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[RELEASE] Real World Chronicles 2024

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Whats happened with ROH in this mod? Will set up a game with them Sunday


They're still running shows in December (at least Final Battle) and are going dark in January so this might be the last time they're in this mod for the foreseeable future. I don't see any reason why Quest would close them early, although I wish you could set them to close at the end of the year for realism's sake.

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They're still running shows in December (at least Final Battle) and are going dark in January so this might be the last time they're in this mod for the foreseeable future. I don't see any reason why Quest would close them early, although I wish you could set them to close at the end of the year for realism's sake.


Could do a "financial crash" narrative. May force the issue.

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Just an update, going to try and get the December version out tonight. There will likely be more stuff I've missed than usual but hopefully nothing major and loads of new added workers to play around with. I'm still not entirely sure what to do with ROH but I'm leaning towards giving them a financial crash to try and force the issue after Final Battle. I will also be releasing a January update because it was always my favourite month to book with the Royal Rumble happening and I'm betting a lot of people feel the same, plus it gives me another chance to quickly get on top of any fixes you guys report.


Thanks for all the well wishes with my cat, to my absolute astonishment he wandered back in the next night like nothing happened when I was certain he would have died out in the cold. I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow morning to have him put to sleep but he's enjoying his last few days and I'm just glad he showed up so I get to spoil him a bit before he goes.

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Sorry to hear about your cat but atleast you get to spend some more invaluable time with him. ROH is a very weird situation. And I know alot of people love booking the Rumble or a save from the start of the year so if you do a january update I'm sure alot of people would appreciate

You're an absolute workhorse Quest. You deserve all the praise.

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Just an update, going to try and get the December version out tonight. There will likely be more stuff I've missed than usual but hopefully nothing major and loads of new added workers to play around with. I'm still not entirely sure what to do with ROH but I'm leaning towards giving them a financial crash to try and force the issue after Final Battle. I will also be releasing a January update because it was always my favourite month to book with the Royal Rumble happening and I'm betting a lot of people feel the same, plus it gives me another chance to quickly get on top of any fixes you guys report.


Thanks for all the well wishes with my cat, to my absolute astonishment he wandered back in the next night like nothing happened when I was certain he would have died out in the cold. I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow morning to have him put to sleep but he's enjoying his last few days and I'm just glad he showed up so I get to spoil him a bit before he goes.


Despite the bummer of having to put your cat down, it's great that getting to spend one more day with him wasn't taken away from you. Have a wonderful day with your furry pal, and thanks for all the work you do.

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