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I want to start this off by saying that I very much understand why patch 1.11 made the changes it did with regards to Constant scheduling, and how broken that was for both the player and the AI, and I think the changes made were absolutely necessary.


That said, I'm noticing another potential issue with the fix. I believe that the attendance numbers for tour shows are taking an unnecessary hit from this. I'm playing as New Japan in a RW mod set in 2001, and continue to use tour shows despite them being objectively weaker than other shows for the realism of the schedule. Looking at attendances for tour shows, after the patch, the World Tag League tour averaged 1,863 people in attendance over 15 shows, with the highest being 2,370 and the lowest being 1,522. Before the patch, my Best of the Super Juniors and G1 Climax tours averaged 3,314 over 17 and 3,452 over 16 shows. Both the BOSJ and G1 tours had multiple shows hitting 3,600 people in attendance, and the lowest attendance I had for any of the shows were a couple of BOSJ shows that did 3,050, almost 700 higher than the highest World Tag League shows. It's likely not a matter of economy or industry either, as both are currently in the 90s and higher than they were for the previous tours, and my popularity has only gone up since the first two tours.


I'd love to know if there's anything else I could be missing, and that this situation is my fault for doing something poorly, but looking at the numbers I'm not sure I can find anything I'm doing incorrectly. My Ace, Mutoh, is still on all of the shows (more than he was on for the BOSJ), and he's still bumping up the attendance about as much as he should be. Unless this is the intended way for the system to work, I'd like to see, since the tour shows typically have less of an impact on the company popularity and lower attendance anyway, them possibly being exempt from the system that is causing fans to recognize them differently than they were before.

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