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  • 2 weeks later...

So, got through my first year with CWW. Nothing creative, mostly spent my first year testing what would work and what wouldn't. Added another monthly show to the schedule, so I'd be running twice each month (excluding August and December). And it didn't even tank my finances as 10 out 12 months were profitable. Not by much, but profitable.


Decided to run a round robin tournament during the Summer Sizzler shows, with two blocks of six. It was fun, so I'll probably keep that as a summer tradition.


Grouped up everyone in four stables to clear up my booking on the second half of the year.



- I usually like to run decently big rosters, even with small companies, so I grabbed a few key hires at the start of the year. Hired Blackwell Bush from Australia, Andrei Boronin from Eastern Europe and Aurelian Bradley from the UK, all technicians. Figured I needed to prop up my midcard with some promising names and another rookie.


- In the summer I brought in some veteran presence. Thomas Morgan left UEW so I brought him on board and hired Keith Adams as well.


- With my finances being pretty good, I rounded up the current roster in October with Don Henderson, Merle O'Curle, Pavel Vachyska and Landon Mallory! Mallory left VWA to look for new opportunities so I pounced on that.


The Good:

- Martin Heath is a BEAST. Staring the save I thought he'd be a linchpin of the tag division but I was wrong. After a rocky start, he ended up stealing the show pretty much every time he stepped in the ring. Ended up featuring in most of my top 10 matches. Earned to dethrone Mochin as the champ.


- Blackwell Bush. Wasn't familiar with him, but decided to give him a shot seeing his potentially great technical wrestling skills. And boy, he's been great. Heath is the only guy who can compare with Bush's output in 2020. Gave him a quick feud with Warburton and the Submission title as well. Despite usually opening my shows with some Technical Masterclasses, he often ends up delivering the best match of the night.


- The rest of the Main Event crew. Mochin, JK Lee, Curtis Jenkins and Padraig O'Hearne are all awesome. Mochin, Lee and O'Hearne should be my go to guys for the next decade.


The Bad:

- The rookies, mostly. Maybe I'm just used to TEW 2016, where I usually managed to shoot relative rookies up the card more easily. Well, I didn't play a CWW product then so no more entertainment angles for me! Warburton kicked it up a notch after his title reign ended and is clearly the best of the rookie crop and even up to the level of his vastly more experienced colleagues in the upper card. Gavin Owen is not terrible, but is a bit inconsistent. Pinfall Peters (with his horrible name) improved though the year. But the rest...


- Bradley, Myles Cross, Jermaine Granger, Vernon George and Lynton Minehead are all extremely green, and it showed. Cross was horrible most of the year and somehow got worse as the year went on. Granger had some positive performances but hasn't broken out of the pack. Bradley was pretty much the same. George was even worse than Cross. Then he broke his neck and is out for a year. THEN he started training for an MMA match! Kurt Angle would be proud.


Minehead might have the potential to go far (being the protege of British Samurai) and I've even given him a bit of a push as Mochin's tag partner, but his performances just haven't been up to par. Still, these guys were working their debut year, so I just have to give them more time.


- Keith Adams. I knew he was old, but thought he'd be a fine guy to work with the rookies. Well, he managed to perform worse than my rookies, as he was extremely deep in time decline and hung up his boots just a few months later. Gave him a CWW title match as his last match for sentimental reasons.


What's next:

- Heath vs Bush is my Main Event for Championship Showdown. Heath will continue his reign, but Bush is earmarked to win another accomplishment during the year, whether it's the King of the North or Summer Sizzler Series.


- Lee and O'Hearne are the current tag champs and doing extremely well. Might have them drop the titles to someone lower on the card, though I don't mind having three titles all fit to main event shows.


- Push Landon Mallory. Just push him.


- Keep being profitable. I'm trying to limit my spending with some interesting gems leaving 21CW (Darin Flynn would be an ideal fit to my product to my product, but he costs more than triple than my highest paid guy). Get attendance up to the magic 300 people while I'm at it.

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Mate Martin heath is an absolute legend in my save too. He consistently puts in individual performances of over 50 which is tremendous. He, Lenny Mochin, and JK Lee are crucial for me.


I fully agree with your assessment of the rookies also. Aurelian Bradley looks like he might do something but the rest need a lot of work.


Myles Cross is becoming less and less of a consideration for me and at the end of the year I will probably let him go. Vernon George is about to go and work an MMA fight so I'm excited to see how he is on his return. Lynton Minehead I have hope for but he is going to take work and as my UC is British Samurai I sort of want to keep the protege in there.


I brought in Edison Silva and he is walking it, currently, 11-0 in his matches and is now World Number 1, you can tell even in wrestling over entertainment products if the Popularity difference is big enough, TEW will always pick the popular guy to win, I think its farily even if its within about 7-8 pop points but Silva is a good 15-10 over the next guy so just wins all the time ha.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Decided to start a CWW game as Lucy Avatar, british referee. Intending on keeping the schedule as it is but I've added 3 King of the North road to shows & an Anniversary show in October. I won't be adding any TV shows or any events besides these ones. The goal is to do 50 years with the company so having just 20 events a year will make that easy (plus I'll see how many trophies I can nab along the way).


I've expanded the roster with 2 new road agents & a referee as well as a bunch of youngsters: Aurelian Bradley, Maxwell Bleak, Bryn Archer, Dangermouth, Cain Carlile, Gazz Vedmore, Hardcore McAvatar, Mickey Robson & Sharif.


We will focus a ton on performance so whoever is getting those results will get pushed. I haven't decided what I'll do for the random Summer Sizzler tour yet.


Owner goals are to gain pop, not hire daredevils, and keep my wrestlers under 42.


The only thing I want to make sure I do is keep the defenses relatively low (10 max a year). That'll be tricky because I dont like having champions in non-title singles matches. We'll see how it goes. My other worry is wrestlers not having enough shows to develop but I guess we'll see how that goes.

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I just wanted to chip in with some Martin Heath love, he's one my top performers in my RTG game.


CWW are about to kill themselves in my game, they hired everyone released by 21CW no matter the cost and just lost 25k during Summer Sizzler season. There's no way they can make that money back in time.

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<p>Year 2 is pretty much done with Winter War behind us and the only thing to do is to sim to the end of the year. </p><p> </p><p>

2021 saw CWW rise to Small near the end of the year and realize that </p><p>

a) SNP just slaps you in the face with superior production</p><p>

b) they have approximately 30 times the money that you do (damn that Scottish government support funding!)</p><p>

c) I will bankrupt myself if I try to upgrade my production to qualify for WrestleWorld</p><p> </p><p>

Well, 2021 was profitable for us, even with bringing in another group of guys near the end of the year and employing a pre-show jobber brigade. </p><p> </p><p>

Champions at the end of the year:</p><p>

CWW Championship: Landon Mallory</p><p>

CWW Submission: Thomas Morgan</p><p>

CWW Tag Team: Sharp & Heath</p><p> </p><p>

Top matches: </p><p>

1) Landon Mallory© def. Padraig O'Hearne (77)</p><p>

2) Landon Mallory def. Martin Heath© (75)</p><p>

3) Heath & Sharp def. O'Hearne & Lee© (72)</p><p> </p><p>

The Good:</p><p>

- Landon Mallory. I promised I'd push him but bah gawd, he delivered. Sure, the first half of the year was just solid, but after crushing through the Summer Sizzler undefeated, his performance pretty much skyrocketed. Now matching (and sometimes outperforming) the still godly Martin Heath, I had no option but to put the company on his back. AND he's loyal to me? </p><p> </p><p>

- The roster depth is better than last year. Mallory and Heath might be our uncontested top names, but behind them the upper card core is rock solid. Boronin, Bush, Lee, O'Hearne, Buzzard, Jenkins, Mochin and Warburton are all young-ish and killing it with everyone (bad chemistry is yet to torpedo any big match ups). Vanzyska, O'Curle, Henderson, Ward and Morgan are my rock solid midcarders. And behind them...</p><p> </p><p>

- The rookie squad is actually improving (mostly). Warburton took a big leap and can comfortably mix it up with the upper card with no issues. Gavin Owen has taken steps forward and is actually as good as his tag partner in Ward. He's already 30, so I don't see him developing to a ME guy ever, but he'll be a perfect tag/midcard guy for the rest of his run. </p><p> </p><p>

Pinfall Peters still has a terrible name, but at least he's broken out of the rookie pack performance wise. Black Country Boys (Vedmore & Robson) made their debuts and had a pretty good year. Jermaine Granger got a second gig at SNP, so he'll hopefully develop even faster. Aurelian Bradley kept developing and found great chemistry with Irwin Gutman, that will hopefully help him. Lynton Minehead... I'm willing to wait and see with him. His Psych is looking good after Samurai has been tutoring him some five or so times. </p><p> </p><p>

The Bad:</p><p>

- Vernon George and Myles Cross suck. As a reminder:</p><p>

> George breaks his neck in summer 2020</p><p>

> accepts an MMA fight during the fall</p><p>

> WINS IT with a broken neck in early 2021</p><p>

> heals and returns to the company</p><p>

> is still green and bad</p><p>

> accepts another fight and is leaving after the new year. Also getting fired. </p><p> </p><p>

Cross is lagging mightily behind his contemporaries and the only reason he's not gone yet, is because Creative keeps insisting he has great potential. He has another year to impress before he's shown the door. </p><p> </p><p>

The Ugly:</p><p>

- 21CW finally reminded us that they exist. After losing both Cornells and Leigh Burton to America, Jeff Nova has been sniffing around for new talent alongside the millions of National School graduates. So after grabbing back Apollo Prince from SNP he threw a bunch of money towards Padraig O'Hearne. I had no chance to match any offer, so off to London he went. Now I'm paranoid that 21CW will approach the rest of my double duty crew who have been gradually gaining pop working with SNP. So... Lee, Buzzard, Taypen, Granger, Heath and new hires Darin Flynn and the Northern Lights. Keeping my fingers crossed.</p><p> </p><p>

Meanwhile outside Wigan:</p><p> </p><p>

- TCW, SWF and USPW are in a pretty much stalemate. Everyone is firing with all cylinders. TCW is killing it with their main events, with Andrews, Chord, Hawkins, Gauge, Bach and Ekuma(?) pulling 95-100 rated matches. USPW HASN'T raided everyone and has actually been forced to let go some people. Still grabbed Killer Shark (then reigning TCW champion), El Leon, Sean McFly and more. SWF is rebounding big time with Tommy Cornell just returning "home" after 20+ years. Most big indy names have been grabbed. </p><p> </p><p>

- CWA is trucking along and I assume are penalized heavily by... something, because frequent 85+ main events still net them a show rating of around low 70s. ACPW is there, doing ACPW things. Oh, Lucy Stone-McFly started her career there! </p><p> </p><p>

- Mexico is the same. EILL is the big mammoth with the rest just kind of being there. Europe is... there?</p><p> </p><p>

- Japan is looking good, with every company still standing. BHOTWG is crushing it, 5Star is growing as well. BCG hasn't exploded in a way I've expected and PGHW has stagnated. Magnum Kobe has been unable to reach is peak WLW form and the undercard is looking bland. </p><p> </p><p>

- Australia was fun, since almost EVERY RAW main eventer (excluding Swoop) decided to "explore new opportunities" and leave the company. So Goode, Steele, Robbins and a bunch more just bounced around everywhere else. They'll end up back at the juggernaut at some point. YEPW opened up and will probably go bankrupt with all the expensive RAW undercard rookies.</p><p> </p><p>

It's been a fun game!</p>

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just finished my first year with CWW and I've been enjoying it quite a bit.


I use a simple ranking system. We have a ladder for singles & tag team with each win affording 2pts & each draw giving 1pt. The exception is the Summer Sizzler series which is a two block tournament where wins give 3pts. The ones with the most points are generally the ones who challenge for the title.


At first I wasnt having the tag or singles champs compete in their divisions without the title on the line but I've changed that mindset & they will now do non-title matches with 5pts on the line.



CWW Championship: Lenny Mochin -> JK Lee -> Martin Heath

CWW Tag Team: Taypen/Buzzard -> Heath/Sharp -> Lee/O'Hearne

CWW Submission: Warburton -> Retired

KOTN: JK Lee (defeated Heath)

Summer Sizzler: Martin Heath (defeated Sharp)


Summer Sizzler is a two block tournament. The top 6 wrestlers in singles minus the champ face off in Block A & the next 6 face off in Block B. The winners face each other in the finals on Day 6 for a shot at the big gold. It's also a great way to rapidly climb up the rankings thanks to the extra points. It was a tight race between Heath, Lee & O'Hearne in Block A but Sharp walked away with Block B.


The year ended with our best match ever: Heath & Sharp lost the tag titles to Lee/O'Hearne in a 77 rated match.


Heath is obviously a monster but Lee, O'Hearne, Sharp, Jenkins & Mochin are all solid. I got tag chem out of Mochin & Jenkins which was great.


The way the year works out is there's a heavy focus on singles then the year ends with more focus on tags as there are better title opportunities then with singles more out of reach. I'm considering turning the Winter War into a Summer Sizzler-esque tournament for tag.


Signings were kept very sparring: Daniel Delgado & Tomas Reyes are Mexican regen imports. We brought in Bryn Archer for one match at one point. We signed an English regen called JP Penn. And we brought in Danjuro Kikuchi for Vernon George's soiree in MMA. We're mostly focused on signing great brawlers & technical wrestlers.


Currently Tiny-size. Hard to tell if I'll hit Small or not in 2021. No rush.


I've only added two events which were KOTN Day 1 & Day 2 for the first two rounds.


Submission title was retired because I just wasnt making use of it. I'm somewhat satisfied with just having two belts tbh. At most, I may grab a trios title one day.


Winter War was our show of the year with a 69 (nice) just one point above Competitive Spirit.


Singles MOTY: Heath vs. Lee at Competitive Spirit for CWW Championship - 73

Tag MOTY: Lee & O'Hearne vs. Heath & Sharp at Winter War for CWW Tag Team - 78





CHAMPION: Martin Heath - 26pts

JK Lee - 26pts

Padraig O’Hearne - 21pts

Jon Michael Sharp - 19pts

Gavin Owens - 14pts

Glen Ward - 11pts

Jonni Leyland - 9pts

Neil Warburton - 9pts

Curtis Jenkins - 9pts

Grant Taypen - 9pts

Pinfall Peters - 8pts

Lenny Mochin - 6pts

Leighton Buzzard - 4pts

Jermaine Granger - 4pts

Tomas Reyes - 4pts

Lynton Minehead - 4pts

Vernon George - 2pts

Daniel Delgado - 2pts


Tag Team

CHAMPIONS: Lee & O’Hearne - 10pts

Sharp & Heath - 14pts

Jenkins & Leyland - 8pts

Mochin & Warburton - 7pts

Taypen & Buzzard - 7pts

Ward & Owen - 4pts

Cross & Granger - 4pts

Mochin & Minehead - 2pts

Ward & Buzzard - 2pts

Delgado & Mochin - 2pts

Reyes & Warburton - 2pts

Reyes & Minehead - 2pts

Penn & Reyes - 2pts

Peters & Granger - 2pts

Granger & George - 2pts

Buzzard & Owens - 2pts

Jenkins & Mochin - 2pts


The end of the year saw kayfabe me testing out for tag chem for people who were out of contention. Storyline wise, I bill it as guys trying to see if they can find new partner they mesh with ahead of the 2021 season. I think it's a reasonable enough justification so I dont mind fishing for chem that way. And anyways, we struck gold with Mochin & Jenkins which gives us another powerhouse team to heat up our tag division.


CWW Singles MVP: 1. Martin Heath (Summer Sizzler, KOTN Finalist, CWW Champ, 26pts) 2. JK Lee (KOTN, CWW Champ, 26pts), 3. Jon Michael Sharp (Summer Sizzler Finalist, 19pts)


CWW Tag MVP: 1. Sharp & Heath (CWW Tag Team, 14 pts), 2. Lee & O'Hearne (CWW Tag Team, 10pts), 3. Taypen & Buzzard (CWW Tag Team, 7pts)


That's it for me.


Getting read for 2021 which will see us start with Championship Showdown. Last year the concept was tag champs vs. single champs. With only one singles champ, I'll have to re-evaluate what to do. I may simply go for title defenses for both divisions but Im not sure.


Anyways fun company!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

After a rather lengthy break in the summer, I'm finally through year 3 with CWW.


So, our owner Curtis Jenkins decided that Wrestling as Sport was boring and wanted to cash in. Thus, he forcibly changed our product to Episodic Sport. It only changed one thing: we were forced to have ACTUAL storylines. I looked at my roster of efficient wrestlers and saw that maybe two of them could hold a microphone in their hands. Our announcer Jackie Goldstein has been working double duty, usually providing the necessary entertainment for my angles consisting of bland rasslers promising to out-rassle the other.


New signings:

Mark Misery, Bunrakuken Torii(!), Samantha McCormick, Aoife Quinn, Bernard Kowalski (regen), Riley McManus, Wes Stryker, various pre-show jobbers


- Mark Misery didn't get an extension from 21CW, which raised my eyebrows a bit. He didn't look like he was in decline, so after a few months I brought him in. After a promising first match, he has been a disappointment. I nixed the planned post-Sizzler program for the title and shuffled him to feud with somewhat directionless former champ Lenny Mochin. Oh, he also gets extremely pissed when asked to lose. Surprisingly, he has offered to put over Lynton Minehead in 2023...


- McManus was unemployed for a long time, so I shot him an offer to come to England, reuniting the Mid-Atlantic Connection with Jenkins. After two months (and frankly weak performances) he got the call to return to NYCW. It was a handshake deal, but their weekly shows overlapped with ALL of my shows, so I decided to part ways with him.


- Now, BUNRAKUKEN TORII, the BCG-born machine of bad-assery had walked out from his company in 2020 and no one, NO ONE, in Japan had hired him. So after two years of sitting on his arse, I persuaded him to work in the UK. After a slowish start, Torii has been slaying it. At the end of the year, he's performing at the level of Heath and Mallory, sometimes even beyond them. he's getting the title first thing in 2023.


- Rest of the bunch are low-card rookie fodder that I hope to develop a bit, paranoid about further 21CW raids.



Leighton Buzzard, Riley McManus


- Leighton Buzzard was my big loss of the year. 21CW came calling for more and neither me nor SNP had a chance to keep him. A shame, since he really started to click at the top of the card, delivering a banger of a performance in his final match against Landon Mallory (rated 75). He's been spinning his wheels in 21CW, much like Padraig O'Hearne.


Noteworthy happenings:


- Mallory has been our ace through the whole year. With his stable (feat Northern Light, Warburton, Granger & Cross) he's been the linchpin of the promotion and rightfully the champ through the calendar year.


- Tag titles went from Heath & Sharp to the Northern Lights and finally to Boronin & Bush, our killer mat-wrestling foreign pair. B&B actually main evented our final show of the year against Heath and Sharp. They deserved it, not just because I wanted to give Bush something after not giving him the planned ME push. The decision was a good one, since the other big match, champ vs champ with Mallory and Darin Flynn got murdered by awful chemistry.


- Time has finally caught up to some. Don Henderson and Merle O'Curle, the two legends of British wrestling have slowed down a lot. Neither can wrestle a Technical Masterclass in a singles without blowing up. Thus they're waiting out the rest of their careers in undercard matches and in the tag division. On the flipside, the 48 year old Trademark Thomas Morgan is still killing it. He's getting a bigger push in 2023 before he breaks down. I've loved Morgan ever since starting TEW in 2013 and I want to give him a worthy swan song.


- Youth division is not terrible. Well, the new hires are, but the starting crew is finally showing some teeth. Warburton could be a main eventer, it's just the matter of pulling the trigger. Unfortunately he's in a stable with Mallory and Northern Lights, so he's stuck playing second fiddle for now. Gavin Owen has been shockingly great and is getting a midcard title run at some point, maybe in 2023. Pinfall Peters and Aurelian Bradley are growing in their respective teams. Jermaine Granger is finally showing signs of growth. Even Myles "Trash" Cross actually pulled some respectable performances in the latter half of the year and saved his job. Minehead has stalled bit, but I have patience.



Rest of the World:


Power 500 Top 10


1. Greg Gauge (TCW)

2. Wolf Hawkins (TCW)

3. Ekuma (TCW)

4. Mikey Lau (SWF)

5. Spencer Spade (SWF)

6. Remo (SWF)

7. Tommy Cornell (SWF)

8. Rocky Golden (SWF)

9. Joshua Taylor (TCW)

10. El Leon (USPW)


- USPW are still riding on top and are looking extremely un-USPW. Bulldozer Brandon Smith is the world champ, Leigh Burton the National champ, Pariah holds the womens belt and Kirk Jameson and Antonio Del Veccio are the tag champs. Their roster is filled with all stars: Money, Bach, Chord, Champion, El Leon, Valentine, Youngman, Starr, Jett, Thompson, Killer Shark, Keenan, Ferrara, Shaffer and Sean bloody McFly. AND the women's division! It's going to take hell of a company to knock them down...


- And SWF and TCW are answering the call. Both are firing with all cylinders, even without the same firepower that USPW has. Mikey Lau is the SWF World champion, which makes me irrationally happy. They are losing Golden to USPW at the start of 2023, but can still bring Lau, Remo, Cornell, Spade, Parker, Morgan, Valiant, Smasher, Lenny Brown, Scythe and Ranger to the table. Steve Frehley is back home, but he's not the man he once was. SWF needs a youth injection, with Rogue and Mainstream leaving the company, both battered and bruised and lot of the top guys starting to get up there in years.


- TCW is the smark-favourite and banging 99 main events every hecking PPV. Ekuma (somehow), Hawkins, Andrews, Taylor, Gauge and Huggins make the exellent ME core. Behind them? De aske, Mighty Mo, Callum, Masked Stranger, Frankie Perez, Wolfsbaine and Whitlock, just to name a few.


- Every other company is still standing, with almost everyone having a weekly TV show on Wrestleworld or on an actual channel.


- CWA have finally gotten their production issues under control and are producing results. Mr Impact had his world title run, with Donte Dunn taking the belt off him.


- No news in Mexico. EILL reign supreme and poach who they want from the smaller companies.


- In the UK, 21CW are rolling as the 3rd largest company in the world. Their main event is aging out, so Andrew Lee, Sebastian Koller or Wade Orson have to get the big title next, as 43 year old Adam Matravers can't last forever.


- In Japan, WINNOW opened. All the companies remained in their stagnant positions, with no growth in sight. PGHW is fooked if their new generation doesn't pan out. BHOTWG is still the emperor, with the amazing junior division and the man, the king and the god, Matthew Keith. How he is only #42 in the Power 500 is beyond me. Frequently pulling A* matches, a hugely successful reign as the world champion... What more do you want? His brother didn't even hold a belt!


- Australia... *checks notes* is still there?

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  • 2 months later...
I have to say, I'm pretty surprised at who started up CWW in this iteration. I felt for sure it was going to be a duo of Leo Price and Walter Morgan, given the two men are Wigan-made and have the appropriate booking and ownership credentials, plus they're both fairly old. Curtis Jenkins wasn't even on my radar.
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So, I actually forgot to write about Year 4 when I got done with it, so here's a double issue! Two more years down with CWW!


Financially, we're doing fantastically. Broadcasting deals with WrestleWorld and UK-1 have given us reach beyond Northern England. While the money we get from the deals is minuscule, we're making serious bank with ticket sales. Starting 2025 every show in our home region is pulling around 25 000 people to the stands.


So, let's take a look at the state of CWW from 2023 to 24:


Arrivals: Daniel Black Francis, Frank Griffin, Martin Bloydell, Matt Hocking, Jeffrey Lane (regen), Michael Garner (regen)


Departures: Mark Misery, Jackie Goldstein, Jermaine Granger, Eva Berlin, Humprey Woolsey, Jonni Leyland


- Two slow years on the hiring side. Daniel Black Francis is a veteran from 21CW who didn't get his contract renewed, so I brought him in to bring some more veteran presence to the roster. He's been... average and clearly in slight decline. Hocking was a late hire in 2024 after his deal with TCW came to an end. Statwise he looks pretty good, so I'll see if I can still make him a good upper midcarder. Lane and Garner are two decent regens who are starting to get a bit more spotlight, but are still very much projects.


- 21CW mostly stayed away from Wigan, with one exception. Jeff Nova stepped down as their owner in December 2024. DJ Reason became the new owner and hired Mark Misery as his new booker. Misery was largely a disappointment, was mad about a single loss even three-ish years later which tanked his performances and when he finally showed up in the ring he was already going out the door. He also immediately booked himself to beat CWW-alumni Padraig O'Hearne. Hearne had a quick run as the 21CW UK champion but has been otherwise used as midcard fodder, much like fellow alumni Leighton Buzzard. Jackie Goldstein was poached as a referee which left me scrambling for a new announcer.


- Berlin (road agent), Woolsey (ref), Leyland and Granger all felt it was their time to move along. Leyland was the booker before I (as Lucy Avatar) took over and was never anything more than low card veteran presence with some dire performances. Granger was just about to break out having killed it through 2023 but he decided to leave, for now. He'll be hired back asap he accepts contract negotiations.


Championship history:


CWW Championship:

Lenny Mochin (9/19-10/20) - 9 defenses

Martin Heath (10/20-9/21) - 6 defenses

Landon Mallory (9/21-1/23) - 9 defenses

Bunrakuken Torii (1/23-10/24) - 17 defenses

Thomas Morgan (10/24 - ) - 2 defenses


- I promised I'd get the title to Torii and by god I did, immediately at the start of 2023. What followed was the title reign of legends. Seven out of my top ten matches of all time are his defenses. So much better than pretty much everyone else its almost laughable. Feuds with Mallory, Heath, Mochin, Warburton, Lee and Morgan are THE reason CWW is pulling in the audience to watch the graps... but all good things come to an end.


- Thomas Morgan has been a favourite of mine since I started with TEW13. Dragonmack's diary in 2010 or 2013 made the guy for me and I always try to include him in my long term games. In my 2013 RTG he was the top guy of the early years and a steady pillar. Now, turning 50(!) he's still in the shape of his life. This is his one run and it will probably end at the hands of Torii (or Bush) soon-ish. But he made it.


CWW Submission:

Neil Warburton (9/19-4/20) - 3 defenses

Blackwell Bush (4/20-2/21) - 5 defenses

Pavel Vanzycha (2/21-11/21) - 5 defenses

Thomas Morgan (11/21-5/22) - 4 defenses

Darin Flynn (5/22-1/23) - 4 defenses

JK Lee (1/23-2/24) - 9 defenses

Gavin Owen (2/24- ) - 7 defenses


- The "opener belt" has had its fair share of owners, with JK Lee having the longest sustained reign. The upper card blocked off by bigger things, so he took a backseat for the "smaller" belt.


- Gavin Owen however earned the belt with some stellar performances. Breaking out from 2020 rookie squad, he's pretty much the runaway success along with Warburton and Granger. Unfortunately he seems to suffer from nerves higher up on the card and is lacking the psych to ever be a true star here, but he has been a great champion.


CWW Tag Team

Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard (8/19-5/20) - 7 defenses

Padraig O'Hearne & JK Lee (5/20-8/21) - 13 defenses

Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp (2) (8/21-2/22) - 5 defenses

Northern Lights (2/22-9/22) - 4 defenses

Andrei Boronin & Blackwell Bush (9/22-6/23) - 5 defenses

Jermaine Granger & Myles Cross (6/23-6/24) - 5 defenses

Aurelian Bradley & Irvin Gutman (6/24- ) - 4 defenses


- Yes, Jermaine Granger was SO GOOD that it convinced me to give perennial underachiever Myles Cross a tag title reign. He was carried well enough.


- Bradley & Gutman might have a shot at breaking the record of O'Hearne & Lee. I'm tempted to give another run to Sharp & Heath but the current champions have been performing excellently, Gutman being a top 5 guy in-ring.


King of the North:

2020: Curtis Jenkins

2021: Padraig O'Hearne

2022: Martin Heath

2023: Landon Mallory

2024: Neil Warburton


Summer Sizzler Series:

2020: Martin Heath

2021: Landon Mallory

2022: JK Lee

2023: Martin Heath

2024: Thomas Morgan


Roster Overview:


The Major Stars: Thomas Morgan©, Bunrakuken Torii, Northern Lights, Landon Mallory, Blackwell Bush, Neil Warburton, JK Lee, Lenny Mochin, Gavin Owen, Irvin Gutman


- Bush took a quick hiatus from late 23 to around mid 24, but I grabbed him back since no one home at Australia gave him a contract. Always promising him that big run at the top in my mind and not delivering almost bit me in the ass. But this time, it's different. I promise. A heel turn and alliance with Mallory (still a beast, btw) has breathed new life to him and I WILL be putting him over either Morgan or Torii after King of the North.


- Mochin has been irritatingly inconsistent. Leader of his unit (oh yeah, I've divided the roster into six different units, Japan style) but always bombing his run in Summer Sizzler (our summer-long round robin) has soured me on him one too many times and is also yet to find a real chemistry with tag partner Lynton Minehead. However, he stepped up his game in late 2024 and is still one of my better in-ring hands.


- Warburton will hopefully grow to be a real ace. Gave him his big push with the KOTN victory and a program with Torii, now leader of his unit after Misery's exit.


Stars: Andrei Boronin, Aurelian Bradley, Daniel Black Francis, Darin Flynn, Martin Heath, Lynton Minehead, Pavel Vanzycha, Pinfall Peters


- Despite no longer being a major star, Martin Heath is one of my key players. Although his performances have notably dipped, he's still one of my most reliable players.


- Pinfall Peters has sneaked up the card, as he's performing around the level of Bradley. Has a future as a reliable midcarder if nothing else.


- Lynton Minehead... Yes, I push him, even if his performances don't give a reason to. Lagging behind his contemporaries Granger, Peters, Warburton, Bradley & Owen, but the potential is there. Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to push a square peg in a round hole. He's a brawler, it's impossible for our audience to truly love him. His psych is excellent for his age but his upper row is lagging behind, but hopefully he'll get there... eventually.


Rest that I should mention:


- Curtis Jenkins, the owner, has slowed down a lot. He started the save as a clear main event player, but nowadays finds himself often relegated to preshow duty. Merle O'Curle and Don Henderson are also feeling retirement breathing down their necks at any moment and O'Curle has already transitioned to a road agent.


- The "newer" crop of rookies are cooking under the surface. I'm particularly high on the striker from Netherlands, Wes Stryker. 21CW alumni Lone Wolf and regen Bernard Kowalski are waiting on the wings as well.


Top 10 Matches of All Time:

1. Bunrakuken Torii def. JK Lee - August 2024 (85)

2. Torii & DBF drew Warburton & Mallory - June 2024 (82)

3. Bunrakuken Torii def. Martin Heath - November 2023 (82)

4. Bunrakuken Torii drew Darin Flynn - January 2024 (81)

5. Torii, Heath & Sharp def. Morgan, Owen, Jenkins - December 2024 (81)

6. Bunrakuken Torii def. Curtis Jenkins - September 2024 (81)

7. Bunrakuken Torii def. Neil Warburton - June 2024 (80)

8. Bunrakuken Torii def. Mark Misery - May 2024 (80)

9. Neil Warburton def. Landon Mallory - March 2024 (80)

10. Bunrakuken Torii def. Blackwell Bush - September 2023 (80)


It's been a fun game and at this rate might end up as my longest save on TEW to date (I'm not known for my long games...)!


Since this post is quite large, I'll write more about the state of the world in the What's Going On In Your Game -thread someday soon-ish.




I mean, just look at that! I have to write about this shit!

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  • 2 months later...

<p>Just bumpin' with the links to the 2 (discontinued) diaries so far.</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=549271" rel="external nofollow">CWW: A real man's promotion</a></p><p>

<a href="http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546829" rel="external nofollow">CWW: The Alternative</a></p><p> </p><p>

Both only last for a couple of months in-game unfortunately, and the fun in this sort of promotion goes with the long-term appeal and the 'records'. It's indeed a very different approach, but I understand that it's quite challenging to tell the story, especially if you're going to describe the matches.</p><p> </p><p>

Is it more fun to play already given the tweaks from the patches? I also only played a handful of shows.</p>

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