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QOL: Set dojo graduates in Character Screen

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It sucks when my ADHD causes it to take FOREVER to bounce between the "Worker" - "Worker Dude" - "Check Nationality/Area" - "Graduates" - "Add" "Insert Details". It's a VERY long process.


If we could access the graduation screen from Worker Screen.


It would also be great to access "Move" Details from the "Move Set" screen. I hate making a bunch of moves, then having to go fishing for my movesets to ensure moves are set up properly.


I would love to see the "Move Set" list also have the "Move Editor" button so I can, for example, add "Cool Finisher", then set it up right now, instead of having to bounce around 2-3 screens to do it.




I would also like the Graduates Screen, as an alternative option, to list "Game Area" and "Nationality" details of a worker the same way our Graduate Screen shows us the Debut Year.

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