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Okay, I posted this last night but took it down because I was pretty positive my save was dead. Sent it to Adam and he fixed it (apparently I had a location that was breaking my game...I just like the generic venues D=) Here we go.


Having completed the Road to Glory challenge for TEW 2016 I felt I needed to take a crack at it this time as well, and apparently the way I was going to do that was by taking a completely different approach. I am playing as Calvin Murdoch.




And I did the rolling thing (I forgot to get a screenshot of my original stats so I had to pop out of my save to nab this)




He's a high flyer, obviously, because his flying stats are slightly less terrible than his other ones. Fortunately his performance stats aren't complete crap as we are basically making CZCW 2.0, a performance over popularity company. That is Pro Wrestling ETERNAL! We sign our first few wrestlers and get assigned our new owner who is none other than...




Honest Frank!


Frank is a decent colour commentator and road agent, and would run me around 250ish a show if I had money. He gave me three goals, one of which is the absolute worst.


Financial Balance must not fall below $0 at any point - 2 y, 4m

Can't hire less than 45 Toughness - 1 yr

No Law problems allowed - 1yr, 8mn


Fortunately I was smart and didn't check my owner goals and ran my first show instead because I was about to get fairly lucky. Like a smarty pants I hired Captain Mega Chad Ernest Youngman and paired him up with my UC in order to nail out a couple of achievements early on.






Our first roll is one that I think was extremely useful off the hop. I rolled a 32 "Chance to Train" giving me +20 to split among my performance stats, which I dump completely into Psychology.


The second roll is the only way this game lasted longer than 1 show, and man did I realize just how lucky I actually got. I rolled an 8, and I almost don't want to take it because the thought of it is just so silly. Our biggest fan died, which I assume means he loved our first show so much that he changed his will to leave us money and had a heart attack. I can either accept the money, or donate it to charity, which of course I will accept this 56,609 because at this point in the game it would be silly not too. Thank you random fan, I will create a tournament title in your honour.


After this show and doing my rolls and whatnot, I went to sign some people, realizing I didn't know my goals when I couldn't hire someone. I went to check and was shocked to see the goals I had. Normally I'd have restarted my game seeing that first one, but this time I didn't and I feel like that's going to hopefully be a good sign. Now would be a good time to tell you about how I play this game.


When I did the 2016 challenge I booked 10 matches per month, one every three days, running a japanese touring schedule 3 months on, 1 off. This would ensure I would hit regional by the end of basically my 9th month, and that I'd be out of debt (after going massively into debt) pretty quickly. This strategy doesn't quite work this time around thanks to the popularly cap, and so I instead ran 2 events per month. Being insignificant at least, the maximum pop I was able to get was 3 in a 2 month period, so tthis worked for me. It didn't get Mr Murdoch as strong as I'd normally have him, but it's okay. I'm in it for the long game.


That money I got at the beginning of the save made this a very smooth year. I never fell below 40k, and by the end was making money and almost back where I had started. I ran free shows the entire year to ensure my popularity gains, but that wasn't hard because of the Performance over Pop product. July I made a profit for the first time, and that wouldn't change. I'm looking at my notes and they have a lot of fat to trim, so I'm keeping this as short as possible.


We hit Tiny the second last show of the year, thus achieving "Hello World". My roll for this was a 38 "Casting Call" which adds +5 to either my charisma or acting, and gives me TV Actor. I, of course, took it in acting because I'm an actor now! I buffed up my roster and finished out the year, rolling a 54 "Internet Sensation". My company received +2 pop everywhere we had it, and a random wrestler on my roster (Mitsuo Kikkawa as it turned out) got +10 pop everywhere. A fairly smooth first year. I'm going to be writing the second up right away, because I forgot to repost this earlier, but yeah. Having fun so far.








I actually started another one using the same company when I thought my save was dead, so I have a backup, and I also have a second backup that you'll all hear about soon enough...

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I didn't want to post these so immediately after one another, but that's how it goes sometimes.


My entire game in year two was basically wondering when Ernest Youngman was going to get stolen from me. He has been my champion since week 2 of January 2020, our second ever event. In January 2021 we create the PWE Tag Team titles as well as holding the Daniel Bower Memorial Tag Tournament, for that fan who gave us all that money that one time. I said I'd do a tournament, and so I did. Calvin Murdoch and Mitsuo Kikkawa, aka "The Rising Sons" (Because Murdoch is the son of Fox Mask, and Kikkawa...obvious) would win the tournament and the titles. Murdoch was still not overly good, but his promos were pretty solid and Kikkawa was mostly carrying matches (if you're wondering where I got him, I use the future wrestlers mod). My prediction was that I'd hit small by the end of September. This was almost right.


Youngman was my first wrestler to request a raise, and actually the only one from PWE to do so. I gave him the 60 dollar per show raise, because it was worth it and let him keep putting on hilariously good shows. I would sign Mimic at some point, adding to an interesting little thing that I didn't actually know how it worked. Prime Time Jack Pryde, Mitsuo Kikkawa and Mimic all ended up being loyal to my UC, having the loyalty relationship. I thought that was kind of cool, and I like all of those guys. I legit spend the next several months trying to get Youngman and Machine Gun Torii from BCG to be loyal to me as well, as they were my strongest performers. Torii would run through the ranks on his way to the top as my eventual chosen replacement for Youngman.


In September I would get "True Alternative"




For my roll I ended up getting a 9 "Keeping it in the Family" allowing me to create a younger sibling to join the wrestling world age 17 with the R2G stat spread. I'm quite excited for the idea of having two sons of Fox Mask and having them feud over who gets to take up the mantle of the mask.


TCW signs Ernest Youngman the same night I hit small, which of course is another achievement (small, not losing Youngman...though it totally could be). I rolled a 37 "Snow to an Eskimo" giving me +5 to selling. Around the same time the booker of RAW had left the company or been fired or stepped down or whatever so I applied, not expecting much as I had just hit small. I signed up with WrestleWorld and was preparing for life after Ernest Youngman...


And then I got the Job.


Now this is where I made a new save. I saved directly before I took the job. I've never actually booked a Sports Entertainment company, and RAW is that to the extreme. So if this game falls through, I'll come back to this point and continue on as PWE...but that being said...


Calvin Murdoch is the new booker of Revolution Australian Wrestling!


This constitutes a roll for being Medium. I get a 50 "Grounded in Reality" so I get Tag Team Specialist and Plays Realistic Well.


I have no popularity there, and so we're starting from the bottom with a 12 rated match reminds me. I have no idea what to do, but I know a few things. I hire on the three guys who are loyal to me, along with Jamie Atherton from ACPW, Xander DeColt (PWE) and a handful of other good talent. SWF decides to allow Danny DeColt to go free, and I nab him as well. The first thing I do with my sexy 6.5 million dollars is buy a cheap performance center and start training myself, Mitsuo, the DeColt boys, my brother Dylan, and Prime Time Jack Pryde. I create a brand split, making a developmental brand to help gain some popularity and just start feeding the Rising Sons some locals, which is fine because when they get mad I can throw a few thousand dollars at them and they're cool with it. My new owner goals are:


Owner Goals

RAW mustt have at least as much pop in Oceania as when the goal was set - 2y

Swoop McCarthy must be kept above 71 overall in Oceania - 1y 6m

No technician strikers - 1y 8m

No MMA crossover - 1y 10m


Easy enough (kind of). That first one is going to be tougher than I thought, but Swoop McCarthy is a mega stud and I don't see him falling. PWE names Bradford Peverell as my replacement and the world continues to turn as normal. I am going to keep checking in on them because they're now my baby. I created a b show, and got it onto the network that owns RAW (which sucks btw, I can't sign with anyone else who gets shown in Australia...). The B Show is given to the developmental brand, along with 2 titles. My booking is kind of bad, so I book some bad shows until like December when I figure out how to RAW and hit a pair of 84 shows, officially the highest rated shows I've done. By the end of the year I've pissed a lot of Aussies off and gotten Calvin to be recognizable, abolished the brand split, created an actual developmental company so I don't have to worry about it, realized I screwed up and can't get out of my tv deal and I have to keep the B Show, and now here we are.


End of year awards we don't get anything. Not even Most Improved Company, that goes to NeoTokyo Joshi Futures (which before the game I gave 50mil to see how they'd do). I also do not make the power 500, but I feel like next year I might crack it. My year end roll is a 43 "Runaway Runway" which gives me +5 to star quality or sex appeal (I obviously chose Star Quality) and Modelling Experience. This all makes sense, as I'm also a TV actor and someone clearly saw me and was like "We want him to model our underwear."


Going into year 3 optimistic now that I've kind of figured out what to do with RAW, but expecting I'm going to sink this ship somehow.



PWE Financial



PWE Growth



My year end stats


Wish us luck in year 3!




Adding in the dead


Crippler Ray Kingman - May 2020 (73)

Elemental II - May 2020 (57)

Whipper Spencer Marks - May 2020 (81)

Herb Statley - July 2020 (56)

Cameron Vessey - Nov 2020 (33) hit by a car


Noteable in 2020, besides the shoking death of Vessey, was the fact that the two remaining old legends of Canadian wrestling passed away.


Teadoro Nieto - May 2020 (63)

Sebastian Cabrera - June 2021 (38) car accident

Masayuki Shiga - July 2021 (56)

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Gotta say, I'm having an INCREDIBLE amount of fun with this so far...I usually only play RW mods but my current save is going the way they all do...I hire everyone I WANT not everyone I NEED, end up with such a bloated roster that I have such booking nightmares that I just give up.

I don't play CW at all, so everyone is new to me, pretty much (I still remember some guys from 2013)

ANYWAY...just got my first roll for a 50 match (I was HEAVILY helped by it being a 6 man tag haha) BUT my roll was 'explosive worker'.

So, my question is, is it possible to have a 100 match in 10 minutes or less? I personally have NEVER seen it, and I have been playing TEW for quite a long time

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Gotta say, I'm having an INCREDIBLE amount of fun with this so far...I usually only play RW mods but my current save is going the way they all do...I hire everyone I WANT not everyone I NEED, end up with such a bloated roster that I have such booking nightmares that I just give up.

I don't play CW at all, so everyone is new to me, pretty much (I still remember some guys from 2013)

ANYWAY...just got my first roll for a 50 match (I was HEAVILY helped by it being a 6 man tag haha) BUT my roll was 'explosive worker'.

So, my question is, is it possible to have a 100 match in 10 minutes or less? I personally have NEVER seen it, and I have been playing TEW for quite a long time


I don't think so, especially not in this version of the game. Momentum is too important. It's possible, maybe, if you go into the editor before you start and set it up so that you have an announcer and colour commentator with excellent chemistry and full experience and 90+ in their stats, a 90+ referee, a perfect Road Agent (exp, psych, respect), excellent chemistry between the competitors, a hot storyline, and editing their momentum and gimmicks to be white hot and legendary. Even then you still have to build the card properly. I've gotten a couple of 100s in this edition of the game, and it takes a silly amount of work haha.

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Yeah, i didn't think so....this is NOT an attack on this AMAZING set up that BadCollin did, I just think that particular trait pretty much eliminates you from ever doing the challenge...UNLESS you are building a Lesnar type and looking to do 'Once In A Lifetime' match, but, as I said before, I don't have the knowledge of the CVerse to know who the ultra famous Lesnar types are...

Could I possibly suggest that if you get that particular roll, LEGITIMATE style, you can pick between Explosive and Dynamo?


By LEGITIMATE style, I meant the roll, which gives Legitimate gimmick and explosive style, not saying anyone is cheating haha

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<p>2022 was a really interesting year for RAW, and a great year for CHAOS (Mimic, Calvin Murdoch, Mitsuo Kikkawa & Prime Time Jack Pryde) as a whole.</p><p> </p><p>

So first off, I figured out RAW, and everything was going pretty good, it's easy after all: Make Swoop talk and make Swoop win. I put the title on him and he instanttly got injured for 8 months. Great. Fortunately I was building up CHAOS to be the Major Stars of the company, along with the original stars.</p><p> </p><p>

Gonna hit my notes here, and I have a ton of screenshots.</p><p> </p><p>

I got rid of my B-Show, it costs 3.5 million. It was completely worth it.</p><p> </p><p>

March I got "Taking The Next Step" with an 87 rated show. At this point Mimic, Murdoch and Kikkawa were all Major Stars.</p><p> </p><p>

Rolled a 32 "Chance to Train". I'm pretty sure I've gotten itt before. Split 10 into Psychology and Selling.</p><p> </p><p>

Became Muscular and also Medium size from Lightweight.</p><p> </p><p>

April week 3 I got 2 more achievements "100 Rated Angle" with me and Swoop (who pulled angle duty on all of my shows while he was injured, it majorly buffed his pop too) and "Hottest Thing in the Industry" with a 92 rated event.</p><p> </p><p>

First roll was a 23 "The Man of 1004 Holds" giving me +5 technical.</p><p>

Second was a 47 "Fight Anyone" giving me Plays Badass Well and "Dynamo"</p><p> </p><p>

While this was happening I was doing a tournament to crown my new "World Heavyweight Champion" as I had retired the old Television title when Swoop went down. Also retired the "Quest" title and made the "Australian" title instead. Mimic becomes the premiere World Heavyweight Champion, meanwhile A Pair of Aces (our new tag name) were the tag champs since January, and Pryde won the Australian title. CHAOS reigns supreme.</p><p> </p><p>

The last show in may gets us to big size. I roll a 6 "Master and Disciple", got fairly lucky (or so you'd think, except he's a terrible mentor) and got Swoop as my roll. I have learned absolutely nothing from him. I need him to pass on those mic skills! I'd have rather had Cornell, but oh well.</p><p> </p><p>

We hit July, Will Beaumont is slotted for Young Wrestler of the Year so that's cool. I also broke my fingers, my second ever injury.</p><p> </p><p>

The Wrestling Industry was at 1 and the economy at 48 and dropping at this point because sure, why not?</p><p> </p><p>

Will Beaumont and Luke Steel decide they don't want to work for RAW anymore and hand in their notice. I begin handing out written contracts after this. Doing so loses me Blake Belushi to BHOTWG. That's 3 Major Stars at once. It's okay, I'm making a few more. I will proceed to job Beaumont to Murdoch until he leaves. We get "Becoming Elite" in one of these matches. I rolled a 17 "I fought the law and the law won" meaning I now have "Checkered Past"</p><p> </p><p>

Swoop returns in November. I'm excited. He has 100 everywhere in mainland australia, Cornell is also almost there. I got him back in march for too much money. Fortunately I was making bank, and I needed tthe star power.</p><p> </p><p>

Final show of November, I'm in the third last match with Frogue Element and we get the second 100 rating in a match for RAW this year. This gets me "Almost There" technically.</p><p> </p><p>

Roll a 39 "The Real Rock n' Rolla" allowing me to add musician and take +5 Charisma or Mic, which I take Charisma.</p><p> </p><p>

I put Murdoch and Cornell in a tag team for the first ever time, they have excellent chemistry as a tag team...I want to finish this challenge with a singles match for the title, and I'm willing to wait!</p><p> </p><p>

We get to the end of the year and get a few awards.</p><p> </p><p>

Year End Awards</p><p>

Company of the Year - RAW (This is actually quite shocking.)</p><p>

Show of the Year - The RAW Hall of Fame Special!</p><p>

Young Wrestler of the Year - Calvin Murdoch (That's me!)</p><p>

Veteran Wrestler of the Year - Tommy Cornell</p><p>

Most Improved Company - RAW</p><p>

Referee of the Year - Tony Thorpe</p><p> </p><p>

And in the power 500, we've got a few rolls coming our way. I debut at number 57, so 3 rolls for that, 1 for end of year. This could be interesting</p><p> </p><p>

We get a 5 "Lean on Me" (random roll for a strong friendship, and set all bad things to reformed) I rolled a 1, which is Alexander Banks.</p><p> </p><p>

Second roll is an 11 "LEGEN... wait for it... DARY!" Me and Mr Tommy Cornell are now best friends, and we drink (I assume it's both of us because it's a Ted and Barny reference). Tommy is straight edge, so I'm not going to make him drink.</p><p> </p><p>

Third Roll 29 "The RTG Movement" add Groundswell of Support</p><p> </p><p>

Fourth roll is a 39 "The Real Rock n' Rolla" for the second time and another +5 to Charisma</p><p> </p><p>

That's my 2022. It took me a few days of playing (I'm actually packing to move. It's very late and I won't be able to play until next year!) It was an exciting one.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="OVGHyi6.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/OVGHyi6.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>

Calvin Murdoch's Achievements</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="xAlQbRD.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/xAlQbRD.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

First 100 rated angle</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="uPOkBFc.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/uPOkBFc.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

Top 20 matches in the company (I'm the second 100)</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="wFHhxrf.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/wFHhxrf.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

The Card for that show!</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="UwxFS7t.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/UwxFS7t.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

Top 20 events</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="VAL7DBb.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/VAL7DBb.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

Year End Skills</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="dkqDY57.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/dkqDY57.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

Year end Popularity</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="bdGQ2GK.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bdGQ2GK.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

Company Growth</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

That was a lot! Now I need sleep!</p>

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Restarted after the fine, legit killed the company sadly. At the time we were banking 2k per month and had 4 months to make 19k or go bust.


Revamped with an older character, went for a Perm = Pop product.







End of Year One




End of Year Two




Heading into Year 3, Marc's looking set for a big one. Fundamentals finally shaping up into mid 60's - 70's, a nice popularity poost from this Seasonal roll and his Primary Skills are rounding out nicely (though Aerial/Flash are just a pain to develop). So are his Performance skills for that matter, Charisma/Mic/Acting all crawling along.


Started running two monthly shows from June 2021 onwards, which has been the catalyst behind Marc's growth last year plus CLASH's rapid march to Small. Admittedly I'm a touch wary of expanding too quick since we've only got 4 guys seen as "Stars" - Davis Wayne Newton, Nelson Callum (who's picked up not only a friendship with DWN but also Loyality with UC from a post event speech?), Marvel Malley & Storm Spillane. AKA TCW's 2nd or 3rd wave of signee's.


Also doesn't help Storm's just broken his leg at a CZCW event and will miss 4 Months.




Still clearing 8-9k monthly with two shows so we're building a war chest for a rainy day.



Mystery Box Rolls

  • 5 - Strong Friendship with Marvel Malley (End of Year One)
  • 32 - 15pts into Selling, 5 into Psych (50 Rated Show)
  • 23 - +5 To Technical (Reached Tiny)
  • 53 - +5 Pop Across Base Country (End of Year Two)



Onwards to Season 3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still having an incredible amount of fun doing this challenge BUT I have a couple of questions that I hope someone can answer...



1. My user charactor is a high flyer. One of my first rolls was a +5 to high flying, believe it or not! BUT, I seem to make NO progress in this despite going up against good high flying opponents.EVERYTHING else, such as hardcore, brawling, puro etc I seem to be making at least 1 point progress per month. Does editing stop natural progress on a skill?


2. After over a year of taking my tiny company to the brink of medium size, my booking reputation is still 0. Is it linked to experience and respect?

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Still having an incredible amount of fun doing this challenge BUT I have a couple of questions that I hope someone can answer...



1. My user charactor is a high flyer. One of my first rolls was a +5 to high flying, believe it or not! BUT, I seem to make NO progress in this despite going up against good high flying opponents.EVERYTHING else, such as hardcore, brawling, puro etc I seem to be making at least 1 point progress per month. Does editing stop natural progress on a skill?


2. After over a year of taking my tiny company to the brink of medium size, my booking reputation is still 0. Is it linked to experience and respect?


In my experience your higher abilities will advance must slower, so if your brawling is like 20 and your high flying is 60 you might only get a few points in High Flying per year, while the others will move more quickly until they hit the slope (and I don't know where the slope is, I'm sorry). This doesn't seem to be the case necessarily for Basics and skills like that, or Stamina (which is dependent on match lengths you're putting people in.)


The second question sounds like a bug!

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Gold Class Wrestling Year in Review: 2023


One word. PAIN.


Got to that point where all the other companies have pretty much got to medium or larger and I can't compete with their millions of dollars when it comes to trying to sign away my guys. So, here's a fun little list of everyone who got signed away from me in 2023.



Black Diamond (QAW)

Joy Ryder (QAW)

LA Star #1 (NYCW)

LA Star #2 (NYCW)

Max Damage (A generated guy I made into a star)(USPW)

Pepper Pelton (PSW)

Texas Hangman (USPW)



Major Star

Kid Fantastic (CZCW)

Sabrina Wells (USPW)(Literally my top female star)

Sandman Winks (TCW)

The Masked Mauler VII (NYCW)


It got so bad to a point that Sabrina versus Black Diamond was on the books for a show for the women's title and both got signed before the show happened. However, I best not despair. We made massive leaps in signings and popularity this year. As I mentioned previously, the fools at SWF let Forrest Ratzloff go last year and in 2023 I turned him into the star he's meant to be. He defeated Nate DeMarcus and ended the legendary undefeated streak (67 - 0) to become GCW Royal Heavyweight and has been since. We're starting to bring in the dollar and as currently sitting at 52 popularity in our home region, we're only 7 pop away from hitting that all elusive medium which is where the real fun begins. Also...





Best show of the year, as per usual, was High Stakes




2023 End of Year Roll

39. "The Real Rock n' Rolla" You've filled in for a band member one night, who now wants to you tour with them as a result. +5 points to spend across Charisma and Microphone. Also add Musician to Misc for your character. If rolled 3 times upgrade to Famous Musician.




Does Regal Ronald Sampson strike you as a rock star? No, this man definitely just sings down at your local country club.

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<p>I'm going to go through this kind of quickly. I started doing a R2G to put on youtube, and I have about 20 episodes of content recorded over close to 3 years I believe, and then I created a splinter save so that I could simply play ahead. This is a 4 year writeup. I've come to the conclusion that Local to Global is far easier now than it used to be, and that my recommendation from my "How To Survive Your First 2 Years" video of "sign with WrestleWorld immediately, even if it makes y6ou lose lots of money in production" is absolutely correct and makes zero sense not to do. So here we go.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="WXaybpP.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/WXaybpP.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

I'm playing as Branden Chisoku, just a sexy boy with 0 sex appeal from Ontario who has the 750 point buy setup because I was trying to show off optimization in playing the game in my series. His stats look like this...</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="SMF3XWr.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/SMF3XWr.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

He works for Pro Wrestling ETERNAL, which is set up as a performance over popularity company. I'm not going to lie, I don't have a lot of screenshots for this go through for the first few years, but I'll be uploading them all to my YouTube eventually in this playlist:

</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/dI9-v6Ln7As?list=PLhPjA_aIWCCAk8viQ5arMgF6bre7g_dPK" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></div></div><p> </p><p>

I look at this challenge as the ultimate form of playing the game, and therefore that is how I play it. My user character is optimal (almost, technically flashiness is important too but oh well), my company is optimal, the people I hire are optimal, my show numbers are optimal. I don't recommend setting in and playing the booking game until you've hit small and are out of the financial issues you are saddled with...so here we go.</p><p> </p><p>

I have set Honest Frank as my owner, I like him. He's good. He setts me up with:</p><p> </p><p>

PWE Must Not Fall below #36 2yr</p><p>

No Psychopaths 1yr, 2mn</p><p>

No Brawlers 2yr, 4mn.</p><p> </p><p>

Easy. Hilariously he really seems to hate Brawlers even though I'm pretty sure he was one. My first show includes 6 people, Honest Frank, my created really terrible referee Calvin Hobbes (he's named after me, and I mess up a lot in promos because of this), Branden Chisoku (of course), Ernest Youngman, Ace Youngblood and Felipe Caballero. Youngman is pretty much guaranteed to carry whoever he's in the ring with to a 50 rated match, and all three of them are pretty cheap. The most expensive guy on the card is my referee at 50 dollars per show even though he has like 30 refereeing. We bang out the first two achievements in this show.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="gC1xSzF.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gC1xSzF.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>

<strong>First Step</strong> - Roll 47 "Fight Anyone" - Add Plays Badass Well and Dynamo</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="ulN8sqF.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ulN8sqF.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong>Fresh New Indy</strong> - Roll 32 "Chance to Train" +20 across fundamentals. Used this to increase my Psychology to 95.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

I run 2 shows per month in the exact same format as shown in that screenshot, one week 1 and one week 2. This is due to the fact that as an insignificant company you can't make more than 3 popularity in a 2 month period, but for some reason it doesn't count the first show of the first month. At some point I start booking my entire roster on the shows, so I move to 8 wrestlers, because they begin to complain about being left off the card. Technically this issue would work itself out but I hate dealing with morale issues.</p><p> </p><p>

Now, the other challenge I was doing went a bit smoother because I got picked up by RAW, and hen it became a bit of a joke, but honestly I like staying with my starting company. I also got a lot luckier in that game and had higher match quality going on for some reason. Here we got our first 75 match in November of 2020, and I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I found 2 teams with excellent chemistry, and one of those had Ernest Youngman in it.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="1b7F69h.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/1b7F69h.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>

<strong>Taking The Next Step</strong> 27 "RTGdow" - Add Flavour of the Month to attributes.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

I hit Tiny first week of December, but straight up forget to roll until like half way through the next year. It's all good. My year end roll ends up being a terrible one.</p><p>

28 "Lost my Smile" - Add personal issues to attributes.</p><p>

Personal Issues suck. I think they stuck around for almost a year. By this point I've been hiring new people, and I think I've let Ace Youngman go and maybe Alistair Shufflebottom. I also notice that when you're Tiny you can get 4 pop every 2 months, so this is exciting as all of my events are gaining me pop now. This means that we will hit Small earlier than I thought. We end up getting Landon Mallory because he left VWA so we can convince him to work in Canada. He's so good and so cheap (I still have him 4 years in in my main event).</p><p> </p><p>

February 2021 we have our first 75 rated show.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="H4iOtzh.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/H4iOtzh.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>

<strong>A True Alternative</strong> 38 "Casting Call" - Added 5 pts to Charisma and TV Actor.</p><p>

Also rolling for Tiny here: 9 "Keeping it in the Family" meaning I get to create a younger sibling.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Nothing super exciting happens until we hit Small in September.</p><p>

1 "Friends with Benefits" Made friends with ACPW.</p><p>

We sign on with WrestleWorld. Essentially what ended up happening was I was going to wait until the end of the year to get a bit more popularity so the sting of production costs wouldn't hurt as much, but ACPW was on WrestleWorld and so I had to up production costs to match them, so I joined anyway because it didn't make sense not to. I recommend this to everyone all the time. At this point I swap to running a "monthly" show every week and a "Yearly" show on the last Friday of every month. This means I get more broadcast revenue and I believe the pop increase goes up too (I don't remember what it was at small) but no matter what, we're getting more exposure. It takes no time to get back out of the initial debt that the production hike forced us into.</p><p> </p><p>

End of 2021 - 53 "Step Into The Light" +5 pop across entire base country</p><p>

Debut on the power 500 (361) - 3 "Trusted Companion" gain loyalty of random wrestler. Rolled a 32/32, which is Xander DeColt.</p><p> </p><p>

I've started to figure out the loyalty system as well. You can potentially get someone to be loyal to you by signing them, or being nice to them in backstage speeches. I do this every time. I'm picky about stroking someone's ego. I have a hilarious stable of loyal people including Landon Mallory, Xander and Danny DeColt, Mimic, Jamie Atherton, Davis Wayne Newton, Brother Grimm, David Stone and Rayne Man where I currently am (it's been a little while since I've stroked egos not gonna lie).</p><p> </p><p>

I can't remember when in 2022 it was, but I signed David Stone and stroked his ego until he became Loyal. I knock his popularity down a little bit, as I don't want him to be in the main event title yet. He's young and has a way to go, whereas I've got guys like Youngman, Mallory, Mimic and Rayne Man who can all use the rub from him. This is a common thing with a lot of my signings. Anyone older who is in decline is used to put other people up the card.</p><p> </p><p>

June 2022 I finally have a 90 rated match.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="a5TeuZC.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/a5TeuZC.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>

<strong>Becoming Elite</strong> 15 "Painkillers are (etc)" I now abuse painkillers.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

This is when I've splintered off. I do not have videos uploaded up until this point yet, but they're all made and will be uploaded over the next couple of months likely. I wanted to keep playing ahead because I had done something I though was exciting. I signed Skull DeBones on as a Road Agent. I also turned Logan Wolfsbaine into "Skull D'Bones" using this wicked render by WillR0ck.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="mKrD9y1.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mKrD9y1.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

We have set up a particularly good Canadian rookie as "Dark Angel II" using a new free King Bison render as well. We stole Diablo Duvak from CWA, specifically so I could fued him with Mimic and Jamie Atherton because those three are definitely the Canadians who fans yell "Fight Forever" at. Good background, now we move on to our next two achievements in Week 3 of October...</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="SxmO7xw.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/SxmO7xw.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>

<strong>Legendary Angle</strong> 38 "Casting Call" +5 to charisma or acting, and "Movie Star" (I don't think these ever actually come up)</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="fZ8yQWf.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/fZ8yQWf.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong>Hottest Thing In The Industry</strong> 20 "My Only Addiction is Wrestling" I'm now straight edge.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Looking at this screenshot, I'm totally on OnDem by now, meaning I've hit Medium. Somehow I missed that in my notes. I'm guessing it happened before I got David Stone and Diablo Duvak though. But yeah, the workers in there too Jared Johnson, Valiant, Jack DeColt, they're all definitely not signing with a small company. Two weeks later we get our first 99 rated match, as World Heavyweight Champion Branden Chisoku is firmly establishing himself as being awesome. I had also poached Duane Fry at this point and had him working as an announcer.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="MB7M8Gs.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/MB7M8Gs.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>

<strong>Almost There</strong> 6 "Master And Disciple" I get a mentor. Rolled a 12, its big Jack DeColt. (To this day I've learned nothing from him).</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

We get to the end of 2022. Emma Chase, the best Colour Commentator in the world, is unemployed and won't work with me until I hit Big (which is fortunate because she stays unemployed until I do. What a nice lady.)</p><p> </p><p>

Let's see the awards.</p><p>

PWE wins Company of the Year</p><p>

Branden Chisoku is Young Wrestler of the Year</p><p>

PWE gets Most Improved Company.</p><p>

Landon Mallory gets Independent Wrestler (I don't know how but okay).</p><p>

DJ Stardog is Manager of the year</p><p>

Duane Fry is announcer of the year.</p><p> </p><p>

I hit #43 on the Power 500, which is 3 Power 500 related rolls, my end of year, and I do the one for hitting medium here as well.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Going Places</strong> - 4) Chance Encounter - Strong Friend someone from not Canada who is unemployed and make them available in Canada. I chose Mr Lucha III</p><p>

<strong>Turn of A Centenary</strong> - 29) "The RTG Movement" - Add "Groundwell of Support"</p><p>

<strong>A Select Few</strong> - 46) "Living the Gimmick" - "Plays Gimmicky Well" and "Slow & Steady"</p><p>

Year end 2022 - 21) "Nose to the Grindstone" - +5 to primary stat of your choice (Brawling)</p><p>

<strong>We Are The Moment</strong> - 39) "The Real Rock & Roller" +5 to Charisma or Mic, add Musician (Charisma)</p><p> </p><p>

ACPW is also medium, I end up shooting them some money because they're having a rough time. </p><p> </p><p>

May 2023 I buy my own Broadcaster. At this point almost every one of my matches is a 99. We bring Brother Grimm back (he worked for us after GSW went under until early 2022 when CZCW got him away because I was dumb and had him on an exclusive handshake, not exclusive written) since he had excellent chemistry as Chisoku's manager. Working towards that perfect storm. June makes me happy because SAISHO hits Medium, they sign a couple of my handshake deal japanese guys away, and it makes sense. Every month basically we upgrade our broadcaster, which increases our money and popularity potential. We build a fully upgraded Performance Center to train at. In September we hit big.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Road To Glory</strong> 41 "Runaway Runway" I'm a model now, and can add +5 to sex appeal or star quality...so obviously star quality.</p><p> </p><p>

Now here's where I believe I've won the challenge by technicality, but I've personally decided I don't want to count it ant want to keep going forward. I run a TV show on Tuesdays and a Monthly event every Friday. Main Eventing one of those events we got this...</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="v769X4o.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/v769X4o.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Now, that is definitely a 100 rated main event, but in my opinion it's not a yearly event and therefore it doesn't count (this is just me, I don't know if that's right or not) so we're going to keep going. All of the broadcaster upgrades make it really easy to rush pop in other areas, and my insane shows and matches are ensuring I'm always gaining. In December week 2 we rise to Large size.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"Larger than life"</strong> 49 "It's not the size of the dog" I get "Plays underdog well" and "Giving performer"</p><p> </p><p>

Last show of 2023, Diablo suffers a Major Concussion, which is very sad. </p><p> </p><p>

Year End Awards time.</p><p>

Company of the Year PWE</p><p>

Show of the Year PWE Genocide (I'm surprised we didn't also get match of the year)</p><p>

Young Wrestler Branden Chisoku (no shock)</p><p>

Most Improved Company PWE</p><p>

Announcer of the Year Duane Fry</p><p>

Referee of the Year Calvin Hobbes (Hurray! He was sooooo bad when I created him haha).</p><p> </p><p>

Chisoku hits #4 on the power 500. That's a roll for top 10, as well as the end of year. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Best of the Best</strong> 25 "Innovator of Violents" add "Hot new Move"</p><p>

<strong>End of 2023</strong> 26 (lol) "If you Smeeeeeeeell" add "Hot New Catchphrase"</p><p> </p><p>

This is where I am now. At this point it's literally stay healthy, be in a super hot storyline, watch gimmicks of me and my opponents, and craft the perfect card. This of course is easier said than done. We've seen 2 100 matches in our company so far, one was mine, and nothing since. My biggest steal of talent was Scythe. I am paying him way too much money, but it's worth it. I love him. He's on the opposite brand at the moment from Skull D'Bones. Scythe defeated Davis Wayne Newton for the PWE Canadian (former NOTBPW Canadian) title to become the main champion of that brand, and I am going to have Skull D'Bones finally dethrone Chisoku after his like 1.5 years with the belt so I can have them fued.</p><p> </p><p>

I am considering turning it into a Diary at this point. I want to tell the stories I've been picturing in my head and having fun with! But yeah, I'm expecting this next year I'll actually beat the challenge. Stay tuned!</p>

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Frank Hammerschmidt Jan 2020 - Jul 2021


Yeah, Chisoku, your videos have some great advice and I took it and ran with it. Unfortunately, my first attempt got me bankrupted due to a combination of being too aggressive with finances while both Economy and Wrestling Industry were tanking, but now I've hit the point where I'm out of the woods with the second attempt and feel comfortable posting updates.





Meet Frank and ignore what the bio says about his style. I changed it to Technician and made him a Flabby Lightweight and forgot to update it.




My promotion is called Glory Pro Wrestling. I found the logo in one of my image folders. I think it's a real world promotion? The name is fitting for the challenge, though, so I took it. :D We're running Fast And Furious as product.


Keen eyes will spot the minor edit to the default CornellVerse I made: returning Luis Figo Manico to the business with a new promotion. In universe, he has quietly scouted two promising young talents (Frank and Wes Stryker) and has felt the itch of running wrestling shows again, building them around these two prospects. We're running out of Amsterdam because even the game calls out Western Europe as a strong area with lots of spillover (and no company set up there yet) and because Amsterdam is on top of the venue list, saving me a click for every show I run. :D


Following Chisoku's advice, I built a six-man roster. Alongside my character and Wes Stryker, I signed Landon Mallory, Walker van Cleer, Andriy Boronin (usually well-behaved so far), and Ronny de Veuster. Ronny's spot originally was going to veteran Merle O'Curle, but when he wanted a limited role in negotiations, I knew he was already cooked in this save.


Wrestling Industry started medium-low and falling, but the economy rolled high eighties and rising, making this a (relative) breeze with finances so far. I've played up to August 2021 and have recently gotten out of debt, upgraded merchandising to level 3 and still making plenty of money ahead of the jump to Tiny and building up some reserves ahead of hitting 25 pop and getting on WrestleWorld.




Frank's skill progression so far. He's grew and got in shape and is now an Average Middleweight. His popularity in Western Europe is at 42. I hit both 50 match rating and 50 show rating early in year 1, giving me "Better As Babyface" and "Hot New Move" (which is still going over a year later). The 2020 year-end roll netted me “They Love Me… They Hate Me…" again, bumping it to "Amazing Babyface".


Meanwhile, GPW sits at 15 pop in Western Europe and I decided to post now as I'm taking some time to think about possible roster additions in preparation of hitting Tiny.

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Well, that's just great. I wanted to back up my save after completing year 3 and managed to completely delete it instead. Remember, kids, Shift+DEL is a dangerous habit! :mad:


Edit: Might as well post my unedited notes anyway


Roster expansion, starting with the second show of August 2021:

Magnus Cage - left EWA for some reason, may not be super skilled in ring, but can develop and already has decent charisma

Moonsault Master - comes with 14 popularity in Western Europe and decent fundamentals, was unemployed and should be able to do a decent job in the midcard

Raffaello Ricci - 23yo Italian newgen, comes as #2 Hidden Gem (behind Aud Valkyrie's regen who I'll keep on eye for the future), has sound fundamentals for a rookie and I should be able to hang onto him for a good while to see him develop

Bret Heartbreak - Byron hasn't pushed his son to the moon yet, but I will :D

Jason Dempsey - solid hand with good fundamentals

Paolo Gandalfini - I wavered back on forth on this one, but starting with 22 pop in Western Europe, he's the biggest star I'm comfortable signing, not one for the long term, though, as EWA will probably lock him down the day they hit Medium size

Konrad Makinen - excellent talent with good fundamentals, good in-ring skills and some charisma to spare - and UEW is farther away from being able to hire him exclusively

Lars Brecher - great veteran technician who starts with 15 pop in Western Europe

Merle O'Curle - I think I was wrong to pass on him initially, but in the expanded roster his declining stamina can be hidden much easier and he can double as road agent just fine

Pavel Vanzycha - another great talent with 16 pop in Western Europe

Ralph Grimm - despite being 35 he doesn't seem to have hit his peak yet, not the greatest in-ring, but great fundamentals

Zofia Jankovic - one of EWA's biggest star (only eclipsed in Central Europe by Byron, Gandalfini, and the Johanssons), absolutely great get at a good price

+ a rookie regen ref


hit tiny in mid-September and finally remember to upgrade music to "not illegal". we no longer play Bruce Springsteen at our monthly event "Glory Days" or Paul Engermann at "Pushing The Limits"

28. “I lost my smile” You are going through a tough time, add “Personal Issues” to your attributes

ELPF open in October

1st show of November has me in a 73 match, so close...

second attempt to farm a 75 fails because I forgot Landon was working through an injury...


It's actually Moonsault Master who is cooked, his stamina is atrocious and he's replaced with Serena Ventura


End of 2021: 24. “Aerial Assassin” You have devoted yourself to climbing that turnbuckle, +5 to your Aerial or Flashiness skill (all 5 into flash)

Landon and Walker make the Power 500 at 490 and 497 respectively

economy is terrible (47 and falling), putting the squeeze on us financially a bit, but we're holding steady and we're still running very cheap tickets


feb 22: increase ticket prices to cheap as it's more money, not quite as much as normal, but not too far off (it actually makes not a dent in our attendance)


mar 22: finally hit the 75 match on the second show of the month, now that Walker and Landon are both fit again after injury; the show itself falls short at 73

20. "My Only Addiction is Wrestling" Add "Straight Edge" to your character's addictions. Change any current addictions to Former. Future rolls that roll addictions will be lost (and unable to be rerolled)


at the end of march it's the first request for a raise from paolo for a mere 60 bucks to 170 p.s.

i'm also upgrading merch to level 4 because it should bring in at least the same with the upgrade


april 22: unexpected, but the main event of the first show hits a whopping 81 rating, giving the otherwise underwhelming show a surprising 75 at the end

38. “Casting Call" You have been cast in a small TV show, next stop Hollywood! +5 points to spend across Charisma and Acting. Also add TV Actor to Misc for your character. If previously your character had "TV Actor" add "Movie Star" (all 5 points into cha)


oct 22: first show sees us hit 25. ready for wrestleworld, but i'm holding off until the end of the year, waiting for the economy to recover some more (also for organisational purposes)


tue 3 nov 22: paolo opines magnus is charismatic and gonna be star


dec: magnus causing rifts after i fixed their hatred to strong dislike (after meddling it down from initial simmering tension, granted)


end of year: no power 500 for frank (i didn't make a push for it anyway), but good representation: 414 landon, 421 andriy, 441 walker, 470 lars, 487 ralph, 491 kondrad, 492 paolo - all of their best matches happened in GPW!

roll: "Marching to their own beat" You are now a few sandwiches short of a picnic, add "Plays Offbeat/Unstable Well" and “Scatter-brained” to their attribute

oh god, scatterbrained is baaaaaad


pop still capped at 42, been up against it for over a year. size-related? several stars are at the same level, although lars and zofia have broken through recently

economy is recovering nicely, sponsorship money was down to 3.1k from 4.2k at its best, now it's even more than that. feeling good about wrestleworld which we can get now, we're just at 25 (it's been a year for pop gains)

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I've been meaning to give this a go for ages, but only seriously started looking at it last night. I've got a few questions before I give it a go...


1) Are there any real world mods that are recommended for this, or is it exclusively down on the default data? I've never played with that, so not sure if I'd struggle too much not knowing who anyone is. Ideally I'd want to try it first on a real world mod... and then maybe when I get into the swing of it, start over if the challenge is best suited to the default data, but who knows.


2) In the set up of your user character it mentions setting Potential to excellent, but I couldn't see that option anywhere when I was setting up. That seems like it could be important.... so where do I do that?


3) Finally, is there any set rule on the "User Talent Points", or can we assign them as we want? I did a random one when I was testing stuff, but got less than 30 so probably wouldn't do that again.

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New attempt is off to an auspicious start. Knocked out two achievements on the first show with a main event where both teams turned out to have Great chemistry.




e: It's August and a new Tiny promotion pops up.






e2: This is gonna be FUN!

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Having browsed over the patch notes and not really playing since shortly after launch, I'm gonna give this another go. It appears as if the game will no longer be easy mode, which I'm pretty stoked about. Any tips for this challenge now?


Almost 2 years to the date of the closing of Texas Wrestling League, it has be revived and revitalized by former 3-time TWL Champion and Legend, "Professor" Mycroft Nero. In his tow, he brings a young man who he's been training since his hiatus 23 months ago!





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