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CWA: The Lost Scion

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CWA: The Last Scion


A couple notes before we start on how I am going to try to do this. Keep in mind outside of one attempt that kinda stalled, i'm a lurker on here not a writer, so hopefully this won't be too rough to read.


Feedback is greatly appreciated, even if it's just a "I'll be reading!" to keep me motivated.


1. Presentation: So I'm going to do this like PW Torch/ Csonka Reports on the shows and events, with personal interludes from a 1st person prospective. I might also do rumor short hits for big changes in the world.


I'll also post the cards of the shows, as I think that's a fun game. If we get that far and people like this, maybe we'll keep score.


Note that on the previews we'll start after the first show, doesn't seem much point to have people guess blind.


2. Concept: The user character is Christopher Decolt, who's backstory we'll get into with the first interlude post. While I have him as the booker mechanically in the save, who is booking won't really be discussed in the personal stories/ insights, though i do reserve the right to change that if it becomes needed. Bottom line, this is a story about the Stones and Decolts next generation, and what CWA will be in the future.


Will it be A SWF'esq company and start to be a major player? A Stampede throwback with the Decolts next generation in control with NOTBPW just a footnote? Some sort of evolved NOTBPW where the technicians and brawlers rule the roost? and behind the scenes who will actually control the future of Canadian wrestling?


Update Schedule: I'm going to try to hold to this, basically. I think it's easier on me as the writer and the reader if everyone knows what the goal is. And if people like it it will keep me motivated to see posts in between with



Also subject to change if I feel like it :p


After this first show (counting this weekend)


New Show/Event post on Saturday.


Interlude Story/Rumor Site Posts Monday, along with card for predictions for the next show


New Show/Event Post Wednesday


Interlude(or just event card, depends) for next show on Thursday



4. Starting Rosters and things to know that I did before the first show:


wanted people to know where the company is as of the start of the game with a few key guys you can expect to see feature at start. note this is just a few people and a quick preview and if you don't see a person written up here who is in CWA, then it means they are 1) in Developmental or 2) not currently to be featured in the first few months strongly.


Note this doesn't mean guys and gals won't impress me and work themselves into better spots/ more work. If you have a favorite and they aren't listed here, just means as of now they need to catch on. that will come from both just playing them and people pushing me in comments :D


This is going to be an organic save, I only really plan one or maybe two big yearly story lines and most of the rest I book on the fly.


So, our Starting booking sheet, which has leaked to the internet somehow for you all to know before a show hits the air:


Main Event




Jack Decolt - Still a Mainstay, we will be pushing Jack as a main attraction. Still a great promo and solid if declining a bit in the ring.


Ricky Decolt - Not as good in promo's but still solid. Will also be a main attraction


Aaron Knight - Obvious, basically a can't miss prospect to build around the next 10 years.


Sean Mcfly - Not much left, but we're going to get what he has to give out of him.




Christian Faith - The Champion for now, though I'm not sure how long he'll keep it. I like Faith, but it's going to be tough for him to keep the top Heel spot


Cameron Vessey - Making a name for himself, and in line for a good push. I like the possibility with him.


Shooter Sean Deeley - Our aging technical master, still has some good work in him (I hope)


Mr. Impact - TV title holder, time to see if he's really arrived or is just a flash in the pan. A lot of that will depend how he looks in his first feud for me.


Upper Mid Card and other projects




Diablo Duvak - I have a soft spot for Diablo, I've always liked him and mimic. still to be determined on what he'll be able to bring to CWA in my mind.


Donte Dunn - Will be involved in our main pushes, very excited to see what he can do.


Erik Strong - Still a solid guy, and I have some ideas for him. I think of him as sort of midcard gatekeeper but thats not a bad thing


Skip Beau - We'll see on this guy, I think he's the best of the CWA "generic white guy" bunch, but I'm not sure that's saying much


David Stone - Given the title, David is going to be a project for us.


Christopher Decolt[ - User Avatar





Johnny Bloodstone - The ying to Mcfly's yang. Doesn't have much left to give but what he has we'll get from him.


Lee Rivera - Good hand I think, And Jenny is always a plus.


Dynamite Express - I'm actually going to do the tag teams and women on a later update post, but these guys have a lot to do in the mid card for us. They are both so good that they almost have to also work with the faces here.


George Wolfe - I want to believe, but we shall see. We need a power house in this heel division, and Blockbuster I don't think is it


Blockbuster - I think blockbuster is a man out of time, but I'm going to give him shots to prove me wrong.


Writers Note: The event caps themselves will have imagur links, i'm just excited to get started and wanted to post something tonight.


First story line post coming shortly, either tonight or in the morning.

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Diary entry #1 British Columbia, Decolt Compound



It’s tough to figure out who you are when it changes so many times. I guess that’s true of everybody, but it feels like something I’ve always dealt with. After all i've been 3 different people, all by the age of 20.


I was just a kid without a Dad who loved wrestling until my Mom told me I was Ricky Decolt’s Kid, and we were going to see George Decolt one day.

What I didn’t know then, but do now, is that my Mother used to be a manager on the Canadian Indies when she was in here early 20’s.


I guess one night Ricky was there to watch a show with his friends, saw her and immediately decided they would be going home together. A Bar trip with the boys from CGC by my mom and a year later there I was.


My Father, if you didn’t know, is something of a charismatic, good looking individual. He can be very persuasive when he sees something he wants.


My Mom never reached out to my dad until I was older. She tells me know she was embarrassed, and didn’t know what to do once she figured out she was pregnant. And we had a great life before (and after) becoming a Decolt, at least from my perspective. My mom worked hard, and with the help of my grandparents, all I know was my mom worked really hard at her job so she was away a lot, and that we were super into wrestling. And I mean super into wrestling.


Our weekends would be going to shows, both NOTBPW and CGC when we could, but also the indies. Especially when I was really young and my Mom was still trying to catch a break on the indies. I knew from when I was little that all I wanted to do was be a wrestler. That makes a ton more sense to me now, that’s for sure.


When I was 8, we lost my Grandparents in the same year. I still remember Grandma after Grandpa died from cancer telling us the news. Even then, she didn’t look well. And I remember her having a conversation with my Mom, and us having to leave the house because mom was so upset. Less than a year later, Grandma was gone from a heart attack.


Looking back, I now know this was the first time my Mom got in touch with my Dad and let him know he was a father. She wanted to wait to tell me until I was older she says, but suddenly being a single mom changed that plan. I don’t blame her or anything for that lost time with my Dad. Much. Sometimes.


I'll always remember walking up the road to George Decolt’s main house here at the compound, my Grandfather I’d learn shortly thereafter. He met me on the front steps with my Dad. I remember him turning to Ricky and telling him “Well, I don’t need a paternity test here boy. He looks just like you at that age. Why don’t you introduce us all”


We all stood there in awkward silence until my dad finally spoke up

He leaned down to my level and said “Hello Christopher, I’m sorry that this is the first time we get to meet. But from now on, you’re a Decolt. We have a lot of time to make up, and I have some people who would like to meet you.”


Suddenly I felt 20 feet tall. It was true! I was a Decolt!


It wasn’t always easy after that, but the Decolts made my mom and I feel as welcome as possible, and it became clear pretty quick that I was an athletic kid and loved the business and Ricky…sorry Dad…was pretty quick to focus on training as a bonding thing we didn’t have to think to hard about. There never seemed to be any question I’d follow my Dad and Mom into the business. Didn’t hurt to grow up on a farm with 3 rings on it during my teenage years either I suppose.


Then, when I turned 18 and was ready to really start getting into the game, my mom decided to drop one more surprise on all of us.


Yennifer Masters, A/K/A my mom, took me aside about a year before and let me, my Father and George know what my grandmother had told her on her death bed.


That Yennifer wasn’t a “Masters”. She was Yennifer Stone, the daughter of Dan Stone.


My crazy life right? Can’t make it up. And that’s just getting started.


Opps! More on that later, my Dad is calling me. I have my first match for CWA coming up after all, and we have to get to the airport!


Editors Note: If people are interested, I’ll probably post the first event report tonight. If not I’ll hold off for Saturday and go with the schedule in the first post 


Feedback greatly appreciated as always

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Fine start. Interested.




Going to do my first show write up tonight as a bonus before we start the schedule and to try to get people interested. Know I said I wouldn't do a card guess for the first one until people kinda see where I'm going with things but if you or others want to...


Amber Allen/Nina Cacaci v. Deborah Young & Demelza Wade


David Stone/Robby Griffen/Generation Z vs. Montreal Mafia/Brothers Cain


Mr. Impact v Mark Griffen


The Elite vs. Sean Mcfly and Thunder and Lightning


Ricky Decolt v Johnny Bloodstone

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Amber Allen/Nina Cacaci v. Deborah Young & Demelza Wade


David Stone/Robby Griffen/Generation Z vs. Montreal Mafia/Brothers Cain


Mr. Impact v Mark Griffen


The Elite vs. Sean Mcfly and Thunder and Lightning


Ricky Decolt v Johnny Bloodstone

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Craig Luna reporting from the Edmonton Grandstand


Pretty good crowd on hand for this one, they announced 5,657 as the official attendance. Pretty good energy in the building as well, you can tell people know Chris Decolt is backstage and want to get a look at him.






Christopher Ball v. Skip Beau v Jared Johnston


And we're off! They just signed this Ball kid, I'm hearing he's headed to there new developmental promotion. He's working a MMA style striker here, lot of basic kicks and punches but he has a good look. Speaking of CWA's new developmental company, Interview on the site with Steve Decolt on that coming soon as a shameless plug.


Match itself was fine, Ball worked the underdog, with JJ and Skip working most of the match. JJ won by pinfall after he tossed skip to the outside and countered a flurry of strikes by Ball into a roll through heel lock. Ball tapped before Skip could break it up.


On the Sheetz scale, I'm giving it a 54/100.




Nadia Snow v. Claire Winters v. Ariel Breaks


First of all, always nice to see Nadia, I really think she's found something with this ice queen and her court gimmick. That said, this was brutal, mostly due to Claire and Ariel being green as grass. This was very much Nadia going through the paces with two women who need a loooot of work.


26/100 for me.




Erik Strong & Donte Dunn v. Blockbuster and Mountie Mann


This is the first match that got the crowd up, Donte's entrance is always so high energy. I'm surprised he's not on the main card tonight....Erik is always good to see as well, even when he's rocking his early 2000's inspired tassels and slapping hands like he's still 25.


As to the match itself, it was really good i thought. Obviously with Blockbuster and Mountie Mann involved, this was always going to be a babyface in peril match, but they did a good job on it. Donte is so good getting the crowd into his hot tag. Erik sold for most of the match, before getting a hot tag in and Donte ran wild, Erik cleared Blockbuster over the ropes, and Donte hit Mountie with a Running Powerbomb for the win.


Fun match, I'm giving that one a 61




Christopher Decolt v Shooter Sean Deeley


As we figured, they are putting Chris on the preshow. The buzz here is palatable.


He looked confident coming out, he has a good look. He was billed at 6'5, in typical wrestling fashion he's more like 6'2. He looks like a young Ricky with shorter hair and taller with more build.


Shooter was a good choice for his first opponent. They worked a pretty training level match for 10 minutes, with Shooter slowing the match down until eventually the veteran was just to much and got the pin.


K.I.S.S for sure, but you can tell Chris has decent basics and knows what he's doing bumping.


We will see how this kid goes, I don't know if he'll be able to handle the pressure of being the last great hope for the Stones and Decolts all at once, but he was fine here.


I'm giving it a 55


Brooke Taylor v. Sally Anne Christian


not much to report here, other than this is a REALLY long preshow. way more than they normally do. This either means they have some really good stuff planned or we are getting a short show.


Brooke dominated, this felt very much like a squash to get her a match. That said, I love Brooke and her squashes so it was a 60/100 for me.


The crowd is hot for this show, TV is coming on now....



Main Show



The announcers welcome us to Edmonton. Tonight, we'll see Ricky Decolt in action, The Elite, Amber Allen, and more! but first, Jack Decolt has something to say




Jack's out to make his ring entrance with Aaron. As always, he welcomes us to Decolt Country. He pauses on that. "Decolt Counrty...that used to mean something other than a catch phrase...my father put this company on the map, and me and my brothers raised the walls, roof, barn, second home, out house, dog house, and everything in between!" but now he says, all he hears about is how washed up the Decolts are, how CWA needs to move on from his family to thrive. "People act like i'm dead and buried at 42. Well screw that!" I'm going back to the top of this company, and no one is going to stop me


Jack talks about how he's given it all for this business, and it's time for one last ride. And that ride starts at Total Elimination, when He, Ricky And Aaron wipe the floor with whoever Steve puts in front of them. Jack is really good hear, he's always a good promo but he's really killing this promo. The Crowd is into it as well, and seems to be up for this story of Jack going back to the top.


Jack then looks in the hard cam "and Faith? I hope it's you and your boys. Because after we are done with Total Elimination, I'm coming for that belt. It's going to be the last ride of Jack Decolt, and I'm going to teach everyone what it means to be in DE--"




out of no where, a chair slams into the back of Jack's shoulders. He drops to his knees and turns around, and the hard cam swings around to show Aaron standing there with a chair and a pissed off look. Jack starts to ask "why?" but Aaron just hammers him with the chair in the head.


The crowd is nuclear for this. Aaron smirks and rolls out of the ring. He reaches under the ring and finds one of the ballpeen hammers the ring crew uses. He slides back into the ring.


Jack is just starting to get up, Aaron hits him with a double underhook DDT on the chair. Aaron soaks up the boos, then puts Jacks arm through the chair and shuts it to pin Jack's arm in.


Just as the Crowd cheers to see Ricky hit the top of the Ramp, Aaron slams the hammer down on Jacks trapped arm. Jack screams and starts selling that his arm is broken as Aaron bails out just as Ricky gets there.


Luna's take - This was an all time segment. The crowd was ready for the standard the Decolts and their protege vs the world segment, and having Aaron stay silent behind him until stabbing him in the back was great. Long term, we'll see if having what was seen as their next big baby face be a heel on a roster which already has more than a few good ones was the right call, but this was amazing. 96/100 for me


We cut back to the announcers who are discussing why Aaron would do this to the Decolts. They tell us they are trying to track him down for an interview backstage, and that Jack is being taken to a local hospital to see if his arm is broken.


Meanwhile, we have Amber Allen in action next!




Amber Allen & Nina Cacaci v. Deborah Young & Demelza Wade


Amber and Young start things off. The crowd is still buzzing, but I'm not sure how much of that is for this match honestly. Everyone is still processing Aaron betraying Jack. Eventually, Young and Wade wear Amber down and cut the ring in half. Amber eventually gets free and get a tag to Nina. Wade is eventually able to make a blind tag, and Nina never sees Young coming with a massive cross body. Young works over Nina, but Amber gets the tag when Young takes to much time taunting, and a few minutes later gets the win with the Allen Wrench.


Luna's take - Decent match, they were in a tough spot after that opening. It never got out of 2nd gear, but the right team won. I'll give it a 52


We go backstage, where Adrian Garcia has an interview for us.




Adrian is in a interview room. He tells us that much like himself, his next guest is being frozen out by the Decolts in this "new era". He welcomes in Cameron Vessey


Vessey says he'll get right to the point. It has become very obvious to him that this "new beginning" of Steve Decolts and his awful family is a lie, not that he ever had any doubt.


"Just look at me, Adrian. I'm the best in this freaking company, but because I came from NOTBPW how am I treated? I'm barley promoted, I'm not on the Card tonight, they stole my championship from me the first chance they could and put it on that little loser Faith and his buddies. And why? because i'm not some blond idiot who just sucks up to the fans?"


"and now, they unearthed ANOTHER Decolt. never mind that Dan Stone was his granddaddy, he's a Decolt. Another golden child, who helped put Dan in the grave. He must be rolling over in it now to see all the guys who killed themselves for him being held back"


"Well I'm sick of waiting my turn, so Steve know this. Until such time that i am given the RESPECT and opportunities I have earned, I am going to make it my personal mission to make sure everyone around here is as miserable as I am. and THAT is a promise. I'm going to Vessey driver each and every one of these new guys to the center of the earth, and tap or snap everyone else who even thinks about getting in my way. That's a promise."


Luna's take - Another good promo. It seems like we are going all in on the Decolts being the old guard and needing to be put down between Aaron and Vessey tonight. Also a good use of Adrian, he's wasted just being a once in awhile mouthpiece. Also should be noted that Vessey was outing the whole Chris Decolt family situation for the first time ever here. 67/100 I'd say




David Stone, Robby Griffen and Generation Z vs. Montreal Mafia and the Brothers Cain


We're back at the ring for this tag team match. The announcers tell us during the entrance that these teams are looking to make names for themselves and show off for potential spots on teams at Total Elimination.


A fun little sprint, with Mafia picking up the win with a double team on David Stone.


Luna's Take - not much to this match, for the 15 minutes it went not much happened. I couldn't tell if the crowd was still out of it due to Aaron and Vessey's mission statements or what, but this was just a match. 47/100




We cut to Steve sitting at his desk and doing paper work, looking annoyed. Ricky barges in and demands to know if Steve saw what happened to Jack. Steve doesn't look up, so Ricky slaps the paper off of his desk. Steve glares at him


"I saw it, so what? Jack's a big boy. I'm sure he'll be fine and handle his business. What do you want little brother? just to talk about how a Decolt got beat down by someone for the 1000th time and reminisce? I've had my ass kicked and so have you, get over it. I have a show to run. You might not care about the long term financial prospects of this company, but someone has to. For your kids if nobody else."


Ricky tells Steve if he doesn't care that people are looking to make a name off them, and Jack is out of action, then he guesses it's on him to remind people who they are. He wants a TV shot vs. Mr. Impact, tonight.


Steve smirks "that's not the way this works anymore Ricky. Dad isn't around to just hand you things or bail you out of....unexpected surprises you know? you want it, go earn it for once. Start with Bloodstone tonight. Anything else?""




Ricky storms off.


Luna's take - Another good segment, but Steve and Ricky were in it so of course it was going to be entertaining. i'm enjoying "pissed off workaholic steve" quite a bit. They can go multiple places with this as well. for me, 75/100




Suddenly, a wild backstage reporter appears. A nameless women runs up behind Aaron, who has his bag and is headed to the car. She asks him why he would stab his mentor in the back, and try to break his arm. He looks at her like he's thinking about responding then just leans in and says "maybe next week I'll let you know. I've got plans tonight" and gets into his car and drives off.


Luna's take - not much to go over here, Aaron looked like a star and a good tease to tune in next week. 71/100




Mr. Impact v Mark Griffen - Non Title


We join with Mark in the ring, so you know this is going to be a quick one. They actually work a pretty decent match, with Mark maybe getting to much in honestly. Mr. Impact hits the spike Piledriver for the win in around 10 minutes.


Good match, after the win Impact hangs on the ropes and stares into the Hard Cam while the announcers play up that Ricky might be biting off more than he can chew.


a 55/100 for me.




The Elite vs. Sean Mcfly and Thunder and Lightning


The Elite are out first in all their glory. The announcers play up that Faith and Mcfly have had issues the last few weeks, and that Thunder and Lightning are arguably in line for a title shot as well. The faces are out next to a pretty good reaction.


Luna's Take Match itself went around 15 minutes, and felt very paint by numbers to me honestly. Mcfly is starting to really look his age here as well, and something about price was off as well. I (and the crowd I think) was expecting a lot more out of these guys in the Semi Main Event. this one was a 58/100 for me, really underwhelming.




Ricky Decolt v. Johhny Bloodstone


and now our main event of the evening. Ricky is out first to a big pop, but maybe not the ones of the past. Bloodstone out next, whose entrance is still amazing but who is another guy that is looking his age here.


They lock up, and Bloodstone overpowers Ricky. Ricky tries to speed the match up, but gets cut off again and again. Bloodstone is definitely not looking great here. Ricky is doing his best, but the guy is just tired out and not very crisp. They finally build to Ricky showing some babyface fire and winning with the Decolt 45. Ricky stands tall post match and makes the belt around the waist motion.


Luna's take - yikes. For a show that was hot throughout until the main events, this was not a good way to end the show. John just looks old at this point and slow. He can do things for them, but this was maybe to much to ask of him at this stage in his career. I hate to do it, but 52/100 for me





Luna's take - I really liked this show until the last 2 matches. Aaron turning on Jack is obviously the story here, but Ricky, Steve, Vessey and others were great here as well. Overall, it looks like the story this year is going to be what the legacy of this new promotion is going to be, and I am hear for it.


Writers Mechanical notes:


this pulled a overall 62, and lost us pop in all seven regions (ouch). We did a .16


I was honestly happy with this show, promo wise. I went way to in on Bloodstone and the Elite to carry our main event though, that killed us at the end of the show. Lesson learned.


Love to hear what people think, particularity of this "recap" style. I like it because it lets me focus on the promos and not have to write up the non-super important matches to much. Let me know how it is on the reader though.

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Note: I've decided these interlude posts can be diary entries, first person stories, or dirt sheet stories. Just makes it easier to have the flexibility


Backstage Post Show


"Thanks for the match Shooter"


We were backstage after our match, which I thought had gone well. We hadn't done much but I felt like I hadn't embarrassed myself. I hoped.


"No problem Kid, not like I was doing anything else on the card tonight anyway. You're pretty smooth out there, just keep working on the basics. We'll work on the basics at the house shows. You are working those now right?"


"Yea, from today. I just hope I didn't look to bad out there when I got lost and you had to take over. Sure I'll hear about that on twearker."


"ya, you can't let that stuff get to you man, you're always going to hear it from those idiots. Just work on you, you're good.


He waved as he went off to his locker, I sat down to take off my gear. I smirked as I looked at the plain Gold tights with black trim going into my bag. Right now, they still wanted me to work on my character, so I was just Christopher Decolt. I'll have to work on that.


Maybe I should work on a finish beyond a body slam and leg drop first though...



NEXT CARD - Trying to put up tonight if I get a few predictions :)



#1 contenders match for shot at Total Elimination


Ariel Breaks v. Demelza Wade v Brooke Taylor


#1 contenders match for title shot at Total Elimination


The New Blood vs. Thunder and lightning v. The Brothers Cain


Mr. Impact vs. Strong


Ricky Decolt and Sean Mcfly v. Christian Price and Shooter Sean Deeley


Aaron Knight vs Dante Dunn


P.S - Do people like the /100 score, or should I do some other system? Not sure i like the feel of it right now, might change it to a /10...or maybe letters

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#1 contenders match for shot at Total Elimination


Ariel Breaks v. Demelza Wade v Brooke Taylor


#1 contenders match for title shot at Total Elimination


The New Blood vs. Thunder and lightning v. The Brothers Cain


Mr. Impact vs. Strong


Ricky Decolt and Sean Mcfly v. Christian Price and Shooter Sean Deeley


Aaron Knight vs Dante Dunn


(P.S, In Imgur, use the "Direct Link" option. It looks better on the forums and avoids the extra clicks.)

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#1 contenders match for shot at Total Elimination


Ariel Breaks v. Demelza Wade v Brooke Taylor


#1 contenders match for title shot at Total Elimination


The New Blood vs. Thunder and lightning v. The Brothers Cain


Mr. Impact vs. Strong


Ricky Decolt and Sean Mcfly v. Christian Price and Shooter Sean Deeley


Aaron Knight vs Dante Dunn


(P.S, In Imgur, use the "Direct Link" option. It looks better on the forums and avoids the extra clicks.)




and will do, I'll try that tonight/ in the morning when the next card goes up.


Also went back through just now and made text where people are speaking at events a different color for ease of reading.

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#1 contenders match for shot at Total Elimination


Ariel Breaks v. Demelza Wade v Brooke Taylor


#1 contenders match for title shot at Total Elimination


The New Blood vs. Thunder and lightning v. The Brothers Cain


Mr. Impact vs. Strong


Ricky Decolt and Sean Mcfly v. Christian Price and Shooter Sean Deeley


Aaron Knight vs Dante Dunn

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TV report from Craig Luna





6,420 People at the Qubec Stadia





<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/kVH4lsy" data-context="false" ><a href="//imgur.com/a/kVH4lsy"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Cameron Vessey v Alyx Winters V. Derek Frost


Luna's Take - Short little pre show match, Vessey dominated throughout. Just like Dunn last week surprised to see him here. Cameron dominates the match before killing Winters with a Vessey Driver II. Fun while it lasted, and Winters and Vessey showed a bit of chemistry. 66/100


<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/QBkIu6G" data-context="false" ><a href="//imgur.com/a/QBkIu6G"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Lee Rivera v Flip simkins


Luna's Take - Jenny warmed the crowd up for Lee, which is always fun. She ran down CWA management for booking her man in a pre show match vs a loser like Flip. Flip came out and said he heard Lee had to beg for this match. Lee had heard enough and jumped him at that point. Match itself was good, with Flip getting a few hope spots in before Lee hit his finsh and posed with Jenny for the crowd.


Another fun pre show match, a 59/100 for me.


<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/YtCgfvp" data-context="false" ><a href="//imgur.com/a/YtCgfvp"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Skip Beau/Sonny Wildside/Mark Griffen v Marc Dubois/Robin Delay/George Wolfe


Luna's take - Looked like a match to get these guys a paycheck before the PPV, and they wrestled like it. Nothing really goof or bad to report. Mark Griffen does have something though, he stood out here. 61/100


<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/olxWH7d" data-context="false" ><a href="//imgur.com/a/olxWH7d"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Diablo Duvak/Fro Sure/Robby Griffen v Blockbuster/Antionio Del Veccio/Johnny Bloodstone


Luna's Take - And Fro Sure has officially arrived, if not on the main show. Good to see him here, I was happy to hear they had signed him. Don't know if he'll make the main roster or be sent to developmental but he held his own here. 56/100 is what i would score this one.


Main Show




The announcers welcome us into the show. Tonight, we'll hear from Aaron Knight on why he betrayed Jack Decolt. Steve Decolt will tell us who the Total Elimination Captains will be, and We'll also see #1 Contenders matches for the right to challenge the women's champion, Amber Allen and the Tag Champs, the Dynamite Express!


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Aaron Knight's music hits, he comes out slowly miking the moment. He mock cries to a young girl in the front row with a "why Aaron????" sign. He eventually gets to the ring and soaks in the booo's


"That's right, get it all out. Come on! lets hear them.....you know, you people should be thanking me. All I've heard all week is that i owe everyone an explanation. Well, I don't really feel that I owe any of you a pile of moose dung.


It's not really that complicated if you rub two neurons together for a second, hard as I know as that is for some of you. 4 years now I've been carrying this company on my back. Every day, every night, every week I've always been there. And the whole time it's "what a success story for the Decolts! wow, what a great job Steve and the rest of them did Training Aaron, what a legacy he is for them."


Well, the only legacy i'm interested in is MINE. And to hear that pompous, over the hill, broken down idiot Jack Decolt out here telling the world how WE are going to dominate at Total Elimination, how WE are going to beat whoever Steve put in front of us and then how HE was going to dominate and take us back to Decolt Country?


Well screw that, i'm done with Decolt Country. All that matters from here on forward is what is in it for Aaron Knight. I'm the star around here, I'm the Future! It's time for Knight to Fall.


Dunn's Music Hits, and he comes out with a mic. He can't believe what Aaron is trying to sell the crowd here. "Man, we all know what the deal is. Your Jealous, we get it. Jealous when you should be thanking the Decolts for everything they've done for you, for me. and for that you try to end a man's career? break his arm?"


"All they've done for us Donte? are you kidding me? They've done nothing but give you a shot you've earned. And what, you think now that they've found a new little Decolt to fawn over you're getting invited to thanksgiving dinner at the compound? keep living a fantasy Donte, but I'm moving on. And I'll start with you.


If you've got the guts, face me tonight and I'll teach you why they call me the A-Game around here, cause I'm always on it baby,


Luna's Take - Great segment, and Donte looked good standing up for their mentor. Aaron was really good here playing the entitled ahole here as well. I'm still not sure if the heel turn here was the right call long term, but for this week it definitely worked. 80/100


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#1 contenders match


Ariel Breaks v. Demelza Wade v Brooke Taylor


Ariel is out first to a slight reaction, along with Wade. Brooke's music hits and the crowd goes crazy. No secret who the crowd wants in this one, that's for sure. Ariel and Demelza team up at the start to beat down Brooke, but she powers out. Ariel looks really green here, she looks very much like she is going through the motions, and not well. Her punching in particular is comical. Brooke stays in control most of the match, with little flurries of offense for Breaks and Wade.


Brooke eventually catches Wade doing a cross body, throws her over the top to land on Breaks. She then rolls out, grabs Breaks and tosses her in. She hits her finisher and gets a 1-2-3


Luna's Take - Woof, 35/100 but it had little to do with Brooke. Both Wade and Breaks are very limited in ring, and the stretches where they had to carry the match to pretend Brooke had some competition were painful. That said, looking forward to Brooke vs. Amber at the PPV, and this got us there.


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We cut to Steve sitting at his desk as if he's the PM of Canada. He's working on something, and holds up one finger. He eventually finishes and looks into the camera.


"Hello, and thank you for supporting CWA. I wanted to address Total Elimination tonight.


First, congratulations to Brooke Taylor. She will take on Amber Allen for the title at Total Elimination as the #1 Contender. Later we'll have a number one contenders match for the tag titles between Thunder and Lightning, The Brothers Cain, and a brand new tag team I think you'll all enjoy supporting.


Steve stands up and starts pacing.


Now, alot of people have been asking me how I can sit by and watch my brother get his ass kicked by Aaron Knight, and not do anything. Those people have a basic misunderstanding of my role here. My role is to make sure CWA is here 10, 20, 30 years from now, even if there are no Decolts, Stones, or anyone. That's our families legacy and what matters.


And that means thinking about the future, something my brothers, and it seems like most of this roster can’t do. Aaron is the future, and we won’t be suspending him for his actions. In fact, he will be in the Main event tonight vs. Donte Dunn


and If Jack Decolt wants to run his mouth, and pays for it, then I'm happy to sell tickets to that too. I'm sure Jack and Arron will get in a CWA ring at some point one on one, I'll make us a bunch of money, and we'll have a nice brotherly talk at Christmas when I hand him his net proceeds check for the year so he can take care of his family.


But I am not an unsympathetic to my Brother, so if he can drag his ass out of the hospital in time, him and Ricky can find a third and face Aaron, Impact and JJ at Total Elimination.


And Vessey, I've heard you running your mouth to. you want something to do? Fine, you can get two more idiots, and face Sean Mcfly and two people of his choice.


And lastly, don't think I forgot about you Faith. Since your boys are in action with the tag titles, you can take the Brother's Cain and face of against a Donte Dunn, Fro Sure, and Sonny Wildeside. Oh! and since your so concerned about respect all of the sudden, you can open the show.


And if anyone has a problem with that, then do me a favor. Go buy a wrestling company and run it however you want. Now, get out of my office.


Luna's Take - Good segment from Steve to set up the rest of the show and the PPV. needed direction after last week just focusing on Aaron and Steve. 80/100.


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#1 Contenders Match for the Tag Titles:


David Stone/Christopher Decolt vs. Thunder and lightning v. The Brothers Cain


Editors note: I screwed up in the predictions and listed the Stone/Decolt tag team as "The New Blood". They shouldn't have been listed that way yet, that's for later. The next in between chapter will focus on this. Sorry about that.


David Stone is out first, which the crowd likes to see. Chris Decolt's music hits and the crowd is now buzzing. They look at each other in the ring and start to game plan as Thunder and Lightning come out, then the Brothers Cain.


Suddenly The Dynamite Express's music hits. They walk out with folding chairs and put them down at the base of the ramp and sit down. Syd has popcorn. They motion to the ring to get on with it.


Stone and Luke Cain start, and Stone does a good job of out quicking and out wrestling Luke until he gets a bit to cocky and turns his back on Luke to talk to DE at ringside. Luke works him over until he tries to make a hot tag to Chris, but Syd pulls him off the apron so David has to tag Thunder, which Syd finds hilarious.


The Cains dominate, and eventually Thunder hits Thunder Struck with Lightning but Dynamite Express distracts the Ref. David Stone with a splash to the two of them, but in the meantime the Brothers Cain clear Lightning and set up to take out Thunder. They whip him into the ropes, but miss a blind tag by Chris Decolt on his shoulders. Mark of Cain connects but the ref won't count. Chris Decolt flies in with a spring board cross body. Moments later, Thunder returns the favor and blind tags Chris with David still down, and Thunder Struck is good this time for a 1-2-3


Luna's Take - Good #1 contenders match. Putting Stone and Decolt together is interesting as they are both really green and need the work, and obviously they have plenty of ammo there story line wise. 53/100 on this one.


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Mr. Impact vs. Erik Strong


Erik is out first, tassels flying as he slaps hands. Mr. Impact is out next with the title. He makes Erik wait as he comes down to the ring. Impact opens up the match jawing and calling Erik a washed up joke. Slap to the face by Erik and we're off. Good TV match as you'd expect out of these two, leading eventually to Strong missing a Strongsualt, and Impact capitalizes for the win.


Post match, Impact demands a mic. He says he can't help but hear Ricky crying and begging for a title shot. "I get it, accepting your Just another Guy who got lucky with the last name Decolt is something your just going to have to learn to live with. NO DICE!


you can get an L at Total Elimination though, bring the corpse of your brother, who's still more talented than you'll ever be with a broken arm, and Agame and I will put you out of your misery.


Luna's Take - Good match, and very good post match interview. The match I'd give a 56/100, the post match was the story here, and that was great. a 69/100 on the dirtzheets meter.


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Ricky Decolt and Sean Mcfly v. Christian Price and Shooter Sean Deeley


Time for our semi main event of the evening. Ricky and Sean come out together, paling it up. Price comes out with Elite, then sends Dynamite Express to the back while he saunters to the ring with Drake. Shooter comes out and smirks at Dynamite Express as they go by.


These four have a ton of history, and on the bell we get a brawl. Mcfly is all over Price here, and Price takes an early break on the outside. Ricky, as is the Decolt tradition, eventually gets cut off by the heels. He makes a false comeback that gets the crowd going and is in general his normal underdog self. Eventually he gets the tag and Sean clears the ring to stand tall. He's rolling until suddenly Drake low blows him from behind. Ricky just makes the save after the Price check. Ricky wills Sean to the corner while Sean drags Price to the corner for a tag. Hot tag for Ricky and we get the old Decolt magic as Ricky goes off. Drake tries to get involved again, but Ricky moves at the last second and Shooter takes out Drake. Price gets in Shooter's face, and as they argue Mcfly grabs Price and yanks him off the apron and they brawl. Shooter turns to Ricky, but Ricky super kicks him and hits the Decolt 45 for the Win!


Luna's Take - Very good match, these are four very talented guys and they looked like it. Mcfly and Ricky have surprisingly good timing as a tag team as well, Mcfly didn't look out of place here at all as Jack's stand in. Worth a watch, 74/100


(Ed. Note - interesting development, they have great level tag chemistry. Might have to find a way to use that before Mcfly calls it a career)


Post match, Vessey hits the ring and jumps Ricky from behind. Mcfly tries to help out but Price and Elite are all over him. Shooter joins in stomping on Ricky. Vessey can be heard screaming "I warned you, I warned you! now it's on, everybody's Done!" as security separates everyone.


Luna's Take - Great post match brawl and the ol' pull apart. Shooter and Vessey seemed to be working together here, Shooter wasn't surprised to see him and went right in on Ricky. They also teased a bit of post beat down tension between the Elite and Vessey and Shooter. Something developing here for sure. I'll give it a 69/100


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After thing settle down, we get a Donte Dunn coming out for the main event. No laughing and smiling for the big man tonight, he stomps down to the ring and leans on the ropes calling out Aaron. New music for Aaron hits, more of a slow, hard hitting rock song that peaks when he hits the ring. (Ed Note - think generic Finn Balor music) smoke surrounds him as he takes of his robe and other new ring attire. Last off is the glasses with a smirk and "brush the shoulder" off Motion for Donte.


Bell rings and we are off. They stood mid-ring and exchanged blows, really going at each other. The crowd cheered with each blow. Dunn goes for a power move, but Aaron escapes and hits a Tiger Driver for a believable near fall. Aaron wants a Buckle Bomb, but Can't get Dunn up and Dunn escapes. Dunn spun around and landed a powerbomb of his own into the Turnbuckle. Dunn then mounted Aaron in the corner, but Aaron dropped Dunn face-first over the top turnbuckle and slowed things down in the other corner.


Aaron slid out of the ring and grabbed a chair, looking like he just wants to end this. The Ref gets in the way and takes the chair away on the back swing. Aaron screams "do you know who I am? I'm the Star of this Company, you don't tell me what to do" but has lost sight of Dunn. Aaron charged at Dunn with a knee, But Dunn decleats him with a clothesline. Aaron sold being out as Dunn struggled to his feet. Dunn went to pick Aaron up, but Aaron pulled the ref in front and thumbed Dunn in the eye over the Ref's shoulder. Dunn stumbles around holding his eye and Turns around into a massive drop kick which stuns him into the corner. Aaron takes advantage and hits a huge running knee to the Jaw, runs the ropes for another, and then hits the Knight fall brain buster for the win.


Luna's Take - Great match, Dunn worked extremely hard here and looked like he belonged. Aaron was Aaron, and continues to look like one of the best in the world at the moment. A great TV main event, if you can make sure you see it. A solid 83/100 for me.


Post match, Aaron is milking it up on the turnbuckle when Jack hits the ring with a chair. He smashes Aaron in the back, and starts to wear him out with the Chair. "You still think this was a good idea kid? You still feel like I'm to old for this now?" Jack tosses the chair down and goes to get a Table from under the ring. Just as he gets back in, Aaron is able to shove the table back at him and slip out under the bottom rope and back peddle up the ramp. Jack ask's where he's going and holds the rope open for him as Aaron wants no part of him as the show goes off the air.


Luna's Take - Strong closing segment to end the show, great win for Aaron and Jack looks like a star to show he's not going to be a push over for Aaron. i'm here for this feud, give me more. 90/100




Luna's Take - Much better show than last week overall, as it focused on multiple interesting story lines that are coming in for the Spring and Summer and was bookended by a great promo from Aaron and the match and Jacks' return.


Overall a great lead in show to Total Elimination, I'm giving this show a 77/100. Should be a good PPV coming up, I'll have our coverage as always!


Writers note: Did a 77 overall, and a .20 on TV. No pop gains, but no pop losses either. Feel like I'm starting to get a feel for the roster as well, hoping to pop a good rating on the PPV.


I'll have some role playing posts, and a prediction card up for Saturdays write up shortly.


Thanks for reading! let me know if people like the embedded imgur links/ highlighting with red and blue text. Still trying to figure out how to do this.


Might try letter grades for the PPV, I just can't get used to "53/100" for recap purposes. would love some feedback there as well

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Overall, pretty good. I think you are building nicely and I'm glad you've managed to find a groove with the roster. That's always the hardest part is figuring out how the roster works or doesn't work and what you need to do to get from point a to point b.


More story is probably what I'd recommend to flesh this diary out a bit more. People fall in love with diaries more for the personalities we give the rosters, than for the cards themselves.


I mean, cards don't hurt too, after all, can't have a game without them. However, how we associate with the characters gives all the fuel for the flavour. Though that's just my two cents. Definitely will keep checking in though. :D

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