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how to use downloaded rosters....

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ive searched a bit, but i cant seem to find the info i want. when i download a roster with real wrestlers, how do i get that file in game to use? sorry for what is most likely a noob question, but thanks for any help. by the way, great game! ive owned them all so far, but never did a mod download before.
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Assuming you know how to navigate windows and how to play TEW (you'd be amazed how many can't) then use the TEW editor to create a new blank database so that all the correct folders are already created. After that, unzip all the files from the mod you have downloaded into the new blank database (Through windows, go to Your Hard Drive-->Programs--->TEW05-->Data--->Databasename) and paste all the files into that folder. That may not be the exact route, but once you find TEW its easy enough to locate what you need. Then to use them to play a game, simply make sure you have selected the database you want ot play with and start a new game. Everything should be smooth running from there. Derek B
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