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Add "Anonymous" Option for Alias

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Let me premise this by saying I don't know if this is even possible with the way the game is currently laid out but it would be fun as a future development goal.


Masked "Unknown" wrestlers a fun option to have and while some masked workers are open secrets (Juan Cena, Mr. America etc.) others like the Gobbledy Gooker were actual secrets.


Problem: I have a worker who is kayfabe masked an unknown. I am pushing him hard to the main event but he also workers in several other feds and one of the other feds has decided to squash him so his popularity keeps taking hits.


This is an issue for me because his popularity as a an unmasked worker shouldn't be impacting his popularity as a masked worker. I get that secrets are impossible to keep in the modern internet smark age but for historical mods this is more important and for indy wrestlers that don't broadcast outside of their region it seems cynical to assume that it would be impossible to keep a secret like that.


Plus, it would be fun from a booking perspective!



  1. When setting up a masked alias there can be an option to create an anonymous alias.
  2. Behind the scenes in the editor instead of just storing it as an alias it would load it as a new character. Now the "alter ego" would operate on different popularity than the unmasked worker. So if, for example, you wanted Mr. America to be an actual secret identity then wins and loses under the Mr. America mask wouldn't impact Hulk Hogan's popularity and vice versa.
  3. So the worker's popularity is now forked with one identity gaining/losing X and the other gaining/losing Y. If/when the mask is finally revealed the game can then merge the two identities back together with the worker gaining the better of each popularity in each region.



Impact: From a mechanical standpoint this would be a risk/reward situation where if you want to give a worker a big push but don't want them getting setbacks by jobbing on other promotions shows you can put them in an anonymous mask. The downside is that they would then start with 0 popularity so you have to build them up yourself but the upside is that if they are being squashed in other promotions their popularity for your shows don't take those hits.


Otherwise your option is to sign an exclusive deal which seems a poor way of representing a truly secret identity.

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