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Southern Pro Wrestling- An Effganic Dynasty

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Southern Pro Wrestling, what most consider to be the first professional wrestling promotion in the world, was founded in February 1920, by Don Loomis, a former amateur wrestling promoter who had grown weary of the unpredictable and often unmarketable nature of the sport. His idea, to pit fighters against one another in 'worked' matches, where the outcome and, crucially, time limit of matches could be pre-determined, would revolutionise combat entertainment and lead to a century of international growth for the business.


This is the story of Southern Pro Wrestling and the pro wrestling industry that began to materialise on the back of its success.


Hi there, I have been a long time viewer of the GDS forums, and in particular the dynasties section, and have enjoyed lots of your work for many years. I think my favourite was the brilliant WCW: Heart and Soul dynasty by The Final Countdown, but there have been many that I have come back to time and time again to see how they unfolded.


I came close to posting for the first time a couple of years back when I had a really decent WWF 1987 save going, but only thought of doing so after being a couple of years into the save and so it meant a lot of going back and writing out the happenings for shows that had happened ages in the past, and I ended up giving up both the writing and the save unfortunately!


For my latest save I decided to write each show up as I went just in case it went somewhere, and so going back to the start hasn't been quite the chore it was the last time.


I have been running this save for roughly 6 weeks now, and have already played through about 5 years. I figured, seeing as we're all having to spend more time indoors due to the crisis we find ourselves in, that I would start to chronicle the journey I have been on here, while continuing to progress the save.


As you might have guessed, I am using the brilliant Effganic mod for this save, and will be playing as Don Loomis, owner and booker of Southern Pro Wrestling, the first wrestling promotion in the world (according to the mod). For those unfamiliar with Effganic, it begins in 1920 with just a handful of workers and a bunch of pro wrestling companies that are scheduled to open their doors over the course of the next 80-100 years.


Credit for the database goes to I_Effin_Rule, and here is a link to the download and details of the mod for anybody looking to create their own save: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=533960




Starting Roster




SPW Pro Wrestling 1: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 2: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 3: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 4: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 5: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 6: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 7: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 8: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 9: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 10: Preview Show Aftermath

SPW Festive Fury 1920: Preview Show Aftermath & News


Top 50 Matches of the Year

1921 Event Schedule




SPW Pro Wrestling 11: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 12: Preview Show Aftermath

SPW 1st Anniversary Show: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 13: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 14: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 15: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 16: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW 4th of July Show 1921: Preview Show Aftermath

SPW Pro Wrestling 17: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 18: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 19: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 20: Preview Show Aftermath

SPW Octoberfest 1921: Preview Show Aftermath

SPW Pro Wrestling 21: Preview Show Aftermath

SPW Pro Wrestling 22: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Festive Fury 1921: Preview Show Aftermath & News


Top 50 Matches of the Year 1921

Top 65 Matches of All Time

Title Histories as at end of 1921

1922 Event Schedule

Roster Overview




SPW Pro Wrestling 23: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 24: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW 2nd Anniversary Show: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 25: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 26: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 27: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Extravaganza: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 28: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW 4th of July Show 1922: Preview Show Aftermath

SPW Pro Wrestling 29: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 30: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Summer Super Tournament 1922 Night 1: Preview Show Aftermath

SPW Summer Super Tournament 1922 Night 2: Preview Show Aftermath

SPW Pro Wrestling 31: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 32: Preview Show Aftermath

SPW Octoberfest 1922: Preview Show Aftermath & News

SPW Pro Wrestling 33: Preview Show

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The Starting Roster


Below is the roster I will be starting with- the 7 active wrestlers at the beginning of the game, as well as colour commentator, Frank Norris, and Road Agent, Jay Lutter. (I have used some of the in-game narrative around these characters and combined them with a little of my own).


Daniel Loiselle, Canada, 30




Canadian technician Daniel Loiselle previously had a successful career in amateur wrestling where he reached the level of national champion when his career began to tail off through lack of bookings. His style as an amateur was one of defence first, and his matches had a reputation for being dull and lasting particularly long and so promoters, already trying to find ways of artificially improving their shows, were reluctant to book him. Irony of all ironies however, meant that, with nothing to lose, Loiselle was perfectly placed to take up Loomis' offer to join his worked show, where entertainment would be the only currency worth anything.


El Espiritu, Mexico, 25




Don Loomis discovered El Espiritu while on holiday in Tijuana. One evening he visited a circus where the main gymnast act was that of El Espiritu (literally translated as 'The Spirit') a hypnotising aerial performance artist and an early star in the primordial days of Mexican cinema, starring in silent movie 'El Magnífico Espíritu Volador' (1918). When Loomis was putting together his roster for Southern Pro Wrestling, his first call was to El Espiritu, and the Mexican, real name Emilio Suarez, despite the fame he enjoyed in Mexico, found he could make a better living in pro wrestling and joined up with Loomis and the rest for that first show.


Frank Norris, USA, 42




Norris had been a business associate of Don Loomis' for a number of years, stretching back to the early part of the 20th century when the pair ran a book for the local race course. After Loomis had given up promoting amateur wrestling, he had handed the business over to Norris, but within a matter of months business had dried up and Norris had filed for bankruptcy. When Loomis founded Southern Pro Wrestling he approached Norris to be his right hand man again, Norris, with few other options, accepted the offer.


Friedrich Herzog, Germany, 31




Friedrich Herzog had been a regular contender for Don Loomis when he promoted amateur wrestling across the Southern states. Loomis liked to use Herzog because, being large, mean looking and German made whoever he faced an instant hit with and the fans. In the meantime punters would always place bets on his home-grown opposition- more fool them as Herzog invariably won. Unfortunately, aged 27 he had suffered a knee injury that had counted him out of future wrestling bouts so when Loomis approached him to star for his new worked wrestling venture, Herzog was only to happy to take part.


Jay Lutter, USA, 25




Jay Lutter was the coach of the East Georgia State Maroons, the 1919 wrestling National Champions. Following the victory, the Dean of the school asked Lutter to step away from the program due to his penchant for booze and gambling. Lutter spent nearly a year working on his second love, screenwriting, before getting word of Don Loomis' Southern Pro Wrestling venture, he travelled to Mississippi to meet Loomis in person. When he did he managed to convince Loomis of his value as someone to help run the creative side of the company.


Joe Boone, USA, 25




Joe Boone was a young boxer with some potential who had fallen into the arms of an unscrupulous manager who had set him up in a match where large amounts of money had changed hands in order to see to it that his opponent won the match. Boone was talked into throwing the contest and was subsequently banned from the sport for match fixing. With his boxing career in tatters he was given a second chance to shine by Loomis who had always been a big fan of Boone's talent and natural charisma.


Levi Andrews, Australia, 40




Levi Andrews was an Australian who had come to America to make his fortune as a vaudeville comedian, and while he had some early success he misjudged the sensibilities of American audiences compared to that down under. When he made some unfavourable jokes about the Protestant church he was black balled by most of the touring companies around, a disaster for a touring comedian. Andrews fought a couple of amateur wrestling matches during Frank Norris' run as promotor and was recommended by Norris for his ability to do both the physical stuff and play to a crowd.


Saita Kuroki, Japan, 41




Saita Kuroki was a grand Yokozuna in Sumo Wrestling back in Japan for many years but as he reached his late 30's, many of the younger competitors were overtaking him. Local promotors protected Kuroki for a couple of years, feeding him sub-par opponents in an attempt to maintain his draw but eventually crowds started to see through it. Faced with the end of his career he quietly retired from the sport but shortly afterwards was contacted by Loomis who was fascinated by Kuroki's herculean size and felt it would be possible to trade off of his legendary status in the Sumo Wrestling world.


Sir Anthony Henry, UK, 32




Sir Anthony Henry had risen to fame as a strongman entertainer during The Great War and had performed for both British and American service personnel as part of his service. Henry was not a real knight but had always performed under the gimmick and when Jay Lutter had suggested they find a character who would think they were better than everyone else, Don Loomis remembered Henry and contacted him to become involved in Southern Pro Wrestling.

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SPW Pro Wrestling 1 Preview


Below is the press release for the first Southern Pro Wrestling event, creatively titled, 'SPW Pro Wrestling 1'.


Southern Pro Wrestling presents its first ever show this coming Saturday night in Jackson, Mississippi with a 3-match all-star card featuring the finest talent from across the world!


Who will be crowned the first ever SPW World Champion as former Canadian national Amateur Wrestling kingpin, Daniel Loiselle, takes on British strongman, Sir Anthony Henry, in a 1 on 1 match for the gold?


In addition, we have a battle of the giants as Japanese Sumo Wrestling legend, Saita Kuroki, faces German brute, Friedrich Herzog.


Finally, the US of A's very own Joe Boone, faces the mysterious, masked, athletic star El Espiritu.


It's all set to take place this Saturday night in Jackson, Mississippi- you won't want to miss it!


Full Card:


Match for the SPW World Title- Daniel Loiselle vs. Sir Anthony Henry

El Espiritu vs. Joe Boone

Saita Kuroki vs. Friedrich Herzog


(I'm not running a prediction contest because, I'll be honest, that is the kind of extra work that is likely to make me feel like this is all too onerous to continue with, but I welcome everyone to make any predictions they may have anyhow- the first show will be posted tomorrow).

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SPW Pro Wrestling 1


Note: I am going to avoid long write ups of matches because it's really not my strong suit. The early show write ups might seem a little short but as things progress the shows will get longer and more complex.


SPW Pro Wrestling 1


6th March 1920. Jackson, MS.


Attendance: 112


Match 1: El Espiritu vs. Joe Boone


MZGEcR1.jpg vs. 0GMbMmW.jpg


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, El Espíritu defeated Joe Boone in 13:38 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.


Rating: 28


Before the next match, Levi Andrews walks out in front of the crowd and grabs a microphone from the ring announcer. He says that tonight has seen a crime take place- that crime was committed by Southern Pro Wrestling when they didn't book him in a match! He says that he is making the best of it however, and will put his skills to use elsewhere, by scouting both wrestlers in the following match from ringside.


Rating: 27


Match 2: Saita Kuroki vs. Freidrich Herzog


sMHj4ZP.jpg vs. 6RNouzl.jpg


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Friedrich Herzog defeated Saita Kuroki in 10:29 by pinfall after a distraction from Levi Andrews.


Rating: 20


Main Event: SPW World Heavyweight Title Match- Daniel Loiselle vs. Sir Anthony Henry


DIrVef3.jpg vs. dX61G2L.jpg


In a decent match, Daniel Loiselle defeated Sir Anthony Henry in 20:29 by submission. Daniel Loiselle wins the SPW World title.


Rating: 36


Overall Show Rating: 33

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March 1920- Show Aftermath & News




The main concern going into the show was whether or not the concept of professional wrestling would actually work- it had never been tried before and nobody was sure what people would make of it. Thankfully, though there did appear to be some in the crowd who were not buying the legitimacy of it, others quickly became engrossed in the action and by the end were cheering Daniel Loiselle to victory in the main event.


Speaking of Loiselle, he was undoubtedly the star performer, and his victory against Sir Anthony Henry was unsurprisingly the best of the night. There had been a number of conversations between Don Loomis, Frank Norris and Jay Lutter about whether the slightly vanilla Loiselle being given the belt to begin with, but it was decided that the trade off of using Loomis was that he was dependable and extremely focused, and would take the role seriously, and do everything he could prior to the show to practice, and make his offence look as legitimate as possible.


The opening contest featuring Joe Boone and El Espiritu, also went well, and effectively introduced the concept of 'cheating' in pro wrestling. The idea that someone putting their feet on the rope would allow them to gain an advantage, had to be established firmly by El Espiritu attempting to do it a couple of times earlier in the match, Boone struggling to kick out when it happened, and the referee catching him in the process and telling him not to do it. This meant that the end of the match made sense when it happened.


The role played by Levi Andrews on this show was the brainchild of Jay Lutter who made the point that if the idea of pro wrestling was to simulate combat between people, there was no reason they couldn't be a little creative with it. The Andrews promo, and subsequent distraction during the Kuroki/Herzog bout, was SPW dipping their toes in the water of doing so. The audience didn't seem overly confused by Andrews coming out in front of the crowd to complain about not being booked on the show, and Andrews' natural performance ability meant he was able to overplay the distraction so that the crowd were completely clear in what had happened.


There were one or two things to cause a little concern, specifically, Saita Kuroki was very unfit and was breathing pretty heavily after the 10 minute match he had with Friedrich Herzog. It was always excepted by those in the know that Kuroki couldn't hold his own in a real bout much these days, but it was also believed that he'd be able to go back and forth with worked chops and punches for a little while. Hopefully Kuroki's fitness will improve in future months, but something for management to keep an eye on.




At the end of the month, Don Loomis signed an 8th wrestler to his Southern Pro Wrestling roster, as he looked to expand the length of his shows going forward.


Harold Taylor, 19, USA




Harold Taylor was a young boxer who Joe Boone recommended as someone with the potential ability to catch on to the world of pro wrestling quickly. At high school Taylor had been expected to become a top boxing prospect but for one reason or another he had struggled to make the step up to prize fighting and was soon casting around for a new vocation when Loomis approached him to come on board with SPW. Once signed, Don Loomis gave Taylor a new stage name- Dragon Lee. Loomis felt that Taylor, who was of Asian descent, could appeal to the public as a hard working, committed, babyface martial artist.

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SPW Pro Wrestling 2 Preview


Below is the press release for SPW Pro Wrestling 2:


Following the success of Southern Pro Wrestling's first show in March, the company returns with the follow up, as the stakes are raised higher!


In the main event, newly crowned SPW World Champion, Daniel Loiselle will defend his belt against the brilliant El Espiritu, a man who overcame Joe Boone at last month's show to earn his shot at the title.


Many suggest that Levi Andrews was to blame for Saita Kuroki losing out to Freidrich Herzog at last month's show, including Kuroki himself. He has requested a match against Andrews and the contract has been signed for this very show.


Will Levi Andrews prove SPW management was wrong to leave him off of the first show with a reputation enhancing victory over the big man, or will Saita Kuroki get the revenge he desires?


SPW Pro Wrestling 2 will be host to 2 further bouts that promise to make this an amazing night of action- firstly Joe Boone and Sir Anthony Henry are looking to bounce back after both suffering losses at last month's show- they will face one another in a vital contest.


Finally, Friedrich Herzog will face debutant Dragon Lee as he looks to add to his victory over Saita Kuroki at SPW Pro Wrestling 1.


All this and more at SPW Pro Wrestling 2!


Full Card:


SPW World Title Match- Daniel Loiselle © vs. El Espiritu

Saita Kuroki vs. Levi Andrews

Joe Boone vs. Sir Anthony Henry

Friedrich Herzog vs. Dragon Lee


(As previously, all predictions are welcome, though I won't be running a contest)

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SPW Pro Wrestling 2


SPW Pro Wrestling 2


4th April 1920. Jackson, MS


Attendance: 112


Match 1: Joe Boone vs. Sir Anthony Henry


0GMbMmW.jpg vs. dX61G2L.jpg


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Joe Boone defeated Sir Anthony Henry in 13:58 by disqualification when Henry, concerned that he was about to lose, delivered a low blow to Boone in full view of the referee.


Rating: 30


Match 2: Freidrich Herzog vs. Dragon Lee


6RNouzl.jpg vs. 9TS3Mud.jpg


In Dragon Lee's debut, a bout that had sub-par wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Friedrich Herzog defeated Dragon Lee in 4:40 by pinfall.


Rating: 30


Match 3: Levi Andrews vs. Saita Kuroki


jee5VHL.jpg vs. sMHj4ZP.jpg


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Saita Kuroki defeated Levi Andrews in 10:19 by pinfall.


Rating: 20


After the match, angry with losing to Kuroki, Andrews grabbed a chair and attacked Kuroki with it from behind, pummelling the big man and leaving him lying.


Rating: 11


Main Event: SPW World Title Match- Daniel Loiselle © vs. El Espiritu


DIrVef3.jpg vs. MZGEcR1.jpg


In a decent match, Daniel Loiselle drew with El Espíritu in 20:00 when the time limit expired.


Rating: 44

Overall Show Rating: 37

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April 1920 Show Aftermath & News




It was clear from tonight's main event who the two best workers in the promotion were- Daniel Loiselle and El Espiritu's top quality World Title match gave a great indication of what could be achieved in the ring given a contest that the public were eager to see. The match was also the first time a time limit finish had been seen by pro wrestling audiences. In both shows so far the scheduled time limit for each contest had been announced beforehand in preparation for a finish like this, and so the fans didn't appear to feel short changed by the draw.


Speaking of firsts, SPW also booked the first ever disqualification finish on this show when Sir Anthony Henry delivered a low blow to Joe Boone in full view of the referee- Boone was in the ascendency at the time and so the heat on Henry afterward was quite a site to behold. This was said to be another of Jay Lutter's creative touches, to not only build tension between Henry and Boone, but firmly establish Henry as a wrestler to be booed going forward.


Once again it was clear from Saita Kuroki's match that he would have to be booked in short matches. Even though this one only lasted 10 minutes Kuroki was visibly tired by the end. The fight with Levi Andrews drew plenty of crowd interest beforehand, but in spite of the grudge match nature of the bout, they weren't able to sustain interest in and it was easily the least well received of the night. That disappointment with the bout stretched to the post-match attack by Andrews on Kuroki, which drew only minimal heat on the Australian


Dragon Lee's debut, though brief, was promising, with his match with Friedrich Herzog achieving the same rating as that of the opener between Joe Boone and Sir Anthony Henry.




When it became clear that Loomis was making good money from the gates at his first couple of shows, and had advertisers clamouring to showcase their products in the venue, both Jay Lutter and Levi Andrews obtained improved deals with SPW, having both requested a bigger cut.


In preparation for the 3rd show, Don Loomis signed another couple of wrestlers to his roster, realising that he would need as much variety as possible to keep the public's interest.


These were:


Austyn Taylor, 20, Canada




Taylor, no relation to the now rechristened, Dragon Lee, had trained as a boxer and been given a scholarship to Toronto University but had dropped out after struggling with his academic studies. With nothing to lose, Taylor hitch hiked to Jackson to meet with Don Loomis and offer his services to Southern Pro Wrestling. Though initially unconvinced by the young Canadian's long term commitment to the cause, Loomis decided to give the kid a chance.


Justin Rodriguez, 21, USA




Justin Rodriguez was an amateur wrestler who was just about to graduate college in the local area and had caught the eye of Don Loomis at a recent Mississippi state wrestling meet. After winning both of his matches at the event, Loomis approached Rodriguez personally and offered him the chance to turn professional before even completing his studies, Rodriguez, excited by the chance to get a head start in his career, jumped at the opportunity. Upon signing with SPW, Rodriguez was given the ring name, Mike Lewis, as Loomis wanted to give him a more 'everyman' gimmick, and felt that the name was more relatable to audiences in Mississippi at the time.

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SPW Pro Wrestling 3 Preview


Below is the press release for SPW Pro Wrestling 3:


They say that the 3rd time is a charm, and that certainly appears to be the case as Southern Pro Wrestling returns once more with another dose of amazing pro wrestling action!


In the main event, Daniel Loiselle, fresh off his first title defence against El Espiritu, will put his title on the line again, this time versus the hard-working Joe Boone. Boone earned the title shot after overcoming Sir Anthony Henry at SPW Pro Wrestling 2 and as both men enjoy great popularity from the fans, this has the potential to split the crowd down the middle.


In addition to this massive encounter, there will be 3 other bouts taking place as the wrestlers of SPW all attempt to stake their claim to be a part of the title picture.


Chief among these is the masked Mexican sensation, El Espiritu who ran Daniel Loiselle very close at SPW Pro Wrestling 2, with the match ending in a time limit draw. El Espiritu is said to be extremely frustrated by the fact that he wasn't instantly given a rematch for the title and will be eager to put himself back in the frame for a title shot as he faces Dragon Lee in a difficult challenge.


Friedrich Herzog is another man who may feel he is due a chance at Loiselle's title having gone undefeated thus far in SPW. He will face debutant Austyn Taylor at SPW Pro Wrestling 3 looking to continue his winning streak.


Finally, another debutant will compete as Mike Lewis will face the ever crafty Levi Andrews, a man who last month made massive waves with a vicious attack on Saita Kuroki after losing to the giant Japanese warrior.


Speaking of Kuroki, while he doesn't have a match for the show, it is known that he will be in attendance and will likely have something to say about the attack he suffered at the hands of Andrews last month.


Also in attendance will be Sir Anthony Henry, though nobody is sure why- Henry was told that he would not be booked at the event as punishment for the low blow he delivered to Joe Boone at SPW Pro Wrestling 2 and so his presence will be controversial to say the least.


It's all set to take place this Saturday night in Jackson, Mississippi- you won't want to miss it!


Full Card:


SPW World Title Match- Daniel Loiselle © vs. Joe Boone

Friedrich Herzog vs. Austyn Taylor

El Espiritu vs. Dragon Lee

Levi Andrews vs. Mike Lewis

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SPW Pro Wrestling 3


SPW Pro Wrestling 3


2nd May 1920. Jackson, MS


Attendance: 122


Match 1: El Espiritu vs. Dragon Lee

MZGEcR1.jpg vs. 9TS3Mud.jpg


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, El Espíritu defeated Dragon Lee in 8:06 by pinfall.


Rating: 25


Match 2: Levi Andrews vs. Mike Lewis


jee5VHL.jpg vs. if10UOT.jpg


In Mike Lewis' debut, a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Levi Andrews defeated Mike Lewis in 7:53 when Mike Lewis was disqualified when Saita Kuroki ran in and attacked Levi Andrews.


Rating: 19




After the match Saita Kuroki attempted to continue his attack on Andrews, but Andrews managed to get free and back away, taunting Kuroki from a distance.


Rating: 12


Match 3: Freidrich Herzog vs. Austyn Taylor


6RNouzl.jpg vs. 1O264UX.jpg


In Austyn Taylor's debut, a bout that had sub-par wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Friedrich Herzog defeated Austyn Taylor in 5:42 by pinfall.


Rating: 26


DIrVef3.jpg vs. 0GMbMmW.jpg


Before the main event, the two participants, Daniel Loiselle and Joe Boone shook hands, showing their mutual respect for one another. Rating: 20


Main Event: SPW World Title Match- Daniel Loiselle © vs. Joe Boone


One thing that was mentioned by the ring announcer prior to this match was that SPW management had reviewed last month's main event and decided to extend the time limit for World Title matches to 30 minutes, rather than 20, as had previously been the case. In a decent match, Daniel Loiselle drew with Joe Boone in 20:25 when the match descended into chaos after El Espíritu and Sir Anthony Henry became involved.


Rating: 33




After the match, El Espiritu and Sir Anthony Henry continued their attack on Loiselle and Boone, and they ended the show with their hands raised above their heads with the crowd raining down boos.


Rating: 25


Overall Show Rating: 30

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May 1920 Show Aftermath & News




For the 2nd time in a row, the main event ended with what was effectively a draw, and there was some concern backstage about how the fans would react to it. Thankfully, the story required Sir Anthony Henry and El Espiritu to be the cause of the no-contest in the match, and so they ultimately became the lightning rod for any dissatisfaction. SPW will be looking to harness that heat on both men in the future.


The other concern that was being discussed in the back after the show was the fact that Danie Loiselle, despite having 2 title defences behind him, hadn't actually picked up a win in either, which didn't look especially good for Loiselle's reputation as champion or for the title itself. Frank Norris felt that Loiselle needed to pick up a reputation enhancing victory in the match before the show, and brought the subject up again in a post-show meeting between himself, Jay Lutter and Don Loomis. It was Lutter who had pushed for the no-contest, arguing that it would facilitate future storyline developments.


The performances of Mike Lewis and Austyn Taylor were as good as could be expected given that this was both men's debuts and the crowd were as yet unfamiliar with them, and Dragon Lee just about managed to hold his own in there with El Espiritu. The new wrestlers were learning quickly but for the time being at least, they weren't on the level as the original 7 roster members.




The backstage concern about Loiselle's title credibility was raised in Daniel Loiselle's first interview with the press- The Jackson Times newspaper had requested Loiselle speak to them, and Loomis had agreed to it based on the publicity it was likely to bring. Here are some of the highlights:


Asked about being the first SPW World Champion: "It's a tremendous honour. This belt is the most important prize in the sport, as early into its history as we may be, and holding it is a symbol of being the best, so I'm honoured every time I get to wear it to the ring and hope to be able to do so for a very long time yet".


Asked about the fact that he's yet to win either of his title defences up to this point: "That is something that frustrates me too- I want to be a champion that people can get behind and believe in and I know that 2 draws from 2 title defences isn't the results anyone wants, least of all me. I am undefeated in my career so far however, and I know that I can overcome both Joe Boone and El Espiritu if we meet in the squared circle again".

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ThePastor" data-cite="ThePastor" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47433" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Love it, my favorite save ever was the 80s version of Effganic. <p> </p><p> It definitely is special to create your own world. Mine lasted 6 years</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I've never actually used the 80's version, I've no idea why but you're right about creating your own world, I think it makes the save more immersive because you organically learn everything about the world, rather than simply get cast into it where you have get your head wrapped around all this stuff at once.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Herrbear" data-cite="Herrbear" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47433" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Liking this. Thank you.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No problem. Thank you for reading, I hope I can keep things interesting!</p>
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SPW Pro Wrestling 4 Preview


Here is the press release for SPW Pro Wrestling 4:


Southern Pro Wrestling returns once more with another massive card of action, including the first ever 'tag team' contest and a grudge match for the ages!


In the main event Daniel Loiselle and Joe Boone, opponents at last month's show, join forces to battle El Espiritu & Sir Anthony Henry. During last month's World Title main event between Loiselle and Boone, both men were attacked by Espiritu & Henry, interrupting what had been up to that point, a fascinating encounter. Now Loiselle and Boone are eager to get their hands on their attackers in this new team innovation.


In another major bout, Saita Kuroki takes on Levi Andrews to settle the growing tensions between the two. Their war all began at the very first SPW show when it was Andrews who cost Kuroki his match against Friedrich Herzog. The following month, Kuroki and Andrews faced each other for the first time and despite getting the victory, Kuroki was left bloodied and hurt following a vicious attack by Andrews with a steel chair after the fight. Last month Kuroki attempted to get some revenge when he attacked Andrews in the middle of a match he was contesting versus Mike Lewis, but Andrews managed to slip away before any real damage could be done, at SPW Pro Wrestling 4, the two will collide again to settle the score!


There will be 2 other matches taking place on the show that you won't want to miss, first of these is the still unbeaten Friedrich Herzog, taking on Mike Lewis.


Lewis gave a good account of himself against Levi Andrews and only lost the match due to Saita Kuroki's attack on Andrews costing him the match by DQ. Will Lewis become the first man to stop the German brute?


Finally, Dragon Lee will face Austyn Taylor in a contest where both men will be desperate to score their first pro wrestling victories.


It's going to be a wild night of action with loads at stake- be there!


Full Card


Daniel Loiselle & Joe Boone vs. El Espiritu & Sir Anthony Henry

Saita Kuroki vs. Levi Andrews

Friedrich Herzog vs. Mike Lewis

Dragon Lee vs. Austyn Taylor

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SPW Pro Wrestling 4


SPW Pro Wrestling 4


6th June 1920. Jackson, MS.


Attendance: 130


Match 1: Friedrich Herzog vs. Mike Lewis


6RNouzl.jpg vs. if10UOT.jpg


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Friedrich Herzog maintained his undefeated streak by pinning Mike Lewis in 6:47.


Rating: 23


Match 2: Dragon Lee vs. Austyn Taylor


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In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Dragon Lee picked up his first victory in SPW when he defeated Austyn Taylor in 9:22 by submission.


Rating: 10


Match 3: Levi Andrews vs. Saita Kuroki


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In a rematch between two men who have been at odds since the first SPW show back in Match, that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Saita Kuroki defeated Levi Andrews in 12:16 by pinfall.


Rating: 22




As Saita Kuroki celebrated victory over his rival, Friedrich Herzog came to the ring and attacked the big man, as Levi Andrews looked on and laughed. Kuroki needed to be helped out of the venue after the beating.


Rating: 16


Match 4: Daniel Loiselle & Joe Boone vs. El Espiritu & Sir Anthony Henry


DIrVef3.jpg & 0GMbMmW.jpg vs. MZGEcR1.jpg & dX61G2L.jpg


In a decent match, Daniel Loiselle and Joe Boone defeated El Espíritu and Sir Anthony Henry in 20:48 when Daniel Loiselle defeated Sir Anthony Henry by pinfall.


Rating: 43

Overall Show Rating: 35

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June 1920 Show Aftermath & News



It was official- tag team wrestling was a hit! The match pitting Daniel Loiselle and Joe Boone against El Espiritu and Sir Anthony Henry was the 2nd best in company history (behind only the World Title match between Loiselle and El Espiritu at SPW Pro Wrestling 2) and the crowd really enjoyed the different dynamic that 2 on 2 wrestling brought with it. Furthermore, the 130 tickets sold also made this the most successful in company history. After the dust had settled, Don Loomis, Frank Norris and Jay Lutter all agreed that the company would put on more tag matches in the future.


After his performance in the main event, Daniel Loiselle was proving to management why they had selected him as their first SPW World Champion. He was head and shoulders above the rest in terms of his in-ring performance and had already developed a keen sense of how to manipulate the audience and carry them on a journey through a wrestling match. That's not to say the others were poor, just that Loiselle really stood out during the night's headline contest.


Saita Kuroki again had trouble getting through the 12 minute match he participated in opposite Levi Andrews, but this was the best match that either he or Andrews had taken part in up to this point and so management were happy. What's more, the story between the two seems to be gaining traction with the crowd, and Friedrich Herzog's addition to the plot should keep it fresh for at least a couple more shows.


There was disappointment at the quality of the performances of both Dragon Lee and Austyn Taylor in their match, neither had thus far appeared to progress very much, and both would likely be required to step up a bit in the future.




Following 2 main event matches on the bounce, Joe Boone requested a pay rise from Don Loomis, and with business good, Loomis granted his request to keep Boone happy.


Loomis also signed another new wrestler to a Southern Pro Wrestling contract:


Raynard Leroy, Canada, 19




Raynard Leroy was a young amateur wrestler that Daniel Loiselle had noticed while back home in Toronto. He had stood out to Loiselle less for his wrestling exploits (he lost his solitary match of the meet) than for the swagger he had about him as he walked around the venue. Loiselle set up a meeting between Don Loomis and Leroy and after an hour long conversation Don Loomis renamed him, Leroy Disco, a cool and cocky cat, straight out of the dance halls of the time.

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Loiselle usually carries this for the first couple of years, although when Japan opened up they got this generate junior heavyweight who was like a total superstar, ended up breaking Loiselles streak of wrestlers of the year when he hit his prime.


Without giving anything away, Loiselle certainly features heavily for my SPW for some time yet!


Fantastic read so far. Love seeing these.


Thanks very much, and thank you for the mod! Glad you're enjoying so far.

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SPW Pro Wrestling 5 Preview


Here is the press release for SPW Pro Wrestling 5:


If you're looking for top quality combat competition, there is nothing better than Southern Pro Wrestling and this month the grapplers return to Jackson, Mississippi with their biggest show yet!


Over the past few weeks there has been a great deal of conjecture about who would be the next challenger to Daniel Loiselle's SPW World Title with many arguing that the undefeated Friedrich Herzog should be in line for a shot at the belt. SPW officials however, have decided that El Espiritu deserves a rematch following his time limit draw against the champion in April and so SPW Pro Wrestling 5 will be headlined by this massive encounter.


That is not the only major rematch taking place at the show however, as Friedrich Herzog has a colossal collision which many speculate if he is successful in, will lead him to a title shot, as he battles Saita Kuroki.


You may remember the pair's titanic bout at SPW Pro Wrestling 1 back in March, since then however, the stakes have been raised and the emotion involved has gone through the roof. There is still speculation as to why Herzog came to the ring after Kuroki's successful victory against Levi Andrews last month and attacked the Japanese Sumo sensation and there are rumours that Herzog will explain himself at the event.


SPW Pro Wrestling 5 will be the biggest show the company has ever put on as, in addition to the 2 main events, there will be a further THREE bouts at the show.


The first of these will see Joe Boone up against debutant Leroy Disco. Boone was on the winning side in last month's historic 'tag team' match and will be looking to continue his good form with a victory in this one.


In addition Dragon Lee, fresh off his first ever victory in SPW against Austyn Taylor last month, is stepping up a level to face the wily Sir Anthony Henry. Henry will not be happy that it was his shoulders pinned to the mat in last month's 'tag team' match and will be looking to bounce back at the first opportunity.


And last but not least, Mike Lewis and Austyn Taylor will do battle as both men look to set down a marker early in their Southern Pro Wrestling careers.


SPW Pro Wrestling 5 looks set to be a dramatic and exciting night of action, if you're not there, you will be missing out, so get your ticket today!


Full Card


SPW World Title Match- Daniel Loiselle © vs. El Espiritu

Saita Kuroki vs. Friedrich Herzog

Joe Boone vs. Leroy Disco

Sir Anthony Henry vs. Dragon Lee

Mike Lewis vs. Austyn Taylor

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SPW Pro Wrestling 5


SPW Pro Wrestling 5




4th July 1920. Jackson, MS.


Attendance: 137


Match 1: Joe Boone vs. Leroy Disco


0GMbMmW.jpg vs. kAlHp55.jpg


In Leroy Disco's debut, an extremely short match, Joe Boone defeated Disco in 4:47 by pinfall. During the match, Sir Anthony Henry came down to ringside and took up a chair to watch the bout.


Rating: 43




After the match, Sir Anthony Henry got on the microphone and scoffed at Joe Boone's performance telling him that if he wanted to see a real master at work, he should watch his match later.


Rating: 16


Match 2: Mike Lewis vs. Austyn Taylor


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In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Austyn Taylor defeated Mike Lewis in 7:10 by pinfall with a handful of tights.


Rating: 16




Before the next match, Levi Andrews accompanied Friedrich Herzog to the ring and grabbed a microphone. He explained that he and Herzog have come to a little understanding about working together to achieve their goals. Andrews said that in Herzog he believes he has found the man to drive Saita Kuroki from SPW and in return, Andrews can help Herzog get the World Title shot that has alluded him thus far.


Rating: 22


Match 3: Saita Kuroki vs. Friedrich Herzog


sMHj4ZP.jpg vs. 6RNouzl.jpg


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Friedrich Herzog defeated Saita Kuroki in 8:34 by pinfall following interference from Levi Andrews.


Rating: 21


Match 4: Sir Anthony Henry vs. Dragon Lee


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In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Dragon Lee defeated Sir Anthony Henry in 11:58 by pinfall after a distraction from Joe Boone.


Rating: 23




After the match, as Sir Anthony Henry went berzerk in the ring after losing a bout he was expected to win, Joe Boone walked away with a satisfied smile on his face. Rating: 17


Main Event: SPW World Title Match- Daniel Loiselle © vs. El Espiritu


DIrVef3.jpg vs. MZGEcR1.jpg


In a decent match, El Espíritu defeated Daniel Loiselle in 20:46 by count out when El Espiritu managed to land a missile dropkick, the force of which sent Loiselle to the outside where he knocked his head on the guard rail and was unable to respond to the referee's 10 count.


Rating: 47


Overall Show Rating: 40

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