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What does "Not interested in selling up" mean?

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When a company is waaaay in the red financially, they often will respond to a take over attempt with "not in bad enough financial position" and not be willing to sell, but when a company in very bad financial situation says "___ is not interested in selling up" what does that mean? I understand when they do not want to sell to a smaller company, but "selling up???
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I'm not sure if it works the same in 2020, but the only time that I ever got that message was when I was trying to purchase a company that was more popular than my own.


I believe the meaning is that the company does not want to sell to someone they deem beneath them, and would rather wait for a better deal or sink the ship.

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I always took it as a company that has more popularity in their region than you do and are bigger in general ( I ran into this recently trying to purchase a regional company with my small company in 2016 but once I went to regional they sold to me) and don't want to give you their popularity when you shut them down.
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