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About ThePastor

  • Birthday 05/24/1988

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. <p>Minor suggestion but in terms of English this is sort of confusing and not immediately obvious. I find myself already forgetting which of big and large is bigger, I’ll get used to it eventually but simple change is to change Large to Huge.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Big and Large are effectively interchangeable/synonymous and especially if you start TEW on a mod it becomes memorization rather than something intuitive. Huge is obviously bigger than big, by literal definition, and then Titantic being the most obviously large.</p>
  2. The youngsters lack of experience is really hurting their match quality, going to rely heavily on veterans this time around.
  3. The point about profits not changing with game time is just untrue but either way the point is the topic and suggestion is fine, but it would be way more helpful if you put a clear problem in the actual title instead of this vague topic header with very little elaboration. Saying that you made 1 million with TCW in the first month and thus the game is too easy does not tell anyone anything. TEW2016 financial system is far from broken and something like that is easily achievable depending on deals, popularity amount of shows run, etc. Instead saying that every large company makes 8 figures a month because of excessive PPV revenue is very clear and concise suggestion that the dev team can immediately look at and understand. I got 6 million in EILL from a throwaway event, I think with the highest importance on events you get even more.
  4. It actually explicitly states in her bio she changed her name to be more marketable to American audiences as she moved. And the great thing about the name changes is they keep the names in the bio so it is actually effortless to change them back. For EMLL translating things like “Clash of the Multiverse” and “The Paradox Equation” and the heavy comic book style booking it is supposed to promote would likely not hit home if it’s written in a language incomprehensible to the average player, again. If I saw EMLL and the event names are all written in Spanish and I don’t understand them I’m probably just going to book them as a generic Lucha promotion with 1 v 1 matches because I don’t understand what the product is supposed to be.
  5. You’ve played 2 months, because that’s how long the beta lasts. As far as the other companies, I know USPW and SWF have endless pockets in EVERY TEW game, as well as BHOWTG generally has no financial issues barring something unusual which does occasionally happen. Now the exact numbers are a bit off for the larger companies by a few million dollars but I don’t expect much to change even when it’s patched in terms of the the overall financial difficulty of these large super companies, they will still make tons of money just less. Finally, even after it’s all normalized, theres still no world where the default companies who are hugely successful for decade are going to be facing financial problems in the first 2 months. Maybe in 2-5 years but nothing will happen in this sample size.
  6. I also took an actual look at this and I have no idea what he’s even alleging. Almost no workers had name changes with the exception of El Alberto Confiadoro (how however it’s spelled) and Heroe who’s name was changed due to being generic. EILL and CILL have entirely Spanish event schedules, and EMLL’s is in English for obvious reasons, it would be difficult to convert the tone of what Adam was going for creatively with the company of all of the event names were incomprehensible to 90 percent of the playerbase. The only thing I’m seeing is that OLLIEs schedule was expanded from their 2016 edition where they only had 4-5 events and I think 5 English named events were added. Given the developers are not Spanish speakers it would make more sense for you to manually change these 5 event names to Spanish if you speak that language and it makes you more comfortable.
  7. Really has nothing to do with real companies and their practices. Mexican wrestling markets that way because it is primarily targeting a Mexican audience. TEW is not. Being able to read events and worker names in a language they understand is pretty fundamental. If you know Spanish you can just translate it to your liking anyway. Personally I had already found it irritating in 2016 when all of the titles in any given company were in Spanish and I had no idea if I was booking the midcard title or the world title half the time. Somehow I have extreme doubt that a near 99 percent text based game with no additional language support is being played by this massive Non-English speaking audience.
  8. Large Companies seem to make too much money and that can be addressed in a patch but it’s not really related to this. Same with EILL I booked one show and had a 6 million dollar PPV revenue
  9. I don’t agree with this, this games playing population is overwhelming English and having the names in English greatly enhances their playing experience. Think about how you would feel if workers in the database were named 神保誠司 or events were named that way.
  10. And I’m saying that starts as a powerhouse of company with a relatively small roster perfectly situated for making money is not abnormal or indicative of “too easy” The fact that he’s only making 1mil a month despite playing an established company that essentially sits at the equivalent of “Cult” in 2016 just shows that. Especially given in the prior game when you hit Large(The equivalent of National) you would see almost a million dollar increase in monthly costs that bankrupted most companies. Moreover 2 months is not an indication of how finances work in this game, if you want we’re immediately squeaking by with nearly no profit margin with an established giant that’s been in business for almost 25 years now the game probably would not be very fun. Go make a custom medium size company in Australia with no history and see how the “too easy” finances go. My wager is you will not find it too easy.
  11. Yes exactly now this was just proof of concept but if I was really booking and I’d advise also you can just fill maybe 2-3 matches cold with whoever you feel like getting some momentum that month or featuring and it wouldn’t really hurt the show grade with this skeleton accounting for most of the show grade.
  12. You’ve played one company and have small contracts because TCW isn’t that big at the start. Why not wait until later when you have more information
  13. Let's take EILL and go through a basic booking strategy. They have a requirement of 5 storylines with 65 heat so we need to be mindful of that. Now if we look at EILL's starting feuds all of them are OK except the last one, it's a tag feud and it's failing the requirements. Now for example Devious Dr Fang is only 51 popa across Mexico so we don't really want to use him in a storyline with this heat requirement. So we can actually just delete this storyline as it is basically a really bad bait. Instead we'll use Soul Taker vs Pirata Maivada. Soul Taker is aging but EILL has a heavy pop based product and hes at 81 pop. So this is the whole show. A 90 rated show with the day 1 roster on day 1. First thing we do as mentioned is setup an adequate fifth feud as you receive a massive show penalty for not meting the storyline requirements. Second i discontinued the Alvarez/El Leon alliance and instead turned Alvarez heel. Now onto the booking itself Segment 1: Modern TV Opener Leading to 1 V 1 Pirata and Soul Taker 6 Minutes Reason for this is we just started this feud and need it over 65. Grading on Entertainment in every TEW has always been OP and now this is even moreso because the other ones got pretty badly nerfed. So just both on entertainment for 6 minutes and both guys are popular and decent enough on entertainment to get a 70s or so grade. Segment 2 - Match between Soul Taker and Pirata We do the promo before the match always to "build" it. If we just do the match cold its going to get penalized for not having an associated hot storyline and will be in the 60s and it might be an issue. Doing the arugment before the match secures the 76 grade. As far as the match itself, it's set as storytelling solely so I can meet the requirements in a match that doesn't really matter for the overall grade. Segment 3: Montero Taunts Axxis Again very safe angle to run, this one is even pretty cheap to use because it gives minor success to the taunter without any defeats, so it's just completely free momentum. Gino of course has good entertainment and overness so this is a slam dunk angle. Segment 4: Rudo and Gino vs Axxis and Heroe To save card space and ensure the heat on the storylines this early in the game I just book a 15 minute high spots match between two different feuds as a tag team. High spots because its mandatory and because enough people in this match have good flying skills. Another good match. Segment 5: El Leon beaten down backstage by Rock God This was just done for a turn. Ran about 4 minutes, its an overness angle only so keep it shorter if possible. Turned Alvarez during this segment. Segment 6: Golden Kings vs Masked Lightning and Sea Monsters Again, we have some workers pretty low on the card in a feud in our 4th feud and we dont have much leeway here, so I just put them in a multi man match with a main event tag match and have them both lose to secure the heat on the storyline. This gives me a little more wiggle room in case the straight up match between these two is below a 65 for whatever reason. Segment 7: Angle with El Leon and Rock God Essentially this is just another 6 minute entertainment angle, same as the opening angle. For role playing purposes it would be a challenge and then accepted challenge for the title but the accepted challenge angle works oddly in the default database requiiring two separate angles.Anyway, the feud is hot and these guys are big stars and it gets a 94. Segment 8 : Alvarez vs El Leon We built to this match all show and had a 94 angle right before it just to boost up the storyline heat and give this more of a bonus. We only make this match 16 minutes, regular, called in the ring and with the open match note. Don't want to get too fancy this early on and like I said before, Epic and Spectacle are actually just useless to me and huge newb traps. Alvarez doesn't have amazing stamina so he gets dinged a bit on stamina. We alternatively could have booked this 18-20 minutes with a Slow Build by Alvarez's psychology is shaky for that, so this is ideal. Remember as product setting state you only need the match in this company to go 15 minutes to get the max possible grade potential. So we book it just over hat to keep the guys unpenalized but to take care of our guys stamina. As a rule of thumb you don't want a guy below 80 stamina to go anymore than 19 minutes EDIT: I forgot to mention I chose Alvarez here specifically not just due to his popularity but also due to his red hot momentum. Being red hot in momentum is extremely strong in this game and is when you should book your wrestlers the most favorably.
  14. Maybe it’s been changed under absolutely perfect scenarios in this game but you should never use Epic/Spectacle for any reason. At its best it does exactly the same as a regular match in terms of grade output and all of the huge penalties and intense micromanaging you need to do to even get it to not give you those penalties is simply not worth the effort. At any rate I wouldn’t really rely on auto booking your shows unless they are just filler TV shows and you’ve hit a point of reasonable auto pilot, certainly not on game start will that be the case. So just book all of your storylines out, use your most entertaining guys to build heat on feuds and be mindful of your workers stamina when doing your match length.
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