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Dragonball Z Mod (Hype)

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So probably a year ago or more. I announced a DBZ mod. Suffice to say I had gotten real lazy until the last week. It's looking really promising & I'm about 80% of the way done. I just need to adjust a few thing & make a final decision on some aspects of the mod. I don't feel comfortable to post a demo link as the framework of the mod borrows from the 9000verse. I messaged Crayon but looking at his activity. It's been almost 2 years since he was active on the site. I would prefer he give me the okay but If i don't hear from him. I will make sure to give him credit once the mod is ready to go. I'll post it & if he has an issue, I'll do what needs to be done to rectify that.


As for what the mod is.


There will actually be 2 different versions of the mod.


One version will be a mod that goes through the actual timeline of DBZ. It will include the movies in the time-spans they take place in "or at least to the best of my ability to figure out where they fit." culminating to the end of DBZ. The end game will have random stuff from GT & super. but that's more for either additions to the mod post release or just for people to play with once they finish the mods timeline. If I remember correctly the in-game time will be around 15 years from the beginning to the end. I'd say the biggest issue with that is that there will be quite a bit of waiting while the mod gets to the next storyline event. Since the mod is only like 175 characters though, most of which will be "yet to debut" as they won't be unlocked until the time they are expected to debut in the arc. So the waiting shouldn't be too bad.... Except for the post Cell saga stuff.


The other version will be a wide open mod, more to the kind you'd see with 9000verse. where everyone is playable & you can do your own thing.


It will be one company "at least it is in it's current form but that could change over the weekend."

I don't expect the timeline version to be extremely popular but it's the one I'm most interested to play for myself.


UPDATE#1: So as I posted down below, the mod was pushed back as I found balancing issues. I'm still shooting to release next Sunday, but that depends on how I feel about the quality.

I've spent the last week balancing stats, pop & bios. It hurts to say but I still need to dive into the Buu saga. The important characters are in, but I need to add a bunch of minor characters. Once that's finished. I still need to add narratives to the mod.

I've also decided that since I enjoyed working on the mod so much. I will be adding Dragon Ball in a post release update to the mod. I will also be doing Dragon Ball GT & Dragon Ball Super as two separate timeline additions.

The current release will have random characters from both Super & GT in the post game. But they aren't really for anything other than just having them for people to play with in the wide open version of the mod.

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I'm psyched for this!

I actually altered the DiabloX mod and added DBZ stuff to it (although leaned more on the phenomenal Abridged version), and I found that by using the tournaments from DB could help in finding some jobbers to fill the database. You could also have some original fighters thrown in, I can even help if you'd like.

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I'm psyched for this!

I actually altered the DiabloX mod and added DBZ stuff to it (although leaned more on the phenomenal Abridged version), and I found that by using the tournaments from DB could help in finding some jobbers to fill the database. You could also have some original fighters thrown in, I can even help if you'd like.


I really appreciate the offer! Currently I've added saibamen, Bio-Men & Cell Jr.s along with some other random jobbers. Random Namekians & such. I definitely wouldn't turn down some jobbers additions. The picture style I'm using is the DB Dokken pictures. If you want to help I'll gladly accept whatever you can offer. We can discuss this in a PM if you like. I can send you files & whatnot there so you get an idea of where I'm at in the mod.

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UPDATE#1: The mod was pushed back as I found balancing issues. I'm still shooting to release next Sunday, but that depends on how I feel about the quality.

I've spent the last week balancing stats, pop & bios. It hurts to say but I still need to dive into the Buu saga. The important characters are in, but I need to add a bunch of minor characters. Once that's finished. I still need to add narratives to the mod.

I've also decided that since I enjoyed working on the mod so much. I will be adding Dragon Ball in a post release update to the mod. I will also be doing Dragon Ball GT & Dragon Ball Super as two separate timeline additions.

The current release will have random characters from both Super & GT in the post game. But they aren't really for anything other than just having them for people to play with in the wide open version of the mod.

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