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1985: The Wrestling Revolution Will Definitely be Televised

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1985: The Wrestling Revolution Will Definitely be Televised

By Smartman & Levinux



In late 1984, Vince McMahon had an idea. And why wouldn't he? He purchased the WWF from his Father, and has set to take the company national. To counter AWA's successful Super Sunday, NWA's Starrcade and WCCW's Star Wars, the WWF created it's own flagship show; WreslteMania. While names haven't been confirmed, various movie stars and musicians are expected to be on the show.


But this isn't a story about the WWF and WrestleMania. No. This is a story about the underdog. Or, underdogs. You see, talk of McMahon's WWF WrestleMania is sending shockwaves across the wrestling world, and hitting every territorial promoter in the United States square on the chin.



December 20, 1984

Kansas City, MO


NWA President Bob Geigel has announced more information of WWF's WrestleMania plans, and that there is chatter from multiple territories of talent wanting to jump ship. In addition to the threat to the NWA, Geigel also announced the passing of legend Eddie Graham to a room of panicked faces. Geigel does his best to bring the conversation back around to the main point of the conversation, and comes out of left field with a retirement announcement, and that he will be stepping down as NWA President. If Graham's death didn't cause chaos, this did. Two men who have kept the NWA competitive are no longer in the mix.


Before Geigel can get into details of a vote on a new President, Jerry Jarrett couldn't take more and opted to leave the meeting. Many other promoters followed suit as the crisis began to sweep over everyone and their future plans. With the meeting unofficially over, Geigel sighs and exits the room, leaving Fritz Von Erich and Jim Crockett, Jr. in a heated discussion on the other end of the conference room.



December 21, 1984

Memphis, TN


The flight home from the emergency NWA Board of Directors meeting gave Jerry Jarrett a little time to think. He was always a visionary in pro wrestling, and the longer he looked at the landscape, the worse things looked. The small fish were going to be gobbled up and his playing both sides with the AWA and NWA along with Ric Flair blacklisting the territory from any title defenses left him feeling like an unpopular kid at school with kids picking teams, last to be picked. Yeah, he could probably keep going for a decade since Lawler wasn't going anywhere, but there would be fewer and fewer stars they could bring in. The talent was already getting offers from New York, including the top heel, Jimmy Hart, whose First Family had been the focus of nearly every feud for 8 years. Everyone knew he had a list that included Randy Savage to give to Vince. The last thing they needed was a 2nd Hogan. No, he needed to work the phones and fast.


The first call went to Bill Watts, who wasn't at the meeting. After spending 20 minutes filling him in on everything that went down, there was another 5 minutes spent calming Watts down. He'd already been hit hard by Vince, and it was clear a lot of his roster would be poached soon. They'd always gotten along since they were neighbors in the territories, and Superstar Bill Dundee had revitalized Mid South so Watts owed Jarrett for that recommendation. Pooling their talent was pretty easy. Merging the 2 feds was agreed upon a few hours later, but they both realized that Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Kentucky, and a tiny piece of S. Indiana was still too small to compete. They needed a 3rd promotion badly, and one with some really big TV markets. That left out the Fullers of Southeastern or Continental as they were trying to call themselves. Plus, Ron Fuller had been talking with Crockett after the meeting so it probably was already gone. Working with Fritz meant working under Fritz and watching him book his remaining kids over everyone and taking every world title shot Crockett would deign to give out. No, as much as there was money in Texas and huge TV markets, they both agreed that wasn't an option. It meant leaving the NWA for good which made Jerry sad, but when the earthquake hits, you've got to find somewhere safe to survive.


Bill took a puddle-jumper up to Memphis so they could chat and strategize their pitch to both Gagnes. It was luck that this happened to be when Greg and Verne were working out booking plans so Greg was there. Everyone knew Verne could be old-fashioned at times and lack foresight at the worst times. Greg had been working on getting the company younger, finally pulling the belt off of Bockwinkel and putting it on Rick Martel. He wasn't a Hogan or even a Lawler, but it was better than relying on a man who celebrated his 50th birthday recently. Bringing in 3 of the bigger WWF rejects in Sgt. Slaughter, The Masked Superstar, and Howdy Doody errr...Bob Backlund gave them some star power. It wasn't going to be enough though, and they had to see it, admit it, and do the deal.


They needed to fly to Minneapolis immediately.



December 21, 1984

Charlotte, NC


It's an early morning for Jim Crocket, Jr. He got back into town late from Kansas City but a full nights sleep was the last thing on his mind. On his answering machine in the living room, a red "1" flashed.


Hiro Matsuda: "Jim, it's Hiro. Fritz gave us a call late last night. We've been in a scramble down here. Duke and I will be in the office in the early afternoon. Come on down, we have to talk."


Crockett deletes the message, grabs his bag and heads out the door. He needs a flight to Tampa as soon as possible.


Arriving in Tampa, Crockett is greeted by Matsuda and Duke Keomuka. With the passing of Eddie Graham, both men have taken over Championship Wrestling from Florida. At the office of CWF, Crockett, Matsuda and Keomuka are met by Dusty Rhodes, a staple in the Florida wrestling scene, and CWF's top star.


Crockett, expecting to be grilled with questions of NWA stability and panic, was caught off guard with a different conversation. Matsuda and Keomuka want out. When they went into partnership with Graham, not only did they not expect to have to take over full responsibility of CWF, but in the current state of the NWA, neither man thought it was worth it. In discussing the matter internally, Matsuda and Keomuka brought in their top star, Rhodes, to consult on the situation. Rhodes proposed the idea of a merger between JCP and CWF. Rhodes' logic? Unification would not only provide more strength during this time of change for the NWA, but also give Crockett more power in the fight against Vince and the WWF.


An interesting idea, Crockett thought. Rhodes' pitched the idea with a result that would appeal greatly to Crockett; money. Sure, while absorbing expenses of another company would be expected, after the transition is made, it absolutely could result in more money coming in. More stars, more tickets, Crockett thought. It was then an idea hit Crockett.


Crockett: "Have you talked with Fuller, yet?"



December 22, 1984

Minneapolis, MN

Jerry broke down just what had happened at the NWA meeting, and what he'd figured would happen had happened just that quickly. Crockett swallowed up both Florida and Fuller's SECW/CCW rebranding as NWA Southeast with Dusty Rhodes as the booker and the TBS Saturday Night 6:05 TV spot and Gordon Solie announcing it. Fritz got left the scraps of Central States Wrestling as Geigel was officially too old for this and dumped his fed for a decent retirement package. "I've got Texas, Kansas City, and St. Louis and my boys. What else could I possibly need?" was the quote he gave the Dallas media. He left out his Syndicated TV deal, probably because the best he could do is a Late Night deal as Flair and Dusty trumped everyone on his roster, even Harley Race.


JJ: "We need each other. We know you've got an ESPN deal in the works. You need a megastar, and we each have one with one we both agree can develop into Hogan and Flair levels." They put in the recent promos and matches both Ted DiBiase and Randy Savage have had and projected it against the wall (Verne having a VCR in 1985, ha!).


After about 45 minutes, both said that was enough.


Greg: "Yes, ESPN had reached out to us because they were looking to grow and saw what wrestling had done for TBS and USA Network. Championship Sports is going to air every Friday night in the Evening timeslot. What are the financials you're both wanting, and how will all this work out?"


They agreed to let Jerry Jarrett be the head booker with all 4 of them on the booking committee along with Jimmy Hart to keep him here. Both Jarrett and Watts would get a cut of the profits until they were paid their agreed upon sale prices. Verne and Watts would be the lead Road Agents. Joel Watts would be in charge of merchandise with some increased costs and levels. The only hiccup was that the contract with WMC-5 in Memphis went for 2 more years with no opt-out clause as did their contract with the Mid-South Coliseum. It was decided that they'd keep their weekly Monday night show there to feed into their TV program. TV would be shot live either in Verne or Watts' territory and 3 events each would be in the South East and Mid South, though later in the year as some venues had been booked already.


Honestly, the biggest fight was over giving everyone on all 3 rosters written deals after the purging happened. That was necessary to prevent any poaching by the 3 other feds and Japan, and Crockett had already mailed out the contracts to his guys along with giving workers some certainty that they had spots in this new merged company. A few people were tickled pink with that, especially the old guys who were a little tired of being on the lower end of the pay scale. This was a fight for survival, and when you're in 3rd place with the gun just now going off, you're going to need every advantage you can get. It's not time to pinch pennies. They had a hell of a lot of work to do in a very short amount of time to get ready for Jan. 1st, 1985.



December 22, 1984

Knoxville, TN

Crockett touched down in Knoxville in the early hours of the 22nd after talking with Matsuda, Keomuka and Rhodes for much of the previous day. Crockett is here to meet with Southeast Championship Wrestling's Ron Fuller. Fuller, outspoken over the current situation, was convinced that a merger with Crockett was possible. Fuller was not happy with the coverage the NWA crisis was getting and was at one point in the last 2 days, thinking about walking away. After talking with Fuller and confirming what he was already told by Rhodes, Fuller agreed that he would be interested in a merger.


The stage was set. Crockett had CWF and SECW interested in merging. It's a no-brainer, Crockett through. Still, there was one very vocal promoter who hasn't returned any of Crockett's calls. Crockett is on his way to Dallas.


As Crockett landed in Dallas, he called back to the office. His secretary had quite the list of missed calls and situations. Mainly, that Crockett wasn't the only one trying to shift things around. Word has come down from Minneapolis that Bill Watts and Jerry Jarrett have all struck up a deal with Gagne and the AWA to merge. This is a huge acquisition that adds to Crockett's determination.


Crockett meets with Frtiz Von Erich around 8pm that evening. The meeting is heavily protected with it being rumored that Crockett didn't leave Dallas until almost 1am. Two of the hottest heads in the NWA managed to walk away without killing each other. Rumor has it, Crockett paid off Fritz to do things his way, and leave Fritz alone in Texas.


Over the last two days, we've seen territory after territory make moves no one ever expected. It was no longer in the name of competition, but self-preservation. A merger was better than bankruptcy. After the dust settles, we see territory lines blur and unlikely alliances form. The AWA absorbed Mid-South and Memphis. JCP merged with both CWF and SECW to form NWA Southeast. WCCW and CSW merged to form NWA Texas.


1985 is going to be wild.




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<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Logos/AWA.jpg>


Roster (OW=Occasional Wrestler)

Faces (Men)


Baron Von Raschke <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Baron%20Von%20Raschke.jpg>

Bill Dundee <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Bill%20Dundee%2085.jpg>

Bob Backlund <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Bob%20Backlund%2080s.jpg>

Brad Armstrong <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Brad%20Armstrong%2085.jpg>

Brad Rheingans <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Brad%20Rheingans%2080s.jpg>

Buck Zumhofe <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Buck%20Zumhofe.jpg>

Butch Reed <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Butch%20Reed%201.jpg>

Curt Hennig <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Curt%20Hennig%2085.jpg>

Greg Gagne <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Greg%20Gagne%2085.jpg>

Jerry Blackwell <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jerry%20Blackwell%201.jpg>

Jerry Lawler <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jerry%20Lawler%207.jpg>

Jim Brunzell <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jim%20Brunzell%2085.jpg>

Jim Duggan <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jim%20Duggan%2084.jpg>

Lanny Poffo <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Lanny%20Poffo%2083.jpg>

Larry Hennig (OW) <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Larry%20Hennig%2085.jpg>

Rick Martel <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Rick%20Martel%2085.jpg>

Ricky Morton <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ricky%20Morton%2085.jpg>

Robert Gibson <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Robert%20Gibson%2085.jpg>

Sgt. Slaughter <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Sgt.%20Slaughter%2084.jpg>

Stan Lane <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Stan%20Lane%20Fab%20One.jpg>

Steve Keirn <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Steve%20Keirn%20Fab%20One.jpg>

Steve O <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Steve%20O.jpg>

Terry Taylor <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Terry%20Taylor%2087.jpg>

The Crusher (OW) <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/The%20Crusher%202.jpg>

Tim Horner <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Tim%20Horner%201.jpg>

Tom Zenk <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Tom%20Zenk%2085.JPG>

Tony Anthony <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Tony%20Anthony%2085.jpg>


Heels (Men)

Adrian Street <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Adrian%20Street.jpg>

Buddy Landel <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Buddy%20Landel%201.jpg>

Buddy Rose <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Buddy%20Rose%2084.jpg>

Chris Markoff (OW) <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Chris%20Markoff%2085.jpg>

Danny Davis <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Danny%20Davis%201.jpg>

Doug Somers <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Doug%20Somers.jpg>

Eddie Gilbert <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Eddie%20Gilbert.jpg>

Hector Guerrero <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Hector%20Guerrero%203.jpg>

Iron Mike Sharpe <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Mike%20Sharpe.jpg>

Jimmy Garvin <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jimmy%20Garvin%2080s.jpg>

Kamala <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Kamala%203.jpg>

Ken Wayne <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ken%20Wayne.jpg>

Larry Zbyszko (Larry Z forevermore) <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Larry%20Zbyszko%205.jpg>

Mando Guerrero <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Mando%20Guerrero%202.jpg>

Masa Saito <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Masa%20Saito%2084.jpg>

Nick Bockwinkel <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Nick%20Bockwinkel%201.jpg>

Randy Savage <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Randy%20Savage%2085.jpg>

Rick Steiner <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Rick%20Steiner%2085.jpg>

Road Warrior Animal <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Road%20Warrior%20Animal%2085.jpg>

Road Warrior Hawk <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Road%20Warrior%20Hawk%2085.jpg>

Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissey (OW) <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Sheik%20Adnan%20Al-Kaissey.jpg>

Steve Regal (the AWA guy not William Regal) <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Steve%20Regal.jpg>

Steve “Dr. Death” Williams <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Steve%20Williams%2085.jpg>

Ted DiBiase <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ted%20DiBiase%2084.jpg>

The Masked Superstar (future Demolition Ax) <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/The%20Masked%20Superstar.jpg>


Women’s DivisionMany new hirings coming

Candi Devine <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Candi%20Devine.jpg>

Misty Blue Simmes <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Misty%20Blue%20Simmes.jpg>


Debbie Combs <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Debbie%20Combs.jpg>

Kat LeRoux <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Kat%20Leroux%2085.jpg>

Linda Dallas <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Linda%20Dallas%2085.jpg>

Sherri Martel <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Sherri%20Martel%2080s.jpg>




Friday <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Friday.jpg> Manages Kamala

Jimmy Hart <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jimmy%20Hart%2085.jpg> Manages The Nightmares, The Guerreros, The Masked Superstar, Masa Saito as The First Family

Miss Elizabeth <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Miss%20Elizabeth%2085.jpg> Manages Randy Savage* I can’t get the game to be happy unless she’s a heel too

Miss Linda <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Miss%20Linda.jpg> Manages Adrian Street

Paul Ellering <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Paul%20Ellering%2087.jpg> Manages The Road Warriors

Precious <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Precious%202.jpg> Manages Jimmy Garvin

Skandor Akbar <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Skandor%20Akbar.jpg> Manages Ted DiBiase, Dr. Death Steve Williams, Friday, with Kamala in Devastation Inc


Tag Teams

Buddy Rose & Doug Somers

Mando & Hector Guerrero

Road Warriors

Rock n Roll Express

Ted DiBiase & Steve Williams

The Fabulous Ones (Stan Lane & Steve Keirn)

The Hennigs (Larry and Curt)

The High Flyers (Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell)

The Lightning Express (Brad Armstrong & Tim Horner)

The Nightmares (Danny Davis & Ken Wayne)

The Nasty Girls (Kat LeRoux & Linda Dallas)


Announce Team

Lance Russell and Jim Ross (Announcers) Dave Brown (Color)

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Lance%20Russell.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jim%20Ross%201.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Dave%20Brown.jpg>



Jerry Calhoun Head Ref

Jim Mitchell

Alfred Neely

Jerry Usher


Road Agents

Verne Gagne Head Agent

Jerry Jarrett

Bill Watts



AWA World Heavyweight

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Belts/awaworld.jpg>

Rick Martel

Won on May 13th, 1984

Defeated Jumbo Tsuruta


AWA Southern Heavyweight (from CWA)

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Belts/SouthernHeavyweight.jpg>

Jerry Lawler

Won on Nov. 12th, 1984

Defeated King Kong Bundy


AWA World Tag Team

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Belts/awatag.jpg>

Road Warriors

Won on August 25th 1984

Defeated Baron Von Raschke & The Crusher


AWA Southern Tag Team (from CWA)

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Belts/AWA%20Southern%20Tag%20Team.jpg>

Vacant (Don Bass & Roger Smith got pink-slipped because they’re awful)


AWA International Television

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Belts/awatv.jpg>

Vacant as is brand new


AWA World Light Heavyweight (Lightweight max??? May get dropped)

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Belts/awalight.jpg>

Steve Regal

Won on March 25th, 1984

Defeated Buck Zumhofe


AWA World Women’s

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Belts/AWA%20Womens.jpg>

Candi Devine

Won on Nov. 1984 as title was relaunched after nearly 9 year absence

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Try imgur for hosting the images. Whatever you're using isn't having them show up.


Good start though. Interested in where it goes.


I'm hosting the images on a web hosting service. Everything is not showing up, or something specific? I can see everything fine.

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Maybe it's just me but I can't see any of the images. Just the standard "image" box when it can't find the link.


Are you seeing any images on the forum? There's a box you need ticked in your settings on the forum to see images. Saw that when people were saying they had to be guest to see images.

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<p>Figured it would be unfair to leave the other two rosters out in the ether so here they are.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">World Wrestling Federation</span></span></p><p>

<img alt="WWF%2085%201.jpg" data-src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Logos/WWF%2085%201.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Owner: Vince McMahon</p><p>

Booker: George Scott (to prevent in-game shenanigans)</p><p> </p><p>

Adrian Adonis</p><p>

Andre the Giant</p><p>

Arnold Skaaland</p><p>

Barry Windham</p><p>

Big John Studd</p><p>

Bobby Heenan</p><p>

Bret Hart</p><p>

Bruno Sammartino</p><p>

Brutus Beefcake</p><p>

Chief Jay Strongbow</p><p>

Cowboy Bob Orton</p><p>

Cyndi Lauper</p><p>

Dave Hebner</p><p>

David Sammartino</p><p>

"Dr. D." David Schultz</p><p>

Dick Kroll</p><p>

Dick Murdoch</p><p>

Don Muraco</p><p>

Donna Christenello (in-game signing)</p><p>

Ernie Ladd</p><p>

Freddie Blassie</p><p>

"Mean" Gene Okerlund</p><p>

George "The Animal" Steele</p><p>

Gorilla Monsoon</p><p>

Greg Valentine</p><p>

Hillbilly Jim</p><p>

Hulk Hogan</p><p>

Ivan Putski</p><p>

Jerry Brisco</p><p>

Jesse "The Body" Ventura</p><p>

Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart</p><p>

Jimmy Snuka</p><p>

Joey Marella</p><p>

Judy Martin</p><p>

Junkyard Dog</p><p>

Ken Patera</p><p>

"The Birdman" Koko B. Ware</p><p>

Leilani Kai</p><p>

Lord Alfred Hayes</p><p>

"Captain" Lou Albano</p><p>

Luscious Johnny V</p><p>

Mike Rotundo</p><p>

Moondog Rex</p><p>

Moondog Spot</p><p>

Mr. Fuji</p><p>

Mr. T</p><p>

Nikolai Volkoff</p><p>

Pat Patterson</p><p>

Paul Orndorff</p><p>

Roddy Piper</p><p>

Steve Lombardi</p><p>

The Fabulous Moolah</p><p>

The Iron Sheik</p><p>

The Killer Tomato (female wrestler in-game signing)</p><p>

Tim White</p><p>

Tony Atlas</p><p>

Tony Garea</p><p>

Velvet McIntyre (in-game signing)</p><p>

Vivian Vachon (in-game signing and these 2 hurt the AWA)</p><p>

Wendi Richter</p><p>

Winona Little Heart (in-game signing)</p><p> </p><p>

AWA Thoughts: "Mostly censored.<img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> They're the clear #1 and who everyone is chasing."</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#006400;">NWA Texas</span></span></p><p>

<img alt="NWA%20Southwest.jpg" data-src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Logos/NWA%20Southwest.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> (Ignore the Southwest part. If a talented person wanted to make a better one, feel free)</p><p> </p><p>

Owner: Fritz Von Erich</p><p>

Booker: Ken Mantell</p><p> </p><p>

Andrea the Lady Giant (aka Baby Doll)</p><p>

Art Crews</p><p>

Bill Mercer</p><p>

Billy Jack Haynes</p><p>

Bobby Eaton</p><p>

Bobby Fulton</p><p>

Bobby Whitlock</p><p>

Bruiser Brody</p><p>

Buddy Roberts</p><p>

Bulldog Bob Brown</p><p>

Chris Adams</p><p>

DJ Peterson</p><p>

David Manning</p><p>

Dennis Condrey</p><p>

Dusty Wolfe</p><p>

Gary Hart</p><p>

Gary Royal</p><p>

Gino Hernandez</p><p>

Grizzly Smith (Jake Roberts' dad which is why Watts gave his blessing)</p><p>

Harley Race</p><p>

Iceman King Parsons</p><p>

Jake Roberts</p><p>

James Beard</p><p>

Jim Cornette</p><p>

Jimmy McGwire</p><p>

Johnny Mantell</p><p>

Jose Lothario</p><p>

Kelly Kiniski</p><p>

Ken Mantell</p><p>

Ken Timbs</p><p>

Kerry Von Erich</p><p>

Kevin Von Erich</p><p>

Larry Matysik</p><p>

Marc Lowrance</p><p>

Marty Jannetty</p><p>

Michael Hayes</p><p>

Mike Bond</p><p>

Mike George</p><p>

Mike Von Erich</p><p>

Mr. Pogo</p><p>

One Man Gang</p><p>

Rip Oliver</p><p>

Roger Kirby</p><p>

Rufus R Jones</p><p>

Shawn Michaels (rookie year)</p><p>

Sheik Abdullah the Great</p><p>


Terry Daniels</p><p>

Terry Garvin</p><p>

Terry Gordy</p><p>

The Missing Link</p><p>

Timothy Flowers</p><p>

Tommy Rogers</p><p> </p><p>

AWA's Thoughts: "Basically, The Freebirds, Von Erichs, Midnight Express vs Fantastics, and Harley Race vs Bruiser Brody and a lot of meh. Enjoy Texas."</p>

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<p>I just got the idea for this feel free to use them if you guys would like.</p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="9c6Jn5F.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/9c6Jn5F.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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Are you seeing any images on the forum? There's a box you need ticked in your settings on the forum to see images. Saw that when people were saying they had to be guest to see images.


I can see all thumbnails, pictures in other threads, and the NWA Texas logos that were just posted, but I can't see any of the pics that Levinux has posted.

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The booking committee was meeting in Memphis on New Year's Eve to discuss their cobbled together rosters. They'd shared a lot of wrestlers over the years but usually only with 2 of the 3 of them so there were a lot of gaps in knowledge. Jerry Jarrett had been working nearly non-stop picking both of their brains along with Lawler and Bill Dundee with Lawler also chatting up Bockwinkel. Jarrett had reached some conclusions that he was sure wasn't going to make either Gagne very happy.


The cupboard wasn't as full as he'd like for a company getting ready to make a nationwide debut on ESPN in just a few days. They had just 1 Major Star (Sarge) on the roster, and he didn't have the World Title or Tag title. The World champ, while the #1 person on his personal Next Big Thing also topped out at "Probably not going to single-handedly sell out arenas or draw millions of dollars". The top heel was 50. We were going to have to come up with plans to make stars and make them quick.


Bill Watts still wasn't exactly thrilled that none of the Mid-South titles were getting combined in this new AWA, but it did make sense that Jerry's titles were already named AWA. His simple request was that some of his guys get pushed to the top. Considering they were some of the most talented guys in the company, that wasn't too hard to guarantee.


Verne really didn't like the news about Martel. He wasn't as sold on Sarge as the world was since he'd been in their 2 biggest competitors in the last few years, which Jerry viewed as a fair point. The world title wasn't going to end up there anyway if things went the way it needed to go. Verne also wasn't thrilled when told that The High Flyers weren't going to be in the mix for either of the tag titles. Greg and Brunzell were solid wrestlers, but neither really had the star power needed. They'd get used down the line as serious challengers but not now.


Jerry shared his lists with them which were good but not great news. No future superstars, but the lists were full. (which almost never happens for me in TEW)


Next Big Things

1. Rick Martel

2. Debbie Combs

3. Eddie Gilbert

4. Dr. Death Steve Williams

5. Brad Armstrong


Hot Prospects

1. Curt Hennig

2. Debbie Combs

3. Rick Martel

4. Ricky Morton

5. Eddie Gilbert


Here were the storylines they settled on for the next few months.


World Title--Rick Martel vs The First Family, mainly The Masked Superstar, also Larry Z. Basically, we're placeholding here with the AWA stars adding Jimmy Hart to the mix to spice things up.


Southern Heavyweight Title--Jerry Lawler & Friends vs Devastation Inc. Jerry Lawler and Bill Dundee have been everything to each other in Memphis for nearly a decade. They're going to need some help from some Mid-South stars to fight off the talent of Akbar's group loaded with DiBiase, Dr. Death, and Kamala. They'll need some Hacksaws. Basically almost all the top stars from outside the AWA are here.


Crowning the future--Randy Savage needs to seize the day and become the mega star the AWA needs. The best first step??? Take down the biggest star in the company. A former drill instructor vs The Macho Madness should be electric. We're also adding Jimmy Garvin w/Precious aligned with Savage and Howdy Doody errr...Bob Backlund with Sarge. If we can't get the fans to side with the hip duo of Savage and Garvin with 2 of the most beautiful women at their sides against those 2, we're doomed.


World Tag Titles--This was meant to be the RnR Express vs Road Warriors. Everything was set up, and then, Watts informed everyone that the Express weren't doing it (and never did it in real life). So, back to the status quo of continuing their feud with The Fabulous Ones. Hopefully, we could keep it fresh and no one gets hurt or screwjobbed out of the company.


Southern Tag Titles--So, the Express' reward for not fighting the Road Warriors was to fight the newly brought in team of Buddy Rose & Doug Somers over the 2nd tag titles. Their work in Portland had been good, and the Express can make anyone look dastardly. I mean look at Cornette.:p


The Future & The Past Combine--Larry The Ax Hennig and Nick Bockwinkel are the AWA having been there with Verne since dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Unlike Larry though, Nick didn't have a son that looked to be 10x better than the father. Enter Eddie Gilbert. A brash, arrogant, good talker with excellent skills in the ring sounded to Nick like himself when everything was in black-and-white. So, we put this 4-some together to launch the TV title. Both kids have good mic skills and the look that TV viewers will love.


Women's Title--This one was kind of dependent on who we could sign. Obviously, Debbie and Sherri Martel were going to solidify the heel side, but there were a few women out there to join Candi. Had to see who we could keep away from the WWF as they were also targeting every woman they could find.

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Since we didn't mention this, this is a direct conversion of Matt Shannon's 2016 mod that both of us painstakingly went through and edited to get it to work in 2020. Best wishes to Jaysin's conversion of this mod and everyone else converting mods from 2016 to 2020. It's a lot of work, and I'm sure we've probably missed a lot. Plus, we didn't really touch anything outside of the US.


AWA Championship Wrestling

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/TV/AWA%20Championship%20Wrestling.jpg>

Friday January Week 1 1985

TV Rating: 4.12 (598,109 viewers) on ESPN 0.11 (17,056 viewers) on CKND in Canada

Attendance: 1,924 (Great Lakes)

Show Rating: 70



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<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg>


<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Randy%20Savage%2085.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Sgt.%20Slaughter%2084.jpg>

“Hello friends and welcome to AWA Championship Wrestling LIVE on ESPN. We’ve got a jam-packed 2 hours tonight. And some questions to be answered starting with this man coming here, Randy Macho Man Savage.” “Everywhere I go you and Dave seem to follow, but it’s not just you. Everyone wants a piece of the Macho Man, yeah. The #1 wrestler in the world today.” “You seem to have ruffled some feathers here in the AWA with that attitude, namely Sargent Slaughter.” “I don’t know why that square-jawed, square-clothed drill instructor isn’t with the Macho Man and his million-dollar robes. In fact, why doesn’t he come out here right now to tell me why, yeah.” Sarge walks out “You know something, Randy. I’ve dealt with a lot of people like you. Inflated egos, pretty clothes, a woman to hide behind when you’re losing, and I’m not going to let it infect the AWA. We settle things in the ring. Ooof...”


<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jimmy%20Garvin%2080s.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Bob%20Backlund%2080s.jpg>

“That’s Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin attacking Sarge!” A 2-on-1 beatdown ensues for a couple of minutes before Bob Backlund comes out and chases the heels off who bow to the fans and high five as the announcers discuss if this is an alliance. 76


<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg>


Randy Savage & Jimmy Garvin vs The Lightning Express

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Randy%20Savage%2085.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jimmy%20Garvin%2080s.jpg> vs <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Brad%20Armstrong%2085.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Tim%20Horner%201.jpg>

Both men returned to the ring, which was bad news for the youngsters as this was a squash to showcase the heels and their storyline. 55


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<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jerry%20Lawler%207.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Bill%20Dundee%2085.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jim%20Duggan%2084.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Butch%20Reed%201.jpg>

We open with some clips from the end of the AWA Southern Heavyweight Title Match from Memphis on Monday that was in a steel cage. After Lawler wins, Devastation Inc rushes down and unlocks the cage with Ted and Dr. Death entering with Kamala holding the door shut. The crowd erupts as a returning Bill Dundee rushes down but Kamala is twice his size. Enter The Hacksaws, Jim Duggan and Butch Reed to finally open the door and stop the beatdown. All 4 of them are with Lance. Jerry does most of the talking. “Akbar! When you come for the King, you better not miss! Yeah, I may look a little messed up, but I’m still standing. And that’s mostly due to these 3 men here who, come to find out, don’t like any of you punks either. So, if you guys want a fight, bring it! If you want a shot at this title, you’re going to have to earn it just like everybody else.” “It’s good to see you again, Bill. Have you two (meaning Lawler and Dundee) buried the hatchet?” “You too Lance. We’ve had our differences in the past, but we know where we stand in the end. And Akbar’s crew makes everyone’s lives worse everywhere they go as these 2 will attest. Ending them will be great.” 52


The Hacksaws vs The Nightmares

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jim%20Duggan%2084.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Butch%20Reed%201.jpg> vs <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Danny%20Davis%201.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ken%20Wayne.jpg>

This match didn’t last long. The Hacksaws controlled it as it was another squash, but Devastation Inc came out and attacked causing a DQ 47


<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ted%20DiBiase%2084.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Steve%20Williams%2085.jpg> w/<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Skandor%20Akbar.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Kamala%203.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Buddy%20Landel%201.jpg>

They start the beatdown of The Hacksaws which brings out Lawler and Dundee as the brawl reaches epic proportions. Lance throws it to break as the back empties to end it. 55


<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg>


Matilda the Hun w/Skandor Akbar vs Sue Green

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Matilda%20the%20Hun.jpg> vs <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Susan%20Green.jpg>

Two of the new hires here in the women’s division hit the ring as the fans hit the restroom. Typical monster squash as we try to build a division with a bunch of nobodies. 27


<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg>


Eddie Gilbert vs Larry Hennig

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Eddie%20Gilbert.jpg> vs <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Larry%20Hennig%2085.jpg>

The first actual match of the show was a past vs future match. The Ax kept fending off the much younger Gilbert for 10 minutes, and you could see the frustration building. Finally, as the veteran started tiring, Gilbert struck with some brass knuckles to pick up the tainted victory. 57


<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Curt%20Hennig%2085.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Nick%20Bockwinkel%201.jpg>

That result brought Larry’s son, Curt, out from the back yelling at the ref about the brass knuckles. It also gave Eddie time to hide them so the ref’s check found nothing. Nick Bockwinkel came out with a mic saying, “It’s clear that the entire Hennig family are nothing but whiners. That Gilbert kid is a hell of a wrestler, and that scares you Curt because you’re going to be a loser like your old man.” Curt rips the mic out of his hand. “It’s fitting that you’d side with a cheater since you haven’t beaten anyone clean in years, and when that didn’t work anymore, you lost your title. Mr. Has-Been. You won’t even fight me in the ring.” Nick says he’ll see him next week as he’s leaving. 71


<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg>


The Masked Superstar vs Tom Zenk

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/The%20Masked%20Superstar.jpg> w/<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jimmy%20Hart%2085.jpg> vs <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Tom%20Zenk%2085.JPG>

The squashes return as the main emphasis of this match was on Jimmy Hart and his challenge to Rick Martel for an AWA World Title shot. 59


<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg>


Rock n Roll Express© vs Adrian Street w/Miss Linda & Chris Markoff AWA Southern Tag Titles Match

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Belts/AWA%20Southern%20Tag%20Team.jpg>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ricky%20Morton%2085.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Robert%20Gibson%2085.jpg> vs <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Adrian%20Street.jpg>w/<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Miss%20Linda.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Chris%20Markoff%2085.jpg>

This was an actual match but one with the winners not in a tremendous amount of doubt. Mainly to focus on the debuting (to the AWA fans) of the Rock n Roll Express and the Southern Tag titles which they’d won Monday night against The Nightmares. That factored into the finish as the 2 men who challenged them after that win, Rose & Somers, attacked them during the big comeback causing the DQ. 64


<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg>


<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Rick%20Martel%2085.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Larry%20Zbyszko%205.jpg>

“We welcome the AWA World Champion to the interview area. Nice to meet you, Rick. Seems like you’ve got quite the target on your back with that title around your waist.” “I sure do Lance what with all the new faces around here. What’s up with that little man running around saying Superstar deserves a title shot?” “I’ve dealt with him for nearly a decade and can’t answer that, Rick. Best of luck with that. And that’s not the only problem you’ve got. Hello Larry, this is the champ’s time.” “Yeah, and that’s why I’m out here because this poser isn’t worthy of being the champion. The Living Legend is the only one worthy of that title here, and I’m not going to be put in a line to get a shot no matter how much Verne and everybody else wants to protect you, Martel. Your time as champ is up as soon as I get my shot.” “I’ve held this title since May beating all comers, and whoever gets a shot at this better know they’re in for a fight because I’m holding on to this for a long time.” 73


<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg>


Road Warriors© w/Paul Ellering vs The High Flyers AWA World Title Match

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Belts/awatag.jpg>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Road%20Warrior%20Animal%2085.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Road%20Warrior%20Hawk%2085.jpg> w/<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Paul%20Ellering%2087.jpg> vs <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Greg%20Gagne%2085.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jim%20Brunzell%2085.jpg>

The main event was a tag title match everyone in the AWA was familiar with as these 2 teams had fought each other before, and it was the familiar Road Warriors match. Strength, brute force, and brutality with the hapless faces trying to mount some offense through speed and teamwork. That made it a somewhat equal match, but eventually, the Flyers couldn’t take any more. Ellering ordered some more though as the crowd started to boo. Mercifully, after a few more powerslams, they pinned Greg for the win. 71


<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Stan%20Lane%20Fab%20One.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Steve%20Keirn%20Fab%20One.jpg>

When it appeared they were going to continue the beatdown, The Fabulous Ones appeared on the ramp yelling at them to which Hawk and Animal just smirked and turned their backs. It wasn’t until they got close to the ring that Paul yelling “Chairs!!!” that they hurriedly bailed leaving The Fabs to check on the beaten High Flyers. 60


<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/TV/AWA%20All%20Star%20Wrestling.jpg>

B-Show taped before Championship Wrestling Airing Saturdays


Verne, Jarrett, and Watts welcome everyone to the new AWA

Sherri Martel def Tracy Williams

Lance Interview with Savage w/Liz About Attack on Sarge

Terry Taylor def Iron Mike Sharpe

Debbie Combs def Madusa Miceli

Devastation Inc Promo Warning Anyone Who Helps Lawler Will Get Hurt

Ted DiBiase & Dr. Death def Lanny Poffo & Tony Anthony

Jerry Blackwell def Sheik Adnan


Monday Night @Mid-South Coliseum

Lawler Welcomes AWA Champ Martel to Memphis

Randy Savage def Buck Zumhofe

Sarge Declares Savage’s Showboating Not AWA-Like

Candi Devine def Kat LeRoux to retain Women’s Title

Candi & Combs Argue

RnR Express def The Nightmares to become NEW AWA Southern Tag Champs

Buddy Rose & Doug Somers Come Out And Insult RnR saying titles will be theirs soon

Road Warriors def The Lightning Express

Larry Z & Backlund Argue About World Title Worthiness

Rick Martel def Adrian Street to retain AWA World Title

The First Family attack and layout Martel

Nick Bockwinkel Taunts Lawler before title match

Jerry Lawler def Nick Bockwinkel in Steel Cage Match to retain AWA Southern Hvy Title

Devastation Inc Attacks Lawler; Dundee & The Hacksaws Rescue

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<div style="text-align:center; font:16px Coda;"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/TV/NWA%20WCW.jpg"></div>

<span style="text-align:center; font:28px Coda;"><b>NWA World Championship Wrestling</b></span>

Saturday, Week 1, January 1985

WTBS Studios in Atlanta, GA

1,000 in Attendance

<b>TV:</b> 3.27

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/71.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ric%20Flair%2085.jpg"> <img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/magnum%20TA%2085%202.jpg">

Welcome to World Championship Wrestling! Tonight, we hear from NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Ric Flair and tonight's main event, we'll see Magnum T.A. in action!

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/67.jpg">


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<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ivan%20Koloff%201.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Nikita%20Koloff%201.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Misc/vs.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Scott%20Hall%2085.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Dan%20Spivey%2084.jpg">

The Koloffs vs. American Starship

In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, The Koloffs defeated American Starship in 8:49 when Nikita Koloff pinned Starship Eagle with a Russian Sickle.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/67.jpg">


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Solie Interviews Koloffs, who call out Dusty and Fernandez, who come out as the teams take jabs back and forth, with The Koloffs backing off as Dusty and Fernandez try to get physical.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/65.jpg">


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<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Arn%20Anderson%2085.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Misc/vs.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Frankie%20Lancaster.jpg">

Arn Anderson vs. Frankie Lancaster

In a terrible match, Arn Anderson defeated Frankie Lancaster in 4:37 by pinfall with a DDT.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/30.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Tommy%20Rich%2085.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Misc/vs.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jimmy%20Golden%201.jpg">

Tommy Rich vs. Jimmy Golden

In a decent match, Tommy Rich defeated Jimmy Golden in 9:50 by pinfall with a Lou Thesz Press.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/62.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Gordon%20Solie.jpg"> <img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Austin%20Idol%2085.jpg">

Solie Interviews Idol, who makes claim to being an overlooked top guy in the NWA and he's about to prove it.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/66.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Austin%20Idol%2085.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Misc/vs.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Fidel%20Sierra.jpg">

Austin Idol vs. Fidel Sierra

In an extremely short match, Austin Idol defeated Fidel Sierra in 4:49 by pinfall.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/48.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ric%20Flair%2085.jpg">

NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair appears on set to an amazing reaction. Flair, in a suit and sunglasses, wants to remind everyone that he is the World Heavyweight Champion for a reason and in uncertain times, he'll continue to do what he does best; wrestle.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/87.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Dutch%20Mantell%2080s.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Misc/vs.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ricky%20Steamboat%2085.jpg">

Dutch Mantell vs. Ricky Steamboat

In a decent match, Ricky Steamboat defeated Dutch Mantel in 10:14 by pinfall with a Flying Karate Chop.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/66.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Gordon%20Solie.jpg"> <img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ricky%20Steamboat%2085.jpg">

Gordon Solie is standing by with Ricky Steamboat. Steamboat says that he feels good and he's ready to wrestle for some gold and ends his interview by laying an indirect challenge to NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Ric Flair.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/83.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ole%20Anderson%2085.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Misc/vs.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/magnum%20TA%2085%202.jpg">

Ole Anderson vs. Magnum T.A.

In a decent match, Magnum T.A. defeated Ole Anderson in 18:22 by pinfall with a Belly to Belly Suplex.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/63.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ole%20Anderson%2085.jpg"> <img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/magnum%20TA%2085%202.jpg">

As the announcers are recapping the highlighted finish of the match, Ole Anderson jumps Magnum T.A. from behind as the two brawl. Magnum ends up coming out on top, as he dispatches of Anderson, sending him retreating to the back.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/57.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Gordon%20Solie.jpg"> <img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/magnum%20TA%2085%202.jpg">

Gordon Solie is standing by the podium as Magnum T.A. approaches. Magnum addresses Ole's underhanded tactics and that he won't stand for it. As Magnum begins talking about his quest for championship gold, he is inturrupted...


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Wahoo%20McDaniel.jpg">

NWA United States Champion Wahoo McDaniel comes out and Magnum points out Wahoo as an underhanded kind of guy as the two exchange verbal jabs off the microphone. As Magnum steps forward to get physical with Wahoo, Jim Crockett, Jr. comes out and steps between both men trying to calm the situation down, as Tony Schiavone and David Crockett say so long until next week!

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/67.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


NWA On Tour

Dusty Rhodes & Manny Fernandez defeated Long Riders

Terry Funk defeated Terry Funk

Auston Idol defeated Dutch Mantell

Kevin Sullivan defeated Tommy Rich

Rick Rude defeated Thunderbolt Patterson

Magnum T.A. defeated Wahoo McDaniel

Ric Flair defeated Dory Funk, Jr. to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


NWA Pro Taping (#1248)

The Barbarian def. Sam Houston

Billy Graham def. Dick Slater

Tully Blanchard def. Brian Blair

Dusty Rhodes & Manny Fernandez defeated Long Riders


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;">AWA Championship Wrestling</span></p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/TV/AWA%20Championship%20Wrestling.jpg></p><p>

Friday January Week 2 1985</p><p>

<strong>TV Rating:</strong> 4.16 (621,041 viewers) on ESPN 0.11 (17,108 viewers) on CKND in Canada</p><p>

<strong>Attendance:</strong> 2,366 (Great Lakes)</p><p>

<strong>Show Rating:</strong> 70</p><p> </p><p>


<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Lance%20Russell.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jim%20Ross%201.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Dave%20Brown.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Eddie%20Gilbert.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Nick%20Bockwinkel%201.jpg></p><p>

“Hello friends and welcome to AWA Championship Wrestling LIVE on ESPN. We’ve got a jam-packed 2 hours tonight. And we have 2 men here with something to get off of their chests, Nick Bockwinkel and Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert. “Yeah, unlike that loser, Curt Hennig and his geezer father, I am Hot Stuff, and this man next to me is the greatest wrestler in the world today.” “You two crybabies want to fight like we did Monday night? We’ll fight. Lord knows you don’t want to wrestle us because you’re not in our league. His father trained him right unlike your old man did, Curt, and I’ve been taking care of any rough edges this man has to turn him into someone nearly as good as I have been for 20 years.”</p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Larry%20Hennig%2085.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Curt%20Hennig%2085.jpg></p><p>

Obviously, this brought both Hennigs out with Curt doing the talking. “Nick, the only man that has a bigger ego than you is the punk standing next to you. We’ve crossed paths over the years, and he’s always been lousy in the ring and lousy in the back so it wasn’t a shock to see him have to cheat to beat one of the AWA legends last week. What is a little shocking is that you, Nick, have decided to make him your pet project, but I guess when you can’t go anymore, you teach. So, we’ll have a wrestling match tomorrow, and we’ll wrestle circles around you because my father is a better teacher than you’ll ever be and I’m better than Mr. Stuff on my worst day. <strong>70</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

Doug Somers vs Steve O</p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Doug%20Somers.jpg> vs <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Steve%20O.jpg></p><p>

Two men that the fans don’t care about meant this was an utter failure in gaining pop for Somers in this squash match. <strong>17</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Sgt.%20Slaughter%2084.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Bob%20Backlund%2080s.jpg></p><p>

We start with some of the highlights of the double DQ Sarge and Garvin went to on Monday night with Savage, Precious, and even Elizabeth interfering before Backlund can’t take anymore and brawls with Savage to get the match thrown out. “Listen you two maggots, pretty boys, arrogant jerks you want to mess with me and the AWA? Well, the 2 of us are going to put a stop to this tomorrow night if you have the guts to accept our challenge. If your women who you like to hide behind will let you. After all, we’re going to love messing up those faces.” <strong>73</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Sgt Slaughter & Bob Backlund vs The Nightmares</p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Sgt.%20Slaughter%2084.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Bob%20Backlund%2080s.jpg> vs <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Danny%20Davis%201.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ken%20Wayne.jpg></p><p>

Another bad week for The Nightmares as they faced a ticked off team. This week there was no interference to save them as Wayne ended up in the chicken wing. <strong>57</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Randy%20Savage%2085.jpg>w/<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Miss%20Elizabeth%2085.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jimmy%20Garvin%2080s.jpg>w/<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Precious%202.jpg></p><p>

As the bell rings, Savage & Garvin come over to the announcer’s area. “Are we supposed to be scared of the 2 of you? 2 guys who are two of the biggest squares in this AWA. You want to face the Macho Madness that is going to wash over the AWA? Oh yeah, that’s going to end badly for both of you.” “And if either of you tries to lay a hand on Precious again (video plays of Backlund accidentally colliding with her), she’s going to make you sorry, and I’m going to knock you out.” <strong>79</strong> (Shame no one is gaining a single point of pop from these)</p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

Devastation Inc w/Skandor Akbar & Friday vs Brad Rheingans, Tony Anthony, Tom Zenk</p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ted%20DiBiase%2084.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Steve%20Williams%2085.jpg> w/<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Skandor%20Akbar.jpg><img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Kamala%203.jpg>w/<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Friday.jpg> vs <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Brad%20Rheingans%2080s.jpg><img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Tony%20Anthony%2085.jpg><img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Tom%20Zenk%2085.JPG></p><p>

Another quick squash match as the announcers talk about the match tomorrow between them and Lawler & his pals <strong>57</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Rick%20Martel%2085.jpg><img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/The%20Masked%20Superstar.jpg><img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Masa%20Saito%2084.jpg><img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jimmy%20Hart%2085.jpg></p><p>

“We have this clip from earlier today we have to show you, and it’s slightly disturbing.” They show Martel arriving at the building when a car screeches up beside him and both Superstar and Saito get out. Martel starts to fight them off, but the numbers overwhelm him. Hart finally gets out and tells the prone Rick Martel that they’ll see him tomorrow night to take his World title from him. <strong>53</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

Larry Zbyszko vs Terry Taylor</p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Larry%20Zbyszko%205.jpg> vs <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Terry%20Taylor%2087.jpg></p><p>

Larry didn’t take the news of him not getting a title match tomorrow very well. That was bad news for Terry Taylor who tried to put up a fight but got overwhelmed quickly. <strong>69</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Candi%20Devine.jpg></p><p>

Candi Devine cuts a promo saying she’ll be at ringside to watch the #1 contenders match for her Women’s title tomorrow night between Vicki Williams and Debbie Combs. Then, she’ll beat the winner like she has all the rest because she’s Devine. <strong>34</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

Sherri Martel vs Medusa Miceli</p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Sherri%20Martel%2080s.jpg> vs <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Madusa%20Miceli%2087.jpg></p><p>

Giving the women some TV time in the hopes someone becomes relevant eventually. Sherri used to the trunks to get the win. <strong>24</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

Jim Brunzell vs Steve Regal© AWA World Light Heavyweight Title</p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Belts/awalight.jpg></p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jim%20Brunzell%2085.jpg> vs <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Steve%20Regal.jpg></p><p>

The announcers highlight that the weight limit for this title has gone up to what would be considered middleweight. It needed to be done as I had very few lightweights on the roster that were faces and not the RnR Express. It’ll likely just give Brunzell something to do as he squashes the raft of insignificant guys in this weight group. <strong>57</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jerry%20Lawler%207.jpg><img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Bill%20Dundee%2085.jpg><img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jim%20Duggan%2084.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Butch%20Reed%201.jpg></p><p>

“These 3 men with me right here can’t wait for tomorrow night. We all got a taste of beating the hell out of you on Monday night, and there isn’t going to be any DQ to save you this time as it’s going to be in a cage so your managers can’t get involved. So get ready to bleed and feel pain you’ve never felt before!” <strong>44</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Hacksaws vs Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissey and Chris Markoff</p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jim%20Duggan%2084.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Butch%20Reed%201.jpg> vs <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Sheik%20Adnan%20Al-Kaissey.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Chris%20Markoff%2085.jpg></p><p>

Sheik was the 8th man Monday night and was looking for revenge for taking the L. They didn’t have a whole lot of luck as Butch and Duggan both looked good and Duggan got the pin on Markoff. <strong>48</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Road%20Warrior%20Animal%2085.jpg> <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Road%20Warrior%20Hawk%2085.jpg> w/<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Paul%20Ellering%2087.jpg></p><p>

Standard Road Warriors promo here promising to finish The Fabulous Ones off once and for all for getting in their way. <strong>64</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/AWA%20Banner.jpg></p><p> </p><p>

Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Greg Gagne</p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Randy%20Savage%2085.jpg>w/<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Miss%20Elizabeth%2085.jpg> vs <img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Greg%20Gagne%2085.jpg></p><p>

Somehow I’ve become Verne Gagne for real as Greg is in the first 2 main events on ESPN. At least he’s not winning. And for Greg’s sake, he’s facing an actual wrestler this week instead of getting pummeled by the Road Warriors again. It was a better match because of it, despite the rating as tag bonuses are real. No doubt who was going to win this as Savage gets the momentum heading into tomorrow. <strong>69</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img src=https://1985.ontew.com/img/TV/AWA%20All%20Star%20Wrestling.jpg></p><p>

B-Show taped before Championship Wrestling Airing Saturdays</p><p> </p><p>

The Fabulous Ones Promo Title Match on Sunday</p><p>

Mando Guerrero def Lanny Poffo</p><p>

Lance Interview with The First Family About Attack on Martel</p><p>

Sue Green & Magnificent Mimi def Peggy Lee Leather & Susan Sexton</p><p>

Debbie Combs and Vicki Williams Argue About tomorrow’s match</p><p>

Bill Dundee def Rick Steiner</p><p>

Buddy Rose def The Crusher</p><p>

Rose & Somers Brawl with RnR Express</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Monday Night @Mid-South Coliseum</strong></p><p>

Sarge, Backlund, Garvin, and Savage Argue Leading to Match</p><p>

Sgt. Slaughter drew Jimmy Gavin via Double DQ</p><p>

RnR Express Argue with Rose & Somers</p><p>

Combs Demands Title Shot; Williams Interrupts Says She’s Getting First Shot</p><p>

Peggy Lee Leather & Susan Sexton def Magnificent Mimi & Misty Blue Simmes</p><p>

Ellering Insults The Fabs as Memphis Losers Leading to Brawl with Road Warriors</p><p>

Larry Z def Brad R</p><p>

Jimmy Hart demands Martel finds a tag partner to face Superstar & Saito, Baron comes out to agree</p><p>

The Masked Superstar & Masa Saito def Rick Martel & Baron Von Raschke as Baron eats pin</p><p>

Bockwinkel & Gilbert Insult Hennigs Leading to Brawl</p><p>

Lawler; Dundee & The Hacksaws def Devastation Inc and Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissey via DQ</p><p>

Massive Post-Match Brawl</p>

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<div style="text-align:center; font:16px Coda;"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/TV/NWA%20WCW.jpg"></div>

<span style="text-align:center; font:28px Coda;"><b>NWA World Championship Wrestling</b></span>

Saturday, Week 2, January 1985

WTBS Studios in Atlanta, GA

1,000 in Attendance

<b>TV:</b> 3.14

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/66.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Dusty%20Rhodes%2085.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Manny%20Fernandez%2085.jpg"> <img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ric%20Flair%2085.jpg">

Welcome to World Championship Wrestling! Tonight, we have NWA World Tag Team Champions, Dusty Rhodes and Manny Fernandez, and we see NWA World Champion Ric Flair in action!

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/50.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Belts/NWA%20TV.jpg">

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Tommy%20Rich%2085.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Misc/vs.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Tully%20Blanchard%2080s.jpg">

NWA World Television Championship

Tommy Rich vs. Tully Blanchard ©

In a decent title match, Tommy Rich took Tully Blanchard to a TV time limit draw.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/68.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/The%20Barbarian.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Misc/vs.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ron%20Garvin.jpg">

The Barbarian vs. Ronnie Garvin

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Ron Garvin defeated The Barbarian in 7:34 by pinfall with a Knockout punch.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/56.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ole%20Anderson%2085.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Misc/vs.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Skip%20Young.jpg">

Ole Anderson vs. Skip Young

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Ole Anderson defeated Skip Young in 5:23 by submission with a Standing armbar.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/35.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ole%20Anderson%2085.jpg">

We return from a commercial break to find Ole Anderson demanding an interview with Gordon Solie. When Solie refuses to be spoken to that way, Ole walks away frustrated.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/59.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Jimmy%20Golden%201.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Randy%20Rose.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Misc/vs.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Dusty%20Rhodes%2085.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Manny%20Fernandez%2085.jpg">

Jimmy Golden & Randy Rose vs. Dusty Rhodes & Manny Fernandez

In a decent match, Rhodes & Fernandez defeated Randy Rose and Jimmy Golden in 9:44 when Dusty Rhodes submitted Randy Rose.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/64.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ivan%20Koloff%201.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Nikita%20Koloff%201.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Dusty%20Rhodes%2085.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Manny%20Fernandez%2085.jpg">

After the match, The Koloffs hit the ring and attack Rhodes & Fernandez much to the distaste by the studio audience!

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/63.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Terry%20Funk%2085.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Misc/vs.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/The%20Tonga%20Kid.jpg">

Terry Funk vs. The Tonga Kid

In a decent match, Terry Funk defeated The Tonga Kid in 8:29 by pinfall with a Piledriver.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/45.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/magnum%20TA%2085%202.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Misc/vs.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Kevin%20Sullivan%2085.jpg">

Magnum T.A. vs. Kevin Sullivan

In a decent match, Magnum T.A. defeated Kevin Sullivan in 5:52 by pinfall with a Belly to Belly Suplex.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/58.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Steve%20Armstrong.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Misc/vs.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Rick%20Rude%2085.jpg">

Steve Armstrong vs. Rick Rude

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Rick Rude defeated Steve Armstrong in 5:33 by pinfall with a Rude Awakening.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/48.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Dutch%20Mantell%2080s.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Misc/vs.jpg"><img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ric%20Flair%2085.jpg">

Dutch Mantell vs. Ric Flair

In a good non-title match, Ric Flair defeated Dutch Mantel in 15:29 by submission with a Figure-Four Leglock.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/65.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Gordon%20Solie.jpg"> <img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/People/Ric%20Flair%2085.jpg">

Gordon Solie Interviews Flair, who praises Steamboats ambition and reminds everyone he is the world champ for a reason. Flair ends the promo with a plug for a local night club he'll be heading to tonight before walking away.

<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Ratings/77.jpg">


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


NWA On Tour

3,370 in attendance at the Benjamin Johnson Arena in Knoxville, TN

The Koloffs & Krusher Khruschev def. The Armstrongs to retain the NWA World Six-Man Championship

Terry Funk def. Ole Anderson

Manny Fernandex def. Dick Slater to retain the NWA Mid-Atlantic Brass Knuckles Championship

American Starship def. Jimmy Golden & Dutch Mantel

Ric Flair drew with Dory Funk, Jr. to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship


<img src="https://1985.ontew.com/img/Banners/NWA%20Banner.jpg">


NWA Pro Wrestling Taping

The Assassins def. The Youngbloods

Lord Humongous def. Jack Hart

Scott Armstrong drew with Denny Brown

Ricky Steamboat def. Billy Graham


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We just got the tag title matches out of the way since none of that is going according to plan. Since we had the steel cage anyway, we just added that to the World Tag Titles too. It worked better than I thought it would, but we're running into the big problem of no one gaining pop and all the top faces in other feuds. Or they're old and the thought of putting them in a match with rough workers is terrifying.


The big 8-man tag likely would have been a standard No-DQ match if this had been run under the patch that lessened the weapons penalty as 8 men in a cage makes little sense so kinda view it that way or like a Hell in a Cell setup where there's an outside. Dundee took a stunt bump where DiBiase pulled out his black glove and hit him with it on the rebound from the cage, which the old veteran sold like a million bucks. The Hacksaws carried Bill out of the cage to the back after the match while Lawler turned redder than red paint which led to the angle later in the night where he swore vengeance on Ted, and if he had to put up the Southern Heavyweight Title to get him 1-on-1, he'd do it in a heartbeat.


We brought Bobo Brazil and his son in to job out through our deal with WWA for not a lot. It helped boost Mando up a ton and Landell some in GL. Anything to build some of these people out of perpetual jobberville. If anyone has any tips on how to build pop for people, please share. The show helped some people out a lot and others a little, but that's a once-a-month thing.


The Hennig vs Bockwinkel/Gilbert match was the typical cheating heels stuff. When Curt got the hot tag and started going to town, Eddie tried to use the brass knuckles, but the ref saw it this time resulting in the DQ to continue the feud. More cheating, this time uncaught, gave Combs the victory in the #1 contenders match as she put her feet on the ropes to get the win.


The best match of the night wasn't a surprise. It was an active affair with both valets getting involved at various times in the match, but we made sure everyone got to showcase their wrestling ability since they have a bunch. The end came when Precious interfered by tripping Backlund causing Sarge to hop down and get into a war of words with Garvin which let Savage come off with the gorgeous flying elbow to get the win. Both faces were kept strong and it still got a 71. And Savage jumped like 8 points in GL! which is really all that matters.


The main event was a much more straightforward affair. Obviously, Hart got involved at times, but this was more of the stronger heel trying to overpower the face. Superstar finally missed a splash attempt which gave Martel the momentum to win the match. Larry Z came out to close the show saying he's getting the title next month as his ducking of the Living Legend ends then.


All in all, it worked pretty well, and it put us back in the black for a few days or week.

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