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No style product

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If you choose a no style product option does that mean you dont get penalised for any match type? Also with this product even if the guy had low pop but good performance, they could still get a good grade based on performance,using this style? If selected main event only focus would that mean the show grade is heavily focused around that one match but if off, on the card as a whole? I don't use angles in my present booking much, mainly matches.



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That's the product I usually go with because its much more relaxed. You don't really get penalised for anything, but I also haven't tried doing deathmatches or anything too violent. The product screen will give you a list of everything you'll need to be aware of on the bottom right side.


I'm not sure about Main Event focus or what the angle focuses do. I assume Main Event focus means the auto booker will try to give you the best main event possible between wrestlers with the hottest perception. I've noticed a lot of the wrestlers that I have with low momentum will often get passed over when I use autobooker with that focus enabled. But I haven't played around with the 3 ring circus or ensemble yet. I wish there was an info thing for that on the screen when those options were selected so you knew what they were there for.

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That's the product I usually go with because its much more relaxed. You don't really get penalised for anything, but I also haven't tried doing deathmatches or anything too violent. The product screen will give you a list of everything you'll need to be aware of on the bottom right side.


I'm not sure about Main Event focus or what the angle focuses do. I assume Main Event focus means the auto booker will try to give you the best main event possible between wrestlers with the hottest perception. I've noticed a lot of the wrestlers that I have with low momentum will often get passed over when I use autobooker with that focus enabled. But I haven't played around with the 3 ring circus or ensemble yet. I wish there was an info thing for that on the screen when those options were selected so you knew what they were there for.

There absolutely is. If you go to the question mark at the top right there's an explanation for each and every match and angle focus and how they impact your final show grade.

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