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Questions about Chemistry

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How does the "discovered" chemistry mechanic work exactly?


Once a new game is started and all workers are given seed numbers--is there any way to find out this chemistry rather than house shows / direct matches? When you go into "Edit Chemistry" sections in the options tab, does it reveal to you ALL chemistry for this particular save game, or just the one you discovered / pre-set?


Is there a way to find / search this chemistry?

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Chemistry can be set up in the 'pre editor' via the Main Screen but will only affect new saves on that database.


New chemistry is random, as far as I have discovered. There's no way to know other than from house show booking or direct matches/angles etc.


Chemistry from the office screen will only show 'discovered' chemistry and cannot be changed. If Austin vs Rock for example have horrible chemistry as opponents this won't get better regardless of how many matches they have.


So unless there's a chemistry built into the speficic database the only way of finding these is from trial and error over time by booking shows etc

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