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Maybe stupid question

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Only if the worker interfering would make it part of a storyline that it otherwise wouldn't count as part of. If the storyline is highly rated, then the debuting worker would give a boost to the match by way of the storyline involvement.


Edit: After re-reading that mess of a sentence, I feel it needs an example. :p Let's say The Rock and Austin are in a storyline rated at 98, and the debuting Y2J is also in the storyline but hasn't appeared yet (obviously, hence "debuting"). A Rock vs. Kurt Angle main event wouldn't affect the storyline, but if Y2J debuted by interfering in the match, now the match would count as part of the storyline and get a boost from the storyline's high rating.


If there are no storylines involved (or if the match is already part of a storyline without the interference) I don't think the worker would add much, if anything, to a match purely by the act of interfering though, even if it was his debut. You'd be better off combining the interference with an angle afterwards.

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I think I may have worded it badly. I'm more asking if the game is smart enough to recognize interference in a match as a debut?


Ohhh, my bad! Then, yes. :) They wouldn't necessarily get a better gimmick rating or momentum or anything just from debuting in the main event though.

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