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CWA: Under the Northern Lights

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Hank Gunn vs. Antonio Del Veccio

Claire Winters & Sally Anne Christianson vs. Demelza Wade & Nina Cacace

Diabo Duvak vs. Solomon Gold


Main Show:

Generation Z vs. Dapper Danny Draper & Princeton Pryce

Amber Allen vs. Laura Flame

Jack DeColt vs. Mountie Mann

The Heartbreak Express vs. George Wolfe & Jared Johnson

Erik Strong & Sonny Wildside vs. Mr. Impact & Lee Rivera

Donte Dunn & Skip Beau vs. Cameron Vessey & Shooter Sean Deeley


Dark Main Event: David Stone & The Griffin Family vs. Elite

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Hank Gunn vs. Antonio Del Veccio

Claire Winters & Sally Anne Christianson vs. Demelza Wade & Nina Cacace

Diabo Duvak vs. Solomon Gold


Main Show:

Generation Z vs. Dapper Danny Draper & Princeton Pryce

Amber Allen vs. Laura Flame

Jack DeColt vs. Mountie Mann

The Heartbreak Express vs. George Wolfe & Jared Johnson

Erik Strong & Sonny Wildside vs. Mr. Impact & Lee Rivera

Donte Dunn & Skip Beau vs. Cameron Vessey & Shooter Sean Deeley


Dark Main Event: David Stone & The Griffin Family vs. Elite

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Hank Gunn vs. Antonio Del Veccio

Claire Winters & Sally Anne Christianson vs. Demelza Wade & Nina Cacace

Diabo Duvak vs. Solomon Gold


Main Show:

Generation Z vs. Dapper Danny Draper & Princeton Pryce

Amber Allen vs. Laura Flame

Jack DeColt vs. Mountie Mann

The Heartbreak Express vs. George Wolfe & Jared Johnson

Erik Strong & Sonny Wildside vs. Mr. Impact & Lee Rivera

Donte Dunn & Skip Beau vs. Cameron Vessey & Shooter Sean Deeley


Dark Main Event: David Stone & The Griffin Family vs. Elite

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CWA Championship Wrestling

Generic Arena--Laval


8,078 Fans in attendance

Announce Team: Davis Ditterich, Samuel Curran & Tom Townsend



Antonio Del Veccio def. Hank Gunn (47)

Claire Winters & Sally Anne Christianson def. Demelza Wade & Nina Cacace (55)

Diabo Duvak def. Solomon Gold (57)


Main Show:

Generation Z w/Hailey Hunter vs. Dapper Danny Draper & Princeton Pryce


We started the program with tag team action featuring four up-and-coming talents. The announce team was sure to point out that Generation Z were looking for a bout with The Brothers Cain that wouldn’t end in a disqualification. They continued to note that Generation Z were frustrated by the aggressive attacks by the Brothers Cain and were looking to settle the score.


Within the ring, a simple performance saw Generation Z showcase their skill in tandem, setting down Draper with a Boomer Blast.


Winners: Generation Z

Time: 5:56

Segment Rating: 51




Adrian Garcia was joined by the CWA World Champion Christian Price for a sitdown interview. Garcia started the interview by asking “the Stud” about his defeat at the hands of Sean McFly and the Stones at Total Elimination. Price was dismissive, quickly pointing out that McFly sprung surprises on Elite by refusing to even name his partners. Furthermore, Price questioned how Elite could have possibly been properly prepared to face 2 guys who were “retired?” and continued to mention that in no other sport would it be acceptable to not even know who the opposing team was until gametime.


Next, Garcia noted that CWA Clash Classic will officially be headlined by Christian Price defending his World Championship against Sean McFly. Price audible groaned before questioning why guys like Sean McFly and the Stone Family can’t let go. He called the veteran “washed-up” and explained to Garcia that Sean McFly was not booked to wrestle tonight because he suffered a neck injury at Total Elimination. He ended the segment by warning McFly to make sure he protects his neck if he plans on even making it to Clash Classic. He reiterated that there is no surprise and no backup this time...


Segment Rating: 70


Lauren Easter vs. Laura Flame


(*Apologies to anyone who was paying close attention to their picks for this show as I mistakenly listed Amber Allen in the prediction card, not Lauren Easter who I actually booked.)


Brooke Tyler joined the commentary for this bout. Tyler gloated that she and Flame survived at Total Elimination...more than “the Boss” could say. As for the match, Easter and Flame were working an even, physical contest. The conflict spilled to the floor and Easter dropped Flame with a nasty side-angle suplex at the feet of Tyler. Easter rose up and Tyler catcalled her rival. Easter pie-faced Brooke Tyler who went backwards over her announce chair.


Easter turned around just in time to eat a Flame Kick from the recovered Laura Flame. Flame tossed Easter back into the ring and knocked her out with a second kick to the mush, this time for the pinfall.


Winner: Laura Flame

Time: 9:42

Segment Rating: 65




Jack DeColt came to the ring for the next segment. Jack was quick to address the status of his brother Ricky, who Jack revealed suffered 12 stitches at the hand of Marc DuBois at Total Elimination. Jack promised that Ricky would be back in-action soon. Next Jack moved onto DuBois. Jack says all he heard from DuBois was whining and crying because DuBois “couldn’t cut it--not the stress, the travel, the hard work it takes to be at the top of this sport!”


Before Jack could continue on, he was unexpectedly interrupted by Mountie Mann. The corrupt RCMC, how was citing him with “violation of decency and hogging the limelight.” Mann continued that he had some unfinished business with Jack from Total Elimination. Jack was quick to invite him down to the ring and we had a match underway...


Segment Rating: 65


Jack DeColt vs. Mountie Mann


The crowd was into this match. DeColt and Mann played off each other well--a natural babyface vs. a natural heel. That said, the outcome was never really in doubt as Jack came out on top in convincing fashion.


Winner Jack DeColt

Time: 11:31

Segment Rating: 58


Post Match:


As Jack was having his hand raised by the official, DuBois had slid into the ring behind. Hearing the crowd buzz, Jack is quick to turn, ready to fend off the attack. Marc DuBois gave a cocky smirk and thought better of attacking, leaning over the top rope to flip to the floor and escaping through the crowd as Jack called after him.


Segment Rating: 65


The Heartbreak Express vs. George Wolfe & Jared Johnson


George Wolfe and Double J are two guys who have been under-featured to start the new year. The two quality competitors reminded the CWA-faithful just how good they were, quickly dispatching The Heartbreak Express in dominant fashion.


Winners: Wolfe & Johnson

Time: 6:41

Segment Rating: 53




“The A Game” was out next. Knight was looking grim on his walk to the ring. He started by apologizing to the fans as he felt his performance at Total Elimination did not meet his standard. He recognized he fell short, and Cameron Vessey was simply an opponent that he has continued to fall short against. Knight explained he had this nagging feeling in his gut that he was better than Vessey and wanted to prove it to Vessey, prove it to the fans, and most importantly, to prove it to himself. To that end, Knight was challenging him to an “I Quit” Match at the Clash Classic...


Segment Rating: 78


Erik Strong & Sonny Wildside vs. Mr. Impact & Lee Rivera w/ Jenny Playmate


Erik Strong and Sonny Wildside showcased some great tag team chemistry in this bout--but the match was laid out to enhance the rivalry between Strong and Mr. Impact over the Television Championship. Per the stipulations at Total Elimination, Strong was guaranteed a shot at the title at the Clash Classic.


For over 10 minutes, a four performers worked hard and delivered a satisfactory bout with Erik Strong pinning the champ following a Strong Sault.


Winners: Strong & Wildside

Time: 12:16

Rating: 70




A short video package highlighting CWA’s newest sign, “The Assassin of the Squared Circle,” Ernest Youngman. Debuting soon…


Segment Rating: 26


Donte Dunn & Skip Beau vs. Cameron Vessey & Shooter Sean Deeley


More of a mop up match from Total Elimination than anything else, the main event still delivered some great action and held the crowd’s attention. Vessey really shone here, as the announce team wondered if Vessey was trying to send a message to Aaron Knight. Otherwise, over the last few weeks of encounters, Beau and Deeley had clearly begun developing a rivalry as well. The open contest came to it’s fateful conclusion with Beau and Deeley slugging it out on the floor while Vessey soundly defeated Dunn in the middle, by submission no less.


Winners: Vessey & Deeley

Time: 18:21

Segment Rating: 79


Dark Main Event: Elite def. David Stone & The Griffin Family (52)


Show Rating: 75

.35 TV Rating



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<p><strong>The CWA Offices...</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Canadian Wrestling Association had rented a small space in the back of a relatively non-descript industrial park. Some work was done to make a few small offices (namely one for Steve and another for Adrian Garcia, but Jeremey and Duane shared one, although they were hardly in the building). Other than that, the suite contained a small lobby, a conference room and a bathroom. </p><p> </p><p>

Additionally, they rented out a warehouse space next door. They used it to store merchandise and production equipment. It also contained a ring and some modest gym. It wouldn’t be unusual to find various CWA roster members using the space for a workout or a place to experiment with different moves and spots. </p><p> </p><p>

Today everyone had gathered in the conference room. Steve liked to run a weekly meeting to hash out a few things between the company’s main power brokers. Today’s group included Steve, Jeremy, Duane, Garcia, with the additions of Johnny Bloodstone and Jack DeColt. (Steve would rotate different workers, mostly veterans, in to these meetings from time-to-time to get a fresh perspective).</p><p> </p><p>

“Good news to start today.” Steve began gregariously. “It took a bit of doing, but CBN is expanding our time. We’ll get 2 full hours starting this week.” Steve directed Garcia “Make sure we don’t run short while you’re putting TV together.”</p><p> </p><p>

Garcia smirked and said “I’ll put the 30 minutes to good use Steve.”</p><p> </p><p>

“I’m sure you will. Jeremy, how are those new hires going?” Steve was slightly distracted by his phone. Tamara McFly was calling, but she’d have to wait. He felt slightly bad, she’d reached out twice without his return call.</p><p> </p><p>

Jeremey had his glasses perched on the edge of his nose. “Good. I signed up 2 new referees. First, Erin Lawerence. I think everyone will love her. Real infectious personality. She’s been working for QAW. We only signed a handshake agreement for now as she wanted to keep doing shots for them. I didn’t see a problem with it. The other ref was the kid who works for ACPW, Royce Greig. He’s done shots for me before--quality guy. Same thing--handshake deal so he can keep doing shows for Daedalus.</p><p> </p><p>

“Otherwise, I brought in a few more women talents to work dark matches and squashes. Sabrina Wells and Christy Higgins, both former AAA products. Higgins is pretty polished, but Wells is more of a project. We’ll see.”</p><p> </p><p>

Adrian piped up “Come on Jeremey, you’re holding out on me. Where’s my money man?” Garcia had been hounding Jeremey for months about a new hire.</p><p> </p><p>

“He finally put the pen to the paper. 3 years, locked up. Start making plans.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Finally!” Garcia let out. </p><p> </p><p>

“Alright, Adrian, start thinking about where he fits in. Otherwise, I wanted to get everyone else’s input on a bigger issue. I’ve talked a little bit with Jeremy and Adrian, but I’d be interested to hear what everyone’s got to say. Now we got Dan and Jeremey back in the ring, where do they go next?’</p><p> </p><p>

Adrian began “So the way I originally laid it out is for Christian Price to dispatch Sean and move on to Jeremy and Dan… But we were talking and it begs a few questions. Namely, do we want those guys that close to the title? I mean, fans could go either way on that--either complaining that we’re retreading old ground or come at us for holding down the next generation. Also, does Christian need them or should be giving the rub to someone else?”</p><p> </p><p>

Jeremey shrugged. “I’m not opposed to working with anyone.”</p><p> </p><p>

Steve continued. “Personally, I’m in favor of the original plan. I wouldn’t mind continuing to heat Price up. Let him run through Sean, Jeremey and Dan...maybe David can mix it up in there too. I think there’s a lot of miles left in the Stone clan vs. Elite.”</p><p> </p><p>

Bloodstone piped up. “I’d like to see Double J get a shot with either Jeremey or Dan. He’s a hell of a worker and he needs something. I mean, is the plan to keep him with George Wolfe in no-heat tags? Give me a break.” Bloodstone had long been a big supporter of Jared Johnson.</p><p> </p><p>

Duane Stone took his turn next. “Where’s Cam and Aaron headed after Clash? I still think Cam is our best heel--he should be mixing it up with Jeremey and Dan. If not Cam, than Aaron. You could go baby vs. baby or turn Aaron along the way.”</p><p> </p><p>

Jack was leaning back holding his jaw. “I’m sorry here guys...the money is Stones vs DeColts. The fans have always wanted it. Let’s pay it off. It keeps Price, Aaron and Cam all free to battle for the strap at the top of the card while giving the fans a big time attraction.”</p><p> </p><p>

...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Alright readers, taking a page out of the playbook of the great JamesCasey (and his fantastic WCW '91 Diary for 2016), I’m interested to know what you’d like to see. You can cast your vote in the comments, via PM, or any other way you see fit! </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Where should Jeremey and Dan Jr. go next?</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>Per Steve DeColt, continue on vs. Elite?<br /></li><li>Per Johnny Bloodstone, work a program with Jared Johnson?<br /></li><li>Per Duane Stone, get involved in the Aaron Knight/Cameron Vessey feud?<br /></li><li>Per Jack DeColt, work a Stones vs. DeColts story?<br /></li></ul><p></p>

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CWA Championship Wrestling

Prediction Card



Minnesota Awesome vs. The Pack (Wolfe & Johnson)

Natalie DiMarco vs. Laura Flame

Donte Dunn vs. Chucky Dorrance


Main Show:

Skip Beau vs. Lee Rivera w/ Jenny Playmate

Erik Strong vs. Solomon Gold

Zoe Ammis vs. Brooke Tyler

Diablo Duvak & Generation Z vs. Derek Frost & The Brothers Cain

Hank Gunn vs. Cameron Vessey

Sean McFly & David Stone vs. The Dynamite Express


Dark Main Event: Aaron Knight & The Decolt Boys vs. Mountie Mann & The Montreal Mafia


Still looking for feedback on the booking room (see the last post on the previous page). That will remain open for feedback for a bit.


Also, Herrbear, be sure to check you PMs for a Prediction Prize. :)

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Minnesota Awesome vs. The Pack (Wolfe & Johnson)

Natalie DiMarco vs. Laura Flame

Donte Dunn vs. Chucky Dorrance


Main Show:

Skip Beau vs. Lee Rivera w/ Jenny Playmate

Erik Strong vs. Solomon Gold

Zoe Ammis vs. Brooke Tyler

Diablo Duvak & Generation Z vs. Derek Frost & The Brothers Cain

Hank Gunn vs. Cameron Vessey

Sean McFly & David Stone vs. The Dynamite Express


Dark Main Event: Aaron Knight & The Decolt Boys vs. Mountie Mann & The Montreal Mafia

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Minnesota Awesome vs. The Pack (Wolfe & Johnson)

Natalie DiMarco vs. Laura Flame

Donte Dunn vs. Chucky Dorrance


Main Show:

Skip Beau vs. Lee Rivera w/ Jenny Playmate

Erik Strong vs. Solomon Gold

Zoe Ammis vs. Brooke Tyler

Diablo Duvak & Generation Z vs. Derek Frost & The Brothers Cain

Hank Gunn vs. Cameron Vessey

Sean McFly & David Stone vs. The Dynamite Express


Dark Main Event: Aaron Knight & The Decolt Boys vs. Mountie Mann & The Montreal Mafia

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Minnesota Awesome vs. The Pack (Wolfe & Johnson)

Natalie DiMarco vs. Laura Flame

Donte Dunn vs. Chucky Dorrance


Main Show:

Skip Beau vs. Lee Rivera w/ Jenny Playmate

Erik Strong vs. Solomon Gold

Zoe Ammis vs. Brooke Tyler

Diablo Duvak & Generation Z vs. Derek Frost & The Brothers Cain

Hank Gunn vs. Cameron Vessey

Sean McFly & David Stone vs. The Dynamite Express


Dark Main Event: Aaron Knight & The Decolt Boys vs. Mountie Mann & The Montreal Mafia

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Where should Jeremey and Dan Jr. go next?[/b]


  • Per Steve DeColt, continue on vs. Elite?
  • Per Johnny Bloodstone, work a program with Jared Johnson?
  • Per Duane Stone, get involved in the Aaron Knight/Cameron Vessey feud?
  • Per Jack DeColt, work a Stones vs. DeColts story?

I'm with Duane here. Knight and Vessey are your best guys and anything that shines them up even more is good.


Bloodstone's plan is okay if you see JJ as a future champion.


I'm not high on Price and see him as a stopgap champion at best. I wouldn't waste this unique opportunity on him.


Stones vs DeColts might be money now but it risks taking the spotlight off your current and future stars. You also devalue your top title if the championship feud gets overshadowed.

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<strong>Minnesota Awesome</strong> vs. The Pack (Wolfe & Johnson)</p><p>

Natalie DiMarco vs. <strong>Laura Flame</strong></p><p>

<strong>Donte Dunn</strong> vs. Chucky Dorrance</p><p> </p><p>

Main Show:</p><p>

<strong>Skip Beau</strong> vs. Lee Rivera w/ Jenny Playmate</p><p>

<strong>Erik Strong</strong> vs. Solomon Gold</p><p>

<strong>Zoe Ammis</strong> vs. Brooke Tyler</p><p>

Diablo Duvak & Generation Z vs. <strong>Derek Frost & The Brothers Cain</strong></p><p>

Hank Gunn vs. <strong>Cameron Vessey</strong></p><p>

<strong>Sean McFly & David Stone</strong> vs. The Dynamite Express</p><p> </p><p>

Dark Main Event: Aaron Knight & The Decolt Boys vs. <strong>Mountie Mann & The Montreal Mafia</strong></p>

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CWA Championship Wrestling

Prediction Card



Minnesota Awesome vs. The Pack (Wolfe & Johnson)

Natalie DiMarco vs. Laura Flame

Donte Dunn vs. Chucky Dorrance


Main Show:

Skip Beau

Erik Strong

Brooke Tyler

Derek Frost & The Brothers Cain

Cameron Vessey

Sean McFly & David Stone


Dark Main Event: Aaron Knight & The Decolt Boys

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Generic Venue in Calgary


6,999 Fans in attendance

Announce Team: Davis Ditterich, Samuel Curran & Tom Townsend



The Pack (Wolfe & Johnson) def. Minnesota Awesome (57)

Laura Flame def. Natalie DiMarco (56)

Donte Dunn def. Chucky Dorrance (64)


Main Show


Skip Beau vs. Lee Rivera w/ Jenny Playmate

Show started out with a longer bout that featured some decent action. The crowd has really been taking to “the Flow,” and Rivera proved to be a good opponent for him to showcase his entertaining style. In the end, Rivera succumbed to the Flow Down.


Winner: Skip Beau

Time: 20:27

Rating: 56


Post Match:

As Beau, tired from the strenuous bout, had his hand raised, “Shooter” Sean Deeley clubbed Beau from behind. The announce team noted that Deeley and Beau had shared some heated exchanges going back to Total Elimination, with Beau even eliminating Deeley from the bout. “Shooter” tossed Beau over the top rope and followed up by running his skull into the ringpost! As Beau lay on the ground, seemingly unconscious, Deeley shot snot from his nose on the prone figure before being forced to the back by officials.


Segment Rating: 66




Another video package, featuring “the Assassin of the Squared Circle,” Ernest Youngman working out in an empty training gym, with note he was coming to the CWA soon...


Segment Rating: 30


Erik Strong vs. Solomon Gold


Erik Strong looked to showcase his talents ahead of his upcoming Television Title with Mr. Impact scheduled for Clash Classic. “The Hillbilly Heartthrob” Solomon Gold just couldn’t stem the tide as Strong displayed his quickness and aerial tactics, putting down Gold with a Strongsault.


Winner: Erik Strong

Time: 9:01

Rating: 56




The Queen’s Court was out next, well, two out of three members were. Queen Nadia Snow did the heavy lifting for this promo, with Conroy occasionally chiming in to laugh at Snow’s quips. Snow was quick to point out the elephant in the room, the lack of Deborah Young after being KO’d by Claire Winters at Total Elimination. Snow promised that Winters has awakened an angry giantess and she better be ready for Young’s return. Snow then moved on to the CWA Women’s Champion, Amber Allen. Snow reminded the fans that she outlasted the champ at Total Elimination and she would outlast and outclass her again at Clash Classic…


Segment Rating: 42


Zoe Ammis vs. Brooke Tyler

“The Franchise” Brooke Tyler and Zoe Ammis, a quality veteran from the DeColt Powerhouse, was on deck next and the two women worked very hard. For over 10 minutes, the two had a great matchup with Zoe throwing everything she had against Tyler. Ultimately, Tyler was just too good however, submitting Ammis with a Brooke Breaker


Winner: Brooke Tyler

Time: 11:59

Rating: 77


Post Match



As Brooke Tyler’s hand was being raised her music was abruptly cut short by the music of “The Boss,” Lauren Easter. Easter came out with a microphone and noted that she wasn’t going to cheap shot Tyler like Tyler did last week. She was here to get Tyler to agree to settle who truly the best woman in the CWA is, challenging Tyler to a 2 out of 3 falls match at Clash Classic.


Tyler simply responded by saying she was looking forward to burying Easter once and for all, not once but twice in the same night.


Segment Rating: 73


Diablo Duvak & Generation Z w/ Hailey Hunter vs. Derek Frost & The Brothers Cain


The match centered around the on-going conflict between Generation Z and The Brothers Cain. The young up and comers have often found themselves at odds with The Brothers Cain’s merciless and wild tactics, often seeing bouts end in disqualification. Generation Z has not been quiet about their desire to settle their differences with The Brothers Cain fair and square.


They may have gotten their wish as Luke and Eli Cain (alongside Derek Frost) came out on top of this bout--no shenanigans needed, just a Running Big Boot in a moment of confusion on more inexperienced Flip Simkins.


Winners: Derek Frost & The Brothers Cain

Time: 12:12

Rating: 55


Adrian Garica Interviews Marc DuBois


Adrian Garcia once again was sitting down with Marc DuBois for an interview. Garcia pressed DuBois for his reasoning behind his attacks against the DeColts over recent weeks. DuBois once again explained how the DeColts and the Stones were two sides of the same coin--not true athletes at the top of their sport, but rather petty, egotistical maniacs who refused to let go at the expense of better, more talented wrestlers. DuBois went on to rant that it was time for the old guard to be put down, so a new generation can helm Canadian wrestling.


Segment Rating: 66


Hank Gunn vs. Cameron Vessey


Poor Hank Gunn never had a shot. Vessey straight out dominated the youngster here, clearly trying to prove a point. Vessey locked in a STF in just under four minutes and Gunn desperately tapped the mat for the submission victory


Winner: Cameron Vessey

Time: 3:52

Rating: 51


Post Match:


With Gunn writhing on the mat Vessey grabbed a microphone. “Aaron Knight…” Vessey began between heavy breaths, “see you at Clash Classic where not only will you quit, but you’ll beg for your life.” With that Vessey dropped the mic and headed to the back, stepping over the soundly beaten Hank Gunn.


Segment Rating: 70


Backstage Promo


CWA Television Champion Mr Impact was backstage where he had a few words for Erik Strong. Mr. Impact proudly had the title draped over his shoulder as he made it clear that he felt Erik Strong had no shot to beat him at Clash Classic. Impact pointed out that Strong made his whole career out of being an underdog and “that’s fine for storybooks. This isn’t a storybook Erik...this is real life and in real life, nice guys DO finish last!”


Segment Rating: 65


Sean McFly & David Stone vs. The Dynamite Express w/ Drake Young


Sean McFly partnered with his young nephew in the main event, taking on Christian Price’s stablemates and former CWA Tag champs, The Dynamite Express. The wrestling was decent and the heat was good for the bout. The story focused on The Express getting the heat on the younger Stone.


The tide changed when Jason Thunder and Lightning Lomas made a shocking return, coming out from the back to cheer on McFly and Stone. Jones and Collier had the look of seeing a ghost at the shock return of the CWA Tag Team Champions! The two teams began a heated exchange that cost the Express the bout. McFly received the hot tag and pinned Collier following a Delorean Driver.


Winners: McFly & Stone

Time: 16:10

Segment Rating: 75


Post Match:


The night did not end on that note. Very quickly the Dynamite Express and the returning Thunder & Lightning found themselves in an instant fight! Lomas and Collier had paired off and spilled into the crowd while Thunder and Jones exchanged fists heading to the back.


The CWA Champion Christian Price and his muscle man Blockbuster used the commotion to ambush McFly and Stone in the ring. Blockbuster ran McFly over as Price struck Stone across the skull with the World Championship! With Stone laid out, Price and Blockbuster double-teamed McFly who was unable to mount any offence. The night ended with a brutal attack as Blockbuster cradled McFly in a piledriver position over a steel chair. Price mounted the turnbuckle and spiked McFly, damaged neck and all, onto the unforgiving steel. The program ended with a tight shot of McFly writhing on the mat as Price leaned over him, shouting with flecks of spittle "happy now old man? Huh!?"


Rating: 59




Dark Main Event: Aaron Knight & The Decolt Boys def. Mountie Mann & The Montreal Mafia (59)


Show Rating: 73

TV: Rating: .31




OOC: Just to add, I'm still interested in hearing folks chime in on their thoughts from the last booking meeting (on page 2 of the thread). Cast your vote on where Dan Stone Jr. and Jeremy Stone go next!
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With Dan Jr. and Jeremy up in years, they should be putting over the young guys -- and no one really needs it more than The Elite -- they still don't feel like a true threat yet.


Price is a big star, but The Dynamite Express and Blockbuster could use a push.


My vote goes for Per Steve DeColt, continue on vs. Elite

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January Recap



CWA Company News:

  • Adopted a Working Relationship with BHOTWG with the option to trade talent
  • Adopted Friendly Opinion of: ACPW, MAW, FCW, NYCW, QAW and TCW

New Signings:

  • Ernest Youngman

  • (One more that has yet to debut)


  • Christy Higgins

  • Sabrina Wells

  • Minnesota Awesome (Clark Smallbone & Perry Longstaff)

  • The Heartbreak Express (Johnny Needham & Ralph Liotta)

  • Erin Lawerence

  • Royce Greig


Major News from Around the World:

  • Aaron Andrews broke his leg and will miss 6 months. Sammy Bach defeated Feddy Huggins to claim the vacant TCW World Championship following the injury.
  • KitoGuchi defeated Yano & Kikuchi in the main event of this year’s Wrestle Peace Festival.
  • Cique Jr has become the new head booker for EMLL following the passing of Luis Montero.


Passed Away:

  • Jackson Andrews

  • Alysian Scotsfield

  • Luis Montero

  • The Stomper



OOC: Firstly, thanks for those of you chiming in on the Stones booking decisions. Still playing with the the options, so feel free to continue to chime in with your thoughts!


Next, this little news section is a bit of a work in progress. I thought it might be helpful to update readers on the major goings-on in the game world. Truthfully, January has been a pretty quiet month. If anyone has any specific questions about the in-game universe, don't hesitate to ask.


I have a website feature that will probably be the next post (alongside a prediction card for the next CWA Championship Wrestling). I hope to have that up soon.


Lastly, Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there!

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The Flashback: CGC Chamber of Horrors 2016


By Davis Ditterich



In a little over a week, the CWA World Champion is set to defend his championship against the legendary veteran, Sean McFly. Over the last few weeks, it’s been clear that “the Stud” has not embraced his upcoming matchup as an opportunity to showcase his skills against a hall-of-fame caliber opponent, but rather taken every opportunity to try and one-up and seriously injure his opponent heading into Clash Classic. While it’s easy to think that Price is simply afraid of losing his precious championship and is looking to exploit every advantage in his arsenal, my opinion is that these tactics are symptomatic of a well-learned lesson way back in 2016. In this edition of “The Flashback,” we’re examining the 2016 CGC event, Chamber of Horrors, a defining moment for Christian Price.


To begin, let’s take a step back and consider the journey of the CWA Champion. Debuting in 2005, Price, a graduate of the DeColt Power House, exploded onto the CGC roster, enamoring fans across the country. From the outset, there was a buzz about Christian Price with many industry experts tipping the youngster as a future World Champion. He quickly connected with fans but it wasn’t until October of 2016 that Price finally fulfilled his potential, capturing the CGC World Championship from Jack DeColt in a true passing of the torch moment.


One of Price’s early challenges as champion was the tall task of defending the title in GCG’s diabolical structure, The Chamber of Horrors. (Luckily the merciless Chamber has not made an appearance in CWA). For those unaware,The Chamber of Horrors match was a CGC staple that saw 6 men compete in an elimination style matchup that took place within the confines of a chain link and steel reinforced cell. Making the Chamber even more unique was the random nature of it. Two wrestlers started the match with another man sent in every 3 minutes. They were slotted by lottery--random chance. Over the years, the Chamber became synonymous with brutality and violence.


It was here, in this environment, that Christian Price made a dramatic stand and proved his worth as champion. The bout featured the cream of the crop for CGC at the time--”the Specialist,” Bobby Thomas, Ricky DeColt, Dan DaLay, Gargantuan and Zeus Maximillion. All challengers were credible for the newly minted champion, but perhaps none more so than Ricky DeColt. Ricky was in the midst of a heated rivalry with Dan DaLay at the time.


Two weeks before the Chamber event, DaLay enlisted the aid of the Soldiers of Fortune to ambush Ricky DeColt. DaLay and the Soldiers of Fortune delivered a punishing spike piledriver on DeColt. (Sound familiar?)


When the Chamber rolled around, Price, the champion, was slotted in the underdog position as one of the two men to start the bout. The other? Ricky DeColt. Price showed an uncharacteristic aggression at the outset and targeted Ricky’s neck, exploiting the damage that DaLay had done two weeks earlier.


Following three DDT's (including on on the steel floor) Price successfully eliminated Ricky before the 3 minute interval in a truly shocking moment. Price would go on to survive the other competitors, barely defeating DaLay in the closing moments after memorably biting DaLay’s ear into a bloody pulp to escape a bear hug. The champ, bloody maw and all, delivered a Price Check on to the cell floor for the victory.


It was a defining moment for the first time champion, looking to newly establish his place on top of the mountain.


Clearly the CWA Champion learned a lesson that night. Attack early and exploit a weakness. Additionally, it’s important to remember how that night ended. Price, dripping in sweat and smeared with the blood of Dan DaLay around his mouth, held aloft the World Championship as a wild crowd cheered. In over a week’s time, the crowd might not be cheering, but otherwise the image could be the same...


OOC: Thanks to Herrbear for choosing this cool event for this special feature! I had a lot of fun writing it, I hope others enjoy reading it!

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CWA Championship Wrestling

Prediction Card



Ariel Breaks vs. Demelza Wade

Generation Z vs. Chucky Dorrance & Robin DaLay

Sandra Shine & Zoe Ammis vs. Nina Cacace & Sabrina Wells

Erik Strong vs. Derek Frost


Main Show:

Skip Beau vs. Johnny Bloodstone

Christy Higgins vs. Laura Flame

Sonny Wildside vs. Marc DuBois

CWA Television Championship: Robby Griffin vs. Mr. Impact ©

Amber Allen & Claire Winters vs. The Queen’s Court (Snow & Conroy)

Donte Dunn vs. Jared Johnson

Special Challenge Match: David Stone vs. Christian Price (non-title)


Dark Main Event: Jack DeColt vs. Lee Rivera


Plus comments from Thunder & Lightning and Aaron Knight sits down with Adrian Garcia!


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Ariel Breaks vs. <strong>Demelza Wade</strong></p><p>

<strong>Generation Z </strong>vs. Chucky Dorrance & Robin DaLay</p><p>

<strong>Sandra Shine & Zoe Ammis </strong>vs. Nina Cacace & Sabrina Wells</p><p>

<strong>Erik Strong </strong>vs. Derek Frost</p><p> </p><p>

Main Show:</p><p>

Skip Beau vs. <strong>Johnny Bloodstone</strong></p><p>

Christy Higgins vs.<strong> Laura Flame</strong></p><p>

<strong>Sonny Wildside </strong>vs. Marc DuBois</p><p>

CWA Television Championship: Robby Griffin vs. <strong>Mr. Impact ©</strong></p><p>

Amber Allen & Claire Winters vs. <strong>The Queen’s Court </strong>(Snow & Conroy)</p><p>

Donte Dunn vs. <strong>Jared Johnson</strong></p><p>

Special Challenge Match: <strong>David Stone </strong>vs. Christian Price (non-title)</p><p> </p><p>

Dark Main Event: <strong>Jack DeColt</strong> vs. Lee Rivera</p>

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Ariel Breaks vs. Demelza Wade

Generation Z vs. Chucky Dorrance & Robin DaLay

Sandra Shine & Zoe Ammis vs. Nina Cacace & Sabrina Wells

Erik Strong vs. Derek Frost


Main Show:

Skip Beau vs. Johnny Bloodstone

Christy Higgins vs. Laura Flame

Sonny Wildside vs. Marc DuBois

CWA Television Championship: Robby Griffin vs. Mr. Impact ©

Amber Allen & Claire Winters vs. The Queen’s Court (Snow & Conroy)

Donte Dunn vs. Jared Johnson

Special Challenge Match: David Stone vs. Christian Price (non-title)


Dark Main Event: Jack DeColt vs. Lee Rivera

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