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TCW - The Return of J.K. Stallings

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<p>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</p><p>

<strong>Joffy Laine</strong> vs Killer Shark</p><p>

Masked Cougar vs <strong>Greg Gauge</strong></p><p>

<strong>One Man Army and Human Arsenal</strong> vs Benny Benson and Marc Speed</p><p>

<strong>Devine Fortune</strong> vs Freddy Huggins and Pretty Okakura</p><p>

Local wrestler vs <strong>Findlay O'Farraday</strong></p><p>

Steven Parker and Roderick Remus vs <strong>The Sinners</strong></p><p>

<strong>Sammy Bach</strong> vs Joshua Taylor</p><p>

<strong>Aaron Andrews</strong> vs Eddie Chandler</p>

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


Edd Stone defeated Nate Johnson in 5:37 (63)

T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown defeated Matt Hocking and Harvey Robbinfield in 8:21 (63)

High Flyin Hawaiian defeated Tigre Salvaje in 7:35 (60)

Dazzling Dave Diamond, Doc Hammond and Danny Fonzarelli defeated Maverick, Dusty Ducont and Yuri Yoshihara in 8:18 (57)

Jay Chord defeated Dean Daniels in 4:57 (67)

Troy Tornado and El Hijo Del Neutron defeated Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas in 8:09 (58)


Busy pre-show




Wolf Hawkins' music hit, and came down to the ring without his Syndicate colleagues. He admitted that since the last PPV Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach both had big wins - but those matches meant nothing. When it comes down to it there is no-one who can match the champion. Hawkins said that last week Human Arsenal wanted to step up to his level, putting in the best performance of his life, really stepping up to the plate. But you know what - it didn't matter. The champion was successful. He started to speak again, but had to pause the music of Sammy Bach blasted out, and the veteran came to the ring and ask Hawkins for the mic. The champion shrugged and obliged, and Sammy told him that he better start to take notice. Tonight, he and Andrews each take on one of his colleagues. One on one action - preparation for Sunday. Bach said that he knows that this is when it gets serious, and he knows that he can walk out of Summer Showdown the champion. Finally, that brought out Aaron Andrews, who stayed in the entrance way with a mic. He said he was going to keep this short - three men would walk into the ring on Sunday, and only one of them could be champion. Hawkins may be in the form of his life, Bach may be focused, but no-one... no-one can match Aaron Andrews when he gets going (99)


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Greg Gauge defeated Masked Cougar in 5:46 (74)

-This one was a last minute addition, room to sneak in a match to show Gauge back to his best. He obliged, putting on a great show and taking Cougar out with an Omega Driver.


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Steven Parker and Roderick Remus defeated The Sinners in 7:26 (68)

-After we gave Remus the hype last week we gave him plenty of offence here, and he was the one who pinned Booth after a Brainbuster Suplex.


After the match Findlay O'Farraday casually strolled down to the ringside, and Remus and Parker prepared themselves. There was a tense standoff before Mainstream Hernandez rushed out from the back, but he was followed by Jay Chord with a microphone. He told Hernandez to stop - he didn't want him reaggravating his injury tonight - there would be plenty of time for that on Sunday (78)


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Killer Shark defeated Joffy Laine in 6:13 (65)

-During this match the commentators announced that The Behemoths would be taking on Joffy Laine and Dazzling Dave Diamond at Summer Showdown... as we hadn't bothered mentioning it beforehand. Both partners were kept away from the ring, and Killer Shark took the victory with a Shark Bite.


Killer Shark followed it up with another Shark Bite, which brought Dazzling Dave Diamond to the ring... then Titan... then Eddie Peak... then T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown. They brawled (68)



Findlay O'Farraday defeated Nathaniel Casino in 2:49 (26)

-You know those matches that small indies put on, where a hoss you barely know destroys a random wrestler you've never heard of? The ones the fans don't really care about? Well, we just put that on national television.


O'Farrady looked as if he was going to continue the attack when Parker, Remus and Hernandez came out. O’Farraday just snarled and Jay Chord elbowed his was past the faces to escort O'Farraday away (73)


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One Man Army and Human Arsenal defeated Benny Benson and Marc Speed in 8:55 (64)

-Arsenal was involved in a great match last week, but here showed that perhaps he needed a great wrestler to play off, as this was a little on the average side. He did get a pin on Speed though after an Ammo Dump.


Then Human Arsenal turned around and hit One Man Army with an Ammo Dump. Looks like he's thrown his hat into the ring for the TV Title / Syndicate position (69)


Freddy Huggins was shown on the way to the ring with Laura Huggins, and as he passed High Flyin Hawaiian he told him to watch how in was done (70)


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Freddy Huggins and Pretty Okakura defeated Devine Fortune in 7:25 (69)

-Amazingly, I looked in Huggins history to see how many times I had run this match to discover that Huggins had no previous interactions with Darryl Devine. I was not expecting that. So this was an obvious match to run, Huggins delivering the Huggins Kiss to Fortune.


Mighty Meaty cut a promo to say that they would be keeping an eye on The Syndicate over the next matches, as they knew how much they like to bend the rules. Mo invented a catchphrase as well here. I hope it wasn't just something about Mo Problems (76)


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Sammy Bach defeated Joshua Taylor in 13:11 (74)

-Another match I had never run (again to my surprise), and perhaps could have been better if we hadn't cooled the crowd somewhat earlier. This was left as a one on one though, with Bach winning with a Bach On Your Back.


As Bach left the ring he exchanged words with Aaron Andrews, and it was clear they weren't on the same team on Sunday (69)


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Aaron Andrews defeated Eddie Chandler in 17:13 (81)

-Fortunately I knew this one had great chemistry to rescue the show. I also went one step beyond and hired Brett Graveson for the night to referee this match... and it was clear that he had been tapped up by The Syndicate as he ignored every illegal move that Chandler did, while being slow to count while Andrews made a pin. Mighty Meaty were out to argue the with the ref, who tried to eject them but they refused. The distraction allowed Wolf Hawkins in to slide in to swing his title belt at Andrews, but the former champion ducked, and launched Hawkins out of the ring into Mighty Meaty. Andrews delivered a Standing Hot Shot and Flying Crossbody to Eddie Chandler, and Graveson had no choice but to count the pin.


Outside the ring Hawkins had been joined by Taylor and were brawling with Mighty Meaty, which Aaron Andrews ended by leaping out of the ring and taking out all the men. As the bodies were strewn across the floor the camera showed Sammy Bach backstage looking on, with the commentary team pointing out he had been sensible by staying out of that brawl (82)


Overall Rating 83

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That's Summer Showdown set up. Dazzling Dave Diamond and Joffy Laine vs The Behemoths was added to the card, but to be honest in my mind that's been announced for the last couple of weeks. There will be another couple of matches added that... won't deserve to be on the Pay Per View. Preview should be up in the next couple of days.


Thank you to Aaron Andrews and Eddie Chandler for putting on a great Main Event. No thanks to whoever booked the Finlay squash. If you can't see Ca$ino's picture, neither can I when I posted this. It's there but... this was a one off squash on a one-night contact, so if anyone's picture isn't going to appear, I'm happy it's his.


Gary the Entertainer was thrown into a high profile match in his first MAW match, teaming with Copperhead as they just missed out on the Sam Keith Classic, won by Josh Jacobs and Miller Fforde (the latter of whom also won this year's Rip Chord Invitational).

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TCW Summer Showdown



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TCW World Heavyweight Title match


Wolf Hawkins will have his hands full when he defends his title against both Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach. His best hope may just be the seeds of doubt that he has managed to plant between Andrews and Bach - but let's be honest, no-one wants to lose this one, so it will be every man for himself.


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TCW Tag Team Titles match

The Syndicate took the titles at Excessive Force, and since Mighty Meaty have had two aims - 1) take back their titles, and 2) make The Syndicate feel for the force of Tana the Mighty's backside. Will the former champions be able to achieve either of their two aims?


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TCW TV Title match

Since The Syndicate declared that they wanted to bring the TV Title to their ranks, One Man Army has had to fight off all comers to defend his title. Last week he thought he had found an ally in the shape of Human Arsenal, but he soon found out that Human Arsenal wanted his own shot at the TV Title - and remember he has history with The Syndicate.


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Excessive Force rematch

At Excessive Force Eddie Peak showed that he was the master of the Hardcore match, but will he be able to repeat the feat under normal wrestling rules? Not that those have ever deterred the leader of The Sinner Society...


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Mid Atlantic Grudge Match

Last month Jay Chord brought Findlay O'Farraday in to face Steven Parker and Mainstream Hernandez, the latter of whom suffered a back injury that it is questionable if he has recovered from. However, the faces have found an ally in the shape of former MAW Champion Roderick Remus, and this should be a titanic battle.


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Battle of the High Fliers

If there's one thing we know about Freddy Huggins, it is that he thinks he is the greatest high flying wrestler in TCW, and he will try and prove it here. High Flying Hawaiian has come into TCW in style and we should see some fantastic action as the two men battle to come out on top.


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Behemoth Battle

The Behemoths had have constant run ins with Dazzling Dave Diamond and Joffy Laine over the last month, and this will be a slugfest if you've ever seen one? How will Joffy Laine fair in his biggest match so far in TCW? We will find out!


In addition, Cougar Stone face The Sinners, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas team up to face Camp Tornado, and Doc Hammond will face Marc Speed. You are meant to care about those matches, even though it's hard to justify them being on Pay Per View.


Tune in on Sunday to see all the action!


TCW Summer Showdown:

Doc Hammond vs Marc Speed

Flying Jimmy Foxx, Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas vs Camp Tornado (Troy Tornado, Davis Wayne Newton and El Hijo Del Neutron)

Dazzling Dave Diamond and Joffy Laine vs The Behemoths

T-Bone Bright vs Eddie Peak

Cougar Stone vs The Sinners

High Flyin Hawaiian vs Freddy Huggins

Mainstream Hernandez, Steven Parker and Roderick Remus vs Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Findlay O'Farraday

One Man Army © vs Human Arsenal for the TCW TV Title

The Syndicate © vs Mighty Meaty for the TCW Tag Team Titles

Wolf Hawkins © vs Aaron Andrews vs Sammy Bach for the TCW World Heavyweight Title

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<p>TCW Summer Showdown:</p><p>

<strong>Doc Hammond </strong>vs Marc Speed</p><p>

Flying Jimmy Foxx, Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas vs <strong>Camp Tornado (Troy Tornado, Davis Wayne Newton and El Hijo Del Neutron)</strong></p><p>

Dazzling Dave Diamond and Joffy Laine vs <strong>The Behemoths</strong></p><p>

T-Bone Bright vs <strong>Eddie Peak</strong></p><p>

<strong>Cougar Stone</strong> vs The Sinners</p><p>

High Flyin Hawaiian vs <strong>Freddy Huggins</strong></p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez, Steven Parker and Roderick Remus vs <strong>Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Findlay O'Farraday</strong></p><p>

<strong>One Man Army ©</strong> vs Human Arsenal for the TCW TV Title</p><p>

<strong>The Syndicate © </strong>vs Mighty Meaty for the TCW Tag Team Titles</p><p>

Wolf Hawkins © vs <strong>Aaron Andrews </strong>vs Sammy Bach for the TCW World Heavyweight Title</p>

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<p>TCW Summer Showdown:</p><p>

<strong>Doc Hammond</strong> vs Marc Speed</p><p>

Flying Jimmy Foxx, Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas vs <strong>Camp Tornado (Troy Tornado, Davis Wayne Newton and El Hijo Del Neutron)</strong></p><p>

<strong>Dazzling Dave Diamond and Joffy Laine</strong> vs The Behemoths</p><p>

<strong>T-Bone Bright</strong> vs Eddie Peak</p><p>

<strong>Cougar Stone</strong> vs The Sinners</p><p>

<strong>High Flyin Hawaiian</strong> vs Freddy Huggins</p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez, Steven Parker and Roderick Remus vs <strong>Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Findlay O'Farraday</strong></p><p>

<strong>One Man Army ©</strong> vs Human Arsenal for the TCW TV Title</p><p>

<strong>The Syndicate ©</strong> vs Mighty Meaty for the TCW Tag Team Titles</p><p>

<strong>Wolf Hawkins ©</strong> vs Aaron Andrews vs Sammy Bach for the TCW World Heavyweight Title</p>

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TCW Summer Showdown:



The Sinners defeated Dean Daniels and Arthur Dexter Bradley in 6:53 (56)

Lenny Brown defeated Dusty Ducont in 7:40 (61)

Cougar Stone defeated Nate Johnson and Yuri Yoshihara in 9:12 (58)

Matt Hocking defeated Darryl Devine in 7:40 (59)




We started off with a hype video for the Main Event, focussing on The Syndicate taking defeats, Hawkins declaring he would win, and Andrews and Bach clashing (99)


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One Man Army © defeated Human Arsenal to retain the TCW TV Title in 11:32 (62)

-I'm not sure if putting there two midcard veterans is particularly the best use of them, and even with good chemistry they put on an opening to the show which could be best described as "decent if unspectacular". It was nothing that hasn't been seen at TCW before, and Human Arsenal could not deliver the Ammo Dump that he was looking for. One Guided Missile, title retained.


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Camp Tornado (Troy Tornado, Davis Wayne Newton and El Hijo Del Neutron) defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx, Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas in 7:41 (57)

-No build to this match, and we haven't had much going on with Troy Tornado's little group that he's put together. That's coming. Neutron pinned Thomas.


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Doc Hammond defeated Marc Speed in 7:44 (66)

-Another match with no build - again, Doc Hammond actually gets booked properly next month, as I know where I want him to be next PPV. So a throwaway match, but it was always going to be technically excellent, and Hammond made Speed look a threat.


Eddie Peak cut a promo to tell T-Bone Bright that he must leave the brightness and enter the dark to face him - and he will not be the same man when he's done (70)


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Dazzling Dave Diamond and Joffy Laine defeated The Behemoths in 9:21 (68)

-A big win in Laine's career, albeit in tag action with DDD getting in the bulk of the offence in this match. However, the veteran could be very useful in bringing Laine up. DDD pinned Titan after a Dazzle Driver.


We went backstage to the dressing rooms where Mainstream Hernandez was getting a back massage before the next match. Steven Parker was looking on concerned, when Jay Chord popped his head in, simply shook it, and headed to the ring (81)


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Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Findlay O'Farrady defeated Steven Parker, Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus in 11:39 (76)

-There was a very definite pecking order here - Jay Chord -> Greg Gauge -> everyone else -> Findlay O'Farraday. The faces started off incredibly quickly, battering the heels and looking as if they wold inflict an early defeat on them. That all ended when O'Farraday caught Mainstream Hernandez and slammed him into the turnbuckle with an audible cry of pain. Hernandez was then trapped as the face in distress and worn down, before finally Steven Parker got the hot tag. He cleared Greg Gauge, before shockingly hitting a Future Shock on Findlay O'Farraday. He could not recover quick enough to make the pin, with O'Farraday managing to make it to Jay Chord. Parker tagged in Remus who got in a decent amount of offence on Chord, but became exposed to a Cradle Piledriver and taking the three count.


Sammy Bach cut an interview on the main event, reminding everyone that this wasn't just Wolf Hawkins and Aaron Andrews - he was here to take the gold, in any way that he could (87)


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T-Bone Bright defeated Eddie Peak in 8:41 (76)

-For this one we went ref bump - brawl through the crowd. The end came when Bright charged at Peak, driving him through the ring barriers, and although he kicked out once they were back in the ring (with the miraculous ref recovery), he couldn't defend the T-Bone Powerslam for the three count.


Mighty Meaty hyped their title shots, pointing out that they had victories over The Syndicate in the last few months, so were in top position to reclaim their titles (84)


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The Syndicate © defeated Mighty Meaty to retain the TCW Tag Team Titles in 13:36 (86)

-This was some tag match, with excellent action. Tana was noticeably the weakest link, and it must now be seen if Mighty Meaty are to go their separate ways. If this is to be there last match it was a memorable one, and Tana did manage to stick his rear end into Joshua Taylor's face, t the great delight of the crowd. However, as the match went on the Syndicate man got his revenge, hitting a Shining Wizard on Tana before making the pin the retain the titles.


Wolf Hawkins got his turn at hyping the Main Event, saying that it didn't matter what everyone else was saying - he was the champion, he deserved to be the champion, and he would prove it (85)


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Freddy Huggins defeated High Flying Hawaiian in 14:11 (81)

-We went for a change of pace before the Main Event, with the two men asked to pull out the craziest high flying battle they could come up with. With them putting in all the effort it probably went on a couple of minutes too long, but was certainly impressive. High Flyin Hawaiian did deliver the Pacific Crush, but Huggins was the first person to kick out from it in TCW, and Hawaiian couldn't replicate the trick after a Huggins Kiss.


Aaron Andrews cut the last promo for the Main Event, proving that even if he's not the champion, he can take up prime positioning on our Pay Per Views (89)


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Wolf Hawkins © defeated Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title in 25:04 (88)

-This match was so good that you could pick out Sammy Bach as the weak link, despite the fact that there were only a handful of performances better than him all night. This was a true three-way, with no teaming after the start, and plenty of occasions where one wrestler was conveniently out of the ring for long periods. One of those came after Sammy Bach tried to splash Hawkins through the announce table, but as Hawkins moved he effectively took himself out of the match. That left Andrews and Hawkins, and as the ref checked on Bach Troy Tornado made an appearance, hitting a Star Maker on Andrews before jumping through the crowd. This allowed Hawkins to crawl into the ring and make the pin to retain his title.


As Hawkins celebrated Andrews looked concerned at Tornado, who was wildly celebrating in the crowd, shouting that he would take Andrews down (70)


Overall Rating 88

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Great show - the second best I've run, with the Main Event the third best match ever. It was a great match, with Troy Tornado making a decisive appearance that suggests an upcoming feud with Aaron Andrews. No titles changed hands in the show, with One Man Army ensuring that there was one title not in the hands of The Syndicate.


I did almost make one small mistake - double booking Marc Speed. Originally, he had no planned match, before his match with Hammond was added to the card late on. I forgot about that match when I tried to book Cougar Stone vs Benson and Speed in a pre-show match - and Speed was angry about being asked to lose. Keep in mind he's less popular than Benson, who didn't moan, this was quite a surprise. I soon realised my mistake so simply removed Speed (and Benson) from the match, but I wasn't going to give in to him if it wasn't for that.


Mighty Mo thinks Matt Hocking needs more mic time. He looks the part, but on the mic, he needs help. Pity he's got no chemistry with his Laura Huggins.


Another victory in the National Battle - helped that Wolf Hawkins is currently the biggest name in North American wrestling.


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

Aaron Andrews vs Pretty Okakura

Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus vs Benny Benson and Marc Speed

One Man Army © vs Titan for the TCW TV Title

Cougar Stone vs The Sinners

Dazzling Dave Diamond, Danny Fonzarelli and Joffy Laine vs Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Findlay O'Farraday

Sammy Bach vs Troy Tornado

Wolf Hawkins © vs Mighty Mo in a non-title match

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Aaron Andrews vs Pretty Okakura

Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus vs Benny Benson and Marc Speed

One Man Army © vs Titan for the TCW TV Title

Cougar Stone vs The Sinners

Dazzling Dave Diamond, Danny Fonzarelli and Joffy Laine vs Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Findlay O'Farraday

Sammy Bach vs Troy Tornado

Wolf Hawkins © vs Mighty Mo in a non-title match

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Aaron Andrews vs Pretty Okakura

Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus vs Benny Benson and Marc Speed

One Man Army © vs Titan for the TCW TV Title

Cougar Stone vs The Sinners

Dazzling Dave Diamond, Danny Fonzarelli and Joffy Laine vs Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Findlay O'Farraday

Sammy Bach vs Troy Tornado

Wolf Hawkins © vs Mighty Mo in a non-title match

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Aaron Andrews vs Pretty Okakura

Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus vs Benny Benson and Marc Speed

One Man Army © vs Titan for the TCW TV Title

Cougar Stone vs The Sinners

Dazzling Dave Diamond, Danny Fonzarelli and Joffy Laine vs Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Findlay O'Farraday

Sammy Bach vs Troy Tornado

Wolf Hawkins © vs Mighty Mo in a non-title match

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<p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Eddie Chandler defeated Dean Daniels</span> in 7:15 (62)</p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Darryl Devine defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley</span> in 5:52 (46)</p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Doc Hammond, T-Bone Bright, Lenny Brown and Tana the Mighty defeated Dusty Ducont, Nate Johnson, Tigre Salvaje and Yuri Yoshihara</span> in 8:13 (63)</p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Freddy Huggins defeated Elliot Thomas</span> in 6:43 (72)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAIN SHOW:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Wolf Hawkins started the show, grinning as he showed off his World Title. He told the crowd that he said he'd do it - in the big matches, he was always going to win, however much the odds were stacked against him. That brought Aaron Andrews out, to tell Wolf Hawkins that he did not deserve that title, and if wasn't for Troy Tornado he would have defeated him to become champion again. He demanded another title shot, but before Hawkins could respond Troy Tornado made his way out. He took a microphone and told Aaron Andrews was everything that was wrong with TCW. Does he know how many times he's fought for the title in the last 12 months? Most wrestlers on the roster won't get one opportunity, but here Andrews in demanding that once again he is more deserving than anyone else. That is why he did what he did on Sunday - someone needed to level the playing field. Hawkins grinned, and told Andrews that under advice, he denied Andrews a title shot (96)</p><p> </p><p>

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<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Aaron Andrews defeated Pretty Okakura</strong></span> in 8:31 (77)</p><p>

-A little show of talent for Okakura, but despite his offence Andrews was always taking this one, taking control and hitting a... Flying Body Press on Okakura.</p><p> </p><p>

Aaron Andrews cut a quick backstage interview after he left the ring, telling Troy Tornado that he was no guardian of the World Title, and he would prove he deserved his opportunity (74)</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="98SmV1v.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/98SmV1v.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="3trjIdt.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/3trjIdt.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs <img alt="vGmpWyf.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/vGmpWyf.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="h4FvS3y.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/h4FvS3y.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus defeated Benny Benson and Marc Speed</strong></span> in 8:49 (76)</p><p>

-The past and not quite so long ago past of MAW teamed up, with Steve Parker shouting encouragement from the ringside. That was plenty for the win as the MAW boys showed that they were that step faster than their opponents, and Remus pinned Benson after a Brainbuster Suplex.</p><p> </p><p>

The three ex-MAW men cut a promo targeting... the three other ex-MAW men they've been feuding with - they're not taking their defeat as the end of the feud (70)</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="VNCC01L.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/VNCC01L.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs <img alt="5g2yawH.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5g2yawH.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>One Man Army © defeated Titan</strong></span> to retain the <strong>TCW TV Title</strong> in 6:12 (67)</p><p>

-We have a new contender in the TV Title division, it having mostly been the same men for the last couple of months. This was short, sweet and brutal, but OMA’s body as a weapon tactic worked, winning with the Guided Missile</p><p> </p><p>

Human Arsenal came out to the stage and… stared at One Man Army. There's a lack of mic skills in this feud (69)</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="1NfNgjs.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/1NfNgjs.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="DJAyYee.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/DJAyYee.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs <img alt="8FojO3R.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/8FojO3R.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="qRAhdtw.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/qRAhdtw.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Cougar Stone defeated The Sinners</strong></span> in 9:16 (74)</p><p>

-When I originally set the card for Summer Showdown this was on the card, but with no build to it I binned it off. So, we ran it as a throwaway match here, and the men all overperformed, showing that perhaps one day we can build a tag division. Stone pinned Booth after a Hear Me Party Roar.</p><p> </p><p>

After the match Killer Shark attacked Cougar Stone, which brought T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown down to the ring. Eddie Peak followed with a microphone to call off his men and... did he give Bright a nod of approval? (71)</p><p> </p><p>

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<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Findlay O'Farraday defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond, Danny Fonzarelli and Joffy Laine</strong></span> in 8:46 (72)</p><p>

Dazzling Dave Diamond put up a great battle, but Laine and Fonzarelli couldn't keep up. Fonzarelli's also my first wrestler who's in need of a new gimmick which is probably not a bad man for it to happen to, and he hasn;t done much of note at all since I've taken over the book.. O'Farraday pinned Fonzarelli with Atomic Spinebuster, and just like that Diamond and Laine lose any momentum gained from their PPV victory.</p><p> </p><p>

Sammy Bach came out before his match, and his main direction was Wolf Hawkins. Bach said that while Troy Tornado was attacking Aaron Andrews he had just crashed through a table - but you know what - he was ready to get back into the ring. He was ready to fight, and still is. Out came his opponent Troy Tornado, to tell Sammy Bach that he was as bad as Andrews, blocking up the title shots for younger, more deserving workers (84)</p><p> </p><p>

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<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Sammy Bach defeated Troy Tornado</strong></span> in 11:44 (79)</p><p>

-This was a great too and fro between these two veterans, but once more I do wistfully look ono wondering what this would be like with a fully fit Tornado, something we will never see. Unfortunately for Tornado he has made a good job at making enemies with Aaron Andrews, and the ex-champion provided the pivotal moment. Andrews slid into the room to get into a full-blown argument with Tornado, which allowed Bach to hit an Adrenaline Rush for the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

Davis Wayne Newton and El Hijo Del Neutron rushed down to the ring to attack Aaron Andrews. Sammy Bach pulled Tornado away as he tried to join in, and Andrews fought off his younger colleagues, finishing alone in the ring looking cross (61)</p><p> </p><p>

Tana the Mighty and Mighty Mo cut a promo before the Main Event, with Tana telling Mo that this was his time to shine, the opportunity to take down the head of The Syndicate (85)</p><p> </p><p>

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<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Wolf Hawkins © defeated Mighty Mo</strong></span> in a non title match in 13:23 (86)</p><p>

-This was superb, Mo showing that he can belong in the Main Event. There was an issue with the lack of selling in this match, but it was minor all things considering. The Syndicate came out to support their leader, and although Tana was able to give Chandler the Big Fat Samoan Butt Taylor got the assist, allowing Hawkins to hit the Full Moon Rising.</p><p> </p><p>

After the match Sammy Bach was out, and he told Hawkins that he wanted the title shot at Hotter Than Hell (83)</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Overall Rating 87</em></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="eXETpca.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/eXETpca.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Fantastic show, Mighty Mo getting stuff done in the Main Event. He's not quite ready for the full move there, but he's really not that far away. Instead, it looks like Sammy Bach will be continuing his feud with Wolf Hawkins,</p><p> </p><p>

Aaron Andrews wants Lenny Brown to be given more promo time. Not the first to say it, we'll try it out...</p><p> </p><p>

Razan Okamoto, by far the most talented wrestler at HGC, got a grip with the exchange rate and realised that the $170 per appearance was an insulting wage, and I agreed to increase this to $780. He talked to Okakura who also requested a pay rise, but only to $270 a show. He hasn't got quite such a good grasp of numbers and was happy that I obliged.</p><p> </p><p>

This week a lot of minor things happened, but it meant I had to make a big decision. Did I get a B show? Honestly, I need one. Too many stars are wrestling on the pre-show, and there's even a bit of story going on there (it’s just I’m the only one who knows about it). Plenty to fill a B Show. The OLLIE fall out with EILL came because of their desire to sign Boom-Boom Jamaica. Now, if I had a B-Show he would be perfect to build himself on that show. If not, I don't need him, as there's not a space for him to slot into in the main roster. I weighed up the pros and cons and decided than the B Show wasn't coming out now, so Jamaica was left without a contract offer.</p><p> </p><p>

With BHOTWG growing, they made an approach for Haranobou Kobayshi, who was on a PPA deal at HGC. Sure, I should have signed him to a written deal, but I felt locking him into a development deal just wasn't fair on the man, and BHOTWG took advantage. He could have been a good brawler at TCW, but he'll have more success back home. He had been teaming with Razan Okamoto as The Rising Sons (with a superb 0-6 record), so it will be interesting to see how Tamara McFly books Okamoto in singles action.</p><p> </p><p>

At our next PPV we will introduce the Two Stages of Hell match, of which you'll have to wait until closer to the time to find the details of.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</strong></p><p>

Doc Hammond and Cougar Stone vs Marc Speed, Maverick and Nate Johnson</p><p>

Aaron Andrews vs Nick Booth</p><p>

One Man Army © vs Killer Shark for the TCW TV Title</p><p>

Danny Fonzarelli vs Findlay O'Farraday</p><p>

Roderick Remus vs Freddy Huggins to qualify for the Two Stages of Hell</p><p>

Mighty Meaty vs Jay Chord and Greg Gauge to qualify for the Two Stages of Hell</p><p>

Sammy Bach, T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown vs The Syndicate</p>

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Doc Hammond and Cougar Stone vs Marc Speed, Maverick and Nate Johnson

Aaron Andrews vs Nick Booth

One Man Army © vs Killer Shark for the TCW TV Title

Danny Fonzarelli vs Findlay O'Farraday

Roderick Remus vs Freddy Huggins to qualify for the Two Stages of Hell

Mighty Meaty vs Jay Chord and Greg Gauge to qualify for the Two Stages of Hell

Sammy Bach, T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown vs The Syndicate

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Doc Hammond and Cougar Stone vs Marc Speed, Maverick and Nate Johnson

Aaron Andrews vs Nick Booth

One Man Army © vs Killer Shark for the TCW TV Title

Danny Fonzarelli vs Findlay O'Farraday

Roderick Remus vs Freddy Huggins to qualify for the Two Stages of Hell

Mighty Meaty vs Jay Chord and Greg Gauge to qualify for the Two Stages of Hell

Sammy Bach, T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown vs The Syndicate

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


Bart Biggins, Elliot Thomas and Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Tigre Salvaje, Arthur Dexter Bradley and Yuri Yoshihara in 7:12 (44)

Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Harvey Robbinfield in 5:46 (67)

Steven Parker and Mainstream Hernandez defeated Matt Hocking and Pretty Okakura in 7:40 (69)

-Good chemistry from the heels is a promising direction




Sammy Bach started the show, reiterating his challenge for the TCW World Heavyweight Title, telling fans that it had been too long since TCW had recognised him as the true star of the brand. Wolf Hawkins was out to laugh at the suggestion, telling Bach that a line of kiddies wanting to take pictures didn't make him a star - the belt did. Bach agreed, and told Hawkins that he would prove he was the number one round here, and Hawkins agreed to the match for Hotter Than Hell (82)


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Aaron Andrews defeated Nick Booth in 8:48 (80)

-Commentary team pointed out that Nick Booth was one of the younger men on the roster, as we used Andrews to make him look good while ultimately falling to defeat.


Aaron Andrews called out Troy Tornado after the match, and he came out flanked by Davis Wayne Newton and El Hijo Del Neutron. Andrews told Tornado that the only reason that he stood in anyone's way was because to become the best, you have to beat the best, and his problem is Ace keeps on winning. Tornado told Andrews that one battle against a youngster doesn't mean anything. Tornado announced that Davis Wayne Newton and El Hijo Del Neutron were officially the first two members of a new training camp he was putting together - Camp Tornado. He would do more than Andrews ever had - training the youngsters of today to develop them for the future. He told Andrews to find two partners - as at Hotter Than Hell Andrews was going to be blown away by the Tornado (69)


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Doc Hammond and Cougar Stone defeated Maverick, Nate Johnson and Marc Speed in 9:17 (65)

-Not quite sure why I booked it this long - however much opportunity I gave to the heels, the faces were always winning this one. Marc Speed can’t catch a break right now, but it was Johnson who fell to a Hear Me Party Roar.


Jason Azaria came out and called a whole host of TCW stars to the ring, to announce that at Hotter Than Hell there would be a Two Stages of Hell match for the chance to face the TCW World Heavyweight Champion at Destructive Energy. This match would be a first ever for TCW, mixing up ladders with fire as six wrestlers would complete to press the button that would guarantee them a title shot. He announced a series of qualification matches over the next two weeks for a place in the match, all featuring men conveniently in the ring:


Mighty Meaty vs Jay Chord and Greg Gauge

Roderick Remus vs Freddy Huggins

Steven Parker and Mainstream Hernandez vs The Behemoths

T-Bone Bright vs Findlay O'Farrady


Queue lots of pushing and shoving, before Azaria demanded that the ring was cleared before he started making replacements (86)


Killer Shark was left in the ring for his TCW TV Title shot (let's skirt over that logic), when Wolf Hawkins came out armed with a microphone. He reminded everyone that the TCW TV Title was the one title still to add to The Syndicate's dazzling line-up of titles, and the opportunity was there for someone. That brought Eddie Peak out, to tell Hawkins that if Shark won he was doing it for The Sinner Society (72)


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One Man Army © defeated Killer Shark in a TCW TV Title match by disqualification in 7:36 (60)

-Both men really need someone a little more talented to play off in the ring, and the match was no more than reasonable. Until the point that Human Arsenal blatantly attacked OMA.


As Human Arsenal set OMA up for an Ammo Dump, Titan was down to the ring to push Arsenal away. The distraction allowed OMA to roll out the ring... straight into the path of Matt Hocking who had rushed out from the back. OMA did a quick circuit of the ring, but found his path blocked by Benny Benson, so he hopped the barrier a disappeared through the crowd (70)


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Findlay O'Farraday defeated Danny Fonzarelli in 3:51 (43)

-I didn't originally book this as a squash, but Fonzarelli loudly complained about the finish anyway. I thought if he was going to do that I may as well justify his complaints and let O'Farraday get in all the offence and two Atomic Spinebusters.


O'Farrady rolled out of the ring as Dazzling Dave Diamond rushed to attend Danny Fonzarelli, calling in the medics to see to his colleague (72)


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Freddy Huggins defeated Roderick Remus in 10:58 to qualify for Two Stages of Hell (82)

-Freddy Huggins really is our go to guy for quality matches outside the big three of Andrews, Hawkins and Chord. He put on a fantastic match with Remus, making the man who had achieved little previously this year look a real threat, before taking the victory with a Huggins Kiss.


After Huggins left Findlay O'Farraday made a surprise appearance, dragging Roderick Remus from the ring the literally throwing him into the crowd (don't worry - we had HGC workers in that section. Parker and Hernandez were out, but with O'Farraday done they attended their fallen colleague (62)


Sammy Bach was shown backstage with T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown, and we gave them all some promo time, what with everyone telling me that we should let Brown loose on the mic. He did his job well, and the faces declared that they were targeting the win over The Syndicate in the Main Event (88)


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Jay Chord and Greg Gauge defeated Mighty Meaty in 8:43 to qualify for the Two Stages of Hell (77)

-Not a bad match, but I wanted a little bit better so delved into the dirt sheet - capped due to length, but Tana penalised for stamina. Makes sense, they were going all out, and recognising Tana's limitations I purposely kept the length down. Tana did give Gauge the Big Fat Samoan Butt, but after that the heels took over, Chord pinning Mighty Mo after a Cradle Piledriver.


Hawkins cut a promo backstage telling everyone how he would defeat Sammy Bach at Hotter Than Hell and... wow, our multi-man promos are just so much better than these one-man ones. Pity there's another one later... (72)


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Sammy Bach, T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown defeated The Syndicate in 13:53 (81)

-Huge win this one, especially for Lenny Brown and T-Bone Bright. Logic would dictate a tag title shot for them next, but I actually can't fit it in with other plans... which I may have not lead up to so well. Maybe I can find room for it soon. Hawkins was obviously nowhere near the pinfall, Bach pinning Chandler after he missed a tag to Taylor.


Sammy left the ring after the match and did his one-man hype... I'm binning these (71)


Overall Rating 82

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Joel Bryant liked what he saw in the Main Event, as he became the latest person to tell me that Lenny Brown was money. Danny Fonzarelli, meanwhile, was not happy with his booking at all. With his gimmick getting stale it was an opportunity to temporarily take him off screen. I talked to him and he was happy about changing his gimmick, but not so happy when I mooted him becoming a manager. Perhaps I should have asked him before I make him angry...


The Two Stages of Hell is a concept that still isn’t fully developed, so you’ll find out more details as I work them out. It won’t be as risky a match as the inclusion of fire would indicate, as I would be taken off screen if I tried that.


Steve Frehley's contract comes up... I pulled out of Nicky Champion talks, surely that means I can't go for Frehley? Whoever gets him won't do it for cheap, as USPW, SWF, CWA, BHOTWG and EILL all make offers


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

Devine Fortune and Joffy Laine vs Camp Tornado

Lenny Brown vs Jay Chord

High Flyin Hawaiian vs Greg Gauge

One Man Army © vs Human Arsenal for the TCW TV title

Dazzling Dave Diamond and Sammy Bach vs The Sinners

Steven Parker and Mainstream Hernandez vs The Behemoths to qualify for the Two Stages of Hell

T-Bone Bright vs Findlay O'Farraday to qualify for Two Stages of Hell

Wolf Hawkins © vs Tana the Mighty in a non-title match

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Devine Fortune and Joffy Laine vs Camp Tornado

Lenny Brown vs Jay Chord

High Flyin Hawaiian vs Greg Gauge

One Man Army © vs Human Arsenal for the TCW TV title

Dazzling Dave Diamond and Sammy Bach vs The Sinners-I smell shenanigans for this match.

Steven Parker and Mainstream Hernandez vs The Behemoths to qualify for the Two Stages of Hell

T-Bone Bright vs Findlay O'Farraday to qualify for Two Stages of Hell

Wolf Hawkins © vs Tana the Mighty in a non-title match

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Do you know why your promos are tanking? Product change?


No product change, I think when it's just one person in the ring without someone to interact with the crowd's getting bored after a few more minutes. Easy enough to throw more men in, but I need to justify it, so if they're in their own I'll book it that way.


It's just not going to happen too much.

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Devine Fortune and Joffy Laine vs Camp Tornado

Lenny Brown vs Jay Chord

High Flyin Hawaiian vs Greg Gauge

One Man Army © vs Human Arsenal for the TCW TV title

Dazzling Dave Diamond and Sammy Bach vs The Sinners

Steven Parker and Mainstream Hernandez vs The Behemoths to qualify for the Two Stages of Hell

T-Bone Bright vs Findlay O'Farraday to qualify for Two Stages of Hell

Wolf Hawkins © vs Tana the Mighty in a non-title match

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


Doc Hammond, Roderick Remus and Cougar Stone defeated Dusty Ducont, Nate Johnson, Tigre Salvaje and Yuri Yoshihara (59)

Maverick and Marc Speed defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx and Seth Whitehead (54)

Benny Benson defeated Dean Daniels (54)

Shockura (Matt Hocking and Pretty Okakura) defeated Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas (61)




Sammy Bach started the show, noting the victory that he had over The Syndicate last week. Wolf Hawkins came out with The Syndicate to tell Bach that once again he thought that one victory made a man, but he knew that the battle was yet to be won. That brought out One Man Army to join Bach, to ask Hawkins how the war was going to bring the TV Title to The Syndicate. Hawkins smirked, and told One Man Army that it was going well - given that for the TV Title match today Joshua Taylor would be the special referee and Eddie Chandler the timekeeper (92)


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Jay Chord defeated Lenny Brown in 9:42 (75)

-Jay Chord handed Lenny Brown his first singles defeat in TCW, but he put up a decent contest before falling to a Cradle Piledriver.


As Lenny Brown left the ring he was met by Eddie Peak, who remarked that Brown wasn't so tough without T-Bone Bright at his side. Brown got in Peak's face, and said he was ready for any challenge, which Peak just laughed at (75)


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Camp Tornado (Troy Tornado, Davis Wayne Newton and El Hijo Del Neutron) defeated Devine Fortune and Joffy Laine in 5:29 (48)

-We actually ran out of time in this show, and this was the match that got caught, so Camp Tornado swiftly defeated the faces without Laine even getting into the ring.


Aaron Andrews came out after the match, striding down to the ring. Andrews said that he would take on any of Camp Tornado, right now in the ring. Davis Wayne Newton stepped up in front of Andrews, but Tornado blasted Andrews with a chair. El Hijo Del Neutron also attacked, before wrapping the chair around Andrews' knee and dropping his leg into it. The heels cleared as Dazzling Dave Diamond came down to the ring. However, it was clear that Andrews was hurt, and even with Triple D's support could not leave the ring. Eventually the stretcher was out to cart Andrews away (65)


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Human Arsenal defeated One Man Army © by disqualification in a TV Title match in 8:44 (71)

-The Syndicate were fully on Human Arsenal's side here with Taylor coming up with completely different count speeds. That resulted in OMA pushing away at Taylor, who warned him - a warning that was ignored as OMA pushed Taylor over. Taylor called for the bell, to a horrified Human Arsenal.


Human Arsenal demanded to know what Taylor had done, as The Syndicate man realised that he had ensured that OMA retained the title. The champion used the opportunity to leave the ring, but made a sharp exit through the crowd when Benny Benson appeared (77)


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Greg Gauge defeated High Flyin Hawaiian in (79)

-High Flying Hawaiian had a decent push when he first started but given his popularity level he needed to lose to Greg Gauge - and he did. He put on a good show though and looked a threat.


Freddy Huggins was caught for an interview backstage. He said that he would be watching the next two matches carefully, but he would do everything to ensure that he won the first ever Two Stages of Hell match. The camera panned back to Jay Chord, who told Huggins to think that if he wanted - but following through was a different matter (81)


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Steven Parker and Mainstream Hernandez defeated The Behemoths to qualify for the Two Stages of Hell in 9:43 (74)

-Six months ago and The Behemoths would have been hot favourites, but they have slipped down the card since losing the titles. Parker and Hernandez were made to look the underdogs, having to make quick tags before Parker managed to pin Titan after a Future Shock.


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T-Bone Bright defeated Findlay O'Farraday by count-out to qualify for the Two Stages of Hell in 7:42 (77)

-An absolute all out brawl, both in and out of the ring. O'Farraday did throw Bright right into the referee before hitting the Atomic Spinebuster. With no ref to make the count Roderick Remus rushed out and broke up the pin, before exiting the ring with O'Farraday hot on his tail. When the ref recovered he make the count to 10, before awarding the victory to Bright.


Dazzling Dave Diamond rushed out and angrily demanded that O'Farraday, who had begun to throw chairs at Remus, stopped. He said that there was too much going on outside the ring and it had to stop - Aaron Andrews was already on the way to the hospital, and he was going to make sure that no-one else had that happen to them. Sammy Bach joined DDD and calmed DDD down, making sure he was ready for the next match (87)


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Sammy Bach and Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated The Sinners in 8:25 (77)

-DDD went out like a house on fire, but eventually got caught out and isolated away from his corner by The Sinners. They worked well together until DDD burst out and got he the hot tag to Bach. Bach cleaned house but was kind enough to tag back in the desperate DDD to deliver a Diamond Mine to Nick Booth to take the victory.


Mighty Meaty were shown backstage, Mighty Mo hyping his partner up for his non-title match against the champion. Wolf Hawkins casually strolled by, before smirking to telling Tana that he'll see him in the ring (85)


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Wolf Hawkins © defeated Tana the Mighty in a non-title match in 9:56 (89)

-What the? I would have never, ever considered making this the Main Event of a PPV, but here it is - my third best match ever. My best match that didn't have both Wolf Hawkins and Aaron Andrews in. What can I say? The veteran Tana the Mighty did well, showing that if you give him talent to work with he can deliver. The rest of The Syndicate were out, but so was Mighty Mo to assist, and Tana ended up giving both of the Tag Team Champions a Big Fat Samoan Butt. However, Joshua Taylor recovered from his to hit a Superkick on Tana as the ref cleared Chandler and Mo from the ring, and Hawkins hit a Full Moon Rising for the victory.


The Syndicate rushed back, looking to punish Tana for the embarrassment to he had caused them Mighty Mo came back to help, but so did One Man Army, and when Human Arsenal joined in as well we just had an all out brawl to end the show (75)


Overall Rating 87

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Urgh, the day after my last show Aaron Andrews picks up another injury at a house show - this time knee ligament damage will keep him out of action for a month. There's a strong argument for keeping him off house shows, but the fans want to see him. That throws his match with Camp Tornado out of the window for Hotter Than Hell - but is also a huge blow for Darin Flynn. The 21-year-old, who recently left 21CW, was going to get a match with the superstar on this show, to carry on the theme of Andrews' fighting youngsters. Instead, he's going straight to HGC, and may have missed his biggest match of his career. Okay, second biggest, as I can't whitewash his 21CW match against Tommy Cornell from his history. We move Harvey Robbinfield and Gringo Starr to MAW to make a room as the HGC roster is little crowded.


Oh, it's also a blow to someone else who was going to be involved in that match to. Maybe just a month delay? We shall see.


Meanwhile, in the Main Event, Tana the Mighty pulled out his best match in years. When I was sketching out future plans there was a space in a Fatal Fourway for the title in the future that I thought he could fill. I got worried that he didn't have it anymore, so I gave him a test run, that he passed with flying colours. Very impressed. Only two months left on his contract, but very impressed.


Nick Booth went to wrestlers court, which was ruled on by... Wolf Hawkins? Seems he has power... Meanwhile, T-Bone Bright put over El Hijo Del Neutron's charisma... which in my opinion still could be better.


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

High Flyin Hawaiian vs Troy Tornado

Elliot Thomas vs Killer Shark

Lenny Brown and Roderick Remus vs Shockura (Matt Hocking and Pretty Okakura)

Chance Fortune vs Findlay O'Farraday

Sammy Bach vs Marc Speed

One Man Army © vs Human Arsenal vs Eddie Chandler vs Joshua Taylor for the TCW TV Title

T-Bone Bright, Mainstream Hernandez and Steven Parker vs Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Freddy Huggins

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High Flyin Hawaiian vs Troy Tornado

Elliot Thomas vs Killer Shark

Lenny Brown and Roderick Remus vs Hockokura (Matt Hocking and Pretty Okakura)

Chance Fortune vs Findlay O'Farraday

Sammy Bach vs Marc Speed

One Man Army © vs Human Arsenal vs Eddie Chandler vs Joshua Taylor for the TCW TV Title

T-Bone Bright, Mainstream Hernandez and Steven Parker vs Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Freddy Huggins

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High Flyin Hawaiian vs Troy Tornado

Elliot Thomas vs Killer Shark

Lenny Brown and Roderick Remus vs Shockura (Matt Hocking and Pretty Okakura)

Chance Fortune vs Findlay O'Farraday

Sammy Bach vs Marc Speed

One Man Army © vs Human Arsenal vs Eddie Chandler vs Joshua Taylor for the TCW TV Title

T-Bone Bright, Mainstream Hernandez and Steven Parker vs Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Freddy Huggins

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