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Soooooo... I have been working on a conversion & update to my TEW 2016 release "Millennium" which was mine and my Cousins wrestling "World" we created back in 1996/97, but I am basing it in the year 2000. I had released this using Hero Machine pictures, however, along with a name change (Y2KRU) which is based off of one of the factions within the Mod, the pictures are currently being switched out for 3d rendered images like the C-Verse & Thunderverse.

I'm at about 500 picture changes so far (so half way there) and with the data itself, I'm looking to model the TEW 2020 version more after my 1992 mod, meaning I am going to go for depth and long term playability over the short version TEW2016 had. We're nowhere near release but at least I didn't have to start from scratch and have a foundation to build from.


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8 hours ago, Fleisch said:

Soooooo... I have been working on a conversion & update to my TEW 2016 release "Millennium" which was mine and my Cousins wrestling "World" we created back in 1996/97, but I am basing it in the year 2000. I had released this using Hero Machine pictures, however, along with a name change (Y2KRU) which is based off of one of the factions within the Mod, the pictures are currently being switched out for 3d rendered images like the C-Verse & Thunderverse.

I'm at about 500 picture changes so far (so half way there) and with the data itself, I'm looking to model the TEW 2020 version more after my 1992 mod, meaning I am going to go for depth and long term playability over the short version TEW2016 had. We're nowhere near release but at least I didn't have to start from scratch and have a foundation to build from.


Excited for this dude although still loving your 1992 mod 

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Out of curiosity, and this is more of a mod question in general than yours specific, could I just download the new databases and move all workers over from the new one to my old one and generally get most the updates/missing works you've added since I've downloaded your '92 mod.. say, years ago? 

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4 hours ago, Peria said:

Out of curiosity, and this is more of a mod question in general than yours specific, could I just download the new databases and move all workers over from the new one to my old one and generally get most the updates/missing works you've added since I've downloaded your '92 mod.. say, years ago? 

I wouldn't recommend it. The last year alone has seen so many changes to default names that you'd run the risk of duplicates in your game. We do keep a record of what was changed in every version om the read me file we put in with the data but the law of averages in human error would dictate some things may have been left off that list by accident.

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I have decided to create the Olympic Stadium (Montreal) in my game! I often play in my home country and for HUGE events I thought it could be cool. 

If anyone decides to do the same, I have fallowed the infos here : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_Stadium_(Montreal)

Note that I have put a capacity of 73 000, because the ground floor would be PACKED for a wrestling event.

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On 8/15/2023 at 2:05 PM, AlexTheTall said:

I have decided to create the Olympic Stadium (Montreal) in my game! I often play in my home country and for HUGE events I thought it could be cool. 

If anyone decides to do the same, I have fallowed the infos here : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_Stadium_(Montreal)

Note that I have put a capacity of 73 000, because the ground floor would be PACKED for a wrestling event.

When I start updating again I shall be taking a look into locations again. I feel there's still improvements that can be made to the file so I will keep this stadium in mind.

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So to give a little bit of an insight into my new mod, here are a couple of screens;








There will also be some changes to the logo's and company names. Unfortunately I can't remember whose permission I asked for to use some of these logo's and although I was given permission to use them on the 2016 version, some people may have changed their minds on what I use.

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Y2KRU Mod - I have just finished the 750th picture replacement. Once all pictures are replaced, I will be going through the data and updating gimmicks, stats and attributes for the characters already in the data. I will then be working on a custom venue set with original venues and broadcasters. In the 2016 version I used the C-Verse default files for these 2 areas but I think it will feel a lot better to play with my own files.

The last thing I will be doing is company and worker additions. 

As you can see, I've still got a lot of work to do on this but I'm having fun doing it so to me, that is the best reason to keep going with it.

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6 hours ago, AlexTheTall said:

I have a "bug" (maybe?). 


OMEGA (the company) never runs events after 4-5 months of existance in my game, is it normal?

Check to see if it has accidentally been given a fixed event schedule in the editor. If it has just switch it to a non fixed monthly schedule. Sorry I'm not at the PC right now to check myself.

It may be that in your save you need to add another user as OMEGA and add some events if the above has happened. Not sure you can change a schedule in a save.

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7 hours ago, Fleisch said:

Check to see if it has accidentally been given a fixed event schedule in the editor. If it has just switch it to a non fixed monthly schedule. Sorry I'm not at the PC right now to check myself.

It may be that in your save you need to add another user as OMEGA and add some events if the above has happened. Not sure you can change a schedule in a save.

I've noticed this myself. It'll be one of the fixes for 3.0 in January (yes I'm calling it 3.0 because it's already looking HUGE)

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19 hours ago, SkyCrasher said:

I've noticed this myself. It'll be one of the fixes for 3.0 in January (yes I'm calling it 3.0 because it's already looking HUGE)

Even your "small" updates have been huge so the idea that the next update is going to be huge by your guys standards has me salivating. 

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Small update on the picture switch over to my own Created Universe, 58 pictures left to do and then the bio re-write commences (maybe not for everyone but for the majority who don't have a decent bio). I'm looking to start the bio re-writes next weekend.

Road Map to Y2KRU Release:
Bio Re-Write/Touch Ups
Event and Title overhauls
Broadcaster overhaul
Venue overhaul
Add any new Wrestlers
Add any new Promotions

Estimated Release: Still TBA


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Y2KRU update...

Pictures... Complete! I've started re-writing (and re-imagining) some of the characters bio's as well as having added a completely new company based in India (Bharat Kushti Revolution) and 30 new workers for their roster so far. The total workers in the data currently stands at 943 but I am working on at least another 200-500 workers (time constraints permitting) before even considering releasing a Beta of the data. I also want to start off with around 40 companies (currently 36).

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Whilst I work on the Events section, I am opening up the thread to your wrestler submissions for the new data!


3 workers per person until at least 5 people have responded after you, then you can submit another 3. No big stars as the big stars are already set within the history of the data. Mainly looking for Future yet to debut people (who will debut 2001 onwards) or smaller Indie type guys/girls and people from random countries. Not looking for silly names as again, this mod already has it's fair share.  


Submission Info

Name/DOB/Place of Birth/Ethnicity/Sexual Orientation/Body/Size

Gimmick/Wrestling Style

Optional: Anything notable I should write in the bio? Orphaned? Grew up wealthy? Moved Countries when young? Suffered a bad injury? If you don't have anything specific, I will just write one up and put my own spin on it.


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No silly names, huh? I'll try me best. lol



Name: Dallas Oliver Austin
Gender: Male
Debut: April 2002
DOB: August 1982
Birthplace: Mid-South, USA
Ethnicity: White
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Body: Bulky
Size: Light Heavyweight

Gimmick: Biker
Style: Hardcore

Backstory: Son of a biker and an 'escort', Austin grew up knowing nothing but trouble, sin and debauchery. Austin is known to be a reckless horndog who is only looking for where he can get his next fix for booze and drugs. Austin found he way into the business when a shady local promoter saw him and his father at a local bar tossing some drunk fool around like a frisbee.

Name: Kieran Irvin Austin
Gender: Male
Debut: April 2002
DOB: June 1957
Birthplace: South East, USA
Ethnicity: White
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Body: Flabby
Size: Heavyweight

Gimmick: Biker
Style: Brawler

Backstory: The father of Dallas, Kieran was born to a mother who died during birth and an alcoholic father. Seeing not much support at home and being kicked out of several schools (One where he got the principle's daughter pregnant at 15!), Kieran left his home at 17 and lived on the street for a few years before falling into a biker gang and ever since he has been one of the gang's key 'enforcers'. He has gotten into the business with his son Austin and looks to continue to raise hell, the only difference is now people are paying to see it.

Name: Mateo Figueroa
Gender: Male
Debut: December 2003
DOB: January 1981
Birthplace: Argentina
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Body: Muscular
Size: Middleweight

Gimmick: MMA-Crossover
Style: Technician

Background: The third son of a third generation MMA/Wrestling family, Mateo is in some way considered the black sheep of his family. His grandfather is considered to be one of the pioneers of MMA in Argentina and has worked with and trained many of the great fighters of past and present, while his father was an Olympic silver medalist for wrestling in the late 70's. Mateo, being the smallest, youngest and most injury prone son has drove him into pro wrestling, something his family always thought was beneath them, but with no other option to turn to the young Figueroa is out to gain some glory for himself, no matter what it takes.

Hope you can use these. :)



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Submission Info

Name: Papa Firefly
Gender: Male
Debut: July 1967
DOB: July 1950
Birthplace: Texas, USA
Ethnicity: White
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Body: Flabby
Size: Big Heavyweight

Gimmick: Evil Clown
Style: Psychopath

Backstory: The patriarch of the notorious Firefly family and a pioneer in what eventually became the modern deathmatch scene. Papa started out in the family carnival business as a clown but his violent nature soon led him into the world of professional wrestling before eventually bringing his psychotic brood with him.


Name: Kitty Firefly
Gender: Female
Debut: September 1998
DOB: September 1982
Birthplace: Texas, USA
Ethnicity: White
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Body: Skinny
Size: Small

Gimmick: Crazy
Style: Psychopath

Backstory: Don’t be fooled by her looks there is a whole load of crazy going on behind that sweet smile of the baby of the notorious Firefly family. Never seen far from her “Barbie” (a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire) she’s always looking for new friends (or should that be victims) to play with.


Name: Billy Deadwood
Gender: Male
Debut: July 1981
DOB: December 1965
Birthplace: Texas, USA
Ethnicity: White
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Body: Toned
Size: Lightweight

Gimmick: Evil
Style: Psychopath

Backstory: An adopted member of the notorious Firefly family, he joined the family business after running away from his abusive childhood home to join the circus. Billy strikes fear into his opponents by always wearing his leather face style mask.



Obviously the three are a nod to The Devils rejects and as such should have the blood relative relationship. Maybe also have Billy and Kitty as Papa’s protégés. Hopefully they are a good addition to your indie scene.

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9 hours ago, rufc4eva said:

Submission Info

Name: Papa Firefly
Gender: Male
Debut: July 1967
DOB: July 1950
Birthplace: Texas, USA
Ethnicity: White
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Body: Flabby
Size: Big Heavyweight

Gimmick: Evil Clown
Style: Psychopath

Backstory: The patriarch of the notorious Firefly family and a pioneer in what eventually became the modern deathmatch scene. Papa started out in the family carnival business as a clown but his violent nature soon led him into the world of professional wrestling before eventually bringing his psychotic brood with him.


Name: Kitty Firefly
Gender: Female
Debut: September 1998
DOB: September 1982
Birthplace: Texas, USA
Ethnicity: White
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Body: Skinny
Size: Small

Gimmick: Crazy
Style: Psychopath

Backstory: Don’t be fooled by her looks there is a whole load of crazy going on behind that sweet smile of the baby of the notorious Firefly family. Never seen far from her “Barbie” (a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire) she’s always looking for new friends (or should that be victims) to play with.


Name: Billy Deadwood
Gender: Male
Debut: July 1981
DOB: December 1965
Birthplace: Texas, USA
Ethnicity: White
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Body: Toned
Size: Lightweight

Gimmick: Evil
Style: Psychopath

Backstory: An adopted member of the notorious Firefly family, he joined the family business after running away from his abusive childhood home to join the circus. Billy strikes fear into his opponents by always wearing his leather face style mask.



Obviously the three are a nod to The Devils rejects and as such should have the blood relative relationship. Maybe also have Billy and Kitty as Papa’s protégés. Hopefully they are a good addition to your indie scene.

I have added these, but as I already had Damsel Firefly in the data, I changed her name to Kittie (although she still uses Damsel Firefly in RWA). The group name is Firefly Family Carnival as I am thinking of adding 1 or 2 more to the faction.

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