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IPW Discussion Thread

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Figured I'd kick things off to put IPW on the radar.


Here are my initial observations:


1) Aldous Blackfriar is great for the baby leagues to be your star but his star quality is too low to be a franchise player. If you're lucky you can push him up to Middleweight and assuming he doesn't get flabby that should give him the SQ bump he is missing.


2) Your upper card is really solid. Lug, Hustle, Frantic and Aldous all have good in-ring skills, are at the perfect age (young 30s means lots of experience but not hitting time's decline yet). Star Quality is fine for tiny/small but again lacking to ride up. None of these guys are going to be your Champagne Love.


3) Some of your best wrestlers are in the midcard so your tag teams are stacked. Night Terrors and Coulrophobia are some of your best workers. For training purposes I love to use them either as singles or tag teams in dark matches against the undercard. Watch out for Moroi, he is going to get penalized because he isn't charismatic enough to be a flippy b**** in a hardcore fed. If you can try to get him some hardcore experience against Canadian Hardcore. Night Terrors vs. Canadian Hardcore is perfect for training as it gives Night Terrors a chance to bump up their hardcore skills and Otis and Sasquatch need to bump up their basics.


4) Your tag teams also kind of suck because your tag champs are also your worst team. Seriously. In terms of skills MA is dead last across the board. They don't even have the mic skills to go that route. Unless you want to dedicate yourself to the storyline have Barnaby & Rudge pick up the title and watch your tag team flourish.


5) You have some really good sleepers in your midcard. Hugh De Aske would be perfect if not for his other obligations, The Outlaw, JOJI, Deacon and Deadshot all have a lot going for them as well. Again, lacking SQ so don't expect a lot but you have the workings of another round of solid upper carders in that pack. Meanwhile Melvin Otto and Fiasco Fierce, while not great in-ring, are fantastic in angles. Use angles to get them popular then they can lose that popularity to better workers.


6) Prep Zombie Boy. Based on the default roster he is your best shot at a future franchise player in house. Fog of War means it could go either way so hopefully he pops up on your "Hot Prospects" list. His Charisma is potentially INSANE and he is close enough in SQ that if you can get some meat on his bones he can be your franchise player after Blackfriar has moved on. He has great aerial already, just needs seasoning.


7) Your low card SUUUUCKS. PsychoMike is meh, Stanley Axis is meh, Manny Alvarez is meh. They don't have the mic skills to gain popularity, they don't have the in-ring skills to job effectively and they don't have the menace/star quality to make developing them worthwhile.



Some ideas:


1) Pair up Deadly Deadshot & Zombie Boy into a tag team and get them in matches against Night Terrors and Coulrophobia. Zombie Boy gets the training he desperately needs and you have someone who can take bumps to give your title matches extra pizazz without risking a better worker.


2) Get the belts off Minnesota Awesome ASAP. Put it on your much better tag teams.


3) Develop Babau and Ash for the main event. They have the skills and talent for it. That also frees up Zach and Moroi for new tag team partners, perhaps with Deadshot or Zombie Boy from above.


4) Put Fiasco Fierce, Blackfriar, and Deacon in angles every event. Make sure to never script Deacon so his improv skills can shine. I've seen Blackfriar and Deacon pull of angles 20pts higher than they could ever pull in the ring.


5) Keep Manny Alvarez and Stanley Axis permanently in your dark matches. The crowd hates them. Stanley is a good "trainer" to forever lose to people like Zombie Boy or Deacon Darkhold or Melvin Otto or Fiasco Fierce.


6) If you want to cut people, cut Manny Alvarez and PsychoMike and replace them with newcomers like Dreadnaught or Jack Pryde. You desperately need Star Quality on someone and those are good people that you can push fast and hard and make it stick.


7) To beef up the Main Event Remmy Skye is local, popular, and has the charisma/star quality to beef things up. Other options if you want to buy a main event are Art Reed, Frankie Perez, Fro Sure, or Cali Slick.



Finally for financials it makes sense to leave your music at local and take the hit. For my diary I bumped it up and I'm losing about 10k a month which means if I kept it at local I could run a full card (I use almost every worker plus extras I hired) and still turn a profit. What THAT means is if you want to really expand, cut your show length down but run two shows a month. Given your financials you can afford it.


Another thing to consider is you could spring for a tiny internet PPV in Mexico and USA. It's a big investment but it returns a crap ton of money, far more than you get with Wrestleworld. It's a gamble but again you can afford it with your massive cash on hand. Other things you can do is just play on "easy mode" and buy a main event.


Pick up the most Over workers you can afford: Chris Caulfield, Frederique, Java, Masked Cougar and Tribal Warrior. Bam, now your main event is 10-20 pts higher than even Blackfriar and they are all trained. Sure your matches aren't going to be that great because they're mostly old and broken but who cares. Caulfield is nearly 60 over across the country and will put butts in seats and make your ME have high ratings without much effort. I don't recommend it but with your financials you can afford to hemorrhage money. If you go that route keep your music at "Local" and then you can put on 2-3 shows a month and if not turn a profit you can at least bump up in size before it becomes an issue.


Seriously. You have so much starting cash. IPW is ranked #23 in terms of size but their financials put them at #14. You are punching way above your league. Want to screw over your competition? Just sign all the top stars from GSW and CZCW over to you on exclusive deals. Pay them triple what they make and laugh as their shows crumble and your ride their stars to the top. Cheap? Absolutely. Fun? You betcha.

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<p>(I'm new to TEW so I don't know what I'm doing.) </p><p> </p><p>

I ended up getting Remmy Skye. Eventually phased Lug out of the Darkhold/Blackfriar storyline and moved Remmy in. Blackfriar devolved a catch phrase and his angles have been insane high. Had Remmy and Blackfriar in a main event ladder match for the title at one of the big events, but Remmy tore his ACL on a stunt bump and was going to be out for a year. Now he's only out for 3 months.</p><p> </p><p>

I think I messed everyone momentum and attitude up in the first several months before I figured out how to better make matches and angles.</p><p> </p><p>

Killed Lug's momentum and perception by accident. I brought in Boneyard, and Lug and Boneyard have great chemistry so they're a tag team right now. </p><p> </p><p>

Had to fire Lil Henry because E-Z didn't like him and then made half my roster not like him either.</p><p> </p><p>

Zack got mad and left. Right now I've got Ash fighting the rest of the Darkwatch. While Darkhold is busy going for the title, Otto is trying to "convert" Ash, but Ash is about to get Zombie Boy and Martyr to help him. </p><p> </p><p>

Psycho Mike has great chemistry with Axl Avatar so I've got a "Rookie Battle" storyline going, they usually team up with other people against each other and then fight one on one once in a while.</p><p> </p><p>

Noticed a random new worker a few months in named Red Buzzard. Looked like he had ok stats but not so great star power, but Red Buzzard seemed like a cool name and he had the satanist gimmick to begin with so he's with the Darkwatch as their new lacky member, (the "carrion bird" Red Buzzard) of the group who teams with the more experienced remember, and can eat pins.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm coming up on the Nemesis show soon and the AI says Battle Royal main event so I was going to try and sign some GSW guys for one night and make a battle royal main event.</p><p> </p><p>

Thanks for the tips, the stuff you posted is going to be even more helpful to me going forward.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="praguepride" data-cite="praguepride" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49806" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Another thing to consider is you <em>could</em> spring for a tiny internet PPV in Mexico and USA. It's a big investment but it returns a crap ton of money, far more than you get with Wrestleworld. It's a gamble but again you can afford it with your massive cash on hand. Other things you can do is just play on "easy mode" and buy a main event.</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Agree totally with NEARLY everything you say, but have you tried this since the new patch changed internet PPV money?</p>
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Agree totally with NEARLY everything you say, but have you tried this since the new patch changed internet PPV money?


Pre-patch it cost something like $130k to set up a PPV carrier in US and Mexico and returned like $30k a month.


I just ran a test in 1.2: A tiny US/Mexico Internet PPV costs $195k to set up, $4,080 per month and gives out $1,382.


While it won't turn you a profit, $3k to increase your popularity across the entire country isn't a terrible price. The upfront cost is rough but if you're economical with your workers and don't bump up your music production you can absorb that cost and gain mad popularity across two areas.

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<p>I did the thing about making Blackfriar up a weight class, and he got fat <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Zombie Boy left, and more recerntly E-Z and Shancez left despite being one of the better tag teams <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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  • 7 months later...
How do you simulate riskier/hardcore angles in-game? In previous games, you could set how risky the angle would be (or potential for injury during that segment); however, that seems to be gone now. In a sense, the computer looks at repeated chair shots to the head & hugging puppies the same (from a mechanics perspective). Then again, I could be missing something here. ha.
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How do you simulate riskier/hardcore angles in-game? In previous games, you could set how risky the angle would be (or potential for injury during that segment); however, that seems to be gone now. In a sense, the computer looks at repeated chair shots to the head & hugging puppies the same (from a mechanics perspective). Then again, I could be missing something here. ha.


The default angles show the risk level on screen. This screenshot is from the pre-book angle screen (This is a default angle and has a risk level set) and if you use the Angle Writer option you can set the risk level. Freestyle angles don't allow you to set the risk though.


Hope this helps.


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The default angles show the risk level on screen. This screenshot is from the pre-book angle screen (This is a default angle and has a risk level set) and if you use the Angle Writer option you can set the risk level. Freestyle angles don't allow you to set the risk though.


Hope this helps.


That’s my problem. I do freestyle angles. I’ll just change how I book angles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does it pay to run your events through WrestleWorld?


In which to do so, I would need to update my music & production costs. This would create a $10,000+ investment each month. Right now, last month, I only lost $645.


I know that IPW starts with a lot of capital but losing $10,000+ a month would most likely run us into the ground in the long run?

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I ultimately signed a deal with WrestleWorld. It's a 6 month deal and I get 55% of the money made off of the events (meaning no pay in). I entertained creating my own broadcaster; however, in the end, felt this was the best way to go. Eventually, if I don't like the arrangement, we'll be able to get out after 6 months.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eisen-verse" data-cite="Eisen-verse" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49806" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I ultimately signed a deal with WrestleWorld. It's a 6 month deal and I get 55% of the money made off of the events (meaning no pay in). I entertained creating my own broadcaster; however, in the end, felt this was the best way to go. Eventually, if I don't like the arrangement, we'll be able to get out after 6 months.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I was going to suggest similar, think it makes sense for Ipw too, real question is whether you add a TV show alongside events but might get too costly just now... Looking forward to how this might influence your booking/stories</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="smw88" data-cite="smw88" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49806" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I was going to suggest similar, think it makes sense for Ipw too, real question is whether you add a TV show alongside events but might get too costly just now... Looking forward to how this might influence your booking/stories</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yea, I think it's the best route at this point. </p><p> </p><p> It will certainly change how I book/write the events starting with the March show - "Hellfire" (re-named). The upcoming show doesn't have WrestleWorld brodcasting.</p>
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  • 2 months later...

I have really only ran IPW and what I do immediately is take that huge cash advantage and invest it in a free to Air Internet broadcaster. I run two tv shows a week (both A shows) and 1 event a month. The production costs and stuff are killers early on but never was below 100,000 and the pop gains with free to air are huge. By the third month, your profitable. Also I did change product type to Sports Entertainment but my first save was similar and didn't change the product.


The gains in pop are great and let you make more money to offset those high production costs. Also I try to reach Medium fast so I can sign the top Indy guys to long term deals. A few guys I also hold back like Aldious and Fro Sure so others dont swoop them up.

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