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Tips for transitioning from 2016 - 2020

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Hey all,


Hope you're all doing okay and keeping healthy in this strange situation we're all in.


I thought it'd be worthwhile starting a thread of tips to help us all get used to the changes between 2016 and 2020.


So, what's changed, how does that affect how we actually play the game and how do we succeed?

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Pay attention to match and angle focus. These can make big differences to strategy and grade.


Be aware of the limitations on "passive" angles using Menace, Charisma, Sex Appeal and Star Quality. These are a lot less powerful than in 2016. Edit: Oh and Overness.


Which means that Entertainment skills are way more important if you need good angle grades.


In general, Product matters more this year and you will need to adapt your booking and hiring between feds.


Especially, large Sports Entertainment feeds (USPW, SWF, 21CW) are very different with much more attention needing to be paid to storyline maintenance.


In general I'd say 20 is a bit more challenging especially for the larger feds. Be patient and don't expect what you did in 16 to work the same way.

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