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I need some ideas for expanding my Fed

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So I am currently doing the 1991 Peaking Tides DB and am just about to enter 1994.


I am currently the BWF and have popularity in the early 70s all over the UK and Europe. However until recently I am unknown outside these regions. I recently bought and pillaged a bankrupt fed in the USA to help gain popularity there. However I did take on 15 of their workers which brings my total up to 50 workers.


So in short I have about 20 workers I need to find work for and I also desperately need to expand into new territories


Should I do a brand split? Should I create a child company? How is it best for me to expand into other territories? Do child companies help me gain popularity for my own fed?



Thanks in advance

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50 isn't really that many for active wrestlers. I'm pushing 60 on my European company and it's not too much of a problem with a weekly show and two events (one in UK and one in Europe) each month. Maybe be on the lookout for guys to work out of the roster in the short/medium term, but breaking up a roster that size doesn't seem particularly necessary. I don't think a child company would help you at all unless you just really want one. Maybe you could find some way to benefit from a brand split, but I'm not sure what that would be.


Assuming most of your roster is popular in UK + Europe and has little to no popularity in the USA and the Americans you brought in are popular there and mostly not in UK + Europe, this reminds me of the situation someone brought up in Small Questions a few days ago.


Your workers from the USA count as unimportant in your company. They'll trigger the unimportant worker note if booked against each other, but I've noticed it's not that bad, especially for a card filler match that's more aimed at getting the people over rather than making the show rating.


It has some advantages in that they'll be happy to put over someone who is a Major Star on your roster but doesn't have pop in America yet even at a show in America. Also, if pop affects match ratings in your product at all, he can get star-level ratings in a match that takes place in America and if you broadcast the event back home it helps them get over pretty quick.


My advice: Use your Americans in pre-show matches at home to build some momentum and the baseline popularity, then have them fight each other in your American shows and broadcast them wherever you can. Give most/all wins to the ones you want to keep long term and then have a couple others eventually job to your main workers that you want to get over in America.

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<p>You may need good broadcasters deals for TV Shows and Events, hiring workers that are popular in the target region is a also a good option, but it depends on how much you can spend. I've found useful doing lots of TV Shows and Events where I want to grow, plus hiring popular local workers for one night deals and include them in matches and angles with my core staff. </p><p> </p><p>


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Thanks. I have loads of spare cash as I have a decent PPV deal in the UK. However as I am a popularity based fed I will need to be very careful in my USA bookings.


I have had an issue when toured over there in a region of the USA that I am unknown in. I headlined with Roddy Piper and Owen Hart ( My 2 biggest names in both the UK and USA) However the attendance was only 64 and therefore lost me popularity in all of my story lines.

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Thanks. I have loads of spare cash as I have a decent PPV deal in the UK. However as I am a popularity based fed I will need to be very careful in my USA bookings.


I have had an issue when toured over there in a region of the USA that I am unknown in. I headlined with Roddy Piper and Owen Hart ( My 2 biggest names in both the UK and USA) However the attendance was only 64 and therefore lost me popularity in all of my story lines.


Something you can do to slowly build some baseline popularity is run Lesser type events in the area (or maybe just one region) with skeleton crews (like maybe an hour long show with 3 plain singles/tag matches and a couple angles). Since your current pop is so low, it should be easy to surpass the limitations of Lesser events on pop growth and nobody will care if you don't book them. Straight up eat the penalty for not advancing storylines and just make sure to advance all of them on the shows previous and following.


It'll be a pretty slow build, but if you have a way to broadcast some of your good shows there as well (self-owned PPV network is still very helpful for this) it adds up over time.

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