Manu'a

-10 seconds into the fight Tank is cut above the right eye. Milne scores a takedown in the 2nd, manuevers for a back mount and gets the TKO via strikes


Ilson de Lima vs Marvin Stevens

-Marvin Stevens pulls off a comeback win after getting rocked in all 3 rounds. Showing incredible resilience and chin, Stevens manages a takedown with 2 minutes to go in the final round and found space to unload a flurry of hammer strikes that put out an exhausted de Lima.


Hassan Fezzik vs Milton Harvey

-Fezzik made quick work of Harvey 3 minutes into the first round. Scoring an early takedown allowed Fezzik to work towards the inevitable submission. Harvey valiantly fought off what looked like a deep arm triangle only to be masterfully transitioned into an armbar.


James Foster vs Nash Harbane

-James Foster might be the most famous competitor of all the tournaments and his World Class Wrestling ability was fully on the brain of Nash Harbane right from the opening bell. The brawler applied constant pressure in attempt to nullify Foster's wrestling and it worked for about 4 and half minutes before Foster finally managed to close the distance for an outside leg trip. Foster wasted no time in the 2nd round initiating the clinch and pulling off a huge belly-to-belly suplex. One minute later, Foster takes Harbane's back and applies a Rear Naked Choke for the win.



#The first round comes to a close and so far it has been an exciting affair with 4 submissions, 3 KOs/TKOs and a competitive decision. The matchups are as follows:


Marvin Stevens vs James Foster

Grzegorz Boniek vs Rick Stanley


Harry Milne vs Hassan Fezzik

Ari Peltonen vs Phil Verdigree


#It is hard to pick favorites after a slew of solid performances. Stevens pulled off the comeback TKO, can he do it again against a heavily favored James Foster? Boniek and Stanley face off in the classic Grappler vs Striker matchup. Can Milne compete with the masterclass ground game of Fezzik? Can Verdigree recover from an exhausting 3 round battle against a fresh Ari Peltonen?

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#Day 1 (Continued)


Marvin Stevens vs James Foster

Grzegorz Boniek vs Rick Stanley


Harry Milne vs Hassan Fezzik

Ari Peltonen vs Phil Verdigree


#Second Round


Ari Peltonen vs Phil Verdigree

-Verdigree comes out of the gate swinging, but Ari is more than up to the task. It didn't take long for Phil to feel the effects of his earlier fight and Ari takes full advantage with the takedown. Verdigree digs dip, however, and survives not only the first round ground and pound but also a second round spent almost exclusively on his back. The third has both fighters visibly winded and while Peltonen continued his takedown supremecy, he was not able to finnish. Judges see the fight 3-0 for Peltonen and he advances to his tournament final.


Grzegorz Boniek vs Rick Stanley

-The quintessential grappler vs striker matchup ends with the grappler Boniek taking a dominant Kimura submission victory. Set up by an inside leg trip one minute into the first, Boniek coasted easily to the finals over a disappointed Rick Stanley.


Harry Milne vs Hassan Fezzik

-Fezzik displays his combat prowess on the feet this time, connecting with a big right high kick to the dome of Harry Milne less than a minute into the first round that staggers Harry. Smelling blood Hassan unloads a vicious right hook that knocks his opponent out cold on his feet. Ari Peltonen will have his hands full in the final.


Marvin Stevens vs James Foster

-Giving up 35lbs to his opponent, there were questions coming in to this matchup on whether Foster would be able to utilize his wrestling advantage on Stevens. Stevens had proven he is adept in using his size to his advantage against de Lima. The first round had Stevens use that size and strength advantage to bully Foster in the clinch preventing Foster from finding an opportunity for the takedown. Visibly frustrated after the first round, Foster shot out of a cannon to start the second and scored a powerful double leg takedown. Foster controlled Stevens for nearly a minute before Stevens desperately gave up his back and succombed to a flurry of elbows.


#The Finals


Ari Peltonen vs Hassan Fezzik

-Sambo has proven king in this particular tournament bracket and this fight began to see which fighter held the advantage on the feet. Fezzik scored a cut via right hook early in the second round, but other than that the stand up battle looked fairly even. Late in to the second, Peltonen abandoned the stand up war and looked for the takedown but could not score until the middle of the third when he managed to get Fezzik to the ground off of a clinch with Fezzik's back to the cage. Both fighters looked absolutely gassed and while Ari continued to work for a submission finnish, Fezzik had enough in the tank to defend until the bell. Ultimately, the judges saw Fezzik with the advantage in the first 2 rounds and gave him the unanimous decision.


Grzegorz Boniek vs James Foster

-The final match of day 1 sees our third Sambo practicioner in a final against the impressive Wrestler from Aurora, Illinois. While the first final had two grapplers look to see who had the better striking, this final's fighters sought to do the opposite. Three rounds of clinch battles with very few breaks in the stalemate. To my uneducated eyes, I could not tell you who had the advantage in any round. The judges saw differently, giving James Foster a unanimous decision in a disappointing end to an otherwise action-packed first day of tournaments for the WFA.




Fight Bonuses:

Hassan Fezzik over Milton Harvey

Ari Peltonen over Don Norman

Grzegorz Boniek over Rick Stanley


KO of the Night: Hassan Fezzik over Harry Milne

Sub of the Night: Grzegorz Boniek over Grant Shodworth

Fight of the Night: Ari Peltonen vs Phil Verdigree


#Heavyweight Rankings

1. Hassan Fezzik (3-0)

2. James Foster (3-0)

3. Ari Peltonen (2-1)

4. Grzegorz Boniek (2-1)

5. Phil Verdigree (1-1)

6. Marvin Stevens (1-1)

7. Rick Stanley (1-1)

8. Harry Milne (1-1)

9. Takafumi Ando (0-1)

10. Ilson de Lima (0-1)

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