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#ScandiGraps: A Real World Chronicles Expansion

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"When I say BODY! You say SLAM!"




- Commissioner Michael Madsen, Literally every BODYSLAM! Pro-Wrestling Show



Hello guys! It's been awhile! You might possibly remember my thread from the 2016 forum, but if you don't then I'll just catch you up to speed. I'm a big fan of the Scandinavian Professional Wrestling scene, which despite it's let's say "Humble Beginnings" really has a ton of potential IMO.


And since what little there was of the Scandinavian Wrestling Scene back in the Fleisch days of Real World Chronicles wasn't very high quality, I decided to take the really big undertaking of attempting to actually do some database building for myself.


This stuff is really damn tough...


So yeah, over the past 8 months or so I've been doing my best to add in the highest profile Scandinavian company BODYSLAM! as well as a fleshed out Scandinavian scene into this database, that's all ready to be imported into Real World Chronicles!


And this is the absolute biggest update to date. With the entire BODYSLAM! Roster, several road agents, and even the referees added! (Though most of them have no pictures... Sorry, I'm not a miracle worker)


Thanks to the continued help and support from Questlove, the guys behind the Galaxy Pic Pack (AKA "Brand Spankin' New Pic Pack") and even BODYSLAM! Pro-Wrestling themselves! (Shout out to Co-Owners Kristian and Søren!)



Obviously that means that this mod is going to require

Questo & NLG's RWC



The Brand Spankin' New Pic Pack for literally every pic in the expansion



And also IDOL's Stable Logos for the Shotgun Cartel graphic!



(I'm hoping that somebody will be coming back to me soon with two logo requests I made a little while back, but until then these are all the needed)




I missed this originally, but Curb Stomp City actually added a fair amount of the Bodyslam Expansion roster to his Dynamic Graphics pic pack. It's not the full roster, and you'd be missing events. But if you want the option then there it is! (Also, when somebody goes out of their way to do something like this, you mention it and thank them for it.




And just a quick thank you for anybody who downloads this expansion.pack thingy and gives it a try! And if you want to do more for the almost brand new Indie Scene over here, BODYSLAM! has somehow gotten on pretty much every big Indie Wrestling streaming service now except like... Impact Plus. So have a gander at any of that.


Have a swell day



Here's the download for the Expansion Pack and the three belt logos required! Have fun! And please do come back into the thread with any feedback. Whether it's about pop or skills or attributes or anything like that (I still don't really understand TEW 2020 very well)





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<p>Originally I was gonna post this to accompany the database release, but since Quest officially confirmed it'll be tomorrow... Eh, I might as well just post it now instead of letting my computer sit on overnight.</p><p> </p><p>

It should work pretty well with the RWC release tomorrow, have a nice day lads.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

EDIT: Fixed the first little mistake. I had the process wrong on the whiteboard, it's importing workers first and THEN it's importing the company.</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since the Custom Graphics thread has seemingly moved on quite a bit, I'll just repost the request I made in there in the proper thread!


BTW, mini update, been working at fine tuning various things (like road agents and the like.) but haven't posted any proper updates for it because I didn't wanna spam the thread.


Again, if you've got any feedback on the mod, it would be HIGHLY appreciated




The graphic request


Here it is


Hey. I'm heavily expanding my old #ScandiGraps Real World Chronicles expansion pack thing, and was looking if a couple stable logos could be made for it.


One logo will be for the Easy Loverz stable, and it should use a font along the lines of this



(Or any very typical "1980s with an Attitude" looking fonts)


And the background should just be like, total denim.



And the other one will be for The Truth Apostle stable. I don't have anything super specific for this, just something vaguely spooky without being outright silly.


If it can be on like, the page of an open book, then that'd be great. But if that's too tough to create, then just something with a candle or something like that would be good too.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Ciccio" data-cite="Ciccio" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51506" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So this can only be used with the files that you said in the first post?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well yeah, I made it specifically for Questlove's Real World Chronicles. That, and all the pictures except the belt pictures I got from BODYSLAM! themselves are from the Galaxy/Brand Spanking pack. So if you don't get that, it'll just be a bunch of blank pictures.</p>
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  • 1 month later...

<p>Hey guys, since RWC's October release just came out, I felt there wasn't a better time to release the update for the Expansion. I've been quietly working in the background on trying to make the pack better, and really hope that it's starting to be fairly fun to play.</p><p> </p><p>

BTW! I moved the extra belt pictures (BTW, new pic for the ScandiGraps Invitational they just had this september! It was a good show!) into the same folder as the Database, so now you wont need to download as many things!</p><p> </p><p>

Again, much love to people on twitter for their support (Including BODYSLAM themselves! Questlove, And a crapton of help from the awesome people behind the Galaxy pack), and if you have ANY feedback, then please come back and note them in the thread.</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ello! A few hours ago or so I noticed that Curb Stomp City had actually added a lot of Bodyslam pictures added to his GIF Based Dynamic Graphics pack! That's a lot of effort to go through, and I appreciate it! So I put an optional link to that as well if you like using that style pack.


It's not gonna work as well, and won't be optimized towards it, but I did go ahead and release a new version of the database that (along with some other minor changes), changed up a lot of the logo orders to make it easier to use other possible picture packs.


Also, apparently he did most of the work for his European Local to Global save on his youtube channel. I haven't watched his stuff in awhile, but I used to really love ECW Lives when I was first getting into the game! So go check him out and stuff!


Okay, that's all. If you're doing something along the same lines as CSC, then please do DM me so that I can become aware of it, and link to your stuff in this thread! And if you've got any feed back to the Expansion Pack. Then please share it here! I'm always trying to make this stupid little thing better. But I'm still a complete novice who's just doing his best, even simple little bits of feedback are steps in the right direction for me!


My god I ramble a lot!






DYNAMIC GRAPHICS PACK (Not fully fletched out. But if that's your style, then go for it!)


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  • 1 month later...

Ello! This should be the newest version of the expansion. Tinkered with it a bit, and added some stuff that I learned from the recent interviews Kurt Johannsen did with Danish talent. Also added in Hype Boy since he started getting booked in Bodyslam as a part of Pete Phoenix's new stable.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Sup guys! Early update this time, becaaaaaause... I apparently forgot to give Hype Boy actual stats. That's my bad guys.


There's some other minor fixes and adjustments. Just stuff I thought might work better.


Again, Please give me ANY AND ALL FEEDBACK. Geniunely. Even the tiniest little thingimcjiggeries you guys can think of would be a massive help. Post it in the thread, DM me, whatever.


That's all. Have a good one. Next release will likely be alongside whenever the next RWC update'll be like usual.




Updated thing


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  • 1 month later...

Ello! Since the newest RWC is here, it's time for another release! Like always, leave feedback for me, I wanna make the expansion good, But... Honestly don't have all that much time to play it.


There's some worker additions, stat adjustments (like always) and while it's not in this release, I'm thinking about trying to import some OTHER ScandiGraps companies! particularly FREEDOM Pro Wrestling out of Sweden!




Buuut it's likely gonna involve a lot of speaking with the company itself on twitter. So it'll likely take awhile, so bare with me.


Aaaaaaanyway, enough rambling from me (I never know what to put in these update thingies...), here's the link!


Updated database and belt logos!



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  • 1 month later...



It's your favorite strange Scandinavian boy, back at it again with another expansion pack for that area that you didn't know actually had a Professional Wrestling scene!


... It's pretty good though. Nordic Wrestling is real great.


Anyway, lots to talk about this time actually.


I didn't get as much done as I wanted to, but I expanded a lot out of my comfort zone, got some Swedish and Finnish workers into the pack! Which is great!


The less great thing is that my attempt to get the second company added into the Expansion (FREEDOM Pro-Wrestling over in Stockholm) didn't go as well. In a mix of proscrastination, and not much info being avaliable sadly (Despite them being super helpful, and telling me as much as they could on twitter. For real, they're top notch. Support 'em if you wanna https://twitter.com/freedomprow) I wouldn't quite call their addition 100% finished.


So when you're adding this into the Aprill release, do keep this in mind, and just add BODYSLAM.


Hopefully, once Nordic wrestling can get out of the pandemic, it'll be easier for me to get more companies added, and to keep up on what's going on with them... and all that stuff.


Anyway! Here's the link! It should have the folder with the database, and the three pictures needed for it! Have a nice day everybody! See you in two months!



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I really should've previewed this post, because that Doctor Nick picture is way bigger than I had personally anticipated.


Also, main post is updated as well with the proper link. And thanks to all involved as usual, especially the Galaxy Picture Pack lads, who put up with my incessent requests for additions.

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Just here to put Raspy over because he's such a good dude when it comes to TEW stuff, saves or mods, the guy always puts a lot of work in anything he does. Anyway, go download this expansion because Bodyslam is nuts.




Give this expansion a try if you want a really cool challenge in a totally fresh scene you can grow almost from scratch, it's awesome!

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Hi! Quick update everybody!




Give this expansion a try if you want a really cool challenge in a totally fresh scene you can grow almost from scratch, it's awesome!


Thanks a billion Questo!


Not only for the kind words, buuuuuuut for DMing me on discord just now, and making me realize something really really important I forgot!


I swore that there was something important I forgot to do while uploading stuff, but I couldn't think of what that thing was at the time. Tuuuuurns out! I had COMPLETELY forgotten about putting the stuff in a .rar like I usually do


I am not good at this in the slightest!


Sooo! here's the update!


And a bunch of little tweaks and such I had done over the past few days before Questlove made me notice my screwup.


Anyway, that's all. Have a nice day.

(I updated the main link as well!)



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Loving the #ScandiGraps love.

I don't actually know if this should be here or in the RWC thread as i don't remember if he's just a #ScandiGraps add-on :D But Ender Kara has spent a lot of time with wXw. So maybe a handshake deal with wXw for next update :)

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Loving the #ScandiGraps love.

I don't actually know if this should be here or in the RWC thread as i don't remember if he's just a #ScandiGraps add-on :D But Ender Kara has spent a lot of time with wXw. So maybe a handshake deal with wXw for next update :)



I actually have him set up with a wXw contract in the ScandiGraps database, but since the contracts are imported with the company, I'm not sure if that's entirely possible.


Which is a shame, since Ender's work in wXw is fantastic, and is doing top stuff for our scene. I might have to talk with Quest or NLG about figuring out some way to make it possible to import him, or just out right putting him in the regular database.



EDIT: Talked with Questo for a minute, Ender's getting added for June, so that'll fix this issue.

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