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Increasing popularity of small companies

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I'm currently head booker for CZCW in the cornellverse. I'm finding it really difficult to increase my popularity.

I currently have events run every 2 weeks and my show ratings have never been below 60 with around 1000 fans per show. Despite this I have only moves 2 popularity points in my home region of South West, going from 40>42 in the space of 18 months.

I'm also always 1st out of 3 companies in the South West regional battles.


Does this popularity growth sound right?

And has anyone got any tips on increasing this quicker? I ideally want to get my dormant TV show back up and running but I'm not popular enough for TV companies to want to negotiate yet.

I'm also reluctant to hold events in other regions as my ticket sales income drops massively due to reduced attendances and I can't then afford my workers (I make a huge loss) however to reach the next size I need to increase my pop in 1 other region.

In my home south West Region I'm making a decent profit.


Any tips on these issues would be appreciated

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Generally, growth will be relatively slow for smaller companies only running 1-2 shows a month, but only 2 points in 18 months sounds ridiculous. Have you checked the state of the Wrestling Industry? You might have just gotten very unlucky with that roll. Especially for a company the size of CZCW, consistently putting out 60+ rated events should have you well on your way to Medium if your industry is in a good place.


As long as you continue to put out shows that are ranked higher than your popularity in a region, you should keep growing. CZCW in this game is actually in a really good place for growth. With WrestleWorld opening in March, you should have decent coverage across the United States, and just holding shows in the South West and broadcasting them on WrestleWorld, your pop in at least the North West should be relatively high to make running there not a complete loss.

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Thanks for this.

I realised that because I dropped my production values in the Feb because of my Jan finances I could no longer negotiate with Wrestle World when it opened in March.

I've upped these again and have now signed a contract with wrestleWorld for my events


Also the economy and industry had crashed to below 10's. They are both rising again now though.


I dropped down to 23 out of 24 biggest company.


Onwards and upwards

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