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Shoot Matches

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I'm currently playing as NJPW in 2004 mod and was wondering if it's possible to add shoot matches(not worked real unscripted matches) as a road agent note or even as a product setting. I remember NJPW had some unscripted matches from that era, there was also the infamous Brawl For All in WWF. This type of feature would allow people to present a hybrid shoot/worked promotion where some matches are shoot while the others are scripted or even a full shoot promotion such as Pancrase in Japan.


It may work like this: When you select this note AI automatically chooses the victor based on toughness,athleticism,stamina etc. workers may or may not be willing to participate in these type of matches based on their attributes. The guys who win these shoot matches against legitamate tough guys can turn into superstars or a huge star may lose all his credibility if he/she loses that shoot match.


I think this feature would bring a diversity to gameplay and may represent some eras of pro wrestling companies or allow you to make all shoot tournament such as Brawl For All.


What do you guys think?

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So you basically want a system where the AI picks a winner depending on key stats that would matter for a shoot fight (toughness, strenght, athleticism, brawl, ...?)?


I guess that could be done by Adam as now it takes popularity into account. Might as well take other factors to determine it. What you could try is do a spreadsheet like in the CWW topic. Someone used that to assign winners for tourneys. That way you have control, as there would be dozens of formulas for it and even in the off-chance that Adam would implement this, there would be several opinions on the few people that would effectively use this. You can then develop some randomization system. It can easily be done through Excel. FOr instance: (TOU+ATH+BRA+CON)/4, then roll a d10/d20 and add the value for each worker.


As for the named match type: you can make it (if it doesn't already exist). Nothing out of the ordinary: they still perform moves, though the quality will differ greatly (not in-game though). Some of these would be horrible to look at, quite like the UFC, but worse as not all types of offense would be allowed. History has shown it's a very bad idea in general. In the end, it's just a match with an increased injury rate. You can set that already.


WMMA5 would do this way better. In TEW, the match will always be the best quality (barring consistency).

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This would be good, in other words you are suggesting that instead of basing the AI result on popularity to base it on other factors? Personally i would like to see something like this implemented. The problem is, what should be the factors? I think it should be brawling/technical/toughness/stamina/athleticism/resilience with a certain weight on some of them. Some how i doubt this would be added though.
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