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Appalachian Wrestling Organization

New Days or A Reboot of Failed Ideas?


"Listen, I fully understand you are one of the few people on the payroll right now and you don’t want to see your salary taken away before you’ve received a single paycheck. But I have to get in the office and talk to him, I’ve got to talk some sense into the man. You have to understand... Joseph and I go way back.”


Joseph Brannon heard the commotion outside his closed office door but decided to let it play out. If his old friend was this animated already, it would only escalate and Mr. Brannon found humor in the rising volume of his old business associate's voice.


The security guard looked at the troublemaker and looked back at the closed office door behind him that housed his superior.


“I used to be fifty-fifty partners with Joseph, let me in NOW!”


“Humph, go ahead then,” said the security guard, finally, as he opened the door and stepped aside.


Mr. Brannon didn’t look up, he continued working on his laptop not even acknowledging the man's presence.


The visitor sat down in the seat in front of Mr. Brannon's desk and leaned forward attempting to get his old business associate's attention.


“Joseph, we need to talk.”




“Come on man, I know you aren't happy with how it all went down, but there was no way SCFW could have continued. I made the best business decision for both of us at the time.”




“Joseph, we were in debt up to our eyeballs. We would have lost everything and you know that. Closing the promotion and selling what assets we had left was the only way we came close to breaking even. I had to move quickly or they would have backed out of the offer. I didn't have time to confer with you, you know I would never do anything like that if I didn't think it was in both of our best interests.”




“Wow, you finally respond to me?”


“Andrew, I initially found humor in your attempt to barge into my office now I wish the security guard had not granted you entry.”


Andrew Woodhouse sighed and ran his fingers through his short grey hair. “Regardless of how you feel about the past, I'm here to talk about the future Joseph. You've been out of the wrestling business for over ten years. SCFW almost cost you everything. Think about it for a second, you lost your wife, your health went downhill and your reputation was destroyed. Now I hear you are attempting to get into the business again and this time all by yourself? I'm here to try to talk some sense into you my friend”


Mr. Brannon looked up from his laptop and peered into the eyes of his former business partner, Andrew Woodhouse, in SCFW “You got nervous when the competition got real Andrew. You fed off the lies spread on the internet by the trolls and actually believed the junk on the dirt-sheets. You ran at the first sign of hard-times and hid behind all that BS to cover up the truth. The truth being that you didn't believe in me or the guys in the back. You love the pats on the back and the excitement, however you couldn't handle the criticism.“


“Joseph, I saw the numbers. We were going broke and you didn't care. I was the one putting up the majority of the cash, doing the hard work while you just lived off your love of the business and hopeful thinking that was never going to materialize." Andrew quickly retorted as he leaned back in his chair, trying to deescalate the conversation a bit.


Despite the weight of the moment, Mr. Brannon laughed.


“So what then?” asked Mr. Brannon, “You are really asking me to give up my dream because you tell me it will fail? Sounds to me like you are trying to do the same thing to me that you did ten years ago. Crushing dreams simply because you are afraid and you want me to live in your paranoia as well?”


“That's not it at all,” replied Andrew, “I'm just here to help an old friend, trying to keep him from making a mistake.”


“Don’t...,” Joseph replied a bit more stern in his tone.


“I've given you an opportunity to speak your mind and this conversation is over. Now you can leave willingly or my security team will escort you from the premises. The Appalachian Wrestling Organization is not SCFW and this time you won't be able to tuck tail and run at the first sign of adversity.”



{Thanks to everyone for reading the first entry in my new TEW 2020 dynasty that will begin when the game is released. I am not the TEW guru that many of you are however I used to run an eFed years ago called SCFW that was fairly successful thus I look forward to continue my writing within TEW. I don't know the CVerse and all the key players, but perhaps that is for the best as I can make decisions based upon someone who has been away from the business for over a decade. Thanks again for taking the time to read what I plan to run. I'm sure I will make many mistakes but that is part of the fun... right?}

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Joseph Brannon (as AWO Entertainment)

Andrew Woodhouse - played by wrestler Bob Casey (as SCFW holdings from previous assets used by company now re-branded as AWO)


Appalachian Wrestling Organization Inc., d/b/a AWO, is an American integrated media and entertainment company that is primarily known for professional wrestling.


The company's majority owner is its chairman and CEO, Joseph Brannon, who retains a 51% ownership of the company's outstanding stock and 50.5% of the voting power. The other 49% of ownership and 49.5% of the voting power resides with Brannon's former partner in the now failed SCFW, Andrew Woodhouse.


Initial filings of paperwork didn't list Andrew's name, however after an initial meeting between the two men and an investigation by the legal team of Mr. Woodhouse, it was discovered that initial assets used as collateral for funding from financial institutions and resources repurposed for business operation by AWO belong in principal to Mr. Woodhouse.



World Heavyweight Champion: TBD

World Tag Team Champions: TBD




Andrew Woodhouse - {played by Bob Casey} (44 years old)

Bret Kyle (20 years old)

Buck Graham (42 years old)

Happy Elwood (34 years old)

Hustle Muvva (32 years old)

Kip Keenan (32 years old)

LA Star #1 (22 years old)

LA Star #2 (23 years old)

Molokai Milk (39 years old)



Barry Griffen (45 years old)

Bradford Peverell (35 years old)

Brady Prince (41 years old)

Buzz Reid (33 years old)

Charlie Corner (18 years old)

Dominic DeGraff (23 years old)

Dreadnought (18 years old)

Harlem Haynes (37 years old)

Hell's Bouncer (33 years old)

Jackpot Jordan (33 years old)

Jake Idol (33 years old)

Jay Becker (30 years old)

Joseph Brannon (42 years old)

Justice Jolson (31 years old)

Jules Night (22 years old)

Original Sinner (21 years old)

Prime Time Jack Pryde (19 years old)

Wild Red Stallion (19 years old)

Zippy Deverell (19 years old) s


Tag Teams

Rich and Famous: Jackpot Jordan & Jake Idol (Heel)

The LA Stars: LA Star #1 & LA Star #2 (Face)



David Poker (40 years old)


Road Agent

Jack Griffith (44 years old)



Play-by-Play: TBD

Color: TBD


Weekly Shows

January Sunday Week 1 - AWO High Stakes

January Sunday Week 2 - AWO Dominance

January Sunday Week 3 - AWO Heaven's On Fire

January Sunday Week 4 - AWO F***in' Up


Current Storylines

Joseph Brannon is majority owner of AWO, Andrew Woodhouse owns the other shares (that he earned through an agreement to avoid court proceedings/law suits with Joseph). Joseph Brannon has signed his star Justice Jolson to be his face of the company and hired bouncer along with Hell's Bouncer. Mr. Brannon plans to use them to scare Woodhouse into toeing the line and not questioning his power.


The LA Stars (tag team) and Rich & Famous (tag team) have both entered AWO hoping to be the franchise of the new federation. Who will leave the mark on the federation and become the first AWO tag team champions?


Buzz Reid and Kip Keenan are on a collision course to be the first AWO World Champion. The match was put together when Woodhouse won the special stipulation at AWO High Stakes.

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Appalachian Wrestling Organization

Old Habits Die Hard


"Really,” Joseph Brannon barked into the phone to his lawyer, “That’s what convinced Woodhouse to drop the lawsuit and all litigation?”


“That’s it. He wanted a stake in the company and he would drop all other suits,” replied the lawyer. "I know it isn't the ideal resolution but it could have gone ALOT worse. You used the remaining assets from the SCFW days as collateral to help you get the bank loans. We are lucky he didn't shut down your project before it ever got started. I don't know why his tone changed so much, after all, he initially wanted the entire AWO Corp dismantled but after conversations his intentions flipped on a dime.”


Joseph sighed, hung up the phone and swiftly dialed another number. This time his tone was much more professional and calm.


“Hey big guy, it's done. AWO is going to happen but not in the way that I initially pitched to you. I don't have full control but I've still got majority control over the direction of AWO. I hope that doesn't change anything in regards to our negotiations to bring you on as our 'A' game talent."


Mr. Brannon nods slightly listening to the mystery wrestler on the other end of the phone, a smile slowly drapes across his face before he responds.


"No matter how annoying Andrew was and is, no matter how much he screwed me and the other boys over when he pulled the plug on SCFW, he’s still a human being,” explained Mr. Brannon.


"We will make this work and the announcement of your signing will put us and you on the map."


Joseph hung up the phone and exhaled. This change of events certainly wasn't in his original plan when he got back in the wrestling business but it is a job after all and things can't be taken personally. He just had to make sure that old habits don't become repeated actions.

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Appalachian Wrestling Organization

Keep Your Friends Close


(Just outside the main rear entrance to the AWO Headquarters, Andrew Woodhouse stands, wringing his hands, pacing back and forth. He's been pacing for hours, staring out at the vacant road that leads to his location.)


After a few seconds, a long black limousine approached. The limo rolled to a stop in front of the entrance and the rear door opened. A pair of snake-skin boots hit the ground as Hell's Bouncer stepped out first closely followed by Joseph Brannon, both men casting a glance in Andrew’s direction.


The opposite door swung open and Justice Jolson exited the limo, sunglasses pulled over his eyes and dressed rather casually in jeans and a t-shirt.)


Justice: The boss is with us Woodhouse. You can address me if you have something you need to talk to the Mr. Brannon about.


(Andrew's gaze darted back and forth between the three men, resting again on Joseph Brannon.)


Woodhouse: Joseph I just wanted….


(His voice trailed off as Hell's Bouncer stepped in front of him and growled.)


Woodhouse: … [gulp].


Jolson: You will refer to him as Mr. Brannon. Is that understood?


(Andrew looks around, swallows deeply and continues)


Woodhouse: ...to clear the air. I know we got off on the wrong foot earlier about AWO.


(During this exchange, Joseph made his way to where Andrew stood, no expression on his face. He started to pass Andrew, then stops and gets a sudden rather sincere smile on his face.)


Brannon: I'm glad you met the biggest signing and biggest up and coming star in wrestling today Andrew. But if you aren't already aware, allow me to formerly introduce you to Justice Jolson. From now on, if you want to talk to me, you go through my two associates. Got it?


(Jolson smirked, and the three men entered the arena, leaving Andrew Woodhouse on the outside, a slightly confused and stunned look on his face.)

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Knoxville, TN


(Voice Over): The following program is presented by the Appalachian Wrestling Organization Online, Inc (in conjection with SCFW Enterprises) for exclusive visual representation on the AWO website, All rights reserved.


(CUE UP: “Glycerine by Bush.”)


(V/O): The AWO.


(FADEIN on the AWO logo.)


New faces…


(CUTTO: Slow – motion footage, complete with voice over, of Bret Kyle hitting the Shooting Star Press and the girls in the crowd going wild.)


Veterans looking for one more run...


(CUTTO: Molokai Milk running out of the ocean, surf board in hand ... appearing to be in awesome shape.)


New alliances will be born…


(CUTTO: Joseph Brannon, Justice Jolson and Hell's Bouncer seen walking into a office together.)


And new rivarlies will be created...


(CUTTO: The LA Stars and Rich & Famous motioning towards one another, as if daring the other to approach and fight.)


Welcome to a new wrestling promotion that yet feels so familar...


(Slow – fade to the AWO logo.)


Are You Ready For High Stakes?




Bradford Peverell vs LA Star #2


Buzz Reid vs Happy Elwood


Bret Kyle & Hustle Muvva vs Original Sinner and Jay Becker


Barry Griffin & Brady Price vs Bucky Graham & Molokai Milk


Hell's Bouncer vs. Justice Jolson vs Kip Keenan

Stipulation: If Kip Keenan wins Woodhouse picks World Title Match next week, If He loses Joseph Brannon picks World Title Match. Also winner determines main event.


(If Kip Keenan Loses) Andrew Woodhouse & LA Star #1 vs Rich & Famous

(If Kip Keean Wins) Joseph Brannon & Jackpot Jordan vs The LA Stars

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<p><strong>Bradford Peverell</strong> vs LA Star #2</p><p>

LA Star #2 is really green and Bradford Peverell has hands of stone!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Buzz Reid </strong>vs Happy Elwood</p><p>

Come on Buzz! Push time!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bret Kyle & Hustle Muvva</strong> vs Original Sinner and Jay Becker</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Barry Griffin & Brady Price </strong>vs Bucky Graham & Molokai Milk</p><p>

Brady versus Bucky!?!?! The Maryland Alliance is no more?!?!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hell's Bounce</strong>r vs. Justice Jolson vs Kip Keenan</p><p>

Stipulation: If Kip Keenan wins Woodhouse picks World Title Match next week, If He loses Joseph Brannon picks World Title Match. Also winner determines main event.</p><p> </p><p>

(If Kip Keenan Loses) Andrew Woodhouse & LA Star #1 vs <strong>Rich & Famous</strong></p><p>

(If Kip Keean Wins) Joseph Brannon & Jackpot Jordan vs The LA Stars</p>

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<p><strong>Bradford Peverell</strong> vs LA Star #2</p><p> </p><p>

Buzz Reid vs <strong>Happy Elwood</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bret Kyle & Hustle Muvva</strong> vs Original Sinner and Jay Becker</p><p> </p><p>

Barry Griffin & Brady Price vs <strong>Bucky Graham & Molokai Milk</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hell's Bouncer</strong> vs. Justice Jolson vs Kip Keenan</p><p>

Stipulation: If Kip Keenan wins Woodhouse picks World Title Match next week, If He loses Joseph Brannon picks World Title Match. Also winner determines main event.</p><p> </p><p>

(If Kip Keenan Loses) Andrew Woodhouse & LA Star #1 vs <strong>Rich & Famous</strong></p><p>

(If Kip Keean Wins) Joseph Brannon & Jackpot Jordan vs The LA Stars</p>

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<p><strong>Bradford Peverell</strong> vs LA Star #2</p><p>

<em>I see LA Stars as a tag team, so them in solo matches, meh.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Buzz Reid vs <strong>Happy Elwood</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bret Kyle & Hustle Muvva</strong> vs Original Sinner and Jay Becker</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Barry Griffin & Brady Price</strong> vs Bucky Graham & Molokai Milk</p><p>

<em>I can't take Molokai seriously</em></p><p> </p><p>

Hell's Bouncer vs. Justice Jolson vs <strong>Kip Keenan</strong></p><p>

Stipulation: If Kip Keenan wins Woodhouse picks World Title Match next week, If He loses Joseph Brannon picks World Title Match. Also winner determines main event.</p><p> </p><p>

(If Kip Keenan Loses) Andrew Woodhouse & LA Star #1 vs Rich & Famous</p><p>

(If Kip Keean Wins) Joseph Brannon & Jackpot Jordan vs <strong>The LA Stars </strong></p>

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>AWO High Stakes Results</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage LA Star #1 is walking determinedly down the hall leading to the locker room. Behind him is his tag team partner LA Star #2. From the distance, we hear a voice calling out, clearly recognizable to the crowd as Bradford Peverll.)</p><p> </p><p>

Peverll: You ready to get these hands?!?</p><p> </p><p>

(No response.</p><p> </p><p>

Peverll approaches and gets to LA Star #2’s position, trying to get by, but LA Star #1 gives him a forceful shove backward.)</p><p> </p><p>

LA Star #1: Take a hike, Peverll.</p><p> </p><p>

(Peverll clinches his fist and shakes it in LA Star #1's face his voice rising.)</p><p> </p><p>

Peverll: I've got two fists and one is as deadly as the other. I got no issue knocking both you masked freaks on your ass!</p><p> </p><p>

(The LA Stars don’t give Peverll another second, walking away and around a corner as the camera focuses back on Peverll, who furrows his brow in anger.)</p><p> </p><p>

Peverll: Looks they both are going to be seeing stars tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

Bradford Peverll defeated LA Star #2 14:57 by pinfall with a Left Hook</p><p> </p><p>

------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

Happy Elwood defeated Buzz Reid in 12:28 by submission with an American Dream </p><p> </p><p>

------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

Hustle Muvva & Bret Kyle defeated Original Sinner & Jay Becker in 9:51 when Bret Kyle pinned Original Sinner with a Shooting Star Press</p><p> </p><p>

------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

(Molokai Milk is walking through the lower garage of the auditorium toward the stage entrance. A blue duffel bag is over one shoulder, and he is in his street clothes. Finally, he comes to a door where two other wrestlers stand on either side with looks on their face that suggest there is something rank under their noses. A sign on the door says "AWO Employees Only - Access By Authorization Only".)</p><p> </p><p>

Barry Griffin: Yo. What you want?</p><p> </p><p>

Brady Prince: Let him in, Barry. This guy's on the roster, didn't ya get the memo? Don't you recognize him? He used to be a decent wrestler before he became a worthless/homeless beach bum.</p><p> </p><p>

Barry Griffin: Yeah I do remember this guy. He got his ass beat daily in the ring the same as the waves beat his ass daily on the beach. But with all that water you would think the smelly hippy wouldn't have a stench of B.O.?</p><p> </p><p>

Molokai Milk: Who you callin' a hippy...</p><p> </p><p>

(Before a brawl can start, Griffin and Prince walk away after a moment’s hesitation.)</p><p> </p><p>

Brady Prince: (walking away) See you in the ring after the break, Milk.</p><p> </p><p>

------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

Molokai Milk & Buck Graham defeated Barry Griffin & Brady Prince in 9:21 when Buck Graham pinned Barry Griffin with a Missile Dropkick</p><p> </p><p>

------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

(Backstage, Kip Keenan sits in a bench, with no one around him. His head is bowed. A young crewman walks up to him.)</p><p> </p><p>

Crew Member: You're Kip Keenan, aren't you? Are you sure about what you are walking into tonight? Facing off against both of Mr. Brannon's enforcers by yourself? And doing so on the behalf on Woodhouse! That seems like suicide.</p><p> </p><p>

(Keenan looks up, puzzled.)</p><p> </p><p>

Keenan: Suicide?</p><p> </p><p>

Crew Member: Just seems like a big risk to take on the first card.</p><p> </p><p>

Keenan: Ya think? Thanks kid.</p><p> </p><p>

(The crew member walks off, leaving Keenan to himself. He shakes his head, and lets out a chuckle.)</p><p> </p><p>

Keenan: I like these odds.</p><p> </p><p>

(He begins working on getting his boots laced, tuning out everyone around him.)</p><p> </p><p>

------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

Kip Keenan defeated Justice Jolson & Hell's Bouncer in 7:06 when Kip Keenan pinned Justice Jolson with the Death Penalty [Thus Andrew Woodhouse now gets to decide the World Title Match next week]</p><p> </p><p>

------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

(CUTTO: The Presidential Suite, owner Joseph Brannon sits in an executive leather chair, while Justice Jolson sits across from him holding his neck in pain after his last match.)</p><p> </p><p>

Jolson: I thought you said this was a sure thing?</p><p> </p><p>

Brannon: Don't get impatient, Jolson. You know the best is yet to come.</p><p> </p><p>

Jolson: Didn't you just see me get my ass beat?</p><p> </p><p>

Brannon: Your ass beat? What about me… now I got to step in the ring with the LA Stars and I lost the ability to determine the AWO World Title Match next week... what about me?</p><p> </p><p>

(Mr. Brannon rises up from his chair and heads towards the door.)</p><p> </p><p>

Brannon: When this next match is over we need to get our heads together and try to fix this. The best is yet to come, this is just a minor set back.</p><p> </p><p>


The LA Stars defeated Joseph Brannon and Jackpot Jordan when LA Star #1 pinned Joseph Brannon with a Double Stomp</p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Predictions / Results From The Show</span></strong></p><p>

Historian: 2 - 3</p><p>

Herrbear: 3 - 2</p><p>

Aaroncc21: 4 - 1</p><p> </p><p>

I really enjoyed writing this show and it is really helping me connect with the wrestlers/promotion. Most fun I've had in a long time, having a blast with TEW 2020. Go AWO <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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Buzz Reid Let's Kip Keenan Know Next Week The Belt Is His


(FADEIN: Backstage at AWO High Stake. The locker room of the Kip Keenan is ravaged! Chairs, tables, lockers overturned and thrown! 'Terminator' Buzz Reid stomps back and forth in front of the camera, kicking everything in sight! Reid lets out a huge scream and kicks a hole through one of the overturned locker room doors! Reid walks up to the camera and centers it on him...)


Reid: "Tonight I took a loss but that isn't the reason I'm back here stomping a mud hole through your locker room Kip. I took the L and that's on me for over looking Elwood. I'll fix that problem in due time, my time with Happy will come. The reason I'm back here now is to send a bigger message and to achieve a bigger dream. You see Kip, I just got the notification from Woodhouse that it will be you and me for the World Title next week."


(Reid thinks about what he just said, then all of a sudden goes into a full-blown RAMPAGE! He starts punching the lockers as hard as he can, picks them up and actually throws them against the wall!)


Reid: "Let me retract that statement. This ISN'T the message, this is called foreshadowing. You want to know why? 'Cause everything (BLEEP!) thing I've broken will (BLEEP!) never compare to what I'm going to do you next week. You will be OUTCLASSED, OUTSHINED and OUTWRESTLED ."


(Reid sits down on the bench and stares at the camera as it zooms in on his face while he speaks in a very serious and dark tone...)


Reid: "You get the message Kip? (Reid takes a deep breath while maintaining his ice stare at the camera...he spits on the floor.)'Cause next week, I'm taking whats mine and I don't care how bad I have to hurt you to do it."


(Reid kicks the camera down and a blast of static covers the screen.)

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