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Company Code of Conduct/Rules

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I think it might be interesting to build upon the current backstage rules and drug policies, to create something a bit broader.


Firstly, with regards to drug testing, I would like to be able to select not only the extent to which I test (Low, Medium, etc.), but also the company policy regarding punishments.


For example, I would like to be able to put in place a policy that states that the first two times a worker violates the wellness policy, they are suspended for a month. Then the third violation results in a termination of the worker's contract.


The severity of this wellness policy could impact backstage morale - or even which workers wanted to sign with the company - but on the positive side could lessen negative reactions to decisions which are in keeping with the wider policy. You could also receive very negative responses if being too harsh or lenient compared to the rules that you set.


Similarly, I would like to be able to control my backstage rules a bit more. This could include policies on physical altercations (e.g. = immediate suspension, fine, or firing), etc. Comparably to with the wellness policy suggestion above, you might be more likely to receive a positive reaction when upholding the stated rules, but would receive more negative reactions when failing to uphold them. You might even see "Free Spirits" (or similar personality types) becoming increasingly unhappy in environments with strict rules, or be reluctant to sign for such companies.


I think that it would be interesting to see the company that a worker is in impact their expectations of discipline. If a company has been run like the wild west for years, and the workers haven't signed up with any particular rules stated, it would be natural for some of them to react more negatively to the imposition of stricter discipline. On the other hand, if a company has a clearly defined policy, it should be less likely (though not impossible) that a worker reacts angrily to a punishment that they fully understood would result from their actions.


This could add a little more weight to those situations where you have to decide between upholding the rules and upsetting one of your stars, or flouting the rules and risking upsetting others in the locker room. In addition to allowing for more unique flavour. Which companies take a "boys will be boys" (sorry, I hate the expression too, but it fits) approach to backstage incidents, and which expect more of a corporate environment could feel much more in depth.


This suggestion is very much at the formative stage, so I would love to get other players' input.

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