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Effganic, from the beginning

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Hi all,


So I have decided to start writing diary again after bit of a hiatus. Do be honest, I have wanted to start writing diaries again for quite a while but kind of struggled to keep things going at the same time. On one hand, I have found out that I need to write diary in order to concentrate on what I´m doing instead of just randomly putting things together but on the other hand, once I decided to try something, I seem to always find second guessing myself and if this is what I want to do or should I do something different instead. Part of the problem have been that I´m enjoying empty database games a lot these days (mostly just because I love to start things from the beginning) but don´t feel that those would be particularly interesting to read as I personally kind of need bit of background to get my creative juices flowing so I have been hovering between empty database and C-verse diaries for a while now without really getting either ones off the ground. Then, IronmanCampbell started his Effganic Dynasty in 2016 forums and that helped to remind me that there is bit of an happy medium available for me (not to mention bit of nostalgia as well since I_Effin_Rule´s Effganic mod was the one that introduced me to empty database games) as while it´s mostly empty database game, there are few ready made characters to start the game off (and plenty future companies) so there´s some background for me to base my early ideas. I will start the game from the very beginning, with Frank Norris (Headbooker of Southern Pro Wrestling, the only wrestling company in the world at the start) as my user character. Now, just because I start with Norris and with SPW doesn´t mean I stay there, I do plan to jump into other companies at some point. Here is a quick rundown of how I plan to play and some settings I plan to use (guess you could also call these the rules although they can chance if I feel the need on that):


- Will start the game in SPW but can jump into other companies at any given time. In case of a jump, I will pick the company´s current head booker as my new character (releasing the old character to AI control). If there isn´t head booker, then I will become the owner. User talent will always be set to balanced 5/10 on every skill.


- I hope I don´t have to use in-game editor, basically planning to play with what happens, happens idea. That said, if company begins with no owner I will check the editor for potential owners in the area and pick one of them to lead the promotion (this will be done by adding player, taking the wanted owner as user character and then having him become owner and immediately leaving the game afterwards).


- I plan to follow the world developing outside of my company, basically this means recording any signings and title changes from other companies. Unless something has changed since I last played, this would become relevant around 1922 as that´s when the second company opened if my memory is right. It´s possible I will cut following other companies down at some point as it´s much easier to do in the beginning than when there´s 20 - 30 companies in the world. I will also record any guys coming into the game world at the beginning mostly just to get idea how many guys I can expect to pop up during the year.


- Settings will be default ones (at least for now) expect following ones: no owner goals (I just don´t like restrict my bookings because of them) auto fix imbalances is on (this is mainly to ensure that there would be enough announcers, color commentators and referees for promotions), Kenny dead disabled (just not fan of these), pro-mode disabled (I love scouting but feel that I should see the exact stats when I know enough of wrestlers)


- Updates on this diary will likely be slow, I have currently simmed to October 1920 and written all the shows between now and then but it remains to be sen how fast I progress will be from now on.


- Also, I guess it´s worth noting that I playing with 5.01 version of this mod and there seems to be newer version in mod section so it´s entirely possible that some things I mention here aren´t true with current up-to-date version.


And that´s about it, lets start the game and look with what I´m starting with, shall we?

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So, lets look a bit what kind of product SPW has then.



Core and Current product is Silver Age of Wrestling

No women division

Match focus is main event spotlight

Angle focus is highlight

AI booking style is evolving western


Face and heel divide is on, no weight split and stables are used.

Spinal impact and high risk moves are allowed and matches should be scripted.


95% of the show should be matches 5 % angles (TV has 85% and 15%)

match ratio is 65:35 (in-ring performance/popularity)

Fans will be upset on dangerous, controversial or bloody matches

Matches less than 20 minutes can´t achieve world class score

Fans expect important matches to be quite lengthy

Cinematic, dead matches and Eye candy matches will be severely penalized

Comedy, Car crash, mayhem and hardcore matches will be penalized

only basic match set-ups are acceptable, other´s will be penalized

risky angles will not go down well

angle roles rated on sex appeal will be severely penalized and angles based on sex appeal will have their overall rating severely penalized

All workers are expected to have gimmicks and will be severely penalized if not.

Fans will expect storylines

At least one match in every show need to be story telling

Hardcore skill won´t be used in match calculations

Company will be attractive for sponsors

Attendance levels are strongly affected by state of wrestling industry

Stunt bumps give boost to segment but fans don´t want to see crazy bumps

Most comedy based gimmicks cannot be used by stars or major stars

Wrestler forced to unmask will add some heat to segment

Wrestler shaved bald will add little heat to segment



Overall, not bad product, it´s quite much one that I´m comfortable running though I would like to have bit more time for angles. Those long matches are going to be a problem as my experience with my own empty database game so far is that most rookies start with very little psychology (basically they can´t go more than 6 minutes without lack of flow starting to happen) and some don´t even have stamina to go longer. Then again, I fully expected that and it´s just something you have accept with this kind of game. I do hope that some of the starting roster has enough skills for longer matches as I´m going to heavily lean on them for first few years. Only storytelling match needed is a nice bonus, with that earlier empty database game I keep talking about, I needed to also have one wild brawl on each show and wild brawl note with rookies don´t look pretty.



On popularity, we start with 17 on South East which means we are going to look like amateurs for a while as we have less than the needed 16 guys. Would have really preferred to start with bit less popularity but it is what it is.


As for titles, there is four to start with

SPW Heawyweight (primary, prestige 100!)

SPW Southeastern (secondary, prestige 70)

SPW tag team (floating, prestige 17)

SPW Womens (floating, prestige 17)


Huh, two things I notice here, first of all, SPW Heawyweight and SPW Southeastern have way higher prestige that I had any right to expect (If I remember correctly, newly created primary belt have starting prestige 30) and those are going to come wayyy down. Secondly, why do we have Womens title with no female division? Oh well, sometimes odd things like this happen in this kind of game so lets just retire that Womens title right away. I keep the tag title and Sourheastern titles even though on my opinion, it´s way too early to have more than one belt. But since AI always creates main event belt, midcard singles belt and tag belts at the beginning (and women title if women division exist) it´s going to be same situation for every promotion so might as well just learn to deal with that.


Next, I look at the shows and seems that the shows will always be on Fridays so that ´s good. Unfortunately, game have decided to put shows on different weeks so for example, January´s show will be on week 1 while February show is on week 3. I would rather have them on same week but I decided to just leave it as it is as the plan is to play with "what I get" rather than trying to chance every single thing to what fits me best.


Next I check for backstage ratings, I know we haven´t checked the roster yet but might as well walk you through this one since I decided to look at it. First thing I noticed is that there´s plenty red and only little bit or green text here (always a bad sign).


So basically, Saita Kuroki, Emilio Suarez and Friedrick Herzog are all isolated by language barriers while Herzog, Sir Anthony Henry, Joe Boone and Sorley Monaghan all start as slightly negative backstage influences with Jay Luther being only one that is slightly positive influence. Other than that Frank Norris is loyal to Joe Boone and that´s all we got.


Ouch, was hoping bit better start but at least some of the negatives is just language barriers which should go away once they learn English (at least I assume it´s because they don´t speak English we check that soon). Still, backstage starts with 60% so hopefully there won´t be many negative backstage things happening before I get that one fixed. This is another thing that is something you just have to learn to deal with on empty database games, there´s not many guys to choose from and plenty of them are bad backstage influence. I just hoping I get bit better luck with rookies than in my last game were about 60% of the guys seemed to be negative backstage influence by default and those who actually were positive influences were usually the ones with least skills.


And since were talking about roster already, how about we jump into that to see what we have to start with.

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First thing I noticed is that no-one has any attributes (except Andrews, Boone, Loomis and Norris) [EDIT: They do have attributes as Blake Trask pointed out, I just didn´t know that they would be hidden :o], which means that all starting guys have balanced/neutral personality. I´m actually fine with this as it means no-one has negative personality and everyone can play face and heel just as well. Also, everyone starts as unimportant (from the wrestlers, Henry has the highest popularity on South East with 5) so get ready to see some "used too much" notes at the first show.





Daniel Loiselle

Age: 30

Face, Ice Man

Loiselle is the guy who at least on previous versions, was one of the best performers (if not the best) alongside Emilio Suarez and Joe Boone and he´s the one I expect to be my main face from the beginning. His fundamental skills look really good compered to those rookies I had to work with at the start of my last empty database game and he looks to have pretty decent star quality (68) and psychology (43 - 88) well. He also have some technical skills (36 - 81) and looks to have good stamina (45 - 90) so he should be pretty good in-ring talent. Sadly, mic skills are bit lacking (0 - 45 on mic and acting with 8 - 53 on charisma) but luckily that doesn´t matter that much in SPW were in-ring skills are the one that counts. Loiselle is based on Canada.




Emilio Suarez (El Espiritu)

Age: 20

Heel, Old School Heel

If Loiselle is my top face, Suarez is going to be the top heel. He does have El Espiritu alter ego but the current deal says that Emilio Suarez would be the name he is using in SPW so that´s what I did pick. Suarez is based in Mexico so some heavy travel costs are included if those are on his contract (couldn´t find any info on that but we find out after the first show and it´s not like I have any options at this point). Main problem with him is that he only speaks Spanish and thus will be very limited use in angles and his mic skills ain´t nothing to write home about even when he learns the language. However, his fundamental skills are even better than Loiselle´s as is he´s psychology (54 -99) and star quality (79). Well, I guess I should say that they look better since they can actually be worse if he has low numbers from his range but those ratings are the only thing I have now so I have to go with what I see. Suarez has both aerial (27 - 72) and technical (21 - 66) skills as well so he looks really solid.




Friedrich Herzog

Age: 35

Heel, Strong Man

managed by Sorley Monaghan

Member of Monaghan´s Marvels

Herzog would at least initially be step below the main three in my eyes but he would fight with his teammate Henry on number 4th spot. Herzog also has decent fundamental skills, around the same than Loiselle in fact, or at least that what number range would suggest. He also has high star quality (86). menace (88) and good brawling (55 - 100). He´s psychology looks to be behind Loiselle and Suarez (29 - 74) but still likely mile better than some rookies I´m likely getting (most will have 0 - 45). He´s also quite charismatic (55 - 100) but his mic skills are nothing to write home about (though he doesn´t speak English currently either so it hardly matters even if he would be high caliber speakers). He´s main problem is likely going to be stamina (10 - 55) as while it´s likely decent compered to most rookies, it´s likely not enough to go with time limits required for major matches. With both Henry and Herzog being on the same stable with their manager Monaghan, I decided to put them into tag team (The Incredibles) and while they are likely "too good" for the eventual tag division, they will likely get the tag belts early and have a long run with those while I build actual tag division up. Herzog is currently based on Europe so yet another guy with big travel bill if those ara included to his contract and yes, I know I could ask them to relocate but I´m pretty sure AI doesn´t to that so I try to restrict myself on that as well (at least for now, AI does seem to ignore punch of penalties players have so I might at some point to just decide to forget these restrictions if I get too annoyed).




Joe Boone

Age: 30

Face, Legitimate Athletic

Boone is the last of the top 3 guys and while my earlier experience initially ranks him behind Loiselle and Suarez, he´s stats actually rival Suarez and his star quality is actually higher (94) than anyone I seen so far. With high Psychology (55 - 100) and brawling (42 - 87) he looks just as good as I remembered he would be but his stamina (32 - 77), while good is slightly less than what Loiselle and Suarez have so we have to see if that becomes an issue. Overall, Boone alongside Suarez and Loiselle, is expected to carry me for quite a long time so expect Boone to be at the top of the ladders. Boone has the boxer attribute which will mean that he can accept some boxing matches but also could gain popularity on those. That is bit of a double edged sword as I would likely need Boone to appear in shows and I assume accepting a boxing match would make him unavailable to me same way than what MMA matches worked in TEW2016. Boone is the only wrestler in the starting roster who actually lives in USA.




Levi Andrews

Age: 40

Heel, Fabulous Heel

Levi is certainly step behind on those four men we so far had seen and as 40 years old, he´s not going to develop into better talent. As with likely most other´s outside some of he´s fellow starting seven, the biggest issue is going to be his stamina (2 - 47) which ain´t going to be enough for the big matches. His psychology is 27 - 72 but I doubt psychology would be the issue with his stamina being what it is. He´s primary skills are all 0 - 45 expect technical being 1 - 46 so not much to write home on those and his fundamental skills are clearly lower than the other four we so far seen. He is by far the best guy on mic though and has 87 star quality so he has that going on. So basically, Levi is good talker in company that don´t really care about that, too bad he´s bit too old to have good run later when more suitable promotions would open. Levi will start as number 4 heel but while that means bottom of the barrel right now, pretty much any rookie is going to start behind him so I´d look him more as main event gatekeeper despite his current lowly position. Andrews has movie star attribute, meaning that he might go to film movies occasionally and could get popularity boost from that. Not sure how much I like that idea as he´s not someone who I would want to get super over considering that he´s not skilled enough to main event in-ring but we deal with that if/when we have to.




Saita Kuroki

Age: 40

Face, Man Mountain

Kuroki will certainly be number three face behind Loiselle and Boone and likely will have similar role than Levi Andrews on heel side, namely gatekeerer for main event level. That said, as number three face he will also be in bunch of storylines (as will everyone else from starting seven). Kuroki actually looks bit better than what I expected with 30 - 75 on brawling, 55 - 100 on puroresu, 43 - 88 on psychology and 64 star quality. Fundamental don´t look super good but bit better than what Andrews had and while that 11 - 56 stamina is certainly a suspect, it´s not quite as bad as I expected (although it still could be if it´s lower part on that range). Kuroki unsurprisingly is located in Japan.




Sir Anthony Henry

Age: 31

Heel, Arrogant Heel

managed by Sorley Monaghan

Member of Monaghan´s Marvels

Second half of Monoghan´s clients and likely 2nd heel over Herzog now that I´m compering their stats. Henry´s main selling points is high psychology (55 - 100) and stamina (55 - 100) both important on those longer matches. He also looks to have solid fundamental skills as well as technical skills (49 - 94) and even decent mic skills and star quality (72) to back up his in-ring skills. As said with Herzog, him and Henry will likely be the default tag champs by the virtue of being the only team that exists but they will both mainly be singles guy just outside the top 3 and I could well see one or the other (or both) getting main event title run at some point.






Don Loomis

Age: 55

Face, Old School Face

Loomis is the owner of SPW and also it´s announcer (41 - 86). Loomis ha punch of attributes but they all just can´t play this or that. Not much else to say here.



Frank Norris

Age: 62

Heel, Bitter Veteran

My user character and also colour commentator of SPW. Is better as heel and can´t play dominant, bad ass or offbeat/unstable gimmicks. Norris has 30 - 75 on his colour skill range.




Jay Lutter

Age: 39


Road agent of SPW and the first character I don´t remember seeing back in the time I played this mod last. Bio hints on drinking problem so hopefully that won´t trouble him.




Kenny Lyles

Age: 46


Another new face and referee of SPW. Is for some reason set to heel but I´m not wasting my 5% angle per show to turn referee so he stays that way (doubtful it matters). 40 - 85 is his skill range for referee stat so should be able to handle himself in-ring.




Sorley Monaghan

Age: 51

Heel, Sleazy manager

Third and last of the newer faces on starting roster, Sorley is the starting manager and manages Herzog and Henry. Looks to be at least a decent talker but it remains to be seen how useful manager could be in company based almost completely on in-ring action.



Tag Teams:

The Incredibles (Friedrich Herzog & Sir Anthony Henry)



Monaghan´s Marvels: Sorley Monaghan (leader), Sir Anthony Henry (member), Friedrich Herzog (muscle)



SPW Heawyweight (primary, prestige 100!)





SPW Southeastern (secondary, prestige 70)





SPW tag team (floating, prestige 17)





So that´s the starting roster, hopefully we got new guys coming in decently soon, especially wrestlers but my experience also tells me I would need another road agent decently soon. Looking at the training dojo´s there a bunch there with training on 50% and facilities on 20% which seems to equal 2 workers turning professional per year. There´s also Lutter professional wrestling academy (owned by Jay Lutter, surprising right?) that has training on 50% and facilities on 100% that should give us 12 wrestlers per year so guess we know were majority of out new guys will come. Overall, I counted 11 (one for each game area in USA) + Lutter´s school with would mean around 40 new workers in a year + 7 academies in Canada so another 14 workers who I could use. My main worry is road agents and managers since those are the jobs that TEW2016 didn´t handle particularly well. I could of course just do without either but another option is just use populate to get people on those roles if needed.

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Thank you all for your encouragement, hope you will enjoy the ride. :)



SPW Reckless Life

March 1920 Friday week 1

The Loomis Plantation (South East)

Attendance: 124




1 vs. 1 Qualifying match for SPW Heavyweight title match

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Saita Kuroki vs. Friedrich Herzog /w. Sorley Monaghan

In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Friedrich Herzog defeated Saita Kuroki in 5:44 by pinfall.

Notes: Monaghan did some good work at ringside, Don Loomis debuted Old school face gimmick with initial rating awful. Frank Norris debuted Bitter Veteran gimmick with initial rating very good.

Ratings: Kuroki: 29, Herzog: 27

WINNER: Friedrich Herzog by pinfall in 5:44 Rating:25






Henry joins rest of the Monaghan´s Marvels into ring, Monaghan does most of the talking hyping up his stable while also explaining the audience how the tournament works. Basically, there will be three qualifying matches this month and in next month, there will be three way match for the SPW Heavyweight title. After explaining how the tournament works, Sorley goes full hype mode, telling people that Herzog is most powerful man you will ever see while Henry has been undefeated for years and with men like these, none of the other competitors have any chance to win the belt neither now or in the future. Rating:25


Notes: Herzog didn´t have mic skills to talk this long plus he had language barrier to hinter him even more



1 vs. 1 Qualifying match for SPW Heavyweight title match

jYFqJLU.jpg vs. Ycvj2oS.jpg /w. GmdyQxG.jpg

Daniel Loiselle vs. Sir Anthony Henry /w. Sorley Monaghan

In a terrible match, Daniel Loiselle defeated Sir Anthony Henry in 25:39 by submission.

Notes: Henry was really off his game, Monaghan did some good work at ringside

Ratings: Loiselle: 24, Henry:14

WINNER: Daniel Loiselle by submission in 25:39 Rating:15






Levi Andrews comes into ring next and he has quite a few complains to make, mostly for the fact that he isn´t in the tournament. He asks the audience how incompetent management has to be to exclude talent like himself from the tournament when some fat out of shape guy like Kuroki gets in (Guess Levi dosen´t know much about sumo wrestling then). Levi hurls some other insults as well but Kuroki (and sumo wrestlers in general) clearly get the biggest load. Before leaving (finally!), Levi promises that despite management trying to hold him down, he will rise to the top because he´s just that damn good. 28



1 vs. 1 Qualifying match for SPW Heavyweight title match

XA7IZhK.jpg vs. pqwBZie.jpg

Joe Boone vs. Emilio Suarez

In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Joe Boone defeated Emilio Suarez in 10:12 by pinfall

Notes: Boone was off his game

Ratings: Boone: 22, Suarez:25

WINNER: Joe Boone by pinfall in 10:12 Rating:21



Show Rating: 17


Comments: Before the show, we had two backstage incidents, first Jay Lutter turned up drunk. Great! Our only road agent... I gave him stern warning this time which upset him. Oh, and he wasn´t available to be you know... actual road agent since he was drunk so I had to assign wrestlers to that job. Great start! Sorley Monaghan on the other hand, turned up late. I just gave him slap on the wrist on that as it´s not that bad. Still, that had minor negative effect on Monaghan as well so I backstage rating is already going down to toilet. Booking wise, I always love to start with tournament that includes every single roster member (believe I stole this one from Foolinc when I first came into these forums) but the uneven numbers made that pretty hard so I decided to leave Levi out and turned that into storyline by having him complain and insulting Kuroki while doing so. Three way matches probably ain´t something I should be doing this early if I would follow history but lets face it... I won´t so I´m kind of fine with this even though I would rather had run normal 8-man tournament. I guess I could have just waited a month and see if any new guys pop out but I rather start the tournament asap as its a bit hard to keep storylines going when your whole roster would be tied into tournament. Speaking of tournament, having neither Henry or Suarez in the title match likely looks odd with me saying they would be 1st and 2nd heels. I mainly wanted to have both Loiselle and Boone in the title match for reasons I will discuss after next show and while I at first thought about Suarez being the third guy, I decided that I should have one of Monaghan´s guys in there instead and Herzog was picked mostly because I needed to fill 1 and half hour (I should have made it an hour show but didn´t want to chance the length since I would chance it back as soon as I would get few extra guys) with just three matches and figured that putting Kuroki and Herzog into same match (with both having likely stamina issues) would allow the other two matches to go longer without penalties. The trade of is that Herzog could now hurt the title match with his stamina but we see how that works. I do hope I manage to sign at least two new guys before next show as 2 out from my 3 faces are now tied to that title match meaning there would have to be a heel vs. heel match if I get no new guys. As for Monaghan´s Marvels angle (which should have started the show but I screwed up), I just wanted to establish with an angle that they are a stable and it was nice way to explain the tournament as well without needing to make yet another angle (I was originally thinking of making angle with Loomis and Norris were they would explain the title tournament) as that 5% angles really limits of how many angles I should put into one show.


Venues seem to work bit oddly with this mod, other than the Loomis plantation, the next smallest looked to be 15 000 and biggest was 75 000 with hire cost estimate being 200$ for everything expect Loomis plantation being 120$ but also has only 150 capacity (also somehow has importance of 100% while every other location have either 0% or 10%). I stayed on plantation for now since estimated crowd was less than that 150 but I do look to move to big venues fairly soon if those estimated costs are actually right ones. Not sure if this is mod based problem or game based, as I did look into this bit more later on and I didn´t find any way to set the cost in editor and help file tells that capacity over 10 000 should be tier 1 and cost should be minimum of 20 000$, and that 200$ would be minimum to tier 3 venue making me think that for some reason the game doesn´t look the capacity size right (then again, I checked on c-verse and there costs are certainly higher so no idea what the problem here is). Perhaps there´s some other reason (era or something else being low with there being no pro wrestling before in the world) for hire costs for venues to be so low. At any rate, I just run with this one as it´s not that big deal just something I noticed and felt like it should be pointed out. As for results, well, first of all, Boone can´t apparently go over 12 minutes without feeling exhausted so the planned 20 minutes main event was shortened to 10 minutes while neither Herzog nor Kuroki couldn´t go even 8 minutes according to Suarez who was my road agent for that match. Great! So basically, I had make both angles 10 minutes long and have Loiselle and Henry fight for 26 minutes to fill the time we needed to have at minimum. This obviously got me penalty for too much angles but think I rather take that than have guys being too tired to wrestle. Loiselle, Henry and Herzog were all used too much but we knew that would happen so no way around it. Loiselle vs. Henry was surprisingly bad match but I won´t hold it against them as it was story telling match and way longer than what I would wanted to book (I almost never book longer than 10 minute matches, mostly because I´m so used to work with talent who can´t go over 6 minutes without lack of flow starting to happen). Overall, not as good show as I hoped but despite all the problems, it was actually better first show that I have used to so no complains. I gave Henry and Loiselle some encouragement as I felt that I owned them after how long I had them stay out there and also praised Kuroki who surprisingly had the best match rating out form everyone. Oh, we also had lack of big names but again, that´s something I can´t affect right now, I´m really wishing we got some new talent before next show.


Here´s how popularity and pushes look after the fist show:

Unimportant: Loiselle: 6, Suarez: 3, Herzog: 5, Boone: 4, Andrews: 1, Kuroki: 3, Henry: 3


For what I learned from previous save I had, popularity seems to work similar way than in TEW 2016, you get to 17 popularity pretty easily and then hit a brick wall (granted it was punch of rookies with next to no skills so that might have affected the experience) so expect lots of complains from me when I get to that position. Hopefully likes of Loiselle, Suarez and Boone can help me get past that 17 threshold slightly sooner than what happened in previous save but only time will tell. From finances stand point, we made 3 152$ so we can assume we are easily making money even with adding the required amount of workers.

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<p><p>What is it with these short matches? I once watched an old match from I want to say the 1920's, might have been later but it was before World War II, and the damn match lasted over two hours. It was so damn boring and it just went on and on. Lucky that I could fast forward. <img alt="<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

I really liked the first show. What I love about your diaries is your post-show thoughts. You always have very sound reasoning for doing what you do. I am pretty much the polar opposite, I just fling crap at the wall and see what sticks.</p></p>

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What is it with these short matches? I once watched an old match from I want to say the 1920's, might have been later but it was before World War II, and the damn match lasted over two hours. It was so damn boring and it just went on and on. Lucky that I could fast forward. :D


I really liked the first show. What I love about your diaries is your post-show thoughts. You always have very sound reasoning for doing what you do. I am pretty much the polar opposite, I just fling crap at the wall and see what sticks.

If you think that match was short, wait until you see what is in store for rest of the year. As a spoiler I can tell you that whatever a guy has stamina to go more than six minutes quickly becomes one of the key points of me deciding who´s getting pushed past jobber status. :D


One thing I love about diary writing is that it will make me think this stuff a lot more than on my private games, storylines especially since I need to actually have reason for two guys to fight which fleshes the booking experience for me. That said, you will quickly find out that I don´t spend that much time on thinking how I book, as is evident on some of the later shows were after I booked storyline and important matches I just look at the rest of the guys and decide who I want to win and then put them on random matches based on that. :o





News around the world: March 1920



Roland Frey (Oceania) debuted Friday week 1

Miguel Gutierrez (Mexico) debuted Tuesday week 2

Camden Bhakta (USA) debuted Sunday week 2

Ray Jorgensson (USA) debuted Sunday week 2

Paul Van Der Hayden (Europe) debuted Monday week 3

Tadhg Hallam (USA) debuted Sunday week 3

Markus Jansson (Europe) debuted Sunday week 3


SPW (I won´t be putting signings and title changes here for company I´m running since you learn them elsewhere):

Don Loomis gave himself a pay raise and is now earning 380$ per show



Was surprised to learn that debuts can happen at any day now, still used to the idea that start of the month is the time for debuts so I didn´t even bother to check earlier. Need to remember to check news constantly especially now in the early going when I need any guy I could get. I obviously signed the three American based guys (more on them in next post) while others sadly have a long wait in front of them before they get to some work. Will be following if some of them would become available in USA (and yes, I know I can ask but again, AI isn´t doing it, at least not on tiny sized companies so neither am I).

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Roster Moves:



Lots of new guys coming in between shows, doubling my roster size. Still need 2 guys to have that required 16 and likely want few extra guys on top of that but it´s a good start.



New Signings:



Camden Bhakta

Age: 23

Face, Goth

I´m not sure why but 4 of these seven guys had Goth as their default gimmick and Bhakha was one of them (London, Jorgenson and Summers were the other three). My first instinct was to look potential long term tag team out from two of them and with Bhakha having Irrepressible attribute (others being wild, sleazy and Grifter) he´s the one I would look to be one half of the team as I love good backstage guys and desperately need them at the moment. Bhakha´s skills don´t look great with brawling being 10 - 55 and every other primary skill 0 - 45 as was psychology. His consistency is at least decent (32 - 77) but other fundamental skills leave lot to be desired with low end being between 7 - 13 on basics, selling and safety (high end of course would be between 52 - 58 so there´s hope but my guess is that it´s closer to lower end here). He´s stamina is at least decent (39 - 84) as is his star quality (70), mic skills are similar to most of the starting guys (not very good) but again, that´s not end of the world with this product. Overall, Irrepressible attribute alone would be enough to sell him to me and while his stats don´t look to be anything special, decent stamina and star quality at least mean he´s unlikely to be a liability and thus likely to stay. That´s also why I look to put him into tag team as it´s always safer to be in a tag team than singles guy when I´m booking, unless you are main eventing in which case it´s better to be singles guy but Bhakha ain´t likely going to be main eventer at least not until he develops a bit (goes with pretty much any new guy until they potentially have other places to gain some experience).




Ray Jorgenson

Age: 21

Heel, Bully

Let´s get the big minus out first, Jorgenson has sleazy attribute and with my current backstage rating being 55%, that ´s going to hurt him as he´s natural bad influence and as a rookie, he looks like an easy cut to make in a situation were I likely need to cut some bad backstage influences to get the situation fixed. Jorgenson´s stats don´t exactly help him either, he looks slightly better than Bhakha but with basics and safety on 13 - 54 and selling 6 - 51 and best primary skill being puroresu (10 - 55) they not good enough to compensate on his backstage attitude. He does look to have good stamina (51 - 96) but that alone won´t save him. Jorgenson certainly have an uphill battle to keep his spot but he did get in (usually the hardest part as I avoid bad backstage people when ever I can) so he gets a chance. Will certainly start as a jobber as he ain´t expected to stay long term.




Tadgh Hallam

Age: 23

Face, Raging Bull

I´m so going to mess that first name up more than once. Hallam is Grifter which I basically view as neutral backstage presence and compered to Jorgenson and Bhakha, he shows much more promise on skill department with 55 - 100 on brawling (also have some points on hardcore but that won´t count here) with consistency being the worst fundamental skill with 27 - 72. Psychology (30 - 75) and stamina (35 - 80) also look at the very least acceptable and he looks to be really good on mic too. Star quality being 42 is the only real minus I could instantly see on him but that´s still workable in my books. He still needs to show he can back those stats up in ring but he certainly looks like he would have the tools to rise up on ranks




Craig Sites

Age: 24

Heel, Bad Ass

While there were only three new signings in March, with show being on week four on April allowed me to sign few more guys before the next show so the rest of these guys actually debuted in April but since I will use them in next show I put them here. Sides is another grifter and while his skills ain´t anywhere near Hallam, he at least looks better than Bhakha or Jorgenson. Brawling is his main selling point with 47 - 92 and while psychology being between 19 - 64 ain´t super good, it´s lot better than the 0 - 45 I´m so used to see.

Looks to have pretty good mic skills and 58 is an ok star quality. Fundamental skills look to be bit lacking with 21 -66 (basics), 24 - 69 (selling) 52 - 97 (consistency) and 12 - 57 (safety) but I seen worse. Stamina is 26 - 71 as well so should be workable as long as he doesn´t get roll on the lower end of that. Overall, looks like middle of the back talent but first few matches will tell the full story. Same goes with everyone here (of course) as with range being 45 points out of 100 it´s kind of hard to make solid predictions without seeing few matches first so these first opinions are sure to chance.




Laurence Durban

Age: 23

Face, Biker

Durban has egomaniac attribute so that´s instant hit against him. I don´t count egomaniac as worst possible attribute but it certainly ain´t positive either. Also, somehow he´s better at babyface despite having negative attribute but that´s how the game works sometimes. As for skills, he does have 55 - 100 on consistency and stamina (also on athleticism, power and resilience) combined with 80 menace and all three mic skills (charisma, microphone and acting) between 46 - 91 so he does have some upside. brawling is the highest primary skills that matters (hardcore is actually better but again doesn´t matter) on 11 - 56 and the low end of his fundamental skills outside of consistency are between 14 and 17. He´s also based on Canada while rest of these guys are based in USA (many coming from Lutter´s academy so they life in my home area) meaning that he´s costing me more to use than other guys and that combined to bad attribute makes Durban another likely cut in the future unless he manages to prove that he´s worth the potential trouble.




Lonnie London

Age: 19

Heel, Clubber

London has wild attribute which I count as mild positive as while he is good backstage presence, he´s also more likely to develop addiction or get into problems with law and both are kind of fatal for your career if I´m booking the company. London is better (and amazing) as heel but could play face if really needed. London is bit of an odd case for a rookie as it´s actually his primary skills that look decent (usually rookies have no more than one skill better than 0 - 45 and often not even that) with technical, aerial and flashiness all being around 28 - 76 range with brawling also having few points with 7 - 52. Psychology is also ok for a rookie with 19 - 64 and star quality being 55 don´t hurt him much either. It´s the fundamental skills that slightly let him down with 15 - 60 (basic), 18 - 63 (selling) and 24 - 69 (safety) suggesting that he have some work to do there. Overall, decent prospect and another guy alongside Sides who looks to be middle of the back at the beginning.




Ricky Summers

Age: 23

Face, Goth

Summers is unpredictable so could be good or bad backstage person depending on luck. He looks to be pretty good on mic with all three mic skills being 55 - 100 (and so is consistency). Star quality is 51 so not great but not bad either and he has some decent brawling skills with 48 - 94. Psychology (16 - 61) and basics (29 - 74) suggest that he shoudn´t be the worst in-ring performer we have either. Overall, looks like another middle of the back guy to me and I plan to team him with Bhakha (over London and Jorgenson). Ideally I would test chemistries first but since this is based on matching gimmicks I can´t really do that and just need to roll the die and hope there´s no negative chemistry there.

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I find a Goth tag team in the 20s to be an interesting development, hope they work out for you.


Pretty sure a goth tag team in the 1920s are just vampires.


Yeah.... historical accuracy ain´t going to be a thing in this one considering how little attention I pay on gimmicks in the first place (case in point, I have a guy with biker gimmick debuting at one point

:o). I try to be slightly more careful with gimmicks in the future, otherwise we soon have PC Geek fighting 80´s guy in 1921 but on general rule, expect plenty of gimmicks that shouldn´t exist on this time period.



SPW Sole Survivor

April 1920 Friday week 4

The Loomis Plantation (South East)

Attendance: 117


1 vs. 1

YtTwJwh.jpg vs. pqwBZie.jpg

Tadgh Hallam vs. Emilio Suarez


In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Emilio Suarez defeated Tadhg Hallam in 10:12 by pinfall.

Notes: Hallam debuted raging bull gimmick with great rating.

Ratings: Hallam: 23, Suarez: 24

WINNER: Emilio Suarez by pinfall in 10:12 Rating:20



2 vs. 2

nwDZumL.jpg & hesMtDO.jpg vs. U6RXzW6.jpg & 32S5Agi.jpg

Nasty Boys (Ricky Summers & Camden Bhakta) vs. Lonnie London & Ray Jorgenson


In an abysmal match, Nasty Boys defeated Lonnie London and Ray Jorgenson in 9:48 when Ricky Summers pinned Ray Jorgenson with a Leaping Headbutt.

Notes: Bhanka debuted Goth gimmick with adequate rating, Summers debuted Goth gimmick with very good rating, London debuted clubber gimmick with very good rating, Jorgenson debuted bully gimmick with great rating. Bout dragged into middle with lack of flow being noticeable. London and Jorgenson had bad chemistry as a team.

Ratings: Summers: 17, Bhakha: 15, Jorgenson: 12, London: 9

WINNERS: Nasty Boys (Ricky Summers & Camden Bhakha) by pinfall in 9:48 Rating:10



1 vs. 1

Wg775vY.jpg vs. Ycvj2oS.jpg /w. GmdyQxG.jpg

Laurence Durban vs. Sir Anthony Henry /w. Sorley Monaghan


In an abysmal match, Sir Anthony Henry defeated Laurence Durban in 12:28 by submission.

Notes: Durban debuted biker gimmick with poor rating. Henmry was angry after the match as Durban almost injured him with botched move.

Ratings: Durban: 6, Henry: 26

WINNER: Sir Anthony Henry by submission in 12:28 Rating:14






Daniel Loiselle comes into ring next and talks how he has his sight set to become first ever SPW Heavyweight champion. This draws Both Boone and Herzog (alongside Henry and Monaghan) out and they both make the same claim. Rating:17


Notes: Angle did go too long for all four wrestlers, Monagan did help Herzog and Henry. Herzog had the language barrier penalty again.



1 vs. 1

A13ITHT.jpg vs. 0aoq2dF.jpg

Saita Kuroki vs. Levi Andrews


In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Saita Kuroki defeated Levi Andrews in 6:11 by submission.

Notes: -

Ratings: Kuroki: 28, Andrews: 13

WINNER: Saita Kuroki by submission in 6:11 Rating:22




Three way for SPW Heavyweight belt


jYFqJLU.jpg vs. XA7IZhK.jpg vs. BCKZNTt.jpg /w. GmdyQxG.jpg

Daniel Loiselle vs. Joe Boone vs. Friedrich Herzog /w. Sorley Monaghan


In a terrible match, Daniel Loiselle defeated Joe Boone and Friedrich Herzog in 5:48 when Daniel Loiselle submitted Joe Boone. Daniel Loiselle wins the SPW Heavyweight title.

Notes: -

Ratings: Loiselle: 21, Boone: 20, Herzog: 25

WINNER: Daniel Loiselle by submssion in 5:48 Rating:22


Show Rating: 15


Comments: Just like last show, we start with backstage incidents. First one is a bit interesting as Henry spread rumors about Monaghan. I gave stern warning to Henry and nothing came out from it. Other incident was Kuroki annoying and beating up Jorgenson. I fined Kuroki which made Jorgenson unhappy as he felt that it was too soft.... Yeah, Jorgenson ain´t up for a good start even if this incident wasn´t he´s fault. On plus side, Lutter was actually sober enough to act as a road agent so it´s not all bad, right? Herzog was also unhappy about the booking on the main event. Really? That guy must have bigger ego than I remembered then as he wasn´t even one eating the pin and Loiselle actually had more popularity than him too. I kept my head on this one as I wasn´t planning having a guy who don´t have stamina to go over six minutes as my first champion. Booking wise the main event was already set in last show and I also decided that I want Kuroki and Andrews clash for the first time in this show. Usually I like to spend bit more time before having the first clash but low amount of angles allowed (plus the fact that Kuroki doesn´t speak English yet) combined with small roster kind of forced me to advance faster here, although the fact that I got 7 new faces between last show and this made me reconsider that a bit. I also knew I wanted Losielle to get the belt, hence why I wanted to have two faces in the main event so that I could set 1 . vs 1 between Boone and Herzog in next show, with winner getting a title shot. Rest of the booking were done after I learned how many guys I actually had. Both Henry and Suarez were going to get wins so I needed two faces to lose to them and since I wanted to test Nasty Boys tag chemistry asap, I picked them into tag match against random pairing. That angle was a last minute inclusions as I needed to burn 14 minutes after setting up all the matches thanks to Kuroki, Andrews and Herzog having as poor stamina as they do. Thank gods most of the youngsters could go 8 - 10 minutes without gassing but I really need more than that minimum 16 to fill out my cards for now. Also, Lutter had bit too much work with all these bookings so I had Herzog take charge on the first match. I knew he wouldn´t do any better job than Loiselle, Suarez or Boone managed to do in first show (all got penalties being road agents as did Herzog in this show) but it felt better idea than to have every match getting a hit because my road agent had too much work. Then again, Lutter got penalized from he´s work as well so guess we just take the penalty no matter who our road agent would be. Everyone on the angle (expect Monaghan) was used too much again and fans were annoyed because of too long angle but can´t do anything about that. Overall, despite the long list of complains it actually wasn´t that bad of a show and there was some interesting notes. First one is that now after two shows, my supposed top three of Suarez, Boone and Loiselle ain´t actually getting the best in-ring scores. Instead, Herzog and Kuroki have been the best performers although that is badly hurt by the fact that they can´t go over six minutes so I still stay with Suarez, Boone and Loiselle being the top three. Henry also bounced back nicely after not delivering in first show while Levi was a bit disappointing as while I fully expected him to be worst from the starting seven, I wasn´t expecting him to be worse than half of the rookies, especially considering that he´s opponent had the best in-ring rating from the show. Speaking of rookies, pretty happy about how that went with Tadgh Hallam scoring better than Loiselle or Boone and Nasty Boys also having a decent start for their careers. London, Jorgenson and Durban did less well but Hallam and Nasty Boys were the ones I had plans while the other´s still search their place in the roster so overall, I´m quite happy with the results especially with Jorgenson and London being hit with bad tag chemistry (and lack of flow) that helps explain their rating. Durban admittedly was a complete miss with worst rating and poor gimmick rating on top of that but something always goes wrong and he currently ain´t important part of the roster so it could have been way worse. I praised Hallam, Bhakta and Summers after the show, both to thank them for being able to take long enough matches to actually make show possible and for them having decent in-ring rating compered to rest of the rookies (and in Hallam´s case, rest of the roster). After the show, I learned that we fell to insignificant size so great start for this diary, failing to stay on tiny of all things without regional battles... Yeah, I´m not very good at this game... :o


Recognizable: Loiselle: 8

Unimportant: Bhakta: 4, Sites: 0, Suarez: 5, Herzog: 7, Boone: 6, Durban: 3, Andrews: 3, London:2, Jorgenson: 2, Summers: 4, Kuroki: 5, Henry: 5, Hallam: 3


Decent gains with most people getting at least two points. Also got Loiselle up to recognizable, so he could be used more now without penalties.



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Yeah.... historical accuracy ain´t going to be a thing in this one considering how little attention I pay on gimmicks in the first place (case in point, I have a guy with biker gimmick debuting at one point :o). I try to be slightly more careful with gimmicks in the future, otherwise we soon have PC Geek fighting 80´s guy in 1921 but on general rule, expect plenty of gimmicks that shouldn´t exist on this time period.


Wait a minute the PC Geek could be a time traveler for all we know.:D


This comment does not tie into your diary directly but I have to say, the renders for this mod are awesome.

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Wait a minute the PC Geek could be a time traveler for all we know.:D


I might need to eventually use time travel as an excuse for all the gimmicks I assign. :D


News around the world: April 1920



Akinori Hosokaya (Japan) debuted Tuesday week 1

Kyson Stiller (Oceania) debuted Tuesday week 1

Ritsu Kojoma (Japan) debuted Tuesday week 1

Laurence Durban (Canada) debuted Thursday week 1

Craig Sites (USA) debuted Saturday week 1

Gabriele Arsov (Europe) debuted Sunday week 1

Eikichi Matsumoto (Japan) debuted Monday week 2

Lonnie London (USA) debuted Sunday week 2

Ricky Summers (USA) debuted Sunday week 2

Samson Dan (Oceania) debuted Sunday week 3

Mayne Certain (Canada) debuted Friday week 4



SPW fell to insignificant size

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Roster Moves:


Only one new guy showed up between shows this time but there was only about two weeks instead of 7 weeks like last time so not a big surprise.


New Signings:



Mayne Certain

Age: 19

Face, Loose Cannon

Certain is professional, amazing babyface and smoker. Unfortunately, that professional attribute is about only positive on him as his primary and performance skills are all 0 - 45 as is his psychology. Stamina is 11 -56 while basics is the best fundamental skill with 20 - 65 range. Overall, looks like a jobber but positive backstage influence one so should have a job for a while and who knows, maybe he can develop into useful member if given time?

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SPW Crash Landing

May 1920 Friday week 2

The Loomis Plantation (South East)

Attendance: 113


1 vs. 1

jYFqJLU.jpg vs. 32S5Agi.jpg

Daniel Loiselle vs. Ray Jorgenson

In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Daniel Loiselle defeated Ray Jorgenson in 13:51 by submission.

Notes: -

Ratings: Loiselle: 27, Jorgenson: 16

WINNER: Daniel Loiselle by submission in 13:51 Rating:22



1 vs. 1

YtTwJwh.jpg vs. U6RXzW6.jpg

Tadgh Hallam vs. Lonnie London

In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, Tadhg Hallam defeated Lonnie London in 6:16 by pinfall with a Flying Tackle.

Notes: -

Ratings: Hallam: 27, London: 10

WINNER: Tadgh Hammal by pinfall in 6:16 Rating:20



1 vs. 1

hesMtDO.jpg vs. Ycvj2oS.jpg /w. GmdyQxG.jpg

Camden Bhakta vs. Sir Anthony Henry /w. Sorley Monaghan

In a poor match, Sir Anthony Henry defeated Camden Bhakta in 13:48 by submission.

Notes: -

Ratings: Bhakta: 18, Henry: 20

WINNER: Sir Anthony Henry by submission in 13:58 Rating:18




2 vs. 2

A13ITHT.jpg & EzZ7MhO.jpg vs. 0aoq2dF.jpg & 2tCtN0a.jpg

Saita Kuroki & Mayne Certain vs. Levi Andrews & Craig Sites

In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Levi Andrews and Craig Sites defeated Saita Kuroki and Mayne Certain in 5:43 when Levi Andrews pinned Mayne Certain.


In terms of in-ring work, Saita Kuroki was head and shoulders above everyone else.

Notes: Certain debuted Loose Cannon gimmick with great rating, Sides debuted Bad Ass gimmick with adequate rating

Ratings: Kuroki: 27, Certain: 7, Sites: 17, Andrews: 13

WINNERS: Levi Andrews & Craig Sides by pinfall in 5:43 Rating:18



1 vs. 1

nwDZumL.jpg vs. pqwBZie.jpg

Ricky Summers vs. Emilio Suarez

In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, Emilio Suarez defeated Ricky Summers in 10:30 by pinfall.

Notes: -

Ratings: Summers: 16, Suarez: 25

WINNER: Emilio Suarez by pinfall in 10:30 Rating:21



1 vs. 1 Number one condenter for SPW Heavyweight belt

XA7IZhK.jpg vs. BCKZNTt.jpg /w. GmdyQxG.jpg

Joe Boone vs. Friedrich Herzog /w. Sorley Monaghan


In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Friedrich Herzog defeated Joe Boone in 6:30 by submission after interference from Sir Anthony Henry.


Notes: -

Ratings: Boone 23, Herzog 25

WINNER: Friedrich Herzog by submission in 6:30 Rating:23



Show Rating: 23


Comments: As usual, show starts with bunch of backstage stuff. First one was Monaghan showing late second time in three shows. I gave him a stern warning this time around and it lead into... nothing. Well, at least he didn´t get upset. Speaking of upset people, Sir Anthony Henry have gotten lot of heat from other´s over his recent attitude (he´s still angry about almost getting injured in last show). I don´t see that as something that warrant fines so I just let him off with stern warning which led to nothing noteworthy. Third one was Herzog getting into fight with Suarez after damaging his rental car. I gave him a fine on that one and unsurprisingly Mr. ego wasn´t very pleased with that. Suarez on the other hand was happy and if I have to pick, I happily pick Suarez over Herzog so guess that turned out alright. As far as booking goes, the first match I set-up was the main event. As said after last show, I wanted it to be for title shot and with face champion, I wanted heel to win but decided to kept Boone strong by having Henry interfere. This also plays nicely into a storyline as Boone is in the same storyline than Herzog, Loiselle and Henry and loss here via cheating gives him a reason to go after Henry and Herzog while also advances that storyline. Next on the booking list was to figure what I do with other feud, Kuroki vs. Andrews. Since they had 1 vs. 1 last show I wanted something different here and decided to go with tag match with Andrews getting a win back. I put Certain as Kuroki´s tag partner since they would be losing and I don´t have high hopes on him while Sites who was left off last show, gets a win here, mostly because other new heels London & Jorgenson didn´t do particularly well last show so I´m hoping Sites to have slightly better start while hopefully getting a bit of a boost to his momentum at the same time. Speaking of momentum, I wanted to give Hallam a win and see how he does when not having one of my top guys as opponent so I put him with London who had somewhat disappointing first match. Rest of the matches were pretty much momentum gaining matches from the starting seven. Loiselle, Henry, Bhakta and Jorgenson were all slightly over used... sigh, so you telling me I should run long matches because audience wants that but I can´t because then I over use my talent... sometimes you just can´t win. Well, I have to keep those two matches as long as I did since I wanted to try a show without angles (mainly because there just weren´t any I wanted to run) and none of the other matches couldn´t go any longer than what they did (which lead to odd situation were my main champ spend 14 minutes to beat a jobber while it only took six to win the belt... great booking!). Also, Lutter had bit too much work again but since I´m going to get penalties either way I just leave it as it is and see if it´s any worse than having someone else road agent one of the matches. Show itself was best we had so far by quite a large margin and I was pretty happy about how it went. Loiselle pulling his best rating yet against a jobber was probably the oddest part of this show while Hallan showing that his last match rating wasn´t a fluke was certainly the highlight for me (and instantly shoots him around the main event scene which is something I didn´t expect to happen anytime soon). Other rookies did OK too with Bhakta (remember when I thought he didn´t have skills to do well? Me too, turns out his one of the better guys outside of top 7 so that shows once again how good I am to evaluate talent), Summers, Jorgenson and Sites all pulling acceptable ratings (you know you have been playing with rookies way too long when you consider anything above 15 a decent rating :o). I complemented Loiselle, Kuroki and Hallan after the show as they shared the highest in-ring score this time around. All three were already praised once in previous shows but they deserve it here.


Popularity chard saw lots of guys making the jump to Recognizable this month.


Recognizable: Bhakta: 8, Loiselle: 11, Suarez: 9, Herzog: 11, Boone: 10, Andrews: 8, Summers: 8, Henry: 8

Unimportant: Sites: 4, Durban: 3, London:6, Certain: 2, Jorgenson: 6, Kuroki: 6, Hallam: 7


Lots of the guys got even 4 points rise so have to be super happy about that

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>News around the world: May 1920</p><p> </p><p>


Xeneroso Albarran (Mexico) debuted Friday week 1</p><p>

Dennes Bossart (Europe) debuted Saturday week 1</p><p>

Hugo Magdaleno (Mexico) debuted Friday week 2</p><p>

Montaine Marcou (Canada) debuted Sunday week 3</p><p>

Diandre Daigneault (Canada) debuted Wednesday week 4</p><p>

Donnacha Correira (Britain) debuted Sunday week 4</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Not much to tell this month (which will likely be the theme of these until more companies come), few guys debuted here and there and two will find their way into my roster</p><p>


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Roster Moves:</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="O7CxCPB.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/O7CxCPB.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

Diandre Daigneault </p><p>

Age: 22</p><p>

Heel, Monster</p><p>

Daigneault isa big heavyweight with high menace (94) with good looking fundamental (basic 41 - 86, selling 43 - 88, consistency 26 - 71 and safety 45 - 90) and physical skills (stamina, athleticism and power all 55- 100) as well as decent looking psychology (31 - 76) so there´s looks to be some upside there. He has intense attribute, meaning that his backstage influence is based on his morale and he has higher chance to get into backstage altercations so not the best, not the worst attribute but likely workable as long as he ain´t super unhappy. I do have a potential plan for Daigneault and feel that he could become one of my monster heels but we see how it goes. As usual with any newbies first few matches will tell me if he is worth pushing or not.</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="XZpwRQD.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/XZpwRQD.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

Montaine Marcou </p><p>

Age: 19</p><p>

Heel, Snake</p><p>

Marcou is stalwart and that´s one of my favorite attributes as it means that he´s slightly positive influence who doesn´t really care about backstage morale and is very unlikely to get into problems. On stats side, he´a best skills are on microphone and his physical abilities (all five being 55 - 100 range). That said, his fundamentals looks to be OK level (for a rookie) as well with 26 -71 (basic), 39 - 84 (selling), 12 - 57 (consistency) and 33 - 78 (safety). He does also have some technical skills (18 - 63). Again, time will tell if he will become more permanent roster member or if he will be gone after few years but I do think he has a shot to stay. </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="q7I0sgU.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/q7I0sgU.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

Norman Redwine </p><p>

Age: 19</p><p>

Face, Street Fighter</p><p>

Redwine looks like he´s step behind Daigneault and Marcou at first glance but as said before, it´s the match ratings that matter most. He is Intense just like Daigneault but his stats don´t quite look as good as other two rookies looked. He does have close to Marcou level physical abilities (or it at least looks like it because of the scouting) and has high menace on 86 which could have been good for him if Daigneault wouldn´t have been on the same rookie group. His only primary skills that is above 0 - 45 is hardcore (39 - 84) and he has psychopath style so he would likely be better match to more hardcore based promotion but we see what he can produce. He´s fundamentals ain´t worst I ever seen with range varying between low end of 23 - 25 and high end of 68 - 70 with consistency being the only exception with 8 - 53 (consistency seems to be the one that is low for all three of these rookies). Right now, I have him penciled as jobber but as always, first match tells the real story.</p><p>


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SPW Battle for Respect I

June 1920 Friday week 2

The Loomis Plantation (South East)

Attendance: 137






Show starts with The Incredibles and their manager Sorley Monaghan in the ring. They tell the audience that they are looking soon to be champions as not only will Herzog beat Loiselle for the SPW Heavyweight belt when they meet but tonight they will also become SPW Tag Team champions, when they beat Nasty Boys in tonight´s main event. Oh, didn´t the audience know that there even were tag belts? That´s why Monaghan and his clients always prosper, they are always one step ahead and yes, SPW indeed have tag titles and those will be fine additions to Monaghan´s Marvels as will the Heavyweight belt in few months. Luckily before Morgan and his cronies can get any further, they are interrupted by Daniel Loiselle who tells them that they will not beat him for the Heavyweight belt so whatever plans they have for this belt, they better forget about those and maybe, just maybe, if they win the tag belts Loiselle would come after those belts too, after all, any belt in this company should be hold by deserving champions and Herzog only is number one contender because of Henry interfering. Monaghan answers that they only do what is smart and that is playing as a team, something Loiselle wouldn´t know nothing about because he´s on his own isn´t he? Target on his back with no one to trust. But just for the laugh, Incredibles will give Loiselle a tag title shot next month if he finds a partner. Loiselle shakes his head for their arrogance and point out they haven´t even won the belts yet but Monaghan assures they will do that tonight and when they do, Loiselle will find out that he has no friends... Monaghan is cut of by Boone who comes into ringside. Boone tells The Incredibles that while he ain´t Loiselle´s friend, an enemy of my enemy is my allie and Boone wants to give some payback for being screwed from Heavyweight title shot and this sounds like a good place to do so and that´s why he asks Loiselle if he could be Loiselle´s partner assuming Incredibles actually manages to walk the walk and win the belts. Loiseille accepts and suddenly Monaghan and Incredibles look lot less sure about themselves. Rating:23


Notes: Monoghan once again helped both of his clients and Herzog had the language barrier.



1 vs. 1

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Norman Redwine vs. Emilio Suarez

In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, Emilio Suarez defeated Norman Redwine in 10:21 by submission.

Notes: Redwine debuted Street fighter giimick with awful rating

Ratings: Redwine: 8, Suarez: 27

WINNER: Emilio Suarez by submission in 10:21 Rating:18



1 vs. 1

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Laurence Durban vs. Diandre Daigneault

In an abysmal match, Diandre Daigneault defeated Laurence Durban in 7:51 by pinfall with a Side Suplex.

Notes: Daigneault debuted monster gimmick with very good rating. Daigneault was really off his game

Ratings: Durban: 6, Daigneault: 6

WINNER: Diandre Daigneault by pinfall in 7:51 Rating:6







Levi Andrews comes into ring and he has big news for the audience. And that is that there will be 8-man elimination tournament for SPW Southeastern belt and he´s going to be in the tournament and of course, win it. However, there is one glaring mistake that the tournament makes did. That embarrassment Saita Kuroki is somehow deemed fit to be in the tournament. Andrews declares that he can´t understand how someone who is so obviously out of shape is even allowed to compete, much less taint the tournament that will go to history as the start of the rise for Levi Andrews? And is some morons don´t understand what he means, just watch Levi´s match and compere it to Kuroki´s match tonight to see the difference yourself. Rating:33



1 vs. 1

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Mayne Certain vs. Levi Andrews

In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Levi Andrews defeated Mayne Certain in 5:42 by submission.

Notes: -

Ratings: Certain: 7, Andrews: 15

WINNER: Levi Andrews by submission in 5:42 Rating:12


1 vs. 1 SPW Southeastern tournament 1st round

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Saita Kuroki vs. Lonnie London

In a poor match, Saita Kuroki defeated Lonnie London in 6:23 by pinfall.

Notes: London was off his game

Ratings: Kuroki: 23, London:9

WINNER: Saita Kuroki by pinfall in 6:23 Rating:17



1 vs. 1 SPW Southeastern tournament 1st round

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Tadgh Hallam vs. Ray Jorgenson

In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Tadhg Hallam defeated Ray Jorgenson in 7:44 by pinfall with a Flying Tackle.

Notes: bout dragged into middle with lack of flow

Ratings: Hallam: 24, Jorgenson: 19

WINNER: Tadgh Hallam by pinfall in 7:44 Rating:17



2 vs. 2

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Joe Boone & Daniel Loiselle vs. Montaine Marcou & Craig Sites

In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Daniel Loiselle and Joe Boone defeated Craig Sites and Montaine Marcou in 10:09 when Daniel Loiselle pinned Montaine Marcou.


Montaine Marcou was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.

Notes: Marcou deputed the snake gimmick with Adequate rating, Loiselle was off his game

Ratings: Boone: 23, Loiselle: 26, Marcou: 10, Sites:20

WINNERS: Joe Boone & Daniel by pinfall in 10:09 Rating: 20



2 vs. 2 for SPW Tag Team belts


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Nasty Boys (Ricky Summers & Camden Bhakta) vs. The Incredibles (Friedrich Herzog & Sir Anthony Henry) /w. Sorley Monaghan

In a decent match, The Incredibles defeated Nasty Boys in 6:26 when Sir Anthony Henry submitted Camden Bhakta. The Incredibles win the SPW Tag Team titles.

Notes: Herzog phoned his performance

Ratings: Summers: 23, Bhakta: 21, Henry:24, Herzog: 18

WINNERS: The Incredibles by pinfall in 6:26 Rating:21




Show Rating: 21


Comments: Ton of backstage incidents to start the show, first Boone antagonist Laurence Durban badly enough that a fight broke out. I did fine Boone for that and he was unhappy but Durban was happy. Herzog was also being annoying and beat up Monaghan after fight broke up. Seriously? What is wrong with Monaghan´s Marvels? They seem to really hate each other´s with Henry first spreading rumors and now this. I fined Herzog again and he was very unhappy about it. Whatever Mr.Ego. Jorgenson have gotten lots of heat from rest of the locker room from his bad attitude. I gave him a stern warning since that doesn´t warrant fine in my eyes and it had small negative impact on Jorgenson. Sigh, well at least he´s easy to replace unlike Herzog who´s really is trying my nerves. And, so that everything would be perfect, Hallem decided to annoy Summers so much that they almost started fighting (seriously, there´s almost as many fights backstage than there would be in ring at this point). I fined Hallam as well and Summers was pleased with that. I was planning on pushing Hallam sooner rather than later but that kind of backstage antics might cause me to second guess if he´s worth the trouble. With all that stuff happening, my backstage rating is down to 41% so you can bet I look to fix that as soon as I can. At least Kuroki did learn enough English to remove his language barrier penalty. Booking wise, this show was mainly about putting the other two belts into spotlight, I did second guess a bit if I wanted to put the tag belts on The Incredibles, not because their backstage antics but because they are my number 2 and 3 heels (unfortunately) so tag titles would be pretty much an after though with them being in Heavyweight title picture. That said, tag titles would have been after though even if I gave them to Nasty Boys as there´s not really any kind of tag division yet so in the end, I just decided to put those belts on Herzog and Henry while I try to build the division up a bit. As for Southeastern belt, I really love tournaments and saw no reason not to run one here even though I had to stretch my roster a bit to get to eight guys as guys like London or Jorgenson haven´t really done anything that would make them look like they earned a spot for title tournament. Other than those, I used the two angles to tell about the tournament and tag titles match while also forwarded both of the feuds at the same time. The first three matches were just guys who didn´t have anything particularly important to do this time getting bit of momentum. Pretty much the same goes on semi-final tag match, although I´m thinking on putting Montaine Marcou & Craig Sites into actual tag team and thus wanted to test their chemistry here. I decided to which few lower card segments with different road agents again as Lutter had way too much work. I don´t bother to note this in future as I get penalties regardless of who the road agent will be but just noting it here so that you know. Right, so not that many good results, none from the trio rookies didn´t deliver but that´s fine, perhaps I expected a bit too much out from them. What was lot less fine is that Mr.Ego (and yes, I´m calling Herzog as that now) decided he don´t want to play because I didn´t let him beat his own manager without punishment. The worst part is that he´s supposed to main event the next two shows as well... Oh well, I think I keep the booking as it is, that main event was still best match of the night despite Herzog antics and I made sure to compliment the three guys who actually performed in that match. Other than that, it wasn´t that bad, ratings ain´t great but they not supposed to be at this point, we are just kind of having guys gain some experience and popularity at the moment so actual ratings don´t matter that much. One thing that bothers me though is that somehow Loiselle and Henry have chilly momentum with Bhakta, Boone, Summers and Herzog all having cooled as well. I mean, Loiseille has won all four matches and won my main belt, how an earth he has worst momentum from entire roster? Kind of same with Henry, he has three straight wins with the last one giving him tag team belts, how´s that worse than any jobber I have? Herzog is on same boat except somehow he has bit better momentum (I really wish it would be the other way around). Boone, Bhakta and Summers I can somewhat accept, Boone has 2-2 record while both Nasty Boys have 1-2 records (although I still fail to see how that ´s worse than Jorgensen, London etc.), Anyway, enough complaining here, let´s take a look about how we are doing on popularity front.


Well Known: Bhakta: 12, Loiselle: 14, Suarez: 13, Herzog: 14, Boone: 13, Summers: 12

Recognizable: Sites: 8, Andrews: 10, Jorgenson: 10, Kuroki: 11, Henry: 11, Hallam: 11

Unimportant: Daigneault: 5, Durban: 2, London:8, Certain: 6, Marcou: 5, Redwine: 5


Good gains again so at least that is going well even if the backstage is falling apart pretty quickly. Interesting that Bhakta and Summers are so high, wonder if that´s the reason for their poor momentum, perhaps the game expects them to have better records because they so high on popularity?

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News around the world: June 1920



Akio Atshushi (Japan) debuted Tuesday week 1

Carlito Zamora (Mexico) debuted Friday week 1

Violet Wolverine (Mexico) debuted Saturday week 1

Hirotami Itami (Japan) debuted Monday week 2

Muneyaki Ozaki (Japan) debuted Tuesday week 2

Ernesto Claros (Europe) debuted Saturday week 2

Norman Redwine (USA) debuted Sunday week 2

Fumio Okumura (Japan) debuted Friday week 4

Larue Bouthillette (Canada) debuted Friday week 4

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