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Questions about Chemistry

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I’m wondering if Wrestler A has good or poor chemistry when facing Wrestler B, does that carry over into tag matches against each other or other multi man matches.


If A and B have good or bad chemistry teaming together does that carry over to six man tag team matches?


Also if someone has poor chemistry managing a certain wrestler, would that penalty be in effect if he manages the someone else who is tag teaming with said previous client?

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If two workers have chemistry when fighting each other, it only applies to singles matches between them. If Andrews and Hawkins have good chemistry, the bonus won't apply to Andrews vs. Hawkins vs. Taylor, and it won't apply to Andrews and Bach vs. Hawkins and Taylor either.


If Hawkins and Taylor have good chemistry when tagging with each other, it won't apply to Andrews, Bach and Stone vs. Hawkins, Taylor and Hammond because you've introduced a third element which disrupts the chemistry.

However, it WILL apply to Hawkins and Taylor vs. Andrews and Bach vs. Chandler and Johnson, because Hawkins and Taylor are still a two-man team in this match type.


To pre-empt the obvious followup question, you can't have chemistry between more than two people (so you can't have trios chemistry, or chemistry between all workers in a triple threat). And even if all three of the workers in a triple threat have chemistry when fighting each other, you still don't get the bonus. So if Andrews and Hawkins, Bach and Andrews and Bach and Hawkins ALL have good chemistry (how bloody lucky are you?!) then Bach vs. Hawkins vs. Andrews still won't get a bonus.



Managers have chemistry with each client individually. If Goldworthy and Titan have great chemistry, that doesn't mean Goldworthy will have great chemistry with Shark. If you run an angle with Goldworthy cutting a promo for The Behemoths (Titan & Shark), it's possible to get penalised for chemistry with one client and a bonus for chemistry with another in the same segment.

Managerial chemistry is completely unaffected by match type, They'll have chemistry with their client whenever they're on screen together.

Managers will never have chemistry (or at least, will never discover/get the bonus/penalty for chemistry) with clients they don't actually manage. So if you have an angle where Floyd Goldworthy cuts a promo on behalf of Nick Booth, unless Goldworthy is set as Booth's manager, they won't get any chemistry notes in that segment because as far as the game knows, Goldworthy isn't his manager, he's just there.

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