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Art Of Wrestling - The Road to Glory Logs

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Art of Wrestling

The Road to Glory Logs


Preface: This is a road to glory game following the rules from the Bad Collins' led RTG thread. I went with a custom build instead of going for the generated one. The company logo was originally made by jhd1 for my ThunderVerse draft company some years back. Big thanks because this logo is sexy as ****. The company product is Lucharesu. There will be a big focus on multi-man matches as we grow, as well as units and generational warfare. This won't be a hyper detailed diary. Updated will come sporadically but usually in spammy ways. I'm hoping to use this more like a tracker than a creative diary. Oh yeah, I'm using Ironfist's pic pack. Full credit to everyone who made individual renders.


I'll be rolling with a constant schedule. While I will do my best to keep a semblance of storylines & excitement in the show, I will use the tools readily available in the game to develop my company. That is, up until iPPV gets the big nerf (if ever), I'll probably be investing in that. Once it gets the big nerf, I'll simply expand my options. Because I think it'll be funner down the line, Im rolling with both a loyalty system & a young lion system. There will likely not be any previews or prediction options since I'll typically just be charging forward with cards.


Here's a look at the start of the show:




Our owner is road agent The Masked Mauler VI aka William Franklyn, a NYCW star known for teaming with indy veteran Rick Sanders. He will not be removing his mask for road agent duties. He will also generously not demand a salary. Referee of choice is Royce Greig, the head referee of rival Montreal based company ACPW. He was the cheapest guy available with the least amount of travel needed.




Obviously, being that our goal is to become as profitable as fast as possible, we've limited our roster signings to only three workers. Again, our focus was on cheapest workers available (30$) and with the least amount of travel (we are based in Ontario) so that means Ontario, Manitoba & Quebec based workers. I am not quite sure if travel cost for spillover regions includes regions outside the country so I've opted to not sign guys from the Great Lakes, Tri State or Mid West areas. We also wanted to focus on unemployed workers over those currently employed. ACPW seems to dominate most of the workers available so this was a bit tricky.


In any case, we signed up "Hell Cat" Kate Avatar. She's a young lion like Mad Mike but obviously as one of the Avatars, one can expect she has the potential to be a long term fixture in the roster. The veteran of the roster is Taylor Kidd. He's not quite the Underdog he is elsewhere now that he's the only non-Young Lion but we didn't have any other option. We have Technical Masterclass & Steal the Show obligations. Kidd wont cut it in technical matches but Kate and Mad Mike will so that's fine. It means Kidd will have to handle our high spots/steal the show matches for now. He doesn't really have the stamina for it but what can you do.



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I could post these next three shows individually but they would probably come at too rapid a pace for me to be comfortable with since they're already booked. Instead I'll be posting it as a wombo combo pack.


These were our first shows and revolved around exhausting our resources of Avatar/Kidd/Mike match combinations.




Art of Wrestling presents

Round Robin 2020

Location: Hamilton, Ontario

Attendance: 54

Show Grade: 25


Kate Avatar, Taylor Kidd & Mad Mike opened the inaugural Art of Wrestling event by welcoming the 50+ fans in attendance to the show and promising to work hard for them. Masked Mauler VI & referee Royce Greig were also present. - 15


Booker's Notes: This segment tanked because everyone was trying to improvise. I can't talk or act at all, and Kidd & Avatar aren't exactly known for their stellar mic skills. No harm done, though.


Kate Avatar defeated Mad Mike in a match that focused on both wrestler's technical acumen. Kate ultimately won the 15 minute affair proving herself the superior young lion after taking out Mike with the Hell Cat DDT. - 26


Booker's Notes: Kate's got a bad gimmick so it didnt go over well. Also the crowd was perhaps too heated up for this one, funnily enough.


Taylor Kidd defeated Mad Mike in another match that reached the fifteen minute count. Kidd highlighted his high flying abilities with a massive 450 Splash to win the match. It's pretty clear Kidd needs some cardiac work though because he was struggling to get through this one past the 10 minute mark. Mike ends the night two losses to his name. - 28


Booker's Notes: Kidd is in a tough spot on the roster. He's the only one who can handle a High Spot or Steal the Show match which our fans want, but he doesn't really have the stamina to handle two matches where one of them is that sort, even with our easier wrestling style. Hopefully he takes that as motivation to improve his cardio.


Taylor Kidd defeated Kate Avatar in a rapid paced ten minute match that saw Kidd once more take to the skies to take out a young lion with the explosive 450 Splash. With more experience, one could see Avatar beating Kidd with how devoid of energy he was getting. - 27


Taylor Kidd and Kate Avatar shook hands after the match, and Taylor Kidd thanked the fans in attendance for showing up and hoped they would come again for the next show. - 25


Booker's Notes: Without me there to ruin the segment with my entertainment skills, and having rushed to get a script down for Kidd, we were able to end the show with a better angle than what we opened with.


Final Notes: That's it for the first show. Lessons learned? Taylor needs to work on his cardio. Kate's gimmick isn't working. We'll give her next show, but if it doesn't get any better, we might have to tell her to just quit it for now and be herself instead. It's not a good show by any indication but when no one knows about you, anything is good. So here we are.




Art of Wrestling presents

Crash Landing 2020

Location: Toronto, Ontario

Attendance: 56

Show Grade: 31


Mad Mike defeated Kate Avatar in the night's opener, another technical oriented match between the two young lions. Mike ultimately won with a very non-technical move, a reckless running jumping knee strike he calls the Mad Mauler. The match crossed the 16 minute mark, and Kate started tiring by the end of it. - 33


Booker's Notes: Mad Mike gets his first win but we got to see the limits of Avatar's stamina and more confirmation that it's time for Kate to give up the "Hell Cat" gimmick. We'll let her keep the nickname, but to be honest, the goal is to avoid giving young lions nicknames, that includes me. It's something you should be getting once you get past the young lion identity.


Taylor Kidd defeated Kate Avatar in the second match of the night. It was another high octane one though this time Kidd was fresh for his match. Obviously with Kate recovering from the previous match, it only took 9 minutes before Kidd took to the skies to CRASH LAND with the 450 Splash. - 32


Kate Avatar took the microphone and admitted her disappointment at losing twice in a row and twice in a night. She said she would reflect on what she would need to change. - 16


Booker's Notes: So Kate ended up improvising this one, I forgot to help her work out a script. Between that and the weak gimmick, I didnt really put her in the best position here.


Mad Mike defeated Taylor Kidd in a massive upset to end Crash Landing 2020. It was another short bout at just 10 minutes, but Kidd still has to be a bit embarrassed to have lost to a young lion like this. This was the best match in AOW history. We'll see if Mad Mike can ride that momentum and if Kidd can recover. - 34


Booker's Notes: The fans werent happy with a young lion winning and I have to admit that it wasn't a great decision on my part, it sets a bad precedent. I wish Kidd would've stepped up and disagreed with my booking decision but what can you do. Maybe he's just appreciative to have a job. At least it was still our best match yet despite a young lion winning here.


Final Notes: A solid step up from last show. Kate will be shedding her gimmick next event. We will be looking to expand our roster as well after the next one to diversify our shows a bit more.




Art of Wrestling presents

The Enemy Within 2020

Location: Ottawa, Ontario

Attendance: 62

Show Grade: 37


Mad Mike defeated Kate Avatar in the third match in their series. Kate wrestled with less extras to her game and focused more so on victory. Still, Mad Mike was rolling off last week's monumental victory and escaped with another Mad Mauling just past the 15th minute mark. Kate will be kicking herself for losing the series. - 35


Booker's Notes: Kate loses here but she's actually improving. Also I hate to toot my own horn, but as it currently stands, I have to be the best wrestler in the company.


Taylor Kidd defeated Kate Avatar in a ten minute high octane match meant to steal the show. Both Kidd & Avatar stepped their game up. Avatar didn't want to lose twice in a day again and she probably wanted to prove she could get a win over Kidd too. She couldn't. Kidd was just as determined with his best performance yet and struck with the 450 Splash at the 10 minute mark. Poor Kate. - 34


Taylor Kidd defeated Mad Mike in the marquee rematch between the company's veteran, and the young lion who upset him last main event. It was the best match in AOW history and unfortunately for Mike, he couldn't repeat recent history. Kidd went sky high and landed with the 450 Splash to put any doubts about his acumen to rest in a dozen seconds short of the 10 minute mark. - 39


Taylor Kidd grabbed a microphone to celebrate redeeming himself against the young lion but he recognized a great future in Mad Mike. He also didn't want Kate to get herself down, she's young and has a massive future if she works hard.


Final Notes: We get better and better. Good to see Kidd stepping his game up a bit, and good to see Avatar has been better received by the crowd after playing a simpler character. We will be signing one new worker for next show. It'll have to be one of ACPW's boys. We're in conversation with Royce on who is a good option. Also, I forgot to mention but Mauler told me to avoid hiring anyone over 40, to make sure we were out of debt by 2022 (he says he worked real hard for his retirement savings and he wasn't letting AOW ruin that), and to not hire any entertainers. All of those are fine with me, quite frankly.




Finances: -$1520

Size: Insignificant (36th in the world)

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Our newest signing is the 23 year old masked american from ACPW, Americana Jr. He's just a two year veteran, and a young lion, but learning from Americana has made a pretty well-rounded worker already. We can slot him to steal the show, wrestle the high spot match-up, or work the technical masterclass. He's closer than either Kate or I in getting rid of his young lion status. We'd also love to bring in Captain Canada at some point too. His partner in the Can-Am Alliance isn't as good, but they're a good pairing and we're not exactly tearing the show down so there's no real harm. Our next event will center around his arrival.




Art of Wrestling presents

The Invasion of Canada 2020

Location: Mississauga, Ontario

Attendance: 64

Show Grade: 38


Kate Avatar defeated Americana Jr in the debut match of AOW's newest addition to the roster. This was a match focused around both worker's technical acumen and it was one of our best matches to date. Hell Cat DDT soured American Jr's debut but he definitely showed he could hang.


Booker's Notes: Americana Jr was given the American Patriot gimmick and it went over quite well. The fans favored Kate Avatar since they werent really familiar with Americana Jr (ACPW tend to stay touring quebec and don't venture over to the Ontario side). His performance here made me cautiously optimistic for the rest of the show.


Americana Jr grabbed a microphone to explain that Kate's victory was just a fluke. He couldn't allow a bunch of canadian start-ups from showing him up when he was thought by a legend in the game. He wanted to face Mad Mike next, and after he beats Mike, he would beat AOW's star, Taylor Kidd. - 29


Mad Mike defeated Americana Jr in the company's shortest match to date at around 7 minutes. Americana Jr seemed a bit sloppier this match and that might be why Mike was able to launch his head off with the Mad Mauler for the win. Americana Jr's patriotic statement of intent isn't quite working out for him. - 38


Taylor Kidd defeated Americana Jr in the main event, a fast paced high flying match that saw Americana Jr win the Mississaugan fans hearts. Though Kidd did seal the deal with the 450 Splash just short of the seven minute mark, you could tell who the fans had been happier to see. - 42


After the match, Americana Jr admitted he had misjudged the Canadians, they were better than he thought after all. He promised he would return and work hard to prove his mentor's teachings weren't wasted. Kidd accepted his apology and happily shook hands with him after the match, confirming there would be no bad blood. - 33


Final Notes: Americana Jr was a star. Kidd struggled in a seven minute spotfest meanwhile Americana Jr had wrestled all night and still pulled out his best performance in the main event. I'm excited to face Americana Jr again, he was having a bad one when we had our match-up but I think we could really tear the house down given the chance. We aren't really looking to sign anyone else for the next couple of shows but Royce helped me out with a list of phone numbers for ACPW guys who would be willing to come in on similar deals as Americana Jr's as long as ACPW weren't hosting an event the same day. Obviously we're in debt so we're hoping to stay as lean as possible.




Finances: -$2238

Size: Insignificant (36th in the world)

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<p><strong>Art of Wrestling presents</strong></p><p>

<em>Tag Mania 2020</em></p><p>

Location: Brampton, Ontario</p><p>

Attendance: 67</p><p>

Show Grade: 40</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mad Kidds (Mad Mike & Taylor Kidd) defeated Hell in Americana (Americana Jr & Kate Avatar)</strong> in the first ever tag match in Art of Wrestling history. It was a technical oriented match but Taylor Kidd, while being the least adept in the ring, did not take a backseat. Ultimately, Mad Mike hit the Mad Mauler on Kate to get the win for his team. - 41</p><p> </p><p>

After the match, the four wrestlers mutually agreed that they wanted to see who was the best possible team in AOW. This would be motivation for the varied pairings to prove their worth.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kidd Kate (Kate Avatar & Taylor Kidd) defeated Mad America (Americana Jr & Mad Mike)</strong> in a short 6 minute affair. Kate Avatar was able to finally get revenge on Mad Mike, catching him on a tag in with the Hell Cat DDT to grab another win for Kidd, and her first win of the night. - 41</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>We're the Kidds in America (Americana Jr & Taylor Kidd) defeated Original Lions (Kate Avatar & Mad Mike)</strong> in a high octane main event that set a new bar for AOW. Americana Jr got his own revenge on Mad Mike with the American Crush only adding to the pain from the previous match's Hell Cat DDT. - 44</p><p> </p><p>

Taylor Kidd grabbed the microphone after the match and remarked that as expected, he led each of his teams to a win. He was drowned out by Americana Jr, Kate, and Mike all arguing that Kidd wasn't even able to pin one wrestler tonight. - 31</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>Final Notes:</em></strong> Another good show here, this time over in Brampton. I take back what I said about being AOW's best talent, I have to concede the throne to Americana Jr. No bad chemistry between any of the teams, but none of us really clicked either. This was a back to back so obviously everyone's a bit tired. We'll see if the next two days off will help in the recovery department. Obviously the big issue is a lot of are working multiple times in the night. Americana Jr of course did two straight nights of working three matches. We might want to get ahead of this but I think we'll take the risk and see how everyone is by the next time we step into the ring. </p><p> </p><p>

--</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Finances:</strong> -$2990</p><p>

<strong>Size:</strong> Insignificant (36th in the world)</p>

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This has been enjoyable so far. Can't wait for more


Appreciate it <3


We're The Kidds in America is my favourite team name ever.


When will more people realize my creative brilliance?




Art of Wrestling presents

Final Altercation 2020

Location: Mississauga, Ontario

Attendance: 71

Show Grade: 39


Americana Jr defeated Kate Avatar, Mad Mike, and Taylor Kidd in the first match of the Final Altercation series. The Final Altercation series is essentially a fatal four way elimination match with extra steps, if we're being honest. You'll get it. Americana Jr surprised everyone by pinning Mad Mike after the American Crush (Destino) fifteen minutes into it. It was otherwise a very technical match and as a result, it definitely favored Americana Jr & Mad Mike the most. - 42


Americana Jr defeated Kate Avatar, and Taylor Kidd in the second match of the Final Altercation series, this time predictably pinning Kate Avatar with his signature suplex finisher. Taylor Kidd looked just a bit nervous watching that happen from the outside. Kidd didn't seem on game for most of this match even beyond the slight cowardice. - 41


Taylor Kidd gets on the microphone after the match and he says he's been really impressed by Americana Jr since he's arrived here. Between the two of them, he felt like not only did they have the best tag name and team, Americana Jr was also his favorite of the three young lions. Why couldn't he have been here on the first show? With all of that said, Taylor Kidd does wonder what Americana Jr will do when he finally has to try and pin Taylor Kidd, something he hasn't been able to do till now. - 35


Taylor Kidd defeated Americana Jr in the finals of the Final Altercation series. Americana Jr was by far the better performer in this high spots focused match. Kidd was gassed out and once again just didn't seem to be at his best. Even so, Taylor Kidd pulled it out of the bag, keeping Americana Jr down long enough to hit the 450 Splash and seal the deal. - 42


Taylor Kidd gets right back on the microphone to boast about how the young lion just doesn't quite have it to beat a veteran of the game like Taylor Kidd. Honestly, Americana Jr may have let what Taylor Kidd said before the match get to his head and make him a bit egotistical. Taylor Kidd hopes that that defeat will be a come down to earth moment for Americana Jr. - 31


Final Notes: So this show wasn't as good as our previous one. Taylor Kidd just wasn't on point those last two matches, and especially in that last one he got gassed. The original plan for this show was to let Americana Jr rest a bit and have him take the pin in the first match of the night. I was going to then pin Kate Avatar and lose to Taylor Kidd in the finals. Then I was reminded that we'd sort of tired the region out with that match-up. We switched up instead. Americana Jr is terrific and even though he was a tad fatigued tonight, he really carried us. Kidd, on the other hand, is just lucky his seniority remains.




Finances: -$3604

Size: Insignificant (35th in the world)


We surpassed Small-sized ZEN! in the company rankings. I suspect it's largely because ZEN is based in New Zealand, a region that is, for some reason, not as valuable as others. I'd like to wrestle in New Zealand one day.

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<p>Before the show started, Taylor Kidd brought in his Nintendo Switch and some SSBU. He trashed us all, predictably. Good of him, as the veteran of the roster, building up the camaraderie. We're a really small show so it's great if we're all able to get along like this. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Art of Wrestling presents</strong></p><p>

<em>Evil That Men Do 2020</em></p><p>

Location: Ottawa, Ontario</p><p>

Attendance: 72</p><p>

Show Grade: 40</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kidd Kat (Kate Avatar & Taylor Kidd) defeated Mad America (Americana Jr & Mad Mike)</strong> in a pretty technical match that went for 15 minutes before Mad Mike got caught in the Hell Cat DDT and was subsequently pinned for the Kidd Kat victory. It was a pretty good match with a game Mad Mike and a game Americana Jr despite the loss. - 43</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>We're the Kidds in America (Americana Jr & Taylor Kidd) defeated Original Lions (Kate Avatar & Mad Mike)</strong> in a short match that only lasted as much as six minutes before Mad Mike was struck with the American Crush. This is the second time Mad Mike has been pinned two matches in a row because he was struck with a Hell Cat DDT and an American Crush. A deadly combination it seems. - 42</p><p> </p><p>

Taylor Kidd has clearly proved that he is the best wrestler in all of Art of Wrestling, and Mad Mike has clearly proved he is the worst wrestler in all of Art of Wrestling after being the first pinned in Final Altercation and again being pinned twice today. But, the big question is: who is better between Kate Avatar & Americana Jr. Americana Jr tries to downplay it but Kate Avatar says it's clearly her. Kidd insist they figure it out in a singles match. - 37</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Americana Jr defeated Kate Avatar</strong> in a match that took fifteen minutes and that left Kate Avatar without much in the tank. It was an American Crush that took down an exhausted Kate Avatar and arguably allowed him to prove he is the second best wrestler in Art of Wrestling. - 43</p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Americana Jr says that he's happy he won but he knows that on a better day, Kate Avatar could've easily won that. He offers to shake Kate's hand but Kate grabs the microphone instead. She says that on most days Kate would win and that loss was just a fluke. She doesn't give American Jr to say anything else and heads out of the ring, brushing past him on her way out. - 38</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>Final Notes:</em></strong> This was a fun show. We're still working Americana Jr to the bone but he still hasn't complained. The guys a real workhorse. He's really the star of this company in my eyes. Even so, I think it won't be too long now before I contact one of Royce's guys and expand the roster a little. With that we might be able to finally give Americana Jr a break. I'm still kind of leaning on Captain Canada for some more camaraderie in the locker room but I just haven't quite settled on it yet. </p><p> </p><p>

--</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Finances:</strong> -$4165 (-$5165 performance in Janaury) </p><p>

<strong>Size:</strong> Insignificant (35th in the world)</p><p> </p><p>

We survived our first month in the business with only about 4000$ of debt. Okay, I'm not telling anyone how bad we're doing financially because I've done the math, the real math, and I think we'll figure it out. I can't tell anyone that we'll figure it out, they won't believe me. And it's too much of a hassle convincing them. But I know we'll figure it out.</p>

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<p><strong>Art of Wrestling presents</strong></p><p>

Sequel to the last CPU Gen'd Event N 2020</p><p>

Location: Hamilton, Ontario</p><p>

Attendance: 66</p><p>

Show Grade: 32</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mad Kidds (Mad Mike & Taylor Kidd) defeated Hell in Americana (Americana Jr & Kate Avatar)</strong> in a surprisingly hard hitting start to the night. It was Mad Mike that redeemed himself from a bad showing last week and pinned Kate Avatar after Mad Mauling. There was clearly some bitterness between Kate Avatar & Americana Jr in this year, and that may have cost them. - 43</p><p> </p><p>

Mad Mike got on the microphone and said that he heard that Taylor Kidd made this match because he felt bad for him. Well he wants to team with Kate Avatar to face Americana Jr & Taylor Kidd and prove he's better than the both of them. - 32</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>We're the Kidds in America (Americana Jr & Taylor Kidd) defeated Original Lions (Kate Avatar & Mad Mike)</strong> in about six minutes after Americana Jr caught Kate Avatar with a familiar move, the American Crush. This match was pretty calm by AOW standards. - 39</p><p> </p><p>

After the match, Taylor Kidd got on the microphone to orchestrate a repeat of last week, one Mad Mike was all too happy to accept on behalf of both him and Americana Jr. It would be another show down between the two young lions. - 30</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Americana Jr defeated Mad Mike</strong> in a slow and technical twenty minute match that saw Americana Jr ultimately fall Mad Mike with his trademark Mount Rushmore Suplex finisher. It was the best match in AOW yet. - 46</p><p> </p><p>

Once again, we had a post-match segment. Americana Jr grabbed the microphone to try and see if Mad Mike would listen to wisdom. Mad Mike warned Americana Jr that no one in AOW wrestles for pity, they wrestle to win. They don't need to hear from the guy that beat them that they tried hard. He also brushed past Americana Jr on his way out. Talk about Canadian kindness. - 33</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>Final Notes:</em></strong> What a tricky show. It turns out that my desire to try and shake things up and also focus more on the story cost me. I placed our hard hitting match first up for the night, tried to get the crowd relaxed in the mid card, and that would allow Americana Jr and I to headline with a technical match. All of that went well and Americana Jr and I were really proud of what we were able to accomplish. The show as a whole faltered though because we stepped away from what we promised the fans, a wrestling centric show. We'll try to remember that next time. We're trying to figure out what we'll do with regards to the roster size. We're obvious in debt, and I'm wondering if it would be right to continue adding more guys to the payroll. I don't want to be one of those promoters who suddenly tells everyone to find new job one Wednesday morning. </p><p> </p><p>

--</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Finances:</strong> -$4666 (-$5165 performance in Janaury)</p><p>

<strong>Size:</strong> Insignificant (35th in the world)</p>

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<p><strong>Art of Wrestling presents</strong></p><p>

<em>3vil That M3n Do The Third 2020</em></p><p>

Location: Ottawa, Ontario</p><p>

Attendance: 71</p><p>

Show Grade: 39</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kidd Kat (Kate Avatar & Taylor Kidd) defeated Mad America (Americana Jr & Mad Mike)</strong> in a rather technical tag team match that went fifteen minutes long, this time around with Kate Avatar getting some sweet revenge against Americana Jr and planting him down with the Hell Cat DDT. Word is Kidd arranged this match because he felt he had bullied Kate Avatar and he didn't want to leave a bad image. - 43</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mad Kidds (Mad Mike & Taylor Kidd) defeated Hell in Americana (Americana Jr & Kate Avatar)</strong> in another tag team match. Taylor Kidd communicated with Mad Mike after last match that he'd like to team with him again considering their success last time. Every party agreed with Kate Avatar eager to prove she was better than Kidd. Ultimately, Mad Mike struck Americana Jr with the Mad Mauler again when Kate Avatar had gotten carried away with trying to fend off Kidd after a pinbreak attempt. This was another sprint at just six minutes but they never relented and really upped the pace from last match. - 43</p><p> </p><p>

Americana Jr confessed that he doesn't know what's wrong with AOW's talent. He's tired of this and he's wrestled twice already. He's calling it a day. Kate Avatar & Mad Mike decide that Taylor Kidd should prove he's the absolute best by beating both of them at once! - 35</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Taylor Kidd defeated Original Lions (Kate Avatar and Mad Mike)</strong> in a short eight minute handicap that say Kidd take advantage of his arguing opponents and score a 450 Splash on Mad Mike while Kate Avatar had fallen at ringside. - 42</p><p> </p><p>

Kate Avatar and Mad Mike were quick to blame each other for losing a handicap match but Taylor Kidd cockily belittled them for underestimating the difference between ten years of experience and a rookie. - 33</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>Final Thoughts:</em></strong> A solid show on our part. We made Taylor Kidd continue to look good while also clearly taking advantage of the misfortune of others as opposed to truly earning his successes. We were originally gonna bring in another guy at this point but we did the math, and while we're no booking expert, we feel like we can probably stretch out our current roster for another two weeks. We've gotta try and keep our payroll as low as we can for as long as we can help it. On another note, I keep forgetting to mention it, but I'm partially responsible for our angles not being as good as they could be. I honestly can't handle being on the mic for five minutes like that so I make everyone else look bad. It is what it is. You can only hope you improve with enough effort. </p><p> </p><p>

--</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Finances: </strong>-$5072 (-$5165 performance in Janaury)</p><p>

<strong>Size:</strong> Insignificant (34th in the world)</p><p> </p><p>

We've surpassed Championship Wrestling from Wigan. To be honest, they've only ran one show this year and it was clearly better than anything we've run so far. While they're as tiny as us (well, slightly bigger), we've gotta aspire to be as good as them.</p>

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I'm amused by Americana just going 'You guys are completely nuts! I'm outta here!' because of their apparent love for wrestling each other CONSTANTLY.


Maybe after not being a part of that main event, he caught the AOW bug?




Art of Wrestling presents

The Invasion of Canada Friendly Edit 2020

Location: Toronto, Ontario

Attendance: 73

Show Grade: 41


Americana Jr surprised fans by opening the show with his hands on the microphone. He said that he regretted his outburst last show, and he's really proud to be part of a hard working roster like Art of Wrestling. He thinks he's improved since he's arrived and he wants to see how much he's improved which is why he wants to challenge the AOW roster members to a gauntlet, a friendly and respectful one. - 38


Americana Jr defeated Mad Mike in fifteen minutes to open the show. It was a pretty good match but not quite as successful as their last two encounters. It's worth noting, we're unlikely to see these two guys in the ring again for quite a bit. Americana Jr ended with his second victory in their series when he countered the Mad Mauler with an American Crush. - 45


Kate Avatar defeated Americana Jr to get the best of the series in a quick six minutes. Americana Jr may have bitten off more than he could choose with another gauntlet and Kate really pounced this time, catching Americana Jr on his American Crush attempt, pushing him off, kicking him in the gut, and nailing the Hell Cat DDT. - 44


Taylor Kidd defeated Americana Jr to end the night and complete the trifecta of wins over the Americana student. The match was a fast paced one of just under eight minutes and Kidd's stamina almost bit him in the back. Still, he outsmarted Americana Jr and managed to get off the 450 Splash that cannot fair for the win. - 44


After the match, Kidd says Americana Jr has improved but he's got a long way to go before he's on Taylor Kidd's level. He says that if everyone wants to get better in AOW, they have to elevate each other, they have to practice, practice is repetition. The more they face each other, the better they'll get. He says over the next four shows they're going to beat the shit out of each other all over Ontario if he can help. They'll do it over and over again till they can read each other like books! - 36


Final Notes: A solid show here. I feel like with the financial situation and for some reason my stagnant booking, there's a noose wrapping around my neck and I'm about to lose everything I've worked very hard for. In any case, you guys have no idea how serious Taylor Kidd is.




Finances: -$5441 (-$5165 performance in Janaury)

Size: Insignificant (34th in the world)

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Art of Wrestling presents

Triple Threat Night 2020

Location: Brampton, Ontario

Attendance: 73

Show Grade: 42


Kate Avatar defeated Americana Jr, and Mad Mike in a fifteen minute technical triple threat match that saw AOW's three young lions fight for supremacy. It was Mad Mike that fell to Kate's Hell Cat DDT after sending Americana Jr flying out of the ring with his reckless Mad Mauler. - 44


Taylor Kidd got on the microphone after the match to promise that AOW's premier athletes would work their asses absolutely off. They wanted to make each other the best they could possibly. They weren't going to take it easy on each other no matter what. - 31


Kate Avatar defeated Mad Mike, and Taylor Kidd in the second triple threat match of the night. It was a trip down memory lane for Mike who worked hard during the 6 minute sprint to redeem himself after the last loss, especially targeting Kate Avatar. Even so, it was a flashback to the night's opener, and Avatar managed to catch Mike with another Hell Cat DDT after he managed to send Kidd tumbling down to the outside on a 450 Splash attempt. - 42


Mad Mike defeated Americana Jr, and Taylor Kidd in the main event triple threat, stealing the show with a fine showing. It was a long night for Mad Mike but after losing twice in a row, he was absolutely determined to win this one, and his opponents recognized that and worked equally hard. Just past the 8 minute mark, Mad Mike murdered Americana Jr with the Mad Mauler to grab the pin and finally seal the deal. It was the best match in AOW history to date. - 48


Mad Mike got on the microphone and although he fumbled his words quite a bit, he promised to keep working hard till he could come out of a night like this with three wins. He said he's determined to get some pins back on Kate Avatar at some point. He doesn't want to be the weakest young lion. - 25


Final Notes: My dream is one day we'll be headlining the Toronto Monster Dome thinking back about that time where we were wrestling each other in triple threats all night just to get better. All of this will pay off one day. If you're wondering about Kate's success tonight. We just feel like she's got the worst momentum of us all and we're trying to get it back to a reasonable spot. She is a young lion so we're not particularly sweating it. As long as Taylor Kidd is looking good, I think we're all happy.




Finances: -$5666 (-$5165 performance in Janaury)

Size: Insignificant (34th in the world)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blake Trask" data-cite="Blake Trask" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49617" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>ngl I actually do enjoy how you've put a level of thought into the <em>why</em> of them working each other over and over and having that feed into the angles.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Having to put it down in writing is helping me having to find justifications for the sort of things RTG players do for meta reasons which is somewhat fun. I'm hoping having to write all of this down makes the wrestlers feel more tangible to me as I go on instead of names & grades. </p><p> </p><p> --</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Art of Wrestling presents</strong></p><p> <em>Triple Threat Night Again 2020</em></p><p> Location: Ottawa, Ontario</p><p> Attendance: 76</p><p> Show Grade: 44</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Kate Avatar defeated Americana Jr, and Mad Mike</strong> in a triple threat match to open up another triple threat centric night in Ontario, this time in our nation's capital. This match once again had all three wrestlers flexing their technical acumen. While it's become common for something to give around the fifteen minute mark, Mad Mike made key kick outs at the 15th and 17th minute mark that stretched the match out to twenty minutes. It was Kate Avatar that ultimately scored the victory again, nailing Americana Jr with the Hell Cat DDT when the masked patriot was dejected after his American Crush failed to put away Mike. - 41</p><p> </p><p> Kate Avatar grabbed a microphone, elated to have won that lengthy triple threat match. She's admitted she's felt like her cardio hasn't been as great as the other young lions so she was proud to prove she can hang. She thinks Americana Jr & Mad Mike both have the edge technically but she wants to prove she's just as good a technical maestro as them and this match was a point towards that direction. - 39</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Kate Avatar defeated Americana Jr, and Taylor Kidd</strong> in a triple threat that barely passed five minutes. Kidd failed to take advantage of his tired foes. While he tried to be methodical about his stamina advantage, a false step which had him sidelined long enough for Avatar to give Americana Jr another Hell Cat DDT gave Avatar her second straight pinfall victory over the masked patriot. - 45</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Americana Jr defeated Mad Mike, and Taylor Kidd</strong> in the night's main event triple threat match. Americana Jr must have taken notes from Mad Mike's own tale of redemption at the last show. It was another case of all three losers of the night throwing everything they had at each other for seven and a half minutes before a flurry of finishers on one another left Americana Jr the last man moving. Hoping on the nearest body, Mad Mike, he scored a pinfall win. - 48</p><p> </p><p> Taylor Kidd congratulated Americana Jr after the match. He remarked that this was what AOW was all about. Mad Mike lost twice last show and he made sure to redeem himself by the end of the night. Americana Jr lost twice this show. He made sure to redeem himself by the end of the night. Americana Jr agreed, he wondered when Taylor Kidd would be able to get his own redemption though. Kidd had no words to reply to that. - 40</p><p> </p><p> <strong><em>Final Notes:</em></strong> I was happy to see Americana Jr, Kidd, and I pull out another good main event. The way we see it, the guys over at USPW, SWF, TCW, the guys over in Japan from BHOTWG all the way down to SAISHO, they're running house shows, and they're running touring shows. They're facing the sames guys, same match ups on a near daily basis. They don't complain, they do their jobs and they get better and better because of it. That's what we're doing. I also feel like we're all getting a bit comfortable on the microphone. Of course, I've still got ways to go before I catch up to the rest of the roster.</p><p> </p><p> --</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Finances:</strong> -$5947 (-$5165 performance in January)</p><p> <strong>Size:</strong> Insignificant (33rd in the world)</p><p> </p><p> We've surpassed FCW on the company rankings. Again, it's a bit misleading. FCW, like Zen, happen to be wrestling in a territory that simply isn't as appreciated in the wrestling industry. Much like in the case of Zen & New Zealand, I would love to be able to bring AOW to Puerto Rico one day.</p>
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<p><strong>Art of Wrestling presents</strong></p><p>

<em>Can't Get Enough of that Triple Thre 2020</em></p><p>

Location: Hamilton, Ontario</p><p>

Attendance: 77</p><p>

Show Grade: 40</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kate Avatar defeated Americana Jr, and Mad Mike</strong> in the trademark young lion triple threat opener that has become common for Art of Wrestling. This technical match went seventeen minutes this time. Once again, Mike made a clutch kick out at the fifteen minute mark. Kate Avatar switched her focus on Americana Jr at that point and two minutes later, she nailed Americana Jr with a familiar fate: the Hell Cat DDT. - 46</p><p> </p><p>

Americana Jr grabbed a microphone after the match and apologized for his performance. He claimed that since he lost, he shouldn't be in the next triple threat match. He expects to take the spot of whoever doesn't hold their end of the bargain in the next triple threat. - 37</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kate Avatar defeated Mad Mike, and Taylor Kidd</strong> in the second triple threat of the night with Kidd taking the spot of Americana Jr in the match. Kate's been on a roll in these triple threats and she does it again, nailing Mike with the Hell Cat DDT just five and a half minutes into the match. It's worth noting that despite Americana Jr's self-motivating ruleset, the three wrestlers seemed to hold back a bit this match. - 39</p><p> </p><p>

Americana Jr was back for the main event. He warned Kate that she slacked last match and that he would have his eyes on her. Kate said she was more than ready for the masked american. Kidd politely reminded the two young lions that he was also in the match. - 38</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Americana Jr defeated Kate Avatar, and Taylor Kidd</strong> in the main event triple threat match. Americana Jr was back in the match with Mike kicked out thanks to the King of the Court style ruleset instilled by Americana Jr. Americana Jr was clearly on point in this one and maybe Kate & Kidd realized he would be, after all he showed up to play in the previous show's main event too. Americana Jr got sweet vengeance against Kate in another five in a half minute match that was a lot more intense than the last one. - 43</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><em>Final Notes:</em></strong> I'm finally going to be contacting some of those guys from ACPW. I've been talking to a few of them over twitter, and I think we'll probably see another addition to this roster by this time next week. I tried to shake things up a bit this show. Kate, Taylor, and I tried to slow things down in that midcard spot just to make sure Kate & Taylor had the gas in the tank necessary to really pull it off in that main event. It wasnt a bad main event all in all, but clearly a bit of a step down from our previous efforts.</p><p> </p><p>

--</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Finances:</strong> -$6442 (-$5165 performance in January)</p><p>

<strong>Size:</strong> Insignificant (32nd in the world)</p><p> </p><p>

We've once more climbed up the company rankings. Our victim this time was the tiny company from over in New South Wales. They're all about trying to be the opposite of RAW, the headlining company over in Australia. I can't say we're quite as big as they are. They still put on solid shows but I think it's only a matter of time before we start outperforming them. We're still struggling quite a bit financially but no one, including Masked Mauler VI is any wise. I hear a streaming service covering Canada & the US for wrestling is opening up in March, we're hoping to impress them enough to get on it. Though unsurprisingly, I don't think a four wrestler roster will be enough to get us on there as soon as they open.</p>

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I'd like to introduce you all to the newest addition to the Art of Wrestling roster, "Mister Marvelous" Marty Tuxford. Young Marty is a rookie like Kate, and I, having graduated from the House of Stone. Unlucky guy was deemed unworthy of joining the CWA so he wrestled some indy shows before settling down at ACPW. Of the list of guys I had willing to come down on a deal similar to Americana Jr's, Marty was the only one already based in Ontario so we decided to go ahead and give him the deal. I'm sure he'll be happy to get some steady pay with a short travel. Marty is a high flyer so I suspect he'll do well with Americana Jr & Taylor Kidd but he'll probably have to adjust his style against Kate, and I.


He works a Geeky Underdog gimmick but we're gonna tweak it a bit. This is a guy who couldnt cut it despite coming out of the House of Stone. He's a hardworking underdog with a chip on his shoulder, determined to prove they made the wrong decision. While he was in attendance for this show, he's just there to get a lay of the land and won't appear in any capacity.




Art of Wrestling presents

Triple Threat with a Side of F4W WOO 2020

Location: Mississauga, Ontario

Attendance: 81

Show Grade: 39


Mad Mike defeated Americana Jr, and Taylor Kidd in a rapid fire 8 minute triple threat that clearly saw the three wrestlers undeterred by having worked triple threat matches for the last three shows. Mike pinned Americana Jr at the 8:08 mark after a Mad Mauling. It was a particularly impressive showing for Taylor Kidd who might have a slight fire lit under him after being overlooked in the main event from last show. Still, it wasn't enough for him to come out with a win. To date, he remains the only wrestler not to have won a triple threat match in AOW history. - 49


Taylor Kidd defeated Kate Avatar, and Mad Mike in the second triple threat match of the night. This was the shortest match in AOW history at just 4 minutes and 49 seconds. Kidd finally got his first win in a triple threat match after he landed the 450 Splash on Mad Mike while Kate Avatar just barely missed breaking the count. The short length and the wrestlers clearly taking it a bit easier made it arguably the weakest triple threat match yet, though. - 30


After the match, Taylor Kidd grabbed a microphone and said he was incredibly proud of the young lions top to bottom. They've pushed themselves to their limits, and showed southern Ontario just how talented and hard working they truly are. Of course, he also hopes they recognize that they shouldn't let it get to their heads. After all, he's the only one who was able to get at least one pin, and was never pinned himself, clearly showing that experience is a hell of a thing. He proposes they end the night with a side of Fatal Four Way. Despite arguments from all three young lions that Kidd's conclusions were wrong, Royce Greig was quite ready to get the main event started. - 36


Kate Avatar defeated Americana Jr, Mad Mike, and Taylor Kidd in a fatal four way main event to end the night. The fifteen minute match was a slower paced technical affair. Kate was able to get the best of Mad Mike in this headlining affair, nailing him with that patented Hell Cat DDT. The night might have started well for the Ontarian bruiser, but it surely went downhill for Mad Mike after that first victory. - 43


Kate Avatar celebrated her success in winning the main event. She said that she's worked extremely hard these past few shows and racked up a lot of wins in those triple threats. She feels like she proved she'd learned a lot from Americana, Mike, and Taylor by pulling out the win in that main event. She heard someone else had been signed to AOW, and she was looking forward to learning from them, and beating them too. - 37


Final Notes: Well, the shows will get shaken up again with the arrival of Marvelous Marty. For now, Kidd finally got his triple threat win and Kate ended these series of shows by getting the last laugh. We've kept her strong I believe with a lot of wins in these triple threats, and it only made sense to me that she should come out being the star of it. We haven't really fixed her momentum issues but if Marty ends up being the newest roster punching bag, that might help get Kate out of that momentum quicksand. It has to be said, Kidd really brought it this show and that's why we got a really stellar opener in the end. I'm starting to wonder if he might have surpassed me, if I'm being honest.




Finances: -$6501 (-$5165 performance in January)

Size: Insignificant (31st in the world)


We've continued climbing on the company ladder. We've supplanted Mark Carnie's government robbing project over in Scotland. I dont really respect SNP but they're still a bigger company than us and we can only presume it's because they're based in Scotland that they've been pushed down. Don't get me wrong, we'll be better than them before long. SNP still has a lot of good talent, those Ivanoff brothers are no joke and you know we'd be grateful to have those guys here.

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Art of Wrestling presents

Hostility 2020

Location: Mississauga, Ontario

Attendance: 83

Show Grade: 39


Kate Avatar, Mad Mike, and Taylor Kidd defeated Marty Tuxford in a three on one handicap match to open up Hostility in Mississauga, immediately delivering on the name. Tuxford tried to work hard here, but he wasn't a match for three on-game wrestlers and he felt his first taste of the Mad Mauling. Of note, Kidd wanted to tag in to deal the finishing blow but Mike decided to take care of Marty on his own. - 42


Taylor Kidd called out Americana Jr after the match, claiming he heard Americana Jr opted out of a 4 v 1 handicap match. He says that maybe Kidd made things too one-sided so he's agreeing to team with Marty Tuxford against the three young lions. Americana Jr reluctantly accepts in lieu of disrespecting the veteran. - 41


Americana Jr, Kate Avatar, and Mad Mike defeated Young Avengers (Marty Tuxford & Taylor Kidd) in a three on two handicap match. Taylor Kidd clearly had very little intention on helping Marty so he inadvertently forced Americana Jr in the unfair handicap match he was desperate to avoid. Ultimately, Kate nailed Marty with the Hell Cat DDT after 6 1/2 minutes to give Tuxford his second straight defeat. Not a great start for the House of Stone graduate. - 39


Americana Jr was quite tired of the hazing happening to Marty Tuxford, he did not believe this was a good way to get Tuxford acclimated to the company. He would team up with Marty Tuxford against the three original Art of Wrestling competitors happily. - 35


Kate Avatar, Mad Mike, and Taylor Kidd defeated Marvel at Americana (Americana Jr & Marty Tuxford) in a three on two handicap match headlining Hostility. Americana Jr was very eager to give Marty a fighting chance at getting his first win in AOW but none of their opponents were willing to allow the upset victory. By the end, Marty even refused to tag Americana Jr, perhaps realizing that he needed to prove himself here. Kate Avatar ultimately pinned an exhausted Marty after the Hell Cat DDT to put an end to his nightmare. - 43


Final Notes: We were well aware we were going to be overusing Marty Tuxford tonight but we were willing to accept that. Marty did alright enough but obviously he doesn't have the comfort level we all have in wrestling each other so frequently and in so many varied combinations. We've got plans for the next four shows, and don't intend on making any fresh signing until at least then unless the finances get us in a spot where we can afford it.




Finances: -$6585 (-$5165 performance in January)

Size: Insignificant (29th in the world)


We've surpassed two more European promotions after this event. Ultimate European Wrestling, an outfit out of Spain is a company I very much admire. Konrad Makinen is the star of a promotion that really knows what it means to be a wrestler. Lots of talent there top to bottom. Victory Wrestling Association out of Switzerland are the other company, they're a solid and stable company. Not my favorite sort of show but we could definitely learn a thing or two from them. As always, I don't appreciate the disrespect to these companies. If AOW can hit Spain or Switzerland, or even Scotland where SNP host their shows, I think we'd all be ecstatic to wrestle in front of that crowd.

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Art of Wrestling presents

Law and Order 2020

Location: Brampton, Ontario

Attendance: 96

Show Grade: 40


Taylor Kidd defeated Marty Tuxford to open Law and Order and give Marty his first singles match in Art of Wrestling. It was a short eight minute match with Tuxford working hard to match-up to the veteran but ultimately falling pretty to Kidd's signature 450 Splash just short of eight minutes. - 39


Original Lions (Kate Avatar and Mad Mike) defeated Americana Jr in a handicap match in the second match of the night. Americana Jr had requested this match, feeling like the handicap challenge could actually be a worthwhile one and if Marty could handle it then Americana Jr was confident he should do it as well. Of course, Kate & Mike are tough opponents on their own and they refused to let Americana Jr steal a win. Kate nailed her Hell Cat DDT in the 15th minute of a technical match that showed how tough Americana Jr truly was. - 47


After the match, Marty Tuxford grabbed a microphone and decided to challenge Americana Jr to a singles match. He respected Americana Jr for helping him out but he doesn't want to be pitied and he felt slighted by Americana Jr trying to outshine Tuxford's handicap match effort. Americana Jr respectfully accepted the match since they had both wrestled twice already. - 28


Marty Tuxford defeated Americana Jr in the singles main event for Law and Order 2020. Marty shocked the near 100 fans in attendance when he pulverized Americana Jr's skull into the head with the curb stomp maneuver he likes to call the World's Biggest Stomp. It was an eight minute fast paced match and despite Marty's inexperience in AOW, he arguably clicked with Americana Jr more than any other pairing has done in AOW to date. Even so, you could tell he was getting gassed by the end of this one. - 45


Marty Tuxford tried to shake Americana Jr's hand after the match but Americana Jr admitted that he now understood why Mad Mike and Kate Avatar got bothered by his desire to shake their hands after beating them. He wants to prove he can beat Tuxford and he will make sure it happens. - 25


Final Notes: Marty Tuxford got a big main event win here. He's still got some work to do and he's easily as bad as I am on the microphone but he'll fit right in. I would love to see what Tuxford & Americana Jr can do together when they're both on game. We had a big burst in attendance this show which was real motivating for everyone on the roster.




Finances: -$6513 (-$5165 performance in January)

Size: Insignificant (29th in the world)


This is the first time we're in less debt than we were after the last show. Progress at last. We've got another show to end February, so we'll see how we're looking financially after that.

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Art of Wrestling presents

Respect and Tradition 2020

Location: Hamilton, Ontario

Attendance: 100

Show Grade: 40


Mad Mike opened up Respect and Tradition 2020 by getting on the microphone to claim that he was impressed by both Americana Jr and Marty Tuxford's toughness over the last two shows. They stepped in handicap matches and are better for it. He wants to do the handicap match challenge as well. - 21


Hell in Americana (Americana Jr & Kate Avatar) defeated Mad Mike in a two on one handicap match that fell just short of 15 minutes. It was a technical based match and while Mike did his best, like Americana Jr, he succumbed to Kate Avatar's dangerous Hell Cat DDT and failed to do what the other two young lions couldn't. - 47


Original Lions (Kate Avatar & Mad Mike) defeated Marvel at Americana (Americana Jr & Marty Tuxford) in an eight minute tag team match where Kate Avatar managed to make Americana Jr regret he was teaming with the wrong lion this time around. Once again, Kate Avatar won the match for her side with her Hell Cat DDT, this time drilling Americana Jr, mask and all, in to the mat. - 40


Kate Avatar says that Marty Tuxford came out far too fast for her to make her challenge so she'll make it now. Next show she wants to do the handicap match challenge just like all the other young lions have done so far, and she wouldn't take no for an answer. - 40


Marty Tuxford defeated Mad Mike and Taylor Kidd in a triple threat main event match that showed Marty was clearly going to be able to hang with the AOW roster. Mad Mike once again fell to that dangerous World's Biggest Stomp finisher and there was no coming back from that. Unfortunately for the veteran Kidd, he was too late to try and break the count. - 43


Final Notes: I don't think we're too far off from making the next step as a wrestling company. After this upcoming show, we'll be looking to steadily increase the size of the roster. I think Marty Tuxford is probably the last worker to get a slow and steady introduction like this. Of course, referee Royce warned me that with WrestleWorld opening up, a lot of the boys up in ACPW might not want to sign for as cheaply as they used to. We'll have to re-evaluate our potential signings. He's also warned me that both him, Marty, & Americana won't hesitate to ask for a raise if they feel like they deserve it. This is fair, though I can't promise to keep them on if I find that there are cheaper workers available. I love everyone on the roster but we're also in quite a bit of debt and we're not going to give everything up out of a false sense of loyalty.




Finances: -$6707 (-$2542 performance in February)

Size: Insignificant (29th in the world)


We've stepped our game up in February and lost half as much money. I think we're headed in the right direction. We're still pretty far from getting on WrestleWorld which just opened up, but I don't see why we can't be up there in the next couple of months.




Out of Character Notes: Patch 1.02 is out and it has a few relevant things for this diary. Firstly, broadcasters are going to be ridiculously more expensive to open. Secondly, IPPV is going to be less profitable. No immediate effect on us, outside of delaying how long it'll take us to open a broadcaster. If the profitability remains the same then the patch wont really change our strategy much.

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