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Frozen North Pro Wrestling

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As an intro to what I am trying to do here, I will post a few things that introduce my main character/owner.


From the Dave Meltzer of the Cornellverse's site, March 29th 2007


Jimmy Velvet retired from active wrestling today after 22 years in the squared circle. He debuted as Jim Anderson all the way back in 1985. As you might guess from the ring name (which he picked up in one of his three runs with TCW), he developed into a superbly smooth technician. His radio DJ smooth voice might also have contributed to the name. Velvet toured with both GCG and PGHW as well as working for SWF for several runs as well. He always made an impact and could be counted on to make an angle work or put on a great performance. Despite that he was never a big star anywhere he worked. There are those, myself included, that believe he could have been a star in Japan. He was a part of many successful tag teams and seemed to be able to work with anyone. Velvet retired early as most wrestlers go, before his 40th birthday. He was starting to lose a step in the ring and must have felt like it was time to go. Honestly, I wish more wrestlers would go out while they were still physically able in the ring. Their legacy would thank them for it. As for Jimmy Velvet, it is already rumored that he will be doing color commentary for several of the larger independent promotions. We'll see where he turns up.

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The offices (on the second floor of a small office building in Minneapolis, MN) of FNPW. Very few furnishings except for a desk with a closed laptop on it, several chairs and pictures of James Velvet with famous wrestlers of the 90s and 2000s. Michael "No B.S." Bull sits across a desk from James Velvet.


MB: I think it's great you are finally doing what you always wanted to do Jim. I'm glad to be a part of it.


JV: I'm glad to have you Mike. NYCW was one of my favorite places to work. I made a couple of good friends and got to watch some pretty good wrestling when I wasn't working. It is about as close to the wrestling I love as anything in the States today. There was just something missing for me in the style.


MB: You always did like a little more action in your matches. I am a big fan of the wrestling my dad loved and I wish more tapes of it were around today.


JV: I got to wrestling a little late and I am younger than you are. I think both of us agree on the whole "sports entertainment" thing.


MB: We do. It ruined wrestling in the mainstream.


JV: It did. My hope is to change that. There was a time when wrestling without all the soap opera was marketable. Sure, you still had guys who could talk fans into the building. But it was ultimately more about the wrestling than anything else. We are going to do exactly that.


MB: That I believe. I know how you look at wrestling and you understand how it works better than most. Only problem is going to be the money and keeping guys around.


JV: Money is not a huge deal. I put quite a bit away during my career and as an announcer. Enough to afford the tiniest internet broadcaster you can buy.


MB: And you don't worry about the big boys coming in and raiding us monthly?


JV: I do. But I have some ideas to help keep that to a minimum. One really huge advantage to being involved with wrestling now is the sheer amount of young, charismatic athletes getting into the business. The talent pool is very big and we can make it work.


MB: I know what you mean. Even the big guys now are doing things the little guys weren't in the 80s. I suppose it's time to get to work. You said you had names you wanted me to look at.


JV: Yeah, here's a copy I made for you. My feeling is that we should run with a pretty big women's division. Less competition for talent and a lot of really great talent out there.


MB: I agree with that. And you get that fast-paced style you like.


JV: (nodding and smiling) That too. Let's get to work.

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FNPW North Wind


Lee Bambino: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! We are here for the inaugural Frozen North Pro Wrestling North Wind. As you can see, I am joined by veteran broadcaster James Velvet.


James Velvet: Thank you Lee. Tonight we should see some great wrestling from the Frozen North. You're going to see a lot of great athletes in the ring, I can promise you that.


LB: And tonight is about those athletes, so let's get on with the show.


Emma May vs. Joy Ryder


Emma May came out confident, playing up her MMA gimmick with the entrance robe and shadow boxing. Joy was energetic and happy, singling out the few girls in the audience on her way to the ring. Emma put on a clinic in working the arm with Joy making abbreviated comebacks. Emma May put Joy away with the cross armbreaker.


LB: Impressive win for Emma May. I'm guessing you like her style.


JV: I really do. It's quite a bit different than what I used to do, but it's still very effective. I thought the focus on the arm was very smart and it paid off in the win.


LB: Indeed it did. We are going to commercial and we will be right back.


LB: We are back and up next we have an interesting match.


JV: Yes it is. There have been rumors of Jackpot Jordan throwing money around backstage. One concerns him hiring Dominic Degraff as a bodyguard of sorts.


LB: I had heard that one as well. Jordan has been hinting that he will be hiring more wrestlers on to be "In the Money." Across the ring from them we have Island Boy Appollo and Freedom Eagle. Both are powerfully built and athletic for their size.


JV: Yes, it should be a very successful pairing. I wouldn't call either of them mat wrestlers, but they should be a formidable team. They are going by Positive Energy. Let's go to the ring.


Positive Energy (Freedom Eagle & Island Boy Apollo) vs. In the Money (Dominic Degraff & Jackpot Jordan)


Jordan was making sure the fans hated him on the way to the ring. The match was mostly a brawl with Jordan trying to slow things down to no avail. Apollo got the win with the Island Driver. He was visibly upset with Degraff after the match.


LB: Great debut for a team that could go very far! We'll have to see how cohesive Degraff and Jordan are next week.


JV: It can take a little while for a team to gel. I expect Jordan will keep the big man around. We'll be right back.


LB: Welcome back fans and we're getting ready for our next match. This will be our first look at Tavon Blake and Bradford Peverell.


BV: I'm sure it will surprise you that I like Tavon Blake a lot. He's got great technique and he has a bright future ahead of him.


LB: He is definitely your kind of wrestler. And Bradford Peverell is known as the "Hands of Stone". That should tell you what his specialty is.


BV: Those kinds of matches were always difficult. I had an easier time wrestling on the mat with other guys like me. When my opponent wanted to go fisticuffs I always felt like I was at a disadvantage. We'll see how Tavon Blake does tonight.


Bradford Peverell vs. Tavon Blake


Bradford was frustrated by Tavon's takedowns early, but he got his brawl in the middle of the match. Tavon continued working on Bradford's leg to set up the figure four, which he finally did get after ducking the big left hook. Bradford made the ropes and left ringside, taking the count-out victory.


LB: Bradford Peverell decided he'd had enough.


JV: Great scouting by Tavon on that left hook of Bradford Peverell. That is a knockout punch and he knew to avoid it. Fans, the Frozen North will return after these messages.


LB: Fans, up next we have a women's tag team match. Ashley Grover and Darkness Cat make up the Texas Wildcats.


JV: Ashley Grover is a very well-rounded wrestler who is equally home on the mat or coming off the top turnbuckle. I think she's got a great future in wrestling.


LB: And I Darkness Cat is a spectacular high flyer. Opposite them are Christina Charlston and Ava Anderson, known as Fire & Ice. Charlston is a wrestler you might like.


JV: If she was a little more mindful of the rules, yes. She is a very good mat wrestler. Ava Anderson is an all-around wrestler with dangerous punches and kicks. Let's go to the ring.


The Texas Wildcats (Ashley Grover & Darkness Cat) vs. Fire & Ice (Ava Anderson & Christina Charlston)


Ava is all-business on her way to the ring. Christina is irritated with the fans and not trying to hide it. The Wildcats are both playing to the crowd. Standard shine-heat-hot tag structure here with Ashley taking the hot tag and hitting a Texas Tornado DDT on Christina for the win.


LB: Good teamwork by both teams there, the Wildcats just had it at the end.


JV: A lot of tag matches come down to being lucky and having your partner in the right place at the right time. Sometimes the team with less teamwork can back into a win. I don't believe that applies to either team here as both were working together very well.


LB: I have this feeling we will be seeing more of those 4 fighting one another. Up next is the main event and you won't want to miss that, don't go anywhere.


LB: We are back and it is time for the main event. If you haven't guessed by now folks, we are about the wrestling here in the Frozen North.


JV: That is exactly what we are about here. Great pro wrestling every Monday and Thursday. We hope you'll join us. In the main event we have Ace Youngblood and Conner Threepwood facing off. Conner Threepwood is a young man with tremendous potential, but I question how he carries himself.


LB: He seems like a man who will do anything to get ahead talking to him. Ace Youngblood is a Native American who is proud of his heritage, something that seems to keep him on the straight and narrow.


JV: We all need something that keeps our worst instincts in check. Youngblood is an all-rounder as far as wrestling goes, which can be a real asset in the ring. He may not be great at any one thing, but he can use your weakness against you very well. Let's see who comes out on top.


Ace Youngblood vs. Conner Threepwood


Ace's Native America heritage is on proud display as he goes to the ring. Threepwood does not engage with the fans on the way to the ring. Ace uses his size and strength to his advantage, while Threepwood takes things to the mat to confound Youngblood. Very even match despite all the cheating by Threepwood. At one point Michael Bull really gets in Threepwood's face for using the ropes illegally and physically removes the hold he has on Youngblood. Youngblood eventually hits the flying tomahawk chop for the win.


LB: That flying chop really put Threepwood down for the count.


JV: Conner had been working on Youngblood's head and neck to set up his stretch plum finisher. If he had spent some more time working the legs he might have had time to move in the very least. That is one of the benefits of having multiple finishers. You can work on an arm or a leg as strategy demands.


LB: That is something Conner Threepwood might work on for next time. It has been a great night of wrestling here in the Frozen North. Thank you fans for joining us and we will see you on Thursday for FNPW From the Frozen Tundra!

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From the Frozen Tundra


Worked on the color a bit. Now that most of the main players (for now) have been introduced I am going to a less " holy crap I managed to finish that" approach of TV results. I will still do the big shows as a more detailed thing, but the TV will be results and more "sound bites" that I think would have stood out from interviews. Promotes getting to Small sometime this century. :)


Lee Bambino: Welcome fans to the first edition of FNPW From the Frozen Tundra.


Jimmy Velvet: We're excited about tonight's show, fans. A few more wrestlers will be making their debuts tonight. I've been waiting to see a few of these young men and women in the squared circle.


Lee Bambino: We'll also be hearing from Jackpot Jordan. I'd guess he has a few words for Positive Energy and his partner, Dominic DeGraff.


Jimmy Velvet: I found over my career that if I accepted my part of the blame and tried to improve it made a big difference. No matter how mch Dominic DeGraff had to do with that loss on Monday, Jordan still got pinned.


Lee Bambino: Agreed, our first match today is a tag team match. Ace Youngblood and Tavon Blake Jr. will be teaming up against Crockett Tubbs and Cobra. Crockett Tubbs and Cobra are an odd team for sure. Tubbs is a proud Irish-American who is at home on the mat, but almost as good in a brawl.


Jimmy Velvet: It's good to have other options. I got a lot better at throwing hands as my career progressed because I had to. Cobra is a very interesting young man. He hails from the Everglades and even carries a snake with him to the ring in a bag. I don't think I have ever run into something like that in 33 years.


Lee Bambino: I have seen him while I called matches in Puerto Rico. Cobra is a brawler who can wrestle. He usually chooses not to do much of the latter. Cobra is very cold and calculating, almost like a snake in his mannerisms. The match is about to start, we'll see how these makeshift teams work together.


Cobra & Crockett Tubbs vs. Ace Youngblood & Tavon Blake Jr.


Cobra & Tubbs come out separately. Ace & Tavon together, both working the crowd. Tavon takes Cobra to the mat early. Ace and Tavon work on Cobra's leg. Cobra plays possum and gets a cheap shot to take over on Ace. Crockett almost loses control of the match arguing with Cobra over the tactics he used. Cobra is after the neck/head of Ace, but Crockett chooses to focus on the legs. Eventually Ace tags in Tavon, who cleans house before trying to go back to work on Cobra's legs. Cobra slithers out of the ring and Tavon gives chase, only for Crockett and Ace to come back in the ring. Crockett catches Ace with a drop toe hold that he smoothly turns into a STF for the win. Cobra wants to continue the punishment, but Tubbs joins Tavon in keeping him off of Ace. Once Cobra retreats Tavon and Crockett help Ace to his feet.


LB: It looks like Crockett Tubbs and Cobra will not be teaming again.


JV: I can't imagine they will. Despite the lack of teamwork they did come away with a win. Crockett Tubbs looked great out there tonight. That finish was really smooth.


LB: Coming from you, that is a great complement Mr. Velvet. We're going to have to pay some bills fans. We'll be right back!


LB: Welcome back fans! Up next we'll be going to the ring where Fire & Ice have a microphone.


Ava Anderson: Ashley Grover and Darkness Cat are a good team, and we lost to them. That's something we've got to deal with. I'm going to tell you something right now Ashley Grover. I've got Thunder in this leg right here (slapping her right thigh) and next time we meet you're going to regret ever stepping ito the ring with either of us.


Christina Charlston: I don't think these fans respect us Ava, loss or no. Next week we're going to show each and every one of them why they should!


Ava: You've never gotten the respect you deserve Christina. That will change.


Christina: You and I both know that. These fans, Darkness Cat, Ashley Grover, they have no idea. And I am going to LOVE showing them!


LB: Fire & Ice are out for respect. Any advice for them Mr. Velvet?


JV: I already respect both of them. Ava is a very good striker and Christina shows a lot of skill on the mat. I'd say it's their attitude towards the fans and their opponents that is hurting them.


LB: I had noticed that especially Christina was very angry and bitter towards the fans. That's got to work against you in the ring.


JV: I've met more than a few wrestlers who fed off the disdain of the fans. I never understood it. Up next we've got Ava Anderson in the ring with Juliet Balconi. You won't want to miss that.


LB: And we're back folks. Ava Anderson's opponent, Juliet Balconi, is on her way to the ring and making a few friends along the way.


JV: Balconi is still very young. She is an all-rounder with a focus on matwork. And she is very charismatic.


LB: The young female fans seem to like her. Ava Anderson on the other hand is not paying any attention to the fans. She's stalking to the ring and cracking her knuckles.


JV: I doubt Ms. Balconi is in for a good night given the look on Ava Anderson's face. We'll see how she fares.


Ava Anderson vs. Juliet Balconi


Anderson starts laying into Balconi from the bell. Balconi makes short comebacks, usually punctuated with a boot to the stomach, knee or series of elbows by Anderson. Balconi gets a good late run and almost hits the Red Alert, but Anderson is able to get out of it. Anderson hits a dropkick to the knee on Balconi and the Thunderous Kick (Tajiri style roundhouse to kneeling opponent) finishes Balconi off.


LB: There is the kick that Ava Anderson warned Ashley Grover about.


JV: And it is a very dangerous kick. Anderson will be looking to put it to ue next week against Ashley Grover.


LB: Up next we'll have another tag team match with two teams we haven't seen yet. You won't want to miss that.


LB: Welcome back fans. We have a tag team match up next. The first team in the match consists of Phillipe LaGrenier and Masked Stranger.


JV: This is a very dangerous team. LaGrenier is equally good on the mat and mixing it up with his opponents. Masked Stranger is very much the same, probably a little more skilled. This will be a very tough team if they can gel.


LB: Their opponents are Alistair Shufflebottom and Ben Williams. Both are lightweights, so they are giving up a lot in size.


JV: Shufflebottom is a good high flier and technician. Ben Williams is also a mat wrestler. Size can work against you on the mat, but the smaller man can find more ways out of holds too. I'd give them a pretty good chance. Let's see how it turns out.


Masked Stranger & Phillipe LaGrenier vs. Alistair Shufflebottom & Ben Williams


The team of Shufflebottom and Williams works together pretty well early on, keeping both heels off-balance. Stranger goes to the eyes on Williams and the heels work even better together keeping Williams isolated. Shufflebottom gets the tag after a few cut-offs and hits some high flying moves to pop the crowd. After a dive from Shufflebottom onto LaGrenier, Stranger locks a Cobra Clutch in on Ben Williams for the win.


LB: Alistair Shufflebottom did everything he could late in the match. Ben Williams just took too much punishment to hold out in the cobra clutch.


JV: It's a very dangerous hold and you pass out very quickly. Masked Stranger and Phillipe LaGrenier look to be a dangerous team here in the Frozen North.


LB: Yes they do, and we'lll be right back with Jackpot Jordan.


LB: We're back and we are going right away to the locker room of one Jackpot Jordan.


Jordan is pacing back and forth in front of Dominic DeGraff.


Jordan: I mean, we TALKED about this!


Degraff: I did the b-


Jordan: Where in your contract did it say anything about interrupting me? OR talking back?!


DeGraff hangs his head.


Jordan: It's just, this makes us look BAD! Can you guarantee me you will do better next time.


Degraff: Yes!


Jordan: If you don't, you lose pay. Half.


At this point Bradford Peverell walks in.


Peverell: So I heard you were hiring.


Jordan: Didn't I see you run away from a match last week? I am already paying one incompetent lackey (DeGraff winces). Do I really need another one?


Peverell: Tell you what (grins). Let me show you what my left hook can do on your big man here. Then you can decide.


Jordan: Hmm..(looks at DeGraff)You're tough, right?


DeGraff: (nervously)I....yes!


Jordan: Good. Stand up against that wall and don't move.


Peverell: Now understand me, this isn't peronal. Won't make it hurt less and I will still like it, but it's not personal.


Bradford Peverell blasts Dominic DeGraff with a big left hook and the bodyguard slides down the wall, barely conscious. Peverell grins a big grin over at Jackpot Jordan.


Jordan: You're hired! Now, you have to understand that damages to the big man there are going to come out of your pay...


LB: Unbelievable. For someone who has all that money, he sure seems to use it as little as possible.


JV: Tends to keep it around longer. I'm more worried about Dominic DeGraff. I've taken heavy punches and Bradford Peverell has a great left hook. Jordan should have known better than to have his man stand there and take that. That could mean a concussion.


LB: Let's hope not. Up next is our main event and a first look at Lily Snyder. We'll be right back.


LB: Welcome back fans. It's time for our main event featuring Ashley Grover and Lily Snyder.


JV: Lily Snyder is a great technical wrestler. I think the fans have a problem with her because of her almost feral demeanor.


LB: I've tried talking to her and I would describe the response as close to a snarl.


JV: She and I get along great. She seems like a nice young woman once you get past that snarl you described. And very knowledgable about wrestling. Let's see how she does.


Ashley Grover vs. Lily Snyder


Both wrestlers go to the mat, Grover with her lucha-influenced smooth grappling and Snyder far more aggressive in her moves and counters. Snyder hits a German for a near-fall, Grover countering with roll-ups and a Northern lights for a near-fall. Snyder finally hits the Cut-Throat Suplex (exploder) for the win.


LB: That was a fine show of technical wrestling.


JV: It was one of the best matches I've seen in a while Lee. I'm looking forward to seeing these two wrestle again. Win or lose I am a fan of both.


LB: Well, that's all for us here in the Frozen North. Join us next week when we will know more about FNPW's first big event, Long, Cold Winter.

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FNPW North Wind Week 3 January 2020


Pre-Show: Masked Stranger submitted Antix with a cobra clutch


Pre-Show: Christina Charlston pinned Ellie de Grazia after a C-Cutter (Ace crusher)


In the Money (Jordan, Peverell & Degraff) defeated Tavon Blake Jr. and Positive Energy (Island & Freedom) when Dominica DeGraff pinned Freedom Eagle after a double arm DDT. Tavon avoided another big hook from Peverell during the match, Peverell was saved from the takedown by DeGraff.


Bradford Peverell cut a promo on Tavon Blake Jr.


"You may have avoided being KOed twice, but your time will come. And I promise you I won't stop there!"


Cobra and Crocket Tubbs went to a double count-out when Cobra prevented Tubbs from just beating referee Michael Bull's count. This match was much more of a brawl than Tubbs probably wanted.


Conner Threepwood submitted Bret Kyle with a cross-leg STF hold.


Cobra cut a promo on Crocket Tubbs.


"In the Everglades you learn a lot about hunting animals. Once I started wrestling I learned that people are much easier to hunt."


"Once I get my Viper Lock on you I'm going to squeeze until you pass out. Then, (menacing grin)....then it's Hissing Sid's turn."


Matches were announced for FNPW Long, Cold Winter. The show will take place on the 4th Saturday of January 2020.


Fire & Ice (Charlston & Anderson) vs. The Texas Wildcats (Grover & Darkness Cat) wor the FNPW Women's Tag Team Titles


Bradford Peverell vs. Tavon Blake Jr.


Crockett Tubbs vs. Cobra


In the Money (Jackpot Jordan & DeGraff) vs. Positive Energy (Island Boy Apollo & Freedom Eagle)


Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder defeated the Texas Wildcats (Ashley Grover & Darkness Cat) when Ava Anderson hit the Thunderous Kick (Tajiri kick) on Darkness Cat.

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FNPW From the Frozen Tundra week 3 January 2020


Ben Williams, Crockett Tubbs & Tavon Blake Jr. defeated bradford Peverell and the Mechanics (Masked Stranger & Phillipe LaGrenier) when Ben Williams rolled LaGrenier up with a Williams Cradle (Japanese leg roll clutch).


Lily Snyder defeated Juliet Balconi with a Cut-Throat Suplex (exploder).


Alistair Shufflebottom pinned Ade Nelson after a Shuffle the Deck (running swinging DDT).


Tex-Mex (Houston Handley & Teresa Perez) defeated DupliKate & Ellie DeGrazia after a Houston Handley Houston's Problem (lariat).


The Texas Wildcats, Ashley Grover & Darkness Cat, cut a promo on Fire & Ice and Lily Snyder.


Ashley: "You don't scare me Ava Anderson. I was raised on a ranch. I was tough enough to survive that, ain't nothin' you've got that worries me."


Cat: "That's a big kick you've got Ava, but you're going to have to catch me with it if you're going to beat me with it again. And it's hard to fool the cat twice."


Alina America defeated Emma May with a Southern Lights Bomb (brainbuster variation). Emma came very close to submitting Alina with both the kimura and the rear naked choke.


The entirety of Money, Inc. approached Conner Threepwood, who joined the stable.


Conner: "Ace Youngblood better watch his back. I've got friends and he doesn't seem to have any."


Jackpot Jordan: "Dominic, you've really stepped your game up my man. I'm almost considering giving that pay I took away back as a bonus."


In the Money (Conner Threepwood,Dominic DeGraff & Jackpot Jordan) defeated Ace Youngblood & Positive Energy (Island & Freedom) when Conner Threepwood submitted Ace Youngblood with a cross-leg STF. In the Money showed good teamwork, using triple teams behind referee Micheal Bull's back.

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North Wind Week 4 January 2020


Jackpot Jordan and Freedom Eagle went to a DCO.


Crockett Tubbs cut a promo on Cobra.


"I don't care if you used to hunt the Everglades. I don't care if you bring a snake to the ring. I've proven I can outwrestle you and that's what I am going to do."


Teresa Perez cut a promo on Lily Snyder.


"You've been winning with that Cut-Throat Suplex, but once I get done with your left arm you won' be able to use it."


The Mechanics (Masked & Phillipe) defeated Crockett Tubbs and Ben Williams when Phillipe Grenier hit the Quebec Arrow (northern lights suplex) on Williams.


Ace Youngblood cut a promo on Conner Threepwood.


"You can't buy friends Threepwood. You got one back on me and I'll give you that. Tonight you'll find out what real friendship looks like."


Ashley Grover defeated Ava Anderson with the Texas Tornado DDT. Very close match with Ashley barely avoiding the Thunderous Kick late.


Emma May cut a promo on Alina America.


"You may think you got the better of me, but one on one you wouldn't have gotten out of half the submissions you did. Your time is coming."


In the Money (Bradford Peverell & Conner Threepwood) defeated Aces Wild (Ace Youngblood & Tavon Blake Jr.) when Conner locked a stertch plum in on Blake. At one point Blake had Peverell visually tapping out, but Threepwood was wrapping Ace's leg around the post and referee Michael Bull did not see it while giving the 5 count to Threepwood. The double teams on Blake after this decided the match for In the Money.

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From the Frozen Tundra Week 4 January 2020


Alina America & the Texas Wildcats (Ashley & Darkness Cat) went to a time limit draw with Three Queens (Ava Anderson, Christina Charlston & Lily Snyder). The match was even steven for 25 minutes.


In the Money (Jackpot Jordan & Dominic DeGraff) defeated Antix & Bret Kyle when Jordan hit the Cash In (tiger suplex) on Antix.


Crockett Tubbs defeated Ade Nelson with the Subway STF.


Cobra cut a promo on Crockett Tubbs.


"I won't pretend that I am a better wrestler than you are. There are some things I have going for me though. I keep a cool head, even when some New York slickster makes me angry. I am smarter than you and I figure out what makes people tick. (malevolent grin) You may get to the point where you think things are going your way, but can you be sure?"


"You're not wrong that you've got me beat on the mat. The problem with that is that I am smarter than you are. And I'm willing do whatever is necessary to win the match. Whatever. Is. Necessary."


Ben Williams & Positive Energy (Island & Freedom) defeated Cobra & In the Money (Peverell & Threepwood) when Island Boy Apollo hit the Island Driver (fire thunder) on Peverell. The match was heated and even, with most of the heels success coming on double teams (Cobra was somewhat of a help, but not as cooperative).


Three Queens (Anderson, Charlston and Snyder) cut a promo on The Texas Wildcats and Teresa Perez.


Ava Anderson: "I'll believe you can do avoid that kick when I see it Cat. You may be fast, but once I've beat the tar out of you it seems like you slow down a little."


Christine Charlston: "Ashley Grover can call herself tough all she wants. Until she proves it in the ring it means nothing. These fans may not appreciate how great the three of us are, but they will!"


Lily Snyder: "I'm not much for talking. If Teresa Perez keeps opening her mouth I'll gladly shut it for her. Keep quiet Perez, you'll be around longer."


The Mechanics (Masked & Phillipe) defeated Aces Wild when Masked Stranger caught Ace Youngblood in a cobra clutch. The match was your standard shine, heat, hot tag with a lengthy finishing sequence that saw everyone tease their finish.

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