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Southern Pro Wrestling- An Effganic Dynasty

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Let's have a try at this. I like the effganic setup....


SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Saita Kuroki

New champ wins.


Sir Anthony Henry vs. Mike Lewis

Think Henry might be the next contender.


The Alliance vs. Joe Boone & Dustin David

Boone wins.


Austyn Taylor vs. The Puzzler

Give the new guy a rub.


Escuadron & Night Fever vs. Young Guns & No Nonsense

Nathan Hayes vs. John Baratheon

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SPW Pro Wrestling 13


SPW Pro Wrestling 13




7th March 1920. Jackson, MS


Attendance: 384




The show began with The Alliance walking to the ring. Levi Andrews picked up the microphone and had the following to say:


"At the 1st Anniversary Show, The Alliance were robbed of our Tag Team Titles when Don Loomis made a ridiculously unfair decision and forced me to defend the tag titles without my partner, Friedrich Herzog. Nathan Hayes wasn't even expecting to wrestle that night, and was also completely unprepared. I have lodged an official complaint with Southern Pro Wrestling management about the decision, though I don't expect any further action to be taken, that's why myself and The Alliance are moving on, and refocussing our efforts. Tonight will be the night that The Alliance turns its recent misfortunes around, and becomes the focus of Southern Pro Wrestling once more. We will begin tonight by winning our matches- starting with Nathan Hayes who is up in the first match" Andrews and Herzog then left the ringside area as Hayes prepared for his match.


Rating: 37


Match 1: Nathan Hayes vs. John Baratheon


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In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Nathan Hayes defeated John Baratheon in 6:49 by pinfall with a Double Arm Face Plant.


Rating: 25


Match 2: Escuadron & Night Fever vs. Young Guns & No Nonsense (Anderson Ambriz & Beau Joslin)


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In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Young Guns and No Nonsense defeated Escuadron and Night Fever in 12:08 when Roland Pascual defeated Chico de Oro by pinfall with a Face-Plant.


Rating: 31


Match 3: Austyn Taylor vs. The Puzzler


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In a bout that didn't have much heat and embarrassing wrestling, Austyn Taylor defeated The Puzzler in 6:47 by submission. Rating: 14




Up next, Daniel Loiselle came out in front of the crowd and had the following to say:


"I want to start by thanking all of you fans for the tremendous support you have given me over the past year, it's been an honour to compete in front of you as the first ever SPW World Champion. I also want to congratulate the new Champion, El Espiritu, for a great victory and I wish him the best of luck holding that title. Some people might not like El Espiritu, but I know the pressure of holding that belt, and I know that he will be as proud of holding it as I was.


For me, I am going to take a short break from wrestling, it's been an intense year and I need to take stock and reflect on everything that has happened- if I want to continue to challenge at the top end of the sport I need to keep improving, and take the time to review what has come before. But don't worry, I won't be away long, and when I return I'll be better than ever!".


Rating: 22




Just as he was about to leave however, Perry Bryant came out to the entrance way, he laughed and then had the following to say:


"Here he is, the great Daniel Loiselle, he suffers one little defeat and he takes his ball and runs home to Mommy! You claim to be a champion, but you're nothing but a loser! So before you leave, I want a match against you, right here, right now!"


Daniel Loiselle nods his head and the match is on.


Rating: 24


Match 4: Daniel Loiselle vs. Perry Bryant


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In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Daniel Loiselle defeated Perry Bryant in 7:35 by pinfall.


Rating: 40


Match 5: The Alliance vs. Joe Boone & Dustin David


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In a poor match, The Alliance defeated Joe Boone and Dustin David in 10:35 when Friedrich Herzog defeated Dustin David by pinfall.


Rating: 37


Match 6: Sir Anthony Henry vs. Mike Lewis


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In a poor match, Sir Anthony Henry defeated Mike Lewis in 8:42 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.


Rating: 35


Match 7: SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Saita Kuroki


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In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, El Espíritu defeated Saita Kuroki in 13:52 by pinfall. El Espíritu makes defence number 1 of his SPW World title.


Rating: 34




After the match, while El Espiritu celebrated his victory, The Alliance again came to the ring and surrounded El Espiritu. Levi Andrews then took the microphone off the ring announcer:


"Well done my friend, that was a very impressive victory, against a guy that, I think it's no secret, has caused us a fair bit of trouble in the past. Now I know what you're thinking, 'why are The Alliance here'? Well before I explain, let me tell you something about The Alliance, you see The Alliance was always supposed to be about a collection of individuals with a common goal, we worked together to improve our collective interests. One of those interests was the belt that you have draped over your shoulder because where the title is, is where the power is. We have watched as you have won the World Title and we admire you, and that's why we are here, you see we want to offer you a place in The Alliance. Now don't give us an answer yet- we know this is a big decision. Have a think about it, mull it over, and come back to us with an answer later.... Seriously, nice victory."


After Andrews finished he dropped the mic and The Alliance walked to the back leaving El Espiritu in the ring as the show ended.


Rating: 39


Overall Show Rating: 35

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March 1920- Show Aftermath & News




This was the first time on a show where SPW had booked an impromptu match, and it worked well. The bonus inclusion of a Daniel Loiselle match on the bill really lifted the audience, and as the attendance of 384 was a new high for the promotion, not advertising it ahead of time didn't do ticket sales any harm.


Talking of Daniel Loiselle, the decision had been made by Don Loomis to give him a couple of months off, more as a way to give the audience a break from seeing him than anything else, with the logic that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Jay Lutter had also commented that from a story perspective, it was going to be difficult to slot Loiselle straight back in immediately following his title loss- his feud with El Espiritu was done for the time being, but not going back for the title wouldn't make sense.


El Espiritu managed to carry Saita Kuroki to his best match yet in the main event though it has to be said that Kuroki was blowing hard by the end of the 14 minutes the match lasted. Given that Loomis liked his main events to go at least 20 minutes, it wasn't a good sign for the ex-sumo's chances of headlining again.


General match quality was also up, with the glut of new recruits over the past 4-6 months starting to improve and make their presence felt, though Austyn Taylor had been struggling for a while, often being given debutants during his undefeated run.




With business flying, Don Loomis' recruitment drive showed no sign of slowing down as he brought in another 3 new talents to contracts shortly after SPW Pro Wrestling 13.




First of these was Albert Berik, a big mean looking guy from New Jersey who was the kind of guy who, when he walked into a room you noticed, but when you spoke to him he had a jovial nature to him and made everyone around feel involved. He was to be brought in as a heel to begin with.




Also joining SPW were Masao Kobayashi and Tetsuyuki Ishibashi, two men who had come across from Japan to train with Saita Kuroki a few months previously and who it was felt, might be ready to work in front of a live audience. Don Loomis saw no reason for them not to be brought in as Kuroki's proteges and so 'The Kuroki Boys' were born.

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SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Saita Kuroki

Espiritu ain´t dropping the belt on first defense


Sir Anthony Henry vs. Mike Lewis

This looks to be a feud so wonder if Lewis actually have shot a win here especially since you likely need to build face or two up now that you have heel champ. However, Henry is still higher on my books so I go with him but I could see an upset here to help build Lewis up quickly.


The Alliance vs. Joe Boone & Dustin David

Another tough one here with Alliance being your best tag team, (or that´s how I currently see it) them losing to random pairing would slightly hurt your tag division in my eyes. That said, win here would help to build David up as potential challenger for Espiritu if David gets few wins against lower card heels afterwards. More importantly, loss here would be reason to keep Alliance away from tag titles as I´m not sure if Young Guns would be over enough to go over Alliance without hurting them and that´s the main reason why I pick Boone and David to win here.


Austyn Taylor vs. The Puzzler

Don´t see Taylor dropping his win streak against a rookie.


Escuadron & Night Fever vs. Young Guns & No Nonsense

For some reason I thought Escuadron would be faces. :o Well, that mistake aside, thinking heel teams pick the win here in order to claim title shots for the belts.

Nathan Hayes vs. John Baratheon

Hayes has more going on thanks to him being part of the Alliance


4 out of 6- pretty close. On the point about Escuadron, I totally get why a couple of small luchas would be babyfaces, and looking back it does seem a bit strange now. I think the main reason they were brought in as heels was that Chico de Oro can't work as a babyface.



Let's have a try at this. I like the effganic setup....


SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Saita Kuroki

New champ wins.


Sir Anthony Henry vs. Mike Lewis

Think Henry might be the next contender.


The Alliance vs. Joe Boone & Dustin David

Boone wins.


Austyn Taylor vs. The Puzzler

Give the new guy a rub.


Escuadron & Night Fever vs. Young Guns & No Nonsense

Nathan Hayes vs. John Baratheon


3 out of 6- Not Bad. On the giving the new guy a rub, yeah I'm gonna level with you, that rarely happens in this save!


El Espiritu




Guns and NN



6 out of 6- What can I say, a perfect score-next you'll be predicting my impromptu matches!

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SPW Pro Wrestling 14 Preview


Here is the press release for SPW Pro Wrestling 14:


Southern Pro Wrestling is back in Jackson, MS for another round of wrestling mayhem! Both titles are set to be on the line on a card packed with big name stars!


SPW World Champion El Espiritu will defend the title against Joe Boone in one half of a massive double main event. Boone has only ever had one other shot at the belt, and that came all the way back in May of last year. In that match he and then champ, Daniel Loiselle went to a no-contest when the fight was interrupted by others, one of whom was the man who now holds the belt, El Espiritu! Finally Boone gets another chance to win the World Title and El Espiritu will know he faces a stern test.


In the other half of that double main event, Young Guns make their first defence of the tag team titles against former champions The Alliance. It was at SPW's First Anniversary Show that the Young Guns won the belts from the makeshift team of Levi Andrews and Nathan Hayes, when Friedrich Herzog was injured and unable to compete. Now Herzog has returned to active competition, The Alliance pairing want their titles back and will have their chance at SPW Pro Wrestling 14!


Speaking of The Alliance, last month they made a staggering offer to World Champion, El Espiritu, to become the 4th member of the group. Wanting to consolidate power within The Alliance, Levi Andrews and the rest see El Espiritu as the perfect addition. Will El Espiritu give The Alliance an answer? If so, what will it be? And, what will be the ramifications for the rest of the SPW roster? There are so many questions, as we head into this huge event!


SPW has been quick to provide El Espiritu with challengers for his World Title, and they are looking to continue to do that at SPW Pro Wrestling 14 as Saita Kuroki and Austyn Taylor go one on one to be named the number 1 contender for the belt. Saita Kuroki came up just short of a victory in El Espiritu's first title defence last month and now he's looking to go one step further. To get the chance however, he'll have to stop the runaway train that is Austyn Taylor whose winning streak currently stands at 7, leaving a trail of competitors in his wake. It's anyone's guess who'll come out on top of this one with the stakes as high as they are!


Two men who have been at odds with each other since Festive Fury are Perry Bryant and Dustin David, where Bryant struck David with a low blow after becoming frustrated with David outwrestling him in their match that night. The pair had a rematch at SPW Pro Wrestling 11 which finished inconclusively when the referee lost control, and then were on separate sides of the ring at SPW's First Anniversary Show in 6-man tag action. Despite David's side getting the duke in that encounter, revenge was in short supply for him as Bryant largely avoided contact with his rival during the contest. Now the pair are due for a 3rd battle with both looking to settle this thing in their favour.


There will be a further 3 matches at SPW Pro Wrestling 14 that will be just as competitive as those already mentioned. The first of these sees Escuadron take on No Nonsense in tag team action. The two teams were on opposing sides of the ring last month in an 8-man tag, with No Nonsense on the winning side, who will come out on top this time?


In another contest which shows the depth of the tag division at this moment in time, Night Fever will face newcomers, Tetsuyuki Ishibashi & Masao Kobayashi, two young men who have been personally trained by Saita Kuroki. They will be looking to make a great first impression.


Finally, Nathan Hayes will be in action against masked enigma, The Puzzler.


It's going to be another wild night of Southern Pro Wrestling action as the stars of the grappling world fight and claw their way in pursuit of immortality!


Full Card


SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Joe Boone

SPW Tag Team Title Match- Young Guns © vs. The Alliance

Number 1 Contender Match- Saita Kuroki vs. Austyn Taylor

Escuadron vs. No Nonsense

Perry Bryant vs. Dustin David

Night Fever vs. The Kuroki Boys

Nathan Hayes vs. The Puzzler

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SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Joe Boone

Boone could well be the next champ (right now my money is on Boone or Loiselle getting his 2nd reign) but that won´t happen this quickly.


SPW Tag Team Title Match- Young Guns © vs. The Alliance

Doubtful Young Guns would drop the belts this quickly so they pick up a win here.


Number 1 Contender Match- Saita Kuroki vs. Austyn Taylor

If Loiselle would still be a champ, I could see you feeding Kuroki to Taylor but with heel champ you need face challenger especially since Taylor´s match ratings haven´t been that great so his in-ring skills aren´t likely to compensate the heel vs. heel penalty


Escuadron vs. No Nonsense

face champs so going with heels picking win.


Perry Bryant vs. Dustin David

Right now, I do rate David slightly higher than Bryant so I go with him


Night Fever vs. The Kuroki Boys

If memory serves, SPW would still be the only company in the world at this point so Kuroki boys are pair of untested rookies with no popularity and thus likely to start as jobbers as will likely be the case with pretty much any new guy for next few years.


Nathan Hayes vs. The Puzzler

Speaking of rookies, Puzzler is still paying his dues.

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SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Joe Boone


SPW Tag Team Title Match- Young Guns © vs. The Alliance


Number 1 Contender Match- Saita Kuroki vs. Austyn Taylor


Escuadron vs. No Nonsense


Perry Bryant vs. Dustin David


Night Fever vs. The Kuroki Boys


Nathan Hayes vs. The Puzzler

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SPW Pro Wrestling 14


SPW Pro Wrestling 14



5th April 1921. Jackson, MS


Attendance: 368


Match 1: Nathan Hayes vs. The Puzzler


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In a terrible match, Nathan Hayes defeated The Puzzler in 7:13 by pinfall with a Double Arm Face Plant.


Rating: 16




Before the next match, Saita Kuroki came out in front of the crowd and said that he is very proud to announce the first two graduates from his wrestling school- Tetsuyuki Ishibashi and Masao Kobayashi- and says they are ready to have their debut match.


Rating: 4


Match 2: Night Fever vs. The Kuroki Boys


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In a terrible match, Night Fever defeated The Kuroki Boys in 7:51 when Leroy Disco defeated Masao Kobayashi by pinfall with a Flapjack.


Rating: 30


Match 3: Perry Bryant vs. Dustin David


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In a poor grudge match between two men who'd been involved in a personal battle for sometime now, Dustin David defeated Perry Bryant in 11:41 by pinfall with a Shoulder Breaker.


Rating: 31




Next up, Mike Lewis came to the ring and said that he knows Sir Anthony Henry used the ropes to win their last match and wants to get his hands on Henry again so challenges Henry to face him tonight.




Henry came out to respond and said he's getting fed up of Lewis, and can't be bothered to deal with him today but he has an alternative. Henry then introduced his Squire, Albert Berik, and says that Lewis can face him instead.


Rating: 26


Match 4: Mike Lewis vs. Squire Albert Berik


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In a terrible match, Mike Lewis defeated Squire Albert Berik in 6:56 by submission. Rating: 22




After the match Sir Anthony Henry rushed the ring and took Lewis down, he wass soon joined by Berik and the pair put the boots to Lewis.


Rating: 10


Match 5: Escuadron vs. No Nonsense


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In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Escuadron drew with No Nonsense in 20:00 when the time limit expired.


Rating: 23


Match 6: SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Joe Boone


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In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Joe Boone defeated El Espíritu in 17:22 when El Espíritu was disqualified after Nathan Hayes ran in and attacked Joe Boone. Boone wins the match, but not the title.




Rating: 37




After the match Levi Andrews came out to the entrance with Friedrich Herzog, and says "El Espiritu, just wanted to check in following our little offer last month, and show you, that should you accept, this is the kind of support you will receive from The Alliance. You're welcome."


Rating: 38


Match 7: Number 1 Contender Match- Saita Kuroki vs. Austyn Taylor


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In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Austyn Taylor defeated Saita Kuroki in 12:57 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.


Rating: 23


Match 8: SPW Tag Team Title Match- Young Guns © vs. The Alliance


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After about 12 minutes of action, Dragon Lee reversed an Irish whip sending Herzog into the referee and the referee collapsed in the corner. Lee then dropkicked Herzog in the back, sending the big man over the top rope and landing awkwardly outside. Levi Andrews, seeing the referee down, grabbed one of the tag title belts from the time keeper's desk, and then got in the ring and took Roland Pascual out with it. Andrews then turned to Dragon Lee but Lee kicked Andrews in the gut, forcing him to drop the belt. After a brief exchange both men came off the ropes from either side of the ring and went for a clothesline, which took them both down in the middle of the ring.




With everybody down, including the referee, El Espiritu emerged from the curtain!


El Espiritu then got into the ring and picked up the title belt, with both Dragon Lee and Levi Andrews getting to their feet, the crowd held it's breath in anticipation of El Espiritu knocking Lee down with it- seeing what was going on, Andrews began to smile and nod approvingly.


El Espiritu looked at Andrews, then tossed the title belt to Dragon Lee, who walloped Andrews with it and made the cover. El Espiritu left the ring with the fans patting him on the back as he left via the entrance way. The referee recovered and made the count and Young Guns had retained in 13:38. Young Guns make defence number 1 of their SPW Tag Team titles.


Rating: 32


Overall Show Rating: 30

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April 1921 Show Aftermath & News




Jay Lutter was absolutely buzzing after seeing the main event play out. He had been working on the end of the match all day before the show with those involved trying to make sure it went exactly as planned, and when it was happening in front of the audience, Lutter was a nervous wreck but afterwards he was very happy- they had executed it exactly as he'd hoped. Everyone hit just the right notes, and the transition of El Espiritu from antagonist to fan favourite worked a treat.


This was the first time the promotion had tried anything like this, there had never been a 'babyface' (or 'heel') turn before but the crowd had been slowly coming around to El Espiritu for some time and the mask, plus his gimmick of never speaking, made him a cool character to get behind.


In the management team post show meeting, Don Loomis was positive about the performances of a number of wrestlers on the card. Firstly Leroy Disco had put in another really good performance in Night Fever's tag match against The Kuroki Boys. Loomis was also enthusiastic about what he had seen from Tetsuyuki Ishibashi in what was his debut. There was also praise for the performances of both Dustin David and Perry Bryant following their grudge match.


On the other hand, Saita Kuroki's overall performance had been very concerning. In Kuroki's promo to introduce his two proteges, it was hoped that his broken English would hold up with enough enthusiasm, but Kuoki barely put anything into it. What's more his match later with Austyn Taylor was another poor one- in fairness to Kuroki, Taylor didn't exactly put on the kind of performance of a man who had just been handed 8 victories in a row, but Kuroki was particularly poor.




Friedrich Herzog became the 2nd of the original roster to extend his deal with SPW. Given the important part in the promotion he had played thus far, and his performances which were decent, he was given a further 3 year contract. There were still lots of big plans in the offing for Herzog and Loomis wanted to ensure he kept the big man happy.




The roster size was increase by one more in late April as Don Loomis brought in Leroy Hackney who had been another stand out performer in amateur wrestling at college who he liked the look of. With Leroy Disco already using the first name 'Leroy', Loomis changed his name to Carl Hackney.

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SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Joe Boone

Boone could well be the next champ (right now my money is on Boone or Loiselle getting his 2nd reign) but that won´t happen this quickly.


SPW Tag Team Title Match- Young Guns © vs. The Alliance

Doubtful Young Guns would drop the belts this quickly so they pick up a win here.


Number 1 Contender Match- Saita Kuroki vs. Austyn Taylor

If Loiselle would still be a champ, I could see you feeding Kuroki to Taylor but with heel champ you need face challenger especially since Taylor´s match ratings haven´t been that great so his in-ring skills aren´t likely to compensate the heel vs. heel penalty


Escuadron vs. No Nonsense

face champs so going with heels picking win.


Perry Bryant vs. Dustin David

Right now, I do rate David slightly higher than Bryant so I go with him


Night Fever vs. The Kuroki Boys

If memory serves, SPW would still be the only company in the world at this point so Kuroki boys are pair of untested rookies with no popularity and thus likely to start as jobbers as will likely be the case with pretty much any new guy for next few years.


Nathan Hayes vs. The Puzzler

Speaking of rookies, Puzzler is still paying his dues.


4 out of 7- Technically you were right that El Espiritu wouldn't lose the title, but Boone did win by DQ so that's a tough break. On the point about SPW being the only promotion in the world- yes it is at the moment, I will be tracking this kind of stuff as we go, so you'll know once new promotions open up.











Bonus Prediction: Austyn Taylor wins via interference from Albert Berik


4 out of 7- Like the attempt at a bonus prediction but you picked the wrong heel for him to be allied to, that's unlucky!


SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Joe Boone


SPW Tag Team Title Match- Young Guns © vs. The Alliance


Number 1 Contender Match- Saita Kuroki vs. Austyn Taylor


Escuadron vs. No Nonsense


Perry Bryant vs. Dustin David


Night Fever vs. The Kuroki Boys


Nathan Hayes vs. The Puzzler


4 out of 7- Unfortunately everyone dropped points on the World Title match, due to Boone's DQ victory, and the Escaudron/No Nonsense match which went to a time limit draw. Otherwise good scores all round.

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SPW Pro Wrestling 15 Preview


Here is the press release for SPW Pro Wrestling 15:


The phenomenon that is Southern Pro Wrestling continues to gain momentum as the biggest stars of the grappling game return to Jackson, MS for more unbelievable fighting competition!


Following the bold statement he made at last month's show, declining The Alliance's invitation to join them in emphatic style, all eyes will be on El Espiritu as he defends the SPW World Title against new number 1 contender, Austyn Taylor. Taylor defeated Saita Kuroki last time out, the 8th such victory in a row for the challenger. Can El Espiritu end a streak which has been in tact since last November, or will we crown a new champion at SPW Pro Wrestling 15?


You can bet that The Alliance will be amongst those keeping an eye on El Espiritu after his decision to decline their offer resulted in them failing to win back the SPW Tag Team Titles. They however have a challenge of their own as hostilities will be reopened with perhaps their fiercest rival to date, Saita Kuroki. The Japanese sumo legend will be leading his proteges, The Kuroki Boys, into battle in 6-man tag team action.


In another 6-man tag match, Dustin David will be joined by Young Guns to take on Perry Bryant & Night Fever. David & Bryant have been at each other's throats all year while Night Fever and Young Guns have a rivalry that stretches back to the tag title tournament in October. Therefore, this should be a tough, competitive contest with personal bragging rights very much up for grabs!


The war between Mike Lewis and Sir Anthony Henry continued last month when Lewis challenged Henry to a rematch following Henry's rope assisted victory over the fan favourite at SPW Pro Wrestling 13. Anthony however, refused the challenge and instead introduced Lewis to his personal Squire, Albert Berik. Lewis managed to overcome Anthony's man but was then ambushed after the fight by both Henry and Berik. This month, Lewis has called in some back up, by teaming with John Baratheon to face the Knight and his Squire in a tag team bout.


Last month, two of SPW's newest tag teams, Escuadron and No Nonsense went to a hard fought 20-minute time limit draw. This month, SPW management have made the decision to put them in the ring again, but this time in a pair of singles encounters, with Chico de Oro pitted against Anderson Ambriz while La Oscuridad will face Beau Joslin. Both teams will be looking to assert their superiority over the other, so these matches will likely have a fair bit of needle.


Finally, Joe Boone has promised to be in the building on the night, despite not having a match advertised. Boone was in the middle of a title shot against El Espiritu last month when The Alliance interfered in an attempt to gain favour with the masked Mexican sensation, handing Boone victory by DQ but costing him the chance to win the belt itself. Boone was said to be seething with anger backstage after last month's show, so expect fireworks when he shows up at SPW Pro Wrestling 15!


It's a rip roaring festival of fight and it's coming to Jackson, MS- tickets are available now, so get yours today!


Full Card


SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Austyn Taylor

Dustin David & Young Guns vs. Perry Bryant & Night Fever

La Oscuridad vs. Beau Joslin

Sir Anthony Henry & Squire Albert Berik vs. Mike Lewis & John Baratheon

The Puzzler vs. Carl Hackney

Saita Kuroki & The Kuroki Boys vs. The Alliance

Chico de Oro vs. Anderson Ambriz

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SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Austyn Taylor

Espiritu becoming face was something that did surprise me and I´m interested to see how that turns out and if someone like Boone would be turning heel to keep the face/heel balance similar on what it was or will this be the new status quo. As for this match, Taylor ain´t going to win the belt here


Dustin David & Young Guns vs. Perry Bryant & Night Fever

David won the last singles match so thinking Bryant gets this one plus Fever over Young Guns would make a decent case for tag title shot as well.


La Oscuridad vs. Beau Joslin

La Oscuridad was the one who you said had great performance on his debut match so I assume he is higher on pecking order than his partner and thus more likely to win his match.


Sir Anthony Henry & Squire Albert Berik vs. Mike Lewis & John Baratheon

Baratheon is someone who has been around for a while but haven´t really done anything for me to notice him so far so I´d assume him being partner to Lewis ain´t enough to go over Henry even with Henry having newcomer as he´s team mate.


The Puzzler vs. Carl Hackney

Could see you wanting to debut new guy with a win but I go with more experienced guy here.


Saita Kuroki & The Kuroki Boys vs. The Alliance

You clearly aren´t high on Kuroki and his rookie teammates ain´t helping his case when facing the likes of The Alliance


Chico de Oro vs. Anderson Ambriz

These two singles matches will likely go 1-1 so Ambriz gets this one.

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SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Austyn Taylor

Champ retains! No question, hombre.


Dustin David & Young Guns vs. Perry Bryant & Night Fever

David or Bryant eats the pin, I think David this time


La Oscuridad vs. Beau Joslin


Sir Anthony Henry & Squire Albert Berik vs. Mike Lewis & John Baratheon

Not betting against Sir Anthony.



The Puzzler vs. Carl Hackney

"Newcomers mostly lose..."...let's go CARRRRRRL HAAAAACKNEY!


Saita Kuroki & The Kuroki Boys vs.The Allian ce

Alliance won't take a second loss.


Chico de Oro vs. Anderson Ambriz

Anderson isn't Double A yet. Let's go Chico!

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SPW Pro Wrestling 15


SPW Pro Wrestling 15




3rd May 1921. Jackson, MS


Attendance: 391


Match 1: Chico de Oro vs. Anderson Ambriz


zWG0y1A.jpg vs. woi6tgy.jpg


In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Chico de Oro defeated Anderson Ambriz in 7:28 by pinfall with a handful of tights.


Rating: 18


Match 2: Saita Kuroki & The Kuroki Boys vs. The Alliance


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In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, The Alliance (Levi Andrews, Friedrich Herzog and Nathan Hayes) defeated Saita Kuroki and The Kuroki Boys in 10:35 when Levi Andrews defeated Tetsuyuki Ishibashi by pinfall.


Rating: 29


After the match Levi Andrews takes the microphone off the ring announcer. He says: "Last month, El Espiritu had a simple choice- he could become part of The Alliance, and have the greatest protection he could ask for. Protection that would have guaranteed his reign as World Champion could last for years. He could choose to do that, or he could choose to attack us and make an enemy of the single biggest power bloc in all of SPW. Well, as you all know, El Espiritu decided to choose the latter, and in the process made the biggest mistake of his life. Let me tell you right now that El Espiritu will pay for the decision he made last month, you better believe it!"


Rating: 41


Match 3: The Puzzler vs. Carl Hackney


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In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, The Puzzler defeated Carl Hackney in 6:25 by pinfall with a Side Suplex.


Rating: 18


Match 4: Sir Anthony Henry & Squire Albert Berik vs. Mike Lewis & John Baratheon


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In a poor match, The Chivalry defeated Mike Lewis and John Baratheon in 8:39 when Sir Anthony Henry defeated John Baratheon by submission.


Rating: 35




Before the next match, Joe Boone came to the ring. After being given a microphone he had the following to say: "Last month, I was finally in the ring with the reigning World Champion, after a frustrating 12 month wait for a second shot at the gold. I was having a good fight, I felt strong and I believe had the match gone on I would have won the belt. I don't blame El Espiritu for what happened, but I am asking him to grant me a rematch for that belt so that we can finish what we started. As for The Alliance, you messed with the wrong guy. Nathan Hayes, I want you, one on one, in the middle of this ring next month!"


Rating: 40


Match 5: La Oscuridad vs. Beau Joslin

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In a poor match, La Oscuridad drew with Beau Joslin in 10:17 when the match descended into chaos after Chico de Oro and Anderson Ambriz became involved.




Rating: 27


Match 6: Dustin David & Young Guns vs. Perry Bryant & Night Fever


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In a poor match, Perry Bryant and Night Fever defeated Dustin David and Young Guns in 12:58 when Leroy Disco defeated Dragon Lee by pinfall by pulling Lee's tights.


Rating: 37


Match 7: SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Austyn Taylor


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In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, El Espíritu defeated Austyn Taylor in 21:30 by pinfall. El Espíritu makes defence number 3 of his SPW World title.


Rating: 31




After the match El Espiritu was attacked by all 3 members of The Alliance.




Before they can do much damage however, Young Guns arrive on the scene to even the odds and The Alliance back away.


Rating: 40


Overall Show Rating: 33

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May 1921 Aftermath & News




The minute Don Loomis, Frank Norris and Jay Lutter got into their post show management meeting, the conversation turned to the main event and specifically how poor it was. To put the 31 rating into context, the previous low for a World Title match rating had been El Espiritu's defence against Saita Kuroki in March, which was a 34. On this evidence, Austyn Taylor was nowhere near ready for a main event spot which kind of scuppered their hopes of making Taylor one of their leading heels in the future.


Norris, a man who had perennially doubted the wisdom of giving Daniel Loiselle the title when the company first started, was now bemoaning their decision to take the belt off of him. He felt that El Espiritu had to carry his fair share of the blame for the poor main event. He had a point- average ratings for the title matches with El Espiritu as champion was 34, with Loiselle as champion, it had been 40. In fairness to El Espiritu however, he was still in the early stages of his run, and two of his three opponents had been the still green Taylor, and the plodding Kuroki.


The match of the night had gone to Sir Anthony Henry & Squire Albert Berik's match with Mike Lewis and John Baratheon. This reflected well on Henry as the senior wrestler in the match, but also on Berik and Lewis who had held their own in the contest, though Baratheon was poor in there in comparison.


There was a further bright spot in the performance of Joe Boone during his promo where he requested a rematch against El Espiritu and challenged Nathan Hayes to face him. Boone showed good intensity, and managed to sell his frustration at what had happened on the previous show without shouting and coming over as a lunatic.




Don Loomis made his first release as a pro wrestling promotor a few days after SPW Pro Wrestling 15. The roster had grown exponentially over the course of the last year or so, and now, thanks to El Espiritu's babyface turn, it was a little imbalanced. Having made only very minimal progress in the 6 months he'd been in the company, and with Jay Lutter admitting that he really didn't know how he was going to be utilised, John Baratheon was the man for the chop.


A man who was to be retained however, was the ever reliable Sir Anthony Henry, whose contract had come up for renewal and who SPW handed a brand new 3-year deal to. Henry, another of the 'originals' of SPW, was someone the promotion was eager to keep, and having only just recently aligned newcomer Albert Berik to him, there were clear plans in place for the Brit.




Finally, in order to rebalance the roster, Don Loomis brought in Michael King to the roster, as another heel. With his bald head and stern face, King looked a natural bad guy. Don Loomis had the idea of creating a kind of 'opposite' hard as nails tag team to No Nonsense on the heel side of the fence, and felt King and another recent recruit, Carl Hackney, might just fit the bill.

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SPW Pro Wrestling 16 Preview


Here is the press release for SPW Pro Wrestling 16:


It's been a long wait but finally Southern Pro Wrestling is back in Texas for SPW Pro Wrestling 16- both the World and Tag Team Titles will be on the line, and personal scores will be settled!


2 months ago, El Espiritu declined The Alliance's offer for him to join them in emphatic style, effectively costing Friedrich Herzog and Levi Andrews the SPW Tag Team Titles in the process. The Alliance had been hoping that the Mexican superstar would join their ranks and consolidate their power base by bringing the World Title with him into the group. Now, with El Espiritu making his feelings on the subject clear, The Alliance have decided they must win the title for themselves and at SPW Pro Wrestling 16, Levi Andrews will get the chance to do just that.


While The Alliance were still waiting on El Espiritu's decision, Joe Boone got caught in the cross fire when, during his shot at El Espiritu's title, Nathan Hayes of the alliance attacked him- handing him the victory by disqualification, but taking his shot at the title away. Boone wants a rematch with El Espiritu at some point in the future, but has first vowed to deal with Hayes and The Alliance, and so in Beaumont, Texas it will be Boone vs. Hayes in an ultra personal tussle.


The Tag Team Champions, Young Guns, haven't been far from the action where it pertains to The Alliance over the past 6 months either, having been the beneficiaries of El Espiritu's answer to the faction, and then coming to back up the Champion, when he was surrounded by The Alliance last month. At the show in Beaumont, they will be putting their titles on the line against another long time rival of theirs, Night Fever. These two pairs are the mainstays of the tag team division and have done battle on numerous occasions over the past 9 months and each time Young Guns have come out on top- will it be a different story at SPW Pro Wrestling 16? If it is we'll be seeing new champions crowned.


The personal war between Sir Anthony Henry and Mike Lewis has been well documented, and shows no sign of letting up- Lewis has been on the losing end of 3 separate matches with Sir Anthony Henry, all in different disciplines, since January. At SPW Pro Wrestling 11, it was Lewis who took the pinfall from Henry in the big 10-man tag bout that headlined the show and then at SPW Pro Wrestling 13, Henry got a singles victory over him, using the ropes for leverage. Then last month, with Lewis teaming with John Baratheon, Henry managed to pin Baratheon's shoulders to the mat to inflict another loss upon his rival. At the show in Beaumont, Henry and Lewis return to singles action against one another in what is likely to be a heated collision.


The tag teams of Escuadron and No Nonsense have seen some issues between them lately, beginning two months ago when they went to a hard fought 20-minute time limit draw. Last month the teams fought again, this time in a pair of singles matches. Chico de Oro got the better of Anderson Ambriz in the first of these, but there was no official decision in the 2nd between La Oscuridad and Beau Joslin due to the match being thrown out by the referee when both men's partners became involved. Now the two teams face each other back in tag action- can one of them come out on top this time?


In addition to all this, there are FOUR other fights set to take place at the show, including Saita Kuroki, Friedrich Herzog, Austyn Taylor and many more- so get your ticket today!


Full Card


SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Levi Andrews

SPW Tag Team Title Match- Young Guns © vs. Night Fever

Joe Boone vs. Nathan Hayes

Sir Anthony Henry vs. Mike Lewis

Escuadron vs. No Nonsense

Friedrich Herzog vs. Dustin David

Austyn Taylor vs. The Puzzler

The Kuroki Boys vs. Carl Hackney & Michael King

Saita Kuroki vs. Perry Bryant

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SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Levi Andrews

I don´t quite see Andrews getting the main belt, mainly because he´s quite old to begin with and one of the lesser performers in starting seven and you have teamed him with Herzog who I see as more likely future champion. That said, he still makes perfectly good challenger and I doubt this would be his last title shot either.


SPW Tag Team Title Match- Young Guns © vs. Night Fever

Still bit early for Guns to drop the belt plus you are just starting to build up your other face tag teams, while heels have few that already have some experience so feeling that face champs make more sense at the moment.


Joe Boone vs. Nathan Hayes

Don´t see Boone dropping this one even if Hayes is one of the guys I rate highest outside of the starting seven (his spot in The Alliance have really helped his career in my eyes)


Sir Anthony Henry vs. Mike Lewis

I wonder if Lewis starts to be close on the popularity levels to go over Henry. Still, I´m very unlikely to pick anyone over the starting seven anytime soon so Henry is my pick this time as well


Escuadron vs. No Nonsense

Could see this one going either way but I still go with the logic that face champs mean heels are winning here since Escuadron looks like most logical next challengers for Guns.


Friedrich Herzog vs. Dustin David

I do still rate David pretty highly but once again I´m not going to pick against starting seven member.


Austyn Taylor vs. The Puzzler

Taylor might not have what it takes to be main eventer but I doubt he fell so far on the pecking order that you would feed him to Puzzler


The Kuroki Boys vs. Carl Hackney & Michael King

Another tag match that I could see going either way. Despite only one of these teams having a name, I actually go with heels on this one mostly based on the same logic than with Escuadron vs. No Nonsense


Saita Kuroki vs. Perry Bryant

Bryant have had some pretty good matches with David and that makes me wonder if he´s also skilled in-ring guy or is it just that he had good opponent on David. I haven´t yet figured that one out but Bryant is another guy who I have my eyes out for in terms of performance and with Kuroki seemingly being the least among the seven, I do wonder if upset is possible here. Still, I go with the usual "don´t pick against the starting seven" rule that I´m using but I´m lot less sure that I´m right here compered the other matches on this card.

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SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Levi Andrews


SPW Tag Team Title Match- Young Guns © vs. Night Fever


Joe Boone vs. Nathan Hayes


Sir Anthony Henry vs. Mike Lewis


Escuadron vs. No Nonsense


Friedrich Herzog vs. Dustin David


Austyn Taylor vs. The Puzzler


The Kuroki Boys vs. Carl Hackney & Michael King


Saita Kuroki vs. Perry Bryant

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<p>SPW Pro Wrestling 16</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>SPW Pro Wrestling 16</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="2epe58T.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/2epe58T.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> 7th June 1921. Jackson, MS.</p><p> </p><p> Attendance: 361</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong><em>*Writer's note: I mistakenly said that this show was set to be held in Beaumont, TX in my preview, when it wasn't- apologies! (Still at least I can reuse some of that material for the next show in Beaumont!) </em></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47433" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 1: Saita Kuroki vs. Perry Bryant</span></strong><p> </p><p> <img alt="sMHj4ZP.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/sMHj4ZP.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="b3eCW1P.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/b3eCW1P.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Perry Bryant defeated Saita Kuroki in 7:17 by count out when, after the referee went down, Bryant hit Kuroki with the ring bell and Kuroki collapsed on the outside of the ring unable to beat the count, once the referee had recovered. </p><p> </p><p> Rating: 26</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47433" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 2: The Kuroki Boys vs. Carl Hackney & Michael King</span></strong><p> </p><p> <img alt="otIrGJI.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/otIrGJI.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="AjjSNVs.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/AjjSNVs.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="ymkrBm7.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/ymkrBm7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="q56n1eQ.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/q56n1eQ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, The Kuroki Boys defeated Carl Hackney and Michael King in 8:13 when Tetsuyuki Ishibashi defeated Michael King by pinfall with a Flying Tackle. </p><p> </p><p> Rating: 19</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47433" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 3: Austyn Taylor vs. The Puzzler</span></strong><p> </p><p> <img alt="1O264UX.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/1O264UX.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="PoaDhOG.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/PoaDhOG.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> As Taylor came to the ring he was looking extremely annoyed following his World Title match loss last month. The bout didn't have much heat and had terrible wrestling, Austyn Taylor defeated The Puzzler in 5:26 by pinfall with a Top Rope Headbutt. </p><p> </p><p> Rating: 20</p><p> </p><p> <em>After the match, an angry Taylor continued to beat down on The Puzzler until...</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><img alt="DIrVef3.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/DIrVef3.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Daniel Loiselle returned to SPW and ran Taylor off!</em></p><p> </p><p> Rating: 34</p><p> </p><p> <em>Daniel Loiselle then addressed the crowd. He thanked them for bearing with him as he refocussed himself. He said that he is back now, and is better than ever and his goal is to win back the SPW World Title.</em> </p><p> </p><p> Rating: 21</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47433" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 4: Friedrich Herzog vs. Dustin David</span></strong><p> </p><p> <img alt="6RNouzl.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/6RNouzl.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="xmDEPG9.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/xmDEPG9.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Friedrich Herzog defeated Dustin David in 9:11 by pinfall. </p><p> </p><p> Rating: 33</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47433" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 5: Escuadron vs. No Nonsense</span></strong><p> </p><p> <img alt="zWG0y1A.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/zWG0y1A.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="uKbM6t2.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/uKbM6t2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="woi6tgy.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/woi6tgy.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="xdkaygP.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/xdkaygP.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> In a poor match, Escuadron defeated No Nonsense in 16:57 when Chico de Oro defeated Anderson Ambriz by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: 28</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47433" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 6: Sir Anthony Henry vs. Mike Lewis</span></strong><p> </p><p> <img alt="dX61G2L.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/dX61G2L.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="if10UOT.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/if10UOT.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Mike Lewis defeated Sir Anthony Henry in 13:32 when Sir Anthony Henry was disqualified when Squire Albert Berik ran in and attacked Mike Lewis. </p><p> </p><p> Rating: 38</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47433" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 7: Joe Boone vs. Nathan Hayes</span></strong><p> </p><p> <img alt="0GMbMmW.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/0GMbMmW.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="lj2pNRH.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/lj2pNRH.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Joe Boone defeated Nathan Hayes in 8:58 by pinfall with a roll up. </p><p> </p><p> Rating: 38</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="6RNouzl.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/6RNouzl.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> After the match Friedrich Herzog came to ringside and momentarily distracted Boone. Nathan Hayes attempted to take advantage of the situation but Boone saw him coming and helped him out of the ring. Herzog and Hayes retreated from the ring as Boone shouted for them to come back in. </p><p> </p><p> Rating: 39</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47433" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 8: SPW Tag Team Title Match- Young Guns © vs. Night Fever</span></strong><p> </p><p> In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Young Guns defeated Night Fever in 13:25 when Dragon Lee defeated Leroy Disco by pinfall with a Face Crusher. Young Guns make defence number 2 of their SPW Tag Team titles. </p><p> </p><p> Rating: 32</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47433" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><img alt="0GMbMmW.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/0GMbMmW.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> <em>Before the main event, Joe Boone came out in front of the crowd and said that he's seen what The Alliance are up to tonight, and has decided to stand at the end of the entrance way, to stop anybody from interfering. </em></p><p> </p><p> Rating: 36</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 9: SPW World Title Match- El Espiritu © vs. Levi Andrews</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="MZGEcR1.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/MZGEcR1.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="jee5VHL.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/jee5VHL.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, El Espíritu defeated Levi Andrews in 17:11 by pinfall. During the match Nathan Hayes ran in from the crowd as the referee was distracted by Andrews. Boone didn't seem him at first as he was watching the entrance curtain, and Hayes managed to take El Espiritu down with a clothesline. As Hayes made a break for it, Boone noticed him and went to stop him but Hayes got away. Thankfully the interference wasn't decisive and El Espiritu later picked up the victory. El Espíritu makes defence number 4 of his SPW World title. </p><p> </p><p> Rating: 36</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Overall Show Rating: 36</strong></p></div><p></p>
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<p>June 1921 Aftermath & News</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Aftermath</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Daniel Loiselle's return to SPW gave the fans a nice surprise, and they came alive when they saw the former champion stop Austyn Taylor's post match beat down on The Puzzler. The promotion had been ticking along nicely without Loiselle, particularly the storyline aspects of the shows, but there was no doubt that Loiselle was the best in-ring performer the company had and that the wrestling on show at the main event end of the card had dipped in quality during his absence. </p><p> </p><p>

There were 2 matches on the show that were rated as better than the main event- one of them was Joe Boone against Nathan Hayes and the other Sir Anthony Henry against Mike Lewis. This was great news in terms of potential top stars in the future- Hayes and Lewis had been a part of important storylines that were giving the fans a reason to invest in them and they were responding with good work in the ring. In an unofficial vote during the post show management meeting, Henry vs. Lewis was voted match of the night. </p><p> </p><p>

There was also praise once again for the work Leroy Disco did to carry the tag title match to just about respectable. Disco was pointed out as a good example after the show in front of the rest of the roster. Despite carrying the champs to a decent contest, and this being the 4th time in under year he and Danny Cool had been booked to lose to Young Guns, he never complained about doing the job, and was always professional.</p><p> </p><p>

There was a little trouble with one half of Escuadron before the show as Chico de Oro had gotten into a little row with a fan on his way into the venue. Thankfully it didn't turn into anything too serious thanks to others around ferrying Chico away from the scene, but it could have turned nasty in other circumstances. Don Loomis warned Chico de Oro that the people paying to get through the door were far more valuable to him than he was, and not to let it happen again. Thankfully his performance in the ring was unaffected and Escuadron and No Nonsense had a decent bout.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">News</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Southern Pro Wrestling received a little bit of publicity ahead of it's next show on the 4th of July thanks to an interview that the Jackson Courier conducted with Levi Andrews. In highlights from the interview:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>When asked about The Alliance:</strong> "The Alliance is a group of guys that are doing the smart thing and looking out for our collective interests, we want to make sure we get paid as big a piece of the pie as possible, and we want to have the collective bargaining power to ensure that happens. Don't get me wrong, we aren't a union, this has been set up to further the goals of myself, Friedrich Herzog and Nathan Hayes, we're not about to share the wealth".</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>On why they asked El Espiritu to join them</strong>: "El Espiritu has something that we want, the SPW World Title- there isn't any bigger bargaining chip than that shiny gold belt. Once we have that in our possession, nobody will be able to stop us. So we offered El Espiritu a place in The Alliance and he rather foolishly turned us down, but that's fine, we move on, we adapt and we'll have to get that title through other means".</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>On what those means could be</strong>: "We always have plans and because there are 3 of us it makes it easier to set those plans up and carry them out. I came up short in a title match against El Espiritu just a couple of weeks ago, but I got the opportunity because due to our power base, we are able to exert pressure over the decision makers. We will use that power base to get that belt, either by brute force, or by taking it by stealth. You just need to know that we always have a plan."</p>

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SPW 4th of July Show Preview


Below is the press release for SPW 4th of July Show:


It's time to celebrate the nation's birthday, and what better way to do that than by taking in a night of spectacular pro wrestling action with SPW?


In the main event, former World Champion Daniel Loiselle returns to action in the ring for the first time since March when he faces Austyn Taylor one on one. Taylor has won 9 of his last 10 singles bouts, coming up short only against current World Champion El Espiritu and is desperate to get back for another chance at the champion- a victory over Daniel Loiselle would undoubtedly put him right back in the frame. Loiselle has vowed to come back better than ever though, and is already targeting the World Title he previously held. In order to move towards getting his chance to do just that, he'll need a win against Taylor.


Speaking of the World Champion, he has had his problems as of late with The Alliance who appear to be hell bent on taking the World Title from him. This all stemmed from earlier in the year when The Alliance offered El Espiritu a place in the faction, only for the Mexican sensation to decline in emphatic fashion by costing them the chance to win back the tag team titles in a match with Young Guns. The Alliance looked to use their numbers to attack El Espiritu a couple of months ago but he received back up in the form of the Tag Team Champions, who stood side by side with El Espiritu, prompting The Alliance into a retreat. On the 4th of July, there will be no retreat as El Espiritu will team with Young Guns against The Alliance in exciting 6-man tag team action where the chances are that anything could happen!


Joe Boone is a man who has been frustrated by The Alliance recently too as it was his shot at the World Title that was interrupted by them a few months ago. Since that point Boone has managed to get a measure of revenge by defeating Nathan Hayes at SPW Pro Wrestling 16 and helping to prevent The Alliance steal a victory over El Espiritu at the same show. Boone still has designs on the World Title however, and has been waiting patiently for another crack at it. A victory in his scheduled match versus Sir Anthony Henry on the 4th of July could see that opportunity come his way.


Last month, Saita Kuroki was knocked out cold by Perry Bryant when he struck the Japanese behemoth with the ring bell. In doing so Bryant earned himself possibly the biggest win of his career when, having not seen the blow Bryant delivered, the referee counted Kuroki out. Saita Kuroki is now eager for revenge and he will be teaming with his proteges, The Kuroki Boys against Bryant and Escuadron in what should be an action packed 6-man tag match.


At SPW Pro Wrestling 16, Mike Lewis finally got a victory over his rival Sir Anthony Henry, albeit by disqualification, when Squire Albert Berik interfered in the match, attacking Lewis to ensure Henry didn't suffer a pinfall loss. Despite gaining a long awaited victory over his rival, Lewis' thirst for revenge was once again scuppered. On the 4th of July, Mike Lewis will take on Albert Berik for the 2nd time in recent months, as he looks to remove the Squire from the picture altogether.


With all this, plus 3 other matches, Southern Pro Wrestling is putting on a treat for the Jackson fans to celebrate independence day in style!


Also a poster for the event was found amongst Don Loomis' records after his death, some years later.




Full Card

Daniel Loiselle vs. Austyn Taylor

El Espiritu & Young Guns vs. The Alliance

Dustin David vs. Carl Hackney

Joe Boone vs. Sir Anthony Henry

Saita Kuroki & The Kuroki Boys vs. Perry Bryant & Escuadron

The Puzzler vs. Michael King

Night Fever vs. No Nonsense

Mike Lewis vs. Albert Berik

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Daniel Loiselle vs. Austyn Taylor

Doubful Taylor would go over Loiselle here despite his recent push.


El Espiritu & Young Guns vs. The Alliance

Thinking Alliance gets one over the champ here considering that I don´t see any of them beating Espiritu in 1 vs. 1 (Well Herzog probably could but I simply don´t see Espiritu dropping the belt before this feud is over).


Dustin David vs. Carl Hackney

I see David being higher on pecking order at the moment.


Joe Boone vs. Sir Anthony Henry

I do rate Boone higher and Henry have had a loss or two that makes me wonder if you are using more as a gatekeeper than actual main eventer. That said, something on the way you write on Boone looking for another title shots kind of makes me expect a heel turn on him if he ain´t given title shot soon and thinking loss here could lead to that outcome. Another reason why I´m thinking Boone might get a turn is that I rate Loiselle, Espiritu and Boone as the top 3 in-ring performers (again from the starting 7 and I doubt any newly created guy would already be on their level) and right now they are all faces, which is kind of fine but personally I prefer my top in-ring guys to be on different alignments as I feel it does give more options to pick good main events with wider cast.


Saita Kuroki & The Kuroki Boys vs. Perry Bryant & Escuadron

Kuroki seems to be getting a gatekeeper role these days and with Bryant already going over him in 1 vs. 1 and Kuroki Boys still being new and likely two least popular guys in this match, I´m thinking this will be another occasion were Kuroki will put other´s over him although I´m sure one of the Boys will eat the pin in that case.


The Puzzler vs. Michael King

I actually go with King here as Puzzler´s match ratings have been kind of bad and his momentum likely ain´t great with being on the losing end on most matches (as inevitably, pretty much any newcomer will) so I feel there´s more upside to give King an early win and see if he manages to give better ratings than Puzzler and if he shows promise, perhaps he can get enough wins that his momentum won´t be tanking on the same way Puzzler´s likely already is.

Night Fever vs. No Nonsense

You seem to be decently high on Disco and his performance and No Nonsense have lost more often than not so I pick Night Fever here. Oh, and yes, there´s also that face champ argument again that I seem to be using on every tag match you booked in last few shows but you likely guessed that already.


Mike Lewis vs. Albert Berik

I don´t see Lewis getting a win over Henry (yes, it was a DQ but still) only to lose here so assuming Mike picks another win.

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<p><strong>Daniel Loiselle</strong> vs. Austyn Taylor</p><p>

El Espiritu & Young Guns vs. <strong>The Alliance</strong></p><p>

Dustin David vs. <strong>Carl Hackney</strong></p><p>

Joe Boone vs. <strong>Sir Anthony Henry</strong></p><p>

Saita Kuroki & The Kuroki Boys vs. <strong>Perry Bryant & Escuadron</strong></p><p>

The Puzzler vs. <strong>Michael King</strong></p><p>

<strong>Night Fever</strong> vs. No Nonsense</p><p>

<strong>Mike Lewis</strong> vs. Albert Berik</p>

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