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[RELEASE] MAWgate - The revenge of Sam Keith [CORNELLVERSE 2020 MOD]

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Hi everyone. This is a situational Cornellverse 2020 mod - meaning that it is based on the canon 2020 Cornellverse, but with additional happenings leading up to the mod's starting point.


DOWNLOAD THE DATABASE HERE: http://www.mediafire.com/file/z8vec538vz6ul76/HighImpactWrestling.rar/file


I created this first and foremost for my own benefit, but thought I may as well share it in case anyone else was interested.


The database and High Impact Wrestling (HIW) both begin in March 2020. HIW is a medium-sized promotion and Sam Keith is both its CEO and booker.


The promotion was founded in record time following MAWgate - see the media entries a bit further below, as well as the descriptions in-game, for more details.


It is kind of an AEW-style promotion to play - it uses Wrestling Nerd Nirvana and the roster includes a bunch of US workers who were working in Japan; however, there is a narrative which contextualises the promotion within the context of the Cornellverse and it is rather different to AEW in its reason for being founded.


It should also be noted that most of the workers have had their popularities buffed to suit the fact that they were promoted by HIW in February to a large audience that previously would not have heard of them. This also makes the roster a bit less lop-sided to book at the start.


The default picture file should work for this - let me know if you encounter any issues in this regard as I use a lot of alts in my own games and this may translate to some linking issues.


Graphics-wise, I've used some default belts that I like and the event/TV images are blank because I am useless at making graphics - if anyone uses this database and makes event logos they're willing to be used for the mod, feel free to let me know and I will happily add them. Thankfully HIW itself has a company logo as it is a yet-to-launch company in the default database.


There are also a few Yet to Debut workers I've added as I enjoy making such workers - if you're not keen on them, feel free to remove them in the editor. Searching "graduates" for HIW graduates should make this relatively painless.


This is my first ever Mod so if you come across any balance issues or things that should probably be changed, feel free to let me know. Whether I will actually change them is another story, but feedback will certainly be taken on board and, if I believe it to be suitable, implemented.


With that said, the backstory of HIW is below.


Week 4, December 2019


[size="5"][b]BREAKING: TCW acquires MAW[/b][/size]

[i]By Greg Sluchinski[/i]

Seemingly out of nowhere, Total Championship Wrestling (TCW) has acquired Mid Atlantic Wrestling (MAW) as its official developmental territory.

MAW, the promotion founded by the legendary Rip Chord and passed onto his good friend Sam Keith, previously had a deal with TCW to take some of its future prospects on developmental deals. 

Now, however, the agreement has transformed into complete ownership of the popular indie company.

The news comes as a shock as MAW has long been a company that has been particularly committed to indie wrestling, with former owner Keith being the brains behind the Confederation of the Territories (COTT) indie alliance.

"We are delighted to confirm the acquisition of Mid Atlantic Wrestling as TCW's official developmental territory," said TCW CEO Kyle Rhodes.

"The company has a rich history of producing some of the biggest names in American wrestling, and we look forward to continuing this legacy."

Neither Keith nor Chord were available for comment.




Week 1, January 2020


[size="5"][b]WATCH: TCW and MAW leadership admit to backstabbing Sam Keith[/b][/size]

[i]By Greg Sluchinski[/i]

In a stunning video received by TotalExtremeWrestling.com, Total Championship Wrestling (TCW) CEO Kyle Rhodes and Mid Atlantic Wrestling (MAW) announcer Marvin Earnest discuss how they tricked Sam Keith into signing MAW away.

The video, in which Rhodes and Earnest drink champagne and use several expletives to describe Keith, details how Rhodes ensured his lawyers inserted hidden clauses into the original deal between TCW and MAW - which allowed the former to send developmental workers to the latter.

Earnest alludes to telling Keith that he would task a lawyer with perusing the contract, while in fact not doing so.

None of Keith, Rhodes, and Earnest were available for comment, nor were TCW and MAW.

Watch the video below.




Week 1, January 2020


[size="5"][b]They're going to regret what they've done - Sam Keith[/b][/size]

[i]By Greg Sluchinski[/i]

In an exclusive interview with TotalExtremeWrestling.com, former MAW CEO Sam Keith said that TCW and MAW would regret the malicious actions taken to pry MAW from his leadership.

"I'm not one to make idle threats," Keith said.

"Those guys are going to regret their actions. They're going to regret what they've done."

When asked to elaborate on these threats, Keith said that it would soon be clear what he meant with his words.

"Big news is coming," said Keith. "You just watch this space. The public has already turned on them [TCW] but what's coming will hurt them much more."

Rhodes and Earnest have both been suspended by TCW's board of directors pending the conclusion of an investigation into their conduct.




Week 2, January 2020


[size="5"][b]BREAKING: TCW founder and Sam Keith join forces to start new promotion[/b][/size]

[i]By Greg Sluchinski[/i]

Sam Keith and founder of the company now known as TCW, J.K. Stallings Jr, have announced their new promotion - High Impact Wrestling.

"Get ready for some kick-ass wrestling from some of the best in the business," Keith said in a video recorded alongside Stallings Jr and published to social media.

"With Junior's deep pockets and the buddies I'll be bringing on board, we're taking the fight directly to the Big 3 of the US."

Stallings Jr said that he contacted Keith the day after the shocking video of TCW's Kyle Rhodes and MAW's Marvin Earnest went live - a video in which the pair admit to using unethical tactics to wrench control of MAW from Keith.

"I gave Sam a call and told him 'listen, those guys screwed me too. TCW was still my pride and joy - and they tarnished its legacy,'" Stallings Jr said.

He explained that while he would be funding the promotion, he would not be touching its day-to-day operations.

"It's all in Sam's hands," Stallings Jr said.

"I've been there and done that - I'm not the guy to run a wrestling company. But Sam's MAW was proof that he absolutely is that guy."

Keith said that the company is in discussions with various broadcasters and looks forwarded to "offering the best wrestling product in the world."

"We're not talking indies anymore," Keith said.

"Now we're competing with the big boys - starting with TCW."

Keith said that the promotion would be announcing additions to its roster throughout February.


Week 4, February 2020


[size="5"][b]High Impact Wrestling - What to expect[/b][/size]

[i]By Greg Sluchinski[/i]

High Impact Wrestling (HIW) is set to debut next week with its Torch of War event.

The upstart promotion, founded by Sam Keith and J.K. Stallings Jr following the infamous MAWgate scandal, has managed to secure some of the most promising performers in the world.

Included in this list are Keith's two sons, Matthew and Greg as well as MAW founder Rip Chord's son Jay.

Both Greg and Jay walked out of TCW in disgust following MAWgate, and were joined by Joshua Taylor and Roderick Remus.

Other stars to make the jump from big companies in the US include Primus Allen, Kirk Jameson and MAW alumnus Steven Parker.

Also joining the promotion are couple of North American wrestlers who have been plying their trade in Japan - including tag teams The American Cobras and The Ring Generals, as well as junior heavyweight starlet.

HIW has also reportedly signed several big name indie performers including PSW stars Nelson Callum and Ernest Youngman, as well as CZCW star and Independent Wrestler of the Year for 2019 Frankie Perez.

Given this list of fantastic in-ring performers, it seems safe to assume that HIW will seek to makes its mark as a promotion focused more on offering fantastic in-ring performances than their competition - although with Sam Keith at the helm, it is clear that there will be a strong focus storytelling, too.

"We're taking the best of both worlds - the pre-PG era storytelling brilliance of the good ol' days, and the high quality in-ring work that true American wrestling fans have been craving for years," said Keith.

Torch of War will be available on PPV on Premier-Pay, while HIW's weekly show, HIW Power, streams on popular digital subscription platform Netstream starting the next Wednesday.

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This seems pretty interesting, one minor thing is that Jay Fair is referee and Booker for MAW, Marvin Earnest is the play-by-play guy


Urgh, sorry, wrote these bits out of my head. Have fixed in the post; everything is already correct in the mod.


And for the record, it is correct that Earnest is the guy who worked with Rhodes to oust Keith. in my head-cannon Earnest's high booking skill and reputation mean that while he isn't the official booker of MAW, he is a critical backroom contributor who would have had the ear of Keith.

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