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TEW2020 on multiple PC's

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Hi all,


I've emailed developers but not had a reply yet.


Does anyone know how I can put TEW2020 on my PC as well as my Laptop. I have it installed already on Laptop, then when I download the game onto PC it says my licence has already been used and cannot be used for this download.


Is there a way around this without me having to buy the game again?



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<p>You just can't have the licence activated on two differents computers at the same time.</p><p> </p><p>

You've got to unlicence it first (can find how in technical support) in order to be able to licence it on your other computer. Rinse and repeat each time you want to play on your other PC.</p>

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This is such a 20th century limitation.


I have a laptop for gaming and a Surface tablet that I carry around with me. While WFH I typically have my Surface open to do non-work related browsing. If I want to play on both machines at different times it's crazy that not only do I have to move my savegame around, but I also have to jump through licensing-hoops.

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This is such a 20th century limitation.


I have a laptop for gaming and a Surface tablet that I carry around with me. While WFH I typically have my Surface open to do non-work related browsing. If I want to play on both machines at different times it's crazy that not only do I have to move my savegame around, but I also have to jump through licensing-hoops.


You could run parsec on both machines. It will allow you to connect to the main machine and play on your surface tablet through your home network connection


I use it to play and edit video from different machines and its free

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You could run parsec on both machines. It will allow you to connect to the main machine and play on your surface tablet through your home network connection


I use it to play and edit video from different machines and its free


I don't leave my laptop on 24/7 though.


It's not a deal-breaker, but it's certainly an annoyance. I can deal with having to move the savegame around say via Dropbox - that happens with plenty of games. But having to remember to unlicense the game before shutting down for the night if I'm planning on playing on the Surface and then finding an internet connection so that I can license on the Surface and play while I'm out and about, and then unlicense again when I get home and want to play on my laptop again, and then RElicense so I can play on my laptop that night, is just insane. Maybe doing that enough can bankrupt elicense through server costs though? :) One can dream.


It honestly just means that I'll probably license it on one or the other and then only use it on that one. If I'm out and about I'll play something else, like FM, or I'll only play it on my Surface, which is mostly used outside the house (or as a third screen for entertainment while WFH).


Edit: It is what it is, and it sure seems like it's not going to change (which is a shame). I'm not expecting my post to change that at all - that's not my purpose. Just expressing my frustration. The limitation affects my perceived value of the product because it affects my ability to use the product in the (not uncommon I'd wager) use case that I described. I'm getting less value out of the product because I'll be able to utilize it for fewer hours.

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