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Navigating Worker Lists

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<p>I am loving most of all the new features in 2020, but one thing I am missing greatly is my ability to click on a name in the worker list after I've narrowed down what kind of workers I'm looking for and then use my up and down arrows on my keyboard to navigate and scroll through the list.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Having to click on each worker is a bit tedious when I'm trying to scroll through a list of workers to find people to hire.</p>

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I am loving most of all the new features in 2020, but one thing I am missing greatly is my ability to click on a name in the worker list after I've narrowed down what kind of workers I'm looking for and then use my up and down arrows on my keyboard to navigate and scroll through the list.



Having to click on each worker is a bit tedious when I'm trying to scroll through a list of workers to find people to hire.


Have you turned off new style coloured lists in your preferences in the option menu? Doing that allows you to scroll through most of them.

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@Jaded: Thanks a lot! You just saved the Beta for me :)


@Adam&Co: Unless the coloured lists have some gigantic upside that actually outbalances the frustration of not being able to navigate them via arrow keys, I would strongly advise to consider not making them the standard option.


If this had been a random game demo I had downloaded just to try it instead of a game series I deeply love and have been playing for about two decades (whenever EWD was released), I would have immediately deleted the demo and never given it a second look.

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