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Blackballed/refusing to work with/for certain people

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So I was thinking, although would be for a future edition I guess, a blackballed section would be good. So you could have a company who refuses to work with someone, a wrestler who refuses to join certainly companies. Could be a section in editor that is more specific, so could be "worker x refuses to work with worker y" so he wouldn't join a company they are in, or would leave that company if they hired the other guy.


Could work well so that enemies won't ever agree to be in same company, a guy might refuse to work for a Vince McMahon type, so again might be a section where you could put a wrestler would refuse to work for a company where x is an owner/booker. So again, a sort of real life example a guy might work in a company where Vince Russo is manager, but not if he is booking. Mick Foley might work in WWE when Flair is wrestling, but refuse to work for WCW is Flair has the book etc.


Again could be extended to whole countries, an american who has a drug scandal in Japan might be blackballed from the whole country, for example.


Could make it quite detailed, with many variants.

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<p>This is already semi-in place with relationships. If there is a hatred relationship between an owner or booker the worker will refuse to work for them.</p><p> </p><p>

I've pissed off a few workers that developed a Hatred relationship between my user avatar character and them and they refused to open negotiations with me.</p>

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I get it sort of there, but it adds a whole new level. Two workers may hate each other but might be able to work together, but they might not want to work for each other


An owner and a worker might dislike each other but are still willing to do business together, whereas others just won't have anything to do with each other etc

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