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Custom Graphics Request Thread

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9 hours ago, RouxBTV said:

I am thinking of making a Shoot Fighting League âla Fighting Network RINGs, does anyone have experience with this in TEW? What is the best product for this? In general I was thinking of just reviving RINGs, does anyone know if there are RINGs graphics in any DB or anything?

Funnily enough a buddy of mine and i are planning this exact thing for a save, our idea is an organisation of "fight clubs" in every game region (fight club usa, fight club canada, fight club uk etc.) with an overarching alliance and workers. I think honestly you can kinda see in which region you are. You could go full shoot style, you could take catch wrestling, pseudo sport or even faux mma.


For example due to Germany/Europe's history i went with catch wrestling, in the UK i went for pseudo sport etc.


I'll put in the logo's i use should you find some use for them

Fight Club USA.jpg

Fight Club Canada.jpg

Fight Club Europe.jpg

Fight Club Group.jpg

Fight Club Japan.jpg

Fight Club Mexico.jpg

Fight Club UK.jpg

Edited by beatingstuff88
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Does anybody have a blank title belt in a cverse optic? I don't mean just the background, I'm looking for a belt in a png format to try to put my own design on it. Couldn't find anything on here, would really appreciate if someone could help me out. 

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On 5/25/2024 at 5:21 PM, Dawn said:

Hello! I have two requests if possible, both as SAMPP JPG format. Richie Steamboat (there are no pics of his in SAMPP I don't think) and the most shady looking Truth Martini as possible. Thank you in advance to anyone who tackles these!

Trying once again to ask for these!

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