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Puttin' the band back together [CVerse Alt]

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LaEstrella" data-cite="LaEstrella" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48474" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Nice shows! I'm a fan of some of these tag teams you've got developing.<p> </p><p> I'm a big fan of Mutant in the Cverse and tend to bring in guys like Notorious F.R.E.A.K to be in a stable with him.</p><p> </p><p> F.R.E.A.K doesn't really light up the stat sheet but he's a fun character for sure.</p></div></blockquote><p> Thanks! I'm trying to establish a tag team division really, so I'm slowly debuting various teams before creating actual titles.</p><p> </p><p> Mutant has been my go-to guy with GSW in '16 (and one diary as Piledriver Wrestling) since FCW would always cut him. Now that he's employed and doing well, I figured I'd bring in other people and F.R.E.A.K. is a guy I always wanted to utilize. Dazzler felt like a natural match.</p><p> </p><p> Gotta love the new "Talk to Worker" feature and talking them into becoming available in new regions!</p>
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Gods & Goddesses

Sunday, Week 3 April 2020

Athens, Southern Mediterranean, Europe

Attendance: 78



“Blood Axe” Thorsten Sigurdsson vs “Dutch Courage” West Stryker

The opening match was, in theory, a showcase of RotO’s young talent but things were already off to a bad start when from the opening sequence, it became clear these two men just didn’t click with each other. To make matters worse, Stryker hit his opponent with a series of moves that barely registered with the big man, before Sigurdsson responded with a huge forearm that apparently broke Stryker’s jaw for real. The idea was to have the Blood Axe dominate in this match, but between his own sloppiness and the sheer cringe of seeing Stryker thrown around for six minutes before the Standing Powerslam put an end to the bout, this match would best be described as “hopefully forgettable”.

Winner: Thorsten Sigurdsson




Of course, the reason Sigurdsson was set to dominate the opening match was to build up his implied future match against Petter Eriksson, who made an appearance but was prevented by security from actually laying hands on the Blood Axe after the match. The two men shared an intense staredown and the fans finally came alive, hopefully rescuing the show’s opening from that dreadful first match.





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Serena Ventura vs Spider Isako

Unlike the opener, this was not only an even, competitive match but also blessed by amazing chemistry as Isako’s stiff hits and dark character seemed to perfectly complement Ventura’s blue collar wrestling and energetic babyface enthusiasm. Momentum of the match shifted back and forth as both ladies pulled off some moves that made the crowd pop but neither was able to get any offense rolling for a significant amount of time. So caught up they were in their fight, they ended up trading blows outside the ring until Ventura essentially took both herself and her opponent out with a suplex that saw both competitors laid out at ringside and eventually counted out.

Result: Draw





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Cassie O’Peter vs Gypsy Rose

Another matchup to turn out elevated by some great chemistry between its participants, this one saw Cassie O’Peter trying to ground the high flying Gypsy Rose. O’Peter almost stole this in the first few seconds of the match as she went straight into her Scorpion Deathlock finisher, which threw fans into an uproar of support for the unfortunate Gypsy, a crowd pleasing high flyer they have yet to see pull off a big win. Fortunately, the Wrestling Nomad was fresh enough to escape her predicament, but the damage was done and she sold it throughout the match to garner sympathy. As the bout went on, Rose’s moves became riskier and her lower body started to give up on her during critical moments, eventually allowing O’Peter to gain control and work her opponent over until she tapped out to her finisher.

Winner: Cassie O’Peter











After the break, Nelson Frye and Robert Howard make their entrance, coming to the ring to speak their mind.


Frye: Two weeks ago, at March Madness, we lost another 3 on 3 match against the New Breed. Again, because of some outsider interfering. We’re not here to complain about it though. No, we went back to the drawing board, because today’s loss lays the foundation for tomorrow’s victory.


Howard: What we realized is the New Breed wins because they have strength in numbers and nothing to really hold them back from breaking the rules. We decided to change that. We have made a case for the creation of RotO Tag Team titles.


Frye: We know we’re the best tag team in RotO. We know the New Breed would love to defeat us over championship gold. And we know they wouldn’t risk to make a fool of themselves by losing the belts over a disqualification.


Howard: So New Breed… hell, any other tag teams out there, consider yourselves warned. It’s on!





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Blair Kerrigan vs Paula Edwards

Paula Edwards returned to form here following her shocking loss to Florida Simard and Blair Kerrigan was the one she vented her frustrations on, allowing minimum offense throughout the match. The Dublin native did her best to stay on the move and hit some high impact moves, but the Colorado Crusher was quick to shut her down and pick up the win after toying with her a bit.

Winner: Paula Edwards





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Florida Simard vs Aud Valkyrie

Hot of her last big win, Florida Simard came into this match looking to keep up her momentum, while Valkyrie, who started the tournament with a victory but lost all her following matches, sought to get back on her winning ways. Unfortunately for her, she seemed to lack a certain sharpness to her kicks and strikes, which were thrown with a little less oomph than usual. Failing to really get some damage in against her opponent, Valkyrie stood her ground as best as she could but Simard was on fire and just would not be denied, certainly not by this opponent on this night.

Winner: Florida Simard





5 way Ladder match for a shot at the RotO Championship title


Alberto Montero vs Cesar Sionis vs Giovanni Bruno vs Ryushi Ryusaki vs Tomohiro Yamagata

With Dovydas Vidmar defeating Petrov Yakovlev to defend his RotO Championship at March Madness, a new challenger was needed and to determine who that would be, a briefcase with a title match contract was hung above the ring, with five wrestlers competing for it. Three of those five were members of the New Breed, so of course there were fears of a collusion but other than situational alliances to take down Sionis and Yamagata, the three allies had no problem in trying to trick each other and grab the briefcase for themselves. Maybe because of their competitive nature or because they value self interest above all things, Montero, Bruno and Ryusaki pulled off their tricks, failed, then argued and eventually came to blows, making for a dramatic and competitive match of what originally looked like a deck stacked in their favor. Yamagata was able to pull off some high flying moves to pop the crowd, but the New Breed quickly took him out. This left Sionis as the one to add variety later in the match and the DIW veteran made good use of the experience he’s accumulated working deathmatches in the Australian promotion, especially a spot where he charged with a ladder in hand to knock down all three members of the New Breed. Ryusaki was the one who got up first, almost foaming at the mouth with rage and the two men traded stiff shots that built up to a spinning discus clothesline by Ryusaki, followed by a suplex on the very same ladder Sionis had used as a weapon earlier. With the stage finally clear, Ryusaki ascended a ladder and pulled away the briefcase, winning the match and earning a title opportunity for himself.

Winner: Ryushi Ryusaki




Ryusaki’s music is quickly cut short as Dovydas Vidmar comes out with the RotO Championiship title belt on one shoulder and a mic in hand.


Vidmar: Impressive… Most impressive… Also stupid. How do you hope to defeat me after a match like this? Part of me is glad I’ll be having an easy defence, but another part is sad I won’t be getting you at 100%.


Meanwhile, Ryusaki has descended from the ladder. Dazed after a physically demanding match, he staggers as he asks for a microphone.


Ryusaki: You overconfident bastard… I did not go through hell tonight to waste my title opportunity. I will wipe your face on this mat so hard it’ll erase that smug grin off of it!


Security once again comes out to get between the two men and Vidmar is pointed to the backstage as the show ends with him and Ryusaki trading insults off the mic.



Show Rating:


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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LaEstrella" data-cite="LaEstrella" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48474" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Nice ladder match, I wonder if the New Breed will take the championship. Vidmar is a pretty impressive champion, I could see it being a long reign.</div></blockquote><p> Thanks. I will comment on that after the title match, obviously. Also, RotO launches a broadcaster down the road, which will alter my presentation a bit as I feel they'd go the extra mile to promote cards in advance when reaching out to more than their local audience.</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="12XzW2n.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/12XzW2n.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Giovanni Bruno put his phone down, took a sip of his cocktail and leaned back on his corner sofa, striking his best Champagne Lover pose as if he was on a recliner. It had only been a few years since he last saw the former figurehead of NGW do a segment of his Lovers Lounge (apostrophe position open to interpretation) talk show segment, before he left for his home country of Mexico, but he remembered every bit of it. After all, he had been a member of his “Army of Lovers” group of subordinates, alongside fellow cocky Italians Marcello Ricci and Paolo Gandalfini.</p><p> </p><p>

The phone buzzed again, another social media notification. Marcello Ricci had responded on his latest post with another “behind the scenes” road story. Fans were apparently going wild about these tales from the road, but for him it was like two old friends reminiscing. And boy did the memories flood back. </p><p> </p><p>

It had been 15 years since he’d entered the business and almost all of that time had been spent with NGW, until its closure in 2013. Mostly working dark matches and being fodder for Lover’s enemies, then sent to developmental once it got off the ground, then when he finally was deemed good enough to return to the main roster, he had little time to do anything before the blackout. Before Ring of the Olympians came knocking with their nostalgia bait, he’d only been doing minor local, independent shows. No other promotion had offered him a steady job in the meantime and he was beginning to doubt himself. As one third in Army of Lovers, he brought the wrestling and experience; Ricci brought the mic skills and Gandalfini had the chiseled looks as well as the power to go with that physique. Now he was slowly passing the peak of his career and although he was prominently featured as a member of the New Breed, he was still the comedy guy. Montero was the muscle, Yakovlev was the young prospect and Ryusaki clearly the future star. Was he destined to be the third wheel in every group? Play second fiddle someone else for life?</p><p> </p><p>

He took a moment to post a response back to Ricci, then took another long sip. Man he could whip up a mean martini! Maybe if this pro wrestling thing didn’t explode, at least he could save up enough money to open his own bar some day.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="jsICi8Q.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jsICi8Q.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p>

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Sunday, Week 1 May 2020

Athens, Southern Mediterranean, Europe

Attendance: 78



As the show opens, a table with a couple of chairs have been set in the middle of the ring. Dovyas Vidmar makes his entrance first, wearing a suit and tie with the RotO Championship on his shoulder. Ryusaki comes out next carrying the briefcase with his title contract inside, dressed in jeans and a vintage t-shirt from back when he was “The Lone Wolf” Okami during his first run with NGW back in a day.


Ryusaki: We have gathered here today to witness Dovydas Vidmar sign his eventual downfall. I have a contract here for a title match and I need his signature next to mine for that to happen, but the reason we’re making this a big deal is because Ring of the Olympians announced they will be launching a new Pay Per View Internet broadcast service, Network of the Olympians. Way to go with being original, by the way, guys. That service will be up by the end of this month and on the first ever event to be broadcast live across all of Europe, people will see a new champion crowned in the main event after I beat this man here to become the new RotO Champion!


Vidmar: It’s only fitting to have a match as big as this headline the first show on the Network, before I sign though, there is something I wanted to address. Your buddies, the New Breed. I don’t want them laying a single hand on me, from now until our match happens, and I’m adding it as a term on our contract.


Ryusaki: What? No no no, you got it all wrong there. I know old age is a bummer and you may have suffered some permanent brain damage from all that vodka, but you’re in no condition to impose any terms. I earned my title shot!


Vidmar: No one’s questioning your title shot. Look, don’t take this personal. I don’t like you, you don’t like me either, but none of this matters. What matters is protecting our match and RotO’s first ever show on their new Network. You wouldn’t want me carrying any lingering damage if one of your friends attacked me until that night, would you? Or win because of their help? No, you want no shade over your victory, assuming you can beat me, of course. You want me at 100% and a clean win over me. So what are you afraid of?


Ryusaki avoids answering immediately and fans start getting louder.


Ryusaki: Alright! Write it down and sign the damn thing already!


With a smile, Vidmar puts pen on paper and signs the contract, trading some words off the mic with his challenger before they both leave the ring to return backstage.






A graphic is shown and an announcement is made that later tonight, Transylvanian Anger will be facing Remmy Skye and a mystery partner in a tag team match. The announcing team spend a few minutes speculating who that could be and what are the odds that team could defeat the powerhouse duo of Abominable Snowman and Acheron.





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Aud Valkyrie vs Spider Isako

The night’s series of matches for the ongoing Round Robin tournament to determine the first ever RotO Women’s champion kicked off (no pun intended) with the duo of hard strikers in Valkyrie and Isako. The veteran from Norway dictated the pace of the match and called most of it, using her long legs to keep her opponent at bay but also making Isako look like a million bucks the way she sold her stiff knee strikes, including the final Running Knee Strike that took Valyrie down for the count.

Winner: Spider Isako




After the match, a still-staggering Valkyrie motions for a microphone. Stammering through the words while talking in Norwegian, which no one in the audience understands (there’s a reason she hasn’t been on the mic more often!) she says something that clearly fails to make any impact. In an attempt to drive the point home, a graphic is shown above the wrestlers’ entrance, announcing that her next match will be her last before she hangs up the boots and retires from being an active competitor.





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Blair Kerrigan vs Gypsy Rose

Next up, two young and popular women were set to clash in a match that, by this point, was more about bragging rights since both ladies have fallen behind in the race to top the scorecard. Although energetic, both wrestlers are extremely green in the ring and it showed, even though the match was obviously tight-scripted and rehearsed. It didn’t help that Gypsy Rose was clearly somewhere else in her head and landed several moves in real sloppy looking fashion, though fortunately they only ended up looking bad without injuring anyone. The match itself ended on a double disqualification, since both competitors had ended up throwing stiff closed-fist punches to each other. Not sure who started it and not seeing either stopping it, the ref decided to call for the bell and throw the match, yielding a single point to each wrestler.

Result: Draw





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Cassie O’Peter vs Serena Ventura

Again, both competitors here lack the experience between the ropes and it showed, especially since one of them in Serena Ventura blew a bunch of their spots, landing badly on several occasions but somehow persevering. Of course, O’Peter caught on to that and began to focus her offense on her opponent’s damaged back, softening it up for when she finally applied the Scorpion Deathlock to get her to submit.

Winner: Cassie O’Peter






Tomohiko Yamagata comes out to the ring, no music or fanfare, just a mic in hand so he can address the crowd.


Yamagata: I missed my opportunity at that ladder match. Odds were against me anyway, but that never scared me. Ryusaki is a worthy challenger, I’ve wrestled him and I can tell from experience. I respect his skill, but I don’t respect his methods. That’s why I didn’t join the New Breed. But I’m not aligned with their targets either. Things aren’t black and white. I’ll do my own thing. I’ll bounce back, like I always do.











Abominable Snowman vs Remmy Skye & Nathaniel Ca$ino

Skye’s mystery partner is revealed to be fellow high flyer Nathaniel Ca$ino, a native -fittingly- of Reno, Nevada. Acheron however never appears and despite that putting him at a numerical advantage, the impatient Snowman is all too happy to attack and make this a de facto 2 on 1 handicap match. Still a formidable force on his own, the powerhouse from Romania can more than stand his ground and Acheron’s absence actually somehow ends up making this match pretty even as Skye and Ca$ino actually look like they’ve got a decent chance to win. Using duck, weave and dodge tactics alongside quick tags, the team from the Western side of the U.S. slowly manages to confuse, enrage and tire out their big opponent, creating an opening for Ca$ino to hit his Double or Nothing finisher and wrap up his RotO debut with a big win after an impressive showing.

Winners: Remmy Skye & Nathaniel Ca$ino





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Machiko Matsuda vs Paula Edwards

A classic David vs Goliath matchup as the small lucha-inspired Matsuda takes on the Colorado Crusher, Paula Edwards. Also a classic Edwards match in that she no-sells her opponent’s offense and then proceeds to throw her around the ring like a rag doll before she grows tired of toying around and actually pins her for another win in dominant fashion.

Winner: Paula Edwards





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Florida Simard vs MAYA

A clearly more even and competitive bout compared to the squash match that preceded it, the last of the night’s Women’s Tournament matches sees Simard, one of the leaders in points, go up against MAYA who has fallen behind but still proven to be a dangerous competitor and a surprise hit with the fans, especially young women in the audience. The story begins in a fairly standard fashion, technician attempting to ground a high flyer, but things quickly take an interesting turn once the grounded Simard switches her approach to show she can also brawl and grapple. Things quickly get heated and the pace picks up but neither woman seems to be getting the upper hand for too long before her opponent fires back and eventually the timer runs out to end this as a time limit draw.

Result: Draw








Petter Eriksson, Nelson Frye & Robert Howard vs The New Breed (Montero, Bruno & Yakovlev, with Ryushi Ryusaki)

The main event of the evening was a 3 on 3 match between the NGW veteran stars and the New Breed. While it may have seemed a little overplayed by this point, the match was still interesting in light of Frye & Howard’s tag team challenge and the presence of the #1 contender at ringside. Ryusaki wasn’t shy about getting involved in the match, almost mocking the stipulation his scheduled opponent added to their contract at the start of the show, but with Nelson Frye obviously having a bad night, Ryusaki’s involvement quickly got focused on Frye to hide/justify the Englishman’s shortcomings. This also made the face team’s approach a bit more one-dimensional, relying heavily on the power of Eriksson and Howard, but just as things looked dire…


Dovydas Vidmar made his way down to the ring, getting right into Ryusaki’s face and daring him to raise a hand. Fans got another moment to get hyped about that upcoming title match before referee Dwayne Hewitt made a call and ejected both Vidmar and Ryusaki, ordering them to leave the ringside and return backstage or he would stop the match. The decision was welcomed with cheers and indeed was the turning point against the New Breed. With no further distractions, the babyface team were able to claw their way back into the match and thanks to a particularly nasty neck wrench, Petrov Yakovlev found himself trapped in the thick arms of Robert Howard and tapping out to avoid any serious damage.

Winners: Petter Eriksson, Nelson Frye & Robert Howard



Show Rating


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<table style="background-color: #008cc2; width: 910px;"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 915px;" colspan="4"><img src="

https://i.imgur.com/pAEq6gk.jpg" width="900" height="206" /></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 100px;"> </td><td style="width: 156.033px;"><p> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/18V1J9o.jpg" width="150" height="150" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><img src="https://i.imgur.com/KRd8pBF.jpg" width="150" height="150" /></p></td><td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"><p><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #ffffff; background-color: #333333;"><strong>Acheron storms out of Vertigo</strong></span><br /><span style="color: #ffffff;">While Transylvanian Anger, his tag team with Abominable Snowman, were advertised during the early part of the show as scheduled to wrestle a match later in the night, Acheron was nowhere to be seen. What seemed as a storyline at first took a wild turn when, following the show, Acheron actually put up a post on his social media, claiming he had quit the promotion just hours before the show. Later on, Ring of the Olympians issued a statement saying Acheron had in fact been fired on the grounds of injuring Tomohiro Yamagata during his debut, only to provoke a response from the angered wrestler who called Yamagata "soft" and promised to reveal everything in an upcoming shoot video about what transpired behind the scenes before the Vertigo show. </span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline; background-color: #000000;"><strong>Nelson Frye trimming his waist for tag team gold</strong></span><br />After revealing RotO's intentions to introduce tag team titles a while ago, Nelson Frye posted an impressive photo of him in the gym, claiming he is "ready for this" and missing a large chunk of the fat around his abdominal region. Clearly the title race has rekindled a passion inside the Englishman and this couldn't have come at a better time, given how he and Robert Howard are scheduled to headline RotO's upcoming Mayhem show in a four corners tag team match to determine the first ever RotO Tag Team champions.</span></p></td><td style="width: 100px;"> </td></tr><tr><td style="width: 915px;" colspan="4"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/dCLnspm.jpg" alt="" width="900" height="26" /></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p>


Much thanks to Historian for sharing the html code above and helping me with the formatting.

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Sunday, Week 3 May 2020

Athens, Southern Mediterranean, Europe

Attendance: 92



The show kicks off with a pre-taped message from Ryushi Ryusaki. The #1 contender is shown training outdoors, going through a variety of unusual practices like using wrestling holds on large heavy rocks in an attempt to move them around or pausing through a jog to unleash a series of strikes on a random sign post. At one point, he finally turns to face the camera, talking low with a barely maintained rage, almost grunting out words.


Ryusaki: Dovydas Vidmar… On the first Sunday of June, the first show to be broadcast on the Network of the Olympians, your first time one on one against me there will be NO ESCAPE! I don’t need to be in a cage with you for that, I already have you trapped in writing. Now you are legally obligated to defend that title against me and I don’t need anyone but myself to defeat you. You think you played me with your little terms? Well joke’s on you, old timer. I am LASER FOCUSED on my training. You actually cleared the way for me. Took everything else off my shoulders. Now I don’t have to worry about the New Breed or anything other than preparing my body and my spirit for WAR! This is happening… you’re going down!






“Blood Axe” Thorsten Sigurdsson vs The Witch Doctor

Making his long awaited (?) main show debut, the Witch Doctor came out to the most stereotypical “African” tribal music doing an awkward dance, to the point where it’s not clear whether he’s actually an outdated, offensive character from the 80s or a comedy take on that gimmick, played up for shits and giggles. Much like Sigurdsson, fans didn’t know how to react and the Witch Doctor clearly didn’t know how to wrestle. It took just over four minutes on the clock for Sigurdsson to squash his opponent and although he did not cause an injury again, his wrestling was nowhere near on point, leading to a new impossible low and a match that ended up being even worse than his previous one against Wes Stryker.

Winner: Thorsten Sigurdsson




Just like a month ago, the real meat and potatoes of this entire angle came after the match, as Petter Eriksson once again showed up and this time, he finally managed to get a brawl started, much to the delight of the fans who were compensated for the previous match. Lasting almost as long as his bout with the Witch Doctor, the brawl got the crowd buzzing and by the time security was barely able to separate them, the audience was screaming “let them fight”.





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Aud Valkyrie vs Machiko Matsuda

Valkyrie’s final match before her retirement, the outcome here was predictable but the veteran still got a chance to shine for one last huzzah while also making her opponent look good. Slightly short of ten minutes, it was a decent bout, Run-Up Rana, 1-2-3. After the match was over, Matsuda shook her opponents hand and fans gave Valkyrie a standing ovation before she left the ring.

Winner: Machiko Matsuda





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Blair Kerrigan vs Cassie O’Peter

The much expected face off between teammates Kerrigan and O’Peter did not disappoint, even if O’Peter is far ahead in terms of points by now. There was a lot of competitive spirit on display and both women showcased how well they know each other by avoiding and reversing moves back and forth, but it was O’Peter who got the win when she tapped out Kerrigan with her Scorpion Deathlock, a move that’s quickly gaining notoriety as a dreaded finisher when applied by the Dublin native.

Winner: Cassie O’Peter










Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Florida Simard vs Spider Isako

Isako has had a great run so far and facing Simard felt like a real test. On the other hand, the French wrestler had to be extra careful against her breakout opponent to avoid losing two very important points for her, meaning she dropped her usual laid back attitude and really showed some fire. It was a solid contest and fans were really into it, with Simard avoiding the Running Knee Strike twice before she was able to hit her own finisher and score the pin over Isako.

Winner: Florida Simard





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


MAYA vs Paula Edwards

MAYA chose a unique approach in this match, unlike most opponents who usually attempt to stay out of the Colorado Crusher’s reach. Instead, she attempted to lure Edwards in and force a mistake on her part, countering blows with some textbook chain wrestling and reversing them into submission holds. It’s not often people get to see Paula Edwards register a hit, let alone brought down from her vertical base, but MAYA managed just that, switching her focus to her opponent’s legs as soon as she could in order to keep her grounded. Edwards was given a run for her money, but the big woman’s inhuman resilience shone through when she made a comeback and following a meaty forearm, she finally took control of the match to score a win she was made to work hard for.

Winner: Paula Edwards






Vidmar’s response to Ryusaki’s message at the start of the show was aired next on the venue’s big screen. The RotO champion was shown inside a well equipped training facility and wearing an Adidas tracksuit as he addressed the camera.


Vidmar: When you’re a champion, you get the best there is to offer and my Bratva buddies supplied me with the finest facility to train for this big match. I don’t respect Ryusaki, nor do I fear him and his gang. What I respect is this title and that’s why I laid down the terms that I did. The RotO Championship is not a toy and it will not be treated as such. On the first show of the new Network of the Olympians, viewers across Europe will be treated to the big fight that deserves to headline it. They will see Dovydas Vidmar, one on one. And I will prove why I have this title, why I deserve to be the RotO Champion, when I put Ryusaki down for the count!






Petrov Yakovlev vs Tomohiko Yamagata

In the night’s semi main event, Yamagata clashed with the youngest member of the New Breed in Yakovlev. Both men are apparently groomed as future main eventers to carry Ring of the Olympians forward and they did a good job of telling that story, with Yakovlev out to make a name for himself and Yamagata working his way up the New Breed to hopefully establish himself as the next big babyface hero. Though the actual wrestling was good (to the point where this ended up being Match of the Night) it became painfully obvious as the match went on that Yamagata may be a great wrestler, but he does lack the charisma and “it” factor to be a true star player, as his attempts to get fans cheering for him fell short for the most part, even after he managed to get the win and his hand raised in victory.

Winner: Tomohiko Yamagata






RotO Tag Team titles match


Freak Out! Vs High Stakes vs The New Breed vs The Gentleman and the Pitbull

Freak Out! were obviously thrown in this match as a last minute replacement to Transylvanian Anger in light of Acheron's departure/firing, but they had their moments to shine regardless. That all came to a rough stop when Remmy Skye hit his Skye High (Swanton Bomb) finisher off the top turnbuckle to the outside of the ring, onto Dazzler who'd been lain out on the annoucers' table by Montero. The move, while spectacular, landed at an akward angle and it was clear after that spot that both men involved had been injured to some capacity, with Dazzler favouring his right shoulder and Skye in clear pain as he clutched his ribs. Left on his own, Notorious F.R.E.A.K. just could not hold his ground and a big running tackle from Howard was enough to knock the air out of his lungs and lay him down for the count, meaning that Freak Out! were the first team to be eliminated from the match. Despite his partner's hardship outside, Nathaniel Ca$ino seemed to be faring somewhat better but then all of a sudden, lights went out and a single image appeared on the screen above the wrestlers' entrance


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</summary><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bf/66/ee/bf66ee0ee4a1cae900e9e9d3a0326f62.jpg" alt="Masked" border="0"></summary></details></details></tr></table></details>


By the time the lights were back on, Nathaniel Ca$ino was laying out cold in the middle of the ring in what seemed to be a pool of his own blood. Not one to shy away from a freebie, Giovanni Bruno jumped on the opportunity and made the cover, eliminating the team of Skye and Ca$ino (who were introduced under the name "High Stakes"). This brought it down to the last two teams, the showdown fans really wanted to see given the heat between them. Montero brought the power to match that of Howard and Bruno took every chance he had to cheat, but the experience and chemistry of Frye and Howard as a team just could not be denied. In the end, Frye got Bruno in the Royal Armbar dead center in the ring while Howard hit the Chaos Theory on Montero at rinside. With no escape, no help and far from the ropes, Giovanni Bruno almost broke down to tears at his predicament but eventually tapped out like a madman, meaning Frye and Howard were now officially the first ever RotO Tag Team champions!

Winners AND NEW RotO Tag Team champions: The Gentleman and the Pitbull




After they were handed the title belts, Frye and Howard took a moment to raise them up high, then left the ring to celebrate with fans at the front row, ending the show on a high note before they returned backstage.



Show Rating:


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Celebrating the launch of its very own online streaming service, Network of the Olympians, RotO has released a special edition DVD with a collection of 10 matches in its six month history to date. Designed as a "best of" for current fans as well as a recap for new fans across Europe, the DVD includes these classic bouts:

- Robert Howard versus Alberto Montero

(Wrath of the Gods, Feb. 2020, Rated 47)

RotO's first ever match where the winner would be earning a title shot, plus the final clash of these two competitors before the formation of the New Breed changed the rules of the game.


- The Gentleman and the Pitbull (Nelson Frye & Robert Howard) vs Alberto Montero & Giovanni Bruno

(Forge of Fury, Jan. 2020, Rated 49)

A classic tag team clash before the New Breed were formed yet, in hindsight a preview of things that were to come.


- Florida Simard vs Paula Edwards

(March Madness, Mar. 2020, Rated 46)

A much anticipated bout between two NGW alumni, two favorites in the RotO Women's Round Robin tournament and perhaps an outcome that will come back to haunt these women.


- Paula Edwards vs MAYA

(Mayhem, May. 2020, Rated 51)

Simply, the best rated RotO Women’s match to date.


- RotO Tag Team titles match: The Gentleman and the Pitbull (Nelson Frye & Robert Howard) vs Freak Out! (Dazzler & Notorious F.R.E.A.K.) v High Stakes (Remmy Skye & Nathaniel Ca$ino) vs New Breed (Alberto Montero & Giovanni Bruno)

(Mayhem, May. 2020, Rated 46)

Four corners tag team elimination match to determine the first ever RotO Tag Team champions. Drama, excitement, danger, swerves and of course great wrestling are all on display.


- Ladder match: Ryushi Ryusaki vs Cesar Sionis vs Giovanni Bruno vs Alberto Montero vs Tomohiko Yamagata

(Gods & Godesses, Apr. 2020, Rated 49)

RotO's first ever and only (to date) Ladder match. Five men competing for a chance to wrestle for the RotO Championship and what led to the match that will be headlining RotO's first ever show on its new streaming service.


- Tomohiko Yamagata & Remmy Skye vs Ryushi Ryusaki & Petrov Yakovlev

(Fatal Fury, Apr. 2020, Rated 47)

Remmy Skye’s shocking debut as mystery partner after Yamagata refused to join the New Breed.


- Dovydas Vidmar, Nelson Frye & Robert Howard vs Alberto Montero, Giovanni Bruno & Petrov Yakovlev

(Spring Rites, Mar. 2020, Rated 58)

The first clash between the New Breed and the NGW veterans after the group was formed. Dramatic to the very end, where Ryushi Ryusaki joined the New Breed.


- Dovydas Vidmar v Nelson Frye vs Robert Howard vs Petter Eriksson

(Ascent into Olympus, Jan. 2020, Rated 56)

The main event of RotO's first ever show. Four beloved competitors fight it out to determine the inaugural RotO Champion.


- Dovydas Vidmar vs Robert Howard

(Titan Struggle, Feb. 2020, Rated 59)

Dovydas Vidmar's first ever defence of the RotO Championship against a challenger who had gone through hell for a shot. RotO's highest rated match to date and also a turning point as this here was the moment the New Breed were formed.

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RotO Hellbound

Match card


Main Event

RotO Championship match

"The Bratva Bruiser" Dovydas Vidmar © vs Ryushi Ryusaki


Semi Main Event

Triple Threat match

Abominable Snowman vs Cesar Sionis vs Tomohiko Yamagata


Women’s championship Round Robin tournament match

Blair Kerrigan vs Machiko Matsuda


Women’s championship Round Robin tournament match

MAYA vs Serena Ventura


Women’s championship Round Robin tournament match

Gypsy Rose vs Spider Isako


Opening Contest

Grudge match

Petter Eriksson vs Thorsten Sigurdsson

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RotO Hellbound

Match card


Main Event

RotO Championship match

"The Bratva Bruiser" Dovydas Vidmar © vs Ryushi Ryusaki


Semi Main Event

Triple Threat match

Abominable Snowman vs Cesar Sionis vs Tomohiko Yamagata


Women’s championship Round Robin tournament match

Blair Kerrigan vs Machiko Matsuda


Women’s championship Round Robin tournament match

MAYA vs Serena Ventura


Women’s championship Round Robin tournament match

Gypsy Rose vs Spider Isako


Opening Contest

Grudge match

Petter Eriksson vs Thorsten Sigurdsson

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<p>Main Event</p><p>

RotO Championship match</p><p>

<strong>"The Bratva Bruiser" Dovydas Vidmar ©</strong> vs Ryushi Ryusaki</p><p> </p><p>

Semi Main Event</p><p>

Triple Threat match</p><p>

Abominable Snowman vs Cesar Sionis vs <strong>Tomohiko Yamagata</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Women’s championship Round Robin tournament match</p><p>

<strong>Blair Kerrigan</strong> vs Machiko Matsuda</p><p> </p><p>

Women’s championship Round Robin tournament match</p><p>

<strong>MAYA</strong> vs Serena Ventura</p><p> </p><p>

Women’s championship Round Robin tournament match</p><p>

<strong>Gypsy Rose</strong> vs Spider Isako</p><p> </p><p>

Opening Contest</p><p>

Grudge match</p><p>

Petter Eriksson vs <strong>Thorsten Sigurdsson</strong></p>

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  • 2 weeks later...



Sunday, Week 1 June 2020

Athens, Southern Mediterranean, Europe

Attendance: 94, Viewers: 111 (0.01)



The broadcast begins with a shot of the entrance as Dovydas Vidmar makes his entrance, carrying the RotO Championship on one shoulder. Vidmar enters the ring and holds the title up high, before requesting a microphone to speak.


Vidmar: Hello Europe… Feels good to be back on a broadcast across the continent again. For those of you who haven’t been keeping up with Ring of the Olympians in this first half of the year, my name is Dovydas Vidmar and I am the first, current and only RotO Champion! Tonight I am scheduled to defend my title in the main event against Ryushi Ryusaki and rest assured by the time it’s all said and done, I will end this night just as I started it, with the title on my shoulder and the championship to my name!



Ryushi Rysaki’s music hits the speakers and the title challenger comes out to join Dovydas Vidmar in the ring. The champion assumes a cautious, somewhat defensive stance but Ryusaki throws his hands in the air, pleading innocence and signalling he’s not here to fight, then requests a microphone from the ringside staff.


Ryusaki: Don’t worry champ, I’m not here to blindside you or anything. We’ve signed a no-contact clause, remember? I can wait till tonight’s main event to get my hands on you. What I came out here to say, mostly to our viewers and not really you, is that tonight is a special night. A night that marks change. And I am the one who represents change. You’re a great wrestler and a worthy champion, no doubt, but you’re that guy people might remember from NGW. You’re a nostalgia draw, a thing of the past, something to make the old NGW fans look up RotO perhaps. I am the future of this company. And tonight, the first time it stretches its wings out to reach a fanbase across all of Europe, what better chance to do so with a new face, a young champion to spearhead the charge… me!


Vidmar and Ryusaki get in each other’s faces and trade some words off the mic in an intense staredown moment, then leave the ring to prepare for their match later tonight.






A short video is shown, recapping the history between Petter Eriksson and Thorsten Sigurdsson, from the first attack to interferences in matches, staredowns and the latest brawl between the two, all leading up to their match coming up next.




Petter Eriksson vs “Blood Axe” Thorsten Sigurdsson

If the size and musculature of the two contestants wasn’t enough of an indication, this match was a straight up brawl. No running around, no back and forth chain wrestling and certainly no high flying moves as neither man ever left their feet for a maneuver. Instead, they stood and duked it out with big blows, which eventually incorporated the occasional slam, suplex or power move. Eriksson had a good moment when he was able to lift up the full mass of his thick opponent for a Northern Lights Suplex that only got him a shocking two count, while Sigurdsson used his mass and lower center of gravity to charge his opponent and pick him up for a spinebuster takedown, which he followed up by mounting him and raining down punches. Referee Dwayne Hewitt had to jump in to prevent Eriksson from getting pasted, but Sigurdsson seemed to have completely lost it and just wouldn’t stop, so the ref called for the disqualification and security rushed in to pull Sigurdsson off his opponent who was no longer able to defend himself in any capacity.

Winner: Petter Eriksson






Another video package is aired, showing Nathaniel Ca$ino and how he was mysteriously attacked in shocking fashion during the previous RotO show. The montage ends with the announcement that the attacker has surfaced and agreed to face Ca$ino in a match, which is confirmed for the upcoming show.





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Gypsy Rose vs Spider Isako

Clearly Isako wanted to make an impression during the first ever show to be broadcasted across Europe on the Network of the Olympians, as she appeared to be have added a serious mass of muscle on her small frame since her last appearance. Sadly, her in-ring skills were not up to par with her impressive new look and more than once she executed moves sloppily, mistimed them or missed her cue entirely, which brought the overall match quality down and really hurt the overall suspension of disbelief for the experience. Given her performance, it felt justified that Gypsy Rose ended up with the win but thinking about the larger picture as well, Rose got a rare win over an opponent who had been going very strong in the tournament so far.

Winner: Gypsy Rose





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


MAYA vs Serena Ventura

A much more exciting match than the previous one, this one featured two fan favourites in the bubbly MAYA and the highly energetic babyface Serena Ventura. A quite competitive bout, it went back and forth with a lot of grappling hold for hold for the most part. MAYA had the advantage on that part, which in turn led Ventura to change her game and add a bit of brawling to her approach. In a showcase of ring smarts, MAYA was able to use her opponent’s inexperience and youthful enthusiasm to lure her in and eventually take her to the mat, where she was able to lock in a Triangle Choke and get the victory via submission.

Winner: MAYA





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Blair Kerrigan vs Machiko Matsuda

In the final Women’s Tournament match of the evening, Blair Kerrigan and Machiko Matsuda faced off. With neither really having much hope to end up on top of the scorecard, the two ladies competed to make a good impression on RotO’s first ever broadcast and maybe set themselves up for future opportunities. Between Kerrigan’s high energy style and Matsuda’s lucha inspired moveset, this was a fast paced contest with lots of action and it seemed that Matsuda won by sheer luck after she was able to convert a Run-Up Rana into a rolling pinfall predicament. Kerrigan escaped a split second too late as she’d already lost the match, but it really felt like either could have won and Matsuda acknowledged it by paying respect to her opponent, even if the fiery Irishwoman was in no mood to play nice and refused to shake her hand.

Winner: Machiko Matsuda






In order to assist new viewers with understanding the situation around the RotO Women's Championship Round Robin Tournament, a card was shown next and the announcing duo spent some time explaining it. With Aud Valkyrie retiring before she could have a match against Gypsy Rose, that match would be regarded as a forfeit, taking Rose to 7 points. Cassie O'Peter and Paula Edwards top the card with 12 points and a very important match between them yet to happen. Florida Simard is right behind at 11 points with a loss to O'Peter but a victory over Edwards in case of a tie. A special mention was made to MAYA, standing at 8 points. Technically, if she'd win both her remaining matches against Kerrigan and Isako for a final of 12 points, even if Florida Simard lost all her remaining matches to stay at 11 points, there was no way she could win this as the O'Peter-Edwards match would either take one of the competitors to 14 or more points or even in the case of a draw, 13.






Abominable Snowman vs Cesar Sionis vs Tomohiko Yamagata

A three way match between competitors who’ve had their ups and downs, this was a step towards finding their footing in RotO. Abominable Snowman, who’s struggled after a strong start alongside Acheron, was the major threat in the match and his two opponents had to work together in order to even stand a chance against him, but he still got a few moments to shine as the wild strongman character. Once he was out for a while thanks to the combined efforts of Sionis and Yamagata, the two of them went off against one another, with Sionis being mostly in control thanks to his stiff strikes and size advantage. Yamagata found himself on the receiving end and really played his underdog part well, even managing to get the Greek fans in attendance cheering for him over their “hometown” hero Sionis. Despite having a bad night himself, Yamagata still was the best wrestler in the match by a long shot and fans erupted in cheers when he managed to surprise Sionis with a roll up to score the pin and get the win.

Winner: Tomohiko Yamagata






Nelson Frye and Robert Howard come out once the ring has been cleared and get inside, RotO Tag Team titles around their waists. The duo hit all four corners of the ring to salute the fans, then settle down in the middle as they motion for microphones.


Frye: For anyone who might not know who we are, I’m Nelson Frye and this here is my long time friend, ally and tag team partner, The Louisiana Pitbull, Robert Howard and we are your Ring of the Olympians Tag Team champions!


Howard: Unlike other title holders in this company, we are not scheduled to defend our championships tonight, on the first ever show to be broadcasted across Europe on the Network of the Olympians, but we are not bitter about it. I mean, not to brag, but there is no team on this roster worthy to stand up to us and face us in the ring…


The lights in the venue begin to flicker randomly, in what appears to be a minor electrical problem at first. Frye and Howard look up, puzzled, for a moment. While their attention is there, two figures jump the guardrail, one even carrying an aluminum baseball bat, and attack them. The strobing effect of the lights creates an eerie phenomenon out of the entire scene, like still photos rapidly displayed between blinding flashes of light. The two attackers proceed to beat down the RotO Tag Team champions for a few uncomfortable minutes, then pick up the title belts and hold them up in the air in a silent challenge. Finally, the lights are reset and their faces can be seen clear.




The two attackers lay down the title straps on top of the aching bodies of Frye and Howard, then leave the ring as medical staff cautiously approaches to check on the two men lying in the middle of the ring.






RotO Championship match


"The Bratva Bruiser" Dovydas Vidmar © vs Ryushi Ryusaki (with The New Breed)

Ryushi Ryusaki came out accompanied by Alberto Montero, Giovanni Bruno and Petrov Yakovlev. As if testing the limits of the aforementioned “no contact, no external involvement” clause, the trio surrounded the ring and attempted to rile up the fans in support of their stablemate, never laying a hand on Vidmar. Still, their presence seemed to be distracting enough for the defending champion, who didn’t seem to trust them and had to have eyes in the back of his head the entire time. As soon as the bell rang and he locked up with Ryusaki, it was clear that Vidmar didn’t have his head 100% in the game. Every time he’d get some offense going, he’d look out for a potential backstab and allow Ryusaki to retaliate. His big swings would be countered either with stiff, precise strikes or some solid technical wrestling as Ryusaki would grab an arm to slide behind him and pull off some variation of a suplex. It was not the usual slow burner of a RotO main event, quite the contrary as it lasted for little over ten minutes, but it was enough to be exciting and tell the story of an isolated champion against a worthy and prepared challenger who played it smart and wore him down all the way to the final side slam and cover.

Winner AND NEW RotO champion: Ryushi Ryusaki




As soon as the bell rang for the three count, The New Breed rushed into the ring to pick up Ryusaki and lift him up on their shoulders in celebration. The new champion was handed the title belt and held it up high, wrapping up the show with him and his allies celebrating their success while Vidmar could do nothing but stare on from the sidelines as he was holding an icepack over his neck.



Show Rating


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How have I not seen this before? Great premise. Love the Blues Brothers reference. It fits. Loving including the videos of the entrance music- I’d not heard AC/DC’s Hail Caesar for a while (but again it fits) and never seen the video. Had to have a watch. Splicing in a cheeky Angus to the source material cracked me up.


The Vidmar-Pitbull main event at Titan Struggle was well done. The promo beforehand made me wonder whether Frye was turning and then out of nowhere came Yakovlev.


Vidmar vodka spit-take was funny. I imagined it in a kind of Incredible Hulk in Thor Ragnorok, Thor struggling to get through to him while they’re both caged in Hulk’s suite.


The run-ins and interference makes this pretty wild and reminiscent of ECW for me. That gets a thumbs up. I'm not completely up to date yet but will get there.


Enjoying this.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="bYRx1ea.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bYRx1ea.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Above the Clouds</strong></span></p><p>

Saturday, Week 3 June 2020</p><p>

Athens, Southern Mediterranean, Greece</p><p>

Attendance: 94, Viewers: 100 (0.01)</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="zrbNVcB.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/zrbNVcB.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Ryushi Ryusaki makes his entrance at the start of the show, proudly carrying his newly won RotO Championship title belt thrown over his shoulder. He enters the ring and takes in the cheers along with the boos, waiting for the crowd to calm down so he can speak.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ryusaki:</strong> How appropriate… At the start of a new era for RotO, on the first ever show to be broadcast on the Network of the Olympians across Europe, a new champion was crowned… me. You see, we members of the New Breed united under a common banner when we joined forces. We made it our mission to kick out the old veterans who’ve been hogging the spotlight and holding even though they’re well past the prime. Two weeks ago, at Hellbound, I managed just that when I beat Dovydas Vidmar in this very ring to become the new RotO Champion…</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="bGfQcLk.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bGfQcLk.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Right on cue, Dovydas Vidmar’s music announces his arrival and the former title holder comes out with a mic in hand so he can respond to Ryusaki’s words.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Vidmar:</strong> I’m not the kind of man to make excuses. You beat me clean alright, but do not fool yourself about doing so simply because of your wrestling acumen. This was supposed to be a one on one match, but in essence, it wasn’t. You worked your way around our agreement and had your friends distract me…</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ryusaki:</strong> Oh spare me please, Vidmar! You tried to trick me into this “agreement” of yours, but I played you and sprung your own trap against you. You got outsmarted and it’s just eating you up!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Vidmar:</strong> I want my rematch.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ryusaki:</strong> You’re not entitled to no rematch. But since you’re so wound up about our last match, I’m going to give you a chance to let off some steam and maybe, just maybe, earn a shot at my title… if you beat all of my New Breed allies in a Fatal Four Way match tonight!</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">42</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><img alt="mjjRZhw.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mjjRZhw.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><img alt="Tqjtcjw.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Tqjtcjw.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="25UZG0h.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/25UZG0h.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="mw05tLu.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mw05tLu.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong>

Abominable Snowman vs Notorious F.R.E.A.K.</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

The... unusual Frenchman was in action for the opening match against the ever dangerous Abominable Snowman. It was an odd and interesting matchup, visually and in terms of characters, which both men made sure to play up as Snowman looked really puzzled by his opponent’s weird antics. Once contact was actually made though, there was never any doubt about how this match would play out. Barring a spot where F.R.E.A.K. did the splits for a creative dodge of the Abominable Big Foot, this match was all Snowman as the big wildman literally wiped the mat with his opponent for about five minutes before he had enough and clogged him with an Abominable Big Foot for the pin.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Winner: Abominable Snowman</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="color:#F4A460;">28</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="mjjRZhw.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mjjRZhw.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="AhotWa7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/AhotWa7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

A pre-recorded message from Petter Eriksson airs next. The big Norwegian is at a hospital, where a nurse is apparently making some last routine checks on him before letting him go.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eriksson:</strong> Thorsten Sigurdsson… You really brought the fight to me. I respect that. Hell, I enjoy it! Haven’t been pushed like that for quite some time. I was hospitalized, but I’m not dead. This isn’t over between you and me. Not yet.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">64</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><img alt="mjjRZhw.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mjjRZhw.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><img alt="ZQAVkK0.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ZQAVkK0.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="25UZG0h.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/25UZG0h.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="4xKhncU.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/4xKhncU.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong>

Nathaniel Ca$ino vs Jester</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

This had been announced as the match where Nathaniel Ca$ino would be facing the man who had attacked him, but clearly neither he nor anyone in the audience were prepared for it. Dressed in a green harlequin suit, complete with hat and bells and wearing a skull design mask, his opponent was announced as “Jester” thought he was anything but funny. Ca$ino had no clue how to deal with this unusual opponent, so he resorted to his usual high flying, which the masked madman was more than able to keep up with. As a matter of fact, Jester showed complete disregard for his own well being and topped his opponent’s game with some outright suicidal dives that made him come across more as a psychotic clown of sorts, complete with a plastic flower on his chest that squirted water on referee Dwayne Hewitt’s eyes to create a momentary distraction, just enough for Jester to reach into his trunks and grab…</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><em>Reveal</em></span></p><p>

<table border="0" bgcolor=#FFFFFF><tr><details><summary></p><p>

</summary><img src="<a href="https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51FVx-dtHQL._UX385_.jpg" rel="external nofollow">https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51FVx-dtHQL._UX385_.jpg"</a> alt="Masked" border="0"></p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">BLAM!</span></span></strong></summary></details></details></tr></table></details></p><p>

<strong>Winner: Jester</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="color:#F4A460;">36</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Even after the match is over, Jester seems unaffected and continues to lay down a beating with his club-like weapon. No ringing of the bell can stop him, the referee is particularly cautious about approaching this frenzied madman so Ca$ino just takes the blows in the middle of the ring until…</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="vJWD1hm.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/vJWD1hm.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Remmy Skye runs down to the ring for the save! Ca$ino’s tag team partner and the other half of High Stakes, Skye rushes into the ring but Jester notices him and retreats just in time before any contact can be made. Cackling madly at himself, Jester leaves the scene of the crime as Skye is checking on Ca$ino and helps him back up on his feet to return backstage.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">14</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><img alt="mjjRZhw.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mjjRZhw.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Women’s championship Round Robin tournament</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><img alt="0WblE1U.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/0WblE1U.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="25UZG0h.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/25UZG0h.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="p9Ni2cl.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/p9Ni2cl.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong>

Blair Kerrigan vs Serena Ventura</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

More of a schoolyard fight than an actual wrestling match, this one saw Kerrigan and Ventura put the pedal to the metal and really let loose on each other, with no sense of pacing, purpose or storytelling. The two highly energetic women butted heads and traded blows in a wild fistfight and it all looked sloppy as hell, including a moment where Ventura threw a wild elbow shot and literally caved her opponent’s nose in, not in the sense of a shocking, spectacular spot but rather a genuinely unsettling moment of wrestling gone wrong. Even that didn’t stop them though, with Kerrigan still fighting and Ventura refusing to take a step back and let the referee check on the fiery Irishwoman, so the only option here was to throw the match and award a single point to each competitor.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Result: Draw</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">19</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><img alt="mjjRZhw.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mjjRZhw.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Women’s championship Round Robin tournament</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><img alt="63uvfJZ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/63uvfJZ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="25UZG0h.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/25UZG0h.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="8hCWSde.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/8hCWSde.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong>

Florida Simard vs Machiko Matsuda</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Truly a saviour after the disaster that was the match that preceded it, this one served as a nice palette cleanser to reset things as Simard and Matsuda flew around for the fans and each other. Even more so than normal, it was clear the two ladies were out to put on the best match possible and they were in no small part assisted in it by the apparent connection between their styles, leading to a very lucha libre like flow between their technical and aerial moves until Simard rolled through a Run-Up Rana to turn Matsuda’s finisher on her and get the pin.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Winner: Florida Simard</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">45</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><img alt="mjjRZhw.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mjjRZhw.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Women’s championship Round Robin tournament</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><img alt="q0kRCjx.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/q0kRCjx.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="25UZG0h.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/25UZG0h.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="xQweJld.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/xQweJld.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong>

Cassie O’Peter vs Spider Isako</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

In the final tournament match of the night, two of RotO’s most promising young female prospects faced off with the story being whether O’Peter would get the win against some hard opposition or if Isako could play spoiler and essentially knock her out of the title race. This was a rock solid wrestling match with little to no flash or high flying moves, closer to the traditional European catch as catch can style. Isako threw her kicks, knees, chops and forearms at her opponent, while O’Peter attempted to inflict damage with submission moves, preferably on the mat where Isako couldn’t retaliate. It all came down to Isako’s minor mistakes in precision and a momentary lapse in focus, which allowed O’Peter to close in and roll her up in a schoolgirl cradle for the pin.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Winner: Cassie O’Peter</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="color:#F4A460;">26</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="mjjRZhw.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mjjRZhw.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="KRd8pBF.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/KRd8pBF.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="LFcPDbz.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/LFcPDbz.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Nelson Frye and Robert Howard hit the ring, RotO Tag Team titles around their waists. They do little posing and cheering for the fans, instead they look focused on what they came out here to do tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Frye:</strong> Last time we got blindsided. A cowardly attack, of course, but that’s on the attackers. We let our guard down. We got cocky. And we paid the price for our hybris.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Howard:</strong> We ain’t backin’ down from any challenge, any fight. We want those two creeps in the ring, but we ain’t rushin’ into this fight unprepared. And we certainly ain’t putin’ our titles on the line just ‘cause two new faces jumped us outta nowhere.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Frye:</strong> What Robert’s saying here is, give those men a RotO contract. Let ‘em wrestle a sanctioned match, so we know what we’re up against. Then we can have our revenge and face ‘em in a match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Howard:</strong> Then maybe, if they can bring a good fight, we can consider giving them a title shot!</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">63</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><img alt="mjjRZhw.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mjjRZhw.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><img alt="QU7pAaz.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/QU7pAaz.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="25UZG0h.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/25UZG0h.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="bGfQcLk.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bGfQcLk.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="25UZG0h.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/25UZG0h.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="ccufL0i.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ccufL0i.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="25UZG0h.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/25UZG0h.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="tpx175Y.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/tpx175Y.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong>

Alberto Montero vs Dovydas Vidmar vs Giovanni Bruno vs Petrov Yakovlev</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

There was never any doubt about how this match was going to play out, essentially a 3 on 1 handicap match of the New Breed against Vidmar. As soon as the bell rang, they all ganged up on the former RotO Champion for a beatdown, but Vidmar was prepared for it. Lacking neither the power nor the brains and experience, Vidmar actually made this an interesting fight, especially since there was no prize on the line for the winner and thus no reason for the New Breed members to argue over who would get to score the pin. Sure it was an uphill battle for the Russian competitor, but he made it seem like he had a good chance of winning it and fans bought in to his “underdog comeback” promise, which in turn made them invested in the match and quite loud in their support of Vidmar. As the match went on though, exhaustion and piling punishment began to take their toll on him. The New Breed got a breath of life back as they saw this, sensing imminent victory and circling their prey like a pack of hyenas. They began teasing him and running away from his blows in an attempt to furthermore tire him. And then, Montero finally closed in to put him in a guillotine choke that brought about the tap. Vidmar fell to the mat, a defiant but defeated warrior, as the New Breed celebrated their victory together, having taken another step forwards towards their mission statement of putting the older guard out of commission.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Winner: Alberto Montero</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">54</span></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Show Rating</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="color:#2E8B57;">54</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Good show man. The stuff with Jester is ace. The reveal of the full sized cane being hidden in his trunks got me. Like something Heel Doink would have done (and that's a good thing).


I was waiting for someone to make the run in to try and even the odds for Vidmar. Interesting to see where you take him after this.

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Vidmar vodka spit-take was funny.

His previous gimmick with NGW was carrying it to ringside (think Kanemaru in New Japan) and smashing it on opponents' heads. This spot was a (less extreme) nod to that.

The run-ins and interference makes this pretty wild and reminiscent of ECW for me. That gets a thumbs up

Not going for a hardcore/unpredictable vibe (it's more like I'm figuring out the booking/writing style yet) but any comparison to the original ECW is high praise whatsoever in my book!

Good show man. The stuff with Jester is ace. The reveal of the full sized cane being hidden in his trunks got me. Like something Heel Doink would have done (and that's a good thing)./QUOTE]

Let's all just pretend it was a collapsible thing, okay? Wrestling!

I was waiting for someone to make the run in to try and even the odds for Vidmar. Interesting to see where you take him after this.

Vidmar has basically backed himself into a corner by refusing to join forces with his fellow NGW veterans (Frye, Howard, Eriksson etc) so his storyline is about showcasing his isolation against the New Breed. Glad it's coming across.

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Desperate Measures

Sunday, Week 1 July 2020

Athens, Southern Mediterranean, Greece

Attendance: 96, Viewers: 130 (0.01)



Ryushi Ryusaki opens the show once again, mic in hand and belt around his waist.


Ryusaki: I think after our last main event, Dovydas Vidmar is now out of any title discussion and squarely in the rearview mirror. The New Breed is running this show and we’re going to drag this company into the future kicking and screaming, even if that means disposing of all the NGW relics in it…



Tomohiko Yamagata’s music interrupts and the man himself appears at the entrance.


Yamagata: If you’re looking for a young and worthy challenger to face, look no further. And I know, you’ll say you’ve already defeated me, but that was before you had your New Breed buddies by your side and it was certainly before you got that title. But I’m not out here to request a championship opportunity, no. I’m here to tell you and all these people that I plan to earn myself a shot at that title around your waist. I’ve already defeated Petrov Yakovlev and tonight I will be facing Giovanni Bruno in the main event. Once I’ve disposed of that sleazy lounge lizard, it will be Alberto Montero’s turn. And once I’ve defeated him as well, you will have no choice but to face me!






Freak Out! vs Pitch Black

As per the RotO Tag Team champions’ request, their mysterious attackers were offered a chance to show what they can do inside the ring and Freak Out! were their designated opponents for this debut. Given the over-the-top characters at play, this was largely a storytelling situation that showcased everyone’s characters and served to introduce the newcomers, announced as “Pitch Black”. First up was the face-painted juggernaut known as “The Void”, an unusual and slightly unnerving character who seemed to completely lack any sense of pain, as he not only no-sold his opponents’ offense, he lacked any sort of reaction or facial expression altogether. This was a stark juxtaposition to the silly antics of his opponents but it was enough to unsettle them and throw them off guard, as if fighting an unknown wrestler was not enough of a handicap. His masked partner, Vortex, brought the high flying spectacle to the Void’s hard hitting, almost earning some cheers from the fans for his moves before the Void got the tag once more to brutally pummel Notorious F.R.E.A.K. before taking him out with his vicious finisher, which announcers called “The Nullifier”.

Winners: Pitch Black






Backstage, Dovydas Vidmar and Petter Eriksson are watching the show on a TV screen as they’re approached by the Gentleman and the Pitbull.


Frye: Hate to say I told you so… There is strength in numbers, in unity, and the New Breed are proving just that. We did not stick together and where did that take us? Dovydas lost his title, Petter’s still bandaged from his last encounter with that mohawked madman…


Eriksson only reacts with a grunt at the mention of his situation, but Howard quickly jumps in to calm things down.


Howard: You saw what Pitch Black can do out there. We know we can take them in a straight match, but they’re not the types to play fair. They jumped us from behind once already.


Vidmar: And you came to us for help, so you can hold on to your precious titles. I’m not buying this.


Vidmar straight up stands and walks away. There is a tense moment where the RotO Tag Team champions look at Eriksson, waiting for his response. Eventually, the big Norwegian just shakes his head and walks away as well.





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Gypsy Rose vs Machiko Matsuda

Out of the title race and wrapping up a rather disappointing tournament, the two women did not seem to care and still went all out for the whole ten minutes, hitting big spot after big spot in an obvious attempt to save face and come out of this experience with their wrestling credibility intact. Rose was certainly the faster one and the better flier, but Matsuda had the experience to keep up and exploit every mistake her opponent made, allowing her to finally hit her Run-Up Rana for the pin.

Winner: Machiko Matsuda





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Blair Kerrigan vs MAYA

Given the point totals at this point, MAYA was mathematically out of the title race but also the favourite in this match. Perhaps this is what made Kerrigan seem less invested in the match, as she lacked the fire and sense of urgency in her moves, which in turn resulted in some weak looking strikes and lazy dives. MAYA took her time and did not rush it, grounding her opponent and working her limbs, then just as she was getting a tad too predictable, she changed her game and managed to roll Kerrigan up to get the three count.

Winner: MAYA










Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Paula Edwards vs Spider Isako

Despite coming into this match as the absolute favourite for the entire tournament, Edwards had her work cut out for her against the hard hitting Isako, who managed to connect with some vicious knee strikes early in the match and show her opponent she was not to be taken lightly. Unfortunately, Isako could not keep it up and her wrestling completely broke down as the match went on, allowing Edwards to easily gain the upper hand and pulverize her into submission.

Winner: Paula Edwards






In a pre-taped video that aired next, Aud Valkyrie was shown strutting around a casino game room in a sparkly dress that accentuated her figure. When she eventually faced the camera, she began talking about gambling and taking risks, a speech that came across as a little strange due to her heavy Norwegian accent. Regardless, Aud’s mention of Nathaniel Ca$ino and Remmy Skye was all too obvious and the video ended with a familiar figure creeping in the background, the footage ending before he could catch up to Valkyrie.







Tomohiko Yamagata made his entrance next, signalling to the audience that the main event was up next. However, he barely made it to the entrance ramp before he got attacked from behind by Montero and Yakovlev. The New Breed duo roughed Yamagata up and dragged him to the ring, apparently not interested in taking him completely out but instead wanting to soften him up for Bruno to ensure an embarrassing loss for their victim.



Giovanni Bruno vs Tomohiko Yamagata

Already starting at a disadvantage, Yamagata had the fans cheering for him in hopes of seeing a Cinderella story unfold and getting the joy of seeing the cocky Italian getting beat. Bruno made the best use of the situation, mocking his opponent with moves that were meant to hurt his ego more than his body, from slaps to hip attacks and moves that connected with the butt or groin area. Since the audience responded, Bruno took frequent breaks to pose, taunt Yamagata or antagonize fans in the front row. Those allowed Yamagata to bounce back with some desperate offence, but just as the audience thought he was in control, Bruno would roll out of the ring or get behind the ref or sneak in an illegal blow to put the breaks and frustrate the viewers by denying them the pleasure of seeing Yamagata defeat him. A textbook babyface versus heel match, this one provided a packed and entertaining ten minutes before Yamagata got his big adrenaline rush and managed to hit a few moves in a row, creating enough separation so he could ascend to the top turnbuckle and hit his Suicide Splash dive for the pin that had fans explode in cheers.

Winner: Tomohiko Yamagata



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Sunday, Week 3 July 2020

Athens, Southern Mediterranean, Greece

Attendance: 100, Viewers: 87 (0.01)



Tomohiko Yamagata comes out with a mic in hand to kick off the show.


Yamagata: Last time I was in this ring, I did exactly what I had promised to do. I beat Giovanni Bruno, clean as a whistle, even though his New Breed buddies tried to prevent this by attacking me from behind right as I was making my entrance. My goal has not changed. Alberto Montero is next and I am pleased to announce that not only have RotO officials agreed to this match, they have made it the headliner of RotO’s upcoming new weekly TV show, Pro Wrestling Hero!



The New Breed’s music hits and the group comes out in full force. Despite his recent defeat, Giovanni Bruno looks as upbeat as ever, oozing with sleazy overconfidence. Ryushi Ryusaki and Alberto Montero enter the ring, while Bruno and Yakovlev remain outside.


Ryusaki: First of all, who do you think you are coming out to make such an announcement? Launching a new TV show is huge news. The kind of news that should be made public by figures important to this organization, like its officials. Or its champion.


Montero: Second, you may have defeated Petrov Yakovlev, but I’m way more experienced than him, or you. Last time you got lucky over GB. I am where your luck runs out. I will make sure you never even get this close to the RotO Championship again.


Montero drops the mic and swings at Yamagata, but his target manages to duck under the blow, run to the ropes and bounce back with a double dropkick into both him and Ryusaki! Bruno and Yakovlev immediately slide into the ring to assist their teammates and Yamagata, realizing he can’t hope to win against all four of them, uses his chance to roll out of the ring and escape backstage, leaving the New Breed furious in the ring.





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Machiko Matsuda vs Serena Ventura

In their final match of the tournament, Matsuda and Ventura put on a good match that was based on the former’s high flying ability and the latter’s all-round style that resulted in a bout that had a little bit of everything for everyone. Despite Ventura’s inexperience, Matsuda clearly was able to call the match and make up for it, the fiery German apparently catching on with the RotO crowd as she got a good share of cheers, including those after the end of the match when she managed to get an important victory over her more experienced opponent after she hit her with a Fisherman’s Suplex and held onto the bridge for the three count.

Winner: Serena Ventura





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


MAYA vs Spider Isako

MAYA wanted to end the tournament on a high note, despite barely missing the grand finals and a chance to wrestle for the title. Isako maybe lacked the experience of her opponent, but she more than made up for it in sheer viciousness. This mix led to a match with a lot of changes in pacing, from MAYA’s slower technical grind to Isako’s explosive, hard hitting knee strikes. Somewhat longer than one may have expected, the match went on for almost fifteen minutes before MAYA was able to trap her opponent in a Triangle Choke for the tap out.

Winner: MAYA





A pre-taped message from Petter Eriksson aired next.


Eriksson: Thorsten Sigurdsson… I may have won our match, but it did not happen the way I wanted it to. You may have sent me to the hospital, but I’m still here. In case my point isn’t making it through that thick skull of yours, we got unfinished business. I’ll see you in the ring.






Remmy Skye vs Jester (with Aud Valkyrie?)

Following Jester’s attack on Nathaniel Ca$ino and Skye making the save, this match was the next chapter in that story. Aud Valkyrie was also at ringside, half unwilling and half totally confused, on Jester’s corner. Skye was full of fire and brimstone as he moved around the ring but Jester, despite being a competent high flyer as well, prevented the match from becoming a spectacular high flying spotfest. Instead, he kept things grounded with some really stiff brawling and more than a few times risking disqualification. What saved Skye was Jester relying on Valkyrie’s intervention that never came, a fact that in turn had the masked maniac yell at her, the verbal abuse gaining him a lot of heat from the crowd. The arguing led up to a spot where Jester and Valkyrie were out of the ring and Skye flew over the top rop to crash on them both with a suicidal plancha. Sadly for him, taking things out of the ring was not the best course of action against the self-proclaimed “Mirthless Manhunter” and Jester was able to get a countout victory by handcuffing Skye to a guardrail and returning to the ring, laughing maniacally for the entire ten count as he savoured Skye’s frustration.

Winner: Jester











The Gentleman and The Pitbull are shown next. The RotO Tag Team titles are set on a table in front of them, displayed prominently as they speak.


Howard: You gotta respect what Pitch Black bring to the table. Behind the black clothes and fancy names, these are two men who bring the fight. Who hit hard. We should know, we were the first people that got hit by them in RotO.


Frye: We take them seriously, no doubt. But you can’t question the two of us either. Our accolades. The wars we’ve been in. Robert alone has wrestled the Moscow Mauler himself, Marat Kholkov, in a dog collar match! We are no strangers to pain. We are the RotO Tag Team champions for a reason. And we are going to prove our worth against all comers!





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Blair Kerrigan vs Florida Simard

Were this not the final match in the tournament for these two competitors, it would have been indifferent given their standings on the board. However, a victory was absolutely needed for Simard here if she wanted a last chance at the title and in turn, managing to spoil that would be a big redemption for Kerrigan. This setup added tension, drama and a sense of urgency to the match, which was elevated even further by the natural flow between these two women's styles in the ring. Kerrigan had some good moments but missed a crucial high risk move, allowing Simard to nail her with a neckbreaker and score the pin.

Winner: Florida Simard





Women’s championship Round Robin tournament


Cassie O’Peter vs Paula Edwards

Since Simard ended the tournament at 15 points and held a tie breaker victory over Edwards, the Colorado native needed a win in the final match of the night, otherwise the gold would escape her. Much like in the previous match, this setup added the necessary tension to the bout and O'Peter pushed her opponent with some solid mat wrestling, managing to bring the massive Edwards to the ground. Despite powering her way out of a tough spot, Edwards was clearly frustrated and in turn got reckless with her offense, something'l O'Peter exploited to regain control, working over Edwards and exhausting her the longer the match went on. Not only was this very competitive, it also went past the twenty minute mark but ultimately Edwards demolished her opponent with a sit-out powerbomb, got the pin and made it to a 16 point total, thus winning the tournament to become the first ever RotO Women's champion.

Winner: Paula Edwards



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