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ROH Newswire:


-Week 3 of February episode of ROH Wrestling was viewed by 5,301 people on Youtube.


-Week 4 of February episode of ROH Wrestling was viewed by 5,327 people on Youtube.


- ROH 4th Anniversary Show Preview and Pick 'Em


ROH World Championship Match:

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson © vs Jay Lethal



Colt Cabana and Ace Steel vs The Rottweilers (Homicide and Low Ki) w/Julius Smokes



ROH World Tag Team Championship Match:

Generation Next (Austin Aries and Roderick Strong) © vs The Embassy (Jimmy Rave and Alex Shelley) w/Prince Nana



ROH Pure Championship Match:

Nigel McGuinness © vs Claudio Castagnoli



"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger vs Jimmy Yang



Tag Wars 2006 Rematch:

The Briscoe Brothers vs Tony Mamaluke and Sal Rinauro



Jack Evans vs Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes



Lacey’s Angles w/Lacey vs Trik Davis and Conrad Kennedy III



Pre-Show 4 Man Scramble:

Delirious vs Pelle Primeau vs Jay Fury vs Chad Collyer


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ROH 4th Anniversary Show live from Falconi Field in North Franklin Township, Pennsylvania



The Irish Airborne defeated The Dempsey Brothers when Crazy J pinned Derrick after an Irish Air Raid. 35


Delirious defeated Chad Collyer, Pelle Primeau, and Jay Fury when Delirious pinned Primeau following a Chemical Imbalance II. 42


Main Show:

Trik Davis and Conrad Kennedy III defeated Lacey’s Angels when Trik Davis pinned Jimmy Jacobs. There was clearly tension between Whitmer and Jacobs the whole match. It came to a head when Lacey and Whitmer got into an argument while Jacobs was in the ring. Lacey tried to slap Whitmer, but Whitmer blocked it and shoved Lacey. Jacobs left the ring to check on Lacey and Whitmer hit him with an Adrenaline Spike on the floor before rolling him back in the ring to be pinned as he walked off. 37


After the match Lacey demands that BJ Whitmer come back to the ring to face her and Jacobs, but Whitmer blows her off and walks backstage. 25


Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes defeats Jack Evans by submission with the Dragon Sleeper. Jack Evans had the match in hand and went to the top ropes for the 630, but Julius Smokes jumped on the apron and shook the top rope which caused Evans to fall off and allowed Reyes to lock in the Dragon Sleeper. 33


After the match Reyes refuses to let go of the hold and continues to torque the neck of Jack Evans. Finally, Austin Aries comes running down to the ring and Reyes releases the hold and backs up the ramp as Aries attends to Evans. 23


Tony Mamaluke and Sal Rinauro defeated The Briscoe Brothers when Rinauro pinned Mark Briscoe after a Salutations. 46


Chris Hero and the Necro Butcher come through the crowd and sit ringside. Jim Cornette comes down to kick them out, but Chris Hero shows them tickets for their seats. An angry Cornette leaves as Hero sits with a smug smile on his face. 29


Christopher Daniels w/ Allison Danger defeated Jimmy Yang with the Angel’s Wings. Daniels almost comes to blows with Hero and Necro as he makes his entrance and sees them ringside. Hero and Necro throughout the match are heckling Daniels and Allison, but Daniels for the most part remains focused on the task at hand. Following the match Hero and Necro leave their seats and leave through the crowd as Daniels gets his hand raised. 46


Nigel McGuiness has a microphone while making his entrance for his Pure Championship Match. He says there is jus one question. Will Claudio be having the help of his CZW buddies in this match? After all, isn’t it odd that they all left ringside so they can sneak attack Nigel during the match again? 37


ROH Pure Championship Match:

Nigel McGuinness defeated Claudio Castagnoli by pinfall with the Tower of London to retain the title. Reminiscent of Unscripted the referee was once again taken out by a ducked Jawbreaker Lariat. This time the masked man ran into the ring and hit Nigel with a Hero’s Welcome, but Claudio was unable to capitalize. 42


As Claudio makes his way up the ramp Bryan Danielson, Adam Pearce, and Christopher Daniels all confront him and ask him what the hell that was with the masked man attacking Nigel again and using Chris Hero’s finisher. Claudio proclaims his innocence, but they do not seem to be buying it. 36


ROH World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Embassy w/Prince Nana defeated Generation Next to win the ROH World Tag Team Championships when Jimmy Rave forced Austin Aries to tap out to the Heel Hook. This was for the most part a clean back and forth tag team match other than one time when Nana put Alex Shelley’s foot on the bottom rope after Austin Aries hit a 450 splash. Shelley sacrificed himself to take Roderick Strong out of the way with a suicide dive allowing Rave to lock in the Heel Hook. Aries struggled trying to reach the rope, but ended up having to tap out. 39


Homicide is in back and has a message for Ace Steel and Colt Cabana. He is giving Ace Steel the same chance he once gave Colt Cabana. Walk away now, don’t come to the ring with Cabana right now, and he will have no issues with him. However, if he comes to the ring, him and Low Ki will beat him like a dog just like they are going to do to Cabana. 33


The Rottweilers w/Julius Smokes defeated Ace Steel and Colt Cabana when Low Ki pinned Ace Steel following a Ghetto Stomp. This match, while not officially a no disqualification match, definitely had relaxed rules as both teams pushed the rules to the limit with their brawling and refusal to break holds at the 5 count. Eventually Steel is isolated and finished off by Low Ki. 48


After the match Smokes hands a chair to Homicide and he lays into both Steel and Cabana with it. Low Ki drags Cabana to a corner where Smokes handcuffs Cabana to the turnbuckle. Cabana is helpless to watch as Low Ki and Homicide continue to beat Steel and hit him with the chair. The beating ends when Homicide and Low Ki deliver the Cop Killa/Ghetto Stomp combination onto the chair on Steel. 27


Chris Hero and Necro Butcher make their way back to their seats for the main event. Danielson makes his entrance and delivers a right hand to Hero before getting in the ring for the match. 27


ROH World Championship Match:

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson defeats Jay Lethal by submission with Cattle Mutilation to retain the ROH World Championship. Lethal gave a very valiant effort and took Danielson to his limit, but just came up short. 57


After the Match Danielson runs out into the crowd and starts brawling with Necro and Hero. Christopher Daniels and Adam Pearce run down and help him with the attack. The show goes off the air with the melee still in progress. 32


Show Grade: 50

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ROH Newswire:


-ROH's 4th Anniversary show had 6,279 viewers on Youtube.


-Austin Aries broke his hand at the 4th Anniversary show and will be out of action for 2 weeks.


-Youtube and Ring of Honor have reached an agreement to expand ROH Wrestling every week from 60 minutes to 90 minutes following the progressive upward trend of ratings in the first 2 months of their contract.


-Ranking voting needs to be completed within the next 24 hours when updated rankings will come out.

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<p>ROH Newswire:</p><p> </p><p>

-ROH has signed a deal with Televicentro to air ROH Wrestling episodes live every Wednesday night. </p><p> </p><p>

-The ROH 4th Anniversary show drew 6,279 viewers on YouTube. </p><p> </p><p>

-ROH March 2006 Rankings Ballots: </p><p> </p><p>


1. Low-Ki</p><p>

2. Jay Lethal</p><p>

3. Homicide</p><p>

4. Claudio Castignoli</p><p>

5. Chris Hero</p><p> </p><p>


1) Homicide</p><p>

2) Jimmy Rave</p><p>

3) Alex Shelley</p><p>

4) Jay Lethal</p><p>

5) Christopher Daniels</p><p> </p><p>

Gabe Sapolsky: </p><p>

1) Jimmy Rave</p><p>

2) Homicide</p><p>

3) Alex Shelley</p><p>

4) Low Ki</p><p>

5) Christopher Daniels</p><p> </p><p>

Jim Cornette:</p><p>

1) Alex Shelley</p><p>

2) Jimmy Rave</p><p>

3) Homicide</p><p>

4) Christopher Daniels</p><p>

5) Low Ki</p>

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ROH Wrestling live from the Altoona Armory in Logan Township, Pennsylvania


Nigel McGuinness calls Bryan Danielson and Christopher Daniels to the ring to talk about the CZW problem. When they reach the ring, Nigel explains that since the 3 of them have been the target of the invaders it is up to the 3 of them to get rid of them. Danielson says he knows him, and Daniels have been targeted, but how has Nigel? Nigel says come on, Claudio is a CZW guy and the man that attacked him to help Claudio used Chris Hero’s finisher. Does he need to really spell it out for them? This brings out Claudio to ringside. Claudio says they all know him, is it really something he would do to have someone interfere in his match. If he got caught, he’d get disqualified and not win the championship. Nigel tells them to use their eyes, they’ve seen the evidence, Claudio is a traitor and needs to be dealt with. Daniels says he’s not sure who and what to believe, but tonight he will wrestle Claudio in an effort to feel him out. 31


The Briscoe Brothers defeat Trik Davis and Conrad Kennedy III when Mark pinned Kennedy following a Spike J-Driller. 37


Lacey and Jimmy Jacobs want to know why BJ Whitmer has turned his back on them. They had a great thing going, they were former tag team champions, they were on their way back to the belt, why did BJ throw it all away. BJ comes out and asks them what world they were living in. They were falling further and further from the titles because they were losing matches because Jacobs was more concerned with Lacey than winning and leaving BJ to fight by himself. The partnership stopped benefiting BJ and he had to end it. He wishes them luck but wants nothing to do with them anymore and asks them to just leave him alone. 23


Jimmy Jacobs defeats Sterling James Keenan by pinfall after the Contra Code. 32


Adam Pearce walks into Jim Cornette’s office. Pearce tells Cornette that he is disgusted by the CZW Invasion and wants to help Cornette and ROH get rid of them. Cornette says it’s hardly and Invasion and Pearce need not worry about them, but he appreciates the offer. 42


Delirious defeated Chad Collyer by pinfall with a Chemical Imbalance II. This was an extremely back and forth technical match with Collyer working on Delirious’ legs and trying to set up the Texas Cloverleaf. 44


Generation Next come out for their match, but Austin Aries grabs a microphone and says they will be enacting their rematch clause at Best in the World in 2 weeks. 31


Generation Next (Jack Evans and Roderick Strong) w/Austin Aries and Matt Sydal defeated Kid Mikaze and Jason Blade when Evans pinned Blade following an Ode to the Bulldogs. 40


Colt Cabana is on the microphone backstage and he says he can’t believe what happened a couple of nights ago. It was one thing when Homicide was trying to end his career, but for Homicide to unleash such a brutal attack on his teacher Ace Steele crosses the very last line he hadn’t crossed yet. Cabana is ready to die if it means he gets his hands on Homicide. 44


Christopher Daniels defeated Claudio Castagnoli by pinfall with the Best Moonsault Ever. Claudio gave it everything he had, but just came up short. 50


Post-match the masked man runs in and hits Daniels with the Hero’s Welcome from behind and then runs off through the crowd as Danielson and Adam Pearce run down to help Daniels. 31


Show Grade: 43

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ROH Wrestling live from the Altoona Armory in Logan Township, Pennsylvania


Bryan Danielson, Christopher Daniels, and Adam Pearce are in the ring. Daniels appreciates that Adam Pearce has joined the fight against CZW. However, since he was attacked by the masked Chris Hero last week, he wants a match with Chris Hero in an ROH ring and he wants it right now. Surprisingly Chris Hero and Necro Butcher are shown out in the crowd and make their way to the ring. Jim Cornette immediately sends security to get them out of there, but Danielson asks that they give them a minute to speak so Cornette stops them. Chris Hero says he is not going to confirm or deny that he is the masked man that has been attacking people, but he is interested in competing in a match in ROH, however, not against Christopher Daniels, but against Bryan Danielson for the ROH World Championship. Danielson immediately accepts but is cut off by Jim Cornette. Cornette says they have 2 milestone events coming starting next weekend. He says he is against CZW wrestlers competing in ROH, but he has an offer to all of the men in the ring. Hero can have his match with Danielson for the ROH World Championship in 2 and a half weeks at Best in the World. Best in the World is designed to be a showcase for outside talent against ROH talent anyway. However, Danielson must defend the belt the week before that at Supercard of Honor against ROH’s number 1 ranked contender The Notorious 187 Homicide. In fact, all 3 ROH championships are going to be defended against outside talent that night. Also, at Supercard of Honor, Hero needs a tune up match to get back into the ROH flow, so him and Necro Butcher will take on Adam Pearce and Christopher Daniels in tag team action. Hero says that’s all fine, but what happens if Homicide defeats Danielson? He is only showing up in ROH if he gets a World Championship match. Cornette says that if Homicide wins then if Hero beats Bryan Danielson he will get a future ROH World Championship match. With that Cornette has security escort Hero and Necro from the building. 28


Azireal defeated Jayson Reign by pinfall with an EG Splash. 29


The Embassy comes to the ring and Prince Nana cuts a promo saying that The Embassy is ready for Generation Next at Supercard of Honor and whoever Jim Cornette plans on having them face at Best in the World. Not only that, but The Crowned Jewel of The Embassy Jimmy Rave will soon get an ROH World Championship match and will take the title with him back to Ghana. 31


The Embassy defeated Irish Airborne when Shelley submitted Lotus with the Border City Stretch. 43


Ricky Reyes comes to the ring for his match, but his entrance is cut short by Austin Aries. Aries says since Jim Cornette moved Generation Next’s rematch to Supercard of Honor that leaves his night open at best in the world and he plans on using that to kick Ricky’s ass. 27


Ricky Reyes defeats Pelle Primeau in a short match with the Dragon Sleeper. 41


Claudio Castagnoli comes to the ring for his match and before the match begins he asks for a microphone. Claudio says now that the masked man has interfered again this time in a match that he wasn’t involved in he hopes it has cleared his name and that he is a proud member of the ROH roster and CZW roster and doesn’t want to get involved in the dispute between the two. 29


Claudio Castagnoli defeats Jimmy Yang with the Ricola Bomb. 38


Homicide comes down for the main event but as he is coming down he is jumped by Colt Cabana. Cabana throws Homicide into the guard rail and continues to unload on him, Julius Smokes tries to pull him off but Cabana starts wailing on him as well. ROH officials indicate Homicide is unable to continue for the match so Cornette has Cabana go to the ring to replace him for the match. 24


BJ Whitmer defeats Colt Cabana by pinfall after a Wrist Clutch Exploder. Whitmer slams Cabana and goes up top for a frog splash, but Jimmy Jacobs has run down to the ring and grabs his foot. As Whitmer and referee Todd Sinclair are busy ejecting Jacobs Homicide comes back down to the ring and hits the West Brooklyn Lariat on Cabana. Whitmer and Sinclair come back to the ring as Cabana struggles to his feet and Whitmer hits the Wrist Clutch Exploder for the win. 33


Show Rating: 33

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ROH Wrestling live from the Altoona Armory in Logan Township, Pennsylvania


Jim Cornette comes to the ring with a bunch of extra security. He calls to the ring Homicide, who then makes his way to the ring with Julius Smokes in tow. Cornette then asks Homicide to wait a minute while he has Colt Cabana come up to the stage area. Cabana makes his way to the stage. Cornette then says now that he has both of these men here he needs them to stop with everything. They are causing too many headaches, causing injuries to themselves and other members of the roster, and even now forcing each other out of matches. So here is what he is going to do. At Supercard of Honor Colt Cabana is banned from being anywhere near the ring for Homicide’s ROH World Championship match. If Cabana interferes or touches Homicide in any way that isn’t self defense that night, he will be fired from ROH. The same rules apply to Homicide and the rest of the Rottweilers. In return they will have 1 final match against each other at Best In the World. It will be a last man standing match. Homicide agrees to the rules, but says he cannot be held accountable for what he does if Cabana gets in his business. Cabana agrees with 1 request. He wants a match with Low Ki at Supercard of Honor as revenge for Ace Steel. Cornette agrees to that match and says now that it is all settled remember that these two are not to touch each other starting now. 49


Matt Sydal defeated Jay Fury with the Shooting Star Press. 41


Bryan Danielson cuts a promo backstage about being the ROH World Champion and the target that puts on his back. He has to face Homicide this weekend, Chris Hero next weekend, and who knows after that. He can’t wait to show how CZW is 2nd rate and defeat Chris Hero. While he has nothing against Homicide he is going to beat him too. He is the best in the world, and nobody can take the title from him. 37


Tony Mamaluke and Sal Rinauro defeated Trik Davis and Conrad Kennedy III when Mamaluke submitted Davis with the Sicilian Stretch. 40


Jay Lethal goes to Jim Cornette’s office and says he feel as one of ROH’s top stars that he should wrestle one of the top stars of another company at Best in the World. Cornette responds that he has a match in mind that would be perfect for Lethal and he’ll announce it tomorrow on the ROH Newswire. 53


Adam Pearce defeated BJ Whitmer with a piledriver. Whitmer was setting up the Wrist Clutch Exploder when Jimmy Jacobs came from the crowd and jumped on the apron. Whitmer and him exchanged words and Pearce used the distraction to hit Whitmer from behind and hit the piledriver for the win. 30


Cameras catch up to Julius Smokes backstage and he explains how the Rottweilers are going to take over ROH in the next 2 weeks. Ricky Reyes is going to take out the leader of Generation next. Low Ki is going to beat down Colt Cabana. Homicide is going to win the ROH World Championship and then end Colt Cabana’s career. Everything is looking up for The Rottweilers. 30


The 3 members of The Embassy jump Generation Next in their dressing room. Generation Next never see it coming and have no chance to defend themselves. When the attack is over Prince Nana comes in and laughs before walking out. 21


Bryan Danielson and Christopher Daniels defeated Claudio Castagnoli and Jimmy Yang when a masked man attacked Danielson as he was standing on the apron and threw him into the ring post before taking off through the crowd. Daniels tends to Danielson after chasing him off. 35


Show Grade: 40

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ROH Newswire:


-The last 3 episodes of ROH Wrestling have been viewed by 9,662, 9,619, and 10,139 people respectively.


-Jim Cornette has announced at Best in the World there will not only be 3 Outside Challengers for the 3 ROH Championships, but there will be 2 other inter-promotional matches. A singles scramble and a tag team scramble. Jay Lethal and The Briscoes will represent ROH in these matches.


-ROH Supercard of Honor preview and predictions:


Scramble Tag Match

Tony Mamaluke and Sal Rinauro vs The Briscoes vs Irish Airborne



Abyss vs Jack Evans



BJ Whitmer vs Jimmy Jacobs



ROH Pure Championship Match

Nigel McGuinness vs Delirious



Chris Hero and Necro Butcher vs Christopher Daniels and Adam Pearce



Ricky Reyes vs Matt Sydal



ROH World Tag Team Championship Match

The Embassy vs Generation Next



Low Ki vs Colt Cabana



ROH World Championship Match

Bryan Danielson vs Homicide





Chad Collyer vs Jimmy Yang


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ROH Supercard of Honor Live from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



Pelle Primeau, Rhett Titus, and Shane Hagadorn defeated Mitch Franklin and The Dempsey Brothers when Primeau pinned Bobby Dempsey after a flying stunner. 28


Jimmy Yang defeated Chad Collyer by pinfall with a Yang Time. 43


Main Show:

Tony Mamaluke and Sal Rinauro defeated The Briscoe Brothers and Irish Airborne when Sal Rinauro pinned Crazy J following a Salutations. 42


Chris Hero and Necro Butcher are in the locker room. Hero says its funny tonight that they get to score the first blow for CZW against ROH in the CZW Arena. Then in 1 week, he gets to take the top prize in ROH. He outsmarted Jim Cornette, he outsmarted Bryan Danielson, and his plan has come to fruition. Now him and Necro have all the cards, they just have to play them. Tonight, Christopher Daniels and Adam Pearce get to be the first casualties. 36


Abyss w/Prince Nana defeated Jack Evans by pinfall after a Black Hole Slam. Evans gave a very valiant effort but just could not overcome the size difference. Evans attempted a springboard maneuver, but The Monster caught him and planted him with the Blackhole slam for the victory. 56

Cameras catch up to BJ Whitmer as he was about to head to the ring. He says Jimmy Jacobs sacrificed their partnership for Lacey, interfered in his matches for Lacey, and now he’s going to have to take a beating for Lacey. 20


BJ Whitmer defeated Jimmy Jacobs w/ Lacey by pinfall after the Adrenaline Spike. Both men were determined to win this match, but eventually Jacobs started becoming more enamored with Lacey at ringside than defeating Whitmer and that eventually cost him the match. 39


Post-match Whitmer grabs the microphone and apologizes to Jacobs for everything that has happened and says there is no hard feelings, he just wants to go their separate ways and puts his hand out for Jacobs to shake. Jacobs looks to Lacey who is too upset with Jacobs for losing the match to react, and then looks back at Whitmer and shakes his hand before Whitmer walks off. 16


ROH Pure Championship Match

Nigel McGuinness retained the ROH Pure Championship by pinfall over Delirious with the Tower of London. Delirious wrestled a surprisingly technical match even forcing McGuinness to use all 3 of his rope breaks. Delirious went to finish Nigel off with the Shadows over Hell but Nigel shoved the referee into the ropes which crotched Delirious and allowed him to hit the Tower of London for the victory. 50


As Daniels and Pearce are getting ready to head to the ring Claudio Castagnoli comes to wish them luck and says he has their backs if they need it. 34


Chris Hero and Necro Butcher defeat Christopher Daniels w/Alison Danger and Adam Pearce w/Shane Hagadorn by pinfall when Hero pinned Pearce after hitting him with a pair of brass knuckles. The crowd was very vocally in the corner of the ROH team for this entire match. As the referee was distracted by Daniels and Necro brawling on the outside, Hero went to pull brass knuckles out of his tights but Pearce hit him from behind and Hero dropped the knuckles out of the ring. Claudio Castagnoli came running down and grabbed the knuckles and went to toss them to Pearce, but Hero intercepted the toss and after dropping Pearce with a big boot, put the knuckles on and nailed Pearce right between the eyes with them for the victory as Castagnoli looked on in horror. 45


In the Generation Next locker room Austin Aries gives some last-minute encouragement to Matt Sydal before his match with Ricky Reyes. Aries says he would love to take Reyes out himself, but Sydal has the chance to score the win for Generation Next. 23


Ricky Reyes defeated Matt Sydal by submission with the Dragon Sleeper. Sydal looked like he had the match in hand and went up top for the Shooting Star Press, but Reyes moved out of the way so Sydal crashed into the mat and Reyes capitalized and locked in the Dragon Sleeper for the tap out. 42


Prince Nana has The Embassy ready to go to the ring for their tag team title defense. Nana promises them that if they win tonight it will open new doors for The Embassy. 32


The Embassy w/Prince Nana defeated Generation next by pinfall when Alex Shelley pinned Roderick Strong following a Shellshock to retain the ROH World Tag Team Championship. A very back and forth match with a lot of near falls. Generation Next almost won the tag team championships back when they hit the chop/brainbuster combination on Rave, but Rave got a shoulder up at the very last second. The Embassy reversed momentum and Shelley was able to get the victory. 47


Low Ki is about to go through the curtain for the match against Colt Cabana and is getting some last-minute advice from Homicide. As Low Ki goes through the curtain Colt Cabana walks up and him and Homicide come nose to nose. They both crack sly smiles and Homicide walks away saying 1 week and doing the throat slash gesture. 29


Colt Cabana defeated Low Ki w/ Julius Smokes by pinfall after a Colt 45. This was every bit the hard-hitting match Homicide was hoping for. Low KI took it to Cabana, but Cabana kept taking it and coming back for more. 50


After the match Cabana grabs a microphone and just starts screaming into it the name Homicide, until Homicide starts making his entrance for his World Title match and Cabana is lead off by security. 43


Bryan Danielson defeated Homicide w/ Julius Smokes by pinfall following a Diving Headbutt to retain the ROH World Championship. This match went for over half an hour before Danielson was finally able to put Homicide away. There were tons of false finishes and near falls. Homicide went for a Cop Killah only for Danielson to spin out and lock in the Crossfaced Chicken Wing but Homicide was able to reach the ropes. Homicide hit a West Broollyn Lariat, but Danielson rolled to the outside so Homicide couldn’t go for the pin. Another Cop Killah attempt was reversed into a backslide for a near fall. Danielson finally hit a suplex which allowed him to go up top and hit the headbutt for the win. 54


After the match Chris Hero and Necro Butcher come out and start putting the boots to Danielson. This immediately brings out Chirstopher Daniels and Adam Pearce who take the upper hand. However, Nate Webb and Super Dragon come from out of nowehere and reverse the momentum back into the CZW team’s favor. The crowd starts changing for Claudio Castagnoli, but instead BJ Whitmer comes running down to the ring to make the save. 47


Show Rating: 51

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ROH Wrestling live from the Altoona Armory in Logan Township, Pennsylvania


Jim Cornette comes to the ring to make some announcements for Best in the World. He says that this is an event wrestling fans around the world need to tune in to. He has procured some of the best talent that he can find to compete in the ROH ring. He is then cut off by Bryan Danielson, Christopher Daniels, and Adam Pearce. Danielson says in case Cornette hasn’t noticed; outsiders have been causing a lot of problems in ROH. He is tired of getting jumped by these people and he is even more concerned that there is a traitor still in the locker room that Cornette won’t do anything about. Claudio Castagnoli cost Daniels and Pearce their match and then when the crowd was chanting his name, he didn’t come help, but thank god BJ Whitmer did. Cornette says Claudio isn’t here tonight, but he has spoken to Claudio and he said what happened was a mistake and that he didn’t come down because he had already left the arena prior to the main event. Danielson says where is Claudio tonight? Oh yea he’s wrestling at a CZW show, Cornette needs to wake up. Cornette says he doesn’t agree, but here is what he will do. Christopher Daniels can wrestle Claudio at Best in the World. Daniels quickly accepts and the 3 leave Cornette in the ring. 31


The Irish Airborne defeated Kid Mikaze and Jason Blade by pinfall when Lotus pinned Mikaze after an Irish Air Raid. 37


Prince Nana and Abyss are in Jim Cornette’s office and Nana demands to know who The Embassy will be defending the tag team titles against at Best in the World. Cornette says the can find out the same way everyone else can, by reading tomorrow’s ROH Newswire. Abyss takes a step towards Cornette, but Nana backs him off. Nana looks at Cornette and says remember, it would be that easy for him to let Abyss off his leash, and they leave. 53


Jay Lethal defeated Chad Collyer by pinfall following a Diving Dynamite. 34


Jay Lethal grabs a microphone and says it will be an honor to show the rest of the world what ROH fans already know and that is that Jay Lethal is the best wrestler there is right now. 48


Austin Aries defeated Jimmy Jacobs by pinfall following a 450 splash. Aries hit a brainbuster on Jacobs and seemed to have it won, but Lacey jumped on the apron and pretended she was flirting with Aries allowing Jacobs to take advantage from behind. Rather than finish Aries off Jacobs became distraught and asked Lacey what she was doing giving Aries the chance to take back control and get the win. 42


As Aries is getting his hand raised Ricky Reyes runs down to the ring and jumps him from behind. He slaps on the Dragon Sleeper, but Generation Next comes to Aries aide and Reyes bails out of the ring into the crowd. 26


Cameras catch up with Homicide who wants to talk about his last man standing match with Colt Cabana. Homicide says we have finally reached the final chapter of this feud. Just like all of the other chapters so far, this one is going to end with Homicide getting his hand raised, while Cabana is in a pool of his own blood wondering why he chose to involve himself in Homicide’s business. 34


BJ Whitmer defeated Shane Hagadorn with a Wrist-Clutch Exploder Suplex. This match was pretty much a complete squash. 30


After the match Whitmer grabs the microphone and says he is proud to be a member of the ROH roster and will do everything in his power to take out the CZW pussies who keep jumping people from behind. 26


Tony Mamaluke and Sal Rinauro defeated Generation Next (Roderick Strong and Jack Evans) by submission when Mamaluke forced Evans to submit to the Dragon Panzer. Generation Next was setting up Ode to the Bulldogs but Mamaluke took out Strong’s knees from behind and then caught Evans and was able to lock in the Sicilian Stretch. 37


Show Rating: 41

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ROH Newswire


-ROH Supercard of Honor drew 8,189 viewers on YouTube.


-The Week 4 of March episode of ROH Wrestling drew 10,085 viewers across YouTube and Televicentro.


-Sal Rinauro suffered a fractured orbital in the match against Generation Next on ROH Wrestling and will be missing 3 months of time after having surgery.


-Best in the World Preview and Pick Em'


ROH World Championship Match:

Bryan Danielson © vs Chris Hero (CZW)



Last Man Standing Match:

Homicide vs Colt Cabana



ROH Pure Championship Match:

Nigel McGuinness © vs Doug Williams (FWA)



Christopher Daniels vs Claudio Castagnoli



ROH World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Embassy vs Do Fixer (Dragon Kid and Genki Horiguchi) (Dragon Gate)



4 Team Inter-promotional Scramble Tag Match

The Briscoes (ROH) vs The BLKOUT (Ruckus and Sabian) (CZW) vs The Miracle Violence Connection (Erick Stevens and Steve Madison) (FIP) vs Jody Fleisch and Jonny Storm (FWA)



Austin Aries vs Ricky Reyes



6 Man Inter-promotional Scramble Match:

AJ Styles (TNA) vs Akira Tozawa (Dragon Gate) vs Jay Lethal (ROH) vs Jerelle Clark (FIP) vs Pac (FWA) vs Sonjay Dutt (CZW)





Tony Mamaluke (ROH) vs Kevin Steen (CZW) vs Kenny King (TNA)


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<p>ROH Best in the World, live from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania</p><p> </p><p>


Rhett Titus and Shane Hagadorn defeated the Dempsey Brothers when Titus pinned Bobby Dempsey with a Frog Splash. 31</p><p> </p><p>

Kevin Steen defeated Tony Mamaluke and Kenny King when he pinned King following a Package Piledriver. 44</p><p> </p><p>

Main Show: </p><p>

Jim Cornette welcomes everyone to Best in the World. He realizes that tonight is a huge night for Ring of Honor. He thanks all the companies that sent their wrestlers to compete tonight: Dragon Gate, FWA, TNA, FIP, even CZW. However, he can’t wait to show the world that CZW’s glorified backyard wrestlers aren’t in the same league as legitimate professional wrestlers. With that he says to enjoy the show. 75</p><p> </p><p>

6 Man Scramble:</p><p>

AJ Styles defeated Akira Tozawa, Jay Lethal, Jerrelle Clark, Pac, and Sonjay Dutt when he pinned Pac following a Spiral Tap. This was a high-flying match with bodies flying in and out of the ring all over the place. Suicide dives and top rope maneuvers a plenty. AJ was able to take advantage of the other 4 men being down on the arena floor to floor Pac and go up top for the Spiral Tap for the win. 47</p><p> </p><p>

Colt Cabana is backstage and can’t wait for tonight. While he has been on the wrong end of every confrontation with Homicide, Cabana says tonight is different. He has figured out the solution to the Homicide puzzle. With Homicide out of the way he can go back to the happy Colt Cabana everyone knows and loves and he’s looking forward to it. 45</p><p> </p><p>

Austin Aries defeated Ricky Reyes w/ Julius Smokes by pinfall after a 450 splash. The 2 had an intense staredown and some trash talk prior to the match starting. In the end Aries got revenge for Jack Evans as well as his ROH Wrestling Academy students by defeating Reyes. 44</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Hero demands time to speak and he has some things to say. He is going to win the ROH World Championship tonight, but what will he do with the title once he has it? He said he’s going to take it to CZW and he is never going to bring it back to ROH again. In CZW he plans on giving it to the young lions to compete for because it’s not worthy of being competed for by the real CZW roster. CZW is the superior company and tonight is the beginning of the end of ROH. 46</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Scramble Match:</p><p>

The BLKOUT (Ruckus and Sabian) defeated The Briscoe Brothers, The Miracle Violence Connection, and Jody Fleisch and Jonny Storm by pinfall when Ruckus pinned Steve Madison following a Gangsta Splash . This scramble was a little different from the earlier singles one as this one wasn’t all high flying, but a mixture of flying, big power moves, and mat wrestling. In the end The BLKOUT took home the 2nd win for CZW on the night. 28</p><p> </p><p>

The cameras hurry backstage as Necro Butcher has jumped Bryan Danielson from behind and is doing a number on him before security can pull him off and get him out of there. 34</p><p> </p><p>

ROH World Tag Team Championship Match:</p><p>

The Embassy (Jimmy Rave and Alex Shelley) w/ Prince Nana defeated Do Fixer (Dragon Kid and Genki Horiguchi) by pinfall when Rave pinned following Greetings from Ghana. This match was a clash of styles as Do Fixer kept trying to speed the match up and hit high flying moves and The Embassy kept trying to slow it down and work submission holds to keep the flyers grounded. After Dragon Kidd took out Nana and Shelley with a big suicide dive it left Horiguchi and Rave alone in the ring. Horiguchi went for the Backslide from Heaven but Rave rolled through picked up Horiguchi and hit Greetings from Ghana to retain the titles. 56</p><p> </p><p>

Christopher Daniels comes to the ring before his match with Claudio Castagnoli and says that if Claudio can prove he is not a traitor, then he can avoid having to wrestle Daniels right now. Claudio comes out and says how else can he prove it? He’s said he’s not a traitor, he tried helping ROH win their tag match last week, he walked away from Chris Hero, there’s not much else he can do. Daniels says he still doesn’t believe him and hits Claudio with a right and so the bell rings to start their match. 41</p><p> </p><p>

Christopher Daniels w/ Alison Danger defeated Claudio Castagnoli by pinfall following an Angel’s Wings. Necro Butcher made his presence felt for the 2nd time this evening as he ran down to the ring and decked Daniels as the ref was busy with Castagnoli. Interestingly Claudio looked briefly surprised before attempting to capitalize on the interference. Daniels was eventually able to overcome and get the win. 48</p><p> </p><p>

A taped interview from earlier in the day with ROH Pure Champion Nigel McGuinness has him talking about how he is happy that Doug Williams is his opponent tonight. They’re both from England and met each other while coming up and Nigel got the best of Doug and tonight, he gets to show the whole world what England already knows, that he is better than Doug Williams. 31</p><p> </p><p>

ROH Pure Championship Match:</p><p>

Nigel McGuiness defeated Doug Williams by pinfall after a Jawbreaker Lariat. This match was a prime example of the British catch as catch can style of wrestling. Williams almost had Nigel and went for the Chaos Theory but Nigel grabbed the ropes to keep Williams from being able to roll him backwards. Williams complained this should cost Nigel a rope break, but Nigel took advantage and hit the ropes to land the Jawbreaker Lariat to claim the victory. 48</p><p> </p><p>

A video is played showing the history of the feud between Colt Cabana and Homicide. 46</p><p> </p><p>

Last Man Standing Match:</p><p>

Colt Cabana defeats Homicide w/Julius Smokes by hitting a Chicago Skyline on top of a ladder that had been draped across the turnbuckle. This was a hard hitting, violent match completely unlike any other matches we had seen so far tonight. These men weren’t just trying to win the match they were trying to end each other’s careers. There were brutal chair shots, big moves done on the concrete floor, and Homicide even put on a glove wrapped in barbed wire and did a mounted 10 count punch on Cabana in the corner. 17</p><p> </p><p>

After the match both men take a minute to get back to their feet. When they do Homicide extends his hand and him and Cabana shake hands. Homicide raises Cabanas hand and tells him Cabana has earned his respect before leaving the ring. 31</p><p> </p><p>

ROH World Championship Match:</p><p>

Bryan Danielson defeated Chris Hero by submission with a Crossfaced Chicken Wing. This was an intense 40 minute battle where Hero nearly walked away as the new champion on a couple of occasions, but Danielson refused to be defeated tonight. 39</p><p> </p><p>

After the match members of the ROH roster come out and celebrate Danielson’s victory as members of the CZW roster grab Chris Hero and head up the ramp as Hero yells this is not over. 44</p><p> </p><p>

Show Rating: 45</p><p> </p><p>

Note: I posted this in the sticky in the Suggestions forum but I really think the Respectful Wrestling product needs to be changed to allow some hardcore matches as long as they don't happen too often. Homicide and Cabana both had performances over 50 in the match and the low match rating was unfair. Their big feud ending Street Fight was well received by the fans in real life. Another thing that didn't make sense was the main event getting docked for being too long when long matches for big matches are something the product is supposed to ask for.</p>

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ROH Newswire:


-Homicide suffered a grade 4 shoulder separation wrestling at the TNA tv taping earlier in the week. He will be out of action for a month.


-ROH ranking ballots:



1) Jimmy Rave

2) Alex Shelley

3) Colt Cabana

4) Christopher Daniels

5) BJ Whitmer


Gabe Sapolsky:

1) Alex Shelley

2) BJ Whitmer

3) Jimmy Rave

4) Austin Aries

5) Tony Mamaluke


Cary Silkin:

1) Jimmy Rave

2) Tony Mamaluke

3) BJ Whitmer

4) Alex Shelley

5) Austin Aries

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<p>ROH Wrestling live from Crete Memorial Civic Center in Plattsburgh, New York</p><p> </p><p>

Bryan Danielson comes to the ring flanked by Christopher Daniels and Adam Pearce. Danielson says he is the best in the world, even wrestlers from other companies have now failed to beat him. Since he beat Chris Hero he is declaring the problems with CZW over and he wants Jim Cornette’s word that the CZW guys will never again appear in ROH. Jim Cornette comes out and thanks all 3 of the men in the ring for chasing off the backyard wrestlers. He promises that those wrestlers will never again be in an ROH arena or ring. As soon as the words come out of Cornette’s mouth a voice up in the back of the crowd starts saying it’s too late we’re already here. Everyone starts looking around until cameras find Chris Hero and Necro Butcher standing in the back with a microphone. Hero says Sunday what happened was Danielson proved he could win 1 match against Chris Hero. CZW is not done with Ring of Honor, him and Necro are here tonight, but they’re leaving. Next week they will be back, and they will not be alone. 36</p><p> </p><p>

Generation Next (Roderick Strong and Jack Evans) defeated Kid Mikaze and Jason Blade when Evans pinned Blade following and Ode to the Bulldogs. 47</p><p> </p><p>

Jay Lethal starts addressing the audience. He says you know ROH is in a sad state when Jay Lethal isn’t even in the Top 5 rankings. He sent Samoa Joe packing from ROH, he took Bryan Danielson to the limit, he’s won countless matches in ROH, yet he is overlooked. Meanwhile a loser like Colt Cabana is ranked. He lost how many times to Homicide before he finally got lucky and won 1 and that makes him ranked? Colt Cabana then comes out and addresses Lethal. He tells Lethal to lighten up, nor be so angry all the time. If Lethal wants to wrestle Colt Cabana, all he had to do is ask. Jay Lethal asks why not right now then? Cabana says sure that works. 48</p><p> </p><p>

Jay Lethal defeats Colt Cabana by pinfall by a rollup with a handful of tights. Cabana tries protesting to the ref, but Lethal rolls out of the ring and up the ramp with a big smile on his face. 41</p><p> </p><p>

Prince Nana walks into Jim Cornette’s office and says to Cornette that since the top 5 ranking system has been put into place only 1 man has been ranked in all 5 rankings, and that man is the Crowned Jewel of the Embassy, Jimmy Rave, so will Rave be receiving an ROH World Championship Match? Cornette says, no in fact he was planning on having him defend the Tag Titles against Tony Mamaluke and Sal Rinauro, but since Rinauro is injured, they have to defend against the number 2 contenders, The Briscoes, but if they win that match. Jimmy Rave can have his title shot. Nana is obviously angry, but reluctantly agrees. 55</p><p> </p><p>

The Briscoes defeated Trik Davis and Conrad Kennedy III when Jay pinned Kennedy after a Spike Jay Driller. 38</p><p> </p><p>

After the match The Embassy hits the ring lead by Prince Nana and attack The Briscoes. Rave and Shelley feed both Briscoes to Abyss for Blackhole Slams. 30</p><p> </p><p>

Jimmy Yang defeated Azireal by pinfall after a Yang Time. 43</p><p> </p><p>

After the match Jimmy Yang says he wants a shot at Nigel McGuinness’s ROH Pure Championship. 30</p><p> </p><p>

Claudio Castagnoli defeated Austin Aries by pinfall with the Ricola Bomb. As Austin Aries hit the 450 splash a masked person came down to the ring and pulled the referee out of the ring and then hopped the railing and took off. In the confusion Claudio hit a European uppercut on Aries and then a Ricola Bomb for the pin. 40</p><p> </p><p>

Show Rating: 44</p>

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  • 9 months later...

Hello everyone, I took a long break from this as I got wrapped up in an AEW and then attitude era game and decided to circle back to it, so here we go, I am back again.


ROH Wrestling live from the Altoona Armory in Logan Township, Pennsylvania


Danielson makes his way to the ring flanked by Christopher Daniels and Adam Pearce. Danielson says he comes to the ring tonight with just one thing to say and that is to ask Claudio Castagnoli who it was that helped him out against Austin Aries last week, Chris Hero or Necro Butcher. Claudio comes out and starts to say he has no idea who that was but is cut off pretty quickly by the sound of Chris Hero’s voice coming from a microphone behind the audience. Necro Butcher stands next to Hero ready to defend him. Hero says CZW is here in force tonight and that by the end of the night one of the 4 men in the ring tonight is going to leave the arena on a stretcher. Danielson says to cut the hyperbole and to come to the ring right now to get theirs but Hero and Necro walk off. 34


Matt Sydal defeated Ace Steel by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press.

Sydal seemed to be one step ahead of Ace throughout the match and took home the victory in a clean, athletic contest. 37


Nigel McGuinness comes to the ring and says he was watching last week and saw Jimmy Yang call him out. Nigel says he thinks Jimmy is way beneath him but will give Yang the title shot he asked for at Battle for Supremacy because it will be an easy win for him. 36


Nigel McGuinness defeated Chad Collyer by pinfall following a Tower of London in a non-title match.

While this match did not take place under pure wrestling rules, the match was very much in the spirit of a pure title match. The men exchanged submissions throughout most of the contest before Nigel began getting frustrated and became more aggressive with his offense. This turned out to pay dividends for him as he was able to take control of the match and get the victory. 50


Jay Lethal walks into Jim Cornette’s office and is again asking for an ROH World Championship match. Cornette looks like he is going to grant Lethal’s request when they are interrupted by Colt Cabana. Cabana points out that Lethal had to result to grabbing the tights to beat Cabana and says Lethal can’t beat him straight up. Cornette decides Cabana and Lethal will have a match at Battle for Supremacy and if Lethal wins, then he can have his title shot. 44


Low Ki defeated Tony Mamaluke by pinfall with a Ki Krusher following interference from Julius Smokes.

Mamaluke looked to have the match won as he had Low Ki locked in the Sicilian Crab, but Smokes jumped on the apron and distracted referee Todd Sinclair. Low Ki distracted the referee as Mamaluke chased Smokes on the outside. Mamaluke caught smokes, but Smokes took Mamaluke to dick kick city and rolled Mamaluke in the ring where Low Ki capitalized with the Ki Krusher for the victory. 42


The Embassy (Jimmy Rave and Alex Shelley) vs Bryan Danielson and Christopher Daniels ended in a no contest.

The announcers share during The Embassy’s entrance that they will be defending the ROH World Tag Team Championships against The Briscoes at Battle for Supremacy. This is very high paced and competitive matchup with both teams struggling to get an upper hand on the other. As the match wears on Daniels and Danielson seem to have Shelley in trouble when all of a sudden Chris Hero, Necro Butcher, Super Dragon, Nick Gage, and B-Boy appear on the entrance way with a bloodied and beaten Adam Pearce. Super Dragon and Gage hold Pearce as Necro hits him with a sickening chair shot. 51


Daniels and Danielson abandon the match and run up the ramp to help Pearce but the numbers game is not in their favor and they are beaten down as well. Hero poses over Danielson as ROH TV goes off the air. 41


Show Rating: 48

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ROH Wrestling live from the Altoona Armory in Logan Township, Pennsylvania


Generation Next (Jack Evans and Roderick Strong) defeated Trik Davis and Conrad Kennedy III by pinfall when Jack Evans pinned Trik Davis following an Ode to the Bulldogs.

Davis and Kennedy put up a fight but just can never seem to get fully on track and Generation Next is able to pick up the victory. 36


Jim Cornette makes his way to the ring with some announcements to make. He says tonight ahead of their match this weekend at Battle for Supremacy Colt Cabana and Jay Lethal will face off in a tag team match. Cabana will team with his 2nd City Saints partner Ace Steel against Jay Lethal and since nobody ****ing likes Jay Lethal, Cornette will have him team with someone he used to call a friend Azireal. Cornette also says Bryan Danielson and Christopher Daniels have their own announcement later, but tonight Danielson will wrestle Claudio Castagnoli in the main event. Cornette also mentions Danielson will not be defending the ROH World Championship at Battle for Supremacy but he is going to let Danielson discuss why later tonight. 37


The Second City Saints defeated Jay Lethal and Azireal by pinfall when Cabana pinned Azireal following a Colt 45.

Lethal gets a jump on the match by attacking Cabana before the match starts as he is talking to Ace Steel. Lethal and Azireal do a good job isolating Cabana for a while, but once Cabana is able to make the hot tag Lethal bails on Azireal and leaves him to fight 2 on 1 and eventually Azireal cannot last against the numbers game. 50


Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey defeated Delirious by pinfall after a Contra Code.

Jacobs throughout the match seemed to be a little preoccupied at times with Lacey’s presence at ringside. Jacobs was still able to overcome Delirious by moving out of the way of a Shadows over Hell and grabbing the stunned Delirious to hit a Contra Code for the victory. 38


There’s a brief backstage segment where Azireal asks Jay Lethal what the hell he was thinking abandoning him like that out there. Lethal replies their tag match was unimportant and he needed to stay healthy for his match with Cabana at Battle for Supremacy so he can earn his ROH World Title match and walks off. 29


Danielson and Daniels make their way out to make their big announcement. They say Adam Pearce is not here this week as he is still recovering from the cowardly attack last week by CZW. They say however he will be ready to go this weekend and they are issuing a challenge for a 6 man match against Hero, Necro, and any other CZW reject they can get to tag with them. They know Hero is around here somewhere and ask him to come out and accept the challenge. Hero and Necro then appear and say they accept the challenge as long as it is No DQ, which Danielson agrees to. With that they are jumped from behind by BJ Whitmer but manage to escape before Whitmer can inflict much damage. 35


Bryan Danielson defeated Claudio Castagnoli by submission with Cattle Mutilation.

Whitmer and Daniels stayed at ringside during this match to make sure none of the shenanigans that have been happening in Castagnoli matches lately occurred. In a highly competitive match Danielson eventually wore down Claudio and got the submission. 45


The show goes off the air with a video hyping some of the big matches at Battle for Supremacy this weekend. 37


Show Rating: 44

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ROH Newswire:


- The last 3 episodes of ROH Wrestling drew 10,246, 9.897, and 9,700 viewers in YouTube respectively.


- Jim Cornette is promising the announcement of the return of a popular ROH annual event will take place this Saturday at Battle for Supremacy.


- Checking in on injured wrestlers: Homicide will be returning to ROH programming shortly and will make a short announcement at Battle for Supremacy. Sal Rinauro is recovering well, but is still a couple months away from making an in ring return.


- ROH Battle for Supremacy preview and predictions:


ROH Top of the Class Trophy Match:

Rhett Titus vs Pelle Primeau



4 Corner Survival Match:

Azireal vs Matt Sydal vs Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey vs Tony Mamaluke



BJ Whitmer vs Claudio Castagnoli



Tag Team Scramble Match:

The Rottweilers (Low Ki and Ricky Reyes) w/Julius Smokes vs The Irish Airborne vs Generation Next (Roderick Strong and Jack Evans) vs Kid Mikaze and Jason Blade



ROH Pure Championship Match:

Nigel McGuinness © vs Jimmy Yang



Austin Aries vs Delirious



ROH World Tag Team Championship Match, if The Embassy wins Jimmy Rave gets a future ROH World Championship match:

The Embassy (Jimmy Rave and Alex Shelley) w/Prince Nana vs The Briscoes



Grudge Match, If Jay Lethal wins he gets a future ROH World Championship Match

Colt Cabana vs Jay Lethal



NO DQ Match:

Team ROH (Bryan Danielson, Christopher Daniels w/Allison Danger, and Adam Pearce) vs Team CZW (Chris Hero, Necro Butcher, and ????)


Prediction for who the mystery partner will be:



What event will Jim Cornette be announcing the return of:

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<p>ROH presents Battle for Supremacy live from Falconi Field in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. </p><p> </p><p>


Trik Davis and Conrad Kennedy III defeated Jayson Reign and Shane Hagadorn by pinfall when Davis pinned Hagadorn after an Impaler DDT. 26</p><p> </p><p>

Ace Steel defeated Jay Fury and Mitch Franklin in a triple threat match by pinfall after a Twist of Cain on Jay Fury. 40</p><p> </p><p>

Main Show:</p><p>

ROH Top of the Class Trophy Match:</p><p>

Pelle Primeau defeated Rhett Titus by pinfall following a Diving Stunner</p><p>

Austin Aries made his way to ringside to watch his students compete for the trophy. Primeau won the hotly contested match and Aries presented him the trophy afterwards. 26</p><p> </p><p>

4 Corners Survival Match:</p><p>

Matt Sydal defeated Azireal, Jimmy Jacobs w/Lacey, and Tony Mamaluke when he pinned Tony Mamaluke with a Shooting Star Press.</p><p>

This was a pretty open match for the most part. Jacobs seemed to have the match won with a Contra Code on Mamaluke, but once again was distracted by Lacey’s presence at ringside and didn’t make the cover. Sydal took advantage and hit a shooting star press for the victory. 37</p><p> </p><p>

Claudio Castagnoli makes his entrance for his match with BJ Whitmer. Whitmer comes to the ring and grabs a microphone and starts berating Castagnoli. Whitmer calls Claudio disloyal and a CZW mole. He tells Claudio to look him in the eyes and tell him its not true, but instead Claudio hits him with a European uppercut and the match begins. 21</p><p> </p><p>

Claudio Castagnoli defeated BJ Whitmer by pinfall with a Ricola Bomb following interference from a masked man.</p><p>

A highly competitive match where the momentum swung back and forth often. Whitmer seemed to have the match won with a wrist clutch exploder but Claudio clips referee Jason Harding on the way down. As Whitmer is trying to revive him a masked man comes in from the crowd and decks Whitmer with brass knuckles. Castagnoli capitalizes with the Ricola Bomb for the win. 36</p><p> </p><p>

Jim Cornette then speaks from his office with the big announcement he promised. Cornette says 2 weeks from tonight ROH will be bringing back the Trios Tournament. 8 teams will compete in a 1-night tournament with the members of the winning team all getting a match of their choosing. 4 teams will be announced on this week’s ROH Wrestling and the remaining 4 will be announced the following week. 57</p><p> </p><p>

4 Team Scramble Match:</p><p>

Generation Next (Roderick Strong and Jack Evans) defeated The Rottweilers (Low Ki and Ricky Reyes) w/Julius Smokes, The Irish Airborne, and Kid Mikaze and Jason Blade when Strong pinned Ricky Reyes following an Ode to the Bulldogs. </p><p>

Prince Nana joined the commentary team to scout potential future opponents for the tag team champions. This was a super fast pace match that bordered on being a spotfest with a bunch of high flying moves. Strong and Low Ki at one point had a hard hitting exchange that lasted a little longer than most of the fast in and outs of people in this matchup. A pile up where a bunch of guys hit suicide dives on each other leads to Strong tossing Evans onto the pile up. Evans then grabs Reyes and tosses him in to Strong while he goes up top and they land the Ode to the Bulldogs for the victory. 35</p><p> </p><p>

ROH Pure Championship Match:</p><p>

Nigel McGuinness defeated Jimmy Yang by submission with a London Dungeon. </p><p>

In a scientific bout, Nigel slowly broke down Yang and worked over his arm. Nigel got Yang to use all of his rope breaks and then really amped up the attacks on the arm. Yang fought hard and tried to speed up the match and fly a little, but Nigel was usually quick to ground him and slow the pace again. Finally, Nigel locked in the London Dungeon and without any rope breaks Yang had no option but to give up. 59</p><p> </p><p>

Cameras catch up to Danielson, Daniels, and Pearce in their locker room getting ready for their match. Jimmy Bower asks the men what they think of not knowing who one of their opponents will be tonight. Daniels says it is obviously a disadvantage, but they are ready to beat anyone CZW throws at them. Danielson says Daniels is right and that he’s seen CWZ’s roster of so-called wrestlers and there is nobody in that entire company that can compare to what this team brings to the table. He can’t wait to get his hands on Chris Hero and hurt him. Pearce finishes by saying he is glad the match is no DQs because he owes the Necro Butcher a big chair shot. 35</p><p> </p><p>

Austin Aries defeated Delirious by pinfall with a 450 splash.</p><p>

The weird offense of Delirious gave Aries fits early on, but Aries eventually gained control of the match and was able to put Delirious away with a brainbuster and then a 450. 33</p><p> </p><p>

Lenny Leonard briefly catches up to Prince Nana as The Embassy is about to have their match with The Briscoes. Lenny asks Nana if they are ready to take on the most decorated team in ROH history in the Briscoes. Nana tells him to shut up and says the most decorated team in ROH is The Embassy and that after they win tonight, soon the Crowned Jewel of The Embassy Jimmy Rave will be the first double champion in ROH history. 31</p><p> </p><p>

The Embassy (Jimmy Rave and Alex Shelley) w/ Prince Nana and Daizee Haze defeat the Briscoe Brothers by pinfall when Alex Shelley pinned Mark after a Shellshock.</p><p>

The Briscoes gave The Embassy everything they could handle and more. There were plenty of times where it looked like the match was over, but the pinfall was broken up by their partner, or Nana would cause a distraction to keep the ref from counting. The Briscoes seemed to have it won as Rave fell victim to a Springboard Doomsday Device, but Nana once again got up on the apron. Jay chased Nana off as Rave hit a low blow on Mark while Todd Sinclair’s back was still turned and tagged in Shelley who hit the Shellshock for the victory. Nana is ecstatic after the match as he celebrates with his team. 37</p><p> </p><p>

Jay Lethal and Colt Cabana make their entrances and Lethal grabs the microphone from Bobby Cruise as he announces Lethal for the match. Lethal forces Cruise to announce him as future ROH World Champion Jay Lethal. 47</p><p> </p><p>

Colt Cabana defeated Jay Lethal by submission with the Billy Goat’s Curse.</p><p>

Lethal seemed to have the match well in hand by hitting a dragon suplex, but rather than going for the cover, Lethal got cocky and went up top for a diving headbutt. Cabana moved out of the way and Lethal knocked himself out when he missed. Cabana put on the Billy Goat’s Curse and the match was stopped due to Lethal being out cold. 45</p><p> </p><p>

We are now ready for the main event of the evening. Team ROH makes their way to the ring first. Chris Hero and Necro come out but stop just before getting to the ring. Hero asks for a microphone and starts taunting the ROH crowd. Hero says everyone keeps wondering what ace Hero has up his sleeve, but what they don’t realize is that he doesn’t have an ace up his sleeve. The card he has is a King of Diamonds, and with that Eddie Kingston comes out to join Hero and Necro Butcher. 37</p><p> </p><p>

Team CZW (Eddie Kingston, Necro Butcher, and Chris Hero) defeated Team ROH (Bryan Danielson, Christopher Daniels and Adam Pearce when Hero pinned Christopher Daniels after Kingston hit him with a Backfist to the Future while wearing brass knuckles. </p><p>

This match was a wild brawl from beginning to end. This ended up going slowly in the favor of the CZW guys as wild brawls were right up their alley. The ROH guys did have their moments like Danielson hitting a belly to back suplex off the top rope through a table on Necro Butcher, but they just couldn’t capitalize on them enough. Eventually Kingston and Daniels were the last 2 standing. Kingston reached in his trunks and put on the brass knuckles, ducked a clothesline, and hit the backfist. He then pulled Hero on top to win the match. 51</p><p> </p><p>

Show Rating: 50</p>

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<p>ROH Newswire:</p><p> </p><p>

-Battle for Supremacy was viewed by 8.227 people on ROH's Youtube channel. It also marked the first show where ROH broke 2,000 people in attendance. </p><p> </p><p>

-The injury bug has once again reared its ugly head. Austin Aries suffered a lacerated liver in his match with Delirious and will miss about a month of action. Daizee Haze suffered a C7 Spinal Cord injury wrestling for SHIMMER the following night and will miss 10 months of action. Crazy J of the Irish Airborne suffered a Type 2 supracondylar fracture and will miss about 2 weeks of action. </p><p> </p><p>

-This week's episode of ROH Wrestling is jampacked with planned mic time. Jim Cornette is going to announce the first 4 teams in the 2006 Trio's Tournament, Prince Nana is going to formally challenge Bryan Danielson on behalf of Jimmy Rave for the ROH World Championship, and Chris Hero will be on hand to no doubt gloat about CZW's win at Battle for Supremacy.</p>

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ROH Wrestling live from the Altoona Armory in Logan Township, Pennsylvania


The Embassy are in the ring and Prince Nana is glowing with how happy he is about everything that happened this past weekend. He talks about how not only does The Embassy have the ROH World Tag Team Championships, but soon the Crowned Jewel of The Embassy Jimmy Rave will be the Crowned Jewel of all of Ring of Honor when he becomes ROH World Champion. With that Jim Cornette comes out to the ramp. Cornette says this sounds great and all, but he said Jimmy Rave gets a title shot if he won at Battle for Supremacy, and Jimmy Rave didn’t win the match, Alex Shelley did, so Jimmy Rave is not getting an ROH World Title shot, however, Bryan Danielson will be defending the ROH World Championship at the Trios Tournement and Cornette will announce against who later tonight. Nana and Rave start throwing fits in the ring as Cornette walks off. 41


Ricky Reyes w/Julius Smokes defeated Lotus by submission with a Dragon Sleeper

Lotus tried to get a victory and stay active while his brother and tag team partner is on the shelf, but Reyes was just too much for him. 34


Chris Hero and Necro Butcher make their way to the ring. Chris Hero starts bragging about CZW’s wine at Battle for Supremacy. He calls it the latest in a long line of proof that CZW is better than ROH. Next step is CZW getting into the trios tournament and winning that right to call their shots. Suddenly he is interrupted by BJ Whitmer. Whitmer attempts to get in Hero’s face, but Necro Butcher steps in the way. Hero backs Necro off and says he wants to hear what Whitmer has to say. Whitmer gets right up in Hero’s face and says he knows it was Hero who interfered in his match with Claudio Castagnoli and Hero should be a man and admit it right here and right now. Hero laughs and says he doesn’t know what Whitmer is talking about, he was busy talking strategy with his partners for his match later in the night. Whitmer loses it and attacks Hero, but the numbers game quickly turns on Whitmer and he is getting beaten down. Christopher Daniels and Adam Pearce come running down and Hero and Necro scatter before they hit the ring. 37


The Second City Saints defeated Kid Mikaze and Jason Blade when Cabana pinned Blade following a Colt 45.

Cabana is riding high off his win over Jay Lethal and was goofing around even more than usual in this match. Cabana’s antics frustrate Blade and Mikaze and they can’t seem to every really get an advantage. Cabana finishes them off and him and Ace celebrate their win. 46


Jimmy Yang defeated Rhett Titus by pinfall with a Yang Time.

This match was very competitive, and Yang got all he could handle from Titus. Yang eventually pulls off the victory but shakes Titus’ hand after the match. 34


Jim Cornette comes to the ring to make his announcements. He first says that the first 4 teams in the Trios Tournament will be, Generation Next, The Embassy, The Rottweilers, and Pelle Primeau and The Dempsey Brothers from the ROH Wrestling Academy. Cornette goes on to say after serious thought and consideration only one person in the top 5 rankings makes sense to wrestle Bryan Danielson and that man is Colt Cabana. 45


Christopher Daniels defeated Roderick Strong and Claudio Castagnoli by pinfall after an Angel’s Wings on Strong.

Clearly the trust that Castagnoli wouldn’t benefit from interference in this match wasn’t there as Adam Pearce stayed ringside with Daniels and Jack Evans stayed ringside with Strong for this match. This seemed to work as no interference was to be had in this high paced and hard hitting match. 51


Show Rating: 47


This was the last ROH show of April, so voting for May’s top 5 rankings is now open.

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<p>ROH Wrestling live from the Altoona Armory in Logan Township, Pennsylvania</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Hero leads of the show today with Necro Butcher in the ring with him. Hero says this Trios Tournament is intriguing to him and he wants in. It’s a chance to beat 3 ROH teams in 1 night and then get to name some matches to embarrass ROH some more. His team already beat the best trio ROH had to offer last weekend, so why should not CZW be allowed in the tournament. Jim Cornette comes out to answer Hero but is cut off by BJ Whitmer. Whitmer tells Cornette to let them in because he wants a shot at beating them and knocking them out of the tournament. Cornette says its an ROH Tournament and he was going to say no, but since Whitmer wants a shot at Hero, here is the deal. If Hero beats BJ Whitmer tonight, they can be in the tournament. If BJ Whitmer wins then Whitmer then Whitmer can pick a match of his choosing just like if he had been a part of a winning team in the Trios Tournament. 34</p><p> </p><p>

Chad Collyer defeated Sterling James Keenan by submission with a Texas Cloverleaf.</p><p>

Collyer won a technical grappling-based match by slowly wearing down Keenan’s legs with a variety of holds until he was able to lock on the Cloverleaf for the victory. 26</p><p> </p><p>

The Briscoes defeated Generation Next (Jack Evans and Matt Sydal) by pinfall when Jay pinned Sydal after a Spike Jay-Driller. </p><p>

A classic match of power vs flyers as Generation Next kept trying to fly and The Briscoes kept trying to use their size to overpower the flyers. While the high flying did its share of damage they also crashed and burned enough for The Briscoes to take advantage and score the victory. 48</p><p> </p><p>

In the back Dave Prazak catches up with Homicide. Homicide says he is happy to be back in the ring where he belongs. This Saturday at the Trios Tournament the Rottweilers will beat every team Ring of Honor throws at them and then Homicide will become the next ROH World Champion. 41 </p><p> </p><p>

Nigel McGuinness defeated AJ Styles by pinfall after a Tower of London.</p><p>

Nigel switched up his use of holds that have been the focus of his offense lately and instead went on an attack heavy with hard strikes and lariats. AJ was able to avoid a Jawbreaker Lariat attempt and hit a Pele Kick. AJ went for the Phenomenal Forearm and got a lariat out of his boots for a near fall. Nigel then placed AJ on the turnbuckle and hit the Tower of London for the win. 57</p><p> </p><p>

After the match Nigel grabs the microphone and says he does not want to take part in the Trios Tournament this weekend and will be enjoying the night off. 56</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Hero w/ Necro Butcher defeated BJ Whitmer w/ Christopher Daniels by pinfall following a Hero’s Welcome.</p><p>

There was nothing scientific about this match as both men just kept trying to take the other’s head off. Whitmer tried to go for the Wrist-Clutch Exploder but Necro grabbed his leg from the outside. Daniels came running over and attacked Necro and the ensuing brawl distracted referee Todd Sinclair while the masked man ran out and hit a roaring elbow on Whitmer. Hero then hit the Hero’s welcome as Sinclair’s attention came back to the ring and got the pinfall. 43</p><p> </p><p>

Jim Cornette immediately came out and said while he should reverse the decision of the match he is not going to so Hero can take a proper beating this weekend. He then announces that joining CZW’s team in the last 4 teams in the tournament are Christopher Daniels, BJ Whitmer, and Adam Pearce, The Briscoes and Tony Mamaluke, and what he is calling the wildcard team of Claudio Castagnoli, Jimmy Jacobs, and Jimmy Yang. 33</p><p> </p><p>

Daniels and Whitmer then jump Hero and Necro to end the show. 30</p><p> </p><p>

Show Rating: 45</p>

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<p>ROH Newswire:</p><p> </p><p>

- The go home episode of ROH Wrestling was viewed by 9,700 people on Youtube. </p><p> </p><p>

- New ROH rankings have been added to the first page. The ballots for this month were as follows:</p><p> </p><p>

Jsilv0 Rankings</p><p>

1) Alex Shelley </p><p>

2) Jimmy Rave</p><p>

3) Colt Cabana </p><p>

4) Jay Lethal </p><p>

5) Jimmy Yang</p><p>

Jim Cornette Rankings</p><p>

1) Colt Cabana</p><p>

2) Alex Shelley</p><p>

3) Jimmy Rave</p><p>

4) Matt Sydal</p><p>

5) Jimmy Yang</p><p>

Gabe Sapolsky Rankings</p><p>

1) Alex Shelley</p><p>

2) Colt Cabana</p><p>

3) Matt Sydal</p><p>

4) Jimmy Rave</p><p>

5) Jimmy Yang</p><p> </p><p>

- Team CZW has announced their trios team will consist of Chris Hero, Necro Butcher, and Super Dragon</p><p> </p><p>

-ROH Trios Tournament 2006 Card and Pick Em':</p><p> </p><p>

Trios Tournament Round 1 Matches:</p><p>

Match 1:</p><p>

Team CZW vs The ROH Wrestling Academy</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Match 2: </p><p>

Christopher Daniels, BJ Whitmer, and Adam Pearce vs Claudio Castagnoli, Jimmy Jacobs, and Jimmy Yang</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Match 3:</p><p>

The Embassy vs Generation Next</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Match 4:</p><p>

The Rottweilers vs The Briscoes and Tony Mamaluke</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>


The Winners of Match 1 vs The Winners of Match 2</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

The Winners of Match 3 vs The Winners of Match 4</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

ROH World Championship Match</p><p>

Bryan Danielson © vs Colt Cabana</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

ROH Trios Tournament Finals:</p><p>

Semi-Final 1 Winner vs Semi-Final 2 Winner</p><p>


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