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BCG: Lions of Puroresu

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Curious if you people would be interested in having the card for the final show of the tour at this point or once the tour shows are done, before the final show happens. The idea is to eventually be able to announce the card during the Press Conference at the start of the tour, but I'm curious to see if there's interest in a half-way transitional announcement or whether I should keep posting it right before the final show until I'm able to pre-announce it at the start of each tour.
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BCG Sole Survivor 2020 - Night 5, Fri. W2 June 2020

Kyoto @ Kansai, Japan

808 Fans



1. Iron Hyodo and Shogo Awatari def. Yutaka Ogata and Danjuro Matsuzawa (10m 05s) when Iron Hyodo submitted Danjuro Matsuzawa with a Sleeper Hold. [24]

2. Emperor & Imakura def. Kiski & Okada (10m 10s) when Big Boss Emperor pinned Tomiichi Okada with a Double Handed Choke Bomb. [26]

3. Kisaka & Hosaka def. Desperado Dave Barker and Goro Hatamoto (10m 09s) when Ginji Kisaka pinned Goro Hatamoto with a Butterfly Powerbomb. [37]


Main Show

1. Monday Next def. Takenori Doi (10m 18s) by pinfall with a Flash Forward. [41]

2. Tanyu Toshusai and 3K def. Roku Sotomura, Masashi Urogataya and Omezo Shikitei (15m 47s) when Tanyu Toshusai pinned Masashi Urogataya with a Dangerous Brainbuster. [56]

3. Naozane Goto, Danjuro Kikuchi and Ippitsusai & Okimasa def. Yoshisada Matsuzawa, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Yuri Iliakov and Yuta Isono (10m 15s) when Naozane Goto pinned Yuta Isono with a Goto Slam. [48]

4. Animal Harker, Giant Brody, Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane def. Yokokawa & Sen and Miura & Yoshizawa (11m 36s) when Storm Spillane submitted Nobuharu Yokokawa with a Kneeling Boston Crab. [60]

5. SUKI, Yoshinaka Taku and Blast Ikoma def. Funakoshi and Machine Gun Dynamite (18m 21s) when Blast Ikoma pinned Dynamite Narahashi with a Northern Lights Bomb. [68]


~ A terrible night for Dynamite Narahashi, who seemed to be elsewhere in his head and barely was up to par with the rest of the participants in the main event. No surprise he was the one to get pinned in the end, with Ikoma picking the win for his team with a slick Northern Lights Bomb.


~ Inexperienced and cocky, Yuta Isono foolishly attempted to hit the Isono Face Melter on Naozane Goto, only for the BCG Challengers Series champion to turn it into a Goto Slam for the pinfall.


~ BCG wrestlers seem to be packing on the muscle, with Iron Hyodo adding significant muscle mass to his frame. This is following Giant Brody’s ripped physique during this tour and rumor has it that several other grapplers are in the process of investing on their physical condition as well.


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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DarK_RaideR" data-cite="DarK_RaideR" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="50750" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Curious if you people would be interested in having the card for the final show of the tour at this point or once the tour shows are done, before the final show happens. The idea is to eventually be able to announce the card during the Press Conference at the start of the tour, but I'm curious to see if there's interest in a half-way transitional announcement or whether I should keep posting it right before the final show until I'm able to pre-announce it at the start of each tour.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I would be interested in some sort of mid tour announcement/transitional announcement.</p>
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Curious if you people would be interested in having the card for the final show of the tour at this point or once the tour shows are done, before the final show happens. The idea is to eventually be able to announce the card during the Press Conference at the start of the tour, but I'm curious to see if there's interest in a half-way transitional announcement or whether I should keep posting it right before the final show until I'm able to pre-announce it at the start of each tour.



Will there be snacks provided at the announcement? If yes then the answer is you absolutely should.

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Just caught up on everything BCG! Doing great Reap! I like Takendori Doi doing some trial single matches before being sent off on tour. It gives him a spotlight before he goes off into the wild away from his home for however long.


The hints at Toshuai being after SUKI was a nice touch in the six man on Night 2. He could be the next contender if he gets this Sole Survivor win. The match is up in the air for me so we'll see what happens, but whoever wins will go against the hottest heel in BCG.


Warrior Queens Takeover? That's out of left field, but also yes please :D

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Fri. W4 June. 2020

Osaka Athletic Stadium @ Kansai, Japan

Event Card


BCG Sole Survivor

Big Bruiser Findlay vs Mabuchi Furusawa vs Razan Okamoto vs Rokuemon Matsushita

BCG's annual four corners elimination match features four participants coming off big wins and looking for another one here for a chance to face the BCG World champion SUKI.


Bunrakuken Torii vs Tanyu Toshusai

Both Torii and Toshusai lost their respective matches at the end of the previous tour, so they will try to get back on track here at each other's expense in a match that may well end up stealing the show.


BCG Challengers Series title match

15th Champion Naozane Goto vs Challenger Yoshinaka Taku

Perhaps Goto's most dangerous challenger to date, Yoshi Taku is an up and coming youngster gunning for the title but how can he hope to hit the Full Nelson Bomb on his massive opponent?


SUKI & 3K vs Funakoshi and Miura & Yoshizawa

Despite the title change, sparks still fly between current and former BCG World champions. Do not sleep on this multi man match, for it may well set things in motion for the future.


Roku Sotomura and Yokokawa & Sen vs Giant Brody, Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane

The old guard of Black Canvas teams up to teach the cocky young gaijin trio a lesson in humility. Do they still have it in them or will the foreigners continue to shine?


Masashi Urogataya vs Omezo Shikitei

Two of BCG's finest grapplers go toe to toe in what's bound to be a clinic on technical wrestling.


Shiga United (Ichiro Mitsukuri, Ryobe Uno, Nobuyuki Kubo and Yutaka Ogata) vs Animal Harker, Monday Next, Yuri Iliakov and Desperado Dave Barker

Masayuki Shiga's group of proteges test their unity and effectivenes against veteran Harker and his trio of up and coming gaijin wrestlers.


Opening match

Toshinobu Taku vs Takenori Doi

A true passing of the torch between the veteran who's announced his retirement and the young lion wrapping things up before his excursion.</div>

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BCG Sole Survivor 2020 - Night 6, Mon. W3 June 2020

Nagoya City @ Chubu, Japan

110 Fans



1. Kiski & Okada def. Danjuro Matsuzawa and Namboku Atsushi (9m 49s) when Tomiichi Okada pinned Namboku Atsushi with a Purple T-Bone. [11]

2. Kisaka & Hosaka def. Emperor & Imakura (9m 45s) when Ginji Kisaka pinned Noritaka Imakura with a Butterfly Powerbomb. [31]


Main Show

1. Animal Harker, Monday Next, Yuri Iliakov and Desperado Dave Barker def. Danjuro Kikuchi, Goro Hatamoto, Iron Hyodo and Yuta Isono (10m 19s) when Desperado Dave Barker pinned Goro Hatamoto with a Blast From The Past. [43]

2. Yoriie Ippitsusai def. Takenori Doi (9m 32s) by pinfall with a Yakuza Kick. [30]

3. Roku Sotomura and 3K def. Masashi Urogataya, Omezo Shikitei and Sharaku Okimasa (16m 20s) when Kiyotaka submitted Sharaku Okimasa with a Kimura.[54]

4. Naozane Goto, Ichiro Mitsukuri and Miura & Yoshizawa def. Dynamite Narahashi, Yoshisada Matsuzawa and Yokokawa & Sen (16m 29s) when Naozane Goto pinned Dynamite Narahashi with a Goto Slam. [49]

5. Yoshinaka Taku def. Blast Ikoma and Tanyu Toshusai (15m 35s) when Yoshinaka Taku pinned Blast Ikoma with a Full Nelson Bomb. [57]

6. Bunrakuken Torii, Funakoshi and SUKI def. Giant Brody, Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane (17m 42s) when Bunrakuken Torii pinned Giant Brody with a Spinning Forearm Smash. [61]


~ Given the history between them and the match card announced for Sole Survivor 6, it was no surprise that SUKI and Funakoshi had issues being in the same team, whereas Brody and the BCG World Tag Team champions fared much better. The match seemed like it could go either way on more than one occasions, but it was Torii's decisive Spinning Forearm Smash that ended it as the Machine Gun looks to build up momentum in light of his match against Tanyu Toshusai.


~ Yoshinaka Taku also builds up steam with a big win in a three way match against Ikoma and Toshusai. We have yet to hear from Ikoma, who is not on the card of the upcoming show.


~ Victory for Naozane Goto in his match and Harker's quartet in the opener, both sides looking for wins in their respective Sole Survivor matches.


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BCG Sole Survivor 2020 - Night 7, Wed. W3 June 2020

Hiroshima @ Chugoku, Japan

100 Fans



1. Emperor & Imakura def. Kiski & Okada (9m 37s) when Big Boss Emperor pinned Taisho Kiski with a Double Handed Choke Bomb. [20]

2. Ippitsusai & Okimasa def. Kisaka & Hosaka (9m 55s) when Sharaku Okimasa submitted Ginji Kisaka with a Scorpion Deathlock. [38]

3. Ichiro Mitsukuri, Danjuro Kikuchi, Yutaka Ogata and Animal Harker def. Yoshisada Matsuzawa, Goro Hatamoto, Iron Hyodo and Danjuro Matsuzawa (10m 30s) when Animal Harker pinned Danjuro Matsuzawa with a Stump Piledriver. [40]

4. Roku Sotomura, Sojuro Sen and Yuta Isono defeated Monday Next, Yuri Iliakov and Desperado Dave Barker (10m 17s) when Roku Sotomura submitted Desperado Dave Barker with a Twisted Bow And Arrow. [47]


Main Show

1. Nobuharu Yokokawa def. Takenori Doi (10m 21s) by submission with a Stump Puller. [40]

2. 3K def. Masashi Urogataya and Omezo Shikitei (16m 03s) when Kadonomaro Kamisaka pinned Masashi Urogataya with a Stump Piledriver. [52]

3. Yoshinaka Taku, Naozane Goto and Miura & Yoshizawa def. Giant Brody, Animal Harker, Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane (16m 14s) when Naozane Goto pinned Storm Spillane with a Goto Slam.[52]

4. SUKI, Funakoshi and Tanyu Toshusai def. Blast Ikoma and Machine Gun Dynamite (18m 11s) when SUKI submitted Dynamite Narahashi with a SUKI Special III. [60]


~ A triangle of tension but somehow SUKI, Funakoshi and Toshusai still managed to come away with the win in the main event. Ikoma and Narahashi's performances were a bit deflated, perhaps the announcement of the Sole Survivor final night card sapping their motivation. Torii had an interesting confrontation with Toshusai in light of their upcoming clash but his efforts just weren't enough to salvage this.


~ Naozane Goto's power was enough to stand up to Giant Brody and having his title challenger on his team really pushed him and Yoshi Taku to deliver. The two men literally carried their team against the blistering gaijin quartet, especially the American Cobras and they are bound to have a big match when they finally meet one on one.


~ Another good showing for 3K who function like a well oiled machine. Unlike others this night, Urogataya and Shikitei could not channel the tension of their upcoming clash into something productive and they bickered more than they wrestled, a situation that inevitably cost them the bout.


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Really good tour shows. I'm loving what you're doing here. SUKI is being built excellently. Blast has been interesting to see how he develops with your booking. The cooling off of Funakoshi and Torii -- which has to happen as they've dominated the main event scene for years -- is also fascinating. I legit don't know who you are going to go with at the top against SUKI. I don't know where you're going and that really, really has me interested.
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BCG Sole Survivor 2020 - Night 8, Sat. W3 June 2020

Takamatsu @ Shikoku, Japan

100 Fans



1. Yutaka Ogata and Danjuro Matsuzawa def. Namboku Atsushi and Shogo Awatari (5m 59s) when Yutaka Ogata pinned Namboku Atsushi with a Double Arm DDT. [20]

2. Kisaka & Hosaka def. Emperor & Imakura and Kiski & Okada (9m 49s). [23]

3. Animal Harker, Monday Next, Yuri Iliakov and Desperado Dave Barker def. Danjuro Kikuchi, Goro Hatamoto, Iron Hyodo and Yuta Isono (10m 07s) when Monday Next pinned Iron Hyodo with a Flash Forward. [42]


Main Show

1. Roku Sotomura def. Takenori Doi (10m 19s) by submission with a Twisted Bow And Arrow. [46]

2. Masashi Urogataya and Omezo Shikitei def. 3K (15m 33s) when Omezo Shikitei submitted Kiyotaka with a STF. [52]

3. Naozane Goto and Yokokawa & Sen def. Ichiro Mitsukuri, Sharaku Okimasa and Yoshisada Matsuzawa (13m 45s) when Sojuro Sen submitted Sharaku Okimasa with an Over-The-Shoulder Backbreaker.[47]

4. Giant Brody, Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane def. Blast Ikoma and Miura & Yoshizawa (15m 59s) when Storm Spillane submitted Noritoshi Miura with a Kneeling Boston Crab. [57]

5. SUKI and Yoshinaka Taku def. Machine Gun Dynamite and Funakoshi & Tanyu Toshusai (20m 55s) [60]


~ An unusual three way tag match to headline this show, with SUKI and Yoshi Taku getting the win over their opponents. Torii and Toshusai spent most of the match trading moves and teasing their upcoming bout, which in turn threw their teams off and allowed SUKI to sneak in and steal victory.


~ Giant Brody and the American Cobras picked up steam in light of their scheduled clash with the veteran trio of Sotomura, Sen and Yokokawa while scoring another win over the former BCG World Tag Team champions. Their opponents looked every bit as strong, winning their respective matches earlier.


~ Huge win for Urogataya and Shikitei over fellow technical masterminds 3K. The duo proved their mettle as perhaps the finest technical wrestlers in BCG right now and their upcoming singles match is highly anticipated.


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BCG Sole Survivor 2020 - Night 9, Mon. W4 June 2020

Osaka @ Kansai, Japan

814 Fans



1. Nobuharu Yokokawa, Iron Hyodo, Yutaka Ogata and Shogo Awatari def. Dynamite Narahashi, Danjuro Matsuzawa, Taisho Kiski and Namboku Atsushi (10m 28s) when Nobuharu Yokokawa submitted Namboku Atsushi with a Stump Puller. [35]

2. Yoshisada Matsuzawa and Goro Hatamoto def. Kisaka & Hosaka (9m 53s) when Yoshisada Matsuzawa pinned Ginji Kisaka with a Double Arm DDT. [42]

3. Danjuro Kikuchi and Yuta Isono def. Yuri Iliakov and Desperado Dave Barker (10m 24s) when Danjuro Kikuchi submitted Desperado Dave Barker with a Step Over Leg Bar. [45]

4. Ippitsusai & Okimasa def. Emperor & Imakura (9m 46s) when Sharaku Okimasa submitted Noritaka Imakura with a Scorpion Deathlock. [41]


Main Show

1. Sojuro Sen def. Takenori Doi (9m 54s) by submission with an Over-The-Shoulder Backbreaker. [50]

2. Masashi Urogataya, Omezo Shikitei and Yoshinaka Taku def. Roku Sotomura and 3K (15m 52s) when Yoshinaka Taku pinned Roku Sotomura with a Full Nelson Bomb. [59]

3. Naozane Goto, Ichiro Mitsukuri and Miura & Yoshizawa def. Animal Harker, Monday Next, Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane (9m 32s) when Naozane Goto pinned Animal Harker with a Goto Slam.[60]

4. Bunrakuken Torii, Funakoshi and Blast Ikoma def. SUKI, Tanyu Toshusai and Giant Brody (20m 32s) when Funakoshi pinned Giant Brody with a roll up. [64]


~ A measure of redemption for Torii, Funakoshi and Ikoma with their win over SUKI's team in the main event, as well as a shocking finish, with Funakoshi managing to roll up Giant Brody for the three count. The unorthodox approach worked for the usually straight-laced Funakoshi and with one last tour night left before the Sole Survivor big show, he and his teammates seem to be getting back on track.


~ A big pin for Yoshinaka Taku over the veteran Roku Sotomura, in light of his BCG Challengers Series title match. Urogataya and Shikitei yet again proved their mettle against 3K, who just can't catch a break this tour.


~ Amazing performance from Takenori Doi in his series of trial matches with a surprisingly great opening bout against Sojuro Sen. The two hard hitters really got the crowd going with their strong style clash, though Sen got the last laugh with the win over the up and coming youngster.


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BCG Sole Survivor 2020 - Night 10, Wed. W4 June 2020

Kyoto @ Kansai, Japan

798 Fans



1. Yoriie Ippitsusai and Taisho Kiski def. Emperor & Imakura (9m 45s) when Yoriie Ippitsusai pinned Noritaka Imakura with a Yakuza Kick. [33]

2. Kubo & Ogata def. Kisaka & Hosaka (9m 43s) when Nobuyuki Kubo pinned Ikki Hosaka with a Running Knee Side-Swipe. [35]


Main Show

1. Yoshisada Matsuzawa def. Takenori Doi (9m 55s) by pinfall with a Double Arm DDT. [41]

2. Danjuro Kikuchi, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and Yuta Isono def. Animal Harker, Giant Brody, Monday Next, Yuri Iliakov and Desperado Dave Barker (9m 39s) when Noritoshi Miura pinned Desperado Dave Barker with a Storm Rider. [53]

3. Yokokawa & Sen def. Dynamite Narahashi and Naozane Goto (18m 25s) when Sojuro Sen submitted Dynamite Narahashi with an Over-The-Shoulder Backbreaker.[56]

4. Masashi Urogataya, Omezo Shikitei and Roku Sotomura def. Sharaku Okimasa and 3K (15m 58s) when Roku Sotomura submitted Sharaku Okimasa with a Twisted Bow And Arrow.[58]

5. Bunrakuken Torii, Funakoshi, Tanyu Toshusai and Blast Ikoma def. SUKI, Yoshinaka Taku and The American Cobras (18m 06s) when Bunrakuken Torii pinned Yoshinaka Taku with a Spinning Forearm Smash. [70]


~ Final night of the tour and a big 8 man tag main event, with the American Cobras showing they can hang in the ring alongside BCG's finest. SUKI's unwillingness to really get in there and take risks was what cost his team the win here, but the BCG World champion seems to care little about match quality or what others think of him.


~ 3K piling up more and more losses, this time taking one alongside Sharaku Okimasa against the clearly superior trio of Urogataya, Shikitei and Sotomura.


~ Naozane Goto found himself in the ring with much more experienced opponents, but he just couldn't work things out with his more explosive teammate who also seems to gradually be slowing down at 36 years of age. Yokokawa & Sen looked like they never missed a step though and thanks to their experience together, the former BCG World Tag Team champions got the win.


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Quick Prediction card

- BCG Sole Survivor: Big Bruiser Findlay vs Mabuchi Furusawa vs Razan Okamoto vs Rokuemon Matsushita

- Bunrakuken Torii vs Tanyu Toshusai

- BCG Challengers Series title match: 15th Champion Naozane Goto vs Challenger Yoshinaka Taku

- Roku Sotomura and Yokokawa & Sen vs Giant Brody, Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane

- Masashi Urogataya vs Omezo Shikitei

- Shiga United (Ichiro Mitsukuri, Ryobe Uno, Nobuyuki Kubo and Yutaka Ogata) vs Animal Harker, Monday Next, Yuri Iliakov and Desperado Dave Barker

- Toshinobu Taku vs Takenori Doi

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- BCG Sole Survivor: Big Bruiser Findlay vs Mabuchi Furusawa vs Razan Okamoto vs Rokuemon Matsushita

---- This is a really tough one to call as it is who will be facing SUKI next. While SUKI is the uber heel, I probably shouldn't pick Big Bruiser Findlay, but I think the two of them would tear the damn house down.


- Bunrakuken Torii vs Tanyu Toshusai


- BCG Challengers Series title match: 15th Champion Naozane Goto vs Challenger Yoshinaka Taku

I think Taku's rise begins now.


- Roku Sotomura and Yokokawa & Sen vs Giant Brody, Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane


- Masashi Urogataya vs Omezo Shikitei

- Shiga United (Ichiro Mitsukuri, Ryobe Uno, Nobuyuki Kubo and Yutaka Ogata) vs Animal Harker, Monday Next, Yuri Iliakov and Desperado Dave Barker

- Toshinobu Taku vs Takenori Doi

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Fri. W4 June 2020

Osaka Athletic Stadium @ Kansai, Japan

Rating: 70

Attendance: 5.000 (Super No Vacancy), Views: 41.892 (0.05 on Shogun TV)



Toshinobu Taku vs Takenori Doi

The show began with Takenori Doi’s final match in a series of trial singles contests to showcase his growth and skill as a wrestler. After facing BCG’s veterans throughout the tour, his last opponent was Toshinobu Taku, a man just months away from hanging up the boots for good. There was a real sense of past and future in the matchup, with Toshi Taku on the way out and Doi about to take off proper.


The match itself was a mix of stiff strikes and classical grappling, smartly avoiding slams or any running around that would expose the aging veteran’s declining physical abilities or the minor leg injury he suffered during the tour. Doi was all about the grit and fighting spirit, throwing his hardest hits on his opponent and looking to clip his leg in order to bring him down into a kneeling position so he could pull off his Charging Knee Strike finisher. Taku, on the other hand, attempted to slow down the match with rest holds and mess with the youngster’s pace, but the story on his side was whether he’d be able to lift him up for the Gutwrench Tombstone, since his leg gave in on more than one occasion. Eventually, Taku was able to use his opponent’s momentum against him and lift him up into position for his finisher, getting the pin over a highly promising youngster many already predict will be a future world champion.


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Toshinobu Taku defeated Takenori Doi in 8:09 by pinfall with a Gutwrench Tombstone. [35]





Shiga United (Ichiro Mitsukuri, Ryobe Uno, Nobuyuki Kubo and Yutaka Ogata) vs Animal Harker, Monday Next, Yuri Iliakov and Desperado Dave Barker

The big news for Shiga United here was the return of Nobuyuki Kubo after he was sidelined for over two months with a broken arm. Having him back meant he reunited with his regular tag team partner Yutaka Ogata to bring some tag magic back into the group since Mitsukuri’s teammate, Koyo Kinoshita, is still out injured. On the other side of the ring, Animal Harker seems to have slided down the card in the aftermath of The Wild Ones imploding and found himself a new role as the leader of up and coming gaijin.


Ogata and particularly Kubo had a chance to shine early but they were eventually stopped by Iliakov and Desperado Dave Barker, the young MAW import looking much better than he should given his age and time in the business. Monday Next also was impressive in this bout, adapting from high flying to rolling suplexes but never losing the flash of his moves, much to the applause of the sold out crowd. Somehow, Ryobe Uno took this as a challenge and entered the match to start a suplex contest with the Australian, who he easily overpowered to swing the match in his team’s favor. Uno and Mitsukuri delivered a beating on the ex-RAW wrestler, but the subsequent cover attempt was broken up by Animal Harker to set off the final sequences of the match, with Monday Next getting a second wind to catch Ogata with a Flash Forward and score the win for his team.


In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Animal Harker, Monday Next, Yuri Iliakov and Desperado Dave Barker defeated Shiga United (Ichiro Mitsukuri, Ryobe Uno, Nobuyuki Kubo and Yutaka Ogata) in 9:52 when Monday Next pinned Yutaka Ogata with a Flash Forward. [52]



Masashi Urogataya vs Omezo Shikitei

Two world-class technical wrestlers in their early thirties and just hitting their prime, this was a clash bound to happen eventually and it did, delivering every bit of mat grappling action one would expect from Urogataya and Shikitei in a classic slow burner of a match, a real chess game as the two struggled to break each other down with clinical precision.


From the very first minutes and opening sequences, it was obvious this match would be slow, but also extremely competitive. There was a sense of surprise around the corner, a feeling it could all be over in an instant with one lucky move, an emotion like a coiled snake trying to hypnotize its victim before springing into action. This underlying tension was what made the match enjoyable despite its slow pace and bare-bones moveset, almost playing out like an extended MMA ground battle. Shikitei seemed to be gaining the edge when the fight was standing thanks to his striking ability, but Urogataya had a deadly focus on his opponent’s back, trying to soften it in anticipation of his Jumbo Backdrop Suplex finisher and it began to pay off as the match went on. Shikitei could outgrapple his opponent when it was time to lock up, but his shots were opportunistic as opposed to Urogataya’s single-minded focus. At one point, Shikitei managed to slap on the Cross Armbreaker but his opponent showcased his ring awareness and IQ when he managed to scoot to the side and get a leg on the bottom rope to force a break. Shikitei would later get hit with a Jumbo Backdrop Suplex but somehow he was able to get a shoulder up inches before the three count and when Urogataya attempted to hit his finisher again, Shikitei anticipated the move and countered it, maintaining wrist control for an armdrag that would set up another Cross Armbreaker in the middle of the ring, this time forcing Urogataya to tap out.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Omezo Shikitei defeated Masashi Urogataya in 17:58 by submission with a Cross Armbreaker. [69]





Roku Sotomura and Yokokawa & Sen vs Giant Brody, Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane

The American Cobras were never the humble types and winning the BCG World Tag Team titles only made them cockier. BCG’s veterans seemingly took offense at the new champions’ attitude and wanted to teach them a lesson, but having Giant Brody on their side and a series of great performances as a trio throughout the tour, the gaijin were not going to make this easy for the old guard.


The match was off to a fast start, with the Cobras looking to blitzkrieg their way into a quick win and catch their opponents asleep. Other than earning them the ire of the fans for their overconfidence, this plan actually ended up waking up the veterans, who obviously felt disrespected by how low their opponents seemed to think of them. Former two time BCG World Tag Team champions Yokokawa and Sen fought against the reigning champions in what was almost a standard tag team match, until Giant Brody was tagged in. Showing no intimidation, Sojuro Sen initiated an exchange of chops with the big man, which he lost as Brody chopped him all the way back to his team’s corner. Yokokawa jumped the gun and entered to challenge Brody, but he suffered the same fate as his partner. When Sotomura entered, it seemed as if it was going to be more of the same, but “The Rock” actually jumped into a chinlock and worked his way from there towards bringing Brody to the mat with a guillotine, then a DDT. Sotomura opted for a Boston Crab that Brody broke by hand-walking to the ropes, but it turned out this was only the start of him working the Giant’s back until he was able to get him in the Twisted Bow and Arrow for the submission.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Roku Sotomura and Yokokawa & Sen defeated Giant Brody, Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane in 14:21 when Roku Sotomura submitted Giant Brody with a Twisted Bow And Arrow. [67]





SUKI & 3K vs Funakoshi and Miura & Yoshizawa

Following the loss of their championship titles, Funakoshi’s team was fighting for redemption. 3K also had a chance to get themselves in the title picture and end a disappointing tour on a high note, whether by beating the former tag champions or the previous BCG World champion. The one that had zero stakes in this match was SUKI and he played that up as much as he could, looking bored and disapproving, an attitude that infuriated the fans as much as it enraged the usually stoic Funakoshi.


Very unlike his usual self, Funakoshi was off to a fast start right out of the gate, unloading with slaps, chops and kicks but not going for the cover, a clear sign he was on a different kind of mission. His opening set the pace for the match, which wasn’t exactly pedal to the metal but it certainly was faster and shorter than one might have expected. What made it even more infuriating for the audience was the finish, with Kamisaka having caught Yoshizawa in the Triangle choke. The referee dropped to the mat in the center of the ring to stay close and listen if Yoshizawa would yield, a fact that SUKI exploited by running to the outside of the ring and pulling the bottom rope away to prevent Yoshizawa from getting a rope break. Yoshizawa had thus no way out and had to tap, sending the fans into a frenzy as SUKI ran to the back, his hands raised in celebration. Funakoshi was just as furious as the fans, Yoshizawa and Miura were not quite sure what had happened and as for 3K, their expressionless faces made it impossible to read what they thought of SUKI’s actions or whether they’d even noticed them in the first place.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, SUKI and 3K defeated Funakoshi and Miura & Yoshizawa in 18:27 when Kadonomaro Kamisaka submitted Inejiro Yoshizawa after SUKI pulled the ropes away. [54]



BCG Challengers Series title match


15th Champion Naozane Goto vs Challenger Yoshinaka Taku

With his father nearing retirement and himself on the rise, this was Yoshinaka Taku’s chance to really establish himself as a big singles wrestler. Packing the skill and momentum, he was put in this match against Naozane Goto, a man who is never to be taken lightly thanks to his size and ferocity. The match was built around exactly that story, with Taku trying to get under the skin of his opponent and Goto no-selling the moves, then hitting back like a bulldozer. Taku took the beating to garner sympathy from the fans as he showcased his toughness and fighting spirit, receiving blows but refusing to drop or get pinned. On the flipside, every time he would look like he was about to make a comeback, he hit a wall trying to pull off the Full Nelson Bomb. At first he was unable to lift Goto up, then as the match progressed, he struggled to even slide his arms into the Full Nelson position. His perseverance paid off though, as Goto got both tired and frustrated the longer the match went. While rushing in for an avalanche at the corner, Goto missed as Yoshi Taku stepped aside, then caught his stumbling opponent for a sloppy, desperate Full Nelson Bomb. Unsatisfied, Taku pulled his opponent back up again and mustered all his remaining strength to hit a second, better looking Full Nelson Bomb, before rolling into the cover for the pin that saw him claim the BCG Challengers Series title.


In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, Yoshinaka Taku defeated Naozane Goto in 14:11 by pinfall with a Full Nelson Bomb. Yoshinaka Taku wins the BCG Challengers Series. [55]



Bunrakuken Torii vs Tanyu Toshusai

By this point, it was becoming apparent that the last few matches weren’t given enough time to develop, presumably in order to save more time for the main event. Regardless, Torii and Toshusai set off to bring the house down and they did so despite the temporal limitations, with a show-stealer bout in the semi main event that played off their individual skill as well as their natural chemistry when wrestling each other.


Torii opened the fight trading blows with his opponent, before cornering him to deliver his signature machine gun chops. This only fired up Toshusai though, who reversed and delivered his own flurry of blows to his cornered opponent, fearlessly showing he can stand toe to toe with him and sending the fans into a wave of cheers after the opening sequence. The match then progressed to the usual exchange of holds, however the chain wrestling was rapid and fluid, with no rest holds involved. The grappling would occasionally be broken up by a big move like a slam or a suplex, then once both men had taken a fair amount of damage, it boiled down to the usual striking contest, a test of will, strength and resilience. Toshusai upped the ante by hitting the ropes for some added momentum to his blows, with Torii spinning to catch him with his finisher, something that nearly ended the match right then and there, had Toshusai not barely ducked under it to bounce of the opposite rope and explode into a shotgun dropkick for a near fall. Torii fought back with the intensity of a madman, turning the tide to almost hit his opponent with his own finisher, with Toshusai once again dodging the bullet as his head just slid out of position before Torii could lift him up for the brainbuster. Wanting to show Torii how it’s done right, Toshusai was able to chain together a few moves to set up his finisher, but Torii put the breaks on hard when he finally intercepted the combo with a Spinning Forearm Smash that nearly knocked Toshusai’s teeth down his throat and knocked him down for the count, if not outright unconscious for a few seconds. After the match, both men were spent and could hardly stand on their feet as the young lions helped them up and delivered the icepacks, but Torii still took a moment to offer his hand in recognition of his opponent’s skill and toughness, with Toshusai shaking his hand to top it all off with a feel good moment.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Bunrakuken Torii defeated Tanyu Toshusai in 15:07 by pinfall with a Spinning Forearm Smash. [87]



BCG Sole Survivor




Big Bruiser Findlay vs Mabuchi Furusawa vs Razan Okamoto vs Rokuemon Matsushita

At long last, the main event, the annual Sole Survivor four corners elimination match. Four men coming in after big wins the month prior and looking for a victory that would earn them the right to challenge SUKI for the BCG World title. Big Bruiser Findlay, finalist of the Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix and one half of this year’s TagMania winners came hunting for a second chance against SUKI in a rematch of the YMGP block finalists, only this time with the title on the line. Mabuchi Furusawa came into the match after a rough ride since the start of 2020, at first teaming with fellow GCG alumni SUKI with surprising efficiency, then suffering a shoulder injury that had him sidelined and clashing with SUKI, who was frustrated with what he saw as weakness, upon his return to action. Okamoto was the smallest man in the match, but after a spectacular -albeit losing- effort against Funakoshi and a recent win over Torii, he seemed back in track and on the rise again, a legitimate competitor with good chances of winning the entire match. Finally, Rokuemon Matsushita was coming off an impressive performance at this year's Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix and a big win over Tanyu Toshusai to earn his spot in the match over him.


The early pace of the match confirmed prior suspicions about this being a slow burner and indeed, neither of the four men seemed willing to go all out from the get go. Even the usual spot of everyone teaming up against the big man was not a thing, since there were two of them in this match. Instead, the four of them got things going with a free for all striking contest, Furusawa and especially the smaller Okamoto standing their ground as best as they could but eventually biting the bullet and rolling out of the ring to regroup. This left Findlay and Matsushita in the ring with space to work, while fans cheered them on as this was not just about two big wrestlers going at it in the ring, it was also them picking up from where they left off during the final night of the YMGP blocks. As expected, the two men blasted each other in a back and forth tug of war with strike after strike, Findlay nearly repeating his YMGP Block A win with a near fall over Matsushita that was broken up by Furusawa. This led to Furusawa standing up to Findlay and doing surprisingly well, before Okamoto got back in the ring. The 2 on 1 situation was enough to bring the Big Bruiser down, but it also took a toll on Furusawa’s recently restored shoulder. Okamoto was able to capitalize on that and gain the upper hand to hit him with a series of moves that set up the Brainbuster Suplex, thus eliminating Furusawa from the match. Lifting him up though also seemed to take a heavy toll on Okamoto’s also recently injured knee and he was in a lot of pain following the elimination. A recovered Matsushita almost took advantage of it to eliminate him as well, but Okamoto smartly rolled out of the ring before the big man could close in, thus returning things to Matsushita versus Findlay.


The story was very different this time, as Findlay had taken more damage due to his prior clash with both Furusawa and Okamoto, allowing Matsushita to gain the upper hand. That’s not to say he manhandled the Cobb County native like he does with most of his opponents, but he was able to score the pinfall, eliminate him and avenge the time limit draw at the Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix that knocked him out of the race and sent Findlay to wrestle SUKI in the finals of the GP. Matsushita wasn’t able to get the usual height on his finishing move, but the sheer image of him using one hand to lift 300lbs of Findlay off the mat for a chokeslam was a different kind of impressive. With that, it was down to Matsushita versus Okamoto, a classic underdog versus goliath situation. Oddly enough, whether because of Matsushita once again was on the cusp of a major success or because he’s continued to impress with his endurance while Okamoto had so far been a bit more opportunistic in his tactics, fan support was evenly split, with half cheering for the likeable underdog that almost made it to the finish line in a match against three giants and half cheering for Matsushita who they finally wanted to see achieve a big victory. Matsushita had the size and power advantage, while Okamoto was not only faster but also fresher and less damaged, which in turn made the match even as well. As the match reached its climax past the half hour mark, Matsushita hit Okamoto with his own Brainbuster Suplex finisher for a near fall, then moments later Okamoto almost got away with the win when he managed to roll his opponent in a small package. In the end, Matsushita got the last laugh as he mustered the strength and precision to catch a charging Okamoto with a hand around his throat and use his momentum to get impressive elevation before slamming him down with a One-Handed Chokeslam for the cover, thus winning the match and the right to challenge SUKI for the BCG World title.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Mabuchi Furusawa, Razan Okamoto and Big Bruiser Findlay in 31:46. The order of elimination was Mabuchi Furusawa first, then Big Bruiser Findlay and finally Razan Okamoto. Rokuemon Matsushita wins the BCG Sole Survivor. [74]



Matsushita’s moment of joy was ruined though when 3K made their way to the ring. Sliding in and circling the exhausted Matsushita, Kadonomaro Kamisaka made a move first and hit him with a messy Stump Piledriver, then Kiyotaka put him in the Triangle choke while his teammate kept the young lions at bay. The show ended with Matsushita passed out on the mat and his attackers looking up towards the screen above the entrance ramp, where a strange image had appeared...



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #2C2A2A; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Post show interviews and comments


Rokuemon Matsushita: "I don't know what 3K's problem is, but it'll take a lot more than that to bring me down. The only thing I care about is I won tonight, my hard work finally paid off and now I have to prepare so I can face the BCG World champion."


Yoshinaka Taku: "Naozane Goto might be the most dominant BCG Challengers Series champion ever. Defeating him for the title is a major achievement for me, I intend to prove myself a worthy champion and live up to his legacy and the legacy of those who held the title before him."


SUKI: "You've seen nothing yet!"


Takenori Doi: "It's been a great honor training and learning and wrestling for Black Canvas. Tonight marks the end of me as a young lion. Arrangements have been made and I will be wrestling in New York as part of my excursion."</div>

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BCG Legacy 2020 Press Conference Highlights




~ Yoshifusa Maeda began the Press Conference by welcoming all the journalists and reporters. He then proclaimed the start of the Legacy tour, revealing the rebranding of both tour and event from the old "Time Battle" version. Despite the change in name, Maeda reassured BCG fans that the stipulation will still remain the same for the headliner of the final show, a 30 minute Iron Man match. This was the perfect setup for the media to rain down the questions on one participant of that match and challenger for the BCG World title, Rokuemon Matsushita, who has been carving a reputation for himself as a big powerhouse who can wrestle long, exhausting matches. Matsushita said he proved he has the gas tank during the Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix, he got one back over Big Bruiser Findlay and now that he's won the 2020 Survivor match, he is primed to face the champion in a big title match despite any damage he may have suffered at the end of the show.




~ Speaking of the champion, he made his entrance flanked by 3K, all of them in suits and reflective shades. After basically shooting down all the questions, 3K spoke their mind and said what they had to say, essentially cutting a promo to thank SUKI for offering them a way out from midcard hell. Kamisaka and Kiyotaka attacked management and fans alike for disrespecting their skill and hard work, saying all they had to do was not follow the rules for a single show and once The Survivor was over, everyone was now talking about them. The BCG World champion took it from there to gloat about how the group, which he referred to as SUKI Squad, played everyone for a fool to win their match and soften up his challenger, who he vowed to defeat when they meet inside the ring.




~ Former GCG referee Sadanobu Koruba was also revealed as Gonkuro Nakanishi's replacement, while it was also announced that with Toshinobu Taku already assisting backstage while preparing for his official retirement, Masayuki Shiga accepted a job for SAISHO. Asked wheter that meant he was about to jump ship or a partnership between that promotion and BCG, Shiga mentioned his long career in PGHW and SAISHO's link to it while also bringing up his many proteges in BCG. According to the veteran, this was just him filling in the newly created gaps in his schedule, though he cryptically said that he "cannot predict what the future will bring".



Event Card


30 Minute Iron Man Match for the BCG World title

10th Champion SUKI vs Challenger, 4th Sole Survivor Rokuemon Matsushita


Big Bruiser Findlay vs Funakoshi


Bunrakuken Torii vs Mabuchi Furusawa


Razan Okamoto vs Tanyu Toshusai


BCG Challengers Series title match

16th Champion Yoshinaka Taku vs Challenger Blast Ikoma


3K vs Miura & Yoshizawa


Giant Brody vs Naozane Goto


Omezo Shikitei & The American Cobras vs Roku Sotomura, Yokokawa & Sen


Toshinobu Taku vs Yuta Isono</div>

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BCG Legacy 2020 - Night 1, Tue. W2 July 2020

Kyoto @ Kansai, Japan

858 Fans



1. Emperor & Imakura def. Danjuro Matsuzawa and Namboku Atsushi (9m 57s) when Big Boss Emperor pinned Namboku Atsushi with a Double Handed Choke Bomb. [29]

2. The Tokyo Mountains def. Kiski & Okada (9m 57s) when Shogo Awatari pinned Taisho Kiski with a Mountain Crush. [24]

3. Kubo & Ogata def. Kisaka & Hosaka (10m 11s) when Nobuyuki Kubo pinned Ikki Hosaka with a Running Knee Side-Swipe. [37]

4. Toshinobu Taku, Monday Next, Danjuro Kikuchi, Desperado Dave Barker and Goro Hatamoto def. Yoriie Ippitsusai, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Ryobe Uno, Yuri Iliakov and Iron Hyodo (10m 28s) when Monday Next pinned Iron Hyodo with a Flash Forward. [45]


Main Show

1. Dynamite Narahashi def. Yuta Isono (9m 54s) by pinfall with a Narahashi Cutter. [47]

2. Masashi Urogataya and Roku Sotomura def. Omezo Shikitei and Sharaku Okimasa (16m 07s) when Masashi Urogataya pinned Sharaku Okimasa with a Jumbo Backdrop Suplex. [61]

3. Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Marvel Malloy, Storm Spillane and Animal Harker def. Funakoshi, Naozane Goto, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Sojuro Sen and Yoshisada Matsuzawa (13m 32s) when Big Bruiser Findlay pinned Yoshisada Matsuzawa with an Atomic Spinebuster. [63]

4. Blast Ikoma, Mabuchi Furusawa and Tanyu Toshusai def. Bunrakuken Torii, Razan Okamoto and Yoshinaka Taku (17m 58s) when Blast Ikoma pinned Yoshinaka Taku with a fast roll up. [68]

5. SUKI Squad (SUKI, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Kiyotaka) def. Rokuemon Matsushita and Miura & Yoshizawa (18m 22s) when Kadonomaro Kamisaka pinned Noritoshi Miura with a Stump Piledriver. [70]


~ A dominant start for the newly formed SUKI Squad, the trio showing deadly efficiency against Matsushita and the former BCG World Tag Team champions. Matsushita was out for revenge but still hasn't fully recovered from the attack after Sole Survivor's main event match and it cost him, certainly now and perhaps it might cost him again down the road. Joining SUKI seems to have lit a fire under 3K and they put up some great wrestling against the former champions, perhaps beginning to carve a path towards a tag title shot.


~ Three singles opponents met in a trios match in the semi main event, with Blast Ikoma surprising the newly crowned BCG Challengers Series champion by rolling him up to get the win. Furusawa and Okamoto seemed to be reeling still from their big four way match, while Torii was spectacular as ever.


~ Okimasa and Shikitei may have lost their match, but they displayed unusual chemistry as they instantly gelled much better than Okimasa ever managed to do with Yoriie Ippitsusai. There may be a tag team in the making there, helping Shikitei advance while providing Okimasa a replacement for his ageing partner.


~ Yuta Isono apparently began his series of trial matches, as the charismatic youngster has admittedly become way more popular than his experience would suggest. Isono is expected to take his polished persona and hot finisher to the States once this tour is over, though which company he will be joining is not known at this point.


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<img alt="Mn4LzCY.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Mn4LzCY.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><div style="text-align:center;"></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>BCG Legacy 2020 - Night 2</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">, </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>Fri. W2 July 2020</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>

Osaka @ Kansai, Japan</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><em>

862 Fans</em></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Pre-show</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

1. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Masashi Urogataya, Yoriie Ippitsusai, Danjuro Kikuchi, Goro Hatamoto and Iron Hyodo def. Dynamite Narahashi, Toshinobu Taku, Yoshisada Matsuzawa, Desperado Dave Barker and Danjuro Matsuzawa (9m 46s)</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> when Masashi Urogataya pinned Danjuro Matsuzawa with a Jumbo Backdrop Suplex. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[48]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

3. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>The Tokyo Mountains def. Kiski & Okada (10m 12s)</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> when Kawanari Enomoto pinned Taisho Kiski with a Mountain Crush. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[24]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

4. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Emperor & Imakura def. Kisaka & Hosaka (10m 21s)</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> when Big Boss Emperor pinned Ginji Kisaka with a Double Handed Choke Bomb. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[37]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

5. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Yokokawa & Sen def. Kubo & Ogata (9m 52s)</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> when Nobuharu Yokokawa submitted Yutaka Ogata with a Stump Puller. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[48]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

</span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Main Show</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

1. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Sharaku Okimasa def. Yuta Isono (10m 25s)</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> by submission with a Scorpion Deathlock. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[49]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

2. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Shiga United (Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita and Ryobe Uno) def. Animal Harker, Monday Next and Yuri Iliakov (9m 59s)</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> when Koyo Kinoshita pinned Yuri Iliakov with a Belly To Belly Suplex. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[49]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

3. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Omezo Shikitei and The American Cobras def. Blast Ikoma, Yoshinaka Taku and Roku Sotomura (15m 47s)</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> when Storm Spillane submitted Roku Sotomura with a Kneeling Boston Crab. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[64]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

4. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>Bunrakuken Torii, Razan Okamoto and Naozane Goto def. Mabuchi Furusawa, Tanyu Toshusai and Giant Brody (21m 16s)</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> when Razan Okamoto pinned Giant Brody with a Brainbuster Suplex. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[67]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

5. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>SUKI, Big Bruiser Findlay and 3K def. Rokuemon Matsushita, Funakoshi and Miura & Yoshizawa (28m 01s)</strong></span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> when Big Bruiser Findlay pinned Inejiro Yoshizawa with an Atomic Spinebuster. </span><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"><strong>[68]</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

~ A rehash of Night 1's main event, the outcome was the same but having Big Bruiser Findlay on their side really helped SUKI Squad match the power of Matsushita. Findlay's scheduled final opponent was also in this match, but Funakoshi's focus seemed torn between the Cobb County bruiser and SUKI.</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

~ Shocking finish in the semi main event as the plucky underdog Razan Okamoto got the pin over Giant Brody, even managing to get him up for his Brainbuster Suplex finisher with the help of his teammates.</span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#F5DEB3;">

~ Big return for Koyo Kinoshita who got the win for Shiga United, even though he still seems a bit left behind compared to his teammate's growth. Sharaku Okimasa also put on a banger of an opener against Yuta Isono, the two men gelling instantly for a first bout that really had the crowd buzzing.</span></p></div><p></p><p></div></p></div><p></p>

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BCG Legacy 2020 - Night 3, Sun. W2 July 2020

Nagoya City @ Chubu, Japan

114 Fans



1. Iron Hyodo def. Danjuro Matsuzawa and Namboku Atsushi (9m 21s) when Iron Hyodo submitted Danjuro Matsuzawa with a Sleeper Hold. [22]

3. Monday Next, Yuri Iliakov and Desperado Dave Barker def. Danjuro Kikuchi, Ryobe Uno and Goro Hatamoto (9m 51s) when Yuri Iliakov pinned Goro Hatamoto with a Kiev Krush. [46]

4. The Tokyo Mountains def. Kiski & Okada (9m 56s) when Kawanari Enomoto pinned Taisho Kiski with a Belly To Belly Suplex. [24]

5. Kisaka & Hosaka def. Kubo & Ogata (9m 41s) when Ginji Kisaka pinned Nobuyuki Kubo with a Butterfly Powerbomb. [34]

6. Mitsukuri & Kinoshita def. Emperor & Imakura (9m 57s) when Koyo Kinoshita pinned Noritaka Imakura with a Belly To Belly Suplex. [41]


Main Show

1. Yoshisada Matsuzawa def. Yuta Isono (10m 22s) by pinfall with a Double Arm DDT. [43]

2. Masashi Urogataya, Roku Sotomura and Yokokawa & Sen def. Toshinobu Taku, Yoriie Ippitsusai and Shikitei & Okimasa (16m 16s) when Sojuro Sen submitted Yoriie Ippitsusai with an Over-The-Shoulder Backbreaker. [50]

3. Animal Harker and Giant Brody def. Dynamite Narahashi and Naozane Goto (18m 05s) when Giant Brody pinned Dynamite Narahashi with a Single Handed Choke Slam. [50]

4. Bunrakuken Torii, Funakoshi and Yoshinaka Taku def. Big Bruiser Findlay, Blast Ikoma and Mabuchi Furusawa (18m 04s) when Bunrakuken Torii pinned Mabuchi Furusawa with a Spinning Forearm Smash. [68]

5. Rokuemon Matsushita, Tanyu Toshusai and Miura & Yoshizawa def. SUKI, Razan Okamoto and 3K (21m 24s) when Rokuemon Matsushita pinned Razan Okamoto with an One-Handed Choke Slam. [54]


~ SUKI Squad suffered their first loss this tour, but only because they ended up willingly letting Okamoto take the fall. Matsushita hit his finisher with authority on his much smaller opponent and might be starting to pick up momentum, though it was perfectly clear he really wanted to inflict punishment on the members of SUKI Squad.


~ Another show stealer in the semi main event, six major stars squaring off in a spectacular all out bout that nearly went on for twenty minutes. Findlay brought a major size and power advantage to his team but his efforts were not enough to ensure victory against the opposition, with Torii being absolutely on fire from start till he scored the pin over Furusawa.


~ After getting hit with Okamoto’s Brainbuster Suplex and getting pinned two nights ago, Giant Brody recovered by chokeslamming Narahashi to pick up the win. Brody’s scheduled hoss fight against Goto is highly anticipated despite the latter no longer holding the BCG Challengers Series title and when they meet, sparks will fly!


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BCG Legacy 2020 - Night 4, Wed. W3 July 2020

Okayama @ Chugoku, Japan

106 Fans



1. The Tokyo Mountains def. Kiski & Okada (10m 17s) when Shogo Awatari pinned Taisho Kiski with a Running Samoan Drop. [20]

3. Mitsukuri & Kinoshita def. Emperor & Imakura (10m 28s) when Ichiro Mitsukuri pinned Noritaka Imakura with a S.T.O..[41]

4. Kubo & Ogata def. Kisaka & Hosaka (10m 28s) when Nobuyuki Kubo pinned Ginji Kisaka with a Running Knee Side-Swipe. [33]

5. Animal Harker, Monday Next, Yuri Iliakov and Desperado Dave Barker def. Yoshisada Matsuzawa, Danjuro Kikuchi, Ryobe Uno and Goro Hatamoto (9m 51s) when Desperado Dave Barker pinned Goro Hatamoto with a Blast From The Past. [48]


Main Show

1. Sojuro Sen def. Yuta Isono (9m 32s) by submission with an Over-The-Shoulder Backbreaker. [44]

2. Masashi Urogataya, Nobuharu Yokokawa and Yoriie Ippitsusai def. Toshinobu Taku and Shikitei & Okimasa (15m 43s) when Masashi Urogataya pinned Sharaku Okimasa with a Jumbo Backdrop Suplex. [51]

3. Giant Brody & The American Cobras def. Naozane Goto, Dynamite Narahashi and Roku Sotomura (17m 32s) when Storm Spillane submitted Dynamite Narahashi with a Kneeling Boston Crab. [52]

4. Big Bruiser Findlay, Mabuchi Furusawa and Tanyu Toshusai def. Bunrakuken Torii, Funakoshi and Razan Okamoto (18m 17s) when Big Bruiser Findlay pinned Funakoshi with an Atomic Spinebuster. [67]

5. Rokuemon Matsushita, Blast Ikoma and Miura & Yoshizawa def. SUKI, Yoshinaka Taku and 3K (21m 06s) when Blast Ikoma pinned Kadonomaro Kamisaka with a Northern Lights Bomb. [60]


~ SUKI Squad suffered their first defeat in this tour where a member of the group got pinned, with Blast Ikoma taking down Kadonomaro Kamisaka. Ikoma's team had their work cut out for them with Matsushita struggling against the exhaustion of working past the damage 3K inflicted upon him at Sole Survivor, but with the trio's attention focused on further injuring the big man, Ikoma was able to feint and just when everyone expected him to focus his attention on Taku, he instead hit Kamisaka with a Northern Lights Bomb and got the pin.


~ Findlay finally managed to get a pin over Funakoshi, but it was in a multi man match and certainly not while Funakoshi held the BCG World title. The semi main event once more stole the show and it was as even as they come, with every team looking like they could have won. Findlay will be hoping to repeat his feat when he and Funakoshi meet one on one during the final show of the tour.


~ Bad news for Dynamite Narahashi, who broke his ribs by hitting the apron the wrong way as he fell out of the ring. While still able to wrestle despite the injury, BCG officials decided to play it safe and pull him out of the remainder of the tour, a move that will not be damaging the card of their upcoming show since Narahashi was not scheduled to appear.


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BCG Legacy 2020 - Night 5, Sat. W3 July 2020

Matsuyama @ Shikoku, Japan

63 Fans



1. Danjuro Kikuchi, Ryobe Uno, Goro Hatamoto and Iron Hyodo def. Monday Next, Yuri Iliakov, Desperado Dave Barker and Danjuro Matsuzawa (10m 10s) when Ryobe Uno submitted Danjuro Matsuzawa with a Scorpion Deathlock. [42]

2. Kisaka & Hosaka def. Kiski & Okada (10m 23s) when Ikki Hosaka pinned Tomiichi Okada with a Tornado DDT.[23]

3. Emperor & Imakura def. The Tokyo Mountains (9m 40s) when Big Boss Emperor pinned Kawanari Enomoto with a Double Handed Choke Bomb. [30]

4. Mitsukuri & Kinoshita def. Kubo & Ogata (10m 28s) when Koyo Kinoshita pinned Yutaka Ogata with a Belly To Belly Suplex. [40]


Main Show

1. Nobuharu Yokokawa def. Yuta Isono (10m 25s) by submission with a Stump Puller. [44]

2. Shikitei & Okimasa def. Masashi Urogataya and Yoriie Ippitsusai (16m 12s) when Sharaku Okimasa submitted Yoriie Ippitsusai with a Scorpion Deathlock. [55]

3. Giant Brody, Marvel Malloy, Storm Spillane and Animal Harker def. Naozane Goto, Roku Sotomura, Sojuro Sen and Yoshisada Matsuzawa (15m 33s) when Animal Harker pinned Yoshisada Matsuzawa with a Stump Piledriver. [54]

4. Bunrakuken Torii, Funakoshi and Blast Ikoma def. Big Bruiser Findlay, Mabuchi Furusawa and Yoshinaka Taku (17m 44s) when Funakoshi pinned Mabuchi Furusawa with a Butterfly Backbreaker. [67]

5. Rokuemon Matsushita, Razan Okamoto and Miura & Yoshizawa def. SUKI, Tanyu Toshusai and 3K (21m 19s) when Inejiro Yoshizawa pinned Tanyu Toshusai with a Yoshizawa Bomb. [60]


~ Another loss for the BCG World champion's newly formed group, albeit one they totally planned for. SUKI Squad focused their offense on weakening Rokuemon Matsushita, this Tanyu Toshusai had no support while wrestling and eventually got pinned.


~ More amazing matches in the semi main event, with a trio of former BCG World champions getting the win over their equally impressive opponents. Funakoshi, who seems to be in some sort of a funk since losing the title, managed to hit the Butterfly Backbreaker on Furusawa, who had suffered a shoulder injury earlier this year, pinning him for the win as he looks to clash with Big Bruiser Findlay.


~ Sharaku Okimasa faced his former partner in the night's second match and somehow, his natural chemistry with Shikitei was met with equally unnatural understanding between Urogataya and Ippitsusai, making for a bout that was as easy-flowing as it was emotional. This all ended with Okimasa tapping Ippitsusai out, thus symbolically burying their past as he moves on to -apperently- team regular with Shikitei.


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