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Irish Whiskey Wrestling: The Rise of McAvatar

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You know they say when life gives you lemons make lemonade. I say when life gives you lemons eat them raw. Anyways getting off topic where was I, oh yeah, why am I in Ireland? Well you see I am opening up a wrestling company and I was looking for opportunity and I realize, that Ireland doesn't have any promotions open for wrestlers. Being the generous Scot that I am thought hey, lets give these poor Irish &$#*^##s some genuine wrestling, and by that I mean getting some gents and lasses and have them beat the ever loving *$ out of each other. This my dear friend is how Irish Whiskey Wrestling was born.



logo by smw88


Why the leprechaun? It's Ireland, why wouldn't I have a leprechaun? It's a new day in Ireland, a day when a proud Scottish *$@#%@# opens a company to entertain the Irish masses. I'll see all of you at the first show.



Wanted to add a section in the first post to give a shoutout for the great people who's work will be included in this diary CreeperGav, Brat99, and Wonk who's mods I used to expand the workers I could use in the Cverse. smw88 for the company and event logos and praguepride for the stable logos. I also want to say that I will be putting out show entries on Wednesday to Friday since I work Saturday through Tuesday. I may do small entries after getting off work, but most big entries will be during my days off.

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Shamrock Assault Squad logo by praguepride


Bruiser * Dangermouth * The Assassin's Guild (Stefan Raynor and Louie Peyton)


The Sweethearts logo by praugepride


Bulldog Jack * Cain Carlile * The Portuguese Men-Of-War (Manuel Dias and Joao Vincente)




Hardcore McAvatar * The Minor Annoyance * Johnny Highspot * Puffy the Sand Iron Player


The Party Animals (Rave and Trance) * Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore and Mickey Robson)


Aud Valkyrie * VENOM (Steph Blake and Jana Marie Bowen) * Geena the Warrior Princess


Golden Delicious * Jeri Behr * Nayima Khan * Joanna Silver




Liz Sweetheart (manages The Sweethearts) * Marbella (manages The Party Animals) * Kourtney (manages Hardcore McAvatar) * Wee Davey Keane (manages Shamrock Assault Squad)




Humphrey Woolsey * Lucy Avatar


Announce Team


Martin Bloydell (Lead Announcer) * Melanie Florence (Commentator and Lead Interviewer) * Papa O'Keefe (Commentator and Host of the Papa O'Keefe Show)


Road Agents


Geordie Jimmy Morris * Thug

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Event History


January IWW New Year's War

2020 http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2443903&postcount=8

February IWW Love to Fight

I http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2446573&postcount=21

March IWW Spring Slam

April IWW Way of the Warrior

May IWW Clash of Clovers

June IWW Summer Beatdown

July IWW War of the Clans

August IWW Off the Beaten Path

September IWW Songs of Battle

October IWW Night of Demons

November IWW Road to Conquest

December IWW Final Conquest

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A new year a new fight, time to get down to the nitty gritty and give the folks of Ireland the first show of their new promotion. The journey begins with half of the first round matchups of the King of Ireland and Irish Queen championship tournaments take place.

Irish Whiskey Wrestling is proud to present.




King of Ireland Quarterfinal

"Captain Crash" Cain Carlile w/Liz Sweetheart vs. Puffy the Sand Iron Player

King of Ireland Quarterfinal

Dangermouth vs. "The Free Wheeling, Show Stealing" Johnny Highspot

The Sweethearts (Bulldog Jack and The Portuguese Men-Of-War) w/Liz Sweetheart vs. The Minor Annoyance and The Assassin's Guild w/Wee Davey Keane

Bruiser w/Wee Davey Keane and Black Country Boys vs. Hardcore McAvatar w/Kourtney and The Party Animals w/Marbella

Irish Queen Quarterfinal

Aud Valkyrie vs "The Pride of Pakistan" Nayima Khan

Irish Queen Quarterfinal

Golden Delicious vs. Jeri Behr

Geena the Warrior Princess and Joanna Silver vs. Jana Marie Bowne and "The Mistress of the DDT" Steph Blake


First time running a diary would love to hear any feedback or predictions.

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Crescent Crown Pub, fitting for a company called Irish Whiskey Wrestling to have its first show at a Pub, hell the style of the company is Irish pub wrestling. Walking in I feel like this is actually happening, I am actually putting on a *$&$ing wrestling show. That's when I hear music coming from inside the Pub, and I think the owner's double booked us with a music group tonight. Storming in I see the gents and lasses gathered around a familiar face.



Dangermouth was putting on an impromptu concert for the roster. I can't help but chuckle, everyone was having a good time and I had to admit it was a great way to keep the spirits lifted before the show. Now if I could only understand what the *#^$ grime music was.

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IWW New Year's War 2020




The show opens with a Irish jig playing as ngyr72l.jpg Papa O' Keefe makes his entrance.

"Good days ladies and gents, it is I your favorite Irish bard Papa O' Keefe, and welcome to Irish Whiskey Wrestling. We have a great show tonight as we have half of the Quarterfinals of the King of Dublin and Irish Queen tournaments. We also have tag team and trios action as future opponents face off before next month's Love to Fight. So sit back, take a drink, and enjoy the show."

Rating: 36

QSCYN5z.jpg Welcome ladies and gentlemen I am Melanie Florence

Keefe: And I am Papa O'Keefe and we welcome you to New Year's War.

Florence: Now let's turn our attention to our ring announcer Martin Bloydell as we begin our first contest, take it away Martin rrcd7ln.jpg

OGopuZf.jpgWKFivEl.jpgVS T1mgtrn.jpgAZK2kKy.jpg

Geena the Warrior Princess and Joanna Silver vs Jana Marie Bowen and "The Mistress of the DDT" Steph Blake

Silver and Bowen start the in-ring portion of the match. They lock up and Bowen performs an armdrag followed by a dropkick driving Silver into her opponent's corner. Bowen performs a running knee and tags in Blake who proceeds to blast Sliver with lariats and knees. Blake slaps Geena, which results in her attempting to storm the ring only to be stopped by Humphrey. This results in Sliver being double teamed by Bowen and Blake as they perform a double suplex and Blake assists Bowen with performing a moonsault. Humphrey turns back to see Blake tag Bowen back in and gets a 2 count on Silver. Bowen continues her assault before scaling the ropes, but Silver counters with a dropkick driving Bowen from the ring. Silver begins to crawl towards her corner, but Bowen makes it back into the ring and tags in Blake. Silver dives towards her corner and tags in Geena. Geena proceeds to destroy Blake and Bowen with lariat after lariat. Blake finally ducks under a lariat and delivers an eye poke to Geena. A blind tag to Bowen allows Blake to kick Geena in the gut to allow Bowen to hit the Bowen Technique (Legdrop Facecrusher) from the top rope and Blake takes out Silver to allow Bowen to cover Geena for the 3 at 12:19. Rating: 17

Florence: Well that certainly gives Bowen momentum going into Love to Fight

O'Keefe: Yes Melanie that certainly does, she already has a pin over her quarterfinal opponent, that has to get in Geena's head going into next month.


6Gkzj1X.jpg VS X1YDDAM.jpg

IWW Irish Queen Quarterfinal

Golden Delicious vs Jeri Behr

The second match of the night pits two veterans of women's wrestling in the spotlight as both Behr and Delicious have nearly 20 years in the business. Both veterans begin the match pacing around the ring trying to get a measure on their opponent. Behr strikes first, delivering a dropkick witch Delicious answers with a dropkick of their own. Both competitors proceed to trade armdrags before Delicious rolls Behr up in a Schoolboy for 2. The lady from Sydney keeps her offense going with a bulldog and a springboard moonsault getting her another 2 count. Delicious sets Behr up for a Melbourne Surprise (Snap DDT) but Behr counters with a backdrop and then clotheslines Delicious over the top rope. Behr follows with a Tope Suicida before pushing Delicious back into the ring. Behr proceeds to hit a Standing Moonsault for the 3 at 9:44. Rating 13


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Irish Queen Quarterfinal

Aud Valkyrie vs "The Pride of Pakistan" Nayima Khan

This match was rough from the onset, Aud and Nayima just both laid into each other with punches and kicks as befitting their striking background. Aud clotheslines Nayima over the top rope, but she remains on the apron and barely catches Aud's arm to drop on the top rope. Nayima would continue to target the arm of Aud and succeeded in locking in the Cross Armbreaker, but Aud was too close to the ropes and caused a break. A mistiming between the two of them led to an awkward do over of the finish as Aud had to pick Nayima up a second time to hit the Valkyrie Driver (Michinoku Driver) after Nayima slipped off the first time. Aud picked up the 3 at 9:51. Rating: 12

O'Keefe: Well looks like we have our first semifinal match for Spring Slam.

Florence: Indeed Keefe it seems that Behr and Valkyrie will continue their path to become the first Irish Queen champion.

O'Keefe: By the way Melanie don't you have an interview with the Shamrock Assault Squad.

Florence: As a matter of fact I do, and here comes the Squad now.




Florence: Welcome gentlemen to the Florence Shop, may I ask where Dangermouth is.

Bruiser: You see Melanie, while Keane may have agreed to your little interview, I for one see it as a complete waste of time. So I told Dangermouth he had better things to do then sit for a pointless interview with you when he has a tournament match tonight.

Florence: So he's preparing for his match with Johnny Highspot.

Bruiser: He better be.

Peyton: Enough with the idle chatter, we got a question for you Melanie.

Florence: Oh

Raynor: Yeah, what does the boss have against the Shamrock Assault Squad, why does the Sweethearts get to stay a trio while the Squad has to compete in two separate matches.

Peyton: Yeah Melanie, why's the boss &$*#ing us over.

Florence: Gentlemen, I assure you that management had no intention of

Raynor: Cut the bull*@, I know management has it out for us. Why else would they pair Bruiser with a couple of rookies and force me and Louie to deal with that *&%#ing troll.

Bruiser places his hands on Raynor and Peyton's shoulders.

Bruiser: Gentlemen that is no way to treat a lady, besides its not like tonight's matches matter, win or lose I'll still beat McAvatar at Love to Fight, We'll still win at Spring Slam, and come Way of the Warrior, the Shamrock Assault Squad will be draped in gold. Now if you excuse me, my match is up next.

The Squad proceeds to leave, but Raynor pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to Florence.

Raynor: Give me a call baby.

Rating: 23


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Hardcore McAvatar w/Kourtney and The Party Animals w/Marbella vs Bruiser w/Wee Davey Keane and Black Country Boys

This match was absolute chaos within the first few minutes all six men were brawling in the ring. McAvatar was able to drive the Black Country Boys over the top rope with a double clothesline allowing The Party Animals to hit them with duo suicide dives. Bruiser and McAvatar would start the match with Bruiser laying into McAvatar with hard rights before nailing him with a spinebuster, this prompted Rave to hit Bruiser with a Springboard Dropkick allowing McAvatar to tag in Trance. Bruiser would catch Trance off a cross body and hit him with a powerslam before tagging in Robson. The Black Country Boys would continue to beat down Trance tagging in and out as the did so. Kourtney would provide a distraction allowing McAvatar to drive a chair into the skulls of the Black Country Boys, before he could hit Bruiser, Bruiser would leave his partners out to dry and head to the back. The numbers game would spell the end for the Black Country Boys as The Party Animals drive Robson from the ring allowing McAvatar to hit Vedmore with a Diving Headbutt for the win at 10:38 Rating: 21


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The Sweethearts (Bulldog Jack and The Portuguese Men-Of-War) w/Liz Sweetheart vs The Minor Annoyance and The Assassin's Guild w/Wee Davey Keane

Peyton and Jack would start the match with Peyton taking the time to yell at Annoyance that no matter what, don't get involved and don't tag in. "The Predator" would proceed to overpower the "British Strong" Bulldog pushing him into the corner before hitting him with multiple shoulder blocks. Peyton would tag in Raynor, but Jack would overpower the "Angel-Faced Killer" allowing him to tag in Manuel Dias and would proceed to hit a hurricanrana and give his team the advantage. Jack and The Portuguese Men-Of-War would take turns wearing down Raynor including Jack getting a close 2 count following a Standing Powerslam. Raynor would eventually avoid a splash in the corner from Jack and would crawl his way to the corner, but when he went to tag in Peyton, the Annoyance would tag himself in. The Annoyance would run into a big boot from Jack before Vincente was tagged in and hit the Portuguese Splash on The Minor Annoyance for the 3 count at 11:38. Rating: 20

After the match Peyton proceeds to destroy the Annoyance before The Assassin's Guild hit The Last Hit (Total Elimination) Raynor would retrieve a table and Peyton would drive the Annoyance through it with a Predator Bomb Rating: 16


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King of Ireland Quarterfinal

Dangermouth w/Wee Davey Keane vs "The Free Wheeling, Show Stealing" Johnny Highspot

Johnny Highspot took control of the match early having an answer for everything the rookie brawler had in store. Highspot lived up to his name hitting multiple moves off the ropes. This would cost him when Keane distracted the veteran highflyer allowing Dangermouth to take advantage. Dangermouth would get too cocky and would spend too much time taunting Highspot allowing him to hit an enziguri, a brainbuster, and end the match with a Frog Splash at 10:16


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Main Event

King of Ireland Quarterfinal

"Captain Crash" Cain Carlile w/Liz Sweetheart vs Puffy the Sand Iron Player

The main event started off big with Carlile driving Puffy out of the ring with a dropkick and following with a suicide dive attempt. Puffy would step out of the way leading to Carlile crashing into the front row. Puffy would proceed to take a putter and lay it into Carlile's back.

Florence: Hold on that should be a disqualification.

Keefe: Actually I heard from the boss that he doesn't want DQs in IWW, so Puffy has every right to use anything to get an advantage.

Florence: Well why hasn't anyone else took advantage of the no DQs.

Keefe: My guess, nobody asked.

Puffy would proceed to take a driver out of his golf bag and take swing at Carlile, but Carlile would duck the blow and deliver a handspring elbow to take Puffy off his feet. Carlile would proceed to perform a springboard moonsault, but Puffy would get his knees up. With his frustration mounting Puffy would line Carlile up for the Tee Off (Punt Kick) and when he went for it Carlile would nail Puffy in the face with his own driver. Carlile would proceed to hit the Mark of Cain (Handspring Cutter) before getting the pin at 10:20 Rating: 30

Show Rating: 27

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After the Show


My body hurts, got that stinging pain in my back again. I look around the makeshift locker room in the back of the pub and see that I'm not the only one that feels this way. Jack, Geena, Aud, we all feel it, the years of wear and tear. The knowledge that this is probably the last chance we have to be part of something outside independent shows. I see Dave coming into the back and its nice to be working with him again even if he is retired.

Thug: Hey Matt, want to get a drink, for old times sake.

Bruiser: Sure Dave, for old times sake.

We wander up to the counter and we both order whiskey from a local brewery. We don't talk much, we never did. It just feels nice to not be drinking alone. It feels nice to be part of something again.

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When it came time to find a headquarters for IWW I searched high and low, and went with the cheapest option. The building I chose was a +^$*#hole but it was cheap. On today's agenda, fix the leak in the roof of my future office. Checking my phone I see an interesting picture pop up on my social feed.



Well seems Liz and Stefan started necking, who knew. Seems some fans caught them at dinner and decided to take a pic. Well guess I should congratulate them on finding some happiness. So I add a comment to the picture saying "Congratulation ^*#$ers" and start to work on the roof.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="ngyr72l.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ngyr72l.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Good day to the wonderful folk of Ireland. It's me Ireland's favorite bard Papa O'Keefe and I'm here to tell you what you have to look forward to tonight in the main event as the two semifinalists in the King of Ireland tournament will captain teams before they collide next month at Spring Slam. Also last month's losers shall collide as Dangermouth and Puffy the Sand Iron Player both look to rebound after their quarterfinal losses at New Year's War. The last half of the quarterfinals for the Irish Queen and King of Ireland tournaments shall take place. Will Geena or Joanna beat their opponents after their tag team loss at New Year's War or will the new team of VENOM collide in the semifinals at Spring Slam. After not having a single member of the Shamrock Assault Squad win last month will Bruiser succeed in his quarterfinal match against Hardcore McAvatar. The other quarterfinal will put "British Strong" Bulldog Jack against The Minor Annoyance in what I am sure will <em>not</em> be a one-sided affair. Finally our opening contest will see previous opponents team up as Aud Valkyrie teams up with "The Pride of Pakistan" Nayima Khan to take on Jeri Behr and Golden Delicious. This is Papa O'Keefe hoping you enjoy the show. Rating: 45</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="J4DjqSC.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/J4DjqSC.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>

Prediction Card</p><p>

<strong>MAIN EVENT</strong></p><p>

The Sweethearts ("Captain Crash" Cain Carlile and The Portuguese Men-Of-War) w/Liz Sweetheart and The Party Animals w/Marbella vs "The Free Wheeling, Show Stealing" Johnny Highspot, Black Country Boys, and The Assassin's Guild w/Wee Davey Keane</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>King of Ireland Quarterfinal</strong></p><p>

"British Strong" Bulldog Jack w/Liz Sweetheart vs The Minor Annoyance</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>King of Ireland Quarterfinal</strong></p><p>

Bruiser w/Wee Davey Keane vs Hardcore McAvatar w/Kourtney</p><p> </p><p>

Dangermouth w/Wee Davey Keane vs Puffy the Sand Iron Player</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Irish Queen Quarterfinal</strong></p><p>

Geena the Warrior Princess vs Jana Marie Bowen</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Irish Queen Quarterfinal</strong></p><p>

Joanna Silver vs "The Mistress of the DDT" Steph Blake</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Opening Match</strong></p><p>

Aud Valkyrie and "The Pride of Pakistan" Nayima Khan vs Golden Delicious and Jeri Behr</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="White Dolphin" data-cite="White Dolphin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="50539" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>PLEASE tell me we're going to get a segment involving McAvatar running with scissors at some point.<p> </p><p> Interesting base premise you got here, I like McAvatar and feel he's got character potential. Good luck with this.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> There may or may not be a segment involving McAvatar and scissors. Hope you enjoy future posts.</p>
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<p><p>MAIN EVENT</p><p></p><p>

<strong>The Sweethearts ("Captain Crash" Cain Carlile and The Portuguese Men-Of-War) w/Liz Sweetheart and The Party Animals w/Marbella</strong> vs "The Free Wheeling, Show Stealing" Johnny Highspot, Black Country Boys, and The Assassin's Guild w/Wee Davey Keane</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

King of Ireland Quarterfinal</p><p></p><p>

<strong>"British Strong" Bulldog Jack w/Liz Sweetheart</strong> vs The Minor Annoyance</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

King of Ireland Quarterfinal</p><p></p><p>

Bruiser vs <strong>Hardcore McAvatar w/Kourtney</strong></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

<strong>Dangermouth w/Wee Davey Keane</strong> vs Puffy the Sand Iron Player</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

Irish Queen Quarterfinal</p><p></p><p>

Geena the Warrior Princess vs <strong>Jana Marie Bowen</strong></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

Irish Queen Quarterfinal</p><p></p><p>

Joanna Silver vs <strong>"The Mistress of the DDT" Steph Blake</strong></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

Opening Match</p><p></p><p>

<strong>Aud Valkyrie and "The Pride of Pakistan" Nayima Khan</strong> vs Golden Delicious and Jeri Behr</p></p>

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Meet the Workers: Bruiser


Will be putting Love to Fight on Wednesday, but wanted to start a series talking about each member of the roster to help expand the world of my diary.




Real Name: Matthew Jackson

Nickname: The UK Wrecker

Gimmick: Bad Ass (Rated Great)

Size: Light Heavyweight

Style: Brawler

Finisher: Gutwrench Powerbomb

Theme: Bad to the Bone by George Thorogood

Notes from McAvatar: When looking for guys for the opening roster I new I needed Bruiser, the first wrestling show I saw was a MOSC show my old man brought me to when I was six or seven, hard to remember after I tried a diving headbutt on one of my friends off a roof. Anyways I saw the UK Wrecking Crew as some of the toughest guys in wrestling growing up, after all my old man said MOSC was real man's promotion. I have plenty of respect for Bruiser, will still kick his *$& in the ring, but I'll do it with respect.

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Meet the Workers: The Minor Annoyance



The Minor Annoyance

Real Name: Jay Coward

Nickname: That ugly little $*%

Gimmick: Troll (Rated Great)

Size: Small

Style: Entertainer

Theme: Baby by Justin Bieber

Notes from McAvatar: What the *$(% was I drinking when I offered this *$(%&@# a job. Seriously I let the wrestlers choose their themes and he chooses a Justin Bieber song. A *$(#ING JUSTIN BIEBER SONG! Well if their is one thing to say Jay is good at comedy matches and the fans love to see him get his $*# kicked. I will probably have too much fun kicking his $*#.

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Prediction Card


The Sweethearts ("Captain Crash" Cain Carlile and The Portuguese Men-Of-War) w/Liz Sweetheart and The Party Animals w/Marbella vs "The Free Wheeling, Show Stealing" Johnny Highspot, Black Country Boys, and The Assassin's Guild w/Wee Davey Keane


King of Ireland Quarterfinal

"British Strong" Bulldog Jack w/Liz Sweetheart vs The Minor Annoyance


King of Ireland Quarterfinal

Bruiser w/Wee Davey Keane vs Hardcore McAvatar w/Kourtney


Dangermouth w/Wee Davey Keane vs Puffy the Sand Iron Player


Irish Queen Quarterfinal

Geena the Warrior Princess vs Jana Marie Bowen


Irish Queen Quarterfinal

Joanna Silver vs "The Mistress of the DDT" Steph Blake

Opening Match

Aud Valkyrie and "The Pride of Pakistan" Nayima Khan vs Golden Delicious and Jeri Behr

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The Sweethearts ("Captain Crash" Cain Carlile and The Portuguese Men-Of-War) w/Liz Sweetheart and The Party Animals w/Marbella vs "The Free Wheeling, Show Stealing" Johnny Highspot, Black Country Boys, and The Assassin's Guild w/Wee Davey Keane


King of Ireland Quarterfinal

"British Strong" Bulldog Jack w/Liz Sweetheart vs The Minor Annoyance


King of Ireland Quarterfinal

Bruiser w/Wee Davey Keane vs Hardcore McAvatar w/Kourtney


Dangermouth w/Wee Davey Keane vs Puffy the Sand Iron Player


Irish Queen Quarterfinal

Geena the Warrior Princess vs Jana Marie Bowen


Irish Queen Quarterfinal

Joanna Silver vs "The Mistress of the DDT" Steph Blake


Opening Match

Aud Valkyrie and "The Pride of Pakistan" Nayima Khan vs Golden Delicious and Jeri Behr

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Meet the Workers: Puffy the Sand Iron Player



Puffy the Sand Iron Player

Real Name: Jasper Hastings

Gimmick: Frustrated Golfer (Great)

Size: Middleweight

Style: Hardcore

Theme: Straight Down the Middle by Bing Crosby

Notes from McAvatar: I hired Puffy simply because I heard rumors that SNP where thinking of hiring him, so I wanted to stick it to Carnie by hiring him first. Though I have to say Jasper does provide a worker who is willing to put his body through a hardcore match and to make people laugh in a comedy match. Also he's a golfer, Irish people love that, right?

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Meet the Workers: Bulldog Jack



Bulldog Jack

Real Name: Jack Ward

Nickname: British Strong

Gimmick: Plucky Patriot (Poor)

Size: Light Heavyweight

Style: Brawler

Theme: Rule Britannia

Notes from McAvatar: Old Jack here was hired as an experienced hand who is good at comedy. He is also currently our biggest and most experienced wrestler. The guy has been wrestling more than a decade longer then I've been alive. I know he may be British Strong, but I'm a crazy Scottish *$@$*, we'll see who wins that fight.


Author's Note: IWW doesn't use faces or heels, but with Jack, a funny thing happened, he has an attribute that says he is better as a babyface, however when his gimmick was rated it got the attribute that it couldn't be used by a babyface, funny how that happens.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Before the Show</strong></p><p>

<img alt="7SQkaW4.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/7SQkaW4.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Before the fans begin to trickle in I rummage through the back of my truck looking making sure I didn't forget any of the *&$# I wanted to stash under the ring for everyone to use tonight. Once I got the last items to put under the ring I head into Crescent Crown Pub and that's when I notice Aud and Bruiser.</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="9TCQJhg.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/9TCQJhg.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="08Nomfc.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/08Nomfc.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p>

They were just standing by the ring laughing and telling each other tales about their careers. Seems to me they were becoming pretty good friends. I head to the other side of the ring to stash my loot, and head to the back to get ready and leave the two of them laughing and reminiscing about their lives.</p>

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IWW Love to Fight I


Irish Whiskey Wrestling Presents:


IWW Love to Fight I



Florence: Welcome ladies and gentlemen our opening contest for the evening will feature former adversaries teaming up to gain momentum this evening.

O'Keefe: That's right Melanie, both Khan and Delicious look to bounce back after their first round losses in the Irish Queen tournament.

Florence: And Valkyrie and Behr look to gain an advantage before their clash next month.

O'Keefe: Well let's take it to Martin and get the match underway.

9TCQJhg.jpgp5iJMUg.jpg VS 6Gkzj1X.jpgX1YDDAM.jpg

Aud Valkyrie and "The Pride of Pakistan" Nayima Khan vs Golden Delicious and Jeri Behr

A battle between strikers and high flyers. Khan and Delicious start the match off both hoping to earn a notch in the victory column tonight. Delicious and Behr would gain the early advantage keeping the young Khan in their corner and performing quick tags and aerial maneuvers. This would cost them when Khan ducked under a crossbody from Delicious, before connecting with a knee to the jaw. Khan would use the opportunity to tag in Valkyrie who would unleash slams and suplexes to Delicious. Behr would perform a springboard clothesline to help her partner, but would then be taken out by Khan who hit Behr with a kayak paddle from under the ring. Delicious attempted to hit Valkyrie with the Melbourne Surprise (Snap DDT) but Aud would counter into a Valkyrie Driver (Michinoku Driver) and score the pin for her team. Rating: 17

O'Keefe: Well it seems that Khan is taking advantage of the lack of rules here in IWW.

Florence: It seems so Keefe you have to wonder what other items have been hidden under the ring for our competitors to use.

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Irish Queen Quarterfinal

Joanna Silver vs "The Mistress of the DDT" Steph Blake

Blake didn't give Silver a chance to take off her coat and hat before attacking her when she was still posing on the turnbuckle. The veteran competitor would keep Silver grounder before hitting a tornado DDT out of the corner and getting 2 count. Blake would deliver another DDT, but was to close to the ropes which allowed Silver to roll out of the ring. Blake would follow just to get glitter thrown into her face from Silver. Silver would use the distraction to finally take her coat off before throwing it onto Blake and hitting her with a dropkick. Silver would run back into the ring hoping to beat Blake by count out, but Blake would reenter the ring on the count of 9. Silver would get a brief advantage hitting Blake with a legdrop, but her attempt at Timber Shiverer (Diamond Cutter) would be countered into a back suplex followed by Blake hitting a Slingshot DDT to end the match. Rating: 19

Florence: Well it seems that the Mistress of the DDT is on her way to becoming Queen.

O'Keefe: It looks that way, it will be interesting to see if her partner in VENOM will meet her in the semifinals.

Civilization V Medley begins to play

Florence: It seems we won't have long to find out as Geena is coming out to start the next match.

O'Keefe: I think she is coming out first to prevent Bowen from doing the same thing to Silver and attacking before she finishes her entrance.

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Irish Queen Quarterfinal

Geena the Warrior Princess vs Jana Marie Bowen

After the bell rung, Bowen instantly ducked out of the ring to keep her distance from her larger opponent. Bowen would search under the ring before pulling out a kendo stick as an equalizer. Bowen's attempt to use the kendo stick was caught and Geena would hit her with a lariat. Geena would follow this up with a Snake Eyes and a running boot and Bowen would roll out of the ring. Geena would follow her out however throwing her into the crown of 56 fans in attendance. Bowen would grab one of the chairs a fan was sitting on and hit Geena in the face with it. Bowen runs back to the ring with a bleeding Geena in close pursuit and when Geena enters the ring Bowen takes advantage to hit her with the kendo stick. After being satisfied with the damage she's caused Bowen climbs the ropes in order to set up her finisher, but Geena crotches Bowen and tosses her off. Bowen can't recover in time for Geena to lift her up and nail her with an Amazon Plunge (White Noise) for the victory. Rating: 16

O'Keefe: Well it's set, we have our semifinals for next month.

Florence: Valkyrie vs Behr and Geena vs Blake who will punch their ticket into title contention next month.

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Dangermouth w/Wee Davey Keane vs Puffy the Sand Iron Player

Before the match begins both Dangermouth and Keane tell the referee that Puffy should keep his out of the ring, but Humphrey calls them both *$@#^!@ and signals for the bell to start the match. Puffy proceeds to take out his driver proceeds to use it to batter Dangermouth. Dangermouth yells at Keane to toss him something so Keane reaches under the ring and tosses Dangermouth… a Barbie Doll, which causes him to yell, What the *$&% am I suppose to do with this!, before getting a boot to the face from Puffy. Keane's Irish luck was failing him tonight cause everything he threw to Dangermouth was useless against Puffy, which included: a teddy bear, a Ken doll, a roll of toilet paper, and an issue of Naughty Clovers for Leprechauns. Dangermouth finally tired of getting useless crap from Keane and the constant assault from the Hardcore Golfer, finally yells *$%* it and nails Puffy with a low blow before hitting a Flatliner for the win. Rating: 17



Florence: Joining me at this time are my guests "Captain Crash" Cain Carlile and Liz Sweetheart.

Sweetheart: Thank you for having us Melanie.

Carlile: Yes, it's a real pleasure.

Florence: Thank you for being here. Now tell me Cain how does it feel advancing in the King of Ireland championship tournament.

Carlile: Well Melanie I got to tell you-

Highspot: Well, well, well, what do we have here. Come on Melanie if you needed an interview, you could have done way better than this sad excuse for a highflyer.

Carlile: What did you call me?

Highspot: You heard me, or did your face plant last month against Puffy affect your hearing. I mean seriously what kind of highflyer calls themselves "Captain Crash" it's like you want to *$#@ up.

Carlile: What's it matter to you Johnny.

Highspot: That's Mr. Highspot to you, I've been hitting the ropes and wowing fans since before you were born, and if you think that you have any chance of beating me tonight or at Spring Slam, well I'd just start packing your bags since you'll have better luck, staying at home in your mother's basement.

Carlile: That's all you got Johnny, cause let me tell you tonight The Sweethearts and Party Animals will wipe the floor with your goons, you may have size in your corner, but me and my friends, we got heart in ours.

Highspot: Sure whatever you say chump. Hey Liz if you ever want to start betting on a real man, hands Liz a business card you've got my number. Rating: 29

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King of Ireland Quarterfinal

Bruiser w/Wee Davey Keane vs Hardcore McAvatar w/Kourtney

A match pitting a man with no sense of self-preservation against the veteran Bruiser. Bruiser took advantage with his superior size and strength, but McAvatar had a secret weapon and that weapon was Kourtney who tossed McAvatar a crowbar which allowed him to turn the tide in his favor, before he grew bored of hitting the veteran brawler with a blunt object and yelled at Kourtney to hand him something *$ing interesting so Kourtney pulled out a cheese grater. McAvatar had a smile of sadistic glee on his face as he retrieved the item from Kourtney, but he failed to notice Bruiser had grabbed the crowbar until he felt the shot to the back from Bruiser. Bruiser gained brief control until McAvatar took the cheese grater straight to Bruiser's jewels before dragging it across his face. McAvatar then turned to Kourtney, before screaming toss in everything, so Kourtney began tossing everything that she could grab from under the ring into it, the first item McAvatar grabs is a broom which he breaks over Bruiser's back. Bruiser wipes the blood from his eyes before grabbing a screwdriver and when McAvatar picks him up to hit him with a frying pan, Bruiser drives it into his face, before hitting a low blow and hitting a Gutwrench Powerbomb onto a trash can to score the win and advance into the semifinals. Rating: 18

O'Keefe: Well I do believe that was the bloodiest affair that we have had so far in IWW.

Florence: Yes Keefe, I do hope that they clear out the ring before the next match.

O'Keefe: You know how the saying goes Melanie the show must go on, that simply means that everyone else doesn't have to dig through the ring for weapons.

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King of Ireland Quarterfinal

"British Strong" Bulldog Jack vs The Minor Annoyance

In a totally even match, oh who am I kidding, this was a glorified squash. The ring of filled with weapons and what did Annoyance grab to use against Jack, the *$ing Teddy Bear from earlier, only with a little red from either McAvatar or Bruiser. Bulldog Jack went through the paces with Annoyance, he played toss the Annoyance, played the drums with Annoyance, and sat on Annoyance, before finally ending the match with a Standing Powerslam for the win. Rating: 26


After the match The Assassin's Guild is making their entrance when they see that The Minor Annoyance is still writhing in pain in the ring and that there is a table sticking out from under the ring. While Raynor sets up the table Peyton drags Annoyance from the ring and drives him into the apron. Peyton then puts the Annoyance through the table with a Predator Bomb for good measure. Rating: 17

O'Keefe: I think the Assassin's Guild is still sore from the Annoyance losing them their match last month.

Florence: No Keefe they did it for &$#^s and giggles.

O'Keefe: When did you start being the sarcastic one Melanie.

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The Sweethearts ("Captain Crash" Cain Carlile and The Portuguese Men-Of-War) w/Liz Sweetheart and The Party Animals w/Marbella vs "The Free Wheeling, Show Stealing" Johnny Highspot, Black Country Boys, and The Assassin's Guild w/Wee Davey Keane

The main event kicked off with both captains starting in the ring for their teams. Highspot took control after first kicking Carlile in the groin right after the bell rung before posing in the corner. Carlile would tag out to Rave and Rave would hit a dropkick on Highspot. Highspot and Rave would trade rollups before Highspot created separation with an enziguri, and would tag in Peyton. Peyton would catch Rave off a springboard crossbody before hitting a backbreaker, forcing Rave to tag in Dias. Highspot would tag himself in before chaos ensued and all ten men hit the ring. The Black Country Boys would clothesline Carlile over the rope, The Party Animals would hit the Black Country Boys with duo dropkicks followed by duo suicide dives. The Portuguese Men-Of War would hit Peyton with a double Flapjack before Raynor hit Vincente with Single-Arm DDT. Dias would nail Raynor in the head with a pool cue, Highspot caught Dias with a brainbuster onto road sign before scaling the ropes, pointing right at Carlile and hitting a Frog Splash for the pin on Dias, while Keane prevent Carlile from breaking up the pin. Rating: 21

Show Rating: 24

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Quick Results</p><p>

Valkyrie and Khan def Behr and Delicious</p><p>

Blake def. Silver</p><p>

Geena def. Bowen</p><p>

Dangermouth def. Puffy</p><p>

Bruiser def. McAvatar</p><p>

Bulldog Jack def. Annoyance</p><p>

Team Highspot def. Team Carlile</p><p>

Prediction Results:</p><p>

Historian 6/7, 86%</p><p>

Herrbear 4/7, 57%</p><p>

smw88 4/7, 57%</p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

Well that's the second show in the books, and congrats to Historian for getting all but Bruiser vs McAvatar in the predictions. Everyone predicted McAvatar winning, and while yes McAvatar will probably hold the King of Ireland championship sometime in the future, I already had a plan with who I wanted to win the tournament and had a feud planned for McAvatar. Everyone did guess Blake and Bulldog Jack's advancement in the tournament. Glad to see the predictions, and hope you all enjoyed the show.</p>

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Day of Spring Slam


You know it's days like this when I can just look and admire my work. That's when I hear Geordie come in for the day.


Morris: Hey kid what are you up to.

McAvatar: Trying to see if I could setup a cage, think I did a *$#& good job.

Morris: That's nice kid, how bout we bring it down, before we start the show.

McAvatar: Slight problem with that, I broke the drill I used to put up the cage.

Morris: How the &$^# did you break the drill.

McAvatar: Saw someone talking *$ about me online, got pissed and chucked it at the wall over there. Then it got me thinking about this cage and tonight's show.

Morris: Somehow, you getting ideas while mad, doesn't fill me with confidence.

McAvatar: One night only, every match inside a steel cage, I mean 21CW didn't put on a single *$&%ing cage match at their Steel Cage Challenge, lets give fans some iron violence, you what I mean.

Morris: deep sigh I'll call Dave and we'll sort something out with the workers.

McAvatar: Thanks Geordie, I can't wait to jump off of this thing.

Morris: I'll have an ambulance on standby.

Later that Night


Good evening ladies and gents, Ireland's favorite bard is here to tell you what is about to partake tonight. As you all see the ring is surrounded by steel and that's because tonight Spring Slam will be in the slammer, there will be forgiveness within these steel walls as the semifinals for the Blood Brothers, Irish Queen, and King of Ireland championship take place. After all if those *$*@# in England refuse to host a single cage match in an event titles after them. Well I guess we Irish got to show them how its done. Also tonight we have two young athletes looking to prove themselves as "Wrestling's Greatest Grime Artist" Dangermouth takes on Hardcore McAvatar, The Minor Annoyance takes on Puffy the Sand Iron Player, and the four women who lost in the quarterfinals will face off in a fatal fourway. Who will survive, find out tonight as Irish Whiskey Wrestling presents Spring Slam. Rating: 40


Prediction Card

Every match is in a Steel Cage


King of Ireland Semifinal

"Captain Crash" Cain Carlile w/Liz Sweetheart vs "The Free Wheeling, Show Stealing" Johnny Highspot

Blood Brothers Semifinal

Black Country Boys vs The Party Animals w/Marbella

Irish Queen Semifinal

Aud Valkyrie vs Jeri Behr

Irish Queen Semifinal

Geena the Warrior Princess vs "The Mistress of the DDT" Steph Blake

King of Ireland Semifinal

Bruiser w/Wee Davey Keane vs "British Strong" Bulldog Jack w/Liz Sweetheart

Blood Brothers Semifinal

The Assassin's Guild w/Wee Davey Keane vs The Portuguese Men-Of-War w/Liz Sweetheart

Puffy the Sand Iron Player vs The Minor Annoyance

Golden Delicious vs Jana Marie Bowen vs Joanna Silver vs "The Pride of Pakistan" Nayima Khan

Opening Match

Dangermouth w/Wee Davey Keane vs Hardcore McAvatar w/Kourtney


Will aim to put the show up on Friday, hope to make an enjoyable show for you all.

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<p>MAIN EVENT</p><p>

King of Ireland Semifinal</p><p>

"Captain Crash" Cain Carlile w/Liz Sweetheart vs "The Free Wheeling, Show Stealing" <strong>Johnny Highspot</strong></p><p>

Blood Brothers Semifinal</p><p>

Black Country Boys vs <strong>The Party Animals w/Marbella</strong></p><p>

Irish Queen Semifinal</p><p>

Aud Valkyrie vs <strong>Jeri Behr</strong></p><p>

Irish Queen Semifinal</p><p>

Geena the Warrior Princess vs "<strong>The Mistress of the DDT" Steph Blake</strong></p><p>

King of Ireland Semifinal</p><p>

Bruiser w/Wee Davey Keane vs "<strong>British Strong" Bulldog Jack w/Liz Sweetheart</strong></p><p>

Blood Brothers Semifinal</p><p>

<strong>The Assassin's Guild w/Wee Davey Keane</strong> vs The Portuguese Men-Of-War w/Liz Sweetheart</p><p>

<strong>Puffy the Sand Iron Player</strong> vs The Minor Annoyance</p><p>

Golden Delicious vs Jana Marie Bowen vs <strong>Joanna Silver </strong>vs "The Pride of Pakistan" Nayima Khan</p><p>

Opening Match</p><p>

Dangermouth w/Wee Davey Keane vs <strong>Hardcore McAvatar w/Kourtney</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Will aim to put the show up on Friday, hope to make an enjoyable show for you all.</p>

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