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Scripts for Angles/Unimportant events

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While playing I've started noticing that every angle has the option for the worker to be scripted even if the angle has them off-screen, in a brawl, or if it's a video. I'm just curious whether it ultimately effects the rating of the angle.


While I'm here I also want to ask if anybody else has had an issue with their angles being penalized because it was "uninteresting", I get this a lot while booking post-match attacks.


Any hints or suggestion very welcomed.

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While playing I've started noticing that every angle has the option for the worker to be scripted even if the angle has them off-screen, in a brawl, or if it's a video. I'm just curious whether it ultimately effects the rating of the angle.


While I'm here I also want to ask if anybody else has had an issue with their angles being penalized because it was "uninteresting", I get this a lot while booking post-match attacks.


Any hints or suggestion very welcomed.


As tryker said, the latter issue is because everyone is rated on a 'passive' skill.

Active skills: Entertainment, Microphone, Acting, Fighting, Selling. Skills where they're "doing" something.

Passive skills: Charisma, Overness, Menace, Star Quality, Sex Appeal. Skills where they're just "there", not doing anything.


To be considered 'interesting', an angle needs at least one person (it only has to be one) rated on something active. Otherwise, they can't go more than four minutes. Angles only rated on passive skills would be minor "worker enters building" or "two workers stare each other down then leave" angles, where nothing 'interesting' happens but they get the crowd excited.

Nobody wants 10 minutes of The Rock walking down a hallway, even if it is The Rock.

Hype videos would be another example of this. They're cool and all, but after a while you kinda want to just get on with the actual show.


With regard to scripting, only 'active' skills need to be scripted. You can still click the button for passive roles, but it'll be unset automatically when you save the angle. If you go back in to edit the angle, you'll see only the active skills are still scripted. So if you've got Aaron Andrews (rated on entertainment, scripted) cutting a promo on Wolf Hawkins (overness, off-screen, scripted), the game will automatically unscript Wolf when you save the angle, because he's not doing anything to need a script for.


You can't be off-screen and rated on an active skill, so therefore you can't be scripted whilst you're off-screen.

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